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Yes. This. Is a story about Saudi, people not. Saudi politics. These. Are my first steps out of the hotel got a set feel a little out of place, it's. Hot, it's. A, different, world and I'm super, pumped. It didn't necessarily fit, in but wouldn't be the first time it's. A, car, city I'm gathering first, impressions. Taxi. Guys are honking. There's. No way to cross this street I'm trying to get over this thing to the shady side. And. That's he cross the street in reality. I was, just walking by one of these shops and I asked these, guys to. Use the bathroom, and they dropped me and I used the bathroom and then they sat. Me down for tea and dates. Super. Nice guys very hospitable, but I'm not at the point yet to. Just, run. The camera on that stuff and so what. I'm feeling so far and it's just a feeling that, putting. The camera on things is a little more difficult. Then. Say some other places have been the, first 24, hours in, a. Radically. Different culture. Are. Interesting, because your mind is. Your. Mind is just processing. All this new information, things. Are laid out different, they look different, they taste different and so. I, love. That that little window that first 24 hours because after that things. Start to normalize, and. You. Know you're somewhat used to it but, right now I'm in that mode of yeah. I don't know what the hell is going on and, it's. Pretty cool it's. The unknown for, sure. I. Will. Say the other way I take a salary money there. We go good. Money I are. Good, son, be good and, not bad no better, than Dubai I better, than the wise idea okay. Better. Money here okay. Sir. Can you open the door Thanks. First. Solo right yeah okay. Yeah five times a day. Cool. Thanks very much I return. Super-interesting. Starbucks experience, so. He. Locked the door they did that five times a day at 4:00 salats which is the prayer time behind. Me to, the to the on the other side was the womans, at Starbucks, and they, were completely, separated. I don't, know who this guy is but he's. Fired up. Whatever. Salamualikum'. Wonderful. USA. Oh I. Shall Riyadh yeah this is first time first. Time man first, day, Thursday, yes when. You come. Do. I want to ride with you yeah yeah, bro let's. Do it be very very interesting, so far. What's, your name. Mohammed, Peter. Oh I'm. Going to put this here vomit, yes okay. Nice, car nice car Mohammed. Man, I'm on a different planet right now but I like it, what's, it learning no planet, it's, only a hundred degrees so what's that forty what is it 40 Celsius. Yeah. No, 59. Dude, your country, is. Really. Grow it yeah, it, feels like beautiful. Oh. That's, Kingdom tower, do. You think it's a dangerous, city at all no not, at all. It's, like very little crime. 15. You would see now the police car if you win right, woman, are driving that started a year ago right, maybe. Okay. Everything's. Changed. Alfonso, dream is to me how. Do people feel about that. Depend, to obviously. Really. They. Won't. So. It's exciting, time. - besotted, young, Saudi inserting. Time. That's, cool you guys are all about Starbucks, man because we need his tongue Jesus. You have another soda. Cool so, called astir bucks I feel like it's Southern. California. Meets the Islamic, world. Something. Like that and. You will see that. The tendon, comes. And show you the knowledge, that's, trending. Yeah. Yeah, show, me the trending mail let's go. Okay. This, is South. Park. So, what I'm sitting in my vault, now. At two hours of being out in the streets what I'm seeing here in the. Ton. Of development. Right a lot of new development. A lot of new businesses, and. So. Here's a crazy stat I think I'm right on this one but it's. 50%. Of the Saudi population. Is under the age which, is 25, and, younger. Yeah. Where are we going. Okay. - surprise, cool. Mohamed's, a true, class. Guy. It's. Got a lot of class. So, feel first ever. Wow. So, tell me about this still Mohammed what's, the what's the story with cinemas.

That, She about how long ago where cinemas. Allowed here. So. In the last two years this, is something new people can go to the movie theater. Have. No no we are making food, sources. Its, men. Go or just met. Many. Woman. Do you sit in separate sites that right now. So. This is the completed, version right, and, what. Is this what, is this neighborhood called. King. Abdullah what business, owner. Young. Buck. Riyadh, park mom yeah you. Guys love your malls yeah, taking, video like this is okay right. No. Headscarf, the. Woman has no know when. Did when did that start. Two. Years. But. Some woman it's it's it's, legal, for them to walk around with aids. What. Muhammad was telling me is it's all about the malls here. When. Saudis have time off you, want to hang out a lot. Of them hang out and malls. And I'm not a mall guy but I gotta say this one's pretty nice it, was given strict, instructions from. Mohammed, not to video. Any of the woman, so. Sorry. We don't have any close-ups, let's say. Usually. That's always a touchy thing anyways putting a camera so it's face I don't enjoy it, but, when there's a moment, and there you, sort of get that nonverbal, go, ahead well. That's what makes the videos interesting so. It's. Touch and go every, culture is different so in Saudi right now a little bit like. Feeling. My. Feeling. My ground let's say, hey. So long, hello. Good, brother. Salaam. I don't, know anything. Then. Here limited, time but from my first impressions. It's one of these places that's, definitely. Arising. At. Least. In Riyadh at least in the capital city. Mohamad. You just moved back from the. Yeah yeah, like. A month ago no two. Weeks ago and. You're saying you have like a bunch of tats, on your arms in two years ago you would have been in prison for that yes, and, now now, I'm, do. Whatever I want and, it, changes. And. This is this is your wife my. Girlfriend, here you go family how, about one. Month. Okay. Two years ago could you do this I can't I can't, chill out of my girl so. That's. Why I'm here they. Still same I would be a new king I wouldn't come back but, now, you like, it much better than yeah now I like my country I feel. Like. We. Are staying. You. Guys stay in a hotel and no problem with the hotel owner okay. This is just in Riyadh right, like in the countryside is different, yeah good we open dude lets me and freedom the freedom yes. And. This is. Peace. Is. My, treatment piece that's. What they want of my life, love and peace yeah. And. Poppi's. -, three years ago did. They, force you to go to the mosque if, you don't they, take you to the police department, and.

They They cut your hair, really. Yeah I feel, like I was living, with Isis, here, Isis. Rules but. Now now as. You like it already if you'll be Christian, if you want to be Biskind they, don't care but, how does that change in two years two. Years a change that occurred because of the boa, Mohammed. Bin Salman really. He's, really boy, and. Most, people are cool with this these changes yeah, the, majority of them they accepted. Religious. People who never gonna change so. Five times a day the Sharks they get five fans a baby goes for, a lot for hello twenty minutes fifteen minutes okay. Even. And. Most of them they don't rate I don't know why they close my, head is spinning, I think, there's so much information, yeah, because you're gonna surprise, me so I'm, going to yeah I have. For four hours. No. We can do this now like. Two years ago we can't I'm. Hold each other in the world and my girlfriend, if. You see in style, yeah in, public, I walk with my girlfriend. Very. Classy mo here gentlemen, true gentleman, and you're. Styling. In a nice car. Just. In the mall. So. You. Gonna so. In, the mall. And. I met mo and. Princess, back here. And. I. Was. Like yeah let me take you downtown. So. Here I am again. Welcome. My new friend. Billy, Mohamed, I met, a mohammed this morning who also picked me up in a very nice car seems, to be the theme here mo you were seen you have six of these cars yes, and. You have drivers, out there like this is worth. Other, people, in attendance yeah if you have a shop yeah just a 5% but, not 5% that's. It. Okay. I'm. Your. Legend, brother thank. You. Good. Times, bless you god, bless here. Take. Care out. And that, that's. That. Two locals, both, named Mohammed, both. Drove me around for the day. Showed. Me the city quite. Spectacular. First day and. Now I'm at. Hope. You know if this is this, is a center. Square of sorts, and. Let's. Check it out. Slow. As. Friendly. Security. Get, in the feel that everything sort, of happens here at night. Like. Sun the. Three pedestrians today, on the streets it, was, nobody. Walking. So. I think it's a nighttime. Environment. Thank. You we'll confirm it. This, behind, me is mass Mach fort, and. There. Was a huge battle I believe in 1902, and, it was the start of the unification, of. The, kingdom this, part of the city has started dead I'm going to say so we're gonna go across the street to. What. Mohammed said was the place where there are no Saudis. We're. In old Riyadh. And this is the first time I think. I've seen anyone on the sidewalk today, so. We're coming into a more of a. Densely. Populated zone. As. Moe is saying a lot of foreigners, living. Here. Pakistanis. Bengalis. Indians, it seems. To be the working class here. Maybe. I'm sure I'm missing some nationalities, but people. From Asia other parts of Asia are coming over and really building this place out. That's. How hot it is today. It's. The prayer five times a day. Jameela. Jamil. It's, sort, of an industrial, zone. Interesting. Door. So. First. Guy on a bike. And. We, got some street life. Hello. Cool. Shook. It up have. Fun. Have. Fun. On. The quest for some food here. Just. Can this through. Side. Streets and, looking. For a restaurant god. It's. An Egyptian place. Everyone's. Egyptian, here, fish. Yeah. Very. Delicious. Looking, meal. But. This place is Egyptian, it's not sorry. This prawn dish the. Five monster. Prawns. Read egyptian-style. Yeah this seems to be a very popular. Local. Favorite, shook it off. So. This city is. 740. Square. Miles it's about. 1900. Square. Kilometers, it's, just one massive. Sprawl. That grid and I'm walking, as you. Can see and. Just. You know that's a guy you see someone like every. Ten, minutes or so. Whole. Cities in their cars for the most part except for that old section. Where I just ate well, guys that, is the end of my first day here in Saudi Arabia it's, just like information overload after, a day like today you're, just taking in all these new. Stimuli. And it's gonna be a very interesting journey in this country for two weeks so many, more videos to come okay, good, night peace.

2019-11-21 03:21

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Advice from a lover of goodness The truth is, Our Lord and Lord of all human beings sent many apostles to earth and in every civilization comes a messenger prophesying people the way of truth and the way that is directed to heaven and escape from hell. And A safe lifestyle that is compatible with all human behaviors and that makes them at peace. And every messenger has a miracle. During the reign of Moses, sorcery and magic spread, and the Lord gave Moses more powerful miracles than magic And it is a stick that throws it, and it shall be a snake by the command of the Lord, and shall overcome all magic During the reign of Jesus, medicine spread and the Lord gave a miracle to Jesus and gave him the ability to revive the dead and anoint on the blind and see. And every time there comes from corrupting religion and governing without the rule of our Lord and change in the law of the Lord, or abound intellectual misguidance and abound lusts and others and then  Spoil religion. Then our Lord sends a messenger renewing the religion that spoiled During the reign of Muhammad, rhetoric, eloquence, poetry and Arabic literature abounded.  Ignorance in religion and disobedience of the Lord increased in people. The Lord sent the eloquent Koran by Jibril to Muhammad, the clearest book on earth that guides people to the last religion. Did you know that his message is compatible with what is happening now I will give you what Muhammad said 1400 years ago (إن من أعلام الساعة وأشراطها أن يكتفي الرجال بالرجال والنساء بالنساء .) This means that one of the signs of Judgment Day is that it becomes males with males and females with females "homosexuality" Read the Koran Try and you will not regret and discover the new

It’s great to have you in the gulf and looking forward to see you in Qatar

he's name is Muhammad and he's got girlfriend ADULTERY he should be reported

نتمنى القبض على هذا الوقح اللي ظهر معه لانه يقدم معلومات مغلوطه ولا يمثل حتى ١% من الشعب السعودي الأصيل

Subhanallah you can clearly see this guy putting negative connotations around Islamic things and also his whole purpose of going around was to show how Saudi would look without Islam however that’s not going to happen so stop trying to force your filthy norms to Saudi

You learn alot and separate truth from false when you visit a country.

sir Peter try to visit the Philippines lots, of foreign national loves to visit here,just inviting.just in case you not yet visit.

الشخص الثاني انه كاذب

The guy at 10mins sounds like an Arab atheist

10:10 My girlfriend يمه يا حلقك المصدي

You should visit riyadh connect facebook page/ saudi seasons instagram page to see the happenings around riyadh! A lot going on nowadays due to the ongoing riyadh season

*The Saudis are two elements,* *I lived with them for 41 years* *people without manners*

Looks fun, I wish I could visit there but I don't think I'm allowed as an Israeli citizen

مبزره وملحجه

10:40 Liar liar liar, fucking liar

10:40 وشبه الحيوان ذا؟؟؟؟؟؟

وش ذا محمد مب على اسمه

12:20 ماكنت اتوقع ان فية خنازير بشرية تعيش بينا قبل هذا الفيديو الله يسود وجهك ياخسيس

Oh this arouba Street near Eye Hospital ^_^ cheers!!

I am from usa but i live in Saudi Arabia al kobar and the person was kinda lying about the tatoo arest thing bruhhh

يعني ايش بالله تستفيد يوم تشوه سمعه سعوديه ولا بعد حاط وشم وقيرل فريند يعني شوفوني انا متحرر

كل اللي يقرأو تعليقي انا كتبت تعليق بالانجلش اوضح له كل شي بالسعوديه لان اللي تقابل معه كذب في بعض الاشياء بليز سووا لايك على تعليقي حتى يشوفو

الي حاطط الوشم انت مو صادق قال بالقوة ياخذونك للصلاه ويحلقون شعرك .. مافي ذا الكلام دايما نروح الأسواق ولا حصل دا الشي ويكون في المول مسجد وتجد الجميع يصلي واذا انتهت الصلاة يفعلو مايريدون بعد ذالك واخيرا انا ما ارتحت لك فكرك فاشل وعقليتك مشوشه وانا تقريبا نفس عمرك وأصغر وكل مايفعله الشباب افعله وناسه وكذا وطالعلي تقول صديقتي وفندق وفي العلن انت عقلك ع قدك

It's obvious that all the guys you met you already know before and they only selling their propaganda.

First welcome to Saudi

Nice. You missed the public square where they chop people’s heads off.

welcome to saudi arabia

احسه مسكين مصدوم انه مافي شيء للمتعة في السعودية الجو حاااار ومافي حدائق او أماكن للإستكشاف ولا شيء

Lovely to see you going to different nations and introducing those people with their cultures to the other people round the world. I’m Iranian and I watched your video introducing Iran as well. We, both nations, are Muslims but it’s amazing when you see such a huge diversity in the cultures!

fuck wahabis

you are a secret agent......

محمد الثاني ماهو عارف ايش التطور...مدري من قرر ان الوشم وتطلع مع حبيبتك وذي الاشياء معناتها تطور...؟

To the second Mohammed...You are full of BS

If you from Pakistan and Bangladesh to don't even talk to you

The treat you like you man being because you from us

إنت وسخ جدا ولا تشرفنا وخسارة اسمك محمد استر ع نفسك يافاجر يقول لك هذي زوجتك ترد تقول صديقتي يقرد عليك يقول منذ متى تقول من شهر يعني تبغى تثبت إنك منسلخ تماما أطالب بسجنك ومحاكمتك لأنك مجاهر بالمعصية وتشوه صورة السعوديين والله أعلم لما يطلبك صديقة إيش بتسوي للي مايعرف مصطلح صديقتي في الغرب تعني كل شي يخطر ع بالك من الحرية بين الاثنين وكأنهم أزواج اسأل الله هدابتك أو أخذك في حفرتين من حفر الدنيا والآخرة عاجلا يامن تسمى زورا ب محمد

الله لايبلانا يتفاخر بالمعصية الدقيقه 11 مايدري ان الدنيا فانيه

Welcome to

First time I finish all the video it’s amazing and i think if u used to living here u won’t feel different except the clutches maybe. Nice vid

اكره مافي الشخص الي معك هو الانسلاخ من الهويه وضربها بالحائط عاداتنا وتقاليدنا رفعه للشخص واعتزازك بها يكبر مقامك بعيون الاشخاص

حسبي الله عليه محمد الثاني ذا جاب العيد والله

Don't be under the illusion that this is development this is western monopoly... American businesses dominating middle East and Saudis provide income stream for the west and Israel. Equal rights etc also has its pros and cons depending on its environment. Secularism Western culture is creating divide amongst nations... Saudi only has heritage to our ancestors which draw us there otherwise if never want to go there.

طاح في واحد وسخ و سربوت و شوّه كل شيء حسبي الله عليه

The guy who was with u in the mall sooo stupid, it doesn’t mean if you meet a visitors u become like kids and show off

I am sorry my English is not good but I hope you can understand me . the man who appeared on minute 10 said A lot of lies, and made every one think that Saudi Arabia was a Hell before two years, just because he couldn't go out with his girl friend , WHAT KIND OF THINKING IS THIS ?!! , so the life just going out with girl or go to ceimna? Why he doesn't talk about great thing like Free treatment for every one saudi or not saudi ? Why he didn't talk about the great and free education? The education is not just free also the government give every student about 270 Dollars every month ? And also send them for the best universities in the world to learn to come back and build Saudi Arabia. Why He didn't about the High safety ? Why He didn't about low prices and taxes? Why He didn't talk about good salaries? He didn't talk about the great electronic services in Saudi Arabia , you can use this services to get or renew your national ID , Passport , Bank Cards, and any thing you want and while staying home . Why he didn't talk about these things ? Or he see the life just (going out with girl friend) ? I apologize again for my bad language but I wanna say one last thing to non Saudies: Saudi Arabia is a great country and Saudies are good people and they love you and welcome you to their country. The only things changed are some of bad customs and traditions and conflict with Islam first . Saudi Vision 2030 is huge project and the Saudi government and public are working to make it successful and make Saudi Arabia greater and better .

West and russia should just form an alliance and take them out and split it. And I think they would of if the world is what they tell us.

Fuk you


All the video is fake and miss with saudi culture. You just did a rubish video.

بخصوص الي قعد يكذب عليه سلامااتتتت !!!

kinda boring and useless video didn't highlight much

please keep uploading these episode of your Saudi life experience I'm interested on your point of view, welcome and have fun.

That little bit of thread wont leave his head!

Do women not exist in Saudi Arabia?

Im working here in saudi for almost 4 years, and i conclude, saudi is one of the best and safest country in the world..

ياخي الاجانب فاهمين السياحه صح مو مثل العرب يروح برا علشان يصور بكوفي او مطعم ولايكتشف البلد

انا اذا سافرت ما اقعد بكوفي و مطعم الا بدبي

you have no idea how much i wanted to visit saudi arabia again. Glad the country is opening their arm to tourists

Probably the second Muhammad has a personal problem with Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia was good and it will be better. The morals and manners are brought from the old Saudi. He is safe because people are well together as Muslims we don't like to see a human being getting robbed or insulted. We would intervene quickly to help. Other materialistic countries will not have this kind of helping society.

The first Muhammad you met was behaving and saying things to impress you, thats not how the average Saudi youth behaves like or thinks like. More importantly, I also didn't like the fact that you chose to focus on certain aspects that you don't agree with coming from a western liberal background. For example you highlighted segregation (Starbucks), kept emphasising shops close 5 times (as if its a bad thing), issues of freedom (according you your definitions) etc. You could have maybe tried to explore traditional Saudi Culture, or maybe Saudi history or Saudi mannerisms and etiquettes, Saudi architecture in the historic district etc. Your manner and attitude hints of an innate arrogance as in, American/western culture and way of life is superior ( you didn't say that) and the standard to be judged against. Well it isn't, you should appreciate Saudi culture/religion and traditions and accept them for what they are and respect them. Not come over to our country and begin to judge us upon your chosen criteria and value systems. Yes Islam as practiced in Saudi Arabia and it encourages segregation of the sexes, if you don't like it or don't agree with it then thats fine, but please don't come to our beautiful country and start viewing it as a negative thing. You also chose to record a clip of Muhammad (in Popeyes) with his girlfriend and that somehow this is a positive thing. Peter, let me tell you that there are approximately 2 billion muslims in the world, and I can comfortably say that the vast majority (Shia & Sunni) of them do not agree with having relations with the opposite gender other than within the institution of marriage. Now in Saudi Arabia, ( a sunni religious state) I can also comfortably say that the overwhelming majority of Saudis wouldn't approve of girlfriend/boyfriend type of relationships, SO WHY HIGHLIGHT THIS CASE? As if it is something positive? ( well yes according you YOUR value system, not ours) This is why I don't appreciate your video because it appears that you have come here to not only judge us but to approve what fits with your value system and deem whatever doesn't match your criteria as backward and negative. One last point, the second Muhammad (the one with a girlfriend). He said a few untruths, no one forced anyone to pray in the mosques and definitely didn't cut anyone's hair??? Where did he get that from?? He said he felt like living with ISIS, wtf is he on? I'm sorry but I haven't heard so much BS from a Saudi like him before. Peter, I sincerely do hope you do have a nice stay here in Saudi Arabia and that please don't judge us based on your value system, learn to appreciate that humans are different and that we all do not follow the same values, please respect this. Thanks

فرحان تمشي مع صديقتك في الشارع على بالك انجاز هذا انحدار خاف الله و اتق الله ان عذاب الله شديد

It looks like you are near to my place.. i can give you a ride if you want..

قرل فرند اجل هاه ماتربيت انت ولله ما دمرنا إلى انت وا اشكالك وشرايك تجينا اليوم نربيك نطلعك رجال الله يحرقك لا وا موشم الكلب وين عايشين حنا

It is so Saudi " Wanna ride?" lol

I am a new subscriber from Saudi Arabia

@Peter Santenello Oh Wow!

I went! Great place. I'll have videos about it.

2nd guy is a liar; saudi is still a very conservative country/society and he can also be arrested for being in this video; if the girl's family find out who he is; plus tattoos are not approved of; funny how he tries to make it seem open when in reality its still a conservative society

I’m sorry for u u met a Wrong guys Big liars ‏ specially the second one

Day before mohammad :( after :)

west always living in their bubble.. they think they r v nice and loving and free.. reality is that they destroyed the middle east for their gains and always interfere in their living style and religious matters.. muslims r always friendly and caring and helping at huge extents.. however its the opposite with the west and we can see how the US and European people misbehave with muslims coming to their country

i read all of comments to see some comments, witch makes sense. finally i found it. yes your comment is only and only comment that have nice view. you see with your open eyes the reality. this western people have not only no respect for humanity but also they are destroying our civilization. they goal is to divide and conquer us. to steal our wealth and culture to make us slaves of themselves. never ever believe a western specially an American. god bless you and your people. hope your people throw out this American evil people from your country.

I don’t recommend you get in strangers cars, not everyone is trustworthy. Hope you have a good time in Riyadh

Go to Jeddah it’s more crazier than Riyadh

Btw i love the vid so much

The other muha he is an asshole and a lier also “about forcing “

What the fuck? This guy is a fucking douchbag and a big lier, all the info he gave you is 99% wrong!

I've been working here since 2007 and I'm still having a great time

What!!! You're in Riyadh and you ended up in Gad?!?!? Why didn't you go to Mama Nourah at least man Or the Najdi Village if you want the Saudi traditional experience Or Al Makki maybe And you must to try our traditional breakfast with Fawal Al Afrah in Al Sahafa district or Ba Bseil in exit 5

**** all of you

It looks very hot and dry like Nevada,

خساره كان نفسي اشوف القيرل فرند حقته ولا مسوي جنتل يفتح لها الباب هذا بس قدام الكاميرا ولا الخافي اعظم

In reality u cant just ride stranger's car. Not all saudi r good, only few, very very few. If u happen to get in with bad guys, they will drop u in the desert.

محمد الثاني حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل فيك حسافة عليك أسم محمد الله يهديك غصبن عنك يارب و يعفو عنك ولا يبلانا

Bad and good everywhere but most people are narrow minded towards saudi


منزل دايوا هي مجموعة إجرامية دولية دفعت ثمن السرقة الصينية

U meet the wrong guy (the 2nd one) he gave you a bad impression about us as a saudi’s people, my grandfather has a tattoo and he never went to the jail , I am a 27 year old and I have never forced to go to the mosque , in Saudi Arabia ISIS is consider a criminals I hop U met a good people to tell you the truth about us , visit us again my brother ❤️

Well done Incredible inside picture stuff

وضع امريكا والغرب بشكل عام مع السعودية مثل ودت الزانية لو زنت نساء الأرض اجمعين الكلب العلج جاء يتفقد كيف ربعه افسدوا البلد بس ما اسوء منه إلا اللذي يجاهر بالحرام وينافق Girlfriend قال يا نشامى أرض الحرمين تداركوا الوضع وحاربوا المفسدين اني لكن ناصح مشفق

ترا مايحتاج تكذب عليه عشان تلمع صورتك قدامه!! امثالك هم اللي يشوهون ثقافتنا

Saudi Arabia is very safe and people are hospitable.

If I was there would have kicked you out of the country With all all this arrogance. You obviously have an axe to grind

First of all, Welcome to Saudi arabia we are so happy to have you here in Riyadh I would like to make things clear about what Mohammed mentioned about the life style he's living. we are conservative people and we go by Islam rules as well as the tattoo is not allowed for some reasons religious. Mohammed just an example of a Saudi who came back from western culture and got a bad influence. Hope you having a nice staying.

The 2nd guy is a liar and should be ashamed of himself , he thinks he has done a marvellous job again and again saying im free i have girl friend , be ashamed of haram things and be proud of your islamic values. Totally messed up guy.

Thank you so much for coming to Saudi Arabia and I wish I am with you to show you everything good about Saudi Arabia but the black and the next time you come back to Saudi Arabia

the second guy didn't even live in Saudi Arabia he is Laying


طاح في واحد سربوت ولا كان الفديو مميز

التافه الثاني اللي اسمه محمد ينقل صورة سيئة جدا عن بلدنا وهو في الأساس ليس سعودي

Well...I’ve lived here for over a year now. As a female, the story is a tad different. I’m American, and African American. Definitely an interesting story to tell. I’m glad you were able to see some of The Magic Kingdom. If you ever return, ensure that you see many of the beautiful cities surrounding Riyadh.

Really nice and great and well made video. Im a saudi myself and i just wanna say welcome to our country and enjoy ur stay❤️❤️❤️ And don't mind some of the still uneducated people in the comments below disagreeing with some of what the second guy in the video said about having a girlfriend, they just never experienced it ever with there lives and culture and people who r open minded did and its nothing, it's changing to a be a better country and for the economy.

No more muslim country

Peter can you go to mecca?

@Peter Santenello wow! But what if you where to say I'd like to learn about Islam for educational purposes....I think you can have a shot at visiting you'd be a pretty good on documenting it.

Unfortunately, non-muslims aren't allowed.

I didn’t like the guy with yellow shirt !! 1- Look we don’t mind freedom but with limits. like why would you have a girlfriend when you can make her your fiance and see if she’s the right one for you or not. that’s also better for her so she knows that you’re serious ,want to get married soon and that you’re not playing games! 2- about the hijab it’s not MBS who changed that! The females who didn’t want the hijab were stopped by the hai’a ( men who are strictly muslims which was given the right by the government to advice women to wear her hijab until she gets shy and ashamed then she wears her hijab. there is no force at all !!) who were gone 6 years ago and her parents so their daughter is respected. then women started to wear colorful abaya then shorten the sleeves of the abaya then take their hijab off, if that’s her decision then it’s fine but islam put the hijab for a reason and that is so the women wouldn’t caught eyes and stays save and untouchable except from her husband .

God assisted our country became secular

I respect what you wrote on 10:14

واضح ان المقطع مخطط له ليظهرونا بهذا الشكل

Tha guy with a girl, if ya follow up, they are engaged and tha family is aware,..... I learnt aloooot in that country

I've been there in Saudia for almost 4 years and I enjoy my life so so much! I miss u Saudi Arabia

Covering ya head is a must as long as ya foreigner even if other women are not covering, ya just have to

Before I finish watching thiz, lemme give ya ma experience,... 1st of all I'm black, so landed at tha airport and thz ladies covers thea noses bcz they think I stink.....I HATE SAUDI AND EVERYONE LIVING THEA

الرخمه اللي يتفاخر بخويته مايمثل السعودين ... وعطى السائح معلومات غلط ونظره سيئه

البدايه واضح انه الشغله كلها مفبركه و مو محض صدف و هذا الديوث اللي طالع مع الشرموطه و يقول هي حريه كلها بيحصلها بعد موته و في دنياه الحريه مو انسلاخ من الدين و الادب الحريه رقي و الدين حفظ حقوق الناس و ليس كما يبغون ذولي الفسده حريه شهوه و دشره حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل

wazzzuppp bro im also vlogger here in Riyadh i use GOpro too,, but welcome here godbless

Muhammad at the mall is lying l have never saw or heard anything from what he is talking about

2nd guy must be behind bars bloody moron

the second Mohammed is soo sooo sooooo wrong bro like u can do whatever u want he is wrong but ppl hate tattoos but its okay walking around with it

The women who are non muslims or muslims are free not to wear headscarves since very long. The religious police only requests for praying during prayer time which has been stopped now but sometimes they use to visit within the malls or outside. They never shave or remove hairs for not praying. They do remove hairs if the guy had long hairs which are ponied which looks like women to them. I in my life time had grown hairs till my shoulders visited Makkah, Madina & Taif while living in Jeddah never faced any problem with religious police regarding hair matter.

ما حصل غير هالمنفتح

What an absloute disgrace and misinformation that was given by the second mohammed . All what he said is based on lies and hypocrisy . He said what he said just to look cool and ruin our image before and even the changes of MBS . I could’t tolerate the lies coming out of his mouth . Yes we have changed over the past two years , so does any country in the world . But we as muslims & Saudis still have and proud of our identity and princples . Next time please show educated people that represent us . Dont just show this spoiled wealthy uneducated hypocrite and liar .

I am not okay with these changes at all!!! I am German with Arab roots (Moroccan), even tho I am accustomed to the modern life in Germany, I think Saudi Arabia should stay as it always was! This is the country our Prophet (peace be upon him) is from and it shouldn't be ruined by these changes!!! It's a sign of the HOUR! :(

2 Muhammad he is a liar

I am a filipino but i lov saudi arabia..the 2nd mohammad is a liar coz saudi arabia although yes they are very strict when it comes to rules n regulations but most of them are hospitables..

الله يهدي محمد الثاني ويصبر امه عليه

The second person is a Munafique

thanks man, brings back a lot of great memories. I was there about a year ago and met so many wonderful people. There is I think now a Camel Festival, it's about 1/2h away from the capital, you would learn a lot of other things if you get to go, especially if you can access the races and competitions. Enjoy your stay and thank you for sharing!

Saudis are very friendly to white people.

