Smart Tourism 4 5

Smart Tourism 4 5

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hello everyone so we're going to talk about  smart tourism today okay we've been talking about   how technology can be used in both  hotel and restaurant industries   hotel and restaurant industries are part  of the hospitality and tourism industry   correct so when it comes to tourism we definitely  talk about destination attractions and other   cultural or heritage aspects and when we talk  about a destination that is where people visit so from the perspective of a smart  tourism destination we have to   take a look at how the destination uses technology  for travelers when it comes to smart something   like a smart tourism smart city smart hotel smart  room all the meaning of smart is related to what   technology so a tourism destination how they how  these destinations incorporate technology for   travelers smart hotel how hotels adopt technology  for their guests so forth so we have two articles   the first one is more related to the concept of  what is smart tourism kind of defining the concept   of a smart tourism second one is how smart tourism  destinations really implement the different   technologies so this is from the practical point  of view i bet all of you read these two articles   and i'm gonna highlight key points from each  article again students' presentations are   available on blackboard just refresh your memory  about these two articles i strongly recommend   you to listen to those two presentations all right  i'm going to start with the questions for you   my first question is based on the articles  you read what is required for us as visitors   travelers to enjoy a smart tourism destination so  this is a more related to travelers' perspective   second one is based on the articles what  is required for tourism administrators to   enhance visitors or travelers experience  at the smart tourism destination   so let's go back to the first question we as  visitors to the destination the destination has   all different kinds of information available  for their city resident as well as travelers   so in order to use like a public transportation  system well we have to access their transportation   system right so what should we have we have  to have a certain device it could be right   smartphone right or a tablet so either one either  smart device we should have in order to use   any technological innovation that destinations  can offer or destinations have different types   of information about the museum attraction  restaurant hotel so we have to access all those   information available that's why we have to have  a smart device which typically all travelers   can have their own smartphone but from  the tourism administrator's point of view   if the destination doesn't have strong  technological infrastructure available   what is going to happen well we cannot really as  a travelers we cannot really access or enjoy all   information available at the destination or all  the technological innovation we cannot really use   so destinations should have strong  wi-fi that's part of the infrastructure   and also typically a smart tourism destination  has cloud computing so they can easily communicate   one place to other or one device to other  device for instance if people want to track   public transportation all buses or public  transportation should have some kind of a sensor   that is what they have to communicate through  that sensor which we call internet of things   so from the perspective of tourism administrators   the destination should have strong  wi-fi great infrastructure that support all the technological innovations that people  can use such as cloud computing system and also   in order to connect one place to others  one device to others one system to   others they should have internet of things  so those are the kind of three different uh   components that smart tourism  destinations should have make sense okay as technology involved in our tourism activity  we see the term tourism can be changed   to e-tourism and smart tourism now we can see what  are the differences among these three different   types of tourism and tourism we've been using  tourism for a long time and in this situation   we are selling tourism products and tourism  services through typically travel agents   so we have a brick and mortar companies out  there not much technology involved but only thing   a travel agent use is global  distribution system for reservations   as the internet was available in the  market we started to call e-tourism   and in this era we have a two different properties  available to sell tourism products and services   one brick side is a traditional travel agent  and click side we have an online travel agent   such as expedia so forth  and now we are in the smart tourism era   in this situation technology fully engaged in all  the activities so we travelers are fully connected   through different channels or different modes  different devices and in this smart tourism there is no one company they can  generate tourism information that is not where we are we have people out there   based on their experience they just share  their information through customer review   site or blog site right so that there is no  company can control all the information this is   all the sharing environment among people so  that's why we can say in smart tourism we as   travelers visitors we as consumers generate all  information to share to get connected with others   that is where we are in the tourism activity  which we call smart tourism so no matter   what types of tourism we are  tourism e-tourism and smart tourism   ultimate goal of tourism activity is well  we want to make our visitors happy enjoyable   satisfied at the destination so  they definitely come to visit us so the ultimate goal is the same but the way they  can reach out potential people are different right let's take a look at where smart tourism  destination came from well we start to talk about   smart city smart city is their targeting is their  own resident right in order to enhance residents'   quality not life or well-being city government or  city organizers or city council they try to adapt   various technology to communicate or to reach  out to their residents to share more resources   seamlessly so the residents can really enjoy  various types of information that they need   so that's why we call smart city and smart  city's ultimate goal is to generate or create   quality life for their residents so since city  is potentially a destination for travelers right   so why not well smart tourism destinations  their target is travelers and that's why   they call smart destination and what is the  ultimate goal of smart destination to enhance   quality experience for their travelers so smart  city smart destination is pretty much the same   concept as far as a smart city offers different  types of device different types of information   through technology or through cloud computing  or internet of things that can be useful that   can be available for travelers why not travelers  can take some sort of advantage of the features   available in a smart city so the smart city  can be a smart destination for travelers make sense let's take a look at smart cities in  the united states according to the 2020 statistics   we have i think more than that but according  to the 2020 statistics they said we have 20   smart cities in