short long final

short long final

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do you have walking shoes they're in glasgow what are you what shoes are you gonna use i've got traders yeah i know obviously getting off to a better start would have been good but i think it wouldn't have been wouldn't have been [Laughter] in summer we did a bike trip from yeah fort william to glasgow with almost no preparation i had uh i remember i had no lights on my bike and you were being a dick about it and you you were saying if you don't buy lights then i'm not going we're supposed to start 8am and we didn't leave for william until 4pm yeah that was like just after the restrictions were lifted for the first time yeah and off day one how are you feeling my original plan was to walk the west side of the way through glencoe i think there's something about like the physical difficulty of something even if you're not having fun at the time which i think almost all the time we are in retrospect it's just such a like fulfilling experience you know you've done something like that in a weird way it's like i suffered i suffered i suffered i can now i now deserve to be happy for having suffered like when we were lying out beside the lock and the tent was obviously soaking wet and moldy and we couldn't go into the bathy it was cool and then at 4am it started raining yeah and we like didn't have any shelter we didn't have any light it was five like five hour walk not five hour walk like an hour and it was just so [ __ ] but that that that made us feel so good when we got in the car and i stripped off my boxes and started crying but they're supposed to cross the road back there [Music] i feel like that was a point for me where i was like i became aware of my own physical ability at that point that i wasn't necessarily aware of because obviously when we were younger we did loads of like physical stuff yeah we always used to go do like skating and like climbing and like gymnastics in the park and stuff like that and then just like slowly growing older like i didn't realize how much i wasn't able to do that until i walked that four miles and was like oh my god like uh-oh yeah after that i think we maybe you were running a bit before that i think i started running after that yeah i'm definitely way fitter than i was then i'd be like running a lot and uh i've been doing some walks to prepare for our work that we're about to start today yeah and just overall like uh it's kind of like a cliche but healthy body healthy mind that really is a thing yeah that exists does that exist like i've definitely felt a lot better since because i was feeling really [ __ ] i mean yeah me too oh okay no here it is there's some kids i've been up here the castle is ours i think that when the lockdown came in um initially i was scared yeah and then i was like for me actually this feels really good i'm into it and then like somewhere in the middle like i was like oh no i'm not doing this anymore yeah yeah but i didn't realize i wasn't into it i was just like i don't feel good anymore what's up with that why don't i feel good anywhere it's like oh well i'll just yeah i'll just keep not thinking about it and then like yeah i don't know yeah i think for me it was like well obviously when lockdown was first announced in back in february of march it was like a three-week thing yeah it was like let's all stay inside for three weeks and then it'll be back to normal we can all go back outside man jonah do you wanna swap shoes and then i'll put on your shoes and then you put on my shoes and then we'll walk to the bottom of this hill no so you'll walk a mile in my shoes and i think i was like sweet like three weeks of staying inside that will be an excuse for me not to do anything i couldn't relax for three yeah but then six months later i'd not done anything for six months i felt so useless like i felt like i had no purpose and i was staying on my parents as well and i think my stepdad was being a bit of an [ __ ] about it saying i was completely born idol which i probably was but i felt like i had nothing to do yeah and like i think so many people are in the country had the same kind of thing where just not doing anything makes you feel bad yeah and that's why us doing those things even though they're not particularly for anything other than to do them themselves make you feel good do dance because there's a um say i want to run a marathon tomorrow in chinese you're gonna see marathon yeah i quite like setting up for the sunset uh i think they've seen the sunset isn't it yeah not walking home for it because i just said it's always better when you have the feeling of like completion or something like you're like oh the sun's set another day gone another another triumph another victory yeah so we have nothing to we have nothing to do be victorious for it also it's like someone to look forward to as well that sound i've noticed it's like i've been really looking forward to doing this trip yeah that's been like the thing i've been looking forward to that sort of like like when i felt a bit like stagnant like sitting there like not doing anything you'd be like well i know i'm not doing anything now but i know i've got like a really big cool thing that's like arm they don't have to go come back i think like i was i i don't remember but i think i was pushing back so hard against any change like you kept floating the idea of oh maybe like right the restrictions might go like become heavier and they might not be able to do it from barrack upon three to green i was like listen hearing a little [ __ ] we're doing it from bearing upon tweeting and we're doing it on the third and you were like maybe we should do it on the fourth or fifth to like give me some more time to we're doing it on the third bud we're doing on the third yeah so obviously i was so mad to have to have to give in and give up the route anyway yeah but i feel it feels good that we're still doing something yeah and if anything it's like it's gonna be much easier because yeah sleeping a warm bed that is going to be easier but part of me is annoying a bit probably wants a bit more of a struggle i mean that was that was a lot of the struggle sleeping in a tent for midges yeah the original the original rate before if you remember before barrick upon tweet to green egg was the cycle route yeah we were gonna walk it yeah but obviously that the cycle route goes through glenn cole parts of which don't have signal parts of which are two thousand meters of altitude where the snow would be six feet deep we'd have no signal in the middle of january in negative six degrees and we're both idiots we've been nothing nothing of what nothing you know nothing