Sex Tourism and Travel Videos

Sex Tourism and Travel Videos

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what's up what's up guys i know that thumbnails  like what the hell i know it's like ah i know that   was like what the hell i'm gonna wait until  some of y'all show up you see the title   today we're going to be talking  about sex mongering and travel videos   right now all right this video is going to talk  about that and i and not only that i'm going   to invite you guys to leave a comment right but  hear me out you got to pay attention if you leave   profanity it's going to go to the spam box and I'm  not going to take it out so avoid using profanity   we're having an adult conversation let's not  have any uh jokes so i'm gonna try to ask   you guys to stay away from having  jokes in this conversation all right leave your comment i want everybody to see  how you feel but if you start cursing or   leaving stuff like that it's not going to go  through so just avoid that all right now if   somehow your comments go in in a comment section  and you didn't curse or anything like that   i'm gonna remove it and so people can see it okay   all right most people don't know when you leave  a loop comment on my channel i have it set up   where you it'll go to the spam box so when you  say snack um smacking cheeks clapping cheeks   that blue comment goes to the huge ass  goes that way i can't be saying too much   like big but there's a concept it goes it goes  there right this is just gonna be a comprehensive   adult conversation about what i think i'm  gonna wait until we got a couple people here   oh thank you all for showing up probably all you  guys are have to be subscribers to leave a comment   in the chat section i'm also doing it live  so if you guys have comments hopefully one   people watching uh if you're watching this video  after the recording what the chat section is uh   maybe somebody's gonna answer your answer  questions so just watch the video till the end   i'm gonna be here for like 30 minutes and  watch it and then after i'm done go watch   one of my other videos all right all right  we're waiting i'm gonna wait until we get   a couple more people here let's get around  250 people or something like that um no we   can start now i'm not gonna wait all right so  here's my thoughts on um sex mongering right it's none of my business i know that thumb does like oh man ace is  gonna say stuff it's none of my business out   what someone choose to do what they  like is none of my business in fact   if that's your main motivation of traveling trying  you know saying long is you doing things legally   in whatever country you go to that's fine and  you're not doing some weird thing all right   that's cool whatever that's  what whatever makes you happy   if that's the your reason for traveling is to  go to different countries and meet women and   sleep with them that's fine and also women do  the same thing but they're a little bit more   discreet with it ain't it you know saying you're  not going to see that on you don't see that type   of energy going on with women women very rich  discreet but at the end of the day that's also   whatever she does that's her life and that's  her business not mine now what made me prompt   to do this video is because i need you guys  to understand my opinion on the subject   and then also to for you guys to understand my  approach when i create travel videos i'm not   talking about other travel videos i'm talking  about my own all right so i always knew like   going to columbia it could be mixed and screwed  about my intentions with of the content i create   um in fact in the beginning i used to just  focus on showcasing hot women right um   until it got it got to the point that i realized i  was just doing a lot of people's dirty work i was   doing something people were would watch content  in in the dark because they could they couldn't be   proud of watching it in public they wouldn't you  know some of them wouldn't comment because they   didn't want to show their your identity because  of the content i was creating it was it was uh   addictive to watch people loved it and i mean if  that if you found value and then in that type of   stuff it was cool the only problem is there was  no respect on my end people could care less who   i was they just wanted me to continue to create  content that way and i found myself people doing   doing people's dirty work and people would see me  in the streets and have little to no respect for   who i was for the work i created you know walking  down those crazy streets and secretly filming   women or butts body parts to serve a particular  type of energy or you know you're lowing energy   got tired of it you know what i'm saying  i feel like there was a little bit more   i could provide to myself um whenever i'm done  with the youtube i could look back and say yo   i did something special you know  what i'm saying and that's why   people like oh ace why aren't we because  people look at me like some form of lame   i've met some close subscribers man i thought you  was a peon or like a square or something like that because they're so used to a different type  of lifestyle i just chose to make sure that   i represent myself