Sinead's 1st London Christmas Market of 2021: Southbank Centre Winter Market

Sinead's 1st London Christmas Market of 2021: Southbank Centre Winter Market

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going to head in here. Right let's check this place out. cable cars kind of freaked me out a little bit. But we're it's released actually. It's been published. My London Eye buzzing here. Look, everyone's having a great time. It's

here. Oh wow. You guys. Look at this. Okay let's check this place out. This is food and drink in here actually. So, we're going to have a look inside we? I want to check this out. It's out. I've never been in

Run over there Kicking off in the South Bank you guys. It's wasn't as nervous up there as I was in the cable cars. The Tour. I hope you enjoyed that one. I had fun up there. I

guys. Wait till you see me. I am going to be releasing I well Isn't that adorable? My body's been blessed and I miss your again as far as I know and the London Eye. Stay tuned you Alright. Now, let's go in between the bridge here, will here. It looks epic in here. Um this is a bar and a restaurant brilliant.

change of hair and the way you like to dress come on over. this Instagram or this girl here that is Oh she's Won't you come on over stop making a fool out of me Train. We are the trains yeah. Prawn wraps. Speaking of Amy, get this on camera. Oh can I can I YouTube this?

all of that wow. Alright, let's keep going. Right, so let's have a look at Shot you She She's playing baby shark for her. Oh, no. We gotta If I just get it. If I just. Thank you. Oh wow. Terrific you attracting a large crowd you guys. Listen to her.

she's singing Valerie. Prawn wraps, Cajun fish wraps. Oh, that's not how you call it you guys. I'm wondering are they let's have a look here. Applebee's fish. really cool stall. Dutch pancakes, I don't think we're Oh fresh fish cooked on the spot. Shrimp, prawns. Oh.

amazing. able for any more food. Well, we are but not on camera. So, you've obviously got your standard Polish deli. They do guys. Ooh. Pork sausage baguettes. Sorry honey. Right amazing like Polish Almost like Polish hot dogs but I know that friends. That's right. Yeah. I'm not the boss. I just have better ideas. Well, that's a good point. Okay, so that's a

chilli worst? Oh wow. Look at the size of them. They're Amy Winehouse tour. I came out doing all of Amy's. Oh this was last night of Prince's Run. That's right. You saw her with her though Maureen didn't you? Oh I I. Did you not see her Deirdre. Oh. She supported sing one song in the ohtwo on the support? Oh no that was my friend Deirdre. That was

her gigs yeah in 2006. See I kind of missed a gig of Amy because I was in America at the time. I'm awful. Sorry. You saw one over here that we're interested in. There was an folks. I just want to kind of gauge some interest about an trying to do a little rock and roll wall in my house. Oh, look

at the Banksy, yeah? The Banksy on top. Now, there was another the Wall. Oh, that's cool. I like that. I'd love that. Yeah, similar to this in the Notting Hill and Portobello video, Freddy. A man's home is his castle. But his garage is his sanctuary. Yeah well that was the prize. Oh Amy. Stay tuned but look at all these. These are epic. Now there's one of

making a swift exit. He's so funny. I did speak to him but look at my hero. Superman. Love it. I went in a store just the Joker there. Oh is that the Joaquin Phoenix one it is? I Irish one again, wasn't there? There's Jurassic Park, that's he didn't want any to be on camera which is perfectly fine love these old signs. I, do you know what I'd love? Oh my god,

I'd love that. Oh my god, where would I put it? I have it. I'm a much bigger one than this but oh my god, there's Pink Floyd folks. Don't forget to check that one out as well. So, store look at these signs. There's some great little vintage signs here. Now this chap doesn't mind me going inside but he's in though that they're beautiful but I want to have a you know something I've never tried actually? I know this try a mulch. Oh I'd love mulchin. Come on. Hot pineapple

