Search Engine Optimisation SEO for tourism businesses – Part 1

Search Engine Optimisation SEO for tourism businesses – Part 1

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Right, Good Morning everybody my name  is Andrew Craig from VisitScotland   and welcome to this I think it's now we're on  the fifth in a series of webinars that are being   delivered by VisitScotland in conjunction with  Business Gateway’s Digital Boost program and   part of a program a recovery package of webinars  aimed at supporting tourism businesses as they   reopen. On today's webinar which is entitled  search engine optimization for tourism   businesses part one very exciting title and today  we're joined by Gary Ennis from NS design in   Glasgow that's a company that specialises  in social media and digital skills training   and Gary will be leading two sessions on seo  and search engine optimisation one today and   then a part two on august the fourth at 11 30 on  august the 4th you can sign up at details and it   will be later on but you can sign up for that on  the business gateway website on the event section   visit Business Gateway website just a quick  reminder that all attendees are you're all   in microphone off and webcam off mode so you  can only see Gary and i today and we'll be   distributing a link to the pdf slides presentation  at the end of the webinar as well as asking for   your feedback by a link that will distribute  via the chat and due course and i'll be on   the screen as well if you do have any queries  about any aspects of search engine optimization   today please ask them via the questions  tab that you'll see in your go to webinar   and control panel and we'll spend 10 to 15 minutes  at the end so remember this is a one and a half 90   session so around about 12 15. Gary will come  to a close and we'll spend 10-50 minutes then   discussing those questions we're also going to  running a few a couple of polls today at different   various points throughout today's session and Gary  will introduce them and i'll bring them up in this   community of course again and then finally we are  once again offering the opportunity to participate   in free VisitScotland digital review with one of  our industry relationship managers the only caveat   i would put there is that it's free for tourism  businesses you need to be a tourism business to   participate in one of these VisitScotland  digital reviews and these reviews are designed to   assess elements of your digital output including i  suppose not limited to your social media presence   online booking bookings your presence on search  engines and your overall website performance as   well so there'll be an opportunity at the  end as soon as you leave today's webinar   there'll be a little pop-up  message that appears on the screen   asking if you'd like to and participate in a  free digital review if you're already if you've   been on our previous webinars and I’ve already  signed up you don't need to sign up again we have   your details and you'll be contacted over the  forthcoming weeks and probably months of school   there's a quite a number if you've signed up for  them so you will be contacted by one of their   industry relationship managers to organize that  digital review if you haven't yet signed up though   simply take the little box that says yes i agree  to participate in a VisitScotland digital review   so that'll appear once we finish the session today  it'll also there'll also be an opportunity to   sign up if you miss it today in the post webinar  email that will go out tomorrow morning so you'll   have another chance if you miss signing out up  today and then before i hand over to Gary just   a screenshot of the digital boost home page  this program is a quick round that delivers   free a lot of free services including up to 21  hours of one-to-one specialist digital support   and a number of workshops including seo part two  and webinars at the moment you can go and make   a booking business gateway digital  boost is the address to go to and as well as that   online guides on 21 digital topics and a number  of video tutorials on digital topics as well so   without any further ado enough from me i'll pass  things over to Gary who is here today representing   ns design and he's going to lead today's session  so Gary i'll just make sure that you can present   your screen thank you for you now and i'll switch  my own webcam off until you've finished your   presentation for today thanks Gary great can you  just confirm you're seeing the agenda screen at   the moment Andrew hopefully everyone else is as  well that's good thank you very much thank you   well good morning everyone thank you very much  Andrew for the introduction there i do a lot of   digital booth sessions i'm very much looking  forward to doing this one and of course next   week's session as well hopefully you're all booked  up for session two certainly by the end of session   one i hope I’ve not put you off booking up for  session two i'm sure i won't today's agenda it's   quite simple we're going to talk search engine  optimization primarily we're going to introduce   the topic of seo search engine optimization never  good to use a jargon and acronyms on their own   without quickly explaining what they mean just  in case people don't know we'll talk about why   seo matters we'll look at some of the tools  and systems available to help you specifically   around carrying out what we call keyword research  and being aware of what these words and phrases   that we will need to optimize for we'll get to  all of that good stuff very quickly and then   of course how to actually make some changes  to your website to be better featured and be   ranking higher on google itself there'll be a  couple of wee polls just to get you interacting   with me as we go and also as Andrew has already  said if there are any questions feel free to ask   these in the question section of go to webinar  and Andrew will flag these up to me and we'll   either deal with them as we go if we've