of what i know nothing before we were definitely gonna do it until the absolute last second when we really like researched it and we're like it's gonna get to like negative 10. we're gonna freeze today and i couldn't even when we were camping on our cycle yeah and we on the first night i think we stayed at that like camping bit like with the glencoe or the campsite yeah uh and that was probably like i don't know that was probably like eight or nine degrees or like seven eight nine degrees and i started stripping off at one point and you thought i had hypothermia yeah and that was 20 degrees warmer than what it would have been incredible over the years my opinion has slowly been changing towards being able to walk more like in high school it was like walk everywhere because that's the only option i don't have a car and there are no buses in it but um then it started and you need to go into like not being able to walk anywhere because everything was so close and convenient you know it's going back away but i'm feeling good [Music] i'm feeling sexy but by the way i'm feeling good today we're going to the beach which is going to be tough because obviously it's so cold and the coast is going to be even colder i remember you were so sick of living with your parents so you went back to where we camped that first time and cabbed by yourself oh god that yeah the memory for that is so strong actually yeah like i felt like i absolutely couldn't be at home anymore with my parents it was just really tricky i think i ended up camping by a lot of women actually that's what this is all about i think is it like in that moment right and in that moment there you were like i feel so stuck in this place and i want to i want to solve it and the way that you chose to do that was to go on like this big journey yeah like create like this expedition for yourself it's like it's almost like a ritual it's like some kind of like like quest to like find something and like i think that that's that's something that we've begun doing ever since that point absolutely yeah it's just a good habit that we've put into even like even that's like on a larger scale like i feel so [ __ ] i'm gonna go away and like literally sleep in my car just because it's something to do yeah it's something big to do but like even on just a smaller thing it's like maybe you wake up at like 11 a.m you've had a bit of a long lie you feel a bit [ __ ] like i'd probably go for a run i'd probably go for a 5k run there yes i never would have done that before and you get back from your 5k run not even been an hour and you've showered and everything and you feel so much better and then you can go and do stuff you ready yeah good yeah like just the healthy habits that we've got ourselves into yeah is also like just one of the great impacts i think there's is there any negative to what we've what we've started doing these adventures do you think that you can think of um i remember i i did push it too too hard like a few months ago oh yeah i was i was because we were getting until into doing triathlons and i just like i don't care if this is gonna hurt i'm just gonna push past it and like maybe it'll be injured for like a week or two weeks or whatever the achievement and the absolute like goal of completing it will be so much better than and so worth like having to rest rages and then manny's been really sore ever since i absolutely like also like shaking for three days yeah yeah no that was maybe the only negative ever felt but that that came from pushing it too hard yeah yeah totally yeah which hopefully we're not going to do what we're going to do i don't think i don't think i don't think the walk is going to be too hard obviously i constantly overestimate my ability overestimated durability the original plan the original cycle i wanted to extend to dublin sometimes when i go to a place i'll imagine myself coming back there when i'm like 70 or 80 years old and what the place might look like like i reckon this won't be here when i'm 70. it's important for us to push our boundaries because that's where we've got the most benefit from pushing that and like getting ourselves out of like ruts and getting ourselves out of feeling stuck by achieving like the biggest thing of something that we've done like when we die that cycle it's the biggest cycle we've ever done yeah you know i mean i think that there's starting then doing the most of something you've ever done and that feeling is like a really unique feeling that's really exciting but also making sure you're not like pushing it like doing way too much that you're just injured and then can't do anything how's your toe all right uh i think so looks like it's got a lot of pressure in it i think it may be that when i dunted it there it's swole up and then the blood can't get out of it that's what it feels like all right aspect of us doing it together is like so usually 160 mile cycle you'd have a kind of ship time while you're doing it because it's really hard and then you'd look back and you'd be you feel more fulfilled your mental health will be better but we're not even having the [ __ ] time like we're having we're both just like vibing each other and having good times so we're having a great time while we're doing it and then also in retrospect afterwards you know our mental health is better our physical health better explaining the perception that people have of time and the different kind of uh the different structures there are so the first one is short long where when you when you're experiencing the time it feels like it's going by very quickly and then afterwards when you're recalling in the future in retrospect it feels very long that generally occurs when you're having like a fun day out with friends and lots of stuff happening it's like it feels like a wizard's buy but the next year you might still recall that day and you can recall quite a few events that happen the other one is long shot where let's say you're on a you know five hour bus ride with no wi-fi it feels like it's going by so slowly dragging on a long time when you look back on it it's just a blip because nothing happened there's nothing to remember but there's a new kind of time short short which usually happens when people are like binging netflix series where it feels like it goes by really quick at the time you're like oh i've watched like a whole season of the crown already and then also when you look at retrospect it was also short so you don't really remember any specific events happening during that time that's a short short time frame my initial thought was it's the first word will be long because it's a like we're doing a long boring walk but actually it could be argued that