Sorry. My bad. My bad. My bad. Six pounds fifty for eggnog. Do see these. Still working on that. Let's have a look. Oh my sounds quite that when you lived in the US. I know yeah god. Look at them. Oh wow. Okay. Isn't that epic? This is

quite tricky actually. Again. No what I'm really interested it's amazing. Mulgin, lemon and cardamom hot toddy. I have to spice rum. I'm still working. Okay we'll come back. I want to just haven't done it very clear. Oh six pounds fifty. Would you like eh Moroccan mint? I'm not a big fan. Mint

That must be like eh a litre of it or something. Espresso Coffee okay I don't know Lulin brand do you Lulin I mean we It's another hot tea store. Look. martinis, beers. Got it all going on. Mulgin 650, But they But it was such a noble idea as well. It's going to make our about you guys is the trains keep really loud ahead of us. But look over here we got more alcohol. Eggnog for 65 pounds.

know twining support them in Mason. We're not tea people. purchase by us. Oh my God. We're spending like Ivan and Thank you. Right let's have a look around so that's another tea I would. Yeah. I'm not a favourite Harvey teas but yeah. We're more coffee people. Doing like a bit of lemon glass system tonight. I really do appreciate it because you see

with three of them. But that'll be lovely. I'd like that in my The mulled wine is quite nice right now. Mulled wine is going quite a lot of money over the season isn't it? Yeah. Well

one Ireland one anyway. They're made the paper that printed on. That's really beautiful. We're definitely going to have to get more. Eh Austria. Aberdeen, Austria, world, South America. it out please. I can't really right now because it's going to

what were you saying Morris? really unusual pay. These would be like a really good Christmas backed. Oh yeah you can see that. Yeah. Yeah I'm going to alright. We'll just sort this out. Right so Maureen is being ones are 25 but let's have a look at the London. Any New Well the London one I would definitely get as well. I mean

down very well folks. So the only thing I'm a little upset I'm going to get do you think the London one will be honest? going to get out of the way. Oh my god that's beautiful. She's is down here on the Southwest Coast. Just you try and point normal shop. So you come to a Christmas market you get a Can we lift it up a little bit for the customers? Oh wow.

York there as well. Oh my god. I'm sorry and we're going to It's like these are the kind of things you don't get in a you're here till when? When you're here until? 727 27th of have the different countries and the old sun mats. Arabia. the gorgeous decorations the award winning Fortnham and let's have a look at the stalls we'll definitely try that in a Donald Trump now tonight darling Melania unfortunately Look at Dublin there. Oh my god, it's a lovely, unique. Oh, make you work if you don't mind. But what a beautiful I've got the camera. Poor girl is laid it down with stuff but Maureen are both from Killarney. Canter Kerry which

though. second Then we're going to do Winter Wonderland. We will do I Masons alright you know what we'll have them in a minute September. December. Of December. Oh that's great. So we don't have money like that but the last Luland Tea and done. It's really lovely. Thank you. Thank you. You too lovely. house. New York. The most important cities to me. New

have it but we'll have to get them framed of course. York, London and Ireland. Okay well. Okay so we've got present for someone. Couldn't agree more. Couldn't agree she's going to be here again. Oh my god. I'd say we'll end up that's all of London. That's amazing with the River Thames get the 25 poundone. Are we getting two? Yeah we have to

Archival paper. Archival paper. And linen backed. And linen running through. 1847 1847 New York. Wow. Oh my god. Pretty. gift. Look at so that's the city of Westminster. So look, obviously I'm pretty because I'm from Ireland. I love the just shown us here. There's another amazing one folks. Now but these ones are 45 pounds, the larger ones and the smaller be the mull wine is getting in the way and that's never Is it Ireland there? Can you see Ireland anywhere? Dublin.

wow. Do you mind? Oh my god, thank you. Lovely. Oh wow. Oh my god Maureen you know we have to have it. Look at that in all the provinces. Ulster, Munster, Leinster and Connot. Me and So what have we got here? Arabia are oh my god so they know look at this. These old mats are gorgeous. I'd love one of them in the apartment. Look at the butterflies at the back.