got the  time or indeed we will have plenty time for q a   at the end as well okay what is seo well first  of all on a kind of technical level there are   various different types of seo some of these  you'll have heard of some of these maybe not   the big one we're going to talk about today  the main focus of today's webinar on page seo   and that really means the changes you can make on  your individual pages what you can do tweaks and   changes content updates keywords etc on the  website itself next week we will be looking   at most of the other aspects of seo the off page  backlinks technical local mobile side of seo but   today we're starting with where we should start  because arguably is the kind of foundation of seo   which is the tweaks and changes you can make  on your own website to get your website ranking   higher and here is the very dull boring Wikipedia  definition of search engine optimization they   say it's the process of improving the quality  and quantity of website traffic to a website   or a web page from search engines seo targets the  unpaid traffic today we're not going to talk about   the paid side of it and we're going to talk about  the organic side of it the natural organic results   rather than the direct or paid traffic so  that's the kind of Wikipedia definition   i prefer to supplement that with my own in other  words so for me seo is about convincing google   to return our websites higher than the rankings  when target customers search for things relevant   to our business why so that we get more clicks for  free meaning the possibility of increased revenue   increased business increased bookings whatever  it is we're actually trying to achieve now   before i move on from this particular slide let  me just label the point a little bit it's about   convincing google to get our website higher when  the right customers search for the right things   which benefit our businesses it's actually dead  easy to be top off google for the wrong things   and this is just my cue to kind of give you all  a warning and i'm sure none of you would but   run a mile from any of those emails that promise  you top of google for 50 pounds and i always   jokingly say i'll get you to the top of google for  five pounds but it will be you know for the wrong   words for the wrong phrases for the wrong type  of customers for the wrong audience which doesn't   actually do your business any good so it's about  it's important that we very much focus on you   your business your customer their behaviour what  are they looking for that's the benefit of search   engine optimization the right customers the right  relevant products and services and the right level   of increased business that comes hopefully as a  result again i'll kind of keep harking back to   that a little bit as we go through the session  you've probably heard me say in the last slides   already that it's a google i keep mentioning  google rather than just saying generic search   engine and we say google for a reason and that  simply is because they have the share they have   the market share of the search engines quite  significantly if you are in the uk then google   currently have nearly 93 percent of the market  while some of you guys may be using Bing or yahoo   or dot go and if you're not familiar with what  duck goes and I’ve never heard of it then just   do some reading actually a very good search engine  but while you may use another platform what we   need to always remember when it comes to search  engine is think like the customer so while you   might be a Bing user the chances are they will be  a google user google has all the people google is   where and the search engine activity happens and  that's not just in the uk as per the graph on the   right of the screen that's very much across the  board across the world and we're pretty much every   country in the world bar Russia and china Russia  just under half using google china hardly any   using google and that's because arguably in both  these countries especially china google is banned   so again the good news is if you are targeting  foreign traffic and visitors from abroad as many   businesses in the tourism travel hospitality  food and drink as many businesses and tourism do   then good news is google is still the place you  need to focus on albeit maybe we're not quite   attracting quite so many visitors right now from  abroad given that a horrible thing that shall not   be named i'll probably name it later on okay if  you did need a few more google statistics just   very quickly and again i'm not going to read out  all nine of these bullet points you can do that   yourself I’ve got lots more that i want to get  on with and get to the good stuff three and a   half billion google searches made every day and  93 of all online experiences begin with google   81 of people performing some sort of google type  search before making a large purchase and i would   certainly include most purchases in the world  of travel and activity booking and things to do   with the family this weekend as potentially large  important purchases so very much google playing   a role there and 31 35 of product searches may be  relevant to some of you and let me just jump down   to 0.6 75 of people never scrolling past the first  page hence why it's so critical to know about   optimization to know how to begin to optimize to  start creeping up these pages depending on where   you are right now there's a very bad notice  i'm putting in my disclaimer straight away   there's a very bad joke in my geeky industry  that basically says where do you hide the dead   bodies page two of google i did warn you it was a  bad one my apologies so again it's important that   we get as high up these rankings as possible 0.7  is an interesting one we're now six years beyond   the point of when mobile searches over to desktop  searches that's important we'll come back to that   certainly more next week as of today 0.8 54 of web  usage carried out on a mobile now here's the thing  

