She Won't Sail Without THIS! | Boat Life Ep. 35

She Won't Sail Without THIS! | Boat Life Ep. 35

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when we're moving a 50-pound box onto our old boat it's nice to know our website is on autopilot so thank you squarespace for sponsoring this video and for making sure our online store runs smoothly hi i'm dana and that's my husband lou for the past five years we've been on a mission to live creatively it all started when we quit our jobs in new york moved abroad bought a rusty old van named odie fixed him up in the mountains in spain drove through most of europe wrote a book sold the van and bought a sailboat our next goal is to circumnavigate the earth in our 1976 rasmus 35 but first we need to prepare penelope for the voyage of a lifetime so welcome to the winter build series i don't even know how we're gonna get up the ladder all right but i thought honestly when i picked it up i thought it was gonna be heavier than it is yeah i feel like with two people we should be able to manage just about like not falling off the ladder and getting it on safely and then hoping that it fits through the companion way all right okay all right oh wow the box is over here yeah [Music] [Music] so we gotta get this guy through that little door companion way okay there we go okay wow holy moly blue this is i think my new best friend yeah yeah i can't believe it you want to look what i know so this is the freezer side it's interesting so it's like this side is the freezer and then this side is the fridge and i think that the compressor must be on this freezer side so the freezer size is a little bit smaller than the fridge side but that like makes sense and i feel like that's more practical it just is like so crazy to think about being in the middle of the ocean and then being able to open this and actually have cold food inside it and it's like it's not just for crossings like i feel like the main reason i wanted to have it was just because this way we can actually like enjoy cooking on the boat and not worrying about like leftovers going bad or we could batch cook a little bit more and like the ice box sure it was a functional system but for us it just wasn't ideal for like living aboard like maybe for a weekend or something like that but when you like live on the boat and you do all your own cooking it's like you want a fridge in a freezer so this is just gonna be i i really think this is gonna be a total game changer for the quality of life like it's not for the sailing part of it it's just for the comfort part of it but like comfort is a huge part of life and you know you're on the boat but it's nice to have like a little bit of comfort from a house this is actually the biggest this one is like pretty large but it's like that it's just a mini bag of characters to see for size yeah it fits a lot and there isn't an amazing spot to put it on our tiny little boat but we've decided that this spot here is basically the only spot it can fit so from here over to here yes that means it hits the table yes that means that this chair has to go so it's going to be a major construction project again in the galley transforming this space into something that's more functional for us and i feel like last summer or last winter build we managed the desk over here option and it improved our life so much so i'm really hoping that this is gonna do the same and i think for like the comfort of having a big fridge and freezer it's gonna be well worth the effort but it's a bit of a puzzle okay so a little bit further this way there we go yeah so that just goes in there scooch over just like that you know like if only this is one of those things that you can just snap away it's like and snap and it's in thank you what are we working with that's a lot of wires there lou those are just the grounding wires it's too bad the boat like is curved it would just like sink in right nicely there but all right all right should we start chopping oh don't worry it's gonna be okay you can chop whoa there we go sweet [Music] whoa did it work wow i'm crazy oh my gosh right just like that oh my gosh this is where the fridge is going wow you wanted to pick up the fridge and put it there just to see i really do yeah here we go so what are you thinking you're gonna you want to put like a wooden thing over this ah i didn't understand it's the same so lose removing the handles or trying to remove the handles because they are adding space where we don't really have much room so we put the table back on because we're trying to see like kind of what are we working with here because we're debating if we should take out this kind of slanted chunky bit whoa feels like it's already on ready yeah wait what hey look at that raymarine compass area huh interesting there are cobwebs a spider has been living back here it's like pretty crazy that this hasn't been like exposed since 1976 when they were probably building it it was very old dust we just thought of another variation that could work because i'm trying to like salvage this as a bed and it's like if my head was here yeah then because this is the um fridge makes this higher right yeah you just have a real like toe stubbing hazard yes is this it open it opens but you wouldn't be able to look into it from five yeah like that i don't know it's like this way then the table's not affected at all yeah it's true should we bring the table back in too yeah we could try right well you can see where the mark is like the table's not affected no i know just for the ambiance is it too annoying this table so is that what you're thinking yeah something like that so you have to build something up here but then those both now open easily yeah the table can go down to bed functionality what do you think i think it could be cool i kind of like that this is why it's like some of these projects i feel like you have to have the props like the um the fridge here because we've been talking about this and trying to figure out the best space for it but we measured like a million times oh yeah but it's like it's like it's so physical and you have to see it in real life to understand all right yeah oh wow you like it's beautiful we're excited to see it out of the saran wrap mahogany board lulu yeah i think so all right that wraps up everything we can do today we are going to drive to a home depot that's like an hour away because we need to get some marine plywood for construction tomorrow and then tonight at the house i think we'll glue the mahogany we just cut together and yeah tomorrow big steps could be made i feel like the switching of the location of the fridge to keep that u-shape i'm much happier about it i feel like the feng shui is nice so now i drive us to home depot all clear uh so this will be like one side of the fridge and then one side for the other way yeah love it good job there