stores the bigger stores department stores as well and Christmas markets in London I'm going to go into some of the to show you the Christmas trees and the fest festivities and during Christmas so our Christmas playlist we will be doing as previously mentioned I'll be doing all of the And then. Oh your stuff is amazing lovely. What is this? It's gorgeous. Oh my god I love that. What is that? White delish by the way. Folks. God it really is Christmas now brownies. Chocolate brownie would be lovely. Okay, do we me. This is cinnamon. I need cinnamon. We're a virtual

my god. Brownies. I'm so excited. This mull wine is isn't it well it's not but it is you feel like it is because it's back it's in London I'm so excited to show you around opposite. She adores cinnamon and I don't like cinnamon. Oh decide what we'd like? Chocolate chocolate brownie. chocolate. So they all come with a general layer of chocolate. Of. Except for the cinnamon. Oh no no cinnamon for

your. I guess chocolate. I'm kind of boring when it comes to Two coconuts, and two chocolates. Great. that you get like a brownie though? What brownie do you want? Come on, this is your, this is your brownie to go with But I'll leave that, I'll leave you choose. Will you make sure love some. Ten pounds. So I'm going to get get four for ten,

yeah and we'll have one between us. Is that alright? Well, we got on offer. I don't think I'm going to wait for ice cream now we're making you super hungry right now you guys. I'm so or s'mores or anything like that but I wouldn't mind trying do one between us but just make sure you have one for the boys.

sorry you can't try it with us. Get a little selection. Well have chocolate, raspberry, coconut and Ferrero. I hope get a selection because I think your your boys at home would toasted marshmallow and crumbled biscuit. Now, I mean, a bit of the brownie. The brownies look amazing. So you reason I know about it is I saw it on this morning being made Yeah. Yeah. Something. Do you know what? I had a look over

you guys, I know that it's very popular in America. The only Lullen's sweets and brownies and let's just see what he's here and look what they do. Yummy. They do amazing s'mores. All the time. Now, s'mores, right? Are kind of marshmallows with chocolate. Oh okay. Warm chocolate brownie topped and something with brownies. Over here. Where'd you see this?

yesterday morning on the this morning show here. So this is around again folks. I have to I've gotta get some cookies. Let's go. Oh this looks amazing. Right I'm turning you It tastes like it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. to the Covent Garden one. Oh my goodness. Oh my god. Try it. Does this smell good? Smells like Christmas. I'm so excited.

It's beginning to taste like. Everywhere you go. Sorry. I saw you. Oh my god. So the same company Plume. Any excuse to go very much you guys. I'm looking forward to it. Thank you. Thank Dickens actually wrote for Yes. That's right. He did. He's

god. So the same company. It's good. It's groovy like this as definitely going to film there Maureen. 100%. Look. Charles look at this, you guys. The effort that you've put into well in there. How groovy. Well we're going there. We're

out. Look at the Autrey of Hepburn. Oh my god. What's the this stall is insane, folks. You deserve business. Thank you with the Craft Ale. We just had the cheese fries. Yeah. Oh my there most of his books in there, didn't he? Oh my god, Look at the stunning soul. Look how look how they've decked it you. Let me just see what they have on offer. See that there name of your wine bar my lovely? Yes so you're just here quick look around. So, this is the duck shed to give you an

that little bit busier. Now when we arrived it was a little you guys. Isn't that incredible? So it is getting Mulwine. You know it's Christmas when Mulwine is back. The British Christmas whacker for £10 pound 50. Then it's the

idea what you can get. Slow-roasted pulled up crispy the queue. Right. You get in the queue and let me have a Vietnamese duck. They a fan of duck. This is absolutely for quieter. But that's okay. There's a queue here from breaded brie and bacon pig and stuffing cranberry baked a jam.

busier as you can see. Okay, we're going to go get the those hot dog Charlie's and having one. Maureen would never like coming out of Grand Central and going to one of do that. I absolutely love it. Now, it's getting a little mulled wine. Alright, we're getting the mulled wine. That's in New York. People are horrifying but I mean nothing

guys. So ehm love love hot dogs. Always did since living chips and gravy. With I believe some bacon bits. So poutine I Right. I really can't have you watching me eat all this like There's two of us here. We have two beers. And this lovely having a little night out, this would be perfectly sufficient.

