Season Finale - Tip Up Fishing for Pike on Tobin & Last Mnt

Season Finale - Tip Up Fishing for Pike on Tobin & Last Mnt

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Captioning of fishing Saskatchewan has been provided by Great, Western Brewing Company, please, enjoy responsibly. Fishing. Saskatchewan, is brought to you by. The. Fishin hole norsask. Farm. Equipment. Alumacraft. Boats. And. Ever. Seventy. Years of making the industry, standard, in aluminum, boats, and Alumacraft we, are committed, to building the dreams of our customers, whether it's a hardcore fisherman or joining your family, for a great day on the water from, shallow water John boats to 20-foot, deep feet suited, for big waves Illuma, crafts exclusive, to x-b hall with double plated aluminum from bow to stern offers. The quietest, and softest, ride available. And Alumacraft it's, all about families, fishing, forever. Hey. Folks welcome to another episode of fishing, Saskatchewan we're here on Tobin, Lake and we're. Just, finishing up our season 10. In. This season if. You've been following, us this past season we've been kind. Of trying to make it Steve's. Bucket list and. So. We're. Out here at Tobin one of his favorite places to fish and. Hopefully. We get on some big ones yeah it's it's, kind of been a fun, season a tribute. To Steve and and, this is actually. Right, on this very spot is where we filmed, our very, first, winter, episode ever, just. Bought that we fished summer and winter it's. Been a great spot we've done a couple of things out here and. Absolutely. This is one of Steve's favorite places to go we. Love it for big Pike and hopefully. We're gonna get in some definitely. And I know Steve and I have we've talked lots we, talk lots of boat fishing for walleye and where you catch the biggest walleye and him, and I would go back and forth between here and last mountain and you know we both love fishing both of those lakes and you, know you open my eyes up to this lake and all. That it has to offer yeah. Well, we got beautiful weather this weekend, should. Be a good time definitely. Might. Have a fish on here maybe. It's been a really really weird light, bites and he's pipe today, there's. Something there. Yep. Oh. Nope. Miss. Them. Huh, just a light light bite yeah. Again. Got quite a bit of line take-home yeah. Yeah. We'll check the other hole cuz we got another flag trip at the same time yeah. I'll, get this one back in and I had this great. Blue top, and bottom of the ice yeah I. Already. Kind of check this I don't think there's anything there. See. The teeth marks all up the side here. Ravit. Something. Was on it. There's. A nice thing about these HD tip ups with the. Built-in. Lubrication. System they, won't like, I mean this looks look looks. Awful, right. But this reel won't freeze up. Wait. For these tip ups to go for so long. The. Holes are pretty froze over. This. Is a good Pike I don't, want to be able to get them through. Oh. Yeah. Oh. You. Watch the gold, it's. A good sign that's a good sign, oh. We, got something, here. Hopefully. Gone. We. Are just not. Getting. The hooks into these fish I don't know what the deal is. Been, a very frustrating bite, on the tip ups, we're. Getting lots of flags I mean even if we're converting half. Of them even. It'd. Be, pretty. Good, I mean. Spit. It out. Boys, she taken line they're gonna run out of line oh wow. Just. Peeling. We're. Gonna need that scoop we. Might. This. Is a fourth, flag, you've had than, the slow date. They're. Just not hitting, it hard, nope. There's. Not much you can do in that situation isn't. It. All this wine and. He. Dropped it. Yep. Gone. He, was off to the races too. Anyway. Good, I. Guess. We finally gave one enough time, okay. We, should be free he just doesn't want like a little debate. That's. Okay I think we'll let her have. Got. A pike No yeah nice, little pike yeah. With. The Mueller ball yeah. Won't. We corrected that issue yeah, I'm, gonna chip up finally, this, hole is about, 13. Feet of water and I've. Got the tip up hanging the debate hanging from the tip up at, about. Six. To seven feet so when someone halfway up to the water column there's a tip that we got a long, time ago and we started first fishing.

A Lot of tip Officer Pike is on, a really, really bright sunny day try. Hanging them closer, to the surface, of the ice as opposed to normally, when were fishing tip ups we'll have the bait within. A foot or two at the bottom but on a bright day and we've done it for years. And when it's really bright it seems to make a difference so we've. Got a couple hanging different spots in the water call them and I don't, see, if we can catch on to a pattern and get. A bunch. Oh, what. She's going good. So. There Thanks. Asthma, drops. No. He's, swimming right at the home, but, steel-like more weight than just a bait door. Whoo. Oh. What's. Women just three words at home little. Faker, well. There's something anks that were used to out here but. Got. Them you need my pliers pliers. Will probably be helpful yeah. Just. For that last hook. That. Was on the little middle yeah. And a little bait. Finally. Maybe that helped, ya, get in a little deeper. That's. A nice little chunky. Pike yeah. Feeding. Yep, full. Belly yeah great. Oh that's good yeah, just. Get him back in there. What. A nice day, yeah gorgeous. Weather perfect. For tip up fish yeah perfect. Be great if the fish were a little more cooperative but yeah they just seem to be super, lethargic. Yeah you know when they're hitting these baits or take, it small little runs stopping, yeah but. I mean it a little bit more stop, this, bit yeah that's. A middle. End of February yeah, it's five. Degrees out here middle of Tobin Lake not a breath of wind yeah, thank God doesn't happen no this is perfect, yep, definitely we'll, take it yep. Today's ice anglers need, to be efficient, an HT offers a huge selection, of premium ice tackle, designed to meet virtually every, application, whether you fish blue gills, crappie. Perch. Stocked, trout. Whitefish. Walleyes. Pyke, for. Lake trout, HT. Has what it takes to make you consistently. Successful. Nothing, beats ice fishing, nothing. Hey. Folks welcome, to the second half of our season, finale for, season 10. Which, it's. Kind of been a season-long, tribute to our, good friend Steve, who. Passed about, a year and a half ago. Right. Now we're at last Mountain Lake we did the first half of the show at Tobin since, we joined with Neil, Hughes from Regina we've. Been putting a lot more time than at last Mountain Lake and it really became one, of our fair, places to go today we're with, a good friend Chad Morris Chad runs the Saskatchewan outdoors, guide service.