in a particular way where  my like if my my my nephews were to watch me   they can watch me now and it's not a problem  the pope could watch him right right right now   and go to church go to church the same day  and not feel any type of way right and so   that's why i created this content now does  ace like beautiful women of course i do i do   i like beautiful women but it's not a prerequisite  it's just that's what you see in my um   in my travels that's what it has  been and for the most part almost 99   of the women you have seen on my channel  has been met on camera it wasn't like   they just popped out of nowhere you literally  see me meet everybody on camera when i was with   mamacita where i met mamacita if you watch  those videos saw i actually met her when i   went somewhere my first two cooks you know i was  walking around and i end up bumping into a group   of women by the way which i just recently met all  of them except one but when i came back it was uh   barbara and silvia are the only ones there  but i've just seen the other two and they're   not doing in good shape compared to barbara and i  like the thing compared to barbara and sylvia and   i like to think it was because of this channel's  involvement that has helped them on a better path   but the other girls was like damn after so  long and they remember me they called me fat   because i was in here before after so long they're  so they're on some and a different type of energy   and and of course you also met me seeing me when  i met kim and her or her her sister chloe right so   all of that's just been on camera but i've noticed  this underlying energy on my channel right it is   a serious mongering type of energy especially when  i go to certain countries like colombia colombia   and venezuela uh any country that considers to  have beautiful women colombia venezuela brazil   a mongering type of energy people begging me to uh  go to places where hopefully they think i'ma get   get get to filming people secretly just showing on  female body parts and like i said in the mention   i'm not trying to get in that i'm not trying to  do that i'm not trying to do somebody's dirty work   and then at the end of the day there's still  no respect for me you know what i'm saying   i'm trying to leave a legacy for me i come and  speak for myself that after i'm done these videos   last forever undeniably experience when i i want  you to on some understand something too right this   is another thing i get on my channel that is  this just i just don't understand like people   treat my channel like the love connection  right they're like literally and i listen guys   i respect i haven't i've never shown you guys  those emails or comments i get right and it's   like literally people asking me to hook them up  with people i mean in my journey i'm gonna start   reading the comment section now guys i'm coming  right they actually like literally hook them up   in a more in a romantic type of way i don't have  problems connecting you with people you meet   on my videos but hooking you up on in a more  in a romantic type of way is unrealistic i   hope you understand that when i show you these  relationship connections that i've had because   face it look you see me meet these women right and  i've shown you brick by brick of our relationship   flooring slowly but surely and then boom  now we like really close friends you know   what i'm saying because of my patience and i  wanted to show that to people that that is so   totally possible you can meet some  people and then break break break   you develop a interesting uh relationship right  but i'm not showcasing you that so it's like like   these these people like it's a piece of me like  they're waiting to get picked up to get sent to   um america i've seen a video with uh r kelly in  it and he i think he was in the philippines like   who wants to come to america who wants  to come from america oh man america   i'll bring you to a member call because  i got that visa i got that passport did i literally be coming in my comment section  like that like like these like these girls are   a piece of meat right and i'm like yo come on you  you tripping bro you trippy i think you you think   and i and i like listen i'm wrong for saying this  but i'd be thinking like the reason why i think   that i'm about that energy is because of who i  am right like you see me you see i got dreads   i'm like kind of hip-hopishly hip-hop you know  what i'm saying maybe you think maybe you think   that yeah that's what what ace is trying to do  here regardless of my personal life we're gonna   keep that thing personal stuff whatever  i do in my in my in my private life right   what i'm showing you here is is is what it is when  it comes to my travels right i'm not trying to   like i feel like my video is good i see my videos  going to a lot of whatsapp facebook groups and   it's i feel like these are like heavy  mongering groups that only talk about   women or just posting up screenshots i've been  in a couple of groups i left you now you know why   laughing because you always post in screenshots  what the hell is that got to do with real life   travel now you see where i bounce okay or now you  see why i don't comment you know what