Sketchbook tour #1 (PART ONE)

Sketchbook tour #1 (PART ONE)

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Hi. Welcome. Back to my channel. In. This video I am doing a sketch book tour so. This is my sketchbook and, I. Haven't used it in a while so. I haven't, looked through it in a while and. It's. Only like. A little past. Halfway, filled. Up. So. There's still some empty pages. I'm. The, kind of person that if, I stopped using a sketchbook I can't. Really get back into using. It because I. Feel. Like my art is. Changing all. The time so if I use an old sketch book I kind, of I just. Can't get into the right mood I don't know it's super, weird I don't know how to explain, it. But. Yeah I don't I don't know the brand of this sketchbook. It's. It. Had a. Cover. Of. This. Business. Just like, seen. Cardboard. Or, just. A thick paper. Describing. Things um but. Yeah. I don't, know the brand of this. So. Sorry about that but. Anyways. I really like the paper of this sketchbook however, um. It's. Kind, of thick. And. It doesn't really bleed. Through if you use, watercolors. Or. Markers. I mean the markers, still, show through. You, know through the pages but. It's. Stick paper and I like it because. You can use both sides of the paper, anyways. Let's just jump. Right into the, sketchbook. Oh, yeah. That's I covered. Up because. Here. Are some information about me that I don't want you to. Here. We go this, is the, first page, of my sketchbook. These. Are some flower. Doodles. On watercolor, paper that. I've just left, here I haven't taped them in anywhere. Here's. A color. Pencil. Do, drawing. Work. Thing. And here's a lady. He naked lady let me show you in, a little bit. There. You go okay. So. There's. The dude. And. There's. A pencil, sketch I really. Like this pencil, sketch we should. Do more, of these. Yeah. Anyway. Those are just some random. These. Are super ugly I don't want you to see these. This. Is when I really started, to. Do. Sketches. And, doodles with, color pencils. And. Here are some thumbnails, or. You know ideas, for drawings I like, to do. These, kinds, of things. When. I'm planning, paintings. Or drawings I, just do. A square, and then I do. Know the idea, of super quickly. So. Yeah that's. Fun. Sorry. If I'm kind. Of struggling, to talk in this video I am trying to, instead. Of doing a voiceover and, having, a script. Trying. To talk as we go. So. I might be struggling, with my words a little bit excuse. Me for that here's. My sister, and here's, some Melissa vent, Maleficent. Is that how you say it. These. Are kind of cute I can zoom. You in again. There. You go. So. There, she is. Okay. Here are some schools. And. Here are some hand. Drinks. And I. Went to see it so I saved. The receipt or, the, movie. I'm. Super, proud of these hands I have no idea how I've. Managed, to draw such. Fine. Hands, because I struggle. With it so. Much right now I. Feel. Like I won because in worse at drawing us since this the, last one weird, and, here are disclosed. Although. I did use reference, pictures, for all of these so. Yeah. Okay. So this, is nothing urgent, it's, just a watercolor. Drawing, of a sky mounts. On the clouds and, there. Are some. Peonies. Or peonies, how do you say. Yeah. I don't know, if you if. You need to be zoomed in for these these are nothing special, really. I'm. Recording, this voice over on my phone because I feel like the, microphone. On my camera isn't that good and I'm. Balancing, my phone on my truck, tripod, right. Next to my camera so I'm really hoping that. When. I'm zooming in the camera that, it doesn't mess, up the, quality, of the. Recording. Yeah. That's just so for that here are some more thumbnails, I actually did, to paint this girl. But. I think that I've painted over the painting, because. I didn't like how it ended up. Yeah. Here's. Some astronaut. Hmm. So. These were drawn in 2017. So it's been a while. Yeah. This is just a random, doodle, I. Like. This plant is only in the way I wanted, I wanted, it to be there because it's aesthetically. Pleasing but. Now. I just think that it's in the way. This. Is from. Inktober. Of. 2017. This was the first interpreting. That I drew that year. There. Is just a dude with a super long neck I. Think. This is super cute actually. So. I might be redrawing, that. Sometime. Who. Knows. I. Like. To take in these. Separate, pieces of paper into, my sketchbook. Because I feel like it. Really. Makes a sketchbook, you. Know we look pleasing. And, I, don't. Know, here. Are some bunnies. She's. Just track, super a lot of random things in in, this book. And. Here's the. Same. Girl that I showed you on the last page, so this. One and I. Just made a little, bit of a more, detailed. Drawing. With her so, that I had. A little bit more to, go off for, the painting. Yeah. I. Did. Some I. Designed. My. Friend, has a. Blog. Where he writes about books, so, I designed. And. Here. Are some old, people I feel, like I need to draw a lot more. Old. People because. I. Think. It's important, to learn how. You. Know how. The skin, gets ring ring, wrinkles.