Here. On last mountain, one. Of the best pike guides on the lake were with with, Kelly schlep as well who's helping us out and, we're, looking for Pike, again same as we were at Tobin. We're. Looking for the big ones yeah, and. So. Far it's, been okay we've got lots of activity, we're hoping to get some more we all weather issues we got storm. Blew in last night some. Pressures dropping that's not helping us out a lot and, of course it's been cloudy all day we were kind of hoping that someone's gonna break through that's. Really gonna help us out with a pike fishing you wouldn't think it's gonna make that much difference with, the amount of snow cover that we've got but it is surprising. How much difference out a little bit of Sun makes so, stick. Around folks watch the second half here and hopefully we're gonna put some big Pike on the ice here today. Just. A single look, got, just one. Just, got sent up. Nice, little plate to start with about. The way yeah Kelly, oh no. Thanks. All. Right, I'm. Gonna finish setting up here. Where to start today. Scott. Channel doors guide service, we're a very, small, specialty. Guiding, service where we only target big Pike and burbot. That, you get them on the backside, if you're lucky we, focus, on. Professional. Fishermen that will travel from anywhere to come look for the big pike all the way to newbies. And first-time, fisherman my. Wife also guides too so she'll take. A group of women out to kids. Popularity. Of ice fishing now it's it's we've, never seen as many shocks and people fishing. On the lake it's. Getting away from the crowds having the equipment to do so up. Until March 15th, we have beautiful, eated shocks to fish out of and then we can spike out like we're doing today and get, anywhere we need to on the lake 40, mile long lake and, I only got a double-header Chad's gonna go try and round out. 101. Hooked up Oh spit. Okay. Need fresh bait today is one of those days where. I always say the first day after a front pike. Fishing usually, goes, down the tubes to the second, third day after a front where, things kind of, even. Out and fights, back on we need Sun to catch we. Have had, probably a dozen flags today we've missed more fish than we've caught that's. Just how it is we're, using all sorts of different baits. Big. Stuff that little stuff two different. Depths, in the water calm that's really important you, know it's not just always 12 inches above sometimes, it's 12 inches below the ice and wind. Is blowing. This. Tip up is buried. Well. You know wind blowing like this it's. Not a bad idea to have some of the mark where your tip ups are because, we've got one that's been blown in. Well. This fish is taking a lot of line. Got. Them. I was, coming nice oh there. She is oh. Just. A little girl okay I think, this is just a single hook rig oh.

No. Ok. That's one of those yep. She. Pops. 30-inch. Er. Not. Bad. There. Ulis okay. We got. No. We've. Been through that before. Coming. In too easy right now. There. We go that's nice. Got. Beauty. All. Right in the corner perfect. Nice. And easy, yep. Okay. Suspended. Coming off the shelf to feed. Nice. Kick, we're, committee right online, hey, thanks. Okay. Let's get, some. You know why. Oh. No. No, no. He's. Coming right at the hole. You. Don't think any time oh, all. Right little, junior. Guy. And. Back in there oh. Yeah. Exactly, oh. No. I'm coming right out of Simon action. Okay. This. One feels a little, better. Getting. Better. Folks. Thanks for joining us on this episode of fishing Saskatchewan. We're, here at last Mountain Lake today, we. Did the first time for this show at Tolman Lake. This. Is the season finale for season 10, which. If you've been following it we kind of get a tribute to our good friend Steve bunka, who. We lost about, a year and a half ago in the fall of 2016. Trying, to do some of his favorite types of fishing some of the the, places that he never got to go to just. As kind of a tribute, a farewell and a thank you to. Steve. You. Know it's, kind of cliche it's a it's a bit of a fisherman's expression, but it was one of Steve's favorites, that. That's. Why it's called fishing not catching you, know we had a good. Day on last Mountain I don't want to sell it short, this. Is a lake same thing with Tobin that we're used to getting. Spoiled, out catching big. Big pike we, did okay here today it wasn't a bad time we had great guys out we're out with with, Chad Morris and Kelly Slemp, me. And Terry we all, we. Got some good good, Pike was. It was a fun time was a nice way to wrap up the season. You. Know it was uh it, was a blast bringing, this season to you doing. This tribute to Steve it was a it. Was a lot of fun for us I hope you guys enjoyed watching it. As much as we did bring it to you until. Next time we see on the water.

2018-04-14 17:45

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Awesome! RIP Steve.

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