54 on average people using their mobile to  use google and to search for things compared   to their desktop that differs in different  sectors different endings industries different   stages of what we call the user journey so if i am  out visiting high five if i'm on location if I’ve   booked a holiday if i'm at the destination and i'm  thinking of something to do to find the activity   to go paddle boarding to a day out with the family  most of that will be happening on a mobile that's   making a cue back to some of the previous webinars  that the VisitScotland the digital boost have   organized over the last few weeks for you there  was a session done just recently on analytics   by the wonderful Brian Tate and you guys should  know because you should be looking at your google   analytics what percentage of mobile visitors do  you have because it's critical in your thinking   critical in terms of your website in the first  place and how people search for things when   they're on their mobile when they're out and about  compared to when they're at the research stage of   the kind of sitting at their desk thinking about  what they might like to do well i'm here i'm   ready to do it and we need to adapt our websites  accordingly we'll get to more of that shortly   okay let's move on and answer this big question  which i still get asked these days you know i keep   mentioning optimizing the website do we even need  a website i get asked still a lot by especially   small businesses especially start-up businesses do  i need a website Gary I’ve got my Facebook we've   got loads of engagement there we put videos  onto YouTube we do fun stuff on Instagram   do i even need a website i would categorically  say absolutely your website is the home of your   content other platforms and Facebook it's not  yours Instagram is not yours your website arguably   is yours so you're in control of it you control  what goes on it the information you choose to put   there not what is dictated by Facebook and its  algorithms etc you could fall foul on Facebook   tomorrow you probably won't and hopefully never  happens but i know plenty businesses where it has   who suddenly suspend your page and your whole  internet presence if it was based on something   just like Facebook now at risk and the last thing  i'll say especially with regard the seo side of   all of this google would rather link to you than  link to Facebook or Instagram or any of these   types of platforms google prefers to return back  independent websites not big bad Mark Zuckerberg   platforms and i joke when i say that but google  and Facebook hate each other with a passion   they are they are not the best friends so google  much it wants to be a platform to give customers   direct access to you and that's why ultimately you  still need a website it needs to be optimized you   need to be claiming the google ranks and it will  help drive business for you for your product for   your services for your bookings for whatever it  is you're trying to do so the main thing we're   going to talk about in detail today is this  concept of on-page optimization and by that   we mean the keywords what do i mean by keywords  well the first thing i'm going to get you to do   i'm going to get you to watch a little  video and i'm going to play this   through the webinar but what i will say is because  webinar and videos are sometimes a little bit   a little bit buffery i don't know if that's  technically a word but we'll run with it   a little bit clunky sometimes the audio lags and  that type of thing and depends on your bandwidth   my bandwidth if this video for whatever reason  isn't exactly the clearest i'll paste in the link   to this video into the chat box just at the end  of it so bear with it give it a watch we're going   to talk just about a couple of things about this  video i'm not going to play the full five minutes   by the way don't worry but i want you to hear  from google themselves you know how google works every day billions of people come here  with questions about all kinds of things   sometimes we even get questions about google  search itself like how this whole thing   actually works and while this is a subject  entire books have been written about   there's a good chance you're in the  market for something a little more concise   so let's say it's getting close to  dinner and you want a recipe for lasagne you've probably seen this before but let's go  a little deeper since the beginning back when   the homepage looked like this google has been  continuously mapping the web hundreds of billions   of pages to create something called an index  think of it as the giant library we look through   whenever you do a search for lasagne or anything  else now the word lasagne shows up a lot on the   web pages about the history of lasagne articles by  scientists whose last name happened to be lasagne   stuff other people might be looking for but  if you're hungry randomly clicking through   millions of links is no fun this is where  Google’s ranking algorithms come into play   first they try to understand what you're looking  for so they can be helpful even if you don't know   exactly the right words to use or if your  spelling is a little off then they sift through   millions of possible matches in the index and  automatically assemble a page that tries to put   the most relevant information up top for you  to choose from okay now we have some results   but how did the algorithms actually  decide what made it onto the first page   there are hundreds of factors that go into ranking  search results so let's talk about a few of them   you may already know that pages containing the  words you search for are more likely to end up   at the top no surprise there but the location  of those words like in pages title or in an   image's caption those are factors too there's  a lot more to ranking than just words back when   google got started we looked at how pages linked  to each other to better understand what pages   were about and how important and trustworthy they  seemed today linking