Snow Fort Camping in -7F Degrees (Quinzee, Igloo Solo Overnight)

Snow Fort Camping in -7F Degrees (Quinzee, Igloo Solo Overnight)

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what up welcome back to another episode of  the michigan magnet man my name is tanner   the michigan magnet man and we are building a  quincy today you just saw my beautiful entrance   i am currently inside of it let me go  ahead and show you guys how i made this so we have all of this snow started piling  up over here for the base of the quincy   now i'm gonna let this sit for the next like  two to three hours and what that's going to do   is it's going to help all the snow compact  down on itself and that's going to give me   a stronger foundation to work with now when  you are building these quincies you can use   any type of snow whether it's wet or um like  more powdery snow it doesn't really matter   with this because all the snow is compressing  down on itself either way um this is the first   time i've built one of these so let's see how it  goes i'll come back out in another couple hours   we got a ton of snow the other day and we've  got our car parked in the side yard just to   get it out of the way look how much freaking  snow is on this car guys like this is the type   of snow that i deal with up here in michigan  way different than the snow that i was that was   non-existent when i was living in san diego but  like look at this just feet of snow everywhere   you can see my little hut being built back there  make sure to give a huge shout out to my dad   for taking a snowblower out there and helping me  out and getting all that snow put up in the pile   it's really made my job a lot easier i know  that would have taken freaking forever if i   was using just a shovel so definitely recommend  doing that now that we've got all the snow piled   up and it's been sitting overnight for the  day we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna   start digging out this quincy so let's do it and  we'll just start digging this little spot out   now you can already tell that this snow  has compressed a lot since yesterday oh yeah i'm just gonna slowly start  making a little entryway so i've noticed that the snow is compacted down  a lot it's a lot icier than it was yesterday and   all of the snow has compressed so i am being able  to pull off full chunks in one piece with a shovel   let's go ahead and keep going at it this  is going to take a while uh the videos   i've been watching it's going to take  three to four hours to dig these out   i think i might be able to do it a little bit  quicker but let's see once we get in there   my sister and my nephew and niece  are heading up to visit today   my nephew has been wanting to come out and  film with me so i'm getting this started so   he can come out and enjoy i plan on doing some  cooking or like s'mores or something tonight   in the quincy with him so i think they'll  really enjoy that let's get back to digging so if you look it's slowly starting to  get funneled out and starting to form   a little shape in there pretty soon i'll  be able to climb up in there hopefully and   dig out that way i wish i had my nephew with me  right now he's a lot smaller you'd be able to get   up in there and pull on this snow just to show you  how much the snow has compressed i cut out a giant   chunk from inside now i think i'm going to be  able to work by pulling out chunks like this   and it'll make my job a lot faster  i just get up underneath it with   the shovel and i kind of pry it out with  the spade and it's working really well i went and got my sled and i've been  using the sled as a way to get snow   out up inside i've made a decent amount of hedge  way i'm just taking this little shovel and i'm   breaking off chunks of snow like that so i've got  my sled down here with me and i'm just loading up   all the snow onto this so i can pull it about i'm  probably about five and a half foot in so far um   i definitely have a ways to go  it's probably been about 45 minutes   but the snow is starting to just fall pretty easy  like i said i just drive this up and knock it off   and then i just pull the pile out like  this and i dump it off on the side that's fun i've made decent leeway you can  see where the entrance is over here   so that shows that i've gone in quite a  ways i'd say i'm about eight or nine foot in   i'm able to sit up in here now which is cool um  all i'm doing is taking the shovel i can fit a   full-size shovel in here and i'm scraping off  the edge in the top until i see like a light   blue color where the light's coming that lets  me know i don't have a thick coat there that   way if it does collapse it's not a ton of snow  falling down on me it's just a thin layer fling   in and out all the snow on this sled is actually  quite tiresome having to get in and get out if   someone were outside just being able to pull it  out and empty it and toss it back in i probably   could get this done like easily twice as fast so  i probably get another two hours left of digging   i am sweating my hair is frozen it's definitely  cold outside but i am it's nice and warm inside   of here there's no like wind or anything  like this is going to be very warm to camping just like that big chunks are coming off   and out of the way and i find that it's easiest to  clear these out when they stay in these big chunks so i have most of the walls completed now now  what i'm doing is i'm going through and i am   just scraping off snow off of the roof now i want  to go until it starts to show like blue so like   the lighter the blue the more uh lights coming  through it's gonna let you know when you're gonna   reach your edge now i have seen people use sticks  where they