Simmental SWITZERLAND – Boltigen Jaunpass Oberwil – Europe’s greenest Valley - Bernese Oberland

Simmental SWITZERLAND – Boltigen Jaunpass Oberwil – Europe’s greenest Valley - Bernese Oberland

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hello everyone good morning from the Simmental.  Welcome back to my channel DjemoGraphic. i'm here   at the Jaunpass, almost at the top and i'm waiting  for the sun to rise. it's going to happen within   the next one to two minutes; really excited  for that. i hope there will be great colors   and well... after enjoying the sunrise here i  will go up to the Jaunpass and then i want to   see how the Gastlosen mountains are going to be  illuminated. hopefully with a beautiful red glow.

beautiful, just beautiful... and  also just got to see a glimpse of   the Gastlosen mountains how they look  now being illuminated by the red light.   i think it's really time to go up to the  Jaunpass. now but once more take a look

there's a lot to see in the Simmental. In my last  video about it i showed you the Iffigfall and the   Siebenbrunnen waterfall in Lenk. But now, let's  concentrate more on the things you can do around   Boltigen and Oberwil in the Simmental. Let's start  with the tourism office in Boltigen, the sponsor   of this video. it's located just by the road and  there are surely enough places to park your car.   At the tourism office you can get various  prospects about the attractions that you can visit   in this region. in particular i can recommend  you the brochure for the Simmental home trail,   which shows you the location of the various  masterpieces of the traditional Simmental houses.

then regarding accommodation, i can recommend  you the hotel Simmental, which also is located   in Boltigen. It was my second time i stayed  there. the interior is traditional very cosy,   the food you can eat at the restaurant is  delicious and the owners are very friendly.   All in all, the hotel is very authentic. Boltigen  itself is quite small. as you're roaming around,  

there'll be a couple of interesting houses to see.  a very underrated attraction of the Simmental is   the "Heinz Kunz" bicycle museum in short "HEKU  Velomuseum". in there, you can see plenty of   old bicycles that have been commonly used during  the 18th to 20th century. there are a lot of army   bicycles, a penny farthing or also called high  wheel, a wooden bicycle or plenty of small ones   for the kids. The museum is definitely  fascinating, the collection is very rich   and the owner, Mrs. Kunz is really passionate  about her and her late husbands collection.  

If you want to come here, the museum is open  every month’s first Saturday up from 1 pm   or else, if you contact the owner, she will  be likely be available to show you the museum;   for more details, check the descriptions. The  owner of the museum, she just told me that   basically all bicycles in here they still can  be ridden, which is actually fantastic to hear.   now i would like to talk a little bit about  the wheels. i just mentioned before that back  

in the old days, the bicycles they had wooden  wheels. then, they were putting a metallic ring   around, to make sure that the wheel stays  protected. however, that was very, very shaky   and this wasn't so convenient. So, soon  after, the people they introduced these tires,   which definitely make the ride a lot smoother and  well... that's basically still the standard today   bicycles. They didn't change too much over these  decades, which actually shows that the design has   been pretty good from very early onwards.  And then here, we have a repair station.  

so, you can see our vehicle is mounted to do the  necessary repair works and then on this side,   you can see, here the wheel  is missing. it was taken out   and then the bicycle is ready for repair  and for that, they would use these tools. as next let's proceed to Schwarzenmatt, the pretty  village just above Boltigen. I briefly indicated   earlier that there is a house trail in the  Simmental. In fact one, of the major attractions   of this valley are its traditional houses,  which charm with their beautiful architecture.  

although the village is not part of  the Simmental home trail, there are   many traditional houses up in Schwarzenmatt.  In particular one of them especially unique!   This here is the Brunnenhaus ("Brunnehuus") up in  Schwarzenmatt it's another traditional masterpiece   of the Simmentaler house. interestingly it's  not part of the official house trail here,   in the Simmental, but nevertheless, it's  really worth to come up here to Schwarzenmatt,   especially to take a look at this one. i do have to say, the village  up here is really fantastic.   it's so quiet, full of traditional homes...  this one here, then somewhere up there are also  

Simmentaler cattles. you can hear the bells...  really great mood! it's very very calm   and it's also very raw, which is probably  something you may mainly know from the   postcards of switzerland. well... these were  mostly taken in landscapes like this one here. and now, let's head back up to the Jaunpass  and take a look how the local cheese is being   produced. i'm now here at the cheese factory  on the Jaunpass... and next to me is Mike.   he's a cheese maker and he's going to show me  a little bit how the cheese is being produced   up here. myself, i've never seen it in live  from very close, but yeah, really excited so he's working here since june 2021,  but he has been producing cheese since   six years. Alright, sounds  exciting! let's go to the inside! it's a long process that starts  with heating and stirring the milk,   until a thick mass starts to develop. the thick  mass is then separated from the liquid phase,  

then shaping it into the  typically round cheese form.   afterwards, the cheeses are put into  a salt bath and further infused with   salt before they are stored at cool  temperatures to let them mature.   okay the cheese is stored for two months up there  and for at least five more at a different place.   during this process, the cheese  eventually develops its taste. the next attraction that i'm going to show you  is something that is very suitable for families.  