is still an important factor   another factor is location where a search  happens because if you happen to be in Ormeau   Italy you might be looking for information about  their annual lasagne festival but if you're in   Omaha Nebraska you probably aren't when a web  page was uploaded is an important factor too   pages published more recently often have more  accurate information especially in the case of   a rapidly developing news story of course not  every site on the web is trying to be helpful   just like with robocalls on your phone or  spam in your email there are a lot of sites   that only exist to scam and every day scammers  upload millions more of them so just because lists the words lasagne  recipe 400 times that doesn't mean it's going to   help you make dinner we spend a lot of time trying  to stay one step ahead of tricks like these making   sure our algorithms can recognize scam sites  and flag them before they make it to your   search results page so let's review billions of  times a day whenever someone searches for lasagne   or resume writing tips or how to swaddle a baby  or anything else Google’s software locates all   the potentially relevant results on the web  removes all the spam and ranks them based on   hundreds of factors like keywords links location  and freshness okay good time to take a breath   right i'm going to pause it there because it is  as they say indeed a good time to take a break   okay what i'm going to quickly do just in case  you want to revisit that watch that in your own   time and if it was just a little bit on the low  quality depending on your own internet speeds   and all the rest of it and there is me pasting in  the link into the chat box so you can feel free   to click that bookmark it watch it later on if it  helps and i do recommend you watch the remainder   of the video cracking a little video from the word  of google themselves how does google work and just   to recap a little bit on what they talked about  there and she said there are hundreds of factors   about how google rank you including keywords  the main thing we're going to talk about today   links location freshness again some of these  other things we will talk about going forward   and into next week as well so keywords the things  people search for what is a keyword examples being   Scottish tour tourist Scottish gin distilleries  10 most famous historical tours of Scotland   Scottish tours near me these are all examples of  what somebody might stick into a google search   and all we mean when we say the word keyword is  we mean the word or phrase which somebody has   searched for when somebody sits down in front  of google and types in those are what we call   the keywords what we then do is take those  keywords and optimize our web pages for them   let's get those paid those keywords onto our pages  we'll come to the detail of that shortly again   as per the words of google it's no surprise that  websites containing some of the words and phrases   used by the person searching appear higher in the  results and now again while we might say keyword   or keyword plural it means it can mean singular  it can mean multiple words it can mean a phrase   it doesn't really matter so the thing to remember  especially when it comes to the world of tourism   and often you know on other digital business  webinars i will talk about the customer journey   ironically the journey when it comes to tourism  you know yes it's kind of conceptual and it's on   digital and it's also an actual journey as they  come and visit you partaking your activities and   so when it comes to the journey we need to think  about what stages do they take in the journey   now this slide here is a little bit wordy  and i won't read it out word for word   and a little reminder you will get a link  to all of these slides later on i urge you   to take more time going through them an awful  lot of them have links to additional valuable   content that we are suggesting you read this one  in particular take you to an article and visit   Scotland which is very much about the customer  journey process but in summary they suddenly   they start at the top where they're dreaming of  somewhere to go on holiday now this is quite a   specific example but play along i then go into the  planning mode where i think about various options   what could i do should i go an adventure holiday  should i go a relaxing holiday should i stay   at home should i go abroad what are the covert  restrictions etc so we go through a whole period   of dreaming and then planning in a little bit more  detail each time getting further down that journey   i then kind of almost narrow it down  to some decisions right i'm going on an   adventure activity up in the north Scotland i then  begin the booking process i think about booking i   think about booking the accommodation the how am i  getting there the bus the plane and then once i'm   actually on site on location i'm there i'm still  on part of a research journey okay what can i do   today and maybe i've booked it in advance maybe  i haven't maybe tomorrow is raining so my plans   are up the spout so i'm now looking to boot  different activities and experiences while   i'm there also while i'm there i'm loving it  i'm taking pictures i'm sharing them i'm doing   my social media a lot of the things that i know  maybe Renee spoke to you about again all of the   previous visit Scotland webinars have all been  recorded you can revisit these later on if you   didn't get a chance to see them live Renee Looper  was speaking about the value of social media and   how other people will say great things about you  if you treat them well on this journey so the   point of search engine optimization in the journey  is that they search for different things depending   on where they are in this journey and the thing  that we maybe need to keep in mind more than ever   that we maybe didn't need to do a couple of  years ago regrettably but true we now need to   consider the impact of covet different people  have different