poke them down through the outside of   the hill when they first pile it up and what this  does is it lets you know where you've reached   your limit on this so as soon as you hit those  sticks you know you shouldn't dig any farther but   i think just seeing the blue  will make all the difference   this is a slower process now making these quincies  is a lot of work guys i've used a lot of energy um   make sure you're drinking water as you're  building this you're gonna get dehydrated   man that goes a lot higher than i was expecting it's an igloo so what we're going to use  it for is we're going to hang out in there   you can use the sled to get in if you  want make sure not to touch the top in and out so what that hole over there for  his hope is that's to let oxygen in so we can   breathe easily but there's a big fuel that's our  entrance now the hole over here that's going to   be for my stove tomorrow when i set up my hot  my stove in here when i sleep out here oh okay   but i'm gonna sleep in here oh we are out here  in quincy and we are gonna go ahead and we are   gonna spray the insides with what are we gonna use  rowan what's in there water yep we're gonna spray   it down with water on the inside and what this  is gonna do is it's gonna make a ice um cast on   the inside that's gonna help hold all the heat  in and it's gonna help give some more structure   to the little igloo that we built rowan is  over here and he is spraying down the inside   make sure you don't get your sister okay spraying  down the inside with water there you go good job about the fort rowan uh it's good we  could probably play a nice game of   snowball fight with this hope what do you  think about it yeah good do you like it yes aah okay so it is the next day guys i've got most of  my gear loaded up i am really glad the caught fit   it barely fit um i didn't really take that into  consideration when i was building this thing   but i do have it up and fit the next thing that  i'm going to do is blow up my little air pad   now this air pad is made  by a company called invoker   you saw that in my previous episode now  this thing i tested it out last time guys   and it worked out super well and i just found out  there's little patches in here i need these for my   tent i stopped and bought some today at walmart  so this fills up and closes off really easy   um it takes like maybe three or four minutes  to blow up which is super cool this side right   here is supposed to have a built-in pump but  it doesn't work very well so i don't recommend   this if you are looking for something that can  pump up automatically this bad boy blown up there   we go so my sleeping mat looks like this and it's  all blown up now the way that this is designed   it is sewn across right here and what that does  is it compartmentalizes the air inside of this   air pad a lot and it's going to create a bigger  cushion for me to heat up with my body and keep   me a little bit more warm now it also is easier to  blow up because there's less space it feels like   that you have to blow up now the reason that i'm  sleeping with my head towards the door it's just   in case this thing were to collapse on me tonight  i'd be able to get out easy i'm also going to   sleep with a little shovel by me in case i need  to get out in case an emergency um i sprayed down   the inside of this very well with water and it  created like an ice all the way through which is   super cool i'm hoping that when the stove gets  going that the heat from the stove will also   start to melt that just a little bit and that way  um it'll create like an ice on the inside it's   supposed to get down to three degrees tonight so  the air on the outside i feel like we'll keep that   cold enough to just freeze it almost instantly  so i'm gonna go ahead and get my sleeping bag   out and get this stove going i've got a crazy meal  i'm gonna be cooking with you guys so stay tuned so now what i'm going to be doing is i'm going  to get this stove started up and get it warm   up in here a little bit after that i'm going to go  ahead and cook dinner i need to keep track of time   because i'm going live tonight with you guys take  a couple tiny pieces now i am using these little   fire deer flame fire starters  these things are like amazing   guys i use these every time i go out  it's just easier than worrying about   oh i broke it up here that's kind of cool i  just removed the knot from this piece of wood   i've never seen something like that but  anyways um i use these little dir flame   starters everywhere i go because it's just really  easy to use the company that sent me this stove   actually didn't send me all the parts at first  and they sent me an entire stove to replace the   parts that were missing so now i have two stoves  i actually gave one to my cousin for his birthday   so as you can tell by the last couple episodes i  am a foodie now i did bring out something crazy   to make and i just cut up all of the ingredients  so you guys didn't have to watch all the paints   taking work to cut up everything really tiny  now what i am making i'll show you this here   i am making italian meatballs that are stuffed  with mozzarella cheese so what i have here is   some italian johnsonville sweet sausage some salt  pepper some parsley some basil and a shallot now   the salt that i used today i am really excited  about guys now this is what they call flake salt   and flake salt tastes so good it's got a  different taste than normal salt to me it's not as   salty so i can use it more like literally  you could just take it and eat it and it's   not overpowering it's not too much the next step  is going to be mixing up all this meat together to form these balls i've got this fresh mozzarella  