i'm saying   or i have to show you every chick that i'm with  like i mean like i'm hot like i'm like i'm somehow   like i i'm like i'm a big fisherman when you  went you you just went into the grocery store   and got that fish you know what i'm saying  like come on that's nothing to brag about live   your life keep that thing to yourself you know  what i'm saying when it comes to uh travel men   travel have the question do is there like they're  gonna when i go on a facebook man travel group i   got a question if is it going to just be focused  on mongering conversation is that what where we   at at the moment or is it going to focus on more  literally how to leave a man a travel group to go   to a female one because that's they will really  show you travel i was like okay well i'm here   now and i'm like okay man there's always going  to be talking about sex in terms of travel and   i guess that's what it's going to be but when they  come to my channel guys i need you to have a open   realistic mind frame i'm not here trying to  showcase you someone you could hook up with   so don't contact me asking me to hook you up in a  romantic way i love you i appreciate you watching   my video i appreciate you the fact that you will  take time and um and i guess you see something on   my channel that really sparks the energy and  that's cool that's what the video is about   i want to encourage you to find your own travel  adventure all right not mines okay whatever minds   may be you know but i get this a lot when i'm in  certain countries when i go to if i go to vietnam   no not so much you know what i'm saying when i  go to well because my child was kind of small   that let's see what happens there when i'm in  thailand that was the underlying thing and look   i was up in um patio ain't nobody film did a live  stream like i did in patio and nobody did that   i was literally live streaming walking street  right and i was literally at a bar find place   with some chicks and somehow i was able to  show you even with these chicks they had   some form of humanity you know what i'm  saying it was never about sex with those girls   never slept with those girls right but it was  more about having a good time enjoying life   right i've been in thailand with that colombia  you've seen what i've done here i've been invited   to so many people's homes are you serious  like if you see what the content i create   for you guys to become on my channel on some  mongering type of energy oh look at her ass   oh look at her titties she's thick i would smash  i want to bring her back to america come on guys   that's not what i'm bringing showing you this  video i'm showing you this video because it's a   it's an interesting travel experience and maybe  this is something that you might want to see   it's a is insane food right right my home girls  are hot so i guess maybe in the world they have   you can say like you can compliment on the women  but when you start saying like ah smash oh i don't   know why ace don't smash i don't know like you  tripping bruh i can be around beautiful women   and not want to do that i can have lady friends  right i can have lady friends and not want that   people come on my channels like oh you did  something nice to her you're gonna try to smash   her or something like that come on right come on  uh nobody hey don't erase none of the comments if   my um administrator here don't race it not on this  video let allow all the comments in this video   right don't erase none of the comments i want  everybody to see the comments today is a trans uh   transparent video right like i'll do something  nice and people like oh you trying to get it   like are you tripping bro you are so tripping  i'm trying to inspire you to do the same   all right okay so let's go in the comment section  i did 15 minutes of talking about my thoughts   so let's let's recap on my  thoughts i don't appreciate people   hitting me up asking me to hook them up  romantically i'm not the love connection they have   channels like that and by all means go to those  channels but ace live is just trying to show your   travels this is not the love connection gym all  right what you do in your privacy is your privacy   right keep that like that you know what  i'm saying i think we need to have us   as travelers we need to have some form of class  right and i i can only speak for myself that's   what i'm going to maintain when you watch my  videos it's not for you to get a mongering   idea of how the hell you post to move around  town all right so don't come on my channel   with that it's just travel i'm just showing you  travel and that's it all right it i went well   and a particular type of lifestyle too but it's  not for me to show you how for you to get laid   that's not what it is about if i'm in a particular  country and it's showing you a club this is their   party that's where they party okay this is how you  party if i'm in the i'm in the ghettoes hood and   i'm around hot women well okay they got some hot  women here all right we don't need to talk about   hands and smashing and stuff like that we are  all adults i'm for those who don't know i'm in   almost 40 years old i'm not 25 26 i'm not  20 i'm not in my 20s okay maybe if i