SHOPPING THE WATERLOOPLEIN MARKET | Exploring Amsterdam | Antique Shopping | We Found A KEEPER!

SHOPPING THE WATERLOOPLEIN MARKET | Exploring Amsterdam | Antique Shopping | We Found A KEEPER!

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today is a very exciting day because we are headed  out the door and we are off on another adventure   and we are going to be taking you with us we are  headed to Marrakech Morocco to join up in our very   first Group Travel trip ever on our way we are  going to be stopping in Amsterdam for two days   we are gonna go antique shopping we are going  to go to a very famous flea market in Amsterdam   and of course we're gonna have some great food  and explore the city let the adventure begin we have arrived here in Amsterdam and we are going  to have a day and a half of Adventures first we're   gonna go walk the streets and along the canal  we're gonna go on an evening boat tour of the   city we're gonna have some traditional Dutch food  also some Indonesian food because we've been told   that they have very good authentic Indonesian  food here we are excited for you to join us on   this adventure here in Amsterdam before we  head off to Marrakech Morocco in two days we stayed at the Florian hotel which  is very close to the airport just a   few minutes away and we loved this hotel the  staff was incredibly nice the design is just   beautiful and I highly recommend getting the  breakfast in the morning it was perfect for   us to be able to eat that breakfast  and then just get started on our day foreign we are starting off our morning at one of  the oldest and most famous flea markets in   Amsterdam the waterlop line I hope that I am  saying that correct now I actually came to   this flea market here in Amsterdam all the  way back in 2009 but I was traveling with a   backpack staying at youth hostels and I had no  room to bring Treasures home with me so this   time around we've got a little bit of space  in our luggage and we are hoping to find a   few vintage souvenirs to take home with us this  Market is open every day of the week except for   Sundays the market starts at 9 30 a.m and goes  until six o'clock P.M I found this beautiful   sundress for only 10 euro and it says on the  tag that it is a Ted Baker dress which I know   they sell for several hundred dollars online  I'm not positive this is authentic but the   quality feels really good and it has such a  fun pattern on it for 10 euros I'm not going   to pass this up this Market has a huge selection  of second-hand clothing and the pricing is really   good the majority of the clothes are between  5 and 10 euro they even have piles with items   for only a Euro each I was in leather coat  Heaven just looking at all of the options if you love treasure hunting like we  do these types of markets are the best   places to get souvenirs to bring home for  your friends and family you might be able   to find an actual historical treasure at  a market like this versus buying something   cheap and plastic that was probably not  even made in Amsterdam in a lot of the   different shops and the large squares and  these kinds of markets are just fun to go   to to browse even if you're not looking  to bring home a lot of treasures foreign it's the oldest thing he has on the table and he's  had it out for three days and nobody bought it   apparently now collect locks on our trips it's got two keys he said they both  work too 15 Euro he wouldn't come   down on the price but you know what  for 15 euros guys we're gonna get it 19.06. 1906. wow it's gorgeous these are fantastic they're very heavy though  the real deal cast probably bronze 30 each   no way we're bringing this on this on the  luggage huh and there's even a pair look at that this is a tagine we've been watching videos  about Morocco learning what we're going to   experience there and this is the tagine  that they cook the food in so the steam   I believe comes out this hole sometimes I  think there might be a hole here in the top   all the food in there and cook a yummy stew  we're very excited to have some tagine in Morocco foreign I got this entire set of vintage ceremonial  wedding spoons I love pewter and I thought   they were really cute how they had the guy and  the girl at the top of them I looked them up   online and it looks like they are possibly  Dutch or maybe even German and I got the   entire set for only 10 euros and it looks  like they do sell online for over a hundred   dollars a spoon which is kind of crazy I  think I got a really good deal on these Jesse and I always have so much fun when we're  out treasure hunting