Yeah. I think it's a very good way, of. And. Learning. To draw portraits I, guess. Here's. A which. I. I. Looked. For leaves outside, and. Down, here, and. Then. I had a hammer, and I. Put this paper over. The leaf and I went with the hammer. That's. Such. A weird, thing to do but I have to try it out. And. Here's. The. I. Really. Like this which I think she, looks so cool. And. Then. Here's 11, from stranger, things. Did. The first season, of stranger, things come out in 2017. Or 16. I'm. Not sure but, I watch, it I've been, watching it since the, beginning and. Yeah. Here's, 11 I'm a huge, fan of the show I really really. Really like it. Jericho. Here. Is, the, fourth. Instagram, or the day for. Natural, ready day three. Their. Remaining. Focus. It's. A wizard. You. Can find all of these still on my, Instagram. If. You're interested, in seeing a, better. Picture of these and, here's, des. Well. I missed a lot of days this inktober. Yeah. I. Can't remember, the, promise, that, I followed, for these but I guess they're on my Instagram, turn. And. Hear something, from. Victoria's. Secret a fragrance. Sample. You're. Not even seeing it there. You go. I. Don't, drop that Victoria, Secret it was just I, don't. Even know where I got it but anyway. Here. I. Was. No. I don't know what is call in English, it's. Like a book fair I guess. Yeah. Anyway, it's. Just a ticket for a. There's. A lot of orders and. No. Releases, and everything like that and. This is a drawing of. I. Can't, remember her name but, she, is in penny. Dreadful, and she's, in. Wait. What's it called. Miss. Peregrine's Home for, peculiar. Children I. Guess that's the movie. But. I was. Watching penny, dreadful, and that's why I drew, her I, don't. Think she, resembles. My write, and think that my drawing resembles, her that well. Right. Right. But. It's forming silver, - I love. This dude also. I feel. Like my, the. In, table drawings that I've been showing you here are my. Favorite integral, drawings that I've ever drawn, so. Yeah. I'm. Kind of bad at, doing it sober I fail every year and, I've been trying since, like, 2015. I guess. I. Try, to do some days at least and, here's. A. Plan. For another painting, I guess, mmm. I've never painted, this so, it's just, an. Idea that I've left here oh. This. Is an ugly page whenever. I do something super, ugly I just, paint. Over it a lot and. Leave. It kind of like that. And. Here's again, an inked, up your drawing. The. Whole page. I. Have. A hard time telling if my camera is in focus or not I. Just. Hope for the best and, here's some more. Stranger. Things. That's. Dean, and here's. Is. It Steve oh my god I can't even remember the, name of the character. Just. Left one of these over oh yeah, I get to zoom, you in again. And. Dustin, he's a cutie. Here's. A random, painting. That. I've again taped in and. On. The other side there's. It, Ryder. Yeah. There. You go. And. Some, more stranger. Things for North I. Messed. Up his face here, so. I just painted over it again. I'd. Like to paint over my mistakes that's. A bad. Habit but, you. Know. And. A. Flower. Girl, I. Think. This is painted, with acrylic. Paint and. I. Really, like the sketchbook videos, I can paint in it with acrylic paint and the paper. Doesn't. Even you know get super. Messed. Up. And. I. Painted. Another one of, those here. She. Is really cute oh. And, here's a fish this. Is a really. Good fish. I'm. Kind of proud, of how that turned, out yeah. Now. This is for my French blog but I didn't end up using, this. Know. Your. Naked, bodies. And. This, is just a super, random thing, it is I used, to create acrylic. Paint for these. This. Is when I got my, first. First. Set, of gouache, paint and. The. Gouache paints, that I've been using are. Like. They're. Not very good quality and, you. Know, but. For, a first set of quashes they've been working very well for me because I. Still. Don't really know how to use them so. They're. Working fine, I guess, I'm still using those I haven't invested, in any better quality. Work still. So. Here are some berries, I'm super, proud of this one this is so cute and here's. Some tea. You. Know I'm really the kind of person that wants, to tape everything and anything into, my sketchbooks. But. I really like how it looks so, here's. A bear. And. There's, some cherries, so, those were all done English, and then here are some hand. Studies. Again, that, I've done with color pencils. So. I. Just. Put. Down a bunch of watercolors. And. Just. Didn't really care about how, they you, know what shapes they were making I just wanted to put down a bunch of watercolors.

