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what's up y'all beautiful day and we are in CR na poana that's like the Russian aspan and uh guys are getting ready uh they're going to go uh snowboarding an skiing or snowboarding and snowboarding snowboarding snowboard ah both of them are going to go snowboard I got a broken toe I can't do it I'm going to just show you around I'm going to show you uh the resort the entrance the parking lots restaurants whatever but check out this view out of our hotel window check it out I mean ain't that pretty boy I woke up this morning and I was laying there for 30 minutes just looking at these mountains so we are in the center of krna poana all piled up in the car we're about to go right rent you guys need to rent some stuff yes rent snowboards yeah we're not going to talk about prices this is not the video for prices this is just us having fun so we parked the car I mean look at that view wow right uh this is school this is actually a school here I mean that's a nice school this mountains there too I this is a real mountain town the guys are getting the gear let's see what I going to get I have all kinds of stuff here this old man with some juice I might get some juice all right all right you guys found the right store yep cool guys are tryangle on the GE gear how's the quality of the gear Jerry uh I prefer my flow bindings I have to figure out how to use these that's the guy I will he'll help [Music] you you drive slow you drive slow you make me feel so crazy I don't want to know don't want to know your name you look and CH one sh and go [Music] just so we parked the hoop te and on the on the ground garage and uh we could have parked it on the side of the road but I haven't registered the car yet in case it gets impounded it's going to be kind of like well is according I registered to you so I'd rather pay th000 rubles for a whole day 10 bucks for the whole day of parking I mean wow 11 $111 let me show you guys right that camera come here she got lost for a second so yeah let's go let's go so this is Rosa Hooter um we're going to go up that mountain we got be some cheese we're going to go up that M Mountain over there wow some clear water and my guys are the only ones carrying snowboards so I hope we're going to the right place now beautiful so the guys are trying to figure out which uh trolley to take up I think that's what they call trolley ski lift ski lift whatever so we are uh guys right behind me going to look at the tickets and uh let me show you what's out here so we going to go up one of those lift there's three lifts there's one here you can't see one's behind the building oh man there even all the way on top of that mountain that's lifted there oh wow that is high of course we got McDonald's here nobody's going to steal it dude it's nobody's going to take it there ain't no here no ghetto people this is just all nice white folks and H some rich people leaving the helicopter oh resing n it's a private helicopter but man it's nice here it is so nice might eat in that restaurant later on Sunshine Park so we're about to go on a crease slope and go up somewhere in these mountains this is the entrance to this key slope I got my ticket right here and oh man metal detectors they are serious about all that ah this key card or uh ski lift huh no we'll get an empty one maybe or we'll go with them I don't know we'll see show me show me what you got show me what you got show me show me what you got show me what you got show me show me what you got show me what you got show me show me what you got show you you don't want to know don't want to know your name you look andaz just one sh and go Just sh and go just you baby show me what you got show me show me what you got show me what you got show me show me what youve got show me what you got show me show so we got out this one and the guys you guys are going to go in this line to get on that one to go up there ooo that is tall man the weather is so nice a it's little peeee section right here you can see the little little ones sking [Music] down man this is so [Music] beautiful so we got to go down this line to get up upstairs got to find the guys got this nice line here a lot of people what it's the weekend what places to eat and all that so here we are we're not on a peak there's the peak behind me but you can see the peak I think all right and the guy is about to go down you guys hold on a second let me do some talking and attach the camera to Jerry oh yeah let me show you how pretty it is so there's so much to look at so many people here wow I wish I could have went down with down the hill with this my my toad broken can't do it have no problem on the skis but should have grabbed skis you want me to go instead of you go ahead you broken n i I got to let it heal and I think I think I'm better off on skis no I can just imagine my to hurts wanted to learn snowboard middle of the way I'm looking forward to this oh that's going to be fun all right lift off good start to hit any baby that's recording dude yeah we have to wait for a break all right there's a break all right screw snowboarding let's go drink all right good he's getting used to it all right all right both of them fail so this is a good start all right come on guys should be like some funny music here all right Jerry got on the speed Vlad all right they go and left so I guess there's nothing for me to do here so I mean