استفزني اول شخص قابله مبسوط بخويته وجاي يتفاخر فيها ععنده وانا وياها ننام بالفندق !! ومبسوط بالوشم الي مسويه وحريه ومدري ايش ! حريتك بس ععلى هالاشياء التافه !! للاسف انك م تمثلنا كـ مسلمين ولا تمثلنا كـ شعب سعودي .

الشخص الثاني **

Make another video second guy just ruined your video.

In islam tatto is big sin, and what he talking about there is many lies, so plz be aware of thiz kind of people and your welcome to saudi arabia, i would love to see you in jeddah

كل المقطع سيناريو مكتوب لا يوجد شيء مصادفة. خصوصا الشخص الثاني في المول

يا عيال أعطوا الرجال على جوه‍ وعادي لو أعطاه‍ من الثقيل عادي جداً سلكوووو

Hey peter, Nice video man, and I really liked how you met random people and had chats with them. But just to be clear, “Muhammed” No.2 said some WEIRD STUff like that you will go to jail if you put tattoos, and that the Police cuts your hair if you dont PRAY!! Thats all MADE UP and NON-TRUE. So please try to make it clear in your upcoming videos. And enjoy Saudi Arabia man keep up with the videos.

Mr. Peter, Being open and free comes with responsibility and having adherent morals to Islam and arabic culture. So do not misinterpret both concepts, they both go hand in hand Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was, is and will remain growing and vibrant. Successful with unique culture and heritage and a solid nation rising among all nations. God save the King His Majesty King Salman bin AbdelAziz Al Saud and his Crown Prince His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman for the best of their nation for prosperity and everlasting excellence and development. Thanks for the video, wishing you and the American people prosperity and lovely future

I don't think it's safe to show the guy's registration plate number. I'm talking about the guy with his gf. People could go hunt for him, they are extreme and crazy there. Censor it please.

شكرا جزيلا لكل الإخوة و الأخوات المشاركين رايتكم بيضاء و يكفيكم فخرا أنكم سعوديون عرب أصيلون و أنكم مسلمون حفظكم الله و رزقكم و بارك لكم و عليكم و حقق كل أمانيكم المستقبل للمملكة العربية السعودية إن شاء الله مزهر واعد مميز أتمنى الخير و السداد لكم سادتي و سيداتي الفاضلون الأعزاء

Peace be upon you

بالنسبة لي كانت و ما زالت و ستبقى المملكة العربية السعية منارة العرب و المسلمين و العالم ... عريقة بتاريخها و شعبها الأصيل و تراثها الحاضر و المتأصل... و بنخوة شعبها الطيب المضياف الأصيل الذي لم أعهده إلا نعم الرجال و فضلهم منذ فجر التاريخ عاشت المملكة العربية السعودية و دام عزها و مجدها و ظل ساميا مرفرفا علمها خفاقا للأبد في ظل حضرة صاحب الجلالة الملك سلمان بن عبدالعزيز آل سعود و ولي عهده سمو الأمير محمد بن سلمان حفظهما الله و رعاهما و سدد خطاهما. لي الفخر و الشرف و العزة أني أردني و لكن دوما أشعر بحب و انتماء لبلد طيب مميز ... أما عن الشخص الذي يتحدث عنه الإخوة و الأحبة فأقول الله يهديه و كلي ثقة بأن المملكة مليئة بل سوادها الأعظم رجالا طيبين نشامى و نعم الرجال. حفظكم الله و سدد خطاك لما فيه خيركم ... بالنسبة للسيد بيتر رأيك ممكن انطباع و لكنه أولي و انصحك أيضا بمزيد من القراءة الانفتاح و الحرية هي ضمن ضوابط الأخلاق و قيم الإسلام السمحة و الإنسانية شكرا على هذا الفيديو

That second Mohammed u met is lying u wouldnt go to prison second ppl would think its ur wife or going out with a girl that's not ur wife would get u in trouble but I think it's okay for tourists

يلعن ام التمثيل و الفبركة ياا شيخ هههههههههه this video is a big lie, it's fake that it's kinda funny lol

Go to Abha very beautiful

All comments in Arabic say that he is a liar

Please please please don’t believe him oh my god why he do that

The guy with you is laying he didn’t say anything true

صارت الحرية مجاهرة بالمعاصي ....الله لا يبلانا . ماني سعودي بس كنت مقيم فيها .. والشخص هذا ما يمثل لا السعودية ولا اهله .

ليش اي اجنبي يجي يزور السعودية يجي للرياض؟ فااضيه تفشل مساكين صراحه تنسد نفسهم من الحفريات

الحين يجي محمد بن سلمان يقول ممنوع العبايه اوكي في قرارات زينه سواها بس حتى ان موسيقى خير اوكي تخلي الاجانب يسوون الي يبونه بس تربون الاطفال على المحرمات متى يوقف

وش وضع البقرة الي معه رفععععع ضغطي ليته ما سوه نفسه سنافي وفزع جعله الزقققققق وين الفخر بالدين وي العادات ألعربيه الاصيله فيه أشياء لا تعد ولا تحصى من جمال الإسلام وكيف يطبق صح في السعوديه

The second Mohammad he laying about everything he said.


تابعوا قناتي، احتاج دعمكم

The second Mohammed have been totly wrong , he lived in UK that's why he's information it's depend in the media stuff , he gift you a wrong information about Saudi Arabia .

Watch this miss world 2019 representative from Nepal

I would love to visit the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia! Thanks for exploring the Kingdom for those of us who are not familiar with this nation. I like the way you have an open mind on all of your travels, Peter. You are a great role-model for travellers who don’t believe the many distortions and outright lies told in much of the mainstream western media. I visited Iran after seeing your series on Iran. It was one of the best travel experiences I have had in four decades of travel. I would now like to see the other side of the Gulf !

Also the starbucks and fast food thing is different so if u had a woman or a kid with u u would got to the other side if ur a male or with ur guy friends u would go to the same section

First of all, the second Mohamed is absolutely lying in so many thing , especially when he said we were like ISIS, we were and we still normal there are people who are really religious , and there are others who are not, just like anywhere on the planet. By the way ISIS doesn’t represent ISLAM in any way , so plz try to talk to someone who at least knows how to speak wisely especially in front a camera! About the TATTOO in Islam it’s actually forbidden to have a tattoo, and we are following what we believe in . Honestly speaking no one would take u to the jail or even punish u for that ! WTF I don’t know what els he told U, but as you said we are growing really fast and things are changing, and it need to be done if not now it will happen later. However we all as a saudi citizens happy with what we have, and very excited to welcome everyone in our wonderful country to see and explore new adventures and cultures . I hope U enjoy the rest of your stay :)

Go in jeddah too..

I like my country except a lot of ppl litter I'm talking like theres a bin next to u but ppl still throw on the ground there is no pavements and a really really small amount of zebra crossings or basically any way of crossing a road

كلام الشخص الثاني معضمه تشويه لسمعة السعودية يقول كان عايش مع داعش يقصد المواطنين ويروج للحرية الشخصية مع صديقته هذا لازم يحاسب

فضحتنا البلديه بالحفريات

لا وكل شويه تعرف على واحد في الشارع وهذاك فاضي يفرفر في بالشوارع والثاني كذاب أشر اتحدى ان كان سعودي والأول أشك فيه كلها متفق عليها وكذب في كذب بس صراحه إخراج ركيك وفي محاولات للاساءه بطرق مباشره وغير مباشره لا ومايصور الا عند الحفريات كان البلد مافيها الا هذا المكان. وهذول اللي طلعوا معاه شحاذين مدفوع لهم الأجر.

november 14 2019... not hot at all sir..

البلديات لازم يهتمون بطرق المشاه ،ضروري

Yuor such as big loser and both of you are liars

10:00 that guy is a true as*hole and that girl is a bit*h.. they are misleading people who want to reflect a bad picture of real Saudis.

ابو يمن ههههههه

What do you think yourself

nice! over 120k views in just 3 days....when will you upload part 2?

Saudis are so mad lol. Soon there’s going to be bastard children all over Riyad

Yes there is some change but not as dramatic as Mohammed trying to show. Actually what he did is against our culture and not accepted by his family and her family as she said.

Yes there are so many Muhammads there lol... Oh i remember.... Nostalgia....

Wow, Riyadh changed alot, I grew up here.. :3

مدري ولكن ماارتحت له ذا الامريكي احس انه يدور الشر احس كذا

the comment who insult second guy tatto guy they hate mbs because he destroy religion police and islam whabi group

Muhammad 2nd :- Mostly People not going to perform sa'lah (prayer) , but unnecessary closed shops & these religious people never changed , Hahahahaha.. By the way that's why you idiots Arabs killed to 1,24,000 prophets before prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) . And now opened all haraam (Islam prohibited) things And you Arabs feels like halal . And present no country is pure Islamic followers country in the world . And overall Muslims own responsible for early inviting to Mahdi (AS) . That's it ...... !!!

Power + MBS = Good life

You are s piece of shit for taking money to make it look like everything is fine in that country. Be honest asshole and tell your viewers who paid you.

Muhammad is represent him self only and few of saudies .. don’t take what he said as TRUE .. our deep culture does NOT prefer women and men together .. except IF they are related to each other .. most of our young men .. things that when you have a GF you reached to something that even Scientest didnt reached to .. or if girls went out to streets without Hijab ... DONT BELIEVE WHAT THEY SAY they represents 1% of our nation !!! THANK YOU !

الاخ الاول ما شاء الله عليه وربنا يوفقه ... اما الثاني فلا يمثل الا نفسه المريضة ويعتقد بإنتقاده لمجتمعه انه راح يعجب الامريكي والله لن يزدك الا احتقار منا نحن اولا ومنه ثانيا

Omg ... my friend muhammad took you to regular places .. there are places that are better than this and he said everything change ofc not ! And he said people are very happy about changes , no.. ofc not ! Some changes we are satisfied of and some are not ... he says yes for everything , Come on .. thats not how we are ... i will be happy if i take u through a journy in riyadh ... + he said people when they are off , they go to malls .. ofc not all of em ... actually most of the women yes , but men goes to differet places .. its not easy to believe anyone and dont take info from them they just say yea

i’m an american, but i lived most of my life in saudi arabia and i’ll tell you this.. 2 years ago you were allowed to do most of the things you do now, that other muhammed was lying. i just wanted to make that clear

Cinema was allowed since the 60s but it wasn’t for the past 15 years except last 2

I'm Saudi Born Indian Born & Raised In Jeddah & That Mohammad Guy Is Super Duper Liar The Things He Said Before MBS Are Not True From My Childhood To My Youth No One Forced Me To Pray Or Cut My Hair

Muhammad in the video is a liar.. Saudi Arabia isn't like that

واضح مدفوع الفديو بكم الف للأجنبي وللخنزير اللي يقول مع خويته بعد ومنسق الحديث بينهم ، تطلعون البلد كذا كذبتم والله هذا للمنحلين لم ولن تكون جزيرة محمد هكذا

I make video about the brightside of Saudi. . for the humans knows the Saudi is Safe Country.

man walking in riyadh with his gf MBS is all about dat halal shit huh

I hope you delete the second part of the passage in which the second person appeared this thing does not honor us nor honor our religion I hope you delete it

Hey hey did you come to Bahrain ??? Please give Bahrain a visit :3

What has Saudi Arabia come to

ما شاء الله .. الرياض تبني وتعمر..

السعودي جميل . أقسم على ذلك

Muhhamad is very brave to express what he want to say about hes country

هذا الفيديو مرتب له بعنايه وكل شي مصور باتفاق ضمن النص من واقع معرفتي بالامريكان مستحيل يثقون بالاغراب هذا في بلدهم كيف لما يكون في بلد اجنبي

I feel it scripted

This is what Iran would look like today if it weren’t for the islamic pigs

I can see the little fear in his Muhammad's eyes if talks anything bad about the city and Saudi Arabia so he carefully saying good words about his city

I am in saudi Arabia madinah

We improve more not change, but our culture and beliefs is the same

the second man with his "girl friend" actually wrong because here in Saudi Arabia we are muslims and don't have girl or boy friend our culture is different with what this man belief all saudis don't agree with him ,I hope you meet the real saudis and enjoy with us


الكلب اللي اسمه محمد دعشن الحكومة سابقا وكانها كانت مصدر داعش !! رقم لوحة سيارته موجود وشكله وكل شي الكل يبلغ عليه على شان يتأدب المنسلخ

Ur welcom in algeria mate

الثاني كذاب بس انه شخصية صراحة

broo i can't wait to see part 2 of this video,

Welcome to Saudi. Try to visit the southern area of Saudi if you have time and u wish to experience one of the best landscape in the middle east. Visit Abha, Soudah, Jazan, Baha, Taif. Those are all non-desert places with breathtaking weather. You would also want to visit Jeddah as you will definitely love it. Eastern province is a good choice too. Visit it if you wish to experience the charming beaches of Saudi & the industrial part of it. Have a wonderful time in Saudi !!

وينننن كلام محمد الثاني كله كلام فاضي وكذب ، الحريه مب انك تطلع مع حبيبتك بالشارع قدام الناس وتسوي اللي تبي غلط كذا ، اذا جيت لمكان عام غصب عنك تحترم مشاعر الناس وغيرتها على دينها واهلها وتمشي على الدين لكن اذا طلعت برا سو اللي تبي وجعلك ماترجع

second Muhammad need a boyfriend not a girlfriend

Welcome to Saudi Arabia bro

نحن قوم أعزنا الله بالإسلام فمهما ابتغينا العزة من دونه أذلنا الله

احد يبلغ على الفحل عند كلنا امن

Muhammad is a dumbass fuck he can't even answer one question

كل من ظهر في الفيديو إمعة لا هوية لا دين ولا اصل ولا ثقافة ، لن يحترمك الغربي في داخل أعماقه لان ليس لديك شيء لُيحترم

Come to jeddah

الغربيون اذا جو لبلد مسلم يريدون فرض عاداتهم القذره عليه وينتقدون كل شي يتعلق بالاسلام الي قاهرني ان بعضهم يهتم لهم حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل

I only see show offs and wannabes, always trying to impress the Americans .

This is the start of the downfall

saudi don't walk to places they drive there lol

Wow i miss this beautiful place

Muhammad #2 is gonna be in big trouble. What a fucking idiot

You should have come to Jeddah

For everyone saying the dude with the girlfriend and tattoos is "lying" that's not true, I lived here my whole life, I know people with tattoos who don't get in trouble and I hang out alot with the opposite gender and no one says anything, am sorry but just because it's not that common or your don't see it alot, doesn't mean it doesn't happen or he is lying lol.

Go the women, we will reign, one day very soon. watch out.

Guys lets keep it real the religious police “الهيئة"did that kind of stuff. He’s right they do shave your hair if it’s too long for them and they do force you to go pray in the mosque or you’ll be jailed. If you wear chains, shorts or have a tattoo you’ll be jailed “not for a long time but still” and they will definitely stop you if they say you with a female and ask you to prove that’s she’s your family or you’re going to prison. We came along way. especial thanks to my prince Mohhammed bin Salman for making this possible is such a short time.

6:54 its a Saudi tradition to let guest go first as in honor of the guest. I wish if u went to Jeddah its more open minded and also the new airport was just launched two months ago

2nd Mehamed is lied you


Both guys were cool. The second one even has tattoos. Hopefully the changes are for real. God bless Saudi Arabia.

يالله ياللي توك عرفتهم

the second guy tells lies , they never ever do that , he's stupid

The second Mohammad is full of shit. No one forces anyone to pray.

As a Saudi Teen , I think R.I.P to this guy 11:45 .

ابو وشم ذا لو اشوفه حطيت رجلي بفمه

Omg the second mohamad was a big lair .. you really meet the wrong guy

Love Saudi Arabia

هذا الشخص لا يمثلنا إطلاقًا

Really boring country though

shout out to the 1st Mohammed for being a true Saudi citizen, as for the 2nd Mohammed what he said was all wrong! that we are forced to go to the mousq, nobody forces anyone to do anything in our country or in our religion and the fact that he was being disrespectful about what he said "these rules" is unforgivable and I would take a wild guess and say he's not Saudi nor Muslim, because no Saudi would say what he said about us and I'm really sad you met someone like him and hope you meet people who would truly represents and love our country.

This seconed mohammed is full of bullshit

Is the second guy still living there or he ran away after so much of things he said

دس لايك

Love from Tamil Nadu

11:12 صديقتي؟؟ ترا ذا شي عيب حتا لو الدولة سمحت فيه وعيب تطلع مع بنت مو محرم لك ثاني شي المسجد يقول يودونا الشرطه ؟؟ اول مره اشوف واحد يمسكونه الشرطه عشانه مايصلي صح فيه هيئه تمسكه وتنصحه بس مو لدرجه يسجنونه ،الدين يسر وليس عسر ربنا لا تؤاخذنا بما فعل السفهاء منا

12:04 على كيف أمك مايصلون اذا انت ماتصلي لا تحكم على غيرك وع مدري منين يجيبون لنا هالعهات

thanks for doing this, and kudos to you for doing it by yourself! these glimpses into every-day lifes in KSA give the rest of the world an authentic impression of what people are really like. the comment of that one guy who recently returned from UK, "I just want peace and freedom" touched me deeply. cuz that is what the majority of humanity wants. the rest is dirty politicians and manipulating mass media.

No way. Don't wanna get my head cut off.

مولات وناس عينها ع جوالاتها

He didn't tell you the truth ...

money talks... if you don't have money you can see the real world any corner.

Hi man You are very welcome to my country.. I am saudi guy and I would tell you met the wrong guy who said a lot of lies about saudis.. I am talking about the second guy... we were normal people (not like ISIS) before Mohammed bin Salman and we are still normal people.. the only big changes after MBS are women can drive cars and one will force you to go to Masjid.. no one will go to prison because of tatto.. I think you should cut off the part of the second guy and upload the video again if you are honest and seek the truth and if you dont do it ,, IT IS BIG SHAME ON YOU

Welcome to saudi

Is that Aladeen - the supreme leader @9:28

Saudi Arabia is a super safe country to the point where people don’t even lock their doors where I live. I moved here from America and it’s so relaxing and laidback lol.

اللي طالع مع حبيبته هاذا شفيه بس يكذب كثيير زائد ليش كذا هو صغير عقل طالع مع حبيبته و واشم هاذا ما اتوقع مسلم اصلا

long live MBS

Girlfriend thing ? He is lying

هههههه الله وكبر

All of them have said the truth I was in Saudi Arabia

the second Mohammed is a liar ... he is not a gentleman he's just acting and telling lies in front of the camera

This is Saudi if you are lost just stop anyone to help you and you might end up invited over a lunch or dinner

Welcome to Saudi Arabia

The guy with girlfriend stays hotel room hes happy he got freedom. What a generation coming, this ignorant might be brainwashed.

nice i hope to have a beautiful lover one day


Fake propaganda to hide wahabi terrorism.

انتا مالك داعي في المجتمع واصلن ايش بو تعرف ايش هو الحرام والحلال اقلب مسيحي احسن لك وبتلاقي جهنم قدامك bitch

ترا متفقين مع بعض اخر همنا رضى الغرب

Yeey It is not just me who sees pink clouds,tattos and minecrafted girls in the video

what the f he is talking about isis rules omg he is so wrong no one gets forced to do anything even 2 years ago

Good to see KSA letting in tourists. How do you get a Visa for KSA. What is there to see in KSA.

Saudi Arabia is going bankrupt. The oil money is not flowing in as it did before. They realize the only way to get investors is to open up to the world



Wow there arabian people's hospitality is another

This 09:53 son of the b**** and his b**** representing themselves and their filthy families not the majority of Saudi people as he said. Take one huge "dislike" for hosting someone like him! But cuz you're our guest I'll change it to "like" . . . for this time! Message to that freak: We are 'Muslim' Sosiety NOT 'Isis' you mother f*****! Muslim gentleman 'never' has a girlfriend and 'never' draw tattoo on his body!!

wtf? so bad country

Where is video #2? I hope you keep it raw and unscripted like video #1

seen any chop chops yet?

2nd person is the biggest lier and he's not considered a Muslim cause he has a tattoo and he's saying like (why do shops close at prayer time no one prays) you mean your the only one who doesn't pray.... He pissed me off

The infrastructure is awsome.. i miss my jeddah city I worked there for 3 years

First time I’ve watched your video and I’m impressed!

I thought andre iniesta plays in japan didn't know he trnfrd to saudi recently with shaved head.

The 2nd person is a disgrace and does represent any one in the kingdom but him self. He lives like a thug and regarded as a waste of breath. Even in the western world they treat people with tattoos differently.

The second guy with a girl was totally lying and has never seen Saudi Arabia! No one forces here to go to Mosque! Islam is a peaceful religion which never forces anyone! I wanna catch that second Mohammed and explain him what the truth is.

The second mohammed is a seroius victim of political agenda against his own country.

For all ppl who watch this video not all saudian are agree with this. .. what is against our religion we don’t follow it .. n who do things which is not allowed in our Islam he is irregular.. we respect ppl and treatment them with a good way but we dont allow to distortion our religion and traditions .. moreover the second mohammad can’t wallk with her friend in public.. no one know that she is her friend .. maybe we thought that she is her sister or wife what ever ..n most of ppl who show saudia Arabia for the others maybe they r not saudian by away ... Shameless

The second Mohammed is Christan now ...He said God Bless You..All glory to Yahua & Yashua...

Especially the second guy Bull Shi**

Dude this is Bull Sh*** alll lies what the f**

الله لا يحييك

I am a Saudi citizen against conveying a false image of change in Saudi Arabia

Hello there. 1st time am watching your content. love them. Hope to see you in Mauritius ^^

Saudi Arabia is a bad country that violates human rights

The second guy is harrami

The second guy talks like hypocrite

As a Muslim we are forbidden to be alone with women who are not related or have not been married by us because it is an act of sin and contempt in the teachings of Islam..

Imagine a Saudi travelling in America for the first, I don't think people would be as hospitable to him then they are to you

Why bald's and bankrupt's video so funny and yours so sad? ( I'm sorry for my bad English again)

Sir speak of your mind.

Second Muhammed makes me sad. He spoke like munafik. ( I'm sorry for my bad English)

Now it’s Riyadh season.. I hope you download the application and see what you want to visit .. and I hope you go to Riyadh Boulevard it’s Amazing place and also Riyadh winter wonderland

What Mohammed said to you, who with his girlfriend is not the truth and never represent us, I hope you do not believe him

What Mohammed said to you, who with his girlfriend is a lie and does not represent the Saudis because he does not belong to us originally.

المشكلة ان الناس اللي تمثل السعودية الاغلب ما عندهم لغة .. بعكس اللي يعكس الصور اللي م تمثل السعودين.

الفيديو مرتب ومحبوك وتمثيل .. الاجانب ما يحبون يركبون سياره شخص غريب مهما كان ..ناس متعودين على الخوف الدائم وخصوصا لما قال بانه اول مره يسافر للسعوديه .. الله على التغير يعني البنت ما خافت على نفسها من التصوير .. بنات السعوديه اشرف من الزباله الي معاك والشعب السعودي مو متخلف يترك دينه بسهوله .. والي يصدق الفيديو التمثيلي عفوا فهو غبي

Any malayalees here

Second guy!!!! We don’t like that and we can’t hangout with any guy and tattoo!!! That’s bad things in our religion it’s not about evolution or something, but we have religion and principles.

الوضع بالسعودية لوز صاير رح اجيب صديقتي واجي الرياض

Best land Ever

رخمه سطل درج واضح من شخصيته المهزوزه ! يع يع يعععععع

Welcome to Saudi Arabia❤️

Love in our country requires fulfillment and honesty so that if you love a girl you must marry her to complement your life with her We did not prevent love but prevent lying and betrayal so as not to be underestimated the feelings of others

Muhammad 2 did not tell you the right habits and you as a tourist want to know cultures, not problems, etc. I hope that I or someone else has explained our culture to you properly + info We are a Muslim people and we pray with love and there is no one who wants to pray only a little and another teacher tattoos are not suitable for the Muslim individual so as not to accept his prayers is a tattoo, I wish you a fun visit✨


I'm saudi .. welcome in Saudi Arabia

من خلال التعليقات حسستوني ان السعوديين كلهم ملائكة وانه مافي الصالح والسيئ والكل اجمع ان محمد الثاني لايمثل السعوديين مع العلم اني مختلف معاه تماما في ماقاله بس في كل مكان بالعالم وبكل دولة تجد المتمسكين بدينهم والفالتين الداشرين والله اني سعودي واعشق تراب الوطن بس مو كلنا ملائكه فيه شياطين بيننا الله يزيلهم

99% of comments: The second Mohamed is a bad guy he don't represent us.

ياجماعه يشابه iniesta ولا يتهيأ لي؟

Nura noor

Saudi arabia is improving

Boy with tattoo is big layer i dont know how he speack like that with this confidence he Literally destroying himself and destroyed the girl with whom, there is something wrong I can not believed

The atmosphere varies in the regions of Saudi Arabia

ive been to saudia 4 times for hajj and umrah , saudis want to feed you everytime, so kind. i love those guys.

We are honored your presence in Saudi Arabia

liiiiarr liiiiiaaar the second guy

محمد الثاني حالف انه يورينا لاي درجة هو غبي، ليتك في بريطانيا ما رجعت فشلتنا.


The first mohammed is a nice guy and gentle too, we're proud of him not like the second mohammed.

Staying in hotel as couple? How much you will make worse MBS? Astagfirullah

This video is full of lies what the heck is this like for real !!!! What those guys are trying to tell him about us !!!! I’m SO MAD

before everything welcome to Saudi Arabia im happy to see u in my country and i welcome u in jeddah if u decide to come here again just message me in my snapchat: hmood.a now into my comment apwt the video: the first guy showed u how will the city gonna be and showed u the kingdom tower and was a gentleman but the second guy was such an embersment showed u his tattoos that he got from uk and no Muslim Saudis has he showed u his girlfriend that he shouldn't have bc our religion and if he was really happy apwt the tattoos why he wearing long sleeve in 40 degrees C he just want to hide it and the girl to its not apwt she want to be in camera but dad not allowing her she couldn't bc its wrong what she do and she dont want anybody knows bc that what bitchs do

That second guy is a terrible liar. Sorry for that lie brother. Nobody force you to go to the mosque (and he got a tattoo?). Are u kidding?

السعودي الي معك داشر يالحبيب

Hi im new here welcome to saudi arabia

الثاني اللي طالع مع خويته مررررريضضض نفسسسسسي

This dude the one with tattoos is saying some shit and lies from where he brought u should’ve ask some intelligent people to get better information

الصلاه بينك وبين ربك يامتخلف لا تحسسهم انا نصلي لربي ونؤمن به خوف من قانون او شرطه تفف على اشكالك اخ لو اعرفك اتبرى منك على تخلفك وعقليتك مع تفله بعد .

welcome to in saudi arabia Peter

The second mohammed is SO disgusting

The second mohammed is a big lair, "I can walk with my girlfriend" that's bullshit man.

محمد الثاني داشر و سربوت ولا يمثل السعوديين لاننا مانتشرف بالاشكال القذره هاذي

Muhammad2 is a liar. A man is not allowed to live with a woman if she is not his wife

3:02 that look, Indian!

الثاني ليتك قاعد ببريطانيا ابرك حمدلله والشكر الرجال جاء يتمشى ويستانس وشعليه منك انت وصديقتك؟؟؟؟؟؟مريض من متى يغصبون الناس تصلي ويحلقون روسهم صليت ولا ماصليت لربك مو للناس (قل خيرا اواصمت) السياح مو جايين عشان يسمعون مشاكلنا وقضايانا ياليت تكبر عقلك

With all the respect for the second mohammed and his girlfriend but having a girlfriend and tattoos or not praying is not what is freedom is about sorry that he thinks of freedom this way. What he said about if you do not pray they take u to the police and shave ur hair!!! WTH I mean saudi few years ago where too conservative but not like that bro so chill .

Welcome to saudi arabia bro, have a nice trip

The second guy absolutely not presenting himself only he doesn’t present any saudis guy and all of his talking was about how we have been before 2 years until now and he is saying there is a changing the right thing is the only thing is changing that how to make saudi arabia wonderful city to visit and the people who live in it enjoy it the second guy he said that he have been forced before 2 years to pray and now he is not. I think nothing change and no one forced as to pray our family just advice us to pray because the wish all the best for us ( advice not force ) I think actually the second guy is trying to Tarnish our reputation. If anyone want to see the real life and real saudis come to saudi arabia and you will see a white hearts.

Present himself only *

The second guy was an absoloute piece of filth, it was embarrasing listning to him

Wow beautiful country

دا كلب فاسق محمد الثاني

i gotta be honest. second guy he was talking to (the one with his gIrL) HE PISSED ME OFF. hes for one, not even trying to be a muslim and two, spreading absolute bullshit for no reason. the mosque thing was a LIE. my dad and brother always pray at home cuz they’re unable to go to the mosques and only go on fridays and last time i checked both my dad and brother are alive smh. and also the tattoo shit thingy, there were many tattooed guys and shit long before two years ago i think. so honestly this guy should literally shut the fuck up cuz spreading LIES aint cute

حلال من جاه المول وداس على حلقه ولعن والدينه وصلبه فنص المول 10:19

Embarrassing time for the prophet did for these people brining them out of jahalat but seems its going back to the same point and it was prophesied by the prophet, demolishing the homes of sahabas and making way to malls n hotels such a shame, organizing wwe events when men's r fighting half naked and women are enjoying

هذا الوقح لازم يتحاسب

The second guy is doing something saudis don’t do because its a shame when you do that in public but in private is not a shame because you don’t show people in public what ever I think many guys do that in privately

هو وحبيبته بفندق ومسوي انه عادي يستهبل ذَا

The second guy all her talk was a bag lie

In middle estern rich country Arab people can eat with a jew in same plate but not with a muslim from a poor country

عذرا ، محمد الثاني لا يمثلنا كسعوديين احنا أفضل من كذا !! كمسلمين لا يجوز للرجال التجول مع فتاه ولا وضع الوشوم ولا ترك الصلاه الا اذا كان مرتد عن الإسلام فهذا شي أخر ! كان مقطع جميل لكن ظهور محمد الثاني في هذي الطريقة فاشل

Mohamed 2 ‏اوفر

Mohammed is laying

عطوه دسلايك .. وبلاغ لانه كذب في كذب

الرمه طالع مع خويته و شغال سب في السعوديه

The second guy doesn't represent Saudis he's a lie.