it's a forest park with lots of  smaller attractions for the kids this place is really cool! so,  it's really for kids apparently...   but well... myself sometimes i  like to be again a kid and well... yeah, the forest is full of playgrounds like  this, which is really cool. if you come up here   with your family and kids i'm sure,  they're going to enjoy very much. now i'm trying this short zip line. now let's head down to Oberwil im Simmental.  there are a couple of more attractions to  

experience over there. on your way from  Boltigen to Oberwil, you may consider getting   a glimpse of the Simmental house trail.  in total this trail comprises 39 houses.   very interesting are the houses number 21 and  22. they're both masterpieces of wood carpeting.   and very nice are also the paintings. At Oberwil  itself, you should take a look at the Vennerhaus,   indicated by number 26 on the home trail map.  among all the houses i've seen, so far, this one   is my very favorite. impressive is definitely  its large size and once again the paintings.  

further uphill, when following this road, you will  arrive at the suspension bridge called Hängebrücke   Leiternweide. For the last bit, which is about one  kilometer long, you will have to walk as cars are   not allowed to pass. the suspension bridge is very  thrilling, the canyon very deep and i can promise   you that most likely you'll be alone in here. this  is the suspension bridge Leiternweide. It leads  

you to the Weissenburgbad, which is a historic  building. and from here, it's just 17 minutes   crossing a very deep canyon. really curious how  it's going to be. looks very promising. Let's go! wow! it's very beautiful. the canyon is very deep  and narrow, but great view over there as well as   to this side. it's very enjoyable up here.  i'm all alone and i think this attraction is   really not known by many people. good, so now  let's proceed to the Weissenburgbad that i'm  

really excited to see it and after that,  i'm going to take you to the cave track. now down in the canyon feels...  very cooling it's very tall. this is quite a discovery. i'm all alone  and i really have no idea how beautiful   it's going to be down here. maybe  you can even come here for a swim.   i guess the water is very cold, but wow... it's  so serene. let's check the water temperature.

it's quite cold. i would say very  comparable to the Verzasca Valley,   but the serenity divides down here.   wow! i've been overusing this word, but i  do have to say it's really breathtaking! these here are the remnants of the former  Weissenburgbad. it used to be a very,   very beautiful hotel. so sad that they have  demolished it. It looked very beautiful.  

i would say, i mean it's architecture it  was comparable to the hotel Giessbach.   so take a look: this was the first version  and unfortunately it burned down in 1898.   then, they have built a new  one. unfortunately also that one   has been demolished because i think business  didn't go so well and what i read is that   World War 1 and 2 have been very bad for tourism.  i think that has caused a huge financial crisis   and most likely led to the abandonment  of this hotel and then the demolition. well if you have been following me on  YouTube so far, then, you would know   that i really value traditions, old houses,  old hotels... i really love classy stuff  

and now you just have this part remaining... but nevertheless, the hike down to the canyon...  wow! it was fantastic and i hope maybe someday   they will come up with something better. maybe  again a new hotel who knows, or something smaller. let's see what the future brings. there are also  the prehistoric caves that Oberwil that can be   visited, a spot at which i can assure you're  going to encounter very few people. it's best   to arrive up here by bicycle, in order to save  some of your time. there are four caves to visit.  

one of them is very large and you can  even go inside. here we are at the first   cave (Mamilchloch). looking forward  to climb up, looks really interesting. interesting... now i'm at the beginning  of the cave and well... important to  

know there is a shelter. so just turn it to  the right and then the lights will turn on. that's definitely adventurous and it's quite  slippery. so make sure, you bring good shoes!   hold yourself tight to the  rope and otherwise enjoy. don't stay for too long. it's just fine if you  stay for a short while. but i think 10 minutes  

in each cave is totally fine. now, let's head to  the next one. Then, there are three smaller ones:   The Schnurreloch, Zwärgliloch and this  one here, where you can have a barbeque. whatever order you prefer to visit all of  these attractions, i'll leave it up to you.   i suggest you to visit nearby attractions, in  order to travel efficient. For finishing your day   or even visit to the Simmental, i highly recommend  to go to this spot, which is almost the top of the   Jaunpass. From there, if the weather permits,  you will be able to watch a beautiful sunset.  

The sunset is almost over. you can see some  very little remaining glow at the mountains.   i had a fantastic day here in the Simmental.  many things to see and now sealing up this day   with this nice sunset was very nice. so, that's  the end of this video. i hope you've enjoyed   watching. it if you did, please give this video a  LIKE, leave a comment, share it to your friends,  

it would be really awesome! also if you're new  to this channel, then you most welcome subscribe.   i really appreciate that. So that's it from my  side, we're going to see each other very soon!

2021-10-31 17:53

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