was   that young that would be my mind frame but  my my friend is not on that at the moment   my mind frame is on bigger and better things  and so so i hope you can respect that all right   now i know someone's gonna bring this up so if you  see it in conversation let me talk about something   thumbnails oh because i know people will say oh  ace then if you shouldn't have these thumbnails   all right so hear me out right i understand the  way the world works i understand when it comes to   travel i understand with other videos right even  youtube videos right youtube videos look at i'm   talking about youtube channel here right they get  more views if they have a female counterpart in   the video why is that well one it could be because  men like to see women two women like to see women   so a woman and a man will be like well i'm  wanting i'm interested to hear about this   woman's perspective now and i'm talking about this  a woman on the counter not showcasing it as no not   it's just what it is right so if me having a  women in my thumbnail that shouldn't warrant   the type of energy now i have several examples  you can look at other travel content creators   katy nader's men and women in that video right  we got uh well used to be divert learning   with his his girlfriend and um him in the video  it works in that particular aspect right and   the one who's done it better than anybody in the  in my opinion no disrespect if he sees my video   is a travel channel called los leblanc he  showcases women in bikinis and everything   but somehow when people come to his  channel they don't come on that type of   mongering energy he listening it'll be on the  beach he'll have his heart shape she's a beautiful   woman or whoever she's she's a beautiful woman you  know i'm saying so i don't know who she is to him   he's never i don't think he came  publicly about said something but   beautiful person he'll have her in the comment  section and guess what he comes and delivers you   phenomenal video right i like to think when you  you see a the packaging it's important because   it grabs the eye but what's important out of  everything is the the contents when you come   in my videos right if you ever come on my videos i  guarantee you it's going to be worth watching it's   going to be some content in my video all right  it's not going to be like oh let's go secretly   film women like i and i've been transparent that  i've done in the past okay now let's get into   conversations okay let me go to the top because  and then i'm gonna work my way down so you can   do the comments it's cool and let me know if i'm  clear because youtube will hate on this video and   make me look all crazy as a matter of fact let  me just double check because i did a lot of live   streaming i was looking all blurry in the live  stream i was like i'm looking clean okay cool   all right let's read these comments  and let's put some music on all right all right uh uh going up what's up trent let me  see if i can read some comments all right someone   left for five dollars columbia's are getting tired  of these tourists who travel to cardinal pleasure   people talking and getting tired of things get  serious okay uh cfg21 i could understand how   colombians feel on the subject but to be honest  colombia columbia facilitates a lot of that   energy respectfully i'm not trying to be slick or  anything but they facilitate a lot of that energy   all right how's this video going am i still on  i'm just making sure okay yeah just not i'm not   trying to be disrespectful colombia films a lot  of this energy all right but that doesn't mean   check this out that doesn't mean that you can come  on my channel and be disrespectful with that type   of energy i want you to say i'm not on that energy  i'm not trying to show you that energy when i   create my content it's travel right let's focus on  that i'm just keeping it 100 with you all right uh   someone call me hypocrite please explain why um  keep doing you bro appreciate you um carlos i   want the questions guys thanks for the motivation  but i want some questions i want to answer let's   let's try if you didn't mention it we wouldn't  be weak so we you are forget damn people no no   no let's not uh i appreciate the words but i  wanna i wanna answer some questions i'm not mad   but i think this is very healthy for my  channel that we talk about this so give   me some questions guys come on all right but i  appreciate y'all leaving these comments all right   and like i said guys if you um try to avoid  curse words so that's a rule like if you want   to be heard leave the curse words alone leave  the little comments out of them all right leave   a comment without that i know you guys can do that  all right you'll be at work hey what's going on   where what's going on sir how's everything oh yeah i know you you will switch it up  in the comment section bro come on   don't do that do that in the comment section  will you see me in real life you want to talk   like that we can do it in the comment  section this is a business for me guys   yeah that's something y'all know  y'all really be looking at me like   this is a business for me please okay if you you  can i respect you leaving a comment in the email   