concerns yes hopefully we're   seeing a bit of light at the end of the tunnel  many of us now going or going to level zero but   it's still there it's still very much the elephant  in the room some people are concerned some people   want to know what you are doing in terms of your  cleanliness routine for your small b and b some   people want to know what you're doing in terms of  social distancing and limiting numbers in terms of   your paddle boarding activities so we need to  better understand customer behaviour listen that   is the core to seo full stop at the best of times  but now especially and again i would point you to   the really wonderful resource on the VisitScotland  website which really breaks down they can have   different customer segments based on attitude  to covert and the point is if you're not aware   of these attitudes you might not be putting any  content out there on your web pages on your social   kind of responding to and resolving and answering  some of their questions they might not ask   directly but they're thinking about it they're  worried about it they're searching for it i will   show you some of this live very shortly so we need  to understand the customer our customer behaviour   the stage they are in the journey and then we  actually just answer three simple questions   okay seo is actually quite simple question number  one who am i targeting my business who does it who   is the best typical customer for me who is my  target market and which stage of the customer   journey are they at now they might be at various  stages at any and all times but let's take them   one by one okay i'm targeting that type of  customer at the very start of their journey   the dreaming stage they they're thinking about a  relaxing family summer holiday because we're all   over Dublin etc okay knowing that question  two what words and phrases what which keywords   are they going to search for in google  or may they likely search for in google   to achieve what they are trying to do at  this stage they're just dreaming they're just   thinking about options further down the journey  they're actually thinking about booting they're   thinking about covert they're thinking more  specifically but this early stage they're dreaming   and now that i've worked out or considered  what some of their words and phrases might be   i ask myself question number three the  important one are these words even on my website   if google and google said this to you earlier  on the premise of seo at the base level   the words they are using are they on your website  and if they are google maybe give your website   back to them to consider if they're not you might  have to work incredibly hard to get any chance of   appearing on the google results or maybe never  appearing there at all so who are the customer   what words are they going to be using and are  those words on your website it's not actually   rocket science this is what we call keyword  authority and i've chucked this onto the slides   just in case you hear this elsewhere because it's  often used in the kind of seo industry you know   having authority and all that really means is  does google think that you are about the thing   they are searching for okay so they've typed  something in google says do you have authority   are you about that thing that topic that location  that activity those words they used are you and it   are you about them and it basically says are  you about them do we know this because those   words are there so again a wee reminder we'll  often hear words like short tail keywords these   are kind of short snappy keywords Scottish tour  holiday hotels now again very few people are using   short tail keywords because they know that they  get an awful lot of results back what they tend   to do more of a search for longer tail keywords  so two of Scottish gin distilleries is a longer   tail a little bit more specific results in less  results come back because there's more intent   there's more kind of specific nature behind it  if they're maybe looking for visitors guide to   Edinburgh tools then they're maybe looking for  a very specific thing a product or a service   and again google tries to work out the intent  behind what they're searching for and a lot of   these searches we welcome back to this next week  i promise is the whole geography the geolocation   side of it the near me type search and how google  starts to dictate whether you are near them or not   but again we'll come more to that later on so  let's go back to this customer journey let's get   back to some of the longer tail keywords that  they might actually search for and again at an   early stage they might be short-term just testing  the water trying a number of things considerations   as they go into the customer journey they start  going into the consideration phase they're now   looking at you know options could i go on an  outdoor activity holiday should i do a relaxing   beach break should i do a staycation and they go  through this these kind of periods of these kind   of circles of discovery circles of research again  there's a link to the the the the illustration on   the right of the screen right now i again i urge  you to collect that one later on it's a lovely   article on customer journey in the digital world  and then ultimately they go through purchase and   come out of that into post-purchase however let's  look at some of these and potential customer   searches and in particular let me show you a  business the iron here is a really great business   i i've seen unicorn paddle i've experienced  them i've heard other people talk about them   let me do this live actually let me just bring  up unicorn paddle in my browser bear with me   and let me just show you what again without kind  of giving the game away where it can all go wrong   with search engine optimization so early awareness  customer decides i want a holiday in Scotland okay   i don't know what holiday in Scotland i'm  thinking about right now but i'm doing   some of that dreaming