الشخص الثانييي قهرني ..متنازل عن دينه وتقااليده ..

How much they paid you the Saudi government ؟

Dear Peter, Thank you for sharing Saudi haven't been there yet. I am American revert. BUT.......I just want to interject something .....It makes me very sad to see the Western influences in a negative way, I know there is a positive side as well. But the negative side of the Western culture bothers me but maybe you can not understand, or maybe you do. Do not like fast food chains, do not like the habit of consumerism, do not like the fact that the youth are being affected by utter garbage that is churned out of that disgusting place of Hollywood. the city of devils that promotes lude , violent, uneducated movies. I believe in education, being kind, helping people, and having strong families. Having respect for each other and having strong conviction to what is good for society. By following GOD's Laws as best as I can. All the best GOD BLess, May GOd guide you to the straight path, Ameen.

Heavensgate well said!!!! Totally agree!

does anybody agree with me the problem with sex slaving forcefully in saudi i bet ITS TRUE

الثاني مسويله وشم ويقول يجبرونه على الذهاب للمسجد وهذا كذب مافي احد يجبرك تروح المسجد و يقصون شعركك و طالع مع حبيبتك وكل الناس تشوفها هذا التطور الي تبيه اركببب علييهه بسس..

ولكم تو سعودي اربيا

I lived in Saudi for three years. I miss the kabsa, it was great. The kunafa from LaRomansia is the best man. I still dream about it :) . Yalla habibi!

seeing this and like seeing people film and experience the places i pass by literally every single day for the first time is so insane i still cant process it

One thing about Arabs and Saudis in particular are they are a most generous ethnic group whatever other shortcomings they may or may not have.

Bad video

For everyone who thought Saudi Arabia is oppressed please reply to this I would love to see other people's opinion Ps. Am saudi Arabian

U have to come to jeddah

From all the people in riyadh you meet the second guy OMG he’s laying about everything

Muhammad II is not a Muslim and understood evolution as a mistake

11:16 الله لايوفقه كذاب يعطي انطباع سيئ للاجانب

فيديو ممنهج وتمثيل واضح

“Most of them don’t pray” !??!???? Talk about yourself jerk , ew he thinks he’s cool but he looks like a rat seeking for attention

what camera did you use. nice 4K

محمد الثاني فاهم التطور خطا؟!

The second guy was saying the truth, even tho most comments here are saying otherwise. that must be a pain in the ass for Saudis

حسستونا اننا كنا عايشين في جحيم من قبل هالسنتين؟؟؟ ما هي الا إكمال للمسيرة اللي اقرها عبدالعزيز بن عبدالرحمن وأوصى بها ابناءه ولله الحمد عايشين التطور والأمن والأمان من ١٠٠ سنه ولا تغير شي ،،، التطور في الصناعة والطب والتكلونوجيا والمعرفة ،،،، ليش ما تكلمتوا عن الطبيب والطبيبه السعوديه والمهندس والمهندسة السعوديه والعلماء السعوديين ،،، هذا هو التطور والتي دعمته الدوله ،،،،، ما دعمت امثالك يا ابو وشم عشان تستنكر ما كنت عليه قبل فلا زلت منبوذ وفعلك انت وصديقتك لا يدعو للفخر بل شي شاذ ،،، والتعمد السخيف من صاحب الفيديو ما هي الا دس السم في العسل ومقابله أشخاص لا يمثلون المواطن السعودي الصحيح

He’s paid to do this vlog I mean these incidences the way he talks about evolution and business this is not he’s style of vloging very disappointed of how the people of my country would do everything thing for the sake of our reputation in the western countries I mean fuck them we are who we are we don’t need to be another country or another people to have better reputation cause this principle is illogical and for the guys in the video don’t blame them guys they are paid and maybe forced to act like that.

SSJG B52 are you serious? He always talks about that. And if you really watched Peter’s videos, you’d know, that he has his own business in the US and makes those videos straight from his heart. They are about PEOPLE around the world from the countries, that are presented in the media from political side only. Face the truth: he met hospitable people during the first day in KSA, asked them questions to understand, how does it work really, behind the news abroad. If you don’t agree with what that local guy said, well, all people have different opinions. It’s disappointing to see, how judgmental people are

Saudi is starting to change for the better. ❤

You did a really bad job representing the people

Beautiful city! I want to go to Saudi Arabia! However, Saudi Arabia is strict about foreigners entering.

محمد الثاني النسخة الاسوأ من الانحراف واعطاه معلومات مغلوطه كثير منها اذا ودك تصير نصراني او يهودي عادي ويقول ان اللي ما يصلي ياخذونه قسم الشرطه ويحلقوا شعر راسه ، تمتع بحياتك كيفما تريد لكن عفواً اظهر الجانب الطيب من بلدك . كل سنه ينزلوا في جده الالاف وملايين الحجاج والمعتمرين وما شفت جداوي قدح في مجتمعنا بهذي الطريقه او النظرة السوداويه .

i dont know what to feel . but i assure its safer here than other countries. The changes it KSA is just Bravo! im loving it.

مقصود في هذا فديو تشويه صورة سعوديه

It’s great era in the kingdom prince mohammed bin salman start that move toward the normalize this great nation with other world and everyone feels the change with love to him

Hello sir. I hope to meet you up here in saudi arabia. I inivite you to visit al hasa we have al qarah mountain which is very nice travel vlogg you can contact me on my number 0545298578 so that we can collaborate here . Thanks please reply and notify me .

Welcome to Saudi Arabia

محمد هذا ودك تمسك وتدعس على راسه وتخليه عبره ، كيف كذا تتكلم عن بلدك !!!!!

فشلونا بالحفريات

you need to visit Jeddah its have a beautiful beach

Wow look at the car they must be really rich

The second boy he soo lair and such a bad maann don't believe hem

Sadly these people are ruled by Arab Zionist.


مين يحس زيي ان الي جابهم معاه مو صدفه؟

Thoughts of Mohammed II is PARIAH! and He is a rare and hated person in society

Come to Palestine next

سود الله وجهك يا محمد هاذي الأشكال الي لازم تقومون عليها حملة و تسجنونها لانه لايمثل الرجل السعودي و كل الي قاله غلط ✋

Well some women don't even wear abayas

I just want to let u know that the second Mohammed lied about many things

الي يشوف ان محمد الاول شخص مضياف وابتسامته حلوه ويعرف كيف يوريك التطور // الثاني زق والي ازق منه القحبه الي معاه يخرب بيت الرخص بشهر واحد منقزها

محمد الثاني لايمثلنا واقطع هو والجاريه الي معاه

Wow very interesting and eye opening video.. I wanna visit Saudi one day

محمد الثاني سامج مررررررررره وكذاب

The second Mohamed probably a mounafiq ... i even doubt he is called Mohamed ... I feel more is like a plot ... he appear from nothing we don’t even know how they meet ... American willing to impose their imperialism on Saudi ...

What that Arabic guy said its not true at all... he is f***king lier what he done said its never happened before to cut your hair or what ever he said

But i’ve been too Saudi and he’s right the shops close bt the employees don’t pray lol not all of them anyways.

Mo is a cool guy.


الي قهرني السبك ألي يقول في العاميه مع حبيبتي ؟؟؟

The second guy was being a little selfish. He has a westernized mentality. That does not represent saudi arabia,neither our Religion. His girlfriend should be ashamed for going with a guy against her father's will.Also before marriage. Pre marital relationship is very rare there and considered to be disgusting Liked the first guy though.The country that gave so many foreign workers a stable life once.Even though many tradition are fading away because of the current king but still it is the country that still is closest to Islamic ethics. I have been there when I was young.Then I came back to bangladesh. I wish to visit there again Inn Shaa Allah. Saudi arabia was my childhood

The first Mohammed is soooooo kind. That moment when he offered him a ride was very touching..... knowing that they dont know each other. True Saudis are kind and accommodating.

It's my dream to visit SUADI ARABIA insha Allah

في الثانيه 18:09 حسبتو يصبع هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه

Looking forward to see the third mohammed you are going to meet

الزاحف الي يمشي مع خويته بياكل زق

The Second men he is lier.

tge second Mohammed is fake. these things don't happen whatsoever, everything he said is untrue, about the prayer and that they would cut his hair and all thay stuff. also for thr girlfriend situation is a lie, if they find out they're dating the police will take them, it's bc it's against our Islamic culture and that's the right thing to to. and the fact that he stays with his girlfriend in a hotel and if they did something inappropriate they will kill him and her

Ksa is under control and slave of USA

The other mohamed is crack

Fuck this Saudi guys! Disgusting bustard fuck your self dude such a big liar

ههههههه علطول شاف الطرق كيف والحفريات

The second guy that has got the tattoos is lien to much mean I hate him damn

C'est bien, rester comme vous êtes !

اول شفته حسبته زيدان


2nd one is hypocrite

Second guy doesn’t represent Saudi Arabia as it should be just saying

9:50 This is not even a typical Saudi. Looks like a retarded version of ""Saudi"" that lives outside of Saudi Arabia his whole life. I'm a foreigner, not a Saudi myself but I worked with Saudi for 5 years back then in their kingdom. Seeing they're very dedicated to their religion and at the same time highly intelligent and hardworking to a certain degree. With that, I'm not saying they're absolutely perfect but most of them are likeable and kind once you know them better. I think I prefer the Saudi back then, at least they have their own unique identity that they're distinguishable from others, unlike this recent change that I feel like it's more kind of rebellious youth power, which often a sign of uncontrollable degeneracy like we have here in the West. It is sad that I am watching the fall of a kingdom just to be acknowledged by toxic "progress".

Saudi Arabia has lowest crime records . I find peace here for sure

That's what happen when you talk about controversial subject in Saudi Arabia you Go Viral :)

I love arab saudi country from

According to the comments in this video: 2nd Mohammed is a liar and every saudi is the exact opposite of what he said. -No Freedom -Can’t or dont want to go out with your Girl -Never miss prayers Why y’all so proud to hate on him for loving his country

They never forced us to go to the mosk

I have visited Saudi Arabia couple of times, I must say it's a very beautiful country with a unique culture, their people are very friendly despite how people have "bad" perceptions about them, they really respect women. I once got lost, took a taxi and the taxi driver refused to take a cent from me because of the situation I was in, In many countries people will take advantage of a tourist and exploit them. One thing I can tell you for a FACT, the 2nd Mohammed was trying to portray a negative side of Saudi Arabia which is quite sad. He should speak about himself, a lot of people leave close the shop to show Obedience to the one who provides rizq, btw it's very admirable country and people are beautiful and I would highly recommend people to visit the country

the second mohammed is such a liiaaaarrrr

Mohammed 2 is not siude

That second Mohammed is a big liar.

I dont see anything wrong about the second muhammad, everything he said is just fine, at least his not being hypocrite, his just being honest.

يا اخي مدري ماحبيت كل بعد شوي تغيير وتغيير ومن هالكلام تحسسوني انه كنا في ظلال بالعكس احنا ما تغيرنا على مستوى الشعب اللي تغيرت التنمية محاربة التطرف والفساد واشياء إيجابية مدري حسيت فيه تقزيم وفيه معلومات مغلوطة كثير

Mohamed 's other words are not true. We have developed, but our religion forbids this thing and everything, but religion is not a red line

Salman abdulaziz is leading Saudi to the hell

This whole thing needs to be viewed with a pinch of salt, maybe a bit more..A bucket? There are various players here..The Saudi govt plants peole to say cool stuff to appear modern/open. Then there is their huge IT cell which monitors all content about SA and comments on YouTube videos like its an actual individual etc etc. It gets a lot murkier. And by the way there are lots of atheists and people who don't believe in the concept of Islam itself living inside SA but prefer to not say so publically to avoid harsh punishment. A lot of muslims are shocked by the very thought but i say..Grow up!! There are many in your midst who have abandoned your faith..

Maybe you wanna trun the comments off lol

الي كان ماشي مع خويته هذاالحقيرمايمثل الانفسه الشاب السعودي غيور ورجل..ومحافظ على صلاته ودينه..

A gay who has tattoos is liar all what he said is wrong

Came to hail city we have Ancient civilization. Call me 0548447031

Go to albaik

Second muhammed is right. We were living under isis rules forever. Isis take their rules from the same books they used to teach us at schools !

The second guy is trying so hard to show the American guy that Saudies are very open about everything but in real life not all saudies are like what he claims

that is not true

i wish we stared some new tech things not this things

odont want chnages i miss 2015 2016

Go to your country , Saudi Arabia is Islamic country and will stay

can someone explain why yall dont like the second mohammed? he seemed like a pretty nice guy, just having quality time with his gf and being all about freedom and peace. shouldnt this be interpreted as something everybody really wants?

I hate the second Mohammed he is such liar

The second Mohammed.. it really baffles me the lengths he would go to prove that he’s such an asshole! I mean he’s out here spitting false facts to show how cool and open to other cultures he is, yet he never catches on to the fact that he’s a total loser. Why does this douchebag think that spreading rumors about Saudi (which exactly fits to the Saudi stereotype) would make him smart? I mean the only good thing he did on this video is to give you a free ride and that’s it!! How can someone reach this level of inflated sense of self worth?

Mohmd is a lair

I love how brave second muhammed was lol. I'm genuinly worried about him. Riyadh is an anti freedom city and most of the terrorists are from riyadh.


ترا السعوديين ماهم كذا،الله يفشل محمد

دولة العهر السعودية.

شبااب طلعت لوحة محمد الثاني د ط ق | ٨٨٩٤ خن نبلغ عليه

If you wanna see an entire different world. Don’t go to capital cities. In case if you’re a nature guy, there are lots of places with diverse climates such as lakes, seas, deserts, valleys, mountains and many oasis in Saudi Arabia

Yo you look like disrespectful person man just the way u do your video is shit

the other Mohammed is a liar

Very nice country

The second Mohammed he’s a fucking liar in the past they didn’t cut your hair we was freedom country and we still freedom country

طيب هذا الصدق يعني كثير ما يصلون اساسا مفروض ما يسكرون بالاخير هالش راجع له هو يعرف الصح والغلط سو...

Hellow sir Im wathing from riyadh

فالسعودية التنميه لا تتوقف،، فخور ببلدي

The second guy represents himself only

What the heck!! That 2nd Muhammad is really putting bad image to Muslims especially to girls. I'm not an Arab nationals nor Saudis but the 2nd guys really disappointing me so much. What he said are all false.. grrrr he should just stay in UK where he came from and don't call himself as a Muslim coz obviously his not. Such a kuffar..

Believe you me, I stopped watching the video after saw the comments about the second guy..I just don't to feel bad "cause he said bad things about Saudi Arabia

i like the second guy Muhammad, he wasn't afraid to speak whats in his mind, I guess hes right they have more freedom now, even my cousin attested that , shes a nurse there and she said they can roam around the mall without covering their head, they can color their hair, and they surprised that very short shorts were being sold in mall and many saudia women buy it,

Ive been there 2years back march 2017- march 2019

محمد بن سلمان متبري منك بالزبالي

حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل ،،،،،الغرب حقق أهدافه وقضي علي التزام واحترام السعوديه بيفخر انه ماشي في الشارع مع صديقته عادي ،،بدايه النهايه يابلد الحرمين،،،اللهم قها شر حكامها بما شئت،،،،،،ماضيع اوطاننا الا الفساد الأخلاقي وانحلال الدين ارجوكم تمسكوا بقيمكم

There is no way you will figure saudis in such short time. It will take years to do so not only that but you need to read in between the lines. Haha asking 2 Mohammeds about saudi will get you no where. Nice try though

Welcome to Saudi, hope you enjoy and please visit the eastern coast you will definitely like it

My advice to all USA and European citizens DO NOT GO to Saudi Arabia.there is too much I could tell you a bout that since my language is Arabic and raised as a muslim and spent years on Gulf and get to know Arabs very deeply you will be trapped in unexpected fines to rip you off your money you will cry for help and know one will help you police there is nonsense controlled by tribes and rich Arab small issue may destroy your life.. believe me they did not open Saudi Arabia until their pockets are empty they are hypocrites they did not open it for Muslims from Bangladesh . NEVER GO THERE

Muhammad the other said extra information !! It’s not okay to go with a woman out without her ( Mhram) “ one of her brothers of her father “ . Also must of them don’t pray !! Who’s says that ?? If he doesn’t pray that doesn’t mean others are not!! Tattoo is hram “ forbidden by Islam law”. In conclusion, we change and ‏ ‏develop our country and thought not our religion “ these things what he said doesnt make him cool .. asshole

The second guy is an awful example of a Saudi man and he’s been saying a lot of false shit about us!

17:47 ..that Azaan touches my soul.....

Very cool, would love to go see saudi arabia now. Only ''arabic'' country iv been to is Morroco

محمد 2 مسلم مزيف اسلام بس بالشكل افكاره سموم يقدمها للمجتمع تقليد للغرب بغباء شديد وصف الهيئه انهم داعش عشان الفرصة متاحه الان قدامه للانتقام ماينفع واحد او اثنين اشخاص يقدمو حقيقة الحياة والمجتمع السعودي

You don't even see roaches during the day it's soo hot over there. It's when the sun goes down people come out.

ولا ذاك حقير ملعون الخير كيف يقول عن ديننا كذا ؟؟؟؟؟؟

The second person, a liar and a hypocrite and spoiled the video and I will report it, deserves to be punished according to the law, and must know that the Saudi people and his religion and customs must be respected, and open relationship with others does not mean the destruction of culture, religion and ethics

Machallah the first mohammed his nice.

Second guy is lying. He’s trying to ruin mbs’s reputation

99% Saudies commenting saying the second guy is a liar i believe you he's a dickhead

Welcome To saudi arabia My friend

الحقيقه مُره دائما انا لم أسيء لكم شخصيا لدينا قانون لايقمع الحريات وانا لم اخالف القوانين ولذلك تم التصوير بمكان عام وشكرا

ما يمثل السعوديه

What????? You can go to the mosque whenever you want No one forces you And you can do a tattoo No one tells you not But in Islam it is haram And that is something between you and God Women can not wear the hijab but must wear the abaya But in Islam for a certain age You must wear it I'm talking about Mohammed II He's the dumbest man in the universe Ahh I can't believe How to say things that do not exist ????? DON'T believe him plz

Hey man your so welcome to Saudi Arabia

What i first Heard The Azaan !!! Mashallah ♥️

Comments full of bitterness for the second guy. His only mistake was wearing socks inside his sandals. Apart from that he seemed like a pretty chilled lad and you guys are all butthurt because he's enjoying life now.


The 2nd man is such a lier We are working in ksa since 2014 but nothing happened like that with us But many things is against Islam its not allowed in ksa and we respect there rules We love ksa as a Pakistani

In my whole life I lived in Saudi Arabia not one person came to me and tried to force me to pray in the mosque and to cut my hair for not doing so, we have been free in this subject since we were born in this world, and we did not have to become Muslims by force to live in Saudi Arabia , we respect All the different religions that’s what our state has grown up to , From before until now we respect everyone The 2nd mohammed suck a fucking liar he lived in the uk most of his life how could he know what our country was doing at that time . And also in regards to your girlfriend that was never a hindrance, but our religion has forbidden illegal relations because there is a lack of literature and disrespect for our religious principles, also the reason that there are exaggerated in these things it’s because some people show off these acts to the general public, but if you want to have a girlfriend , you can. but don't do anything against morality so that you won't be arrested because that doesn't state what our religion has set for us , because we respect our religion the most So don’t believe this liar please such a prick of guy

الله يلعن محمد الثاني وبعدين من متى صار اذا تبغا تصير مسيحي عادي وأنه كان عايش في داعش معنا كرييييهه

The second guy is a dickhead, do not believe him.

محمد الثاني انت والسلقه اللي معك فاهممين التطور والحريه غلطططط

Welcome to Saudi

Yeah they’re nice if you’re Caucasian or western-looking. But if you’re from third world countries expats thats another story. Everything you see and experience in Riyadh take it with a grain of salt.

يوم كنا متمسكين بالدين والعادات والتقاليد كانت جميع الدول العربيه والاسلاميه تحترمنا وتقدرنا وكنا قدوه لهم ، والان اصبحنا مثال للانحلال والتغريب والانسلاخ من الهويه

Why do such liar people tollarate in Saudi. Now cut his tongue because he is lying. There is no rules that if you don't pry they will cut your head or something this is big lie. Along with the cutting his hand please somebody cut SAUDI KING SALMAN SON Head. He is main sourse of this consuconces.

الوسخ الثاني لا يمثلنا ابدددد

انا ماغثن غير الي حاط وشم

I think the second "Mohammad" is giving you false information. Seriously, that dude is spreading wrong information about Saudi Arabia, but nevertheless, Saudi Arabia is a safer country than the WEST or any other country, in my opinion ,since I used to live in Jeddah for 17 great years.

شكراً لانكم شوهتو صورتنا بقذارتكم وانحلالكم عند دول العالم ، الاسلام والعادات كانت قوتنا والان نحن بالنسبه لهم اضعف من قبل

محمد هذا اغبا مخلوق شفته في حياتي... يقول كل شي تغير قبل عامين

محمد لايمثل شعبنا المسلم

The second guy all what he said is a lie he doesn’t know anything about Saudi Arabia also there is better and beautiful places you didn’t go to it , iam so sad that you didn’t see the new and real Riyadh :(

the second guy is a big Liar .....

حسبي الله عليك انت وحبيبتك خربت الانطباعات الاولى .

Second Mohammed he's not right maybe crazy

لاا يجماععه وش هاذا من متى صار الواحد يحب وحده ويطلع معها عادي ؟؟ مملكتنا مسلمه وماتسمح بهاذي الاشياء صراحتن مادري وش اقول صراحتن

I don’t get why everyone is bashing the second guy.... for walking with his girlfriend? What if he’s not a muslim anymore? Regardless it’s his freedom

i think some people are riled up because the second fella is not very representative of the majority and more so of the monied western educated liberal minority who prefer to adopt wester culture and associate positivity to the outside and negative perceptions to that which is culturally saudi. The 'American dreamers' as i like to think of them i could be wrong though.But I love that you spoke to the migrant workers

الله ينكبك ي محمد كان وديته لي مواسم الرياض

What’s Muhammad said is no true by the way it’s not okay to have a boyfriend or girlfriend and we do prayers everything he said not true don’t believe anything ppl say everyone has different ideas

Iam a muslim .and I pray five times a day . Despite of that I like the city of my prophet , I will not travel there. Because they fucked the other muslim countries by ammunating the terrorist and made a calm life for thier self. They are abusing from islam. Other muslim have nothing but they ride the best cars.

Second Mohammed ugly

I lived there for two years while teaching.....It is nothing like what people in the west think....Most people are very welcoming to outsiders.

I'm not saudi but I've lived in Saudi for the past 3 years and the second mohammed is chatting shit.

Second person is a liar dude!!

Very interesting video. Saudi Arabia is for me a mystery and an "unknown planet". These "amatorial" videos,very often are very useful for trying to "discover"a nation and people who live there and that I will never be able to visit. Did you eat all that food you ordered at the Egyptian restaurant? ahahaha I suppose you were very hungry :p.

واضح نية الوسخ كنه يقول شوفو تراه عادي وان السعودية خربت

American logic: first day in Saudi, rides a car with a complete stranger

انا يقهرني الي يظهر للدول الاجنبيه ان بلاده كلهم او اغلبهم زي سلوكياته! طيب اذا انت تحب الانفتاح و الاشياء الي ما ترضي الله لا تعمم ، قول ( انا احب ذا الشي بس اغلب الشعب ما يحبون ذا الشي ولا حتى يسوون مثل هذي الاشياء)


Riyadh looks such a nice place..but I would definitely not live there.. it doesn't feel rigid culture...

Just wow You’re so handsome bruh I’m from Saudi Arabia to here

اللي طالع مع خويته وحاط وشم بجسمه وش يحس فيه هههههههههههه يولد ذا مب صاحي غلط يبوي وش اللي مسموح اطلع مع خويتي ويين


محمد الثاني واضح يبي الانفتاح و تقليد سلوكيات الغرب وكلامه كله خطأ الله يهديه

Omg you are so lucky man, im half indonesia half saudi arabia, im so so dificlut to go there, and very dificlut to get visa there, my fathers is a saudia nationality and my mon indonesia but she pased away when i 4 years old, soon i hope can go saudia and see gravier my mom in saudia

انا من سوريا و عايش ب السعودية 8 سنين ماشفت اي شي من الحكومه ماكنت اصلي ولا واحد قالي شي

The second Mohammed is a professional rich liar. Anyways, even if the culture may seem a bit harsh because of the old bedouin lifestyle, you shouldn’t get it confused with Islam in itself.

The second Mohammed is a professional rich liar. Anyways, even if the culture may seem a bit harsh because of the old bedouin lifestyle, you shouldn’t get it confused with Islam in itself. People should differentiate between the bedouin culture and Islam.

The dude walking around with a girlfriend. No one knows who she is so he can get away with it.

تابعوا قناتي

the second guy is such a liar.

Ho brother . Most welcome to safe, beautiful & respectable kingdom (saudi arbia) and i hope u enjoyed your trip. Wish you to see you around main big cities such as jeddah and dammam. As you noticed that from some comments not all you heard specially from second mohammed reflected our traditional and cultural ethics. Shukran brother for your visit hope to see u at jeddah.

الشخص الثاني ليتك بالع زق

The second guy is a phony, liar. If he enjoys sinning and committing haram, and wants to be like a kaafir and having tattoos, then he should have stayed back in the UK. Saudi Arabia is an Islamic country. Don't try to represent it as a disbelieving country. That guy really upset me!!!! I feel like punching him..

Bro i think some people laugh at you cause you look loke johnny sins. Thata why heheh.

Lol he is big liar

لماذا هذا الفديو يظهر جانب شخصي من فرد اسمه محمد ، والشعب والدولة جميعهم لا يتفقون معه؟ دعنا نقول الحقائق ياصديق

I’m Saudi girl and Muhammad is not good guy he doesn’t till the truth no one force you to pray from long time you have to go with someone proud of his country he even has a tattoo on his buddy that’s mean he is not a good Muslim

Well, yes everything has changed and developed, but the changes to people like the 2nd Muhammad who desire freedom only means literally taking your pants off and slutting around or hanging out with your so called significant other instead of the evolutionary change

Dubai Mall Water Dance


قبل خمس سنوات انا كنت اسكن في السعوديه معقوله السعودية تغيرت لذي الدرجة مثل ما يقول محمد الثاني!!!!!؟؟؟

Wallah iam swearing that the second mohammed is the biggest lier in the world when i was in saudi arabia iwas not praying astaghfur allah for that but no one was doing any thing for us and they only cutting the hair for who is doing a bad and harram hair cuts and only if u cross 18yo

They would treat westerners differently than asians.

The second mohammed tell many lies things, so shame on him, and welcome mr. Peter here in Riyadh, wish you learn more about culture and moral of Saudi people,

احمد ربك جيت ف الشتاء

The second guy doesn’t represent us in anything. He should talk about himself and not generalizes his filthy ideas on all of our people. We don’t see adultery as normal , and not most of us don’t pry , he should talk about himself. Everyone are welcome in saudi , but respect our culture and religion, we don’t want to change, and we don’t want to adopt western lifestyle just to appeal to westerners!

ليش احس اماكنا تفشل بعدين العمالة بكل مكان مافيه تنظيم

I am obliged to put a dislike of the passage because of the misconception of evolution

Hello peter I'm sara Normal Saudi women , keep in your mind not all that information it's true 99% from Saudi Arabia have Clear believe we are Central Muslims understanding of other religions, but with conditions everyone doing everything wants but not the bad things

Evolution is not rebellion against religion and Islamic customs Evolution by punctuality, education, hard work, acceptance of the other, law enforcement, respect for the queue and many other types of development

Can you go to the Boulevard and Winter Wonderland?

بما انتي عايش في السعوديه اكتر من ثلاثين سنه اقول ان الشعب السعودي من أكثر الشعوب الطيبه و الودوده و تتقبل جيمع الاطياف و الأجناس لكن مع إحترامي لهم الشخص السعودي الثاني راحي التاتو لا يمثل اي صفه من تلك الصفات و كلامه كذب و بهتان حفظ الله أهل الجزيرة و اعزهم بالإسلام و الموده في القلب دائم يا نبض الجزيرة السعوديه همه حتى القمة

الفديو الي مع البنت والله سيناريو حسبي الله إذا ما تبي يجي شي على الطبيعة لا تفبرك عشان الأجانب

Many says second Muhammad was a lier but reality is he is telling the truth in Saudi u must b careful or the police(moral)will gonna kick ur ass ,every day they sounding horns five times to close the shop nd things ,i can say if there is no oil money not even a fly ill go to that country except sunnies

طب لكم بواحد كلب .. وعلى م يقولون الطيور ع اشكالها تقع 11:20 //

Welcome petar we are developing

11:15 على كيف ابوك هو

He is a ‏ liar 11:31

Muhammad number two did not say the true customs and traditions for you, and I was saddened that he conveyed the customs and traditions of Britain

All the comments about the second guy being a bad presentation of saudi guys, y’all are delusional guys like him are everywhere and that’s ok they present the new generation of Saudi and ppl who have problems with him or guys like need to take a chill pill. He just gave y’all a reality check!

The second guy with cap is a liar, im filipina and living here in saudi since 1995, they dont force anyone to go to masjid and cut their hair or whatever lie he said. He is real lier.

11:25 living with ISIS here Lmao

I’m a women in Saudi Arabia and the second Mohamed is absolutely dose not know the country well they don’t put him in jail only if he did something bad like kissing his girl in public or something

مستانس مع خويتك اذلف

Hey If your still in Saudi and want someone to show you around in Jeddah, I'd be glad to help :D

ما اقول غير الله فوق كل واحد يشوه سمعت بلاد الحرمين احنا في بلد مسلم من المفترض نغرس القيم الاسلاميه في الاجانب ((تعرفو قد ايش اجر الي يدخل احد للإسلام )) ياليت كل واحد يشوه سمعت السعوديه يتحاسب اتمنى

And the girl she is lying because she can everything she wants not her father

فرق بين محمد الأول ومحمد الثاني حسبي الله عليك يا بعيد أخلاق وتصرفات لا تمت للشعب السعودي الأصيل الحرية شي والوقاحة والتمرد ع الدين شي آخر

18:15 I first thought the kid on the right did the Bird to the camera xdd

The boy with her girl friend he is lying

how long until Westerners wear out their welcome?

the second guy is a liar!