okay okay what i mean but even then don't ask  me to love connection i'm at the love show okay someone asked me how did i um this is  a question but all right i answer this one   how do you how did you leave everything behind  and fulfill your dream i didn't have anything   i was at my bottom so i was like you know what but  i can't lose nothing because i ain't got nothing but my family and thank god my family  stood by my side yeah i'm saying so uh how much do you need to survive in south  america if you want if you if you're from   africa um american dollars i say around 600 bucks  at least 600 bucks could six seven hundred bucks   depending on the country you can bring you far all  right but just to understand your main concern is   where you're where you're gonna live all  right that's how i did it uh my first year of   like gaining revenue for youtube i made  around close to like fourteen thousand dollars   on youtube and that was the travel over the year  there was a lot of sp this planning trip over   chips i wasn't able to go to a lot of cool places  like i wanted to but i planned and expanded so   that's like over a thousand uh 25 or something  i don't know uh or ten dollars or something   a month but i was able to make it work but a lot  of that was like this making sure i lived in like   cheap housing like even households at some  time so just let's consider that okay what   is the biggest problem of these various  countries that you see should change in order   for the country to be better um nah  i don't know man i don't know i'm   just a traveler man i'll be honest with you  like i see right now i'm in colombia and um there's a there's a lot of concern  about whoever is the new president is   but a lot of people who really are happy  and proud that this guy's coming and some   are very optimistic the thing is i because the  fact that i can know i can get up and just get   leave if i don't like it because this is not  my this is not my country although i love it   you know i feel like i can't really be very  vocal on that same thing with venezuela you   know what i'm saying when i was in venezuela  people feel certain ways about certain things   but i respect all venezuelans on how  they feel you know what i mean so   if i was a particular i think in haiti i could be  a little bit more because i'm a haitian american   i speak a little bit vocally on that and i  think haiti just has a security problem and   if they could have a proper army to intimidate  any gangs there pity be amazing it's amazing now   but it'd be like people would love to travel there  there's so many it's so much it's so much untapped   land research travel resource that people  would just die i went to a village in an area   where there was an earthquake if you watch  one of my videos in haiti and i'm like yo   people who who like uh off like going  to minka people who like to live off   country type of travel they would they would  find paradise here just walking through this   golden though the golden road was amazing like  look how rich this dirt is so golden and then   walking around the area it's like people would  love this and then hanging out with haitian people asian people can be some of the  coolest understanding people   you know but unfortunately we get overshined  by uh what the media likes to put up but about   us you know i mean but you go to haiti i was  with uh another content creator when i was in   haiti and me and him were going on uncharter  adventures going to the deepest darkest hood   going into different clubs and stuff and seeing on  some crazy stuff and you know from for us haitians   growing up our family our parents who  were born in haiti i was not born in haiti   uh was very superstitious so my mom was when i  came back from maybe she's like did you go all   night did you go out night because at night used  to be time for magic to happen mystical fantasy   things would happen at night but that was during  the time for her during that time they didn't have   street lights at night so things that were weird  couldn't be explained became legend so i told my   mom yeah i went out that night i didn't see any  monsters we call them jobs i didn't see a job   i did i saw a party though we i got i found a  party what's up all right but let's talk about   this topic guys because i know people are watching  and i want to talk about this i was going to cut   it at 30 minutes but let's talk about this topic  and also guys as if you're watching and you're   listening to this please leave a comment please  leave a comment i'm going to change the thumbnail   too put a a hot colombian woman on there a hot  column venezuelan woman please leave a comment all   right i just want you to understand when you come  on my channel come with the right mind frame man   if you look and i get it man and like i said  this might be sad to say i get it you may think   because i'm black that that's what i'm on right  but just because i'm black doesn't mean anything   i literally love to travel i literally love to  meet and do some awesome things that you probably   think i'm not but i really love that all my life  i didn't have really the life i wanted to right so   when i decided that i was going to go after  my dream and