Second Day on the Cruise Adventure of the Seas | Touring, Ship Amenities, Casino, Club, Silent Party

Second Day on the Cruise Adventure of the Seas | Touring, Ship Amenities, Casino, Club, Silent Party

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good morning guys it is seven something i just woke up and i am going to  get ready because we are going to reach the grand   bahama island outside looks amazing and i think  there's a bridge in the sea i think we paid toll okay guys i am ready i am gonna head out  and see what's new we are late to breakfast   it's currently eleven we were  supposed to be there at eight but   black people timing i should not be saying  that because i hate showing up late to stuff but we are at grand bahama island it  is going to be such a beautiful   day i can feel it i really want to  step off the ship and go outside   so we'll see how that goes and we're  going to take in the view beautiful oh my god they changed it y'all it doesn't  say saturday anymore it says sunday   wooo i can't believe i never thought  they was going to change it i feel like i'm always walking the  longest way to get to the cafe wow this was just water yesterday i know we are in the cafe we're gonna head to  get breakfast i always forget to get this they have everything at the top wow smoked salmon sliced nice and thin wow, goodmorning okay so we are eating   well about to eat i haven't started yet  um but the view we had to get into the view i just really want to taste this i just hope  that it tastes up to par because it's like   um you can tell the oats aren't cooked  through but it's a little bit you know the way I'm pinching this bacon ok I dont like radish like that but i love avocado so i'm gonna try this it tastes healthy like onto the next course the cantaloupes here are better, the lunch that we had yesterday the cantaloupes tasted a little too like water this apple juice this is not giving tropicana apple juice, it's not giving regular apple juice it's giving freshly squeezed honey apple juice if that  makes sense this is good these signs are   nice listen i laugh at everything why am i  laughing at eggcellence i need to do better guys   it's day two we saw our chef okay guys we're gonna do a quick shopping spree i'm actually looking for something in particular like um slippers i have some but i just want some that matches well with certain outfits if i can't find anything we're just gonna step off ship and find some cute sandals like we're in Bahamas like well  the grand bahama island so hopefully there's something can you believe i've been seeing this all  last night and i'm just now coming down here i think are we too early or something hours of  operation day two jesus christ let's get off this   yeah we're gonna have to leave i still  cannot believe they changed it hey this some good up music i didn't bring lotion dance dance Reneé y'all we are outside welcome to day two let's  hope it goes really well the sun is really nice so   it's gonna be a great day i love when the  sun is out like gloomy weather is just not me   sometimes i wish i could find my room   but jesus christ with a ship built like that you woulda never find it so welcome to freeport guys you cannot tell me these bags are not cute   this is cute one of the things i would never  wear i don't think i have anything to wear   these are cute they are nice yeah about  to right now you need to put it down   bedazzle caps i say bahamas okay i like  that of course jesus they even have drugstore you need tylenol? listen i'm not trying to get drunk on vacation  but what is this is i i don't think this is like   drink drinks it's probably just like you know  they have mango something anything with mango   is good i don't care but i don't know what  to get oh hi um these are all virgin drinks oh you guys have alcohol? oh lord  so we are going to go with coconuts because that is what we like Yes Fada God, beautiful um coconut is just so it just tastes good and sweet in a natural  and healthy way Quickney when i come back i going bring you a friend okay you need one level okay i going bring you a friend okay wow this really reminds me of  canadian dollars like the plastic wow y'all Iever wonder how long it takes to  build a ship or how much people it   takes to build a ship because i'm looking at  this thing and this is no regular work like   i still can't get over the  size of a cruise ship like this is not okay well a souvenir store hold on if y'all see me in person y'all know that i'm here sorry my hair is gonna make  it tall enough so we can do this so i got my souvenir you guys  know which one that i love to get   you already know which one i was eyeing of course you want to show your- thank  you i gotta take this mask off we love it   if you guys ever come here many of your  family members come and tell them okay i Reneé from what state? I live in New York my favorite aunt is named Charmaine  she just visited me from jamaica so i'm back on the ship um we