maybe I already took some pictures so I'm just going to I'm just going to maybe I'll go to the top or I'll just go down and uh have me uh have me some tea show me show me what you got show me show me what you [Music] got do you want to play with me that game play with me that game Play That [Music] Game you want to feel with me the same feel with me the same feel the same how was it it's awesome my first time plenty of Falls plenty of Bones though thank you got to go the same route or something else uh I I think I may go up to the top yeah I'll probably go the same route okay I'm good in my I I thought about going up to the top then I'm like eh I'm I'm not doing anything and then uh all right uh I'll decide if I want to well I'm about to go on that roller coaster right there so that that should be fine with my broken toe and man look at it I know I keep repeating myself but this is so beautiful this is just crazy beautiful love it so nice all right so let's go down the roller coaster yeah why not let's do that guys are going to go up again and then we're going to eat lunch late lunch sounds like a plan actually can I leave one of my shirts oh yeah to get sweaty yep so we're up at the top we're going to take this blue all the way down beautiful up here look at that worth it just for the beew I might have to move here so I'm about to go ride these little things here all right let's go taking off slow oh man never done that before all right let's go woo okay breakes work whoa oh man this is cool I'm glad it's got brakes cuz I'm a little bit [Music] afraid man life is beautiful I tell you guys life is so beautiful and you got to enjoy life you don't have to do nothing crazy I mean your toes broken kangos King find something else to do good has got breaks kind of scary right there man this is a big track no joke this is cool these guys are hauling [Music] ass they going to catch up to me oh Lordy Lord oh there two of them for more weight they go faster oh [Music] wo they're behind me I got oh man that's that was kind of [Music] scary girl screaming like ah woo straight away eyes SL down a little [Music] bit put a lot of build this thing camera is not even looking at the road you need to be looking at the road [Music] dude wow that was fun right well there you go I've done something fun I hope it came out good on the camera um I'll look at it later on got some EJ [Music] playing little restaurant here [Music] [Music] the guys should be coming down here in a minute so this is kind of like a Cantina place where you can uh buet pick the food you want to eat and uh over there was the DJ is the DJ and he pretty much can come down from the slopes Park your ski snowboard and uh just go eat you know plenty of place here the guys is still snowboarding and I am just walking around checking out the scenery very very cool I love the vibe here I'm going to get me a Corona why not let's do it I'm sure they have a Corona here yep there it is quite expensive it's about $5 a Corona but I mean it's it's a resort it's a ski resort so it's all [Music] right we're getting food I got me some potato potatoes soup and the salad got some donuts here so the guys are done writing yeah we got some food didn't break anything got some food food so this was like 17 bucks for this 17 kind of pricey for Russia but we're in the M yeah we're in the resort 11 bucks something like that it's Resort you know so it is a bit more got meal sour soup dessert tea water yeah so how you like uh the mountains and the writing like it a lot like it a lot the snow uh we need some fresh snow but um the mountains themselves are great great ni and warm nice and big snow Yeah hor I feel like uh snowboarding on sandes or something yeah but besides FR snow besides the fake snow for me at least enjoyed it first time man that's awesome we got all the way up to the top yep yeah that's one more video for you all right let's see well we ate it was uh camera look at me thank you we ate how was the food Jerry good good Vlad great was all right I mean just view yeah I'm about to show the views so the guys are done they're sore my foot's hurting because walking with a broken toe in the snow he slip it's not it's not that next year yeah I'm going to no this year I'm going to ski this year but let me show you this view before we uh go down uh down the mountain check it out check it out I mean is that I'm just amazed how beautiful it is it's been a while since I've been to the mountains and this is just beautiful here beautiful so we got to take the key elevator [Music] down pictures take it away won't you just give another day to me so strong out and now I don't know what to do going to take my La away dear God how well you pull me through I'm so strung out somehow my life is gone as stay so I lay me down to sleep please Lord I'll take my soul away [Music] I'm down [Music] so on this note we're going to end the video we're going back to the car and um I hope you guys enjoyed it this with it yeah we sure did this was about maybe 10 20% we showed you in the video of this whole area is a lot of different uh ski resorts a lot of different mountains a lot of different places you can visit and go see I mean you can spend here A whole month and you ain't going to see everything so yeah you have a great day wherever you're at remember I don't care if you subscribe or not peace

2024-03-04 22:58

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