Oh it does say oh yeah. Oh my dog. I did. Yeah I did not. Oh I'm in London. Delish. Right so that's our first little the brewed all the way just in East London. Oh my God great. actually bringing you out on the drink with us tonight you Putin by the way is the exact same thing we've had. Cheese, demolishing them all. What we didn't we were quite civilised. God almighty I'm losing it. That's the one beer. So we're

think it's called in Canada. Now oh my God. Love a hot dog. bad. So onto our next stop coming up. I have to get mulled didn't want to put you through the sufferings of watching us Just one second. It's a train, isn't it? If you were just two forks and two beers 1090 So that's not bad. That's pretty still munching and drinking of course. Um we were just talking

with fried onions. Big bucket of it there you can see with night. Yeah. We're going to have cheese dripping all down Of course I. You guys that was absolutely delicious and we

standard. I expected it'll be a lot more expensive but it's not wine. Okay. I do want a mulled wine. I'm having a mulled wine. about the price of this. Actually you guys it's not bad.

Well, it would. It's lovely. It's a nice little treat. So, cheese box here between us with melted mozzarella and cheddar. look. Fan of cheese. Oh my God we're going to have mad onion we had had melted mozzarella, Swiss cheddar on top of fries cheese. Mm. We're not planning on unmeeting anyone's work. Oh

look like a lush here? We kind of do, don't we? Outdoor our faces. food and beers. If you get the hot sauce, the perfect Friday Maureen knows that because she's like cooks for me all the indulgence of the evening. Beer and fries. That ain't all bad to have hot sauce and everything. I am a disaster. my God that is delicious. Don't you love that? Wow. Sorry, do I

time. It's probably the only homemade meal I ever get when arrested. I know there's distilleries all over eh South is it? Right so I'm dying to get into this. Let's have a

bread but let's have a go. I'll leave you I'll leave you with your hands on a bottle I did every Christmas? It's a hundred don't want to say too much. So yeah okay but we won't wait We gotta try that. We gotta try the local brew. It sounds

It's like moonshine. Well yeah but brewed from potatoes. the beer lovely? Where's it from? In East London. Oh Stubby of Ireland anyway. I know there is in Cork in places but eh I horrific. Look at that lushness folks. And now look at I have Brewed from potatoes. That's right. Yeah. Did you ever get

So it's like Moonshine. Oh my God. And you would literally be very different. What is it Morris? Like it's 100% illegal. yeah. I think what we'll do is we'll get some beers first. Did

and French dipped gravy for six pounds. Now I know in Canada I Okay. So, Farrow Brewing. We'll just ask him a little bit about and crispy onions for five bucks and we have bacon poutine right? We're totally sold. Thank you. Thank you. Sold. I

believe it's fries with gravy as poutine but in Ireland. Is a little look at that? Oh my god, honey. That looks amazing, Oh my God look at this amazing vehicle you guys. That's epic. the beer that he's selling here in just a minute. What will we,

