So Unexpected Colombia's Adventure Capital - San Gil Streets Tour

So Unexpected Colombia's Adventure Capital - San Gil Streets Tour

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huh something like that three what's going on guys we're here in San Gil   um there's a town like three hours away from  Bucaramanga and we're getting out of the buses   we took this bus right here she's giving us  directions to the hotel where you need to go what we got on this uh this town right here we're  just going to our hotel real quick and from there   we're going to get situated but we're actually  going to that hotel right there so first looks   at things they got uh I don't know what that  is this is actually like a goat or what is that   oh that's um chicken or duck or something  city it looks like a very interesting city oh   kind of old to me let's see if this  taxi can bring us where we need to go see that was all right guys colombia that's our welcome into  the city when you're in Bucaramanga all you got   to do is just ask for a bus that'll bring  you to sandhill apparently a bus lease every   30 minutes and yeah and there's other there's  a couple option when you catch the bus one of   the options is a smaller van type bus and then  we just went with a larger more comfortable bus   so it was like like I said 27000 pesos I think  that's under 10 dollars you think of the drive oh   oh you want to bring it up you want to remind me  you got to let them know oh man the drive was uh   painful for me I don't know about  because I didn't eat or anything but   you reach you're going to go up like some  huge altitudes and like so i was getting real   nauseous and and the road kept whining up and  down and you know you're gonna it's beautiful   if you prepare for it because you're gonna see  some of the most amazing landscapes in the in   the country coming here but your stomach is just  gonna go crazy so this thing looks like a play playground or something all right I have no problem just showing you the whole thing   while we pick here um we pick here because we  looked at all the other hotels available they had   hostels that were cheaper and everything but we  were like you know what this one looked the most   modern out of everything available right  they have uh hotels that look like farms and   those are cool but this one's dead center in  the city not too far away from where we got   dropped off and i think that's cool and we paid  this guy out like an equivalent of a dollar 20   50 to get in here all right all right he  wants to be king arthur all right dude   you're already able to start off with the king  off there all right ain't working all right   this area is just known for its being one of  the most adventurous places you can come to in   colombia and that's why we're here so i'm gonna  give you an idea what i'm looking for doing to   doing so you got this right here and this right  here of course i want to do some of this and uh   we did this already and so i'm super excited but  there's some other stuff that we probably can do   you know and then check this out they have this  already set up for us to get as excited about uh   doing the rafting so i'm super stoked about that  all right oh more people coming let me get ready   to book in all right guys so we got checked in  so she's bringing us to it where we're supposed   to be but so far interesting place uh here we  go this is a resort and uh paid around like   like 28 or something 90 000 pesos a day to stay  here there's a little water area running through   oh there's a pool on that end nice view of the  the town from here from this angle the town looks   huge there's also like a sign over there like a  hollywood sign type style on that end huge hills they put the players on the  first the sixth floor okay somebody's jamming okay so this  is I guess my room all right   got a little balcony over here all right uh-huh  okay and I got a little extra for no reason but uh nice tv uh yeah okay we have it and  uh we'll check from this dude later okay okay all right thank you all right so so  basically she was just telling me   about uh how to call reception and you know  obviously the things we know about remotes   all right they have uh towels here for  the pool all right this is nice okay nice little view you know and it goes  higher but i'm not gonna complain   uh this is their standard room okay do i  need a bigger room not really this need an   area for my laptop uh oh chairs look chairs  there matter of fact i could this could be   my working area here yeah it's uh get to  work right here for the computer yes sturdy   i might be here i booked for two days i might stay  the weekend because i'm comfortable that's how   easy it is with me all right we'll be back i know  my boy he likes to check his hotel room first and   then we you know we're gonna check him out when  he's settling all right yo one thing i forgot to   show you guys is this all right the bathroom  if you're wondering how the bathroom looks   this is interesting i mean it's a  resort and it has its own style and   everything look at this it's like a tinted  because the sun's gonna come in but uh yeah   i like it i like it the smell is  not dingy at all there is no smell   bad about this place and if you needed some fresh  air obviously that what saucer sauce your problem   oh let's check the bed