we go first snow of the winter yeah it's kind of exciting right isn't it yeah yeah i wish i had better gloves they're in the mail oh really yeah oh you're the best it's just a cold front though hopefully in the next few days we'll have like a little bit warmer weather because we have to do some epoxy and it's like that's not gonna work when it's literally freezing but the snow is exciting right yeah so it's day two and we are back on penelope and we're gonna keep going with the same project obviously and we have the boards glued together so now we're gonna basically just try to put all the puzzle pieces together we're not gonna be able to epoxy them to the floor today probably because it will take too long to figure out where they all go but also because it's freezing but hopefully in two days it will be a little warmer and we can do the full project but i think today it will really come together and start looking more like a kitchen again versus a construction site putting our life in boxes erasing the memory so you won't notice i'm taking the time to focus you're by yourself i'm by myself wish i could solve your problems they're stuck on my wall like me on paintings and i'm so tired of being honest to everyone by myself i do it so well we were so good at fighting but we can't keep flying we keep getting [Music] on the wrong side of the mountain [Music] all right so what we're trying to do is see what the fridge looks like in the space lou is very good at visualizing things with it being like oh this is where the fridge will go but i like to actually see them so we try to we put the floor in and we think that the fridge is going to end up a lot higher than we expected so that is exactly what we could do i mean i personally don't think it's bad that this is exposed a little it's like then you can access this yeah i mean the fridge is very strong so it'll just be sitting on the fridge and it's like you don't necessarily i mean i guess you want the cushion for the aesthetic to have it all go around but you also could not i think you just make a shaped cushion that goes into here like you can cut the foam you know yeah you could or you could just have the cushion go this section and then this is open no cushioning no cushion all right so this is where we're at the fridge is in as you can see it's still a little high so we're gonna try and lower it like a couple centimeters and cut a couple support beams to put down under there and then we'll try it out again and see if we can get it just a little bit lower the issue is is that with the shape of the hull over here coming up this back corner there hits and we want it to be level so we're just gonna see how low we can go something like that right yeah okay i mean that's the plug's room the fridge is as low as it can go and i'm actually like really happy with it it's definitely high it would be a high chair to like sit in but at the same time i think you could definitely like if there's a bunch of people over if that ever can happen again you could have people hanging out in here you maybe just like wouldn't eat at the table on this one but overall i think it's great and it's actually kind of nice because if it was all the way on the ground when you'd use the fridge you'd be bending over a ton so now it's actually like a bit easier to get at so we felt a bit more structure to support the fridge and to really bring it home we're going to use epoxy and epoxy that new structure to the hole of the boat we don't want to put any screw holes into the hole so we thought epoxy would be a good bet we haven't used it since our van build when we were patching some holes so fingers crossed we remember how to do it uh i just got a whole arm in this i don't like this job this is disgusting i'm going to clean up you deal with this why i love you but like i don't want to be stuck in this yeah so this is setting quickly yeah you're crushing it lou thanks baby there we go it's crazy how strong it is yeah it is not going anywhere wow i'm really impressed yeah yeah it's so cool it actually is i think gonna look really nice yeah i think it's gonna be great once we like sand it all and varnish it i think it will look more like normal here it's like obviously right now it looks like too large for the space but i think once the table is back in place once there's cushions i think it'll actually be really nice and most importantly practical you know wow that smell just brings you back right do you remember that day yes i do actually we had holes in the bottom of our van and we did this to fix it this thing is coming in handy right once you buy it you just like use it way more than you would this wall is not going to come out right that's the idea shall we put the fridge in yeah oh man what did you think of the fiberglass that's great it's okay right wow babe look at this oh you just need a frozen something or a lovely refrigerated something yeah good job well done okay so i think that wraps up this video on installing the fridge obviously the fridge fits in the boat we have built a shelf around it and like a container for it it's not completely done we still have to secure it down varnish the boards so they look nice and all that good stuff to make it like lovely but i feel like for part one of the fridge install for the thing that i really refuse to sail around the world without is our beautiful fridge and i'm so happy and i feel like yeah this place is really becoming our own with each thing that we change i feel like it becomes more of our home and i think that's like one of the really cool things about like the diy like remodeling projects and like just taking control of the spaces that you live in because every little alteration that you make or in this case a big alteration i feel like you take more ownership in that space and it becomes so much more like joy filled i remember like being in our van and looking around and being like we built these walls like we put the sink in we had put everything there and so when you go to sleep surrounded by things that you build it's like the most magical feeling and so i feel like now with the fridge here every time i open the fridge i'll think about like the fact that we put it there and yeah it's just a nice feeling i feel happy or maybe i'm just high from all of the fumes because the fiberglass is really stinky so that's why i thought we could get out of here a little bit early today because it is so smelly in here a big thank you to squarespace for sponsoring this week's video boat construction is a messy business but luckily our website is easy to use beautiful to look at and most importantly it just works if you'd like to make your own online presence run smoothly head to wildly room for a free trial and 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain

2021-02-06 10:11

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