try to make this thing a reality   you know what i'm saying i i went for it and  you know me growing up watching travel channels   thinking that was out of my reach because i  was in my mind my mind was locked thinking   like oh no that's not for me that's for  them that's not for me and if you white   don't take any offense to it it's just basically  me being a uh adolescent kid growing in an urban   community and some of y'all may may you  know relate as well just thinking that   there's some people just have that access  not me it'll never happen for me and so   when it when i did started to travel it made for  me it was like this is special so i like to travel   i like to travel i have uh when i go to certain  countries that don't have hot women i'm okay with   that i'm especially okay with that the only  thing that country needs to have is people   for it to work and then in some cases nothing  penguins antarctica video is coming all right and it's going to be a huge series maybe  in two months you might see it all right uh trust it because you're a black man they think  you're we all players we and you know black men   like women i like women i like looking at  women i'll be looking at me some fake women   and stuff like that but it doesn't mean i need  to be a pervert i said in the beginning of the   video i think when people come on my channel  they're expecting me to do their dirty work   and then when they see me in the street they  disrespect me act like they don't know who i am   but i like to think when i walk through columbia  when i see somebody here right it's a byproduct   of the videos i created here right and some people  don't like to say hi to me i think it's funny but   i know why you like you know who i am but you  won't say hi but that's cool it is what it is   enjoy your time you know what i'm saying i've  been i've been coming to columbia since 2016.   2016. uh november 2016. i came here for uh  thanksgiving you know i mean so it is what it is   and i understand like when i come to columbia why  uh why i can get that energy is because colombia   is just known to be a place to get cheap sex  always don't tell nobody oh yeah you can come here   and you can get some cheap sex right i'm not  saying that to promote it but what it is is it   brings a certain energy to my channel because  they see me with how women cheap sex they   they just assume that i'm trying to promote that  type of energy that's why they'll come and say   girl i bring that girl to america i got the green   pockets i'm gonna make it rain on her i'm  going to marry her one second man i don't know   hello okay okay stop it sorry about that guys uh i'm in this airbnb it  looks like an ac guys here so he's coming to go   check something out over there coming to check  ac dude um yeah i'm coming here to bring you   i'm bringing the girl to america stop with that  energy all right some of these girls is happy   being home in a country all right some of them is  happy listen there are channels who will give you   that type of energy and by all means go to those  channels but just because my channel connects with   their channels through the other algorithm does  not mean we are the same so please make sure if   you do enjoy my content you come with the correct  energy and i'm obviously most likely talking to   people who already know this but there are some  people who just want to just go on and be on that   type of thing so i just want to let people let it  be known like please have respect on my channel   luke comments i'm smacking those cheeks all of  those get go to the spam but if i'm telling you   it goes to spam why waste your time i literally  this one guy he came on my video yesterday   dude named king so king shout out to a dude named  king right um he wanted to know a name of a song   and he put the time stamp but before that he  had he had put timestamps on another video   and the time steps was just showing like random  parts of hot women asses right walking and so i went to the video the other  comment where he said uh   hey what's the name of the song right well like  you put the times up there and say hey man i like   i appreciate you leaving this comment you know  what i'm saying i appreciate when people leave   comments or time stamps that are about something  they notice in the video but if it's something to   that you're trying to promote on a raunchy type of  way a new type of way i can't allow that just hope   you understand all right uh okay and i removed  his comment where he was trying to show people   acid titties right when i was not even focusing on  that right and then hours later he starts leaving   more comments on ass and titties they go they  go to the spam box like uh time stamps so they   go to the spam box so what i did that blocked  him so i was like yo i already told you this now maybe he didn't read the comment but then it  seemed like he didn't know what the hell he was on   you feel me i can't have that energy on my  channel i don't want to promote that like when   see the thing about it is this i look at it from a  business back or i want to attract i want to make   people enjoy my content and you can you can have  your opinion but when you start being lewd in your   opinion that's