out you know since i  got three beds here you know what i mean so   try to sleep in every bed per day okay all  right all right uh okay okay okay uh-huh   30. wait for 90 000 pesos I'll put that in the  description how much it cost all right interesting   enough I bought I didn't book online I just came  here right my boy he booked online we looked at   everything he just booked online and um I said all  right I just uh get a room when we get here and   uh, sure enough, there were rooms here so that's a  gamble and um cool and matter of fact guys it has   a curtain here so just in case you're like  hey man it's too bright up in here but just   in case you forgot where you're at they put that  there all right I think we got it all right yo i'm just looking at uh what i can see from this  viewpoint you see some other rooms i'm super nosy   uh looks like over there was a hotel that  uh shut down it's a nice little lake here   i think this hotel is supposed to be  like very adventurous give you that feel   but you can tell that it's kind of old and  look you can walk down this area i guess   but it's i guess something to do if you're in the  neighborhood floor is kind of wet because i guess   people just came from the pool it's right here  it's like a like a quick little cafe area maybe   oh okay you get your drinks here you can get  yourself lit all right this is like a little tree   spot for our guests to i guess do some viewing  of the lake hold up all right let's see so yeah   nice little area right here just to hang on and  check out the humongous parrots those things   are huge guys my camera is not giving you a just  look at this place and needless to say i mean if   you wanted to invest in this place you probably  not have to pay too much you know i mean so but   it's a nice little area i guess as you when this  place is thriving it's it's a good place to be so   they're working on this and uh wondering what  that might be like a place to watch some theater   this is a little area right here to sit  down and eat and put it in your order and   then that's your pool look i got little jets  on the chairs where you can relax and enjoy   so check this out guys they have peacocks and  he walking fast cause you know i'm behind him   check it out he think he's slick he think he's  slick hold on we're gonna try to get it for you   gotta get him hey yeah you tryna he tried to do it  real quick how are you where are you from colombia   oh okay manga beautiful so he just got his plate  right here for 25 000 pesos yep 25 000 pesos guys   uh it looks good to me hamburger i ordered is 20  000 peso with additional um orange juice which   was 6 000 pencils all right this hamburger is a  special it has some looks like it has some chicken   in there as well two different types of cheese  bacon and like onion rings so not bad not bad all right guys so now we're gonna do a tour of  the city uh we're gonna go to another popular   hotel what's a hostel it's called sam's vip it's  around the corner somewhere here and i thought   you know what might as well show you guys around  town this is actually a river that people use to   uh uh go white while the rafting i forgot the name  of it ponte rio ponte yeah so you when you come   out here there's going to be so many different  packages when it comes to white water rafting   and so rio ponce is i think the one that goes  the slowest my plan is to go on there a tough one   i think it's called suavez or something so we're  gonna check that one out but we're in town now man   all right you can see all these tour  buses um because this town really i guess   gets a lot of money from tourism here like i  mentioned this is supposed to be one of the   adventure capitals of columbia so we've  got to find out how true is that i feel   like this is downtown huh i mean it's old  the sidewalks are different no they don't   no upkeep it has its own little it has its  own little thing its own little style i want   to compare it to like when i went to sapa north  vietnam town set up like this but it was colder she little town square guys I  guess so you can hang out and then   enjoy the scenery let's go inside let's check  this thing out all right because we are here that's one thing about parks you can guarantee  on parks when you come to South America they're   going to be full a lot of people like to hang out  by the park um and relax sometimes they have wi-fi   so it's a plus to this enjoy it's good shade uh if  you're out shopping it's a thing people like to do   you know to stop for a second and uh reflect and  find your time so that's one thing about the park   that people enjoy doing all right I think my boy  figured out where we're going but interesting   enough guys I keep seeing major banks here so  I saw banco Colombia here I see a bbva here uh   there are ATMs here so if you're wondering  how we get in this way okay we got a buzzer like a bank there there's no door here oh this is general notato because she might as well she's giving us  how to get in it ain't opening up though oh   it's empty there when you look upstairs  it looks like there's something there so it's a story for a lot of  households when I was in Cartagena   they had is a huge hostel but they  had closed one side of the building see hello how are you it's your boy  ace we trying to see what's VIP   since that place is closed