So this is one of the first stalls we've come on. So I mean great addition to the South Bank at the moment so I was a go on such a Santa Claus somewhere. Ehm I'll spare you that looks great. I wonder what that is. Can we just get a tonight on this little walk. So I just want you to bring you in

think we have to have that, don't we Morris? Yeah. Alright. those fries? I wonder what they are. Let's have a look at this. my Christmas carol singing yet but I can't guarantee that out all about it. Oh my god, are we actually tempted for

this. Hi, guys. How are you? Hey, how you doing? Oh my god, little worried about the lighting for this tour but I'm Oh, wow. So, Is it car payment only I wonder? We have to try Ferrell Brewing. I'm assuming it's a craft ale. We'll find what's on the menu? Let's have a look. So we got fondue fries we should really have a little beer already, should we cafe there that kind of it's gorgeous from that angle isn't Maureen? Yeah, I think we'll have a little. Let's have a

market. Now our Christmas playlist will be going up very won't happen in a couple of minutes. After maybe one of up. Now this is on the South Bank and the South Bank you the London Eye and we're going to cover everything Ella myself and Maureen are having nights out. This is these brews. Well we have one of these craft beers Maureen.

be taking you to the Wonderland will be arriving. We might even fabulous. Now not many Christmas trees just yet. It's still a bit early. But that's okay. We love a good Christmas places are busy tonight. There's a lot of people at all between. So instead what we're going to do is eat and drink shortly. We'll be heading to all the different markets. I'll

it? Let's have a look. Oh yeah that really beautiful. It's a even bothered because it's so bright down here. It's sounds smells amazing doesn't it? Don't know what we're Morris but unfortunately the gigs are a bit few and far going to have but here's Wagama. All these fabulous folks and they are booking up pretty quick so I expect I'll Friday night and normally we'd be going to a gig wouldn't we the restaurants. There's foils and of course the that's the invaluable to us because that makes us finances us and make But the other one is inside the South Backness Centre. And we

to remind you that I am available for private tours and the reason I know that is I can smell them. Oh my god it yeah. It is nippy by the river and it's actually funny because and we said we might as well bring you guys with us. So now

drink. I know mull wine is in our future. You're absolutely contributions to YouTube with that thanks button is the lights as well. But we're coming up on some of the stalls at Waterloo and we're going to make our way towards Big Ben but the neon lights are lighting up the Queen's Walk gorgeous Moores? Oh my God look at this folks. So this is one world. Your tips, your contributions, your

sure we can continue these amazing tours. I've also wanted and the Houses of Parliament which are all lit up. But right which runs all way from London Bridge all the way down here to will be familiar with if you've seen our London by night tour this is the first of the Christmas markets that's opened going to be running here through the entire of Christmas amazing neon light structure. This beautiful light

want to say personally thank you most sincerely you amazing may later on after a Mulwana tree head inside there. Now be bringing some of you on nights out around London here of many there's another three light exhibitions taking place. here which is on the South Bank. Now, it's not as busy as people it is like I have one big family from all around the for those of you that are just joining us for the first time. I've just taken off my hat but I want to show you around now let's soak in this stunning atmosphere. Look isn't it around. Um not entirely sure what we're going to eat or

because I want to show you this amazing light sculpture that's just to get started folks. Before we continue I just believe that, right? Absolutely. So right. Oh god This is night time. We're on the South Bank. Now, we arrived turn you around. Okay, ladies and gents and now look at this expected. Um there is some helicopters above us here. Now,

an animal so we'll be back in just a minute. Okay so we're installation is by a chap called David Ogle and it's here on the Queen's Walk right on the south back. Now, let me absolutely amazing. Get excited. It's Guy Folks Night. It's the fifth of November. There's a lot of activity good? Right, ladies and gents, the Christmas markets have too early for Christmas in this city. The place looks

Moores tonight? I don't think there's any touring but I'll our Friday night out. Now, we're not going to tour, are we tell you what we are going to do. Shop, eat, and drink. Sound opened. I am so excited. Do not say it's premature. It's never

nighttime Southbank tour without my best buddy in the Hi, everyone. It's Sinead with Free Tours by Foot London. I world. Say hi, Maureen. So, we're here together. Uh this is have a guest who's with me again. I could not do a Other DJs. Wow. Christmas. Everywhere you've

Christmas. I'm so excited. It's beginning to look a lot like Oh my god, try it. Does this smell good? Smells like

2021-11-14 22:29

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