it's short because we're hanging out with each other we're talking the whole time okay it's kind of short long so short as in it's short as it's going by and in retrospect it'll feel like a long amount of time because it's a lot of stuff happened and you can see that for a second time a lot of stuff happened this week right yeah yeah a lot of stuff did happen this week so that's what that's what the signs are along is the amount of memorable things that happen in a period of time if you're if you're just you're just like sitting in a room by yourself for a whole day that's very long as it goes and short and riches because nothing happened so we're i think for i think you're right what we're doing now is short long and what you'll be doing in the room will be long short because that'll be the opposite of this where it's like there will be no good memories that i can recall i'll just remember the same yeah it'll just be one memory of our long boring walk but while it's happening it'll feel so long obviously because nothing's happening this one's definitely i mean i've not done it yet but this one definitely sounds like the better one what are you thinking about man no just art and uh why are you really thinking about it uh i was just thinking about chinese stuff just how cool this looks it's like i feel like i feel like there's no way this will look good on film but it looks absolutely incredible you can't see anything i know that's what i'm saying it looks absolutely incredible i like the water the water is cool also like you can hear the water being like sucked into the cracks and stones like listen to that listen to those bubbles like rising up in the storms that's such a unique you don't hear that anywhere else is it's been sourcing social terminal actually before open terminal it's only really bad when we're walking up hills and there's a big hill right in front of us it's really it's it's actually sort of flat as well but the hills are even worse i don't know if i can my achilles is really sore so i'm leaning right back and the jack's pushing me up the hill here go making my feet flat against the tarmac and it's actually really nice because it takes the pressure off how is it for you jack yeah it's quite hard it's kind of like walking up a hill but with all of your weight on something walking up a helmet twice yeah this is the last day how are you feeling excited uh proud accomplished over there but i missed my universal credit card see when lockdown started i was drinking a lot were you yeah yeah think about it as weird because i was like oh maybe i'll get into like tasting wine as my like thing that i'll do over lockdown jason wayne like i wasn't tasting weight i was getting the same like merlot but i was like drinking it i was like maybe i'll have like a glass of wine before bed that's like sophisticated i was having a bottle of wine every day that was also part of the reason i started like running is like i feel like i really got to this point where i was like i need to change something drastically because right now i feel bad well drinking's bad right drink is bad but walking's truly good yeah surely walking's good and it is good it is it's not a lie it's good it's like it's like it's like um setting time aside to like do something positive that's like i don't know it's like you have to set time aside to do it so [Music] [Music] uh what do you think about looking over here and seeing seeing all the places that we've walked over there and you can like see like the meadows over here we were walking earlier today and like the castle and we made it all out to see that like strip lights all over there like yeah way out there all the way over there remember when i had so much work to do like if you are using it as a skateboard at first maybe you have so much work to do and you're just walking instead maybe that doesn't seem like such a good thing at the time but also it coincides with just an increase in productivity like you're walking you're walking like a lot of stuff and not doing the work you're supposed to follow but then when you're not walking and you're at you're flat you're more likely to be doing your work just because you're building healthy habits yeah and like yeah you're obviously feeling better mentally physically you're building healthy habits so you're actually even though you're escaping your work to do walking that also ends up making you do your work yes and i have been doing more work and you have to yeah no i think i think that it's definitely been the most positive change i can name in my life i don't think there's been any change i've made in my life that's been more positive than like doing this kind of stuff streets in all of edinburgh i feel like i've actually really enjoyed walking the city because i know a lot of people say walk in the city isn't that great and they prefer to be walking in like the countryside or the hills or something but um i think just in the city you see so much going on like you see so many different people doing different things and like edinburgh of course is just like a lovely lovely city to walk around i feel like i found an appreciation for edinburgh that i didn't have before i think especially when we're going up like colton hill and like arthur's seat and like being up at the castle it was like all these spots just like there was a times where i were viewed and seen the skyline of the city and been like wow i've never noticed how beautiful edinburgh actually is until until we've spent literally every week in second walking okay i think we're getting pretty close so when we get to 7.26 the whole thing will have added up to 100 miles that's so crazy that number at the bottom i feel like today i haven't felt that that was gonna be true but it really is so true yeah like that will be a hundred miles yeah within a single five mile radius here that's so wild how do you feel yeah it feels like such an accomplishment i think yeah so 7.24 thank you

it would be better if it set up look let's go 100 miles let me get you how do you feel then tired tired my legs are sore my spirit is broken yeah we did it that's a 200 miler baby 200 miles no 100 miles 100 miles man 100 miles my knee hurts my achilles tendon is torn into two bits my big toe is blood blood blood but it's all worth it i've been really i really enjoyed doing it all with human thanks man i wouldn't do it with anyone else either jack i didn't say it wouldn't do anyone else like my other pals were like yeah cool yeah man we should definitely set off in this walk yeah i think we should get started yeah it's definitely too late okay hey should i stop it yeah okay

2021-04-02 00:49

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