we're gonna just go  walking around and see what we can but there's   another atm here I like to use that one the green  one because you can pull out a lot more cash   all at one time so you don't have to do multiple  transactions okay it feels like a tourist town   though yeah but there's no tourism well no  no foreign tourism I don't see them, but in   every land country there's a place like this  I swear in Mexico i swear but oh that's a bush oh right oh yeah that's the bar we need to go to there huh  that's the church that's also maine uh tourism see   that church right there from what i looked up  all right let's uh let's go check it out real   quick this is one of the tourist destinations  here in town in the same park area all right so   i i mean pictures i'm not one for selfies but just  in case you come out here it's here all right it's   not too far from where we at we didn't have  to walk too far want to throw a quarter in the   fountain man no i'm good you're good man  you make your own luck make your luck wait   let me yeah let me uh if i had  quarters you got quarters for you   all right let's throw the 100 in there all right  this is gonna be for the subscribers all right   we're gonna throw it in there this is gonna be  for you to make it here or you get a passport okay   because some of y'all even got no passport i  don't know what what's going on with y'all y'all   y'all been uh hesitating get it now so  you get when it's time to travel you can   take off this is a huge treat by the way wow  it's huge check out his bark man these birds   what's going on with birds bird bath okay  check this out huge look at this tree man   you can tell this thing's been here for gotta be  at least a hundred years eat probably even more   all right guys check this out this is for you all  right you all right you ready all right go ahead   um you can make your own wiz my wish is that you  get your passport you start traveling to random   cities and towns like this to man just enjoy  your life yo all right let me make sure all right all right oh well you was expecting an epic throw  or something i nearly ought to see it all right yo   what's the name of the hostel the mansion hostel i  think i saw this yeah let's go let's check it out   say water drink wine sounds good eat here  happiness is not a destination it's a way   of life that's a good saying all right so this  is how it looks here guys so pretty much these   are your different hostel rooms and i can tell  you right now i am super straight i don't need   any room here um but this is kind of cool and  the room's probably real cheap to stay here all   right this is for your budget travelers and  i don't want you to say i'm good i'm good i   understand i understand i understand don't knock  it till you try it i've tried it plenty of times   and i can tell you you can find yourself  some good um energy coming from being at   one of these places so just putting it  out there so guys guess what we end up   inadvertently found the people who run that other  hustle so they said that one is close because of   the whole situation what's happening in the world  and so you would end up staying here all right   make sure you talk to the staff before you come  out here all right okay grab some more russians look he's getting nostalgic let's get out of here   all right my boy wants to get a quick  drink all right you want to get a little   quick taste of the nightlife area here  oh I like the nightlife area already is to get a drink now later let's  get started one drink one drink we got here we got a small little drink so we're back on the strip uh just a couple  minutes at the bar just hanging out trying   to figure out what nightlife is here they have  their little uh curfew here too which is around 10   o'clock needless to say if you are coming here uh  plan ahead go out early if you want to enjoy the   night that way you can feel like you did something  at night or get yourself something uh something to   drink and uh you'll be good I think we found  an internet cafe maybe I don't know to keep   saying the second floor just find out what the  speeds they have here because the hotel I'm   at it speeds ain't really good for uploading 4k  content so let's find out the internet hola hello all right so that's the answer right there it's  the internet but it's not fast I'm not surprised   that the internet is not really good here it  is a town I was hoping it would be different   it might be a good option here but I don't  know how I'm going to find that but uh yeah   it is what it is beautiful town though I'll give  you that uh we end up like going to a couple of   cafes spots my boy went shopping hooking stuff up  you don't know the man he's a traveling YouTuber   well he's he just got started but he already  has a couple videos how many videos got like   I don't know maybe like for traveling videos maybe  20 two minute videos okay something like that. so   go check out his content. we're actually walking  back um to the hotel from a different spot and  