They lie if it benefits islam. Safe if you're a guy Must try and find a video of a girl on her own and see how far she gets

the second person is such a liar !!!!!!!!!

اجل girlfriend

Peter did you get paid to travel there? Your answer as YES or NO will tell A LOT

“Freedom and peace” that’s what I want in my live.... that was so cute!!

Staying in the hotel with his girlfriend? Dude that's a lie and you know that

come to Pakistan bro

Please do not believe Mohammed Please do not believe Mohammed Please do not believe Mohammed

Not sure why everyone in the comment attacking the second guy as a lair...he wasn't saying anything wrong he was saying how things WERE few years ago, not now. He says things have changed.


ياهو ايش الدنيا سهلت صحيح كذا؟

سبحان الله عشانه اغتنا نسا ربه ونسا دينه وحط وشم ياليته علئ الجاريه الي معه علئ الوشم الله يلعن تطور الي يحثك علئ الحرام

شوفو شوراعنا كيف طالعه ع حقيقتها

not every saudi people like change

The one with tattoos isn't saying the truth

سائح مافي مشكلة! المشكلة ليه يتجول في الشوارع لوحده؟! لماذا لا يوجد مراقبين وموجهين

The second guy is liar oommmg he’s liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The second guy is a liar and every thing he says was lies except the women driving.

يوه شذا الشخص الي التقا فيه كل الكلام الي قاله يفشل ولا يمثلنا

I wish you like our country it’s really completely different than before every things are changed,

مين شاف المرور السري الشرطه 2:19 ههه يا حبيبي صارو يطلعون ليه حتى في الحلم

awesome people! big love for the saudis from Israel. good video peter!

Muhammad II is a liar and speaks for himself just not knowing what the meaning of freedom showed Saudi Arabia inappropriately!!!!!!

The second guy is more accurate.

المقطع مدبر و لا و الله ادشر سعودي داخل المملكة ما يتجرء يطلع بمقطع فديوي و يقول انا مع صديقتي و الحين رايح ازني معها بالفندق على مين يا هو و الله ان المقطع في احد ثقيل وراه

I was reluctant at first about finding the truth about my cheating wife but I’m glad I finally took the courage for it and now I believe the saying that “The Truth Will Set You Free” cos I feel better and free now after knowing the truth. I got help from Cyberhackinggenius as he helped cloned my cheating wife’s phone and I got access to all her phone messages both deleted texts and social media chats without touching her phone. I’m glad to uncover her lies, secrets and Infidelity. All I did was share my wife’s phone number with Cyberhackinggenius and I was able to read her recent and deleted messages from my phone through a programmed link shared to me without touching her phone and she has no idea her phone has been cloned. I discovered that my wife has been in a long term affair outside our marriage and it was very painful finding out I’m not the biological father of our last child. I’m finalizing my divorce with so many proofs and she is still in a complete shock about my findings. You can contact this great Hacker Gavin via Gmail (cyberhackinggenius) or text and speak to him directly on his phone and WhatsApp : +19256795146.

اللهم أرنا الحق حقا وأرزقنا اتباعه الشخص الثاني شي يوجع القلب الحين اول مثل داعش مو مفروض شخص مثله يتحاسب ؟!!!

Where is the womans in this country!


Welcom to our kingdom bro

محمد الثاني كاذب مدلس يتكلم بما يريد وليس بواقع المجتمع السعودي

رجال ثاني ماخذ امها فله ههههه

I lived there when Saudi was still very very strict. Happy for the changes.


13:12 اقسم بالله حسيت اني فغربه ماني فالسعوديه الي اعرفها لعنت الله على الي اسمه محمد الثاني والعبده الي معه عطوني كم لو ماكانو منحاشين من اهلهم لا وساكنين بفندق بعد يلعن ابو معتقد التطور الي بمخك يازباله

اتمنى ظاهرة العماله الاجنبيه تنقطع عندنا وتتبدل بالعماله الوطنيه والمحليه منظر جدا راقي

This is not what do think about saudi arabia , we are muslims and the person that you talked to him , he didn’t say the truth by the way and you shouldn’t publish this video

شخصيا ما اشوف ان التقرير عفوي ابدا ، كل شي متفق عليه ، وكل شخص يقول كلام غريب وكانه ملقن تلقين ، معليش هذا شي يسيء لنا كسعوديين انا ارفضه تماما .

واو التاتو والقيرل فرند بنظرة تطور صراحة فاجئني

بأي دقيقة القيرل فريند ؟

تزوج رجل من امرأة جميله جدا جدا وأحبها جدا .. ثم أصيبت الزوجة بمرض جلدي خطير إذ أن جلدها يتساقط وهنا شعرت الزوجة الجميله بأنها فقدت جمالها لكن زوجها كان مسافرا .. وفي طريقه للعودة أصيب بحادث أدى لفقد بصره وأصبح أعمى وأكمل الزوجان حياتهما الزوجية يوما وراء يوم الزوجة تفقد جمالها وتتشوه اكثر واكثر والزوج أعمى لايعلم بالتشوه شئ واكملو حياتهم بنفس درجة الحب والوئام الرجل يحبها بجنون ويعاملها باحترامهم السابق وزوجته كذلك الى أن جاء يوم توفت فيه زوجته (رحمها الله) وحزن الزوج حزنا شديدا لفراق حبيبته وبعد الدفن قام الزوج وخرج من المكان وحده فناداه رجل يا أبو فلان .. كيف ستمشي وحدك وهي كانت من تقودك طيله الفترة السابقة فقال الزوج: لست أعمى !! انما تظاهرت بالعمى حتى لااجرح زوجتي عندما علمت باصابتها بالمرض، لقد كانت نعم الزوجة وخشيت أن أكون سببا بنكستها فتظاهرت بالعمى طوال الفترة السابقة وتعاملت معها بنفس حبي لها قبل مرضها هل جميعنا محتاجون للتظاهر بالعمى كى لا نرى عيوب الاخرين ….للعقول الراقيه….(عن الوفاء نتحدث)........!لايك واشتراك حبايب قلبي

الشخص الثاني شاذ ولايمثل السعوديين

الله يهديهم للإسلام الإسلام دين السلام والمحبة ومرحبا بكم بالسعودية

Bomb saudie corrupt regime and peodos

Don't download anything bro that's not Saudi Arabia and the tattoo man lied about everything

اكتشفت انه كنا شريرين و فجأه تغيرنا ههههه

WTF this tattoed Arab really dumb like hell. Hes a freethinker with a bulls hit lifestyles

محمد الثاني مسكين يعاني من عقد غير سوي

bowerful xD

ذيبان صريح جاي مع خويتي

محمد التاني الحمدلله الذي عافانا وفضلنا ع كثيرا من خلقه وش وضع الي معه يلعن اوم الرخص

محمد الثاني لا يمثل الشعب السعودي

محمد الثاني .. لا يمثل المملكة !!

هو منو محمد الثاني

Person number 2 even at my father days no one went to jail for not praying.

محمد الثاني ممسوخ وأيضا كاذب، باقي شوي ويلهث زي الكلب أنا مثلك أنا مثلك، لاشيء أجمل من اعتزاز المرء بثقافته ودينه وليس مجرد نسخة مشوهه متأمركة يشمئز منها الغربي والعربي على حد سواء

@Marya شفت دقيقتين من المقطع الي افتهمته انه ينقل صورة غير صحيحة عن السعودية صح ولا انا مشتبه ؟

@Hussein Jawad الاثنين اللي في المقطع اسمهم محمد، أقصد الثاني

منو محمد الثاني ؟

The second person is a liar and his information is all wrong and he is not a good person you should visit Riyadh season and meet real Saudi people

I’m saudis saudis are good people but the government is terrible for the Muslims

السبك ذا يسوقها يسوي فيها انه معه خويته ومدري ايش الله يخلف عليه

i dont really agree with the second guy, yes you are free to do what ever you want like have tattoos i wouldnt care nobody would but culturally its disrespectful. and being with your girlfriend is also somewhat ok every body does it but again culturally its disrespectful. also the thing with the isis rules thats fucked up of course they didnt take us to jail because we didnt pray nobody went to jail for that, his statements are wrong. also its extremly fucked up to get a hotel room with your girlfriend thats him literally disrespecting the girls family

كان ودي يسأل محمد الثاني وهل اختك تقضي وقتها نفس ما انت تسوي تتطلع مع صديقها وتروح معه الفندق

و فوق هذا عاملين بهارات و انه التقى به صدفة مع انه واضح انهم منسقين عشان يعملوا هذا الفيديو السخيف

11:11 يعيال ذا يكذب والله كذاب بحياتي محد سحبني وقالي صلي وبالنسبة للوشم هو مسموح من زمااااان والمشكلة انه حاط رمز الاسلام وهو م يدري انه يعتبر كافر وبالنسبة للجيرل فريند على قولته الا الان يعتبر غير مسموح

يعني بالسعودية يصير تمشي مع الگيرل فريند ولا لا ؟

What the second man told you to wipe from your head that he is a man who does not represent the Saudi man and does not represent our customs and traditions that he is a young man bad prayer is obligatory for every man and go out with his girlfriend this is forbidden because Islam has forbidden that and beware of people who say so but the first man that he is good and sincere

saudis are actually racist to east asian people,.the very fact that they were expecting european and american to visit their country.

الناس تدعي ربها بستر وناس تفضح نفسها يستاهل

هذا الحمار الذي اسمه محمد مفتخر بالأوشام على جسده و مفتخر ان معه صديقة و انه يتمشى معاها و مفتخر بالسينماء و مفتخر ان بعض النساء أبعدن الحجاب و مستهتر بقوله يغلقوا خمس مرات لصلاة و ما يصلوا هذا المعتوه فاهم الحرية خطاء و جالس يقنعنا ان السعوديين كانوا عايشين في ظلام حتى اتى وقت الترفيه و التفسخ

الشخص الثاني اوفر ايش يعني محد يصلي والمساجد مليانه واضح انه هو اللي مايصلي

اتوقع انه جا يشوف ثقافتنا مهو يشوف ثقافته الي في بلده ولا كان قعد في بلاده احسن له هو جا يشوف ثقافتنا مهو وشمك الي في ايدك ولا الي في د..ك

This is a lie to people. First, the Saudis don't put tattoos. The Saudis don't have girl friends and go with them. If he came from Britain two weeks ago, how is his girlfriend a month ago? Everything in the video is pre-planned.

I don't know why the second person and the little people like him think that the improvement mean that you have a tattoo and girlfriend. Actually he didn't say the truth about Saudi Arabia

Andreas Iniesta ?

The second person is a lair nothing from what he says is true!!!!

The second person is a big liar

The person that you have met is an awful man there is nothing like this shit here he is a bad influence for us don’t take information from any body just like that.

The second man ????????????????????????? WTF is wrong with him

Bin Salman buy Manchester United

Hi my friend, thanks for visiting our country Saudi Arabia

The second guy is a big lier , Middle East and saudi arabia Specifically is The peace City and we love all the people in the earth , And welcome brother any day and any time ❤️❤️

Saudi Arabia is now open for tourists. The end is near

The second man liar and not represent us because we want development beased on our value and principle and religion not to be copy of other

Muhammad, who has a tattoo, does not represent Saudi Arabia, we have the Islamic religion, and prevents us from these actions, we mean we grow and progress, but not in this way through and through this person and this woman with whom, we love our country and our religion and do not allow this to convey the wrong image of Our religion.

What's shocking ??

2nd person was a real fuckface

The second guy is such a big lair !!

Have a girl in public:arrested tattos: they dont give a fuck drinking beer or alcohol: arrested for a short term (not sure cuz i never tried) not praying: they dont give a fuck also adultery: YOU FINNA DIE BABY

The second guy wouldn't marry a girl that is not a virgin everyone also he would not let his sister have date

الله يلعنكك يالعبد

محمد الثاني جابلي حرقان في معدتي الاشكال ذي قسم بالله تخلي الواحد يتمسك بدينه اكثر والحمد لله اشكاله بالمملكه واحد بالميه لا اكثر

The second guy is a boomer and that’s it!!!

11:09 he is saying bullshit

غبني ذاك يوم قال اغلبهم ما يصلون

The dumb person who was wearing a cap is laying about taking you to the police department if you didn’t pray. Praying is a main thing in our life as Muslims and as people who believe in GOD the creator of this world Im telling the cap man if you don’t wanna pray then it’s your choice but don’t talk badly about it. We respect and welcome all people from all the world to visit us to learn about our culture and have a good time .

محمد الأول الله يبيض وجهة محمد الثاني الله يسود وجهك هههههه


2nd guy is full of shit

You need a better guide. What a misrepresentation of Saudi and Islam, I'm so sorry for you.

0:12 is that what you r proud of?

بالنسبة للحريه اللي يتكلم عنها اللي شفناها بالمقطع السابق حق الرجال اللي كان مع حرمه مايعرفها بخصوص هذا الموضوع المفروض يوصل للجهات المعنية لان هذا الشي لا دينا ولا المجتمع يقبله والمفروض يتحاسب هذاك الشخص اللي اسمه محمد على هذا الشي

- what is that 40? - oh noo, it's 39

Second guy

بصراحه فخوره في الولد اللي ركبه سيارته ورحب فيه عندنا عيال كفو

Muhammad says "I felt I was living in ISIS rules...

There I was thinking hey the second guy is cool, maybe Saudi is making more progress then I thought. Everyone in the comments: THE 2ND GUY IS A LIAR HE DOESN'T REPRESENT SAUDI ARABIA!!

The sacand Mohammed is liyer all the thing he said it's pullshit

الي يسمع الشابين يقول كنا نعاني ونعيش اكره عيشه مالت على الشباب امثالكم وخاصة الثاني الي مايشرفنا ولا يشرف السعوديه ...تف عليكم

not going to talk about the second guy okay; you’re video was really good and it shows how kind and nice people in saudi is, they’re really excited about new people coming to visit and getting to know the country, i’ve been living here for 3 months now and i can tell you they’re really good (the majority at least) and things are really changing! very nice keep doing it!

وشم ومو عاجبه بلده .. لا تعليق !

يشبه الممثل جسيون ستاثام

Abu jahal state.. Wahabi

كلام غريب جدا من الاخ المدعو محمد الذي نقل صورة غير جيدة عن الاسلام وعن النظام السعودي يجب الارتقاء في المعاملة

محمد الثاني فشلتنا فشلتنا الله يصلحك

خسارة ان الي عزمك ديوث ويعطيك أفكار وثقافات من الخارج للأسف ليتة قال الحق والسياح يجون على الثقافات مو يسألونك عن خويتك ولا غيرة حسبي الله عليك

Funny thing is that Saudi Arabia is the most serious & radical Islamic country... Just one year ago women got the right to drive. Iranian women are driving from the first-day car entered the country! Then just because they pay a good amount of money to the USA, Iran is called radical and Islamic! You have been to Iran and you were not wondered like you are on a different planet bro, were you? Iran is more modernized, open and tolerant however media says any shit they have benefit in. Though 11 out of 16 attackers on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia, nowadays, the US government trying to link it to Iran after initially putting finger on Afghanistan and destroying that country. One reason only! As you Americans always believe and say; Money talks, bullshit walks. God shows you, people, the way.

Delete this sh***

ROFL the second Mohammed is lying xD wth! Non sense.

Woahhh why didn’t we meet I would’ve shown you aroundddd ahhhhh

2nd muhammed sound like FRENCH

انا لست عري لكن احس الأسف ان اري بعض الشباب العربي كيف يفكرون ويحبون الملاهي وتضيع الوقت وتقليد الاعمي اذي يسمونه الحريه

عليهم أن يفتخروا تقاليدهم السليمه والبلدهم الطيب المبارك وان يحمدوا الله وان يعلموا ان العزة والكرامة هي أن يتمسك المرء بدينه وعقيدته ومعني الحريه هي أن تكون حرا من التقاليد المستورده والعيب ان محمد سماه والديه باسم الحبيب المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم لا تكن متبعا ذليلا وعبيدا لغيرك والصلاة مفتاح النجاه وتمنعك الحرام اتق الله والله يهديك

He accused the saudi government by calling them ISIS ! Dammmm

The Saudi guy’s accent like a shit: bace = pace - bower = power

ياولد وش قلت الحياة ذي يقول انا الحين اطلع معا خويتي عادي

second Mohammed he is a big liar

I am impressed. I want to visit S.A.

هدا يدل على عدم الثقه بالنفس

هذا محمد الي مسوي متفتح و خويتي ومدري ايش وان المتدينين مايتغيرون اذا كان صادق يخلي اخته تطلع مع الشباب ولا مع بنات الناس عادي

الثاني ذا الي طلع ..من متى كانو يجرونك للمسجد اذا ماتصلي ..الله ياخذك وياخذ من رباك .. ريته ظل مع محمد الاول ولا قابل هالكلب الاجرب

First, you should learn to spell Riyadh before posting a video with the graphic Riyhad. Secondly, what's the point of pixelating the image of a woman who's dressed from head to toe in a black potato sack

no body agrees with the second mohammed he is a big liar!!!

مجاهره عيني عينك

No he is not Muslim that’s why he can walk around with a girlfriend it’s so bad

Muhammad: What’s your name? - Peter Muhammad: Awww

Other than religious fundamentalists, Saudi youngsters really like to live a normal life as westerners. Prince Mohammad bin Salman should do more for women's freedom.

افتخروا بعادتكم وتقاليدكم واجعلوا الاخرين يرون ما لدينا ..نحن متميزون باخلاقنا وعادتنا وثقافتنا المحافظة.

حياكم الله في السعودية، نتشرف بوجودكم لكن الشاب صاحب الوشم لايمثلنا نهائياً ولانفتخر به...

Muhammad the second man he didn't lie that’s the truth and no one want to accept it, I really enjoy your vlog

Most of comments say the 2'nd guy is a liar.....i doubt it because no one will take such a risk to appear in a YouTube video and lie about their own country.

It's really fun and I loved your vlog about my country

This man does not show his islamic culture and coustoms to a foreigner and I am doubtful he is a saudi arabian.

انا سعودي و كل ما قاله محمد الثاني غير صحيح و عقليته عقلية مراهق

محمد الثاني فيه كميه تخلف واصاً مو عارف التطور صح متى صار يحلقون الشعر علشان تروح المسجد؟؟!

قمة التخلف استطيع اطلع مع حبيبتي سخافة لأبعد حدود

مين المريض الي مع خويتو وعععع متخلف مايمثلنا ابدا

the second one is fake.

No one ever force u to go pray , cut the bullshit

Arab and Indonesia is Islam county I likes. They're different than another.

واضح الفلم ترا مو ماشي علينا وان شاء الله كيدكم في نحركم

The second guy ,I swear if I see him I will kick his ass bitch هذا مو عندنا عدلت ولا تقاليد

does anyone know what kind of trees @ 2:12 are?

Man, I thought visa tourists were not allowed yet, how did you enter the country administratively ? I Want to visit too

i suggest to delete this video because it’s big lie and you humiliate yourself with it. and please respect our rules because we respect yours even thoug we don’t find it respectful to human beings .

Sir please visit in Pakistan

Nice video. I m bangladeshi from riyadh.

الله يأخذه قاعد مع حبيبته بفندق و موشم و يجذب

بلد مقدس وشعب همجي وغير محترم

باختصار خلاصة المقطع ان السعودية كانت دولة إسلامية والآن أصبحت كسائر الدول دولة فاسدة حتى النخاع مبروك عليكم التغيير أتمشوا مع صديقاتكم واذهبوا إلى السينما واشربوا الخمور واحصلوا على الوشوم مثل جديكم ابو جهل وأبو لهب والله لو رائكم الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم لتبراء منكم

Seems like saudis don't like the second mohammad cuz he is hanging out with his girlfriend. Either they want to control his life or they are jealous

انا ف امريكا واتمنى اني ارجع السعوديه وذا يتكلم ب شي م قد سمعناه الزق ذا والله دمعت عيني يوم سمعت الاذان

Saudi is better than most middle east countries. But they should help other arabian countries to peace and stablization. Also peace is with iran is highly important

it is changing but not as much as you telling about most of the peaple still think same but young youth are very positive of change but dating a grilfriend in saudi arab is too much lol

Alslam Alaikum Peter We are so happy that you have visited our country. It was a very nice video done by you and I was stunned you have visited very poor places which is nice. I want to tell you that the Second Mohammed gave misleading information. We can simply proof that because he asked to hide his girlfriend's face. If the whole country is fine with that, and it is legal, why would he do that? I will be proud to take you if you visit us again especially in Jeddah. You can reach me at Looking forward to hearing from you.

وش سالفه الرجال بدايه الفيديو يعرفه ولا كانو متفين أحد يعرف

انا متأكده ان هالشخص متعاون مع اللي تكلم عن حبيبته شي غريب انه فجاءة يلتقي بشخص ويطلع هالشخص صايع ومفلوت لا وكمان مبين هويته الموضوع لعبه واضحه

How did you get inside Saudi Arabia? It is almoust impossible. I would love to visit Saudi Arabia. Are the people friendly towards tourist? They seem nice. As a European I would never go in a car with a person I dont know in Europe. I red that Saudis (talking about the people not politics) are in general really open and love to help others.

I've stopped watching the video at 10:00

The second mohammed is so ugly and doesn’t represent us saudis his a liar and if the police find out about this he will be stopped.

Lol, jesus the Saudis in the comments are hilariously backward

Hello, Im going to Riyadh for a week next week. I was wondering if yiuh had the chance to go to the Red Sand Dunes, and Edge of the World? Im going to KSA alone, and not sure how to arrange to go to those 2 places. I see that there are tour operators but they are expensive since they handle all aspects from flights and hotel.. But

Nice your videos

Hi dear friend

Its riyadh not riyhad

Benefits of having oil

The second Muhammad does not representing Islam.....

The second guy spoke lies ,he is not a Muslim.Don’t spread wrong information of Saudi Arabia without verifying for the sake of " video "and "views".I disliked the video because of that.

ليش تكذبون على انفسكم كل اللي قاله الرجال الثاني صح ويصير ولا بنسوي نفسنا اغبياء وننكر اتركوا العبط كل اللي قاله صح وقاعد يصير من زماااان

My husband is saudi and I’m not. Even for a foreigner, this is unacceptable the girlfriend thingy sleeping with him in a hotel and the tattoos. It doesn’t represent Saudi Arabia at all. However, and I’m saying this with so much love for Saudi Arabia, just probably 1% saudis is like this.

صراحة انا م همني ان الاجانب يصدقون كلام محمد الثاني ولالا لكن الاهم سمعتنا قدام الدول الاسلاميه الباقيه بكره يجيني ماليزي يقول انتم تطلعون مع بنات وتنكحونهم بالفنادق !! بالله ايش اقول


بعض الناس محترف للإنبطاح للأجنبي يفتح مكوته له - الان امشي عادي مع صديقتي - ليتهم يمشون مع خواتك وانت تشوف ولا تقدر تسوي شي يا خنث، وبعدين مصدق ان محمد اللي ركبه معه اول المقطع معجبه كل شيء ويمدح ماهو مرتب؟؟؟؟؟ يا صبر الارض على الغباء المستفحل من بعض الربع

Thats a big lieee.. it wasn't like that in KSA .. what he mentioned about police dept. And cutting hairs.. he is just an ass****

تقرير مدفوع الأجر هدفه الدعوه للانحلال من جانب السعودي الذي يفاخر بصديقه َونزع الحجاب

محمد الثاني لو انه على صح هو والامه اللي معه كان طلعها بدون تشويش المشكله يناقض نفسه ويعطي معلومات غلط عن شعب كامل

دخلنا ٢٠٢٠ والحفريات كما هي... إلى متى ؟

محمد الثاني لا يمثلنا

I did not like this man's way of talking no one can talk about his country like this !! We are free we have white hearts we give everything until love is free “ love the system before “ “ love the system now “ we are the sons of the old kingdom the same blood but open minds more.. - dear peter welcome to the real kingdom ( Saudi Arabia )

the second mohammad is big liar

١١:٠٠ منرفزززز ليته ماقابله قلة حيا


6:41 بلش يدور اماكن يمشيه فيها هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه

The fuck is the second Muhammad saying?”they force you to go to mosque and if you don’t you go to the police department and cut your hair” What the fuck dude none of that is fucking true he really triggered me saying he felt like he was among ppl from isis . NO one forces no one to go fucking pray here never have anyone forced anyone to go to the mosque. And people didn’t care about tattoos they just stayed away from ppl with tats or just talked shit about them,not take them to PRISON.

Second Mohammed is biggg lier

Second person is big lier

مو كلنا م نخاف ربنا زيك مريض قهرني والله

يخي ليه يكذببببب سؤاللل ؟؟؟؟؟

Saudi is way better than the west because of modesty. I hate the change going on there because it will make people doing sex with their pets (Like some Americans using dogs for this purpose), same-gender marriages will start and women will start taking off their clothes because it is open-mindedness and their choice. Please, guys, save your country from becoming that kind of open.

Kaloka tumira dyan

بيض الله وجه محمد الاول ابو ثوب وسود الله وجه محمد الثاني يقاله راعي تطور مع صديقتي اجل

Yeah it tastes different it’s real

second person: "most people don't pray" many people who watch this maybe said: "it is himself who doesn't pray"

والله ضاق صدري منه

He only represent himself and by the way if you think getting tattoos is cool and wow you have never read a book in your life and you American boy if you wanna know about Saudi ask the right one not anybody who wakes in the streets you don’t go to the doctor to get some milk do you ? Wanna know Saudi ask real one cause you just asked fake one

كل مافي الفيديو هو متفق عليه رجل مخادع وجميع الباقي تمثيلات فقط

The second guy was just talking shit because literally everything he said was just lies. He represents him self only

استغفر الله شوهوا صورة الإسلام والمسلمين

محمد الثاني هذا خذوه وركبوه اقرب طياره لليو كي حقته هو وحبيبته. هذا الشخص مستحيل يمثلنا

اللي اسمه محمد الثاني زق جالس يشوه صورة السعودية المفروض يلعنون جدفه

المرشد فشلنا معلوماته غلط

if You think Evolution of society means to have a girlfriend then your stupid af

Your girlfriend yeah right its obvious you payed for him nobody is that stupid

‼(ياااااخساااارة)‼ والله عيب عليك انت ماتمثلنا هذا ماهو تطور تصادق بنت الناس وتمشي معها بالحرام اخساك الله انت وهي ياسفهاء اذا بتتطور كن على خلق دين نبيك المصطفى صل الله علية وسلم . ياحسافه على تطور هذا الجيل المفلس الفقير المعدوم من الرجولة والخلق الحسن


الرجال الثاني واضح مرة منفتح اللحين طلعت من السعودية و رحت بريطانيا بس عشان يعطوك حرية و تحط تاتو وهو شي اصلا حرام صراحة مادري ايش مفهوم الحرية عند البعض غريب والله.. السعودية تسمحلك بكل شي بس لا تتعدى القوانين والأشياء المحرمة وانت بكذا عايش حياتك بحرية تماما بس اللي يحب الطرق الملتوية هذا يبغى حرية بمفهوم ثاني ومايلاقيه الا بالدول الأجنبية..

الشخص الثاني مخنث < use google translate

Is everybody rich there?

صراحه نصدمت بكمية التطور في السعوديه اتمنه العراق هم يتطور

Laughing at the first minute, you thought you could walk on Riyad’s streets how funny, they forgot about the pedestrian roads when they designed the city lmao

Lol the second guy speaks the truth and everyone goes crazy lol

الهيئه الغو صلاحياتها من ٢٠١٤ كيف قبل ٣ سنين يحلقون شعرك يسوق امها ذا

Ok it's time to send all the Muslim immigrants and refugees from the West back to Saudi Arabia

وين عايشين ذول قسم انهم ممثلين واجادو الدور

ولد الحرام جالس يعطي فكرة سيئه عن السعوديه هو والقحبه الي معهم

I honestly stopped watching when the second guy came on... Can't stand lairs.

In public I walk with my girlfriend Girlfriend covered with black clothes cannot even the see the face lol

The second guys is pull shitting nothing he said is true.

الي حاط وشهم فاهم الحياة غلط وخلا السعوديه القديمه شينه وهي كانت حلوه هاديه

This is a very very sad video!! People openly parading and being happy at they they are allowed to disobey Allah. Tatoos? Girl friends? What an insult to Nabi Salillahu Alaihe Wasalam and the noble Sahabah Radiallahu Anhum that gave everything to spread Islam

I belive this vedio is very bad for some reasons: first of all the tuber make himself does not know these people before. Secondly these two men do not brief community in some laying words. The community in Saudi Arabia are muslims and do not accept which they said about freedom to select your religion or accept to let their daughters or sisters go with any man as boyfriend. And last I would like to tell u that the second guy is not saudi anymore.

whats this camera plz

Oh wow we met here in Jeddah lol... Thats cool

So the majority says second guy is a complete certified A S S H O L E.... I agree

The Second man is a liar

9:52 that guy doesn’t know what he talking about

اشوف الامريكي ذا كأنه يسوي تقصي في كثير من المواضيع

Welcome my friend

The Second Mohammed said it NOT in good way and mentioned "ISIS" that's why he's information become invalid for many local saudis here. BUT SOME OF HIS INFORMATION IS TRUE. I know someone get in prisoned because of tattoo, I know someone forced to cut his hair because it's long and I SAW someone get in troubled with the police because he is sitting outside the store near in the mosque during salah and not praying. I lived here in Saudi Arabia for 6 years. I visited few cities such as Tabuk, Abha, Dammam, Khobar, Jubail, Hail, Yanbu, Taif, And Jeddah. I love this country. I have bad expereiences here and the worst was with the police. BUT I love this country, I have met a lot of GOOD PEOPLE here than bad people. I support everything this country has in my own little way. Much love to all of you.