And, Then. When the watercolors, had, dried I. Started. To look for shapes. I. Just. Drew a bunch of, female. Body parts. So. I went, first in with a. Regular. Pencil I guess and then I went in with some. Cold. I. Think. This. Is my favorite. This. Might be too much for someone but I really, like this. I really. Want to do more of these because this was I remember, that daeho's but this was super. Fun and I am still, super. Proud of how it turned out and it's one of my favorite, pictures in this sketchbook in. This sketchbook sorry. I'm, struggling with my voice again. But. Then when I, put. Down the khole I for some reason went. In with, a medium. Over, this so, that. Yeah, I don't even know why I did that so, that's why it's a. Glossy. Finish. That's. Why these pages, like to stick together I. Don't. Think I should have done that but oh. Yeah. So here. Are some feet studies, and. A. Hand. That, I think. That I did with gouache but. I think that. Is super ugly I, haven't, wanted to look at it and here's. Just a random page from, an older book with a bunch, of. Mushrooms. Here. Are the feet. It's. Such, I mean. I rarely. Drove. It so. It's it's. Kind of a fun thing to do sometimes, which. I I mean I never do it but I should. Do, it because it's fun and. Here are the mushrooms I yeah. Oh. And. These are. My. Favorite I. Got. Really into crystals, and. I. Did. Some research about what. Which. Crystals, have, the meaning of what and what they do and, that's, what. I've wrote, here, and I, could. Zoom you in for this so. I. Started. Out with a citrine. Citrine. And. I, did this wait I first, put down any layer of water colors, I mean I first, I drew, a sketch, of the. Crystal. And then I went being with watercolours, and one, thing we to, our fans and I. Have. A. So. This is hotel looking real life. Blue, lace, agate. Agate. II. I'm. So bad at pronouncing things, sometimes, it's kind of annoying but, and. I. Also have picture of I have, pictures, of all of these on my Instagram, so if. You're interested to see them. And, really. Read. The things that I've written about them you can go on my Instagram and. I, also have a, ametrine. Here on the side. This. Was I mean this. Is one of the worst. They're. So pretty I'm so. Proud of these. Rose. Quartz, that also, doesn't really look like rose, course, looks. In real life but I. Tried. And. Then there's a. Comedian. Aquamarine. That's. Super, pretty too. And. A. Fluorite. I'm, not even going to try to pronounce that I have. No idea. This. Is the last one please, I. Do. Want to make more of this because I'm selfish, and I. Really like painting crystals. So. Yeah and. Then, here ocean. Illustrated. Girls. In. 2017. But. We're in December, so I guess. Here's. A, mushroom. Lady I guess that's. Pretty ugly I don't want. To spend too much time on that. Here's. A fun. Doodle. It's. Like a deer, I guess but. It had many. Eyes I. Don't. Know if you have. And. Then there's a crow, or a raven, I don't really know the difference. And. Just. A random, do, it all with gosh. All. Right, so, here's. A. Portrait. Of harmony. Nice she's. A youtuber, and. At. The, time that I was trying this I watched. A bunch of, videos. I. Mean I still do but that. Was when I was really you, know binging, her videos and here's, a portrait. That I did with goulash. Yeah. There's. Some months, there's. Not much on this page. Here's. Just a. Thumbnail. That I apparently, didn't, like because I've erased a part of it and. I guess I was trying to do the same here. As I did on the day. Well. You know anyway I think, I was trying, to do the same that I did on the page. With all the lady, parts, and. Here's, another page. There's. An ollie apparently. And this was just a super ugly portrait. Thing here. I guess, I was trying to, draw. Myself. But. It doesn't really look like me, years. Ago I mean. He's. The cutest, part, about this page. I, did.

This With gouache and. Apparently. We're now in, 2018. So that, was last year, and, here's, a. Gosh. I can't remember what these are called eyes either. But. I, think. Y'all know what these are. And. Again. My portrait, of myself that doesn't even look like me. Here's. A frog, I. Did. It way to quash, pains again I was, really trying to get, the gist of how, to, use caustic, gouache paint and. Here's, all this. Is. See. What I mean with I sometimes, just. Can't draw hands you. Know I don't. Whatever. And. Here's, a portrait, oh I think it was cold. Proves. Cole, Sprouse you. Pronounce the last name I think. It was a picture, of him that I used as a reference um, but. It doesn't look like him at all. So. We're not going, to focus on that and, here's, Lisa. Good, True Lies, we could drill. I'm. Just tracking these names right now. Yeah. I I, really, love friends, and it's like my, comfort, show, or whenever, I'm using when. Using. Whenever. I'm feeling a bit down I just, put on friends, and I really. Love Phoebe, and I mean I love all of the characters, but, Phoebe's. Like my fave.

2019-06-03 23:41

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Amazing Sketchbook, Love your Artstyle! Great Video, amazing work! It would mean the world to me if you could check out my Sketchbooktour. I would love it if we could support each other. Just subscribed

Thanks! I just checked out your video, it was super aesthetically pleasing. Loved it!

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