not gonna fly because it's just  gonna cultivate that type of energy right peace   man you'll be having hard women on your videos  okay so what that mean what does that mean enjoy   it let's be in those like oh yeah she fine but  don't be typing i would love to suck her melons   oh she got big melons you know what i'm saying i  know she's black because she already got a fat ass come on bro it's funny right it's a funny way but listen let's  let's put it like this you we all adults here   right and let's say and i and i wouldn't be mad at  you if i'm the one that's saying it in the videos but i'm not the one saying it in the video i'm  out here looking like pastor ace up in here you literally see all this stuff  happening you see this be chilling right i was just looking at this one video right no  it's not it's a grown man everybody's growing here   but i and i understand it you know why because  you might get connected to my video you just   my video you might be and this happens i can see  it in august you might just be watching a street   walking video like right you just watch a bunch  of prostitutes right and then all of a sudden my   channel shows up right and let me explain why that  happens because a lot of you guys have that type   of interest last year i was talking about all the  all the time and now i'm just like whatever right   the idea is you got to understand whenever you  come on my channel you that's not that's not me   i remember i was locking down uh well  i didn't wasn't walking down medellin   yeah i was walking down that again some girl said something about my videos  she's like oh you coming out here and filming   the the the chicks that are  doing whatever they do in here   i'm like girl you what i'm a youtuber but that's  not me you getting me mixed up with someone else   what the hell is this bro i'm good like  i'm having this conversation i'm about   to tell these people like cake rocks  i don't know what y'all want oh god foreign i just told the lady bring the guy up and  that she's like you can't go i'm like oh yeah   what the hell oh there's not no hitman killed  me somebody killed me hey at least i said what   i needed to say i said what i said okay  and that would be the end of it all right   someone said they come and rob me man  well they could have robbed me man   it's not gonna be easy but it'll be all good hey  bro i'm from trinidad i love to watch your videos   shout out to you appreciate you man as an expert  nicholas says as an expert that has lived and   worked in 23 countries currently in medellin as  a professional a magician i really feel feel this   all my butts from all over the world tripping on  girls in my photos and videos i know hey man you   may have some super hot girls and stuff like that  but that's the life you live and more power to you   um one thing that i can't stand and i'm gonna  make a video similar to this it's like people   disrespecting women and assuming that every woman  wants them because they have money that's why they   come to this country and that's why they feel like  they can disrespect people it's one or tr or other   country like that like you really think these  women ain't got and that's why i go to certain   cities too you know i mean so i don't have to be  around certain type of negative type of energies i   might visit certain cities but you won't see  me there like on a long term right because   they assume like women are incapable of working  in these countries or having some form of career   you see my last video you saw chloe she is a she  showed you that she she's a medical professional   she she talked about that in the video and one  of you guys shout out to one of you guys he was   like wow to for her to have that type of uh  experience and her having having to come to   columbia to make some money that speaks volumes  you get what i'm saying the idea is look don't   judge a book by its cover don't assume every  hot woman wants you because they surely don't   not every woman wants to come home with you that's  not the case and ace life is not a dating channel   i'm not here trying to help you meet your  your date i'm not here trying to help you uh   um hook up with anybody you know what  i'm saying i'm just trying to show you   travel experience and how  it could be amazing for you can i do a medical video on what the all right guys i see a bunch of comments  but that the video is about sex mongering   and travel so let's do that you see what i'm  saying like all of a sudden people are afraid to   do this but y'all in my comments section talking  about clapping yams and uh and melons come on listen though if it's not on the topic  thank you for leaving a comment guys   but let's talk about the topic you see all right  for those who are watching you see i'm trying   to get these guys to compensate they acting like  they don't know what i'm talking about all right um all right i'm going through  the comment sections right now oh you couldn't stop laughing  because uh i was sleeping yeah man   i was just tired man oh yeah i  know some of you guys noticed i was   i've had some bad uh sleep back acne i don't  have that anymore i lost a lot of weight

2022-07-10 21:46

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