Most of the information Mohammed said is not true about Saudi Arabia

كفو محمد الاول اما محمد الثاني من فين جاء هههههههههه خيييير

الجاهل اللي سمع عن الحرية فتخلى عن مبادئه والجاهلة اللي سمعت عن الحرية رمت ملابسها

هاد تعريف البني آدم الحمار

Peter Mohammed is the man who has this tattoo of freedom. He is a rebel and not our people.

Mr. Peter, Welcome in our country. In fact, the second Muhammed is a big hater to the KSA and its legals. We absolutely knew from what he said that he’s not originally from KSA. Please MR. Peter do not take wrong information from people like this guy he’s absolutely representing himself, no one agrees with him at all as you can see in the comments below. All what he said is ******** .

قهرني الثاني تكفى الله ينصرنا عليه


Man just be careful while filming cos of Arabs mentality kinda sh*t

Welcome to ur second country

والله افضل شي شفته هوه محمد الثاني

everything is nice

الله يكون في عون امه محمد الله يكون في عوننا واللي بانواجهه مستقبلاً الجزيره العربيه فيها قبايل معروفه بعاداتها وتقاليده ماهي بلاشكال ذي

The guy with his girlfriend is a big lair. Most of what he said are crab. Shame on him.

The man in the tenth minute does not represent Saudi Arabia at all،،،

Welcome to Saudi Arabia

Omg11:22 he is lying!!!

Those workers are not Saudis

فرقه Nu'est حملت المليار مشاهده Face BetBet Love me لنبدأ هجوم انشروا هاذي الحمله ولنتعاون من أجل هاذي الفرقه الرائعه

محد يجبرك على الصلاه

But i must say the second mohammed does not represent the true Saudi ppl! He is laying repeating the lies we read about our country in foreign newspapers. Shame.

I wish you showed my country as beautiful as it is. It seems like you were misplaced. You should have done a research of the beautiful places before arriving. Saudi Arabia has a lot of history and the ppl are very kind and welcoming.

Sorry but the second guy is acting like a pimp , he doesn’t represent the Saudi’s! He is a low class person, Saudi’s are more civilized and respectful! As for this asshole second guy , he is trash

مثل الحمار الي اسمه محمد ويكرم اسم محمد عنه هذي الاشكال قبل م يطلع للدول الثانيه تلقاه ماقد طلع من الديره يروح هناك ينغسل مخه ويرجع ومسوي متفتح ومدري ايش

الادمي الي حاط وشم، وراه كذا؟ حبيبي تكلم عن نفسك يا مصخخرهه وشم وقيرل فرند ويحلقون شعرك اذا ماتروح المسجد على كيفك الشغلة هي

Great video man, but I have to say the place looks utterly sterile and soulless..

Kingdom tower is in jeddah not in riyadh

9.50 حسسني ان السعوديين قبل سنتين الحكوميه مقفله علينا في بيوتنا ،،، للاسف تبالغ كثير وتقول المحلات تسكر وقت الصلاة واكثرهم مايصلون وتقول الان اقدر اطلع مع صديقتي ومفتخر بعد ولا كان عندك ام واخت يشفونك !!! اقسم بالله انك متخلف وكثير من كلامك غير صحيح ولا نتشرف فيك انت ومن مثلك ،،، قال ايش توني جاي من بريطانيا ولو ماصار التطور ارجع لبريطانيا ،،، ليتك ذلفت لبريطانيا ولا شفنا وجهك في المقطع

فهمت كل شئ الا اللي يحسب التطور والانفتاح آني امسك يد بنت و أمشي معاها بدون محد يكلمني واحط وشم واسوي نفسي كوول وشوفوني تراني مواكب الموضه مع الخيل ياشقرا + تتراك كذاب يامحمد٢ اجل عندك مدري كم سياره وسواقين وتخرط على الاجنبي طيب امنا بالله وعندك ذي كل السيارات والفلوس معقوله فلوسك ذي ماخلت عندك عقل علو الأقل وتعرف إيش هو التطور والانفتاح؟؟

The second guy is the embodiment of the western culture to try to enforce itself to the Saudi Muslim culture and these two separate and completely different cultures can’t co-exist. So wtv the second guy was saying it’s what most Saudis are against. We’re fine with change for the better but not worse.

Is it true that Saudi Arabia do Takfir on Shia Muslims and Saudi clerics call for the death of Shia Muslims? I'm talking about ordinary people because I watched a video where a Saudi cleric praises a terrorist organization like Daesh from Mecca.

Look how the country has chaanged...

هههههههههههههههه صادق خله يأدبهم هاللي يحصلون وينهبون من فلوس الشعب ويصرفونها على السياحة عشان يجون السواح من برا وينتفونهم ويضحكون عليهم. بلد مافيها تطور ولاتعليم ولا خدمات ولاشي مثل دول العالم الاول والثااني والثالث وعايشين في فوضى حتى المرور والشوارع تقرف عيشتك ويبون سواح ومستثمرين بعد. انا ماقدر اكمل اكثر من دقيقة لاني عارف ومنقرف من ثلاثين سنه ماعندهم نيه يتطورون للافضل حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل فيهم مسؤولين فاسدين من اكبرهم الى أصغرهم.

The second Mohammed, openly lying and admitting to adultery in what religion is that acceptable that he feels so bold and proud of. Fear whatever God you believe in, if you actually believe in one. A disgrace to mankind and full of bullshit. This man does not represent Islam only himself a total idiot.

Girlfriend in Saudi? WOW What A Big game changer that MBS done!!!

It is not legal for Women to wear the hijab only legal in their religion

The Riyadh city is not suitable in the summer only winter

الحمد للة اني مصري دا الشعب السعودي دا عامل زي المرة اللي بقالها سنين متناكتش

All of you saying that the second guy was lying are IGNORANT, MIND-WASHED, AND BLINDLY LYING! I’m Saudi and I admit that there are a lot of young people like 2nd Muhammed and do all what he does and WORST but in secret Muhammed was brave enough to do it all in public. I don’t agree with what he does but at least he’s not مستشرف like most of you all. لانلعب على انفسنا كثير من الشباب والبنات زي محمد الثاني وخويته مو شرط حاطين تاتو وكل الي يسوونه من تحت لتحت كل المجتمعات فيها الكويس والسيء

Nobody: Saudis: ThE SeCoNd pErSoN/MoHaMeD is a LiaR

His girlfriend looks beautiful in pixels

هذا الفيديو فيه خبيث

This video shows 5% of the culture of the Saudi people ابغا افهم مين اعطى الي اسمه محمد ثاني واحد طبعا انه يتكلم بإسم الشعب؟؟ الفيديو بكبره مايعبر لا عن ثقافتنا ولا عن شعبنا بالعكس احنا نعتز اننا مختلفين اختلاف ايجابي طبعا☺️ وغير كذا اماكن الرياض بشكل خاص ملياااانه وكل واحد احلى من الثاني وكافيهات انتجوها شباب سعوديين فخوريين فيهم هذول خلوا الطيب وراحوا للبطال

*The second guy is liar*

Never agree with the second person! It does not represent only himself and his way of life does not represent us at all and we don’t go out with girls and change evolutionary change and not change my beliefs that his a liar and our comments say that and I am not alone!... I hope that your idea about us don’t same what the second person explained to you

بلغوا عن الثاني الكلب

المقطع المضحك المبكي اختزلوا كل حضارتنا وتاريخنا بسنتين وأهم وأعظم مافي السنتين السينما والوشم والخروج مع حبيبه بالفنادق.. إذا هم مايشوفون إن تاريخنا وعاداتنا هي فخرنا فيا أسفي لهم

what a huge difference between Muhammed and Muhammed the first one is about how we grow up and the second one is about how he can now have a girlfriend and tattoo.

هاذا قرد مع قردة مثله من بنات الليل رخيصة الثمن تخرج لمن يدفع اكثر بااليلة وهاذا برغوث وجرثومة رمت بها امواج البحر على شواطئ السعودية وهاذا النوعية ممن يرضون ان تخرج اخته وامه مع من يدفع لها اكثر ..ولا يمثل الشعب السعودي الاصيل المتمسك بعادته ... حتى شكله من مخلفات شرق اسيا...

ليته جلس مع محمد الاول ولا شفنا وجهه الثاني وهو يشوه سمعتنا

I'll DISLIKE just cause the 2nd Muhammed .. بعطيك ديسلايك فقط بسبب محمد الثاني

يحبون يصورون الاحياء القديمه برغم هجر اهل البلد لها ومن يسكنها في الوقت الحاضر هم العماله

لاحول ولاقوة الابالله ..

All the words which say by the second guy is jst bullshit

Bad to talk about illegal relationships between this man and woman (girl friend) and his bad ethics.

The second man Hates Islam and wants to distort the image of Saudis

محمد الثاني لا يمت للسعودين باي صله ااااخ يا محمد الثاني اشهد انك تقهر اطلب من الله انه يخليك بين يدي انت والسلقه الي معك يوم من الايام اقسم بالله اني ما اوفركم

The second man was lying and does not represent the Saudis. He represents himself. All he said was just slander and lying .

محمد الثاني ياخسارة التمايم فيك

يعطون الغجري وجه لو هو في بلده ما طالع فيهم شكله مستشرق جاي يجمع المعلومات

The second guy doesn’t know what he’s saying

Bruh I lived here from 2005-2009 My dad lived here in Riyadh from 1999-2009 It’s not bad. I know, lots of memories when I go there

This man felt that he was an intelligence agent

You are welcome in Saudi Arabia and we are very happy and wish to visit you again with your family .. Regarding what the man I met for the second time (Muhammad 2) said, what he said was wrong and he never represented us and what he said just expresses himself! Islam forbids tattooing because it harms the soul and prevents women from going out without marriage because women are very precious and not a cheap commodity to go out without marriage! Muhammad seems to be a bad man. See how proud of his money and slaves

كسم محمد بن سلمان

يا عيال بلغو على الفديو لان كل الي قاله محمد الثاني كذب في كذب

i think you Zinedine Zidane


Okay I never comment on videos but I found this interesting. I have been living in Saudi Arabia for roughly 10 years and there is some controversy around the second guy in this video, so i'll go through his points stated in this video to clear things up. Tattoos, look, nobody cares.Yes in Islam it this prohibited, but that's Islam and no, you would not be put into jail if you did. Same goes for having a girlfriend. Like, foreigners come to this country too (like any other country )with different religious beliefs and culture. So the thing he said about being forced pray is total nonsense, he even contradicts himself by saying 'nobody even prays' while the shops are closed, (and yes they do close for prayer), which is actually true hahahaha. Finally, there used to be no tax in Saudi but due to the decline in oil demand in the future, a 5% tax had been implemented.

Your vedio is against descriptions about Muslim life's

Here is in Islam and Muslims no concept of girlfriend this vedio is preplaned

ابن الكلب الثاني شوه كل شي تسويه الحكومه اوك تطورنا بس ماطلعنا من الاسلام الله لايوفقك

So sad to hear Muslim guy about Islamic life rules so sad

الرجال اللي ياكل شوضعه؟ صديقتي وذا ممنوع شكله مضيع يحسب نفسه ب بريطانيا

والرخيصة اللي معه اتمنى يقشونها عي وياه عيال الكلب قاعدين يئلفون كلام

محمد الثاني ايش فيه شوه السمعة؟ عادي عنده قاعد مع بنت وش التربية الزبالة ذي؟ويألف كلام عن السعودينن؟

قال بيتر : هذا الفيديو عن الشعب السعودي وليس عن السياسيين السعوديين.

محمد الثاني منيوك هو والرخيصه العبده الي معه

I must say that The second guy doesn’t represent Saudi society,culture,or people.because none of the things he mentioned was true! First,if a person doesn’t pray, no one is going to take him to the police department and no one is gonna cut his hair either!

م قهرني الا السعودية اللي جالس مع صديقته عمى

بديت اشوف اجانب كثيرر تخش الاسلام يالله تقبل منا ومنهم

يعني بالله قد شفتو اهل الامارات يسوون كذا لييه بعرففف حنا نستحي انا مسلمين ولا ايش جالس يبرر له ياشيخ هاذي حياتنا وهاذا دينا الي مايعجبه عسى مايطبها ولا يقرب لديارنا الاشكال الوصخه تبي رضاكم يالاجانب لو على حساب الدين لو على حساب العادات الي حنا فيها كل الدول تفتخر ان لها عادات وتقاليد وديانه الي مايحترمها الكل مايبيه!!!! يابشرر فتحووو فتحووووو

ليته ما صور مع طايح الحظ الثاني اللي معه حبيبته وموشم جسمه عبد الغرب ( نحن قومً اعزنا الله بالأسلام فمن ابتغى دون ذلك اذله الله ) ياخي عسانا ما عجبناهم ما دامنا ماشين على تعاليم الاسلام ما علينا منهم ومن صورتهم النمطية عننا والله اننا ابرك منهم بمليون مره ونتميز عليهم بكثييييير - الغيرة - الايمان -الكرم - العزة والشيمة - الفزعة لوجه الله -الامانة -صلة الرحم لكن لا حياة لمن تنادي ويالله حسن الخاتمة ختامها اللهم صلً وسلم على خير البشر نبينا محمد

اللعنه ماتشرف تكون في بلدنا ي الكافر الشاذ العنه لك، دوعات الفساد تجمعو في بلاد الحرمين حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل ع محمد بن سلمان وتركي ال الشيخ

لوحة سيارته وااااااضحه وضوووح الشمس الدقيقه 12:39

Mohammed II does not represent us as Saudis and he says things that are not our actions, Saudis (Please catch him.!)

ي عيال وش وضع محمد ذا فضحنا الله ياخذه

The second man is a liar and he don’t know any thing about our culture.

The second man was lying and does not represent the Saudis. He represents himself. All he said was just slander and lying.

I swear. When you walking on the street with your girlfriend will police jailed you

يمه جرأتها تمسك يده بعد

i have lived 3 year in jeddah saudi Arabia the second guy is absolutely wrong

Mohammed who accompanies girls is a liar of adversity because we do this work and our tattoos are non-existent and Muhammad is 1% of the Saudi people. It is not allowed to hold a friendly hand or live with it. Or sleep with it Thank you السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته خطو لايك عشان يشوف راعي المقطع انا ترجمت ان محمد كذاب اقصد الثاني

That was an awesome video mate. Wow lived the people. Soo friendly

The second person he is liar , all what he said about our society is just liars

aah..tat second man is a boastful boy. muslimas do not climb a hotel room wt BOYFRIN mybe if she is not his wife thn she is non muslima. he tattoed his skin. muslims do not do that way muslims or muslimas want syirik. muslim ladies do not go low..loww as to go in a hotel room wt boyfrin..alone? way. we marry the man we chose if he wants..if he dont want..we ask another. we set the rules..we choose the man..we do not give ourselves for thrashy men. eww...a man like that...i will use another path if i knew he is around. cheappo..( he hv no money to marry a decent lady) sorry are sick boi..get out. hmm..bring a girl...telling the world eating a dollar fries n a 50 cents coke...wtffff cheap guy. get out of my face. my father can buy you a whole lamb for every meal everytime you visit my home if i tell my father i like you...ewww.

محمد الثاني ديوث ملعون والدين نصاب كذاب مدلس معلون رقبه

مدري ليه احس ان المقطع شوي مشكوك من وظعه

9:53 when you meet the wrong person :(

Come to Saudi Arabia

والله يا الأجنبي لو اني اشوفك لا امسك

Welcome to Saudi Arabia

الأجانب: كيف اشتهر؟

I really like this video, and like the way u vlog but the reason this video is disliked alot because of the second mohammed, he talks none-sense, sending a terrible message to the youth watching the video, he is saying that he has a girlfriend and they live in a hotel and its ok while that is far from the truth, people in our country are actually so happy and safe and sound even though u might find it highly unlikely and i understand that since ur culture is so much different, and this guy speaks like we are living in isis!! he represent no one but himself.

يارب عفوك ورحمتك وين راح الدين

Riyadh and Jeddah and some few parts of Dammam too are liberated but things are completely different in the countryside except for few, where I happened to work. .I had a serious culture shock all the same though it took only took me 3months to adjust.. not bad People especially the ones I worked for.

من السعودية لايك

The second person is a liar who knows nothing about Saudi arabia and Saudi does not boast saudi people of generosity and good people honor the guest if he came from a far away place Mohammed II is a silly person who doesn't understand anything that conveys saudi civilization in the wrong way.

I wish you enjoy

The second Muhammad doesn’t represent the Saudis he is talking about his own Corrupted believes .

the young man does not tell the truth and may be non - Saudi can be from Ethiopia. الشاب الموجود بالمقطع لايقول الحقيقة وقد يكون غير سعودي ممكن يكون اثيوبي.

I don’t know if the second guy is on crack or what but he is a liar

محمد الثاني رفع ضغطي قسم بالله .. الحين مو مفروض ينمسك ويتحاسب على الكلام الي قاله ؟؟؟

لا حول ولا قوة الا باله حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل من محمد الثاني

الغريب في الموضوع ان كل من قابلهم يتقن الانجليزية والأكثر غرابه انه في يومه الأول والتقى بكل هؤلاء وكأن الموضوع مخطط له مسبقاً

Everything The second man said is a lie and does not represent Saudi Arabia in anyway .

Mohammed 2 liar

أبو زنوبة اللي معه حبيبته ودي اجلده جلد يبغاله تربية

والله قريت التعليقات تبرد القلب كفو عليكم

كان مفروض يقولون السعودي البالغ ما يصادق حريم ! بس لازم توريهم انك تقلدهم !! طفلللللل ودي اجلدكككككككك أبو زنوبة

حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل

يجب ان يعاقب محمد

Stupid people

محسسينه ان تونا نطلع عالدنيا وان النساء واو شي مره سو بيق شي يحوم الكبد

Masha Allah.


@Peter Santenello The guy who spoke from 10:00 to 12:00 is lying tbh. I haven't prayed for 15 years and no one cut my head. And you don't go to prison for doing tattoos. I have tattoos as well since 2005. The guy is spewing garbage.

If everybody has the same first name, what's the point of names?

فيه شيء من التصنع والاقتحام لخصوصية المجتمع

Welcome To Saudi Arabia Peter. Let me know if you decide to come to the East cost of Saudi Arabia. I live in Al khobar and I would love to show you around.


Hi if you still in Riyadh I really would like to take you for Saudi style camping we are not that different from the golf countries if you ever tried it , however , this is my email All what I need is a full day , I guarantee you will have fun and you will see something you never saw before Welcome to Saudi

May Allah guide you all to right path!

He just casually sat in a stranger’s car in a country he’s been in only 1 day?

وش ذا التحرر الي عند الي لابس ترابي

this fucking guy, tell you Wrong Story about my country , all the information it’s Absolutely wrong.

is your head still attached ?

الكلب المسعود صنيفره يقول الناس لم يعودو يصلون ليه مايسكرون المساجد الله ياخذه

مفروض غصبن عنك تروح إلى الصلاة مو لازم تقولك الحكومه هذا هو الإسلام و المشكلة اسم على اسم النبي وحاط تاتو وما يبي يصلي وين الشئ الزين التطور مو انك تتخلى عن الإسلام التطور هو انك تخترع تكتشف تطور نفسك في التعليم ويكون في اكثر تمسك بدينك بدين النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم الي سوى كل شي عشان يوصلك الإسلام

السلام عليكم نستغرب بدخول كثير من غير المسلمين الى الإسلامية و السواح بشكل خاص لما يجدونه من طيبة المسلمين و احترامهم لدين و الناس و هذا الدين هو دين الحق و قد اخبر الله عن دخول الكثير الى هذا الدين و للأسف يجي واحد من أبناء الوطن و يحتسب على الشعب السعودي و دين و يتكلم كلام خاطئ عن الشعب و الدين ولا يقول لرجال و بكل فخر و قذارة انا مع حبيبتي ساكن في فندق ما اقول غير حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل على مين خرب وسعى الى تخريب هذا الجيل لو رجال الهيئة موجودين ما كان قدر يأخذ بنت الناس للفندق

Saudi Arabia is a shit hole just like the rest of Muslim countries

محمد الثاني صريح وتكلم بكل صراحه وبدون رتوش..

2 mohammed laier

They respect you beacuse you are American and white.

How did you know that ?

What Mohammed II did not represent Saudi Arabia in any word he said that he speaks what he does not know .

Everything the second guy said iss lies and shit and he is can’t walk with his girlfriend he is lying man?.

Question for the Saudis....Is it safe for a woman to travel along and buy gold? Btw, can I customize my gold? And how much is the cost of gold in Jeddah or Riyadh compared to Dubai?

Yeah it’s 100% safe...don’t worry :)

90% of comments: 2nd Mohammed is x 9% of comments: same thing in arabic Remaining 1%: comments about the comments (like mine lol)

الملعون ابو بدله مجاهره بالمعصيه علني. و الملعون كل كلامه غلط في غلط .. this guy with hos girlfriend he is a big liar

12:02 رفع ضغطي !! يقول اغلبهم ما يصلون!! يحسب العالم مثله وعع يفشل

I lived for 5 years in Riyadh as an expat I can confirm that the second guy is not lying. I have heard much worse things from Saudis about what's going on in Saudi Arabia. At the same time I meet really nice and open minded people too. I mean ofc not all the people are same and Riyadh has been changed a lot about many things. But that guy was not lying.

محمد الثاني اللي يفتخر انه مع خويته ويقول السعوديين لايصلون ويبي المحلات ماتتقفل وانه مستانس هذا لايمثل السعوديين هذا قواد ابن قواده

سبحان الله فرق بين محمد الاول والثاني


فرق بين الكنز والعنز

Alot of suadi in the comment section talking about the second Mohammed little do they know this video is propaganda sent from top Saudi officials to appeal to foreigners why they want to appeal to foreigners Allah knows all I know is this is there attempt

حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل عليك يا محمد الثاني خربت سمعت السعوديه اتمنا ان يتم القبظ عليه هذا اول والثاني تكلم باسم الأمير محمد بن سلمان بأشياء كاذب

OK, great video and nice and I wish you beautiful times in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the second person Mohammed talking about things is not true and does not do the Saudi people such as going out with his girlfriend we do not do this and put the tattoo because it is forbidden and thank you

Who wants to go there ... filthy motherfuckers..

The sise in min 9 he is lying about everything. we are better than what he said. I wish he go to the preson.

Don’t believe Anyone like Mohammed

I am astonished, how a Muslim in Saudi Arabia is wondering with and expressing "his girlfriend" so openly and shamelessly? Even we can't think about here in Pakistan. Foreigner saying "princess is sitting behind" and she was laughing. I thing this video was managed to expose Saudis and encouraging others to adopt non Islamic cultural values. I invite Saudis to give your comments.


Read about the religion of Islam, my brother

الولد الثاني يستعبط

It's awesome that S A is changing :)!

يقول كانوا يجبرونه على المسجد! ياخي انت مسلم! وين بتصلي يعني في البقالة!

Let me tell you about Muhammad. He was lying when he said they force you to pray or cut your hair. Islam is an easy religion, not a religion that is forbidden and compulsory. They have prevented women from mixing with men so that their privacy or modesty are not taken. You know what Muhammad can do with his girlfriend at the hotel. In order not to double cases of adultery in the kingdom, the old kingdom's laws valued women and protected them from abuse or anything that might harm them.

حياكم حياكم يا مرحبا ومسهلا هلا بالطشمرش

العبد اثيوبي مسيحي

العبد كذاب وديوث العبد ماهو سعودي

شوضعه محمد الثاني! فعلاً شوه سمعتنا اذا مارحنا نصلي فالمسجد تأخذنا الشرطه !!!!

The second man was lying and did not represent the Saudis. He represents himself. All he said was a libel and a lie. I can only say that he is spoiled and a liar

The second man was lying and does not represent the Saudis. He represents himself. All he said was just slander and lying

تمثيل في تمثيل وكلهم نصابين..والموضوع مرتب والهدف منه تدشير الشعب

This video brought to you by MBS!

first of all welcome to the kingdom you are more than welcome here , i hope u had a good time second : the audi guy DOES NOT represent the saudi people he's a disgrace example as a saudi . + lying `about the girlfriend thing and the tattos these tow things are not allowed in the kingdom , i was shocked when said all of these nonsense . you wanna a girl get married .

12:00 ما عارف ايش اقول غير لعنه الله تغشاك شوهت صوره السعوديه جاهل التغيير مش يعني تتشبه بالغرب

Oh my god these ones are so stupid

حياك الله بس الزق محمد الثاني ما نتشرف به اصلا ولا هو سعودي اصلا

Tbh riyadh is the worst city however if you go to abha, dammam maybe jeddah. Please don't judge saudi Arabia by Riyadh thank you

هذا السايح غريب الأطوار واسءلته تخوف

قال الوشم والزنا بالفنادق وماصلي واكره ربي حريه ...بتتقابل انت وحبيبتك السلقه بجهنم

محمد الثاني ازق شي ممكن تشوفه لجيت الرياض

Every think change and saudi arabia WILL CHANGE WILL BE OPEN MIND Will be better . Saudi arabia Will be a very good tourist country . Religion freedom you Will see . La Ikrah fi al din It Will be a Christian saudi people you Will se churchs in the future . The king of saudi arabiska LOVE HES PEOPLE AND HIS COUNTRY AND HE KNOWS WHAT IS GOING ON GIVE HIM A CHANCE TO MAKE SAUDI ARABIA THE BEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD . This man are very smart and have a opend mind support your king and you Will be better then europe . You can make VERY VERY BIG MONEY ON TOURIST . You have very good weather sunny ☀️ country YOU HAVE VERY GOOD NICE BEACHES SAND BEACHES YOU CAN MAKE BIG BIG MONEY ON TOURIST . Dont be fool . Support your king .

WHy some people dont want changes in Saudiarabia ???? WHy ???

Do not believe the second man that he lies completely!!

We in Saudi Arabia do not do like the second man said that he is lying completely and that he is not Muslim and we do not force people to pray just advise

The second man lies and he is a non-Muslim and does not know our traditions.

I like The second Muhammad all we want is freedom honestly

تمشي انت وصاحبتك ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ بالله

يارب نتمسك بعاداتنا وتقاليدنا لانها شرف

يا فضيحت البلدية ما تسوي عبور

بمووت ضحك السعوديين قاعده تطلع وساختهم للعالم

the man is lain 11:50

very interesting !!!

The second man who was with his girlfriend had lied to you from the first conversation until its end I don't know why he did this

الرجال منصدمم يوم سأل عن سينما قال الرجال لحال ونساء لحال ؟ جاوبه محمد لا قال من متى عندهم ذا الفساد؟ انجذاب السياح الخارجيين اكثرهم لهم فضول عن ديانتنا ماضحكني غير ذا 10:36 الححجي على باله ان الدين حابس الشخص ، ارجع لبريطانيا ، اصلا لو صار في عندنا عقايب كان قلت ياليت اوول ماكان فيه زي كذا كان ما الله عاقبنا وواضح ان ذا حاقد على المملكه وعلى الاسلام ويشوهه والحممار ذا لادخل النار بعدين قال ياليت هيئه الامر بالمعروف موجوده ، وواضح انه يبي الفساد

اشك بالثاني مستحيل يكون بطران بدون اي شي شكله تاجر مخدرات او مدير اعمال او انه فلوس ابوه بس م يهمني فلوسه الي قاهرني انه يهايط

Bro your looks like johnny sins

This is a story about Saudi people not Saudi Islam pleas if you want learn about Islam read Books Thank you brother Peter santenello

10:00 This person represents only himself not all the saudi like him

9:54 he is lie ; it's not a legal to do in saudi and in our Islam so don't believe him please .

المملكه الغامضه ؟ صادق مسلمين ويجيك ذاك الي يجاهر بالمعصيه ويقول صديقتي هذي يععععععع الناس قامت ماتستحي عادي اهاك يشووفونك ؟ علمهم ثقافتنا ي سعوديين وكا مسلمين

You should Visit hail in north of Saudi it’s Beautiful city if you want visit as call me my snap : mmks-01

مهب الامريكي هو الي يقيمنا يا رخوم لاتخلونه يقيمكم

كلما رأيت مريضاً ادع له بالشفاء، وكلما رأيت عاصياً ادع له بالهدايه ، وكلما رأيت حزيناً ادع له بالسعادة .. وادعُ لمن تعرف ومَن لا تعرف أيضاً فيكفيك قول الملائكة ولك " المثل ".

ياجماعة نصيحه لا احد يعطي هالشكليات وجه باليوتيوب وتشهرونهم هذا شخص واضح كاره للاسلام ويبغا يحرف فيه ويشوه السمعه. لا تعطوه مشاهدات لان هذا الي يبغاه :)

This is a message for you Peter: the fact that you show these corrupted ppl in your videos as if they represent us (Saudies) and on top of it you state at the beginning of the vid " a story about Saudi ppl life not politicals" dude don't make me laugh you're a total scum obviously wanting to ruin Saudi's image and doing it intentionally even thu 100% of the comments disagree with you. So here's an advice, Saudi is nothing that you can play with stay on your line and do not ever try us cuz oh you're so gonna regret it. And somethingfor you to know we're proud of our religion and goverment we church them as if it's the most important thing. I'm a proud nigabi Saudi women I put the nigab not just because of my religion or society but cuz it's my own conviction and pride. To the none Saudi ppl who watch him he's manipulating his videos to match his disgusting belief and a big lier :) c'mon never have I seen someone punished cuz he didn't pray !!! .

How was that Egyptian food btw?

Welcome to KSA

الثاني كافر

والله قله ادب 10:11

الله يلعن ذا الكلب الي مشى معه

محمد الاول بيض الله وجهك محمد الثاني سود الله وجهك

ضحكت لما قال كل الناس حابه التغيرات الي صارت صدق كذبه مضحكه

كنت بسب محمد الثاني بس كفيتو ووفيتو فيه

Just returned from Makkah and Madinah....2nd Muhammad needs to grow. Islam is the Truth, I saw that with my own eyes in Makkah and Madinah.

Well you probably should delete the second men phone number or block him

Unacceptable. That’s it

And just incase if you didn't knew The second guy is a lair

Go to mama norah its the best shawarma and juice you well eat

Ah thank God you told me that this is about Saudi people not the politics or else I have voted for MBS one more time

The second young man is lying about what he said about the prayer and the truth is when you won't prayed this is your own life , but as we as brothers we giving you an advice even so if you won't prayers.