went through metal  detectors and everything so they do that when you   enter the ship and also when you exit they do  the same scanning my pass you're not allowed   to record in there so that's why anything  wasn't recorded but i'm back in the library y'all so i found an arcade wow this is crazy hi wow i was just snooping and i just  ended up here like what the heck bowling too i finally found johnny rockets what the heck i've  been looking for johny rockets this whole time   wow the water is just so blue like a turquoise color so they probably open at five  because it seems like stuff   in the ship opened that fire while  we're on excursions off board and then oh my god there is mini golf get out ping pong what is up here what the hell get the fuck out of here  guys i advise you to snoop look what i found oh yeah i'm coming back if i can find it again oh nice a whole flow rider it's the water slide that  i really want to do as well   this one's way taller than the one at further end mini golf again they have rock climbing too and basketball as they should this is lit this what's this called  court feels like memory foam wow that's actually nice guys i was only trying to  look for water and i ended up here so i'm going to   see where i can find someone to look for water  because i am actually parched and i realize   there's nothing in the room so if there's nothing  in the room so if there's nothing in the room they gotta be something out here guys and this is the slide that i was  talking about earlier because there's   a bigger one down there and then there's a  smaller one here this is obviously for kids this royal caribbean sigil is so  plastered all over as it should be i'm laughing because it's day two and i'm over  here finally i'm back in the state room and i   want to read you know some pamphlets that  they left because they left it on our beds   after they cleaned up there is wi-fi on the ship  the whole time this whole time i've been using   my data and i'm just finding out that there is  wi-fi like literally i'm over here reading stuff free this word right here was like  a red alarm i said free whole time   there's something called verbo that you can  actually pay for which is also wi-fi so i'm very   happy because guess who's connected i'm connected  and now it's a go period let me go get my laptop what do they know about this these people don't know about soca they playing the tunes y'all   this is what we're eating for lunch i'm not gonna  lie we're kind of late just eating because it's   like 3 p.m so we'll see what they have i'm  thinking of getting boiled eggs with anchovy hi can i get boiled eggs with  anchovies salmon and shrimp um yep   and they have tuna sandwiches over here as well thank you this dish is just like a little bit of  everything at this point this one too and now it's time for dessert here are our options   i'm thinking of getting caramel pot de creme  i love caramel so that's probably going to be   my choice but this pistachio pound cake  that looks good so we're going to get those two okay okay i wonder if this is dark chocolate i don't like dark chocolate it's dark chocolate but it it still tastes good  this dark chocolate doesn't taste like poison now we're gonna try this you want that you want to continue guys finding out yeah you're illegal to drink in  a foreign country hello the legal age limit is   18. you guys already know how to go down like if  you're not drunk on vacation what are you doing   all right we are heading to bingo   i'm actually scared because i'm a sore loser so  if i don't win i'm gonna be tight so let's see   we are at the imperial lounge all right so where do we sign up already  so ladies and gentlemen good afternoon all right in order for you to stop me  g54 in the g column number five and four   g fifty four is the last bingo ball out if i  don't win i'm gonna be highly upset all right 67 is the last bigger ball out if you  got it say oh yeah got in there oh 67. all right oh 62 was the last big goal ball out so these are instant wins and apparently  i won five dollars because of this goddamn   crab that we have here so we're heading to  the casino to claim it oh my god vincenzo   this is the one you want yeah get out guys  come here yeah we can get one more let's   go let's go more crazy get out get out give  me this one they're gonna auction which one   that one all right i want you to guess how  much that is it is i'm gonna guess 40 000   is in the singles what do you mean it's in  the singles like like thousands just thousands i thought it was gonna be way more all right  so we're here we're gonna do an auction   i see vincenzo's already got his ticket they're all rooting for him so  everybody donated their ticket to him   as you can see i am on a cruise ship here is my favorite brand your favorite brand   start right here i cannot deal with this guy so we  are back in the room we still have time before we   leave we were supposed to leave the dock  at five but when we