the united states and the city  close to us is charoletts in north carolina and   as far as a smart city goes each city has its  own unique programs they can develop for their   residents we as visitors or travelers visiting  one of these cities well whatever system available   we can easily access through our smartphone  right so that is a great benefit that we can use as travelers so let's take a look at  what kind of programs each smart city has so we have a link to top 12 smart cities in the  united states bottom of this slide if you want to   have more information you can click this one and  then read more information about each smart city's   program i have three different examples for you  to understand better about what the smart city is   the first one is dallas texas and since you know  the dallas is a really dry area they have a big   concern about water management so they do have a  smart water monitoring system to track the usage   rate of the water throughout the city that is one  example that dallas is implementing at this moment   the second example is we have chicago chicago  has automatic streetlight system so if   nobody is around or if they don't need this  system it automatically dimmed out and also   chicago has michigan lake so they try to manage  the water system so they do have a water sensors   to monitor flooding from michigan lake so those  are the kinds of great examples that chicago is   utilizing and also they do have a security camera to minimize potential crimes then the last  example i have here is the Charlottes charlottes is   fully committed to sustainability so great  example they are using is they have a   great accessibility to public wi-fi and also  traffic monitoring to reduce congestions and   air pollution so charlotte is a more focusing  on sustainability city's sustainability   so this is a one of a key criteria or key aspect  that smart city or smart destination really focus   right so these are the kinds of a great example  about smart city and as travelers visiting   dallas chicago or charollets they can use this kind  of program and they can access the system to track   the water usage or they can easily use a  traffic system in charollets and so try to figure out   which area is fully congested in terms  of a traffic or which area we can go to stay away   from some traffic issues so again that is part  of smart destination's benefits as a traveler right smart tourism destination is to  enhance travelers' tourism experience   by using technology so what kinds of experience  they are looking for well it's going to be   social cultural and economic tourism activities   so travelers use their own smartphone and they  can make smart decision on the move while they   are traveling in the destination and how they can  make smart decisions well they can easily access various types of information or resources that  available in the destination through cloud   computing or internet of things so we can say  smart tourism destinations' benefits include well   since there are tons of resources available in the  destination they can create or improve resource   efficiency and since the smart tourism destination  is one of their competitive advantages because   they can fully utilize technology for their  travelers and visitors so it could be their   comparative advantages to attract more visitors  to their destinations and obviously they are using   various types of technology they can  potentially benefit for city's sustainability   so definitely enhancing sustainability through the  use of technological innovation and practices so   those are the kind of major components major  features of the smart tourism destination   okay i have a great video for you to better  understand what smart tourism destination is   it is helsinki which is an european capital  city in terms of smart tourism destination   so i'll make this video available on  blackboard please watch this video okay based on two articles we can summarize that  there are four different categories to make   destinations much smarter the  first one is accessibility in order to be smart tourism destination  the destination should provide strong wi-fi   and also they can be fully committed to technological infrastructure so that  they can provide cloud computing system and also   internet of things available in the  destination as far as they can destination   can provide this environment for travelers  travelers can easily access information available   resources available in the destination that's the  first one second one is sustainability as we see   in the video helsinki helsinki is fully committed  to their green environment and the same thing happened   in charlotte so we definitely use  technology to make our destination   much greener much more environmentally  friendly environment for our travelers   and third one is information sharing through  digitalization well so that's some are related   to accessibility you can easily use your smart  smartphone to access different programs and   traffic system or probably transportation  and use of a bike system so again this   is really important and also digitalization  most devices or systems they do have sensors which we call internet of things so we  can easily communicate through different systems and the last one is the main point of  tourism destination is they should have cultural   heritage some creative activities   destinations should develop or should provide  for the travelers this is a main attraction to   bring more people to the destination and  also we consider this one is a driving factor   to generate or increase the number of visitors  for your destination so these are the four   different categories we have to consider  to make our destination much smarter okay   all right this is my final question for  you what should a destination do to be   smarter think about yourself traveling  to different country for instance like japan tokyo i don't speak japanese i don't  know where to go i don't know where to eat   i don't know where to travel in japan right so  assuming you arrive in tokyo capital city of japan   and the first thing we want  to have i want to access wi-fi   so definitely tokyo should provide public wi-fi in order to be smart tourism destination right and also we can  well we can easily download translation   app and we can download   public transportation like a subway system  and we can download the local maybe airbnb or any travel information app so basically we have to download multiple apps to   plan your travel in tokyo instead of  downloading multiple apps why not city can provide   city app which includes translation  service which includes transportation system which   includes any accommodation web app any  restaurant app any whatever so as far as we can   download the one city app it can fully accommodate our  needs so that could be a smart decision   but i don't know i couldn't find any city app one city app that can solve multiple problems anything you can think about for this question all  right so that's pretty much it about smart tourism   articles and we've been discussing hotel  restaurant and tourism technology and next week   we're gonna talk about sharing economy and we have  a three more articles to discuss including next   week and following week all right and if you have  any question please let me know have a great week

2021-04-09 19:41

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