Sharing My Opinion of Child Labor in Cambodia

Sharing My Opinion of Child Labor in Cambodia

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there are kids that are out on  the streets trying to sell things take a selfie see the duck yeah really what I love it that's crazy this is one of the more awkward  attempts at trying something like these guys just doing their  job and these foreigners show up   they're like what do you want like  can we help you they're like no hey we have been traveling around Cambodia  driving this three-wheel machine this is called   a Tuk Tuk and we have been participating  in a travel challenge called the tuk tuk   tournament and with this event there are  a bunch of different challenges but today   we want to focus on the category of challenges  that is designed to make a positive impact and   support the local communities and just help the  local people so let's get started let's go see   we just made it down South by the way we've been  traveling all around the country mostly in like   rural areas and countrysides but we just made it  down to the beach and it is beautiful down here   so we're very excited to explore this area and  also go meet some local people and hopefully make   a positive impact go make some people's days a  little bit better you ready I'm ready let's do it   it so these kids are trying to sell us these  kids were asking for money but I'm not a big   fan of giving kids money but we have these little  duck toys yay and we gave her you want to see in   the mirror we gave her a clip for her hair let  me see yeah little duck clip a she's so happy   and we gave them these little snacks you look  great he looks pretty beautiful yeah the sticker what this you want this you go I think we have a I have some more of  those you know where they are pink Oh yay blow yeah does it work yeah there it is yeah quack pack  quack pack take a selfie see the DU yeah yeah quack quack quack quack qu quack quack quack quack H and the little ducks too y a she kissed the  little dogs [Music] bye bye thank you so I just   want to talk about that real quick specifically  kids because we've noticed in the tourist areas   of Cambodia there are kids that are out on the  streets trying to sell things and it breaks my   heart saying no to a kid but I really don't  think it's a good thing to buy stuff from   children and the reason is because if if you  buy stuff from kids then they are encouraged   to keep doing that and then that prevents them  from going to school and like being a kid and   I will buy stuff from local adults because  they're adults they don't you know they they   don't they shouldn't be in school or whatever but  it I don't like to encourage kids working on the   streets so but with that being said I also don't  like to just say no so we have a bunch of these   little gifts that we like to give kids when  we see them trying to sell stuff so that the   kids can be kids yeah like just be a kid like and  you see how excited they get when you give them a   gift like they actually get more excited when we  give them gifts as opposed to like actually giving   them money so surprised too yeah yeah and they  just like we're giving them attention and we're   just we're having fun like we're playing with them  and I I think that actually is more of a positive   thing because you're just allowing those kids to  stop working forget whatever pressures they have   going on in their life for just a short period  of time and just let them be kids let let them   have fun let them play and it's adorable when  when they just get so excited over a little a   little gift we have these little ducks and we  gave it to them and they she kissed it she was   so happy and you know I don't I don't I don't know  what's going on in their life I don't know who's   encouraging them to go out and sell stuff um but  yeah I just I think that's our way of supporting   the kids out here just giving them some positive  attention and little gifts instead of encouraging   them to sell stuff on the street so okay before  we get started let me quick quickly show you some   of the challenges we're trying to complete today  which by the way this is the app that's made for   the tikk tournament and just to give you a little  preview of what we're doing here this is the map   of Cambodia and you can see all these gems these  are different locations that we get points for   visiting and right now we are down oh where the  heck are are we we're over here so you can get   points for visiting these locations you could  also get points for completing what are called   quests we have all these different categories  of quests today we're going to focus on this   category and check this out so first we have build  back help build back Cambodia help professional   construction workers do their job on a building  or infrastructure big Tipper leave at least 10,000   that's the local currency here tip at a local  restaurant act of kindness do an act of kindness   for a local help them to do work or chores in  their daily life like cooking cleaning yard work   etc FYI giving cigarettes does not count so first  things first let's find some food let's go find   a local restaurant and if the vibe is right  and the service is good and we meet someone   who's nice and we think they deserve it we will  leave a big tip so we can complete the big Tipper challenge hello you have restaurant yeah  food but we have like local food we have   the food lay down on the TR local food  Perfect come my food my favorite like here   have grilled pork grilled pork okay egg  oh it looks like bacon it's grilled pork soup in soup yeah soup and you have steam  bun is this uh bun yeah yeah oh nice I   think she's going to want that pork and is  the same same why is this green h green for   the kind of leaf I don't know what it  is oh it's the leaf kind of Lea okay   yeah yeah do you want to get a bun or what do  you want uh we'll do two buns maybe some rice   and a soup yeah um and that come with rice  and this comes with rice yes sure yeah I'll   I'll take whatever you want to give me okay  okay got some rice over here slicing some cucumbers yum fancy oh we got soup over here wow that looks so nice oh nice