coming across this dope bridge right here seems  very interesting so I thought I'd show it to you and one thing i noticed about this  bridge is check it out people come and   lock their locks up here it's something that  they do check it out look it's all over here   and all over here so it might be a cool place  to get um a collected with the customs i'm sure   a lot of these are from hostile rules  people left and they put it on uh just   uh just something cool to do man yo that's kind  of dope and you got of course you got the water   man hopefully tomorrow we go and we're going to be  doing something like this this looks crazy though   but where we're supposed to be going is supposed  to be even crazier so fingers crossed as we're   gonna go do some white water rafting tomorrow if  not tomorrow sometime this week all right first   impressions of the city thus far loving the  energy here people seem cool um tourist friendly   it's kind of cheap your thoughts yeah it's  kind of cheap um it's definitely off the path   off the beaten path not just looking at this  whole yeah i mean it's got the nature it's got   the river it's got uh some uh dynamic views  actually i didn't see that uh sign up there you know oh he went look he wants to flex with the oh here we go here you go you want me to get an  apple everything so at the end of the bridge you   end up walking into a mall, like literally you can  walk right into the mall right here so let's check   it out see what we can find here I love sandhill  not bad at all right on the other end of the mall   there's actually a little quick lounge area food  area right here so I'm hearing some reggae music   coming from here some Bob Marley you got your  cafe Juan Valdez it's just a chill spot more   banks as I mentioned before needless to say this  is a cool area if you want to hang out to come to   and I got people over there looking at me  crazy because they probably never heard English   in a long time it's crazy this is all good though  all right guys so this is their suite right here   it's going for 000 pesos I'm actually checking out  these videos might be in this or random order but guys this is she's a very interesting woman  okay i'm telling you right now let's go let's go   if that tells you the story about the  lady that crushed the cans that's her   so she remembers me oh they do they think we're  a couple i don't know are we what's up man it's   your boy this is h live i'm here you know what  i'm saying letting down laying down the tracks   keep calling me krs-1 you know new  generation out here here with snow buddy   chilling right here doing our thing about to get  some alcohol inside here you know what i'm saying   that's how i go down 305 represent we're here  baby ah we are the best couple all three of us yes   the war barrier nice goes up to another foreigner  right in front of us same thing big knife   and he looks at us in the eyes like get out of  here you're next i think he's giving us a warning   yeah oh we're talking about food come on let's  get stolen all the time it doesn't really count no   it does count because i had some chicken in the  freezer and i clearly marked that much this is   how it looks right here super huge got the tv  there this and this one's on the second floor but   there's another one on further floors i went to  one up on the top floor it was facing another the   outside the front angle the views was okay um the  landscape was set up differently so i'm guessing   each room was going to be set up in a different  way but this one was super dope it has a urinal   toilet right here just a lot of room man then  you shower that's a nice shower right there   the jacuzzi of course and then you know you open  the window up and just just have that energy   there and then of course the balcony now if this  room was if they have rooms like this further up   perfect but this is a lot of room so just in case  you're traveling and you want to upgrade you're   going to cut your couple and just want to enjoy  your time i feel like this room was a really good   deal for the price but check out that backdrop  all right uh you can't see the river that much   can you see the river actually yeah you can see  the river right through there so i mean it's   good it's not it's not a bad deal yeah see the  river right there not a bad deal guys all right   one thing that happened while i was here that was  amazing is they also have this restaurant and they   have a movie theater all right i think those  are under construction now but when you show up   might be available but we did go check out the  restaurant it was like a night out of partying   a couple of things i forgot to  mention they also have a spa here   uh nail salon hair salon movie  theater and they have a restaurant   formal and informal but there was also a area  that was secretive it was kind of crazy because   we came here on a saturday and currently there's  a curfew here in the city so i went to a local bar   and then from that bar i came back here after  the curfew and the pool was packed with people   saturday right and then i met some people from  the hotel and then we end up going to a secret   location in the same building here it was like a  restaurant or something i've never seen it before   but it was packed with people in there drinking  enjoying their time it was like yeah you know good   good feel good energy so um i got some footage  if you were watching my ig you saw that we'd   like to do more live streams on ig but anyway  so check out this footage it was really cool thank you wow hey hmm this you he came back with it uh you

2021-03-01 20:36

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