often we are just looking   at items and learning things about them one way to  learn more about vintage and antiques is to always   look for stamps and things that you can research  and learn more about the item the other thing that   I really advise doing is talking to the vendors  not every single vendor knows everything about   all of the items that they are selling I find that  even if the vendors don't know the actual history   of the item they usually have a really good  story to tell about finding some of the items   foreign I love everything about the process  of buying and selling vintage items and it's   just super fun to get to talk to people  in other countries and learn more about   their experiences and what it's like to  be a vintage seller here in Amsterdam look at these chairs they're kind of fun   a little wild they're a little Halloween but man  I could I could totally have fun styling those up they're the only thing the only accent like  that it works if you do your whole house   it's not gonna work that's a great little  tree hook it's amazing very little store picture how precious is this cheese pepper wild garlic chili onion they have  pesto cheese I've never had pesto cheese before you like to cry also this is the farmers yeah only   this one is pasteurized and  that one is made to grow milk thank you so much thank you foreign I want to thank base for sponsoring today's  video base was created by actress Shea Mitchell   to create sleek and affordable bags luggage and  accessories that are designed to help you travel   effortlessly while still looking fashionable  one of the best features of the luggage is   that it has three 60 degree gliding wheels  and when I am packing mindful of vintage it   gets very heavy very quickly so the cushioned  handle and the built-in weight indicator are   everything to me and I am not the only one who  agrees this is amazing luggage base has over 30   000 five-star reviews so whether you are just  headed to the beach for the weekend with some   family or friends or you are headed across the  world on an adventure base has your personal items   covered traveling is such a huge part part of my  life it is definitely my greatest passion There   is almost nothing worse and I have experienced  this than dragging a terrible piece of luggage   through the cobblestone streets of Italy with  wheels literally breaking off as you go as soon   as we got back from our European Adventures this  spring the first thing that we did was invest in   base luggage and it has made all of the rest of  our travels this year so much smoother there are   so many different storage areas that I can just  tuck Treasures in everywhere it's actually fun   when I get home to unpack because I'm pulling  jewelry out of that pocket I'm rolling brass   candle holders out of that pocket I know  that that is not what all of these Pockets   were intended for initially but I will say that  the space luggage is perfect for filling up with   treasures all across the globe and bringing them  home in one piece head to Left   Coast to save 15 off your purchase thanks again  to base for sponsoring today's video foreign you think it still opens this is what I want   around my house I want to moat and  a drawbridge that would be amazing foreign Portland IA after the market we stopped at a few vintage  stores that YouTube subscribers had suggested   I also did a poll on Instagram and I was super  grateful that everyone told me about this store   antique Centrum this is a massive antique  store that has everything from high-end   vendors to sections in the back of the store  that have items on sale they have hundreds   of vendors and it is absolutely worth a stop  if you are coming to go antique shopping in   Amsterdam look at this blue cat decanter  it says empoli Italy oh my gosh she's so   cute I told Jesse to pick me up Sunny's and he  picked out this pair in the front I think those   are a little too wild I like the ones that are  made for like writing on a motorbike over there look at all this jewelry a lot of  these only have like 10 euro on them two seconds ago I said I needed to  find a Potosi for a decent price   and that the toasty for a decent price foreign foreign pie this tall one back here is only 27  Euro yeah really good price a lot of these   it's not all of them oh yeah 45 Euros and over here there's the  set of faces that I think are just   so fantastic for all four of them it's 95  but you can buy them individually as well   I think 95 for all of that it's a really good deal 12.50 for the small ones 32.50  for the large I actually like  