cheese these little tiny mozzarella cheese balls   are so freaking good so i'm just gonna take and  drop a bunch of them into here going to grab a   little ball of the meat i'm gonna place that  in the center and then i'm just going to wrap   the meat around the little piece of cheese now i have heard that the so you want to make sure  you've got enough meat on there where the cheese   isn't going to come out i've seen people say that  the meat or the cheese will come out and to not   be alarmed by that so i'm not too concerned but  these are what my little balls are gonna look like   and now i've got all of the meatballs formed  up and put together i'm gonna go ahead and   get my pan hot with some oil all right so now  i am going to add some canola oil to this pan   now the reason i'm using canola oil  is because it has a neutral flavor   so you don't need to worry about it  changing the flavor of your food as much   and i'm just gonna let this pan  warm up and get nice and toasty   spreading this oil all the way around  i am a big fan of using cast iron pans   and there's a few different reasons why one thing  that i really enjoy about using cast iron is that   the heat gets distributed pretty evenly all the  way across the pan so you get that nice sear at   the bottom another thing i like about cast iron  is they're really nonstick if you take care of   them and you season them properly you won't have  any issues using cast iron they are my go-to's you should hear that sizzle letting  you know that the pan is hot   it is smelling so good in here guys i wish  you could smell it the smell of that italian   sausage mixed with those shallots oh my gosh to  die for i swear all right looks like these are   about done it is 60 degrees inside of this  quincy that was pretty warm coming right up   my parents are stopping by to grab some food let's go ahead and take a bite into one of  these beautiful meat the cheese has melted in there that is a good meatball man just something about  cooking food out in nature normally i'm in a hot   tub this is a completely different thing i can't  believe i'm in a quincy eating meatballs a minute   ago up top here it was about 65 degrees so it's  nice and warm in this little quincy guys like   i was kind of skeptical about it i know that  in my tent the walls kind of help prevent the   cold from leaving and it keeps the heat inside the  tent but i didn't know how snow was gonna do that   so that this is gonna be a big change compared  to using the tent now tonight like i said it   is gonna be reaching about three degrees  fahrenheit so it is gonna get really cold   hopefully i'm prepared for it i think i am i got  my sleeping bag and my mat and everything behind   me i think it's gonna work really well i am gonna  go ahead and relax for a bit i'm about to go live   so i will hop back and let you guys know how  things are going after i get done going live   it's been burning a little bit i just got off  alive thank you all so much for joining me over on   youtube and instagram for my live sessions  i really appreciate all the help that you've   given me and i appreciate you guys showing me some  love i've had such a great time out here camping   um today was really nice getting all this  firewood cut up with my uncle was a good time and   getting this whole thing built with my dad was  awesome i really appreciate him helping out um   look at this nuts today was very cold it's gonna  get colder tonight while i sleep but this fire is   keeping me nice and warm so far so i'm a big fan  i'm gonna hang out for a bit watch some movies i   think i'm gonna call it a night so um there's not  much else to see so see you guys in the morning good morning guys see my breath it's about 5 30 in news cold i woke up a  couple times last night to get the fire going   it burned pretty good um i went through  just about all the wood that i had   um i do have some of the dura flame  sticks left still so there's that um i'm about ready to get packed up and go  inside and be warm i'm gonna take a shower   i think i'm gonna get some coffee or a cup of hot  chocolate i haven't decided yet and let's relax   out here by the fire for a couple more minutes and  wait for that to burn out before i go inside all   right so it is the next day um i went in about 4  35 o'clock this morning it got really really cold   it got down to negative seven degrees fahrenheit  um i'm gonna go over a little bit what happened to   the quincy last night it was a little bit of a  scary moment um let me go ahead and show you that   now so as you can see the snow was melting out  pretty good from where the quincy was exiting its   heat from the stove if you look down in there  you can see that that's where the stove is at   and that's where all my stuff is um i left  everything down in there until this morning so i   can pull it out when it's light out but other than  that we just have a couple bigger holes where the   um i put some ventilation spots so that's  really the only issue i had it stayed fairly   warm throughout the night um it was probably about  34 to like 40 degrees most of the night it did get   down at one point to about 25. i burned through  a decent amount of wood last night i still have   a nice chunk a nice set left um but i'm gonna  go ahead and get everything packed up it was a   great adventure out here guys that's gonna be  all for today's episode guys go ahead and get   those alerts turned on and hit subscribe for me  i post new clips to my instagram every single day   and i post new clips on my youtube every single  friday morning so i'll see you guys next week just make sure we don't  throw near the camera please

2021-03-18 13:11

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