A big difference between 2 Muhammads The first one represent Saudis and muslim people The second is just a fucking liberal represent himself You are welcome in our country and if you still there I advise you to visit Abha or any city in the South of Saudi Arabia It will be very Interesting

The second fucking guy is a liar, I can't imagine how was he speaking comfortly as if he was an honest

Go to Riyadh season

Hello to you in Saudi Arabia, but Mohammed, who surrounded Tatu does not represent the Saudi link and thank you

الى متى والشعب السعودي ، يحسب التفتح والقيرلز فرند و التاتوه والاوشام ، اذا سواها بيكبر في عين الاجنبي ؟ قبحكم الله ، فشلتونا.

Mohammed with his girlfriend ???????????

So how much did the Saudis paid you to make this misleading propaganda video? why didn't you talk about the mass incarceration they did this week to the Saudi bloggers who in the past mildly criticized the regime but supported it lately because of 2030 delusion? why didn't you mention Lujain Hathlol and the other imprisoned Saudi activists? Jamal Khashoggi?

حقيقي فرق كبيررررر بين محمد الاول ومحمد الثاني الله يكثر من امثال محمد الاول

ولله المحمد الثاني قاعد يكذب... يحسب نفسه كوول وهو أصلا سخيف ولله....

وش ذا التمثيل المخيس

محمد بدقيقه 9:49 رجل ديوث قليله بحقه

منذ عامين اصبح الوضع شوربه

Why hide his Bitch.?. They are openly living together, so what is there to hide?.

Everybody's comment saying the guy was lying about Saudi but nobody mentions what he is lying about. I am confused.

Nobody ever was forced to pray or punished if he didn’t pray, and cutting there hair, and nobody ever got in trouble for having tattoos

ليتك بتلت ببرطانيا اللي جايزتلك ولا جيت

فيديو مليان مغالطات واشياء غبيه مثلا يمشي بشارع فيه اصلاحات ومطلعها بطريقه ان ذي كل شوارع الرياض غير انه جايب واحد مو عاجبه بلده ولا انظمته ويتكلم بطريقه خرا وانا المنفتح وانتو المتخلفين

Hey bro!! You should come to Oman... way more traditional than Saudi Arabia yet stays modern... PLs Visit

i spend 6 year in KSA i closely know ksa culture the 2nd gay big lair maybe he is not saudi

مشكله عقده النقص .... كن كما انت لا تكن كما الاخرين يريدون.

سلامات يقول له صديقتي وساكن في فندق يالله لا تبلانا

the 2nd guy should've spoke for himself but you guys can't be denial because some of the things he said WE'RE ACTUALLY TRUE


The second mohammed doesn’t know what is he really talking about in all the places of Saudi Arabia you are free to do what you want except mecca and madinah because its a mouslm only city none mouslms cannot go there because those two cities have alharm and this place represents our culture and listen to me none of the people living in Saudi Arabia who have a brain will see his right

On 11:20 when he said "they will force you to go to mosque to pray or you will put him in prison" he is completely lying about the whole thing. It's up to you if you want to pray or not, tattoo it's okay tho, the hotels will not allow you in their rooms without your ID that proves that girl is your wive, he just said a lot of things that don't make sense.

The second Mohammed does not represent Saudis people, how he can represent us when he was living in UK not in Saudi Arabia !! (10:31)

You are from USA , would you cross a work zone in USA? Hell no then what makes you cross a work zone in Saudi Arabia ? Respect the country’s law , the moment you step in the country you have to abide by the law. If a Saudi crosses a work zone in USA they will be pinned down and hang cuffed and charged with terrorism act.

ليتة ما قابل محمد الثاني

man.. people in Saudi Arabia indeed are very generous. I still remember my first time travelling there, a man also offered my family a ride :) and till now we're still in contact. Such a nice first impression!

The second man is a liar and conveys words about Saudi Arabia 's mistake

ayyy one million viewer

99% of the comments are about the second guy

Funny to see butthurt SAUDIS commenting Muhammed part 2 doesn't represent us, yeah he just told us the truth and freedom and peace are the two pillars of his life which a 1400 year old cult ideology forbids.

The 2nd man is truthful and should be trusted by every foreigner.

The second man is a shit fucker

محمد ابووشم لايمثل الا نفسه ياصديق

So many people talked about the second guy. But for a potential tourist what mattered were the hospitable people, the food, places to see. I wish to bring my family for a visit and wondering what all can the kids do. What interesting food, places to see. I was not even bothered by second guy.

Mohd Bin Salman (Leader of Saudi Arabia) is a Murderer and Dictator

اذا الرجل هذا ماهو مدفوع له انا ما افهم شي يقول استطيع أن احمل كمره وأصور ؟؟؟!!! نحن في بلادنا نحمل كمرات ونصور قبل حكم الملك عبد الله رحمه الله وكأن التصوير كان ممنوعاً ؟؟!!! محاولاً بتعليلاته أن البلد قد تغير نعم تغير نمواً وحضارة عمرانية ومشاريع جبارة ان كنت ستنقل هذا فلا بأس اما اخراج مجتمعنا بهذا الانحلال فأمر مرفوض جملة وتفصيلا لازالت بلادي حاملة راية التوحيد ولا يضيرها امثال هولآء المرضى !!!!

Wow! Saudi Arabia looks beautiful!

The guy with the car was nice. I hope you thanked him more than you did in the video.

Both Mohammed's were nice and helpful, I hope Mohamed II is the future for Saudi

محمد الثاني كلامه يجلطك منجد كلي زق فشلتنا

الي قاعد يتكلم عن الحريه اني اطلع مع حبيبتي فشلنا

اقنعني لو كنت رجال ان لو اختك مكانها تنبسط المشكله منزين وجهك لعنبوك ومنزين وشومك الهيلقيه الي طلعت معك وخانت اهلها وتعبهم وتعب ابوها وصرفه وتعبه عليهااا ياعزتي له والله عشان تقابل هالوجه المشكله لا دنيا ولا اخره الله لايبلانا لا هي الي رفعت راس اهلها بالعلم والمناصب والزواج والدينن وكسبت اخرتها ودنيتها بدال ماتقابل وجهك الودر استغفر الله بس

Amazing bro! Nice of you to view the backroads.

هذا الغبي الي فاهم التطور غلط ما يمثل السعوديه والله

My boss is a Mutawa or religious police. Mutawas make sure Islam ruling is followed by the people.

Why would you get in a car with a random person?

I miss saudi. I worked there for 5 years.

Why is suicide increasing among Christians, Jews, Buddhists and atheists? Why is a Muslim believer who is blessed with tranquility and psychological comfort because he knows where the fate of all people and God guided him to the right path? Islam and follow the Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.


اين الترجمة؟؟؟؟؟


The second person does not tell the truth, but says m revolves in his mind only either the truth is not allowed to roam with your girlfriend or allowed to roam with a tattoo at least not when the people do not know its judicial ruling, but certainly not in favor as the Saudi public taste law, which provides for the opinion of the people and if lifted The case of this person will certainly be held accountable..Also my friend I hope you do not believe everything you see..And finally welcome to Saudi Arabia

i think the second guy was tripping or something

lmao i dont think u went to the right places in saudi

I love this!

انا رفع شكوى في كلنا امن وياليت تشاركوني هالخطوة عشان نحارب المجاهرين والمسيئيين لنا نص الشكوى : شاب سعودي التقى سائح امريكي وهو برفقة فتاة ليست محرم له وقام بالتفاخر بذلك علنا بالإضافة إلى الإساءة لثقافة الإجتماعية السعودية بتشبيهها بداعش والتطرف الشكوى ليست خاصة بي لكنها تخص بسمعة البلد مقطع في اليوتيوب " الانطباع الاول عن السعودية "

What he said Muhammad lied lied lied lied and he does not represent us at all and does not represent the morals of Saudi society and they call these people without education We do not seek to reduce education and literature, but we seek to develop and sophistication

welcome in your home

Hey man put off that from ur head 2:01

Islam is terrorism , you're walkin on those streets beside terrorists and jihadis , fuck Islam and Saudi Arabia , the biggest warehouse of Terrorism

That second guy .. I don't like him.

nice job peter bro, you welcomed KSA, could you please tell me the name and type of your camera and the app which i can start vlogging like you ^_^

كس ام محمد وكسم الي مسوي الفيديو

Welcome ksa

this is a story about saudi people not saudi politics !! we know what they are fam

His girlfriend is a fuckin TENT lol

Please collect information from a proper saudi.due to heat people don't walk on streets during daytime

Who would believe that Muhamad suddenly showed up and take this man around the city

محمد زق وكذاب

So many Saudi bots trying to defend their crappy country

الله حسيبك ي محمد الثاني على كل كلمة قلتها انت تمثل نفسك هذا لو فعلا كنت سعودي الأصل ي وسخ

The second man was lying and does not represent the Saudis. He represents himself. All he said was just slander and lying 11:10 Min

Hey Second Mohammed, a lot of what you said was false advertisement. I strongly advise you to stop bullshitting foreigners to impress them.

الله لايردك يالأجنبي الغذر اكيد انك صهيوني ديوث

احسه يشوف بعض السعوديين اشكالهم هنادوه للأسف

Nobody is lying here it's happening in ksa

This guy definitely not presenting us

خرىى عليه وعلى صديقته اللحجي واللحجية.

That second Muhammad guy reminds me of muslim in southeast asia, drink alcohol, hit a club, fuck a pussies while their are muslim LMAO

قلفرندز يولد زبي

I wish you asked the second man if he like it when he sees his sister walking in a mall with her boyfriend .

Welcom to KSA jason statham.

Freedom in your ass...dumbfuck

This passage does not represent the reality of Saudi Arabia And all this is a lie in a lie

Go to Jeddah believe me you are gonna enjoy

Alles is gemaakt en ontworpen door het christelijk westen enigste wat van hun is zwarte water

I'm from Indonesia and I've been in Jeddah, Madina and Mecca. I'm telling you here, that second Muhammad, didn't say anything what is really happening in Saudi Arabia. Peter, I hope you meet THE REAL Saudi Arabian citizen so you can understand what I'm saying.

كنت اظن محمد رجال وكفو لاكن خاب ظني وطلع جرار


all the isis members coming to kill mohammed 2 here , thanks for showing islams true colors xD

what camera did you use to film?

نجس خرب سمعت السعوديه اطردوه


Thanks for sharing! I should add it to my travel list.

12:35 جنتل مان ولابس زنوبة مع شرّاب

good to see some changes in Saudi , its a beautiful place to live if these good changes will continue and to be honest although some locals are arrogant, most of them ( the Saudis I met and worked with) are more friendly than other nationalities in this planet like the Chinese, lol ! Hopefully in future they will also allow other religion to perform their faith, like Dubai, Bahrain and other Arab countries. This way no need for non-muslim expats to cross the King Fahad causeway bridge to go and attend mass/church in Bahrain and have few bottles of wine to relax and unwind. Perhaps Wines and alcohol will also be allowed, but controlled and limited in some areas , like the rules applied in neighboring Arab countries.

محمد الثاني فعلا هو سعودي درجه ثانيه يغني دخيل علينا أصلا وفصلا وأخلاقاً يعني سعودي تقليدي يعني اتحداه يطلع ابن قبيله وبس

What is this white man doing outside of trumps great America?

المنقهر منه بالله يجي ويكتب بتويتر بالهاشتاق #محاسبة_المجاهر_محمد

i am more afraid in the US than in Saudi. I was assigned in jeddah for 3 yrs. Take Uber by myself. most call me sister and are nice to me. Whereas in the states I am just walking on thr road and cars just slow down. this is in NC btw where shootings are pretty common.

The 2nd dude was a pathological liar I’m actually appalled watching you listening to all the lies he filled your ears with

No Saudi man I know is happy with the new changes. They were not happy with the previous rules. They did not consider them Islamic enough. Don't let these clowns who speak English and clean shaven fool you.

يخوان بلغوا الشرطة على محمد الثاني رقم لوحت سيارته ( د ط ق 4988 ) قولوا انه يفحط ومعه بنت ونوع سيارته اودي اذا جتهم اكثر من مكالمة بيمسكونه الخنيث عشان مره ثانية مايكيس من عنده

لو تروح الطايف برد

يا فرق محمد عن محمد

some of the Saudi nationals are disgraced to their religion they are abusive

سويت عليه هاشتاق بتويتر تعالو له #محاسبة_المجاهر_محمد

I wanna ask something, how if foreigners come there with their bf/gf and walk around, so they can holding each other? Thanks

visit Jazan, Farasan islands and Abha

عار على السعودية

82K subscribers + 1 = 83k from Central Valley ✌️

I subscribe your channel just now

Hey, I’m from states of California and I’m Muslimah . Please, stop by so, we could keep in touch as YouTuber fan✌️

i must say you captured what many would not have. Having met with the locals and getting their POV

Interesting! Make more videos!

Mall looked like a ghost town

Welcome ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

كاذب و وقح و قليل تربيه بعد

That’s awesome man your just hanging out with people and getting rides great video glad you enjoyed man seriously.

هذي العينه اللي تبي تقنع الاجنبي خصوصا الامريكي والكوري والاوروبي شوفونا حنا زيكم عندنا خناث ونقدر نسوي ونفعل تفله تملا وجهك يالخسيس لا انت بسعودي ولا يتشرفون فيك اهل بلاد الحرمين الامريكي جاء يشوف ثقافة هذه البلاد ودينها وعاداتها وتقاليدها وانت جالس تشوه فينا يالوصخ يالوضيع يالبعيد على بالك الامريكي الحين فكر فيك ولا بيحبك إلا بالعكس شفناه مكشر وجهه بعد ماراح من عندك عقبال يجرونك اللي عندهم غيره على وجهك انت واللي معك وتعرف وين انت فيه يالدخيل

dude the second guy i wanna punch him so bad. such an immature and irresponsible guy but im in no place to talk im only 17 but trust me if we meet somehow ill explain every detail of why he is what i said he is

I am Indian live in Saudi ❤️ The second guy said was totally wrong...

ياليتني اعرف انقليزي ودي ارد محمد الثاني قاهرني

I lived in Riyadh for 3 years, in the Arizona compound. By far the most interesting country I've been to/lived in.

الثاني كذاب لا ويقول عنده ٦ سيارات وسواقين عايش في عالم وردي ويحسب التطور تاتو وبنت وربي يضححك

The Arab world in general just looks so beautiful. Saudi is on my bucket list, and so is Jordan

Hello brother do you remember me? I am a perfume salesman from Yemen we met at the mall I was wearing a Saudi costume I am married to an American

سائح يجب ان يظهر له الجانب الحقيقي للبلد ، اما الاساءه للماظي والاسقاط لبعض المجتمع وقول اكاذيب هذا شي سيء ولا يمت للشعب السعودي بصله ، لكن هو لم يلتقي ب هؤلاء الاشخاص بالصدفه.

It’s astonishing and amazing And staggering, how foreigners are thinking of women without head coverings,and if they are mixing with man.

شكرا لكم ياشباب جميعا.... انا داخل اشتم صاحب الوشم لقيتكم كلكم ماقصرتوا... يعطيكم العافية

My dear Friend, *The Shocking Truth has been confirmed* Please kindly spend some time to carry out a FULL proper research, Islam is the ONLY TRUE religion from God, The QURAN is the Best Manual for our lives, a True Gift, guidance and perfect Way of Life for the entire mankind, regardless of being Black, White, Brown, Red or Purple :) *ISLAM is proven to be the FASTEST growing religion in the WORLD, based on Conversion rate* this is NOT a lie, these Stats/figures/Numbers have been checked, CONFIRMED, approved and testified by the *Guiness Book Of Records* and BBC (This is a shockingly AMAZING fact)

6:21 OceanLab - If I Could Fly (Jaytech Remix)

Looks much better and cleaner than San Francisco downtown

If prophet Muhammad peace and blessing of Allah be upon was life,he would have been ashamed of us.

هذا الشخص الأقرع ذكرني بشكل الشخص اللي قتل المسلمين في مسجد فنزويلا

محمد الثاني يجب البلاغ عنه عبر القنوات الرسميه للنيابه العامه ....

اجل الأميرة اجل

اقول والله إن اللقاءات كلها على بعضه مرتب عليه من اول يعني كل شغل تسويق للسياحه والامريكي مهو جايك ببلاش من امريكا

shocked at the second guy! liar ...

The second Mohamed is a BIG liar

We Muslims have different cultures. Like in Saudi it's different Like in Europe and America (Continent) it's different Like in Asia it's different

الشخص الثاني لا يمثل الشعب السعودي إطلاقاً

And welcome to Saudi arabia

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the second guy he is lying about our culture he lived in united kingdom ofc he changed and there's nothing it names go out with ur girlfriend or go out in a hotel u have at least marry her engage her even if u engage her u should not touch her and the tatto on his arms not from our islamic rules but it's ok if henna or temporary tattos...he's is in the wrong way

محمد الثاني يانه قعد يكذب على ذا

How bad are this young guy,because he telling secret someone who met him in the streets and tell weakpoint of the country. He doesn't know even the person who is speakin with.

Dusty ugly city

saudi woman they are just married for jewelry gold money they dont marry just because of they both inlove each other so girl just like fucking slave woman... second man you are very very liar

Regards and best wishes from Liverpool UK

The truth for Arabs is that British and American are second to God. Their hospitality would be different if you were from a different race say Asian,south American etc. This is why all senior jobs in hospitals, building sites are taken by the British or Americans. Also if you are an engineer trained in UK or USA you get paid more than a more qualified engineer eg a PhD from say South Africa or India.

The second man was laying to you, I don't know why he did this???

Interesting run down, poorer and dirty neighbourhood where ONLY foreignerS LIVE. Very islamic

This time visit Kurdistan people here are very friendly you gonna love it

im watching from qatar ...

mashaallah...nice guy because he offer to you to wanna ride .

Fuck the second guy

10:00 لو أنّه كمّل مشواره مع محمد الاول كان احسن من الثاني ، حسبي الله عليه ونعم الوكيل ، شوّه سمعت المملكة .

للاسف تطورة الحال دعوة للانحلال الاخلاقي والانسلاخ عن هوية هذا الوطن دعاية لترغيب بالانحلال و الانحاط هناك دول مايسميها البعض بالفجور لم يكن كهذا قبحكم الله ايها الحثالة لاتحزنوا كل المجتماعات فيها اعداد بسيطه لاقيمه لهم بالحياة الاجتماعيه وباالاخير وليس الاخر الطيور على اشكالها تقع

I am a Saudi woman There 2nd Mohammed is totally not representing Saudis He represent only himself Shame on him bragging with his tattoos and having girlfriend.. This is totally not acceptable in our culture And when the government forced someone to go to pray or they cut his hair?! Too much drama

Bruh .. we’re not like this we don’t hang out with our girlfriends and boyfriends.. Just this guy .

Change is the only constant in this world. Good to see Saudi is changing.

محمد الثاني لو كان ملتزم كان تلقاه مع الدواعش وقد ذبحله يجي عشرين واحد هذه النفسية المتطرفة تبقى متطرفه سواء التزم أو صاع

im from uae but like saudi arabia

محمد الثاني مسخ الله يهديه فيه مرضى يحتاجون للعلاج النفسي أولا التطرف في كل شيء قبيح

طبعا ثاني شخص ما يمثلنا ابدا مو معنى التطور انه يورينا خويته وجع

يع قد ايش السعوديه كئيبه وتجيب الهم

U should to visit jeddah city I know you’ll like it more than riyadh and they have a wonderful tourist areas

Wearing a head scarf is always a choice but the community were different 7 years ago and we only must wear abayas and these days its not a must anymore

مستانس بالوشم وابصم مايقول الا تاتو هو والرخيصه اللي معه

ياجماعه سوو ابلاغ —محتوى يحظ على الكراهيه

The second Mohammed represents himself.

The guy with his girlfriend in the 11th minute was completely wrong about everything he said

Why did I watch this staged crap ?

قسما بالله المفروض من الاخوة السعوديون القبض على محمد الثاني وتاديبه على المباشر حتى يتعلم ان الكذب حرام... انا جزائري وقهرني انه قاعد يكذب على رجال ويشوه منظر السعودية فما بالك بسعودي اكيد قهر .. حسبي الله ونعمة والوكيل ياكذاب

bro you remind me of andres iniesta

الثاني مع الشرموطة صديقته طيب نريد نعرف اخته الشرموطة متصاحبه مع مواطن ولا اجنبي !! يعني من اللي يزغبها

محمد الثاني استغزني جداً انسان كذاب وقذر ومنحط الله يزيل أشكاله من هذا البلد.

These are tribes and they will remain tribes no matter what you do. Some of the classless people I have ever seen. Money on top of their heads with no class.

انا عايش بامريكا. ولكن أتمنى يوم أعود لبلد مسلم. وين اسمع صوت الأذان. والحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام

I’m 20 and have been living in Saudi Arabia all my life. Throughout my life, there’s no such thing as if I dont pray, the police will arrest me. Of course we consider it a sin but a sin on the person himself not on the community for it to be an arrest worthy. If one stays home and misses a pray its upon himself, no one would know except him and God; thats our belief. Just a clearance Wish you a great time !!

محمد الاول تحيه لك و واخلاقك وتربيتك

Welcome to Saudi Arabia and I hope that you enjoy in your Journey , but there’s something I want to correct it it’s about the second Mohammed you met , okay Saudi Arabia is changed now and yes it was a lot of things not allowed like women driving and many things but we don’t force anybody to pray! And the police have a lot of things to deal with it not someone doesn’t want to go to the mosque!! It doesn’t make any sense also Saudi is a religious country and in our religion not allowed to sleep or even Touch a girl if you’re not her husband or brother or a father or grandfather or her uncle , you can talk to her it’s fine and if you know her and love her married her then you can be together, that’s our religion and there’s some Muslims see it’s fine with Touching women it’s okay but not sleep with her , that Mohammad unfortunately said a lot of bad things he lied to you and I don’t know why and also no one killed or go to prison for a tattoo!!

the Food part is the best........

اشفق على محمد الثاني وعلى هالبنت الي معاه ، مخاويها عشان جسمها ومخاويته عشان فلوسه .

im from saudi arahbia there are why more stuff than u think and hotels are da best like movin pick

حسبي الله عليك وعلى الي خلاك تسوي كذا مجاهر بالمعصية ثق ان الله يمهل ولا يهمل وكلا له وزره الله لايحللك

محمد الثاني لحجي تربيه شوارع ونص كلامه كذب

are you crazy? just taking a ride with total stranger?

نرحب بك دائما في السعودية

Anyway our prophète pbuh say : dajjal will be everywhere there is people living on earth even in saudi Arabia but never in holy place Mecca. So dajjal worker are already in saudi like this 2nd guy to spread the false enquiry and anti islamic way of life also prince salman very good CEO of the ennemy of islam "dajjal" Peace to all my brothers and sisters in Saudi from a brother in Mauritius you

أتمنى أشكاله ينقرضون الي فاهم التطوور والحرية غلط.. وأقسم بالله مايشوه انجازات أمير الشباب محمد بن سلمان الا هذا وأشكاله.. بس الحمدلله ان هالأشكال مايمثلون ولا ١% من الشعب السعودي..

Muhammad” II “ represents only himself and his fools and naive tattoos and going out with your girlfriend does not mean the development and openness and freedom on the contrary this is backwardness in itself, but thank God that his likes are very few in our society and does not represent only himself and his ilk from their religion and beliefs and suffer from disorders

1-the second muhammed did a shameful thing cuz making relations with girls is prohibited in islam generally not just in saudi arabia 2-the developments starteted 25 yrs ago so we're not been developong these 2 yrs you're welcome in saudi arabia any time my friend


the second boy .. do you think you gonna make this stupid american happy!!...He treats you like filth....just be proud of your Arabism and Islam.

The second Mohammad is pathetic, that's all I'm gonna say

It's boring city like u

حراام وصلت لمحمد الثاني وماقدرت اكمل المقطع للاسف اسال الله الهدايه له ولنا الثباات

All the people calling the second guy a liar, please do not come to western countries. You all seem to be so happy in your own countries.wishing you the best.

10:00 المعفن يقول عدت للسعودية لأن القوانين تغيرت هههههههههههههه تكفى ياصايع ياضايع لا تروح .. والله انك لحجي وكذوووب .. يقول النقش يالي على يده ممكن ينسجن بسببه لكن الامور تغيرت الان .. وش هالكذب .. وجايب بنت جنبه ومسميها صديقته ؟!

سود الله وجهك يا محمد اجل تقول انك ساكن مع حبيبتك في فندق وتتمشى معها لعنك الله ولعن من رباك ورباها

Come to jubail industrial city and contact me on my email I will prepare everything ..

basil saeed what will you prepare?

تحيا للشعب السعودي من المغرب

الله أكبر عليك ما أكذبك يا الكذوب قال ايه قال الذي لا يذهب للمسجد يأخذونه بالقوة أو يذهبون به إلى الشرطة ويحلقون رأسه الله ينتقم منك ع هالكذب يالفاجر

هالادمي ماني مرتاح له ابد ابد ووراه شي

Saya dri Indonesia,melihat lelaki kedua itu bnr² lelaki bodoh sesaudi arabia,dgn bangga menunjukan kebodohannya dgn bangga menunjukan tatonya yg dia bilang freedom and peace,ini lah akhir jaman yg jelas mulai terjadi di saudi,sungguh memalukan prilaku yg tdk mencerminkan seorang muslim dia hnya pamer diri sndri,sungguh orng munafik yg di akhir jaman akan kluar kocar kacir dri mekah saat dajjal dtng dan hnya orng² terbaik yg akan tinggal di mekah

محمد الثاني لحاله صدمه بالنسبه لي مختلف تماما

والله إنا نعلم أنك تعلم أنك كاذب وحسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل وَمَا كَانَ لِمُؤْمِنٍ وَلَا مُؤْمِنَةٍ إِذَا قَضَى اللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ أَمْرًا أَن يَكُونَ لَهُمُ الْخِيَرَةُ مِنْ أَمْرِهِمْ ۗ وَمَن يَعْصِ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ فَقَدْ ضَلَّ ضَلَالًا مُّبِينًا (36)( 36 )[الأحزاب:٣٦]   ولا ينبغي لمؤمن ولا مؤمنة إذا حكم اللّه ورسوله فيهم حُكمًا أن يخالفوه، بأن يختاروا غير الذي قضى فيهم. ومن يعص اللّه ورسوله فقد بَعُدَ عن طريق الصواب بُعْدًا ظاهرًا. تفسير السعدي

Hold a woman’s hand and walk down the street with her that will definitely leave an impression lol

The vibe at night with the azaan and the activitie hits different

I am a Saudi resident in Britain. When I arrived here, I had only to respect the customs and traditions of this society, but I still adhere to our own. Muhammad 2 is a liar and does not represent the Saudi people. Do you think that someone who does not stick to his customs and traditions and has no identity can be honest with you? Generally, people in Saudi Arabia want urban and industrial development and not abandon their beliefs. Yes, you have the right to live how you want but you have no right to restrict the freedoms of others based on your theories !! Finally, such a sample of society lives at the expense of their wealthy parents and does not represent a quarter of society.

Thamer Alblwi let’s assume everything is a lie.. but tell me his crime?

Wow I learned sm myself about Saudi from this video

كلام محمد الثاني غير صحيح وكذب نفعل دائما مانريد ولسنا مجبرين

ابك الثاني فل المسبحه نذر انه نقص وعفاكم عطه الجانب الايجابي والسئ خله داخلك سلملي ع محمد بيض الله وجه اما ذا عينته ودك انها تنفا من الكوكب

Before two years police wil arrest us if we don't go to mosque?that's a Big lie

اللي طالع بالفيديو ويقول اسمه محمد .. التطور عنده بالانحطاط فقط .. المشكلة انه يتكلم بلسانا .. قذاره م بعدها قذاره

Wow you met a big liar here.. Wait what? If he does not pray they take him to the police? And cut his har???? And they close for no reason?????! They don't even pray?????????????????!!!! Wtf is he doing? He is a big liar don't believe him! He even didn't live here and talking like he know everything while he was lying? Omg I feel disgusted because of him

محمد الأول

I am British and have been to. Saudi Arabia many times. The second mohammed is a disgraceful liar

10:00 The second Mohammad is not presenting the Saudi people at all, he is only and only presenting himself with his own thoughts✋

محمد شخص تجرد من هويته ولا يمثل الشعب السعودي أبدا من متى صار البوي فرند والقيرل فرند شي عادي؟

لتوضيح البنت والولد هذولا من النوع اللي شنو اقولكم يعني حقين خراب بس من ورا التريلات

صديقته قح** يع مقرفين وانتو لبسين قناع الصداقه عشان تمارسو الجن**

ي حلات من يمسك هالمتعجرف محمد انشهد ي خساره الاسم

محمد الثاني كل خرى

The second Mohammmad

هذا المقطع لا يمثلنا كشعب سعودي ، و محمد الآخر وما زعم انه خارج مع صديقته ، متأكده انه غير صحيح وهذا غير مسموح شخصياً ودينياً قبل ان يكون قانونياً ..

Peter, you are interviewing the wrong person with wrong personality. instead of visiting the saudi heritage or see how generous Saudi society are, you are interviewing this guy.

Mohammed who in 12.11 minutes finished a bad man and create strange beliefs first that tattoos are not allowed at all in Saudi Arabia second there is a problem if you catch you and you sleep with non-wife

For Petter next time make sure before you come to search and make a plan! And take the right person to show you what places would you visit. Please, do not take a random plan. GOOD LUCK

Thanks to the first man ‘Mohammad’. He definitely gives the right idea How Saudi culture and traditions, rules and development are !!

The 2nd man with tattoo he does not present all Saudi!!!!! Does he think that this is the freedom!!!! I can not believe it !

nada nada is he not free to have a tattoo?

بعض لحوج يشوهون سمعت السعودين بس بيض الله وجهك ي محمد انت فخر

ابو وشوم لحجي

The place seems depressing even with all the development

الفديو ذا استفدت منه ان مو كل اسم متشابهه نفس الاطباع

Saudi Arabia is so Westernised now. Jesus...