yeah are you thinking the one that has  a little knob yeah that one's only 15   euros that's really neat so that's  fine can't say that one huh mobach thank you foreign foreign decision but we went ahead and decided to  get this one that we saw first it looks a   little bit older and I just like this  one and Jesse likes this one so we're   gonna go for it we were hoping to find a  good souvenir that we could keep in our   home that we would always think of our trip  to Amsterdam every time we saw it and the   beautiful betosi picture was the perfect  addition to our collection back at home after a wonderful day at the market and antique  shopping throughout the town we were ready to   just walk around and sightsee I love to make sure  that my day is not completely packed full with   plans Sometimes the best moments are the unplanned  moments and we both love to people watch and let   me tell you Amsterdam is a great place to just get  a seat have a drink and watch all of the people foreign our goal today was to find an  Indonesian restaurant so that   we could try some traditional Indonesian  food we have a lot of amazing food back home   but we don't have a lot of Indonesian  restaurants so when we found out that   Amsterdam was known for having great  Indonesian food we got very excited I did not know we ordered a feast this is  amazing I'm so glad we didn't eat lunch this   is the surrender and this is but um okay like  a crushed peanut yeah okay wonderful thank you   so much we will this is what we get for blindly  ordering we got ourselves a feast it was 31 per   person for all of this food but the good news  is that we did not eat lunch today we skipped   lunch and we are super hungry okay it's hungry I'm  not this hungry you were right but we are hungry our plates are full and we've like hardly  made it done so I would highly recommend   sharing this with three or four people  so this is a set menu and it was just   for two people serving size we're kind  of uh a little bit overwhelmed here   yeah how good this looks it looks  amazing I haven't even tried a bite yet foreign there is no better way to see a city than  from the water I highly recommend booking   a boat tour they can be a little bit touristy  but in my opinion it is all about how you view   things and the way that you open yourself up to  experiences we had so much fun on our Amsterdam   Canal tour and we ended up sitting next to  a family from California and we had such a   great time chatting with them and getting to  hear stories of their travels one of the most   important pieces of advice that I could give  to anyone wanting to get out there and explore   and see the world and see new cities is to  be open to other people the more that you   talk with locals and the more you talk with  other Travelers the better your experience is   gonna be I promise you life is simply just  better when you share it with other people so if you look around you guys knowing  the difference between the others this is the most expensive hotel in Amsterdam  the Waldorf and it goes all the way down to the   very end all the way to here and it took them 25  years to purchase all of these buildings and it   cost them 70 million dollars to do it it's the  cheapest room in there is 700 a night insane that is the tiniest car I've  ever seen look how cute it is wait what that's the house right there that's  funny it's a closet it's cute I would live in it foreign I am half Dutch but I have not grown up eating a  lot of Dutch food and we couldn't leave Amsterdam   without trying some traditional Dutch food  so I told Jesse we had to go to the pantry   I was here a few years ago with some other  family members and I remember the food being   so good I recommend getting menu number two  my favorite thing are the Dutch goat cheese   Croquettes they are so warm and delicious  and creamy they are absolutely amazing in the mashed potatoes with curry sauce for dessert the little mini pancakes  are served with butter and powdered   sugar I am not a huge sweets  person and these are just the   perfect balance of the warm pancake with a  salty butter and the powdered sugar on top thank you dude we've always thought that  Portland had a ton of bikes   check this out this is like a park  and ride all of that over there are   bikes those are all bikes thousands and  thousands of bikes everywhere I love it foreign for Amsterdam we'll see you guys in the next  episode things do not always go as you have   planned and traveling in these times right now  means you are at a lot higher risk of missing   a flight unfortunately due to delays in Amsterdam  we ended up missing our connecting flight in Paris   to get to Morocco I'm not gonna lie I totally  cried in the airport I have never done that I   don't really cry in public and we ended up  running as fast as we could all through the   Paris airport to get to our gate and as we ran  up I kid you not they were detaching the jet   way and the plane just taxied off without us  it was the most devastating thing I have ever   experienced it was like all the emotion of  traveling and being jet-lagged just hit me   all at once and I just lost it in the airport  I had to walk away and I went and just cried   for like 20 minutes just knowing that we were  gonna miss the greeting dinner where everybody   gets together and meets each other for the first  time I was so scared that we were gonna walk into   this trip in Morocco and we were going to be  like this like third wheel like who are those   people they're not part of the original group  but sometimes things are out of your control   and there's nothing you can do so we got checked  into our hotel right by the airport we immediately   got in a taxi and we got ourselves on a boat  tour and watched Sunset over Paris and it was   beautiful and magical and you know what we've  sure made the best of it it was a great night thank you thank you that is dedication for the shot  so that wraps up our adventures   in Amsterdam and an unexpected  adventure in Paris and now we   are on our way to Morocco and I will  see all of you in that Adventure next

2022-11-20 06:14

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