leave we are heading to   coco k which is a private island owned by royal  caribbean so it is going to be a very fun time   for tomorrow and we have a lot of stuff  planned so hopefully it goes great i can never get on the desk by myself  because i might tip over on purpose   hi guys we are finally sailing we are currently  moving look at adventures of the sea go the sun is blinding but it's beautiful okay so i am actually getting ready honestly i gotta be quick  i also have a watch option   to go to later on um basically they were getting  a raffle and stuff like that there so we'll see   how it goes i hope i will win a watch or something  because the dinner supposed to be formal i don't   i have formal clothing but i have a hearty dress  clothing if that makes sense so it's like not   that formal so i'm kind of bummed out about  that but i'm gonna go ahead and get ready   quickly and then you'll see what tonight  before we get into me let's get into the sea because it is so beautiful okay guys  i am ready and honestly i hope this   dinner goes well because it's supposed to be  a formal dinner where um most of the decks are   basically gonna have dinner and it's gonna  be formal attire i'm just wearing a dress   and i go to a watch auction later and  it's gonna be kind of too much but i   hope i'm not too tired because i have early  morning so i'll see you guys at the dinner this place is so huge and our drinks just  arrived so we started off with the calamari   and the letterman's white wine  i got some mussels and shrimp i have no idea how to eat these but we oh my god are we moving now the ship is moving what are you talking about oh wow and we got a peach shortcake that  looks like vanilla so we'll get to it   so we're at the auction okay although our little guy vincenzo didn't  win he has until tomorrow and every day after   that until we were on the cruise too and the  auction was nice but the raffle didn't go so well   but we are still enjoying life currently  i'm gonna claim my five dollars at the   casino that i want at bingo today all  right guys so we are at the casino and   i have a hundred to two hundred dollars on this  to play any game so we're gonna see what i win   i'm not a gambler casino type of person  but we don't vacation so we'll see how   it goes guys i lied i have two dollars to my  name two dollars that's all they could spare like look at this wait what this  is not even two dollars anymore i'm looking for pain well at least some of them are only like 50 cents   so we got four games to play okay i don't know  how to do this but we're gonna figure it out so 40 cents no it did not 20 cents i'll be damned y'all the way i thought i just  saw joe biden no bernie sanders bernie sanders oh my god   the president is on the cruise at this point so  i came back to my room to find this cute duck   stay my stateroom attendant is the  bomb like marion if you ever see this   you're the bomb no sorry marlin marlon  you doing the damn thing cause this duck   dove whatever bird this is okay  14. let me give you a one night yay guys you might even ask me how i  ended up here i ended up here okay   i'm gonna give me a drink yes please and  i'm about to get drunk okay thank you felix it's so loud oh my god look at him over  there jamming he's just jamming yes feeling the pop music that's blasting my ears i  have never experienced this much in my   life in my life but we moved guys look at my new friends wait what are you doing they're not walking  straight okay walk straight come straight   why are you pointing out guys i agree  walk no you're still going diagonal my guy no that is not a diet you have to walk straight  if police pull you over you have to walk straight   sorry walk straight he can't even walk straight  no you can't walk straight in the water so my time is very pricey oh okay guys i just met some really cool people and  it is about 12. so we're gonna head and get some  

pizza i'm not gonna lie from a little woozy but  we're gonna have to eat and see how that goes yes i'm a vlogger well i'm not a youtuber  but i have mad videos i have to edit   oh snap all right max is back on  and we are heading to get some pizza   i don't know what i'm going to eat because i'm  not feeling for pizza but we'll see how it goes this is the lot guys say hi hi that was so dry oh  my god it's okay don't worry i'm the life of the   party so it doesn't matter in the night that's  just the scariest [ __ ] ever that is water i hate it no but outside is nice yo all i heard was aaron said y'all  didn't see the bird crash into the boat   no freaking way did this guy just see that [  __ ] hold on yo my guess is this a woodpecker   oh my god oh this guy literally saw  a bird crash into the boat like yes oh my god yes bird find your wings yes you can do  it come on you can do it come let's go fly over   no that's a woodpecker that is not a  woodpecker so why is this beak so long

2021-11-06 05:41

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