الي من العسكر او يعرف احد عسكري يبلغ ع محمد الثاني الزق الكلب الله ياخذه وينتقم منه

The video is very bad because of your meeting with the second person Mohammed, as all his information is wrong and I find that this video is not a reality. This video is bad and we are annoyed by you

Video from 10 to 14 minutes I was with a very bad person unfortunately with a perverted and uneducated mind, we hope to talk with people for more and more culture and morals such as Mohammed, who appeared in the beginning of the video. Thank you

First video with. 1 million view

I don't know why but I don't like the Popeyes guy with tattoos, he seems a bit shady idk

مجرد اني قريت التعليقات والدفاع عن ديننا وعن مبادئ وتقاليد السعوديين حسيت بالفخر

Jeddah is better

No we don’t force anyone on nothing and in our culture it is forbidden to have a girlfriend that’s how our religion works and nope if you have a girlfriend not engaged nor married you would be in hell a lot of problems and that guy who was eating popeyes doesn’t resemble our culture or us you shouldn’t take his information cause it’s almost wrong and in our point of view we are ashamed to have him as a saudi citizen , I’m glad you visited saudi arabia we welcome you so much and we appreciate it , but i would recommend you take a tour guide next time to have more fun

محمد الثاني يمشي مع صديقته واخته تمشي مع اخوياه ديوث مافيه شك

ياخوان اكتبو له بالانقليزي يلي لابس كاب اسود ابن الكلب مايمثلنا

9:53 He does not represent the Saudi people

ايش هاذا الفديو ندمت اني شفته

محمد الثاني مايمثلنا ... لأكن محمد الفاتح اللي قابلو ف البداية حليل

الشخص الثاني طلع مع يوتوبر ثاني سائح شكله يمثل الكلب

10:03 OMG What is happening here ,This guy he's so bad

Unfortunately you met a guy who is a liar. He literally lied in every single word came out of his mouth. Hope you hang out with some real Saudis next time.

Mr Munafiq really hate Islam but why he stay at Islamic country? Can he not chill back in the UK?

شي يقهر ان فيه واحد جرار يتكلم باسم السعوديين وهذا المنحط اخذ بنت معه وساكن في فندق القذر

Btw that guy he’s a lair

Audi car owner He lied on the subject of "his girlfriend" and if he goes out with his girlfriend why did not show her face in the video even though she came out with you without a veil

super nice guys? You're a dolt. tell 'em you're Jewish then tell us how they treated you...

All sauds are shayatin Real kuffar From germany Sell his own family members for Money ahl saud

I always thought soudi looked like Dubi, never knew it looked like this. Thanks for sharing your experience with us!! Would you recommend to visit?

الخسيس الثاني الصعلوك مفروض تسجنوه وتجلدوه تخلوه يوحد الله. تافه ومعه تافهة. شي صادم والله. خلاص اخر حصون الدين في طريقها للهدم والسقوط. حسبنا الله.

The guy w the long sleeve shirt was lying abt that if u dont pray u get ur hair chopped

الثاني وع ما اصدق في ناس كذا ما يعرف الحريه عقله وجعان وبعدين الإسلام ما اجبار الإسلام والدين راحه للبال وما خلقنا الا لنعبد الله مسكين معتوه تفكير محدود والله انك معفن وتقلد المعفنين اللي زيك الله لا يبلانا مريض تفكره

Mohammed the second is lying to you, please correct your information, what he said does not represent us

شوارعنا جميله ونظيفه

شي عجيب الصراحة ، نعامل الأجانب زي الملائكة للتعريف بالبلد وكانهم شي نادر حاصل ...... السياحة الحقيقة في جميع بلدان العالم (الكحول-نوادي) غير كذا محد راح يجيك عشان توريه مجمع تجاري نص محلاته متوفرة بالولايات المتحدة وغيرها كثير ماهي موجودة السياحة بالسعودية غير جاذبة الا للمهتمين فقط بالتراث الشعبي او الأكل التقليدي او العمل فيها غير كذا احنا نضحك على بعض.

looks like Saudi is a better place to do business than the west. Australia has some extortion 30% business tax.

والله الثاني هو وصديقته لايمثلونااا كشعب سعودي

الكلام الي قاله محمد الثاني كله غلط اتمناء انه ينمسك ويتحاسب عليه باين متخلف ومريض

ياخساره ان اسمك محمد اني عذت بربي وربكم من كل متكبر لايؤمن بيوم الحساب ... مااعرف وش دخل السائح بقذاره هذا الشاب وكانه يريد التقرب منه بنجاسته شي مؤلم جداااااااااااا

You look somewhat like Jonny Sins

اقلقتونا حبايبي درينا ان محمد الثاني ككة انطموا

The second guy was Lying

The first person I went with was very respectful but the second did not represent Saudi or Saudis

We do not put this tattoo is forbidden in our Islamic religion and we apologize to you because it delivered you wrong information

We Saudis do not do like the boy did not go out with his beloved just go out with wife or sister or mother and there are many wrong information delivered to you the voice of the Saudi people and we Saudis rejected this thing and all the Arab comments deny that

That's is a totally big fat lie. I know a lot of Saudis and they are not what this mohamed think Saudi Arabia is today. Also not all Saudi women have a boyfriend, most of the women in the Kingdom have respect and dignity and they will not sleep with a so called a boyfriend in a hotel without being married to him, this is against their religion and culture. So if this guy is trying to tell us how the kingdom is today. I say to him you are delusional and out of touch.

I miss this place I live here for almost 3 years. Saudi feels like you are in a different planet

الشعب السعودي هذا الافعال مش من عوايده شعب مثقف وفاهم ومتدين بس الاشكال الي طلعت في الفيديو لا تمثل اي سعودي شريف

محمد الي معو صديقته حسسني ان التطور والحريه ان تفعل ماتشاء وان تفعل الفواحش والمنكر في اي مكان ان كان هذا الحريه فلعنه عليكم ومن جابها

محمد الثاني الله لا يعطيك العافية ع الكذب

من جاء الامير محمد سلمان سلمو على بلاد الحرميين الشريفين كل من هو نكره يفعل ما يشاء في البلد وعلماء الدين في السجون راح يجي يومك يا من تعادي الدين وتحاربه بيد غربيه نجسه تفو على هذا الاشكال

The second guy is a liar , is he’s even saudi ?

شفتو العبد اللي مسوي يعنني ابغى حرية .. الله يرحم الملك فيصل ياسنيفرة

The second guy just embarrassed the Saudi Nation with his bad behavior, love Saudi from Malaysia

Idk but I think you been sent to Riyadh to investigate the changes on the ground with the locals

All the love from Iran man,hope one day our governments get along.i really want to see Saudi Arabia and meet all amazing people there.i would have any Saudi Arabic in my home as my guest and friend. Love,Peace brothers ❤❤❤

That 2nd guy

0:13 يالحبيب ماعندنا بويفريند وقيرلفريند عندنا تبغاها اخطبها من أهلها الثقافة الغربية اللي عندك احتفظ فيها لنفسك لكن لاتتكلم نيابةً عن كافة السعوديين

Mohmmad 2 is not Saudi imbsbol

محمد الثاني مقرف بكل اختصار

Well. You are white. You will not get the same treatement if you are brown, black or asian.

So is it modernization to do infidelity in the land of our prophet Muhammad peace be on him I feel sorry for the Islam nations and I support Iran

The second guy in the video is misleading

What a second Mohammad is saying is totally wrong and never represents Saudi culture, he thinks by his words can attract you and change your mind. The truth is Saudi culture is nice and friendly people all around as you can see and it is really peaceful. Second Mohammed you should feel a shame on your self and you need respect your religion and culture. You can see all comments here all of them criticize you for what you have done. I cant say anything but you are “a big lair”

حياك الله ابو سنس

The second person who appeared in the video is not related to the Saudis or our principles and values ​​and our presence and very few in our country in these forms, better than you do not show him in the video in order not to take a look at us from others

ليته مع محمد الاول.. ولا الثاني ودك يجيبون راسه عشان يعرف ان الله حق

I swear you were 1 minute from my house

١١:٤٠ المعتوه محمد الثاني يوجه اتهام وااااااضح لولي العهد بانه يدعم الزنا وحمي الزناة والعرابيد والعاهرات وانه لا يعاقب المرتدين وهذا الاتهام بحد ذاته قد يسبب له حكم قضائي كارثي بلغوا عليه يا شباب الله يحرقك ومن شاكله

١٢:٣٩ رقم اللوحة واضح يا شباب بلغوا عليه غضب الله على اشكاله

The second person he met offends many Saudis. He said a lot of false information. They do not really represent the Saudi people

ياعيال لوحته مبينه 12:40 اصدمووه صدممم السلقه

First of all you go Saudi Arabia ,to show us all that Western culture is spreading in Saudi....

انا شايف ان الكلام الي قاله محمد الثاني ما ينفع يقوله لسائح بس فعليا الي يقوله صحيح تماما أصبحت السعوديه في الطرق المنحدره بمقصد التطور

اللهم لا تطبع على قلوبنا، ولا تخذلنا.. أولًا: هذا الكائن محمد، كائن طفيلي يتغذى على الأخر، كائن ممسوخ هوية، هو يعتقد أنهُ حر، لكن في الحقيقة هو عبد: للأفكار الإنسانوية الليبراليّة، الغرب بالنسبة له هو: الحقيقة المطلقة. هذا المسخ الحمد لله لم أقابل أمثاله شخصيًا في مجتمعي، وهذا يدحض كذبته بأن أشكاله هم: الأغلبية بالمجتمع، لكن أغلبية المجتمع السعودي: محافظين، ولا يرضون بوجود أفكار هذا المسخ بينهم. ثانيًا: رسالة للحكومة: هذا المسخ وسلقته يشوهون صورة الرجل والمرأة السعوديّة؛ بأنهم مشافيح مايعرفون من الحرية، إلا: التفصخ، والحصول على قير أو بوي فريند، وحاشا أبناء وبنات وطني. ثالثًا رسالة لأبناء وبنات وطني: لسنا مسوخ، ولدينا دين وهوية خاصة بنا، موجة الانبطاح إلي نشاهدها هدفها: تغريبنا عن هويتنا الإسلامية والعربية، ونحن أقوامًا لم يعزنا الله إلا بالإسلام، فاثبتوا على دينه، وأعلموا أنكم بغيره أذلاء. أخيرًا: هذا المسخ يمتلك القدرة المادية على الزواج، لكن المسخ لا يرضى إلا أن يكون مسخًا، وهذا والله من طبع الله على القلوب، فهذا أعطاه الله أسباب الحصول على الحلال لكنه رفض ورضى بسلوك طريق الحرام هو والسلقه إلي معه، وأعرف والله من أبناء وطني ممن يريد الزواج ولا يملك القدرة وحاشم نفسه ورافعها عن مواطن الردى والقرف، وهذا الخسيس متوفره له الأسباب، لكن أسأل أن لم يهديه أن يرينا فيه عجائب قدرته، والحمد لله رب العالمين.

اقسم بالله يا عربيد انت والشرموطه اللي معاك والمشرك ابن الكلب اللي معاكم ليجي يوم تعضون الارض فيه، لكن اقعدوا في اللي انتوا فيه وبيجي ذاك اليوم اللي يشفي الله غليلنا فيكم وان غدا لناظره قرييييييب

It is a mistake to meet any random person to learn about the culture of the community or the country. And you don't even know if he's honest or not, we hope you don't take his words seriously because he's a liar!!! he represents himself

محمد الثاني...بل جميع من قابلتهم غالبًا ارائهم لا تمثلنا ولا تمثل مجتمعنا خاصةً محمد الثاني...عاداتنا وتقاليدنا وثقافتنا وقبلها ديننا تمنعنا من الخروج مع فتيات بأسم الحب او الصداقة، او وضع الوشم...تلك الأشياء هي ماتنمعنا قبل أن يمنعنا القانون...يالربع الي يعرف إنجليزي يترجم لاهنتم

Did you also get paid for this?

Well, I guess Popeyes guy will regret that soon lol

you must never believe it Saudi Arabia does not force anyone on the Islamic religion and is not racist against any other religion, but it does not like corruption, and if you have a girl friend did not hold you accountable for this to have any Saudi sweetheart respect for religion If a Saudi man wants a husband with a girl, he should ask her family's permission. The last thing I say is that Saudi Arabia does not force anyone to pray in the mosque and if you do not pray, no one will hold you accountable except Allah.

اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد

Video content not reflect the Saudi Muslim community..

You don’t show anything keep Searching

The first half of this video seemed pretty great! I was really excited to share it with my family back home (America) so that they could see Saudi from a perspective aside from mine. Once the second Mohammed came, the video went to crap honestly. He went from really showing Saudis good side and what they are trying to become to absolute lies and random things that make the country look like something it isn't. I've been here for about 3 years and I've watched how Saudi is changing. I love it too, but how it is being portrayed here is pretty sad. Please, someone find a legit story where they were jailed for not praying and had their hair shaved. If you're going to lie at least make it believable man

His second video is much better show them that

محمد الثاني فاهم التطور غلط. الله يهديه

The second guy and his girlfriend are dumb and brainwashed by western media, stop worshipping the west and be proud of where you come from.

أولاً السلام عليكم ورحمة الله كلامي هذا ليس بدفاع عن هذا اللي اسمه محمد لا الاول ولا الثاني كلهم . ثانياً قاعد اقرأ بالتعليقات ان محمد الثاني غلطان وإن السعودية ماهي كذا وهذا حرام وممنوع .... طيب باختصار شديد ايش اللي سمح لاشكاله انهم يسوون اللي يسونه وكأنهم ببدل غربية منسلخة الطباع والخلق والعقيدة ! هذا والله كله من فعل داعي الرذيلة والانحطاط عن الدين محمد بن سلمان ابدلنا الله بملك خير منه لم يبق رذيلة ولا دناءة إلا وكان لها مروجًا وداعي ولا أحد ينكر أو يجحد واضح وضوح العيان يوم يقول ان المحلات تقفل خمس مرات ولا ادري ليه تقفل لأن ما في احد يصلي هالايام .. كلمة قالها وكانت قاسية إلا انه كان صادق تخلينا بكل يسر وبساطة عن عماد الدين وعاموده والشيء الكثيير الكثيير المثير للعجب . سجن العلماء بكلمة حق قالوها دعى اهل الكفر بدعوى الترفيه ( جالبين كل ثقافتهم وزرعوها بينكم ) ويجي واحد ولا اثنين ويقول السعودية ما هي كذا !!؟!؟ السعودية اشين من كذا ومن هاوية لهاوية نسأل الله السلامة ويجي هذا القبيح ويتكلم عن المشائخ ويقول المتدينين ابدًا لا يتغيرون ؟! لا يتغيرون ام ان الدين اصبح لا يجاري عاطفتك ورغبتك وهواك المنحط الكفري والعجيب في الامر على كل ما ابداه هذا المدعو محمد بن سلمان من افعال لم يقم بها الغرب ذاته في 10 سنين من دعارة ووقاحة الا أن الكل مصفق له ومحيي وهذا والله لكذب من بعضهم وتصفيق له ( ولا ادري ما الحكمة ) واغلبهم جهل بالدين وعدم مبالاة واخذه بعين الاعتبار !! وما اقول غير حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل من بلاد كانت وجهة للمسلمين إلا بوصلة يغير شمالها اعداؤها !!

10:00 This is a lie

التمثيل قاعد يبكي ف الزاويه

I bet apps changed the dating game 100% in saudi arabia

Dear peter, the second Mohammed is mostly lying. Even 10 years ago if you don’t go to the mosque they wouldn’t take u to the police department and cut your hair. I don’t know why someone would say such things about the country they grew up in but I hope he comes to his senses. I hope u just stayed with the first Mohammed. Thank you.

Why don't you go to the pub ?....... oh yeah I forgot

9:54 محمد كذاب وحثاله ولا يمثل السعوديين

حثالة مجتمع مايمثلنا

فرق بين محمد الأول ومحمد الثاني بعدين من سنين وبعض الحريم يطلعون بدون حجاب وذا يقولك من سنتين ومن طلعنا ع الدنيا وحنا متطورين بكل شيء مدري ليه يصغرون البلد قدام السياح

I wish Saudi Arabia would stop the war in Yemen . It will really prosper if it did, and spend all the money on rebuilding instead of spending the money on war and weapons.

They are spending money to rebuild it and they spend billions on it since day one, that war is for the safety of saudi arabia and the government of yemen asked saudi arabia to interfere

The US's leashed dogs!

Everybody is so ticked by the second guy. Shows that the society is not quite ready to be free yet. In free societies everybody "represents only himself" and not "the entire people", we understand that - it is a pretty basic civic concept. You don't have to keep repeating it. In any society there are all kinds of different people, not one person can "represent" everybody else, because we are not all made in a mold and not the same. Everybody should be able to live their own way and speak their own truth. That is what freedom means. There's no need to be angry about it. It is more productive to focus on our own actions and beliefs and lead by positive example, rather than censor what others are saying or doing :)

The people in the comments are angry about the lies, nobody was forced or punished to pray, nobody got in trouble for tattoos. Also yes, we don’t want to abandon our culture and traditions

لحظة هاذي الرياض تشبه دبي ! Wait is this Riyadh it's like Dubai !

محد منتبه ان الفديو كله تمثيل وين عقلكم كله كذب وتمثيل

It’s all fake

Fake video

خلاص كولو زق ترى دبلتو كبودنا محمد الثاني ومحمد الثاني خلاص عاد هو تكلم عن نفسة يالدينصورات انت وهو

Ok the second ‏ Muhammad is a lier no they don’t cut/shave ur hair if u don’t pray in the mosque and y would u trust him he lived in the uk and who cares if that’s ur girlfriend none is going up to ask u is that ur wife or girlfriend no police man would do that so stop lying and go back to the uk u lier, literally telling lies about us,Saudi people don’t care if u pray well strangers but ur parents do ok like strangers actually don’t come up to people and ask did u pray no only or mum or dad or granny/gramps would do that so y would a police man bother to look after u when he probs has his own family and he knows u have your own and it’s considered rude/harm to have tattoos but they honestly could’ve cared less about you coz ur an old man (I mean like in his late 20s) and u can’t say much coz ur probably not even Muslim and most of our culture is themed about or religion (islam) do us all a favor and stop lying it’s really annoying to see people lie about us when they barely even know us

That's why when you name your children Muhammad you should be careful. He can end up a munafiq like this guy in that video! He is lying!

مصيبة الإنبطاح ! .. انبطاح عجيب للغرب لدرجة يهاجم ابناء جلدته ليكسب رضاهم .!! ( ولن ترضى عنكَ اليهود ولا النصارى حتى تتّبِع ملّتهم )

محمد الثاني عباره عن مثال لشخص منسلخ من رجولته ومعتقداته

المتخلف الي طلع بالمقطع لازم يتحاسب،و كل كلمه قالها كذب

What!!!! Since what the tattoos is okay in Saudi Arabia?!!! He never present us

كان جيت ديرتنا

11:14 he is lying!!!!!

في دقيقة ١١الرجال سخيف مسوي فاهم

14:17 مع ويييييين رائع تكفى يعني

17:30 شكل محمد كذب عليه

Mohammed, who puts the tattoo he is lying in the fact he transmits the wrong image of the Saudi people

If you visit country you must respect Their religion, customs and traditions but you don’t!! Just you talking with a sealy people like second one he lying you know that but you have agenda and you want a False proof

I am angry towards Muhammad II, what he said about us is not true and unfortunately does not represent our religion and morality

Watch this video

There’s a lot of false information in this video, like when the guy said it was like isis !!! This guy is he serious ? It was never like them and it will never be, and the guy with the car also gave him so much of faulty information. I feel pretty sad

لايروح الكلب الي مع حبيبته شهرو فيه تكفون الله لايوفقه

Peter , as people said in the comments the second Mohammad was laying to you when we did not go to the mosque they didi not cut our hair and everyone lives in saudi Arabia he or she have to be Muslim even if he a tourist he has to respect the culture or the tradition of Saudi

Popeye guy obviously wants freedom to do what he wants, right or wrong whether its Islamic or not. There are some good changes, I would be far more impressed if homeless, beggars were provided for, poverty was eradicated, different nationalities were treated equally, justice for all and not just the rich. To be able to hold the hand of someone else's wife, daughter, mother or aunt in public isn't something I'm bothered about or anywhere on my wish list.

The person who came up with his lover both lied in a lie

Please come to Palestine Nablus ?

The second Mohammad is absolutely laying, Not all the Saudi people like him

من محمد الثاني كرهت المقطع

محمد الثاني كان يقدر يقول اي زوجتي ويستر على نفسه بس المجاهره مرض معدي

I'm a Pakistani, working in Al Hasa (Saudi Arabia) and i can assure you this country is one of the safest places on earth for men and women equally. The infrastructure is great, ppl are nice & polite ...what else can one want to love a country :)

What’s your problem ! Jesus also prayed

Where’s the beer and the semi naked women’s

What’s an American doing there ? Did he get esta type of vetting of course not

محمد الثاني مرا اوفررر اوفر عساه يشلونه هو وصديقته

واضح كلو كدب وتمثيل وواضح كل شي بلا استغفال انهم ما يعرفو بعض قلك كلو كدب

The problem is the name of Muhammad, the name is haram on you

As a woman, the veil is not a rage. He needs to be restored. He wants to discredit Islam by giving up his principles. He represents himself and does not represent Muslims.

I wish a dark skinned guy say an indian, Pakistani or bangladeshi or African does a similar video. Then we ll know.

Muhammad II, we all agreed in the comments that he does not represent Saudi Arabia is just a different idea teenager and the evidence of his talk about Christianity and his words about tattoos and talk about what they pray and talk to his girlfriend * them only a month * This is a bother me because we are Saudis what we accept this thing and annoyed that you took Misconception about Saudi Arabia.

هذا اللي طالع مع صاحبته احس من اثيوبيا لكن اجداده اتوا لنا و اخذوا جنسيتنا السعوديه

You came Saudi Arabia Muslim and supposed to go out with Muslim people Ashan learn, Mo with two people are desperate for some of them and they did wrong, but the owners of a month, even to settle what was covered his body !! I'm annoyed, annoyed, annoyed because you took an idea of ​​us from such people.

راعي الاودي رفع ضغطي مسوي عايش في شوارع امريكا قير فرند امه لو تشوف كان سلخته قير فرند احل

I thought dating is haraam. The fck saudi. What's wrong with u all.

Been reading through the comments here, and there are a few things I would like to point out to those reading: 1. 2nd guy is lying, not sure what he's agenda is. There are many Saudi's who can attest to that. 2. There are non muslims here, talking BS obviously. To the muslims responding to their comments, why do you feel it is ok for you to say the next person is going to hell? Only Allah decides who goes to Jannah and Jahanam. Please think before you type! 3. As a non muslim, if you say muslim woman do not have rights, then it is obvious you know nothing of islam. 3. To the non muslims saying islam is backwards, and it needs to change with the times etc. We will never! The Quran is the word of God (whether you believe that or not, is your choice), it teaches us how to be muslims. The word of God is perfect and needs no changing. Look at the state of the world today because it is changing with the times. I know there will be a ton of bad comments, just know this, I will pray for you :)

yea im walking with my girlfriend..meanwhile her face is blurred and shes in full body wear...-.-

هالشخص لا نعلم عن خلفياته السياسية او دوافعه وطايرين فيه جالس ينقل حقائق غير واقعية او ليست ثقافة عامة للمجتمع ع اساس امريكا الدولة الفاضلة ننتبه لهالاشكال الدخيله ونقدم انفسنا كما نحن ونحب لا كما يريدون ويحبون

أبلع دس لايك بسبب الجرار محمد اللي مسوي وشم وعايش مع صديقته في الفندق كذاب ولا يمثلنا قالها عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه ( نحن قوم أعزنا الله بالإسلام فإن أردنا العزة بغيره أذلّنا).

Whats the point ?

2:26 alright guys we found where 2pac is hidding

3:38 "Merhaba" mı? Ne alaka mk!

اتمنى تنسحب منه الجنسية ويروح لم بريطانيا ياكل تبن هناك

انا اتمنى اني اتعرف على اخت محمد التاني شكلها حلوه عشان اوريه الانفتاح على اصوله

the dude eating pops thighs who is himself is in STATE OF FRIED in the oil of western culture should listen to niel Young keep ON rockin in the free world before he deep fries in ja-hanum. TATTED UP HUH

Hope you enjoying in Middle East go to Dubai next

Bellive me this gay (the one in 11:00) is a fucking lier No one gonna hert u in Saudi arabia

wow i feel i am outside

بلاغ .

I’ll stay in the US. The video was inspiring until I read the comments.

What a nice man Muhammad was showing him around. Very impressed

Please buy United bin Salman

My prince bin Salman

This is the first time for me to see you but I liked your video so much..yours Thamir from iraq

قمة الانحطاط الاخلاقي و الديني، اذا هيك التطور لأ انتصرنا عالأعداء

معه تاتو وطالع مع حبيبته وزعلان ليه توهم يخلون السعوديه كذا قال ايش قال الحريه

Obviously the reason behind they like the malls because outside is fkn burning LOL

No one has ever been forced to go to pray or go to the mosque in saudi history by any kind of law enforcement the Mohamad guy can do or think whatever he wants but to spread lies about such a beautiful country. Thats the crime itself

Yo Muhammad 2 is dope as hell, *freedom and peace* that’s all we want, let people live their fuckin lives without restricting their rights to live the way they please, That shitty religion needs a reformation *big time* #exmuslim

يويل امها يا محمد الكويحه

محمد الثاني نصاب

we will send this video to police because this guy have to punished for lying and discedting

welcome in saudi peter, i hope u didn't belivead what is mohammed said about our live because he's atheist.. doing wrong things and illegal its not true and as u saw all the people praying not like him, yeah maybe some thing changed in saudi but not what he said BECAUSE THE LAW IN SAUDI IS OF OUR RELIGION

الكل بيتقد محمد الثاني لكن ما بشوف كلام حلو عن الأول. محمد الأول انسان كفو و مثال ممتاز للثقافة و الأخلاق السعودية

اول شي نرحب بلدنا سايح اجنبي ونمثل بلدنا العادة والتقاليد من واجب علينا ان نرحب سياح لدول العالم ... لكن الي قهرني مايستحي على وجهه طالع مع زوجته وحاط وشم كاتب الحرية .... لعنة الله عليك ولا يمثلنا شعب السعودي اتمنى على الحكومه القبض عليه يبقى وقح ....

يا محمد الثاني اللي تتكلم عنو مو تطور ياجاهل

Welcome in Saudi Arabia

احلام العصر

انا اتوقع انهم متفقين محمد الثاني وهذا لانه يتكلم ع السعوديه وكنه غير سعودي وكنه يسبها ويبغون يشوهون سمعه بلاد الحرمين ولا كيف يظهر انه مع صديقته قدام ملايين الناس وعادي فيه اتفاق وتشويه ✋

Their mall is so clean. Props to having a beautiful city that's growing and peaceful.

الثاني سربوووت كلب حقير وتسذووووب

Welcome suadi

ههههه اهم شي انه بنى السعودية ! حتى عامل النظافة مسوي نفسه له دور!

الي حاط وشوم ودك من يسد فمه بزنوبة حمام

Our as Saudis we want to be in the top but not losing our identity and religion

Second Mohamed is completely laier. What the hell he said! He is not represent any Saudi ever never.

The second mohammed is lair i hoop you dont belef him

محمد الثاني واضح شخص معتوه وسطحي

They have to change and become more secular to be able to interact more with the rest of the world. Their oil reserves are running out, so they need to diversify into new industries like tourism.

He just hopped to a random guys car, wow not everybody can do that in Saudi Arabia.

شتان مابين محمد الأول والثاني الأول نموذج جميل والثاني نموذج مشوه.

The yellow sweater guy is lying.. not good man. >:(

كنه زيدان

Don't believe this young man. This is a bad image for Saudi society. Many people pray 5 prayers a day. The government does not force anyone to pray or shave this young man is definitely sick. We also respect the cultures of the people, but our culture has not changed tattoos, but it does not have a problem from the government or lack of prayer, but society hates it. Surely this young man is dirty and does not represent Saudi Arabia

Second man really he was laying

Mohammed the other is lying !! He is bad

If you want a full picture about Saudi Arabia and Saudis its not what that tattooed guy with The Odie told you. People like him they think they own every thing and they can do what ever they want. Now and before the law is about to be respectful to the culture and the religion thats all what its about . And the religion is not by force but at least respect it. No one will come to hit you if or cut your hair/head if you do any thing wrong like as he took an ISIS for example. Islam is always about second chances and Saudi law is takin from Islam.

محمد الثاني كلامه ما يمثلنا هذا شخص غبي جدا الله لا يبلانا

The person who I was with the gestered gave giving you wrong information about your personal freedom and allowing out with your girlfriend and waive with him at the same hotel

ورطنا يامحمد الثاني

هاذا فديو تتدنس وكذب وهاذا يهودي المفروض نستقبله بالجزم والكلب معاه ممثل نجس

u r sexy)

محمد الثاني كذااااااااااااب كذااااب كذاب حسبي الله شوه سمعتنا

Good luck beteer we saudi love you

There's 2 kind of people who loves /hates this change in Saudi arabia and there's also alot of foreigners work their⬅ facts

That's a very kind hearted Saudi man, very progressively minded unlike the conservative extremists we think of Saudis.

عيال اسحبو على محمد الثاني هذا مايشبه ممثل الاباحي

Ohhhh I suddenly miss SAUDI Arabia. I use to work is SAUDI as a nurse. Shoutout from Chicago Illinois. Salam.

Welcome to Saudi Arabia bro

يستر الله عليك مرارا إلى أن تتمادا ويفضحك الله بنفسك ويشهد عليك خلقه. وأنت في غرور !! تظنك على حق وأنت في ضلال. أشكر محمد الأول لأدبه. وأتمنى تطبيق القانون على الآخر والتي معه لانتهاك حرمات الله ولإساءته للشباب السعودي.

الصورة الحسنة ماتهم اهم شيء الدين والادب والعادات

Come to turkey

There is no rule about going in jail because you have tattoos on your body or you don’t pray I mean like what the hell is he saying

Its not a “Head scarf” its called a hijab plz educate urself!