some carrots and onions what  what else is in there cucumbers some vegetables wow a this looks delicious presentation  very nice thank you so much so we have some rice   as he was explaining this is all natural rice a  lot of the restaurants we've been going to the   rice is is very white and this one you can see  it's a little bit more Brown and reddish and he   was explaining because most people just get  their rice from the markets uh but they get   their rice locally from their own Farm organic  all natural so that's why it looks like it has   more grains and stuff but that's great I  love that and then over here we have some   pork fried pork egg cucumbers and some more  veggies and a little sauce to dip it in and   some soup I love how all the meals here a lot  of the meals come with a little bowl of soup   yay let's dig in and the steamed buns thank  you and you cut them up for us so I've been   seeing these steamed buns we've had a few of  them around Cambodia but inside this one has   some meat this one's pork and a really soft  hot bun it is delicious this one's a green   one oh this one actually also has an egg in  it nice egg surrounded by pork nice and soft   ooh that's so good it's so warm and soft sweet  sweet yeah delicious meal can we pay yes okay to guide 3,000 so 26,000 26,000 yeah  okay how is it how do you say very   much thank you very much aun a Akra so  that's 26 thank you so much and is a 50   it's extra for you that's a tip oh thank you  thank you why because you're very nice oh my God no no no don't worry he's trying to give  us water okay I'll take the water okay thank   you so much thank you delicious food thank  you so much we wish you the best of luck   we'll tell everybody to come here to your  restaurant thank you congratulations it's   very nice meeting you yeah enjoy your meal  nice me nice meeting you you maybe see you   yeah maybe we'll see you there you work  parttime somewhere else yeah yeah where at   The Kuman Kuman Market is Froman Bungalow Kuman  Bungalow that's where we staying [Music] yeah really no way what are you do what  are you doing there uh cooking   and also B and at are you working there today  or tomorrow uh tomorrow I like tomorrow to today   off you today off that's so funny there's so many  places to say yeah that's so while wow it was nice   meeting you bring it in give me a hug I wish you  the best of luck if you come here to this part we   are in uh in K right now here is this the name of  your restaurant K Cafe White Horse everybody come   here and meet Kim thank you so much 12 years old  and one four years old four and 12 years old you   have children well we have these little gifts for  children wife call my here yeah your wife is here   to are your children here are your kids here yeah  they're they're over here if you want to come out so we also have these little goodie bags  these little care packages for kids that   we meet along this trip and Kim has two kids so  let's go meet them this is his house right here   is this a rice oh is this the rice that you serve  at the restaurant oh oh hello dogs my shower your   wife's in the shower oh my boy my boy oh your boy  oh okay it's okay hi we make these I wanted to see   you give him it's very nice yeah we we made  these to give cuz we were in the countryside   makes the kids really happy so very very funny  and happy Cambodia yeah is this your house uh   my sister house your sister house yeah nice yeah  but I stay with her yeah yeah why don't we give   him these I know your kids are in the shower  have time to go so yeah thank you so much for   of course maybe maybe if we stay more  in this area we come back and eat more   at your restaurant but thank you so  much hopefully your kids enjoy that so nice to meet you Kim oh man so I just want  to talk about that real quick cuz it was loud   in there there's a lot of cars driving by and we  talked to Kim for a while Kim was explaining that   that is his restaurant he's had it open for the  past few months he had it open a few years years   ago the pandemic and everything shut it down  he wasn't getting much business they also did   construction on the road so he had to close  down for a while and he was saying he has a   part-time job and he was really happy because I  told him like I want to send more people I want   to recommend your restaurant we also gave him a  really big tip which he was very excited about I'm   just so glad because he was such a nice person he  like presented everything so nicely he cut off our   buns he made it like it was just so yeah it was  just a much better exp local place we've had yeah   he put so much effort in to really try and make  our experience at his restaurant positive and it   worked like he we loved it oh yeah he was saying  how he has a part-time job and he would really   love to not work a part-time job he would really  love to just work in his restaurant but he's not   making enough from his restaurant right now to  do that so I asked him where is your part-time   job and the craziest thing is is there's probably  over a 100 hotels in this area like we just made   it down to the South Coast where this is a bit  more of a touristy area than where we've been   traveling through like Rural countrysides and  stuff with like no tourists at all yeah like look   like there just there hotels so many places to  stay so many hotels all over here and last night   we arrived without a plan we we're just kind of  looking on Google Maps like where should we stay   there's so many it was a bit overwhelming and we  ended up going to see a couple and the one we the   one we ended up staying at is called Kamai hands  and what are the chances what are the freaking   chances that Kim's part-time job is at the place  that we are staying what I love it that's crazy   just like the way the universe works and we even  pulled over at another restaurant before that and   something about it was like I don't let's just  keep going let's get to the next one and the next   one was Kim's and I'm so glad we stopped there  and we're not done yet we have more challenges   to complete today and more people to hopefully  help out make a positive impact and share some   smiles and let's keep on adventuring see where  this dat brings us okay so one of our challenges   it's called build back or something like that  and the objective is to find locals building   something building a home building a structure  and help them hello what can we get off the   road I think we're okay there and we saw these  guys Building looks like they're laying bricks   Su how are you yeah I drive Tuk Tok this guy's  laying bricks over here oh he's shoveling some cement I want to learn uh some bricks if  they'll let us let's see how he's doing it this day all right he's laying he's laying the uh look  how smooth he is puts it on like that in there I don't know if I'm going to be able  to you want to try these guys are professional laying bricks 1 two three four nice   I'm a little shy I to help  can we help here this he's uh he's laying some he's mixing up some cement over here  shovel oh look he takes the cement the dry cement ah sprinkles it on there okay sprinkle some dry  cement this guy's gonna mix it all up just mix oh he said not to do it yet let it sit building uh looks like they're  building a new an addition a new home right here can I try can I help you no okay it's okay we'll get out of here good job  thank you so maybe this isn't the easiest task   I don't think uh the wall are killing it yeah I  don't think they want help with this but we'll   keep trying yeah this is one of the more  Awkward attempts at trying something like   these guys are just doing their job and these  foreigners show up they're like what do you   want like can we help you they're like no they're  building a little house they're just building a   house yeah I'll definitely not be helping I'll  probably be making their job a lot harder so   it's okay we'll continue on we'll find  something that is more in line with   actually helping people but that's one of the  actual challenges of the tournament and it's a   challenge because it's it's not easy you got  to find someone who's going to let you help them so if you're from the United States or  anywhere that you've never seen rice growing   it's one of the most beautiful plants this is a  rice field right here and just the way the Sun   hits it it just looks so nice especially out  here we got palm trees it's gorgeous go try   let's go see Hello is day oh cool we're just  driving down the road passing this mangrove   forest and we see these people loading up oh so  where do you take the mangr where you take them we help you I help you help hold this here all right wow Tada so it looks like  there's a mangrove forest over here and   they are taking some of these plants  I think there's a sign that says mangr yeah oh right down here oh so many you take these  somewhere else yeah yeah yeah your turn help them out so I'm assuming what do you think these  are used for Alana uh to maybe prevent Coastal   erosion yeah so they're taking some of the  plants from over here in the mangrove forest   relocating them to other places to help  prevent Coastal erosion maybe Mangrove   forests are really essential for uh for  a lot of things like they regulate the   environment also they uh prevent flooding and  protect from natural disasters and things like   that right yes yes I think there's something  uh they help with groundwater saltwater intrusion but I don't know yeah I  think they also help desalinate yeah   I think that's something thing  maybe really okay good job good job so this is their they're growing it's like  a mangrove Nursery over here you can see these   little nice you can see these little Mangrove baby  plants they're growing over here and I'm assuming   there's some type of organization or some type of  program where people like this use these plants in   other areas to help grow Mangrove forests in other  places cuz they naturally grow here so this is   like a little Mangrove nursery and then they can  relocate them and help expand this mangr Forest   which helps the environment I think do we know  byebye and there they go or they're just stealing   the mangrove plants and selling them but I don't  know hopefully we just help them do a good thing   look how freaking gorgeous this place is we are  at ankle Beach and it's just crazy to me how we   just we just driving down the road we saw this  and we got out as the Sun is setting and like   where else in Southeast Asia could you come to a  beach at sunset at such a picturesque location on   a swing and no one no one has approached  us no one's tried to sell us anything no   one's bothering us like maybe maybe I'm going  I don't even know who this is I think there's   like a person over here selling some stuff like  there's obviously chairs maybe it's this guy but   he's not even saying anything he's not hustling  us not hassling us like I don't know I feel like   there's so many other places I've traveled to  where if you come on a beach sunset and you   find a swing like this there's going to either  be a line of people waiting to take a photo or   someone charging you to sit there and neither  of that is happening here right right now just   beautiful look at this sunset wow look at all  these dragon flies so many dragon flies feel   like we're in a fairy tale Sunset dragonfly  chill dog on the beach is not trying to bite   me a swing over here this picturesque thing  these kids getting naked and swimming in the   ocean parents are telling him not to he just got  spanked a that's not nice I'm sorry back to the sunset dog dog dragon flies oh yeah pretty sure   dragonflies eat pesky bugs  like mosquitoes so this is amazing beautiful beach dog we got Street  dogs all over and now we got Beach dogs   hello baby you want to be friends can I pet  you I'll just show you affection from here   I'm afraid you would bite me if I get too close  he gives me bite vies a bite Vibe you want to   be friends can we be friends can we be friends  want something I don't have any food but I don't want we just found this night market  hello almost run over my toes we just   found this night market and there is a bunch  of different styles and types of food here   and I am so hungry and I just want to take  you around show you what's available here

2025-01-11 00:17

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