I don't like the second guy, he looks like a smart guy but dumb

١٠:١٠ جاب العيد الذيب هههههههههههههههه اوكي منفتحين بس باقي ماوصلنا ذا المرحلة يالحبيب

The second guy Mohammed he doesn’t represent a saudi ppl at all,

بلغو ع هالفديو لان كل الي قاالهه كذبب خساارة الاسم فيهه كل الي قااله كذب وحراامم يقول اغلب الشعب ما يصليي وهااذا دليلل انهه هوو ما يصلي

Muhammad 2 is a liar and he is a shame to his family and the girl who is with him as well

It´s very flashy but seems to lack any real substance? Is there an older part of the city with history and architecture or is everything pretty much modern?

Peter: So since when do you guys have malls? Saudi guy: TWO YEAR

الي م يصلي يغصبونه ويودونه القسم ويقصون شعره ؟هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه

It seems to be very clean. Obviously no ugly smelly hindu street shitters here which is a good thing

Ok ,so i am a Saudi and i have to say that for a person who says "this is abt Saudi ppl not Saudi politics "mmmm you didn't do a very good convincing job of it. Secondly and i have to say it:being a different person and having a different prospective ,living in a different culture dosen't make us lower than you .it dosen't mean that i want to change everything in Saudi Arabia to be the exact replica of Usa ,so i feel like a human. You have been using development a lot . Believe having a movie theater is not a development it is a change .

Great vlog i loved how informative it is!

Peter didn’t know lot of gay fucker in Saudi.

I really miss the huge and beautiful mall in Riyadh, I wish even I am now in New Zealand if ever I could have a second chance to work there in IT, i will accept again to work there. I miss Saudi specially Riyadh and Alkhobar. If someone needs Network Engineer there, just send me work contract and I jump immediately from New Zealand to Saudi...

للاسف فيه شكليات وايد زي محمد الثاني

Are you there for the Ruiz vs Joshua fight?

He said ' five person' not five percent

I love that please keep going

10:00 I love to see this dude action when he sees his sister with her boyfriend in the mall. I bit he will crack her head. I guarantee the freedom he is talking about only applies to him and other families' females not to his family's females. Sooooo shallow.

امعه لا ثقافه ولا دين ولا عادات ولا تقاليد انسلاخ تام

قاعد اتابع الفيديو مستمتع و كل شي الين جا محمد الثاني و قفلها معي قسم بالله .. عكرلي مزاجي مع هذا الصباح

The politics are awful, but the people appear really nice.

افتقعوا مرارة محمد الثاني وش ذا الحياه اللي يعيشها وعممنا معه المتخلف

The second man with the cap was so wrong.. I have been to Saudi Arabia many times and It’s one of my favourite country..his girlfriend should dump him...sorry

يجب ان يحاسب الرجل الثاني محمد لي انه يقدم معلومات غلط الله لا يوفقه كذاب واكبر كذاب وانا اعرف اقرأ الحمدلله إنجليزي كل الأجانب يعرفون انه كذاب الله لا يوفقه قهرنا .

محمد الثاني شلون يحلقون شعرك وانت اصلع

والله اننا وصلنا لاخر الزمان صدق و ( القابض على دينه كالقابض على جمره ) الله يحسن خاتمتنا بس

اذا كانو اهلك هم اللي بيحلقون شعرك اذا ما صليت كيف تعمم على الجميع انه يسوي كيذا ؟ كيف طلعت اسلامنا و مجتمعنا بذي الطريقه البشعه ب نضر السائح !

2nd muhammad knows nothing about saudi culture and laws and politics hes not a muslim and everything he said was wrong, we were never forced to pray, the only difference between 2 years ago and now is addition of cinemas and women driving and some other things

how much money did you get to do this video from mbs

That man is so friendly, He let him ride in his car & Was so happy to show him around. I wish people were like this in the UK!!

What is the guy at 11:00 talking about? Complete lies. And hes proud of doing haram things

الجواب: جاء معناه في حديث فيه ضعف، مرسل عن زيد بن أسلم أن النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام قال: من أصاب شيئًا من هذه القاذورات يعني: المعاصي فليتب إلى الله، وليستتر بستر الله وهذا يدل على أنه ينبغي للمؤمن أن يستتر بستر الله، وألا يفضح نفسه، ولهذا لما جاء ماعز إلى النبي ﷺ يقول: إنه زنا، أعرض عنه النبي ﷺ مرات، لعله يتوب ويستغفر، ويرجع؛ حتى لا يتظاهر بهذا الأمر العظيم. فالمقصود؛ أن الإنسان مأمور بالستر، والتوبة إلى الله، وعدم إبراز معصيته وإظهارها للناس، ومن تاب تاب الله عليه، ولهذا يقول ﷺ: من ستر مسلمًا؛ ستره الله في الدنيا والآخرة فالمؤمن يستر نفسه، ولا يعلن معصيته

the guy with tattoos is a big lair Fanatics and we do not give the right and freedom to all people and this mistake every human freedom, but must respect customs and traditions and religion

Muhammad II does not represent us Do you become a development is to put tattoo and go out with your sweetheart If this is evolution, we don't want it Our religion never allows this thing How I want to return Saudi Arabia as it was and this thing more people want and I am 15 years old Conscious that this is not evolution but deterioration❌

الي يمشي مع خويته شسالفته

My friend is Saudi and his told me the same things hahaha I want to go so bad !!!

في ناس باسم الحضارة يتخلى عن دينه وعن شرفه وعن رجولته لهؤلاء الأشخاص احب أقول لم يعد لديك ما تعيش من اجله لانك أصبحت حيوان بل الحيوان أفضل منك أنت انجس من النجاسه.

Astagfirullah he needs allah

كل ماله صدري يضيق معا الزمن

محمد الثاني ذا يبيله من يربيه الهطف

محمد الثاني ينرفز ودي امسكه واقطعه كريه يعععع

Please Flow 1

what a kind hearted man... beautifull people

Your white skin gives you a pass in these foreign countries.

محمد الثانييي خرب سمعة السعوديه !!!!

محمد الثاني مخنث .

مشكلة يوم يجيك سايح و يلقاك نسخة باليه من زبالة مجتمعه !!

Bro visit bahrain

Clarification! In most establishments (Starbucks). It's families only not women only. men are allowed in, just with their families.

Come to Jeddah

الضاهر ما يفرقوا بين التطور و العودة إلى الجاهلية!! احنا في الجزائر عندنا مقولة نقول ما تخاف من الشبعان اذا جاع و خاف من الجوعان اذا شبع!! والله امريكا من تخليكم حتي ترجعكم الي الجاهلية المتطورة.

You just passed by my work place man :) glad you had good time in Riyadh.

11:12 يا نصاب

كأن خوينا محمد الثاني جاب العيد شباب؟

11:16 that guy is so fucking stupid “they forced u to go to the mosque” since when? No one forced us lmfao

The guy on 10:20 is the stupidest person I’ve ever seen everything he said is wronggg

The man who puts tattoos and goes out with his girlfriend .. We can not do that in Saudi Arabia because it is forbidden in the Islam religion and punishable by!!!!!!!!!!

He is lying freedom always been in Saudi Arabia

This is so bad sham on you saying u got a hotel room for her so u are sleeping with her Mary her if you were a real man or be quite don’t give bad ideas to young people, ew god burn your ass in hell

Muhammad's not telling the truth, how long have we had these laws? This is all nonsense

which camera u r using ??

محمد الثاني ع قولتكم اعطى انطباع عن بريطانيا وانفتاحه هناك ابدا ما اعطى اي فكره صح وحدهه عن بلده ه الشي يقهرر بشكل لان المملكه تتعامل بالوصطيه حتى لو بدا الانفتاح حاليا لاكن كنا ناخذ راحتنا لاكن الي يزودها يلزم حدود معينه كذا افضل

I decided I'll try being like the first guy in the vid, who offered the man a ride, preach.

محمد الثاني المفروض انه يحاسب على كلامه لانه يعكس ثقافة بلده

2nd Mohammed with his girl friend I don’t think genetically From Saudia Arabia because his thinking is totally wrong perception...

يقهر ها الانسان الي في الدقيقه 11:40 والله هذي الاشكال الي تخرب البلد

The second guy is just making stuff up it seems, so many things he says does not even represent Saudi. And you don't even need to be Saudi to know this. You don't go to prison for tattoos, in Islam it's prohibited to (permanently) change something about your body. But no single country has any laws about it and you can't get arrested for it. Walking with a girlfriend is the same story. In Islam, having any love relationship before marriage is prohibited, but not a single country will do anything about someone walking in public with a girlfriend or whatever. Though in many muslim countries there are rules about this, such as lots of joints are for family only like restaurants, hotels and stuff, so obviously you can't go there without relatives (including a wife/husband). Though it's not regulated, only in extreme situations you get asked about it, but the worst I've seen happen is you get denied access to such a place. And you could always hold hands with your wife/husband, so him saying he couldn't do it previously is just false. Also, never has there been a law that forces people to the mosque, there are even several jobs in Saudi Arabia where people don't go to the mosque during working hours. The only rule is to close shop when it's time for prayer, what you do during the time is your own business. Either this guy doesn't know his own country, or is just making stuff up. And non-muslims have been living in Saudi Arabia for who knows how long, that is nothing new. The only law that probably everyone knows about is that non-muslims are not allowed to enter the pilgrimage zones (Mekkah and parts of Medinah), because those areas are only for pilgrims and the muslims who already live there. "Most of them don't pray". Is also a false statement. Islam is the most practiced way of life in the world, just walk in a random shopping mall or whatever when the call for prayer starts and you can see the effect it has. The 5% tax is new, there used to be no tax at all. Because in Islamic law, the only tax is the Zakaat tax muslims (only the men who are able to) have to pay yearly, which is 2,5% of a person's wealth. Though that isn't regulated at all, so there was practically no tax at all. The 5% tax is because Saudi Arabia is preparing for a time where it doesn't rely on the Oil trade/industry in the future, so they need to have other ways of income so they introduced limited taxes. Another income is the tourism, which is why many people can now easily enter the country. I don't know why I typed all this lol, but it's annoying to see how someone can just casually spread misinformation to the uninformed. This is how misconceptions spread.

why so many people called Mohammed

الله لا يبلانا

This dude just got in a car with a random stranger

Ha! If you was black or indian, no local saudi will help you.

Muhammad to me with his girlfriend wrong information

الزق اللي فرحان انه يتمشى مع صديقته !!! وش وضعه تفوو

Great experience it looks like! We would love to visit Saudi Arabia too and do some hiking!

غلط غلط سلامات يالحبيب وجايب خويته

They fuck girls ...hire them...they marry lots of wifes..yet you can't be with your girl friend in public..this is religion

لحظة هاذي الرياض تشبه دبي ابي اعييش فيها

The second Mohamed guy is brainwashed by western culture. As soon as he came back he had tattoos, a girlfriend and all. Believe me, he is from the minority.

I live in this area. nice video.

تافه تاني واحد

and you cant be imprisonment for a tatto thats one thing that i know for sure

and that mohammad guy is a jack ass he is totally making up new laws to make the country look bad i live in saudi arabia since 2005 and i'm from germany i live in saudi because of my work , thats not the point the point is he is lying there is no such law that force you to go to the mosque people going willingly and stores closes in prayers time because the stores owners go pray literally in maghrib adan go to any general street and you will see lot of pakistanis and indians walking in the street going to the mosque and its a beautiful thing that they keeping sticking to their religion and culture and when he was walking with his as he claimed *girlfriend* i bet that she is with him because of the money or drugs .. girls here in saudi arabia they keep their traditions over everything not contacting with a stranger they can but they don't want because its weird for them just like when its weird in us to not talking to a women at all ... the beauty of this country is the traditions not some stupid ass guy who trying to be cool and walking with a wh*re like she is her girlfriend if he was so confident why he blured her face . thats my point either she is out with out anyone knowing about her and she's afraid to be recognized or she is rental lol sorry

Mashallah hibibi arabistan the first belived muslim country Love from Afghanistan

Till Saudi system !!!!!!! 1800 years back

2:34 his salary can't be more than 1000 rs and he thinks that he is taking lot of money lmao

أهلا أصدقائي الغيوريين .. أتمنى تعملوا إبلاغ الفيديو .. عشان محمد الثاني

From this video I can tell that Saudi people are so nice and they have a great heart. Everyone said “welcome” which is something we’ve learned from our holy religion “ Islam” to welcome and respect the gusts and put them in high regard. However, the other man was saying that the country has been changed from the point that “ having a girlfriend and tattoo are free” all these terrible shortcuts are not TRUE. We’re known as the strongest and the most solidarity community and that is because we’re following the instructions of our wonderful religion. Then to the good manners which our parents have been raised us on.

فقط للتوضيح للأخوة السعوديين، في الجزائر كمان تفكيرنا هيك مع انو الدولة ضد أسلمة القانون، انا لا اهتم كيف ينظر الغرب للسعودية، والرجل الثاني خسارة فيه اسم محمد

العن أم العلج

oh my gad the second man completely he didn't said any think true every think he told you wrong!!!!! no one went to the jail because they didn't pray that's lies

Hope you come next time and meet better people, the first Mohammed was a great guy but the second one isn’t someone we are proud of

اشغلنا بالقيرل فريند الله يقرفك

YOU Should come to Qatar is super nice and really safe like wow I am happy that I live in Qatar

The second mouhamed is a dumb ass he’s literally telling a lot of bullshit

Mohammed doesnt seen to be a very common name in the Middle East

قيرل فريند؟؟ يشيخ روح ربي ياخذك انت والجزمة اللي معك

من علامات الساعة " يبيع أقوام أخلاقهم ودينهم بعرض من اعراض الدنيا قليل " سبحان الله ، الله يهدينا ويحسن خاتمتنا عن أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ: بَادِرُوا بِالْأَعْمَالِ فِتَنًا كَقِطَعِ اللَّيْلِ الْمُظْلِمِ ، يُصْبِحُ الرَّجُلُ مُؤْمِنًا وَيُمْسِي كَافِرًا ، أَوْ يُمْسِي مُؤْمِنًا وَيُصْبِحُ كَافِرًا ، يَبِيعُ دِينَهُ بِعَرَضٍ مِنَ الدُّنْيَا  . ومنها ما أخرجه الحاكم في "المستدرك" (8354) ، من طريق ابْنِ عُمَرَ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُمَا ، قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ: لَيُغْشِيَنَّ أُمَّتِي مِنْ بَعْدِي فِتَنٌ كَقِطَعِ اللَّيْلِ الْمُظْلِمِ ، يُصْبِحُ الرَّجُلُ فِيهَا مُؤْمِنًا وَيُمْسِي كَافِرًا ، وَيُمْسِي مُؤْمِنًا وَيُصْبِحُ كَافِرًا ، يَبِيعُ أَقْوَامٌ دِينَهُمْ بِعَرَضٍ مِنَ الدُّنْيَا قَلِيلٍ . Among the signs of the Hour , that Muslim will sell his religion for goods of world and that's what this man did , he sold his religion, morals and country to show the American (or whatsoever) that his country has also the lie of so-called civilisation , he doesn't know that without the Great Muslims scientists there would not be any civilisation in Europe and Europe would be in dark as it was .

محمد الثاني نصاب من متى ياخذونكك السجن علشان صلاه ف النهايه هذا شي بينك وبين ربك

ك*مه ياعيال محمد الثاني ذا

i see nothing worth visiting , only place i like to visit would be mecca

You picking the wrong Saudi guy.

أنا أجي سباحة من كندا .. جهزولي girl friend :-)

As Indians we have such negative opinion about Saudis, its refreshing to see that Saudi people like Mo exist.I am truly impressed by this positive change.

9:50 That guy is misleading the fact, we do *respect* all people’s opinions, but he doesn’t represent Saudis, in every country there’s a law and you must follow it. ☮️

That mofo with tattoos was hella fake

فضحتونا بالحفريات

The second man was very very very very very very lie tell a level that you cannot even imagine how lies huge that he makes and it is so sad that’s the guy that he owns YouTube loves what he saying and the lies that he making so sad

Muhammad 2 was lying with everything he said. All Muslims go to prayer and no one forces them or lets them go to the police . And you can not live or spend time with your girlfriend because she is not your wife (haram)and this is not aIslam.

The tattoo guy is giving u false information, he’s lying

no thanks, a backward country! men and women can't even order fucking coffee together, hysterical!

We welcome you and hope to visit more places in Saudi Arabia

. . The second Mohammed does not represent Saudis people, how he can represent us when he was living in UK not in Saudi Arabia !! (10:31). . .

come to Pakistan brother

لو كان جاء سائح عربي كان يرحب بيه مثل السائح الامريكي اتساءل وذاك الغبي المكبوت يظن السماح له بعشيقة تطور يا غبي

محمدان وكل محمد يفرق عن الاخر عتبي على محمد الثاني الذي نقل صورة خاطئة وسيئة للبلد

The second person his give you the wrong information's .

If you want to see the true colors of the Saudis then color your face and disguise yourself to look like a south Asian expat. You will know then how truly hospitable they are.

you picked literally the worst possible guy (second dude with his girlfriend) to get an impression about ksa. he doesnt represent saudi ppl at all and is totally out of place.

2nd guy is self-hating idiot! he clearly lost his religion and tradition.

The second Muhammad is absolutely lying, I living in Riyadh and none of what he said is truth , right we have new things and absolutely we thankful for that but we still hold our traditions

2 mohammeds 2 different personalities

For Your Infromtion, Mohammed Does not represent Saudi Arabia , Saudi people don't put tattos on thier bodys, Saudi people don't walk with thier bf in front of the people like that, we don't do that - the human can love, but in Saudi Arabia when a man loves a woman he can't walk with her and roll with her in front of people like what mohammed did, Islam forbids that , islam allows love and marry her, but you can't take a walk with her, and take her to shops or something like that, Only after marriage .

الأجنبي فيه عرق عربي نطقه للعربية شبه موتقاً

U never had to wear the headscarf by law in Saudi. Never not even since it was created

لازم يحطولهم دليل سياحي أو شخص متخصص عشان ما يشوفو اشكال ذي محمد الثاني

Second one is your friend placed by you only

السعوديه وما ادراك ما السعوديه اصبحتم عملاء لامريكا وغيرها كسر العادات والتقاليد العربيه ليس تطور وبس

If this wasn't an oil rich country, then the west would have destroyed this oppressive regime withing hours

The second Mohammed represents himself not the saudi people.

لم اعد احترم السعودية من الآن لأنهم لا يستحقون ناس صامته عن الحق حكامكم لم يفعلوا لكم شئ هذا من عند ربكم يعنى لو لا البترول الذى رزقكم ربكم به كنتم تعيشون فى الخيم مثل ما انتم اقتصادمكم لم يبنى على الصناعة والعمل بل بنى على البترول الذى فى الارض الأرض الطاهرة التى ولد فيها سيد الخلق

فقط كن مع الله الحمد لله الذي رزقنا و فضلنا على كثيراً من خلقه

If you want to ask about religious conservative Islam. You find them in the mosques after Asr prayer memorize the Koran I hope you talk to them they welcome you and receive you

Who says that Muslims are forced to perform forced prayer is a liar

You dont find theaters, operas, music halls there? Only one cinema? Sorry but I think saudi are the most ignorant people of the world! Go to Cairo or to Beirut and why not to Tunisia! May be you'll find there somethings other than big cars and malls!

what a joyless shit hole

المقطع بكبره سيء واللي اسمه محمد لا يمثلنا بتاتا دس لايك

رقم لوحته د ط ق ٤٩٨٨ حيلكم فيه بلغو العنوو والدينه هو وسلقته الي معه

Horrifying, second Mohammed Represents himself, im sure Saudis are absolute ashamed of this act, we do have freedom, but not by exceeding the religious limits


مستفز محمد

اقصد ثاني واحد

I wouldn’t go their for all the oil in China

إن محمد الثاني أحمق وأنا أشك انه مسلم!

honestly none of this is true, we were never forced to go to mosques and we were never punished for tattoos, and plus we were never in trouble for having a girlfriend. Ya'll have wrong theories about my country. It was always peaceful and inshallah it stays that way.❤

ماعين الا ذا يقابله وهو وحريته وصديقته بلاه ماقابل احد يدق خشمه لين يعض الارض

Just taking videos of roads, some cars , malls and meeting some scumbag on your way is not a Saudi tourism.

هذا المنحط محمد الثاني...,الله خسارة فيه الإسم.. جالس يشوه صور العرب والمسلمين...وهذا أحلى ديسك لايك. اي أجنبي يأتي للسعودية عليه إحترام ثقافة ودين هذا المجتمع...ليس من حقه أنه ينتقد طريقة معيشتنا...إذا مو عاجبه ينقلع بلده. 9:56 This dirty liar is a shame for people in Saudi Arabia ... he does not represent Saudi people .

With the second Mohammad's lies, it really makes Saudi Arabia look bad. Educate

Good work Peter Keepit up guy's Love from Dariyah SAUDI Arabia

Saudi Arabia people are so humble and friendly, helpful i love Saudi Arabia. God bless ksa.

A cringy white tourist getting the white tourist experience lol

The second guy is fully tapped imagine lying and representing where your from like that you disgrace

Oh oh

The second mohammad is alayer all what he say is lie

بلغو عن الفديو هذا ماهو احنا هذه بلاد غرب وعادات الغرب !!!!!!!! لاتغيرو مبادئكم لأرضاء الغير ! فالقبر واحد وانت وحدك من ستجلس به وتعذب على اعمالك !! هذا ليس ديننا ولا اخلاقنا ولامبادئنا قلت ادب قسم بالله وهذا شوه صوره البلد ونقل كلام ليس فينا

I live ther in Saudi Arabia u are so n Riyadh it is the capital city in Saudi Arabia and the weather is always hot it never snows

How fucking liar the second one was!!!! I am a non-arabian living in saudi . I didn’t ever seen or heard such things!!

Greetings from Bosnia&Herzegovina

ترا المقطع ذا متفق عليه وكله تمثيل ومسوي انه مايعرفه وهو خويه

the second mohammed was chattin shit

Congrats, the second Mohammed ruined you interesting vid

‏داخل الافلاج ما شاء الله عليك ‏هذي متقعد اشتري أغراض بس

نعم كانت بعض دوريات الهيئة تجبر المقيمين على الصلاة و تجرهم جر من الشارع إلى المسجد و تلاحق أي واحد شعره طويل و تقصه على الصفر و كان الوضع زبالة لدرجة انهم يستدرجون الشباب بأصوات نسائية عشان يلقون القبض عليهم. الرحلة ممولة و الفيديو له غرض واحد و هو تشجيع على العلاقات الجنسية

معلومات محمد الثاني غير صحيحه ولاتمثل غير بنات افكاره ماعندنا تشدد اللي يقول فقط فيه ضوابط شرعيه كلنا نعرفها ومانقرب لها وش هالخبال

Those rough streets looks like Pakistani street

محمد الاول الله يعز ارضك ❤️❤️❤️)(اما محمد الثاني ذي العينات قاعده تكثر يا ناس اقسم بالله

What second Mohamad said is totally wrong

A very b,ful n blessed country Allah gave all his best neyamat to these people n country.the man with tattoo is sheytan who have a problem with salah.

People are fucking furious about this stuff xD

you walked in front of my neighbour hood

اللي يقول انا مع صديقتي تراك سخيف وغبي حركتك غبيه جدا

هذا الي بيفضحنا ويطلعنا بصوره مو حلوه

Being a Muslim, having a haram relationship seems to be a free thing to you? So ridiculous!

الله يسعد محمد الاول وربي انه رجال!! مو محمد الثاني الله ياخذه النجس الوصخ السلتوح ، من متى فيه قانون يسحبك للشرطه اذا م صليت؟ جديده ذي ياجماعة الخير ، مسوي معصيه كبيره ويجاهر فيها حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل بس..

Oh you missed the part where people have nightclubs in their basements

Asthahfirullah BEWARE OF THE PUNISHMENTS FROM 'THE ALMIGHY' is this what the changes

Saudi Mallus Evide ? Saudi ishtam

What the second guy said is 100 % true I have been in Riyadh for 2 years all saudi guys trying to hide the fact by criticising him.

My bestie its from Arabia so that's why i clicked on this video but sadly i met my bestie online so i don't think that we will meet real life. :(

So there is something known as the Islamic countries, those are countries whose majority of their population are Muslims so their rules are according to their Religion, it doesn’t make sense for a country to punish you for committing sins because as Muslims we believe that god is the one who punishes ppl or forgives them we are only humans so punishing is not up to us. A non Muslim shouldn’t be harmed according to the Islamic religion because we have to be nice to everyone, if ur mean it’s actually a sin. I am a well educated Muslim so please if you have any questions you can ask me.

The non Muslims who didn’t even live in Saudi Arabia and know nothing about this religion are so sick in these comments. Like dude a Muslim who lives in the country is trying to educate you so what are you trying to tell them? It’s their country their religion they obviously have more information than you.

16:27 I love that side of Saudi (working class) feels more normal for the average folks not the publicized fancy upscale side with the malls and luxury buildings that we see on tv. Lol On tv, they make Saudi Arabia as this magical place with upscale amenities everywhere like malls, shopping centers and luxurious cars(Lamborghini, Ferrari etc) since everyone is rich with oil money but nah!, this is Saudi Arabia like every other nation with both cool and normal areas.

You face looks like Andreas Iniesta

محمد الثاني ودي اخنقهه اههه قهرني قسممم

Did he say girlfriend? Ya khayeh no girlfriend in Islam just marriage. What are you doing. Imagine he got arrested after this video lol.

Your feelings at the start is exactly how I felt when I first moved to Qatar. I'm still here after almost 5 years! (however, stopped permanent residence 2 years ago and now only commute here for month block rotations on the oil platforms), and use Cyprus as my primary residence.

I don’t know why but I didn’t feel comfortable seeing this video

مين اللي فهمهم ان التطور بالإنخطاط خرا على محمد الثاني مبسوط هو ووجهه والزقه اللي معه فرق بينه وبين محمد الأول

Cool body welcome to riyadh Visit my country philippines

Seems like staged up.

Im really disappointed in the other Mohamed, how he tried his best to develop and draw a bad picture about his country, the criticism in the shit he said was unbelievable and quite hard to believe that such people still exist. If you really wanna hear the truth about such country you shouldn't go for a guy who spent his life in a foreign country, in fact to get the true picture you should've asked an educated or a religious guy. My regards

U spelt Riyadh wrong

if they know you are jew, what happen? i am serious.

Second guy has a serious inferiority complex. He'll say and do anything to please the Westerners. Saudis should be proud of their culture, their religion, etc and not be shamed by the West to change. Saudi isn't perfect, but at least they don't have problems with fornication, adultery, drug and alcohol abuse, suicide, etc.

Too me it seems like this white boy is a lier . This bullshit video is planned ... he didn't get into no random guys car . Stop lying dude you knew that guy ...

2nd person is liar

People in the comments keep saying (police must arrest the second Mohammed ) then they protest when he said “they arrest you if you don’t pray” lol hypocrites

you keep mentioning cinema and women driving, there where i start to realize that you got paid

The second Mohammed was saying the truth, and people here attacking him in the comments because he said the truth.

ياخي انا مر سعودي بس محمد الثاني والله زودها الكلب كذاب

9:00 مابي اسب ولا اقول شيء بس الله يهديك ويصلحك ويردك للصواب

The second one with tattoos doesn’t represent Saudi Arabia, tattoos are haram in the Saudi religion and having a “girlfriend” is not allowed in Islam

Just when i tought i have missed the country i was born in and raised has changed and i should consider coming back i have seen the comments of you hateful people made about second muhammed and changed my mind... Educate yourself guys, visit other countries meet new people get out of those fairytales start living your life :) happy to not be there also go back to london muhammed these guys are still the same they need 15 years or something more.

"Fairytales", sure buddy. Let me guess, you have a serious inferiority complex from the West?

محمدالثاني جايب اخته يصورها والوشم حرااام ولو انه عادي ومسموح كان ماغطاه بكم ثوبه يحسسونك انا قبل اربع اسنين كنا همجيين ومتخلفين وهاذا اكبر غلط حنامنذ تاسيس السعوديه وحنا مثقفين ومتعلمين و واعين ولاكن اللشرهه موب على الخواجه الشرهه على الحماره الي يقول تونا نتطور

Freedom and peace ✌

محمد الأول رجل محترم حضاري اما محمد الثاني ما يسوى نعال وانا اشك انه سعودي اكيد بنغالي حوشوه يا السعوديين انا أقول نرسله لرجال المع يفسخونه من هدومه وش الراي يا السعوديين حتى خشمه تقول خشم عبد

Lol yeah this video wasn't staged at all

مرحبا و مسهلا

No one hangout in morning under the hot sun

سبحان الله ما للرخيص الا الرخيصه و ما للرخيصه الا الرخيص

شفت مقاطعه كلها ومتأكده اني الي طلعو في الفيد متفق معهم يالله ي الصدفه الي كلهم يتكلمون إنجليزي وكلهم نفس التفكير وهو اصلا واضح جاي عشان المرأه وأسئلته كلها عن المرأه وحجابها

Saudi is a beautiful country but so boring everything goes with rules.

Hey, I'd rather live with rules than with no rules and destroy my body, society, etc.

Fuck the scond mohammed

The second Mohammed is lying It’s the firsts time in my live that I hear if I don’t go to the mosque they cut my hair and other stuff to I don’t say I don’t prays but what he said was just insulting to me and my religion Islam

All lying saudis. You are nothing but supporter of violence and slavery. Fuck you and your oil.

The second Muhammad was actually giving you a false information about our country and Islam, if you don’t pray you won’t get your hair chopped, The fact that he’s tattooed and saying about his wife a “girlfriend” represents himself not us.. Welcome to Saudi my friend I hope you enjoyed the trip

@Peter Santenello Great content, really enjoyed it. Next visit Pakistan. I am sure it will be in your top 3 - if you ever make that list.

The second guy Mohammed was super cool and honest. The first guy was too afraid to say anything negative because of the consequences. But you can tell that the second guy really doesn’t care lmao

Why did u visit this garbage country... so many nice countries and you choose thise shithole

You remember me with my first day in KSA

أل سعود يثقون بسهولة من اي شخص امريكي ههههه 11:37 القطة التي كرهتم بها محمد الثاني '' بيكووز اووف ذاا باور محمد بن سلمان هههههه

People in, Saudi is not good really I'm currently working here almost 10HRS, without overtime.. I'm, working as a chef cook in restaurant now

Peter get out of saudi Arabia do you not know the bible? God says he is going to wipe it out in one day and in one hour.

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