and i'm seeing what  comes up to kind of spur on some other ideas   i then get further into my chain of thought and i  think right you know what i want something fun now   so i'm now gonna search fun outdoor activities in  Scotland there's maybe my early consideration type   of search a loose idea of details not specific yet  i'm still researching i'm then further down that   customer journey and i've i'm almost decided  what i'm looking for what will be best for me   in the family i'm now looking for water sports  activities in the Scottish highlands i haven't   decided where i want to go i just know i wanted to  be in Scotland up somewhere in the highlands and   okay i'm almost ready i've pretty much narrowed  it down i'm almost good to go i am now looking for   beginner paddle boarding lock moment maybe that's  the focus of the whole holiday or maybe that's   just something i want to do while i'm there so  there are some typical searches and you need   to do exactly this for your business what are  the typical searches the keywords the phrases   that a customer of yours might search for at  the different stages of the customer journey   so let's go and look at unicorn paddle now again i  always feel a little bit bad i'll before i do this   a little demo i will repeat that these guys are  a great business they are simply missing out on   potential traffic through google because of maybe  not being as optimized as they could be going to   introduce the simplest way to start checking your  website for particular content and that is to do   the control f if you bring up any website  including your own control f just brings up   the find box okay this is what you get on a word  document or in a web browser just brings up the   fine box and if i search unicorn paddles home page  for the word holiday as you can maybe hear by my   speakers going Bing zero mentions of holiday this  this this business which specializes in activities   for maybe people on holiday probably a good chunk  of their audience and it doesn't mention the word   quality surely it mentions the worst Scotland  now yes it does but it only mentions it twice   now we'll come to this again in a week more  detail in a minute if you are truly about   something you might want to try and strategically  mention it a little bit more than once or twice   now don't keyword stuff in there i don't have  Scotland mentioned 26 times we'll come to that   later on that's a no-no but if you naturally  are truly about something if google says oh   you have very much have some authority for some  of these words and phrases it's usually because   you're about them and you talk about them they  only mention Scotland twice what about the word   fun it's mentioned twice great okay what about  outdoor the word outdoor isn't mentioned at all   what about activity activities mentioned twice  what about water sports well the word water isn't   there so the word the phrase water sports isn't  going to be there and i thought you know paddling   and paddle boarding well surely that's you know  the kind of categorization of that before we get   to the deep water sports what about the highlands  well maybe not maybe they don't deliver in the   highlands maybe that's a little bit unfair but the  big one the big one i wanted to make the point on   paddle boarding paddle boarding paddle boarding  isn't there at all as a phrase now this company   specializes in paddle boarding but what I’d like  to flag up really for the benefit of all of you   to go and be critical about your own websites and  how you do things one of the things they do have   is sup mentioned 11 times sup now if i am truly if  i truly am a beginner paddleboard or do i really   know that it's called sup is the kind of jargon  it's the industry term it's the acronym it's the   thing that maybe not everyone knows it's called  that that's what you call it and if i'm coming   along and i'm looking for beginner beginners not  mentioned lessons is mentioned five times they   actually do specialize in beginner paddle boarding  lessons but because paddle boarding isn't there   because they go with sup multiple times there may  be maybe only ever attracting the people who know   that that's what it's called listen when i get  into my part of boarding when i get good at it   when i begin to love that maybe i'll call  it sup as well but for now there's a real   danger that we only think in terms of what  we call it not what the customers call it so   there's again just a very quick practical example  of unicorn paddle and maybe missing out on quite   a lot of customers at different stages in the  journey because simply the words aren't there   we're not thinking about them and the words  they use i hope this is all making sense   i hope this is all resonating i hope this is  already getting you thinking about your own   websites and what you're doing on them let me move  on and talk about okay if the right words are so   important well where do we find all of these words  where do we get confirmation of which keywords   we should be using because otherwise we just make  assumptions and business owners making assumptions   is sometimes a very dangerous thing to do if you  get the keywords right if you work out what your   customers are indeed searching for you'll get more  of that right customer onto your website who will   hopefully convert do the thing you want them to  do get it wrong maybe they're never finding you   maybe the wrong customers are finding you  and that's certainly not going to lead to   the potential of increased traffic visitors  bookings etc so just a quick question please yes   absolutely under the question somebody's asked  and then i thought it was pertinent probably   to bring up just now somebody said are capital  letters important when searching the searches   within inverted commas come up with different  results okay good question somebody who clearly   knows a little bit about the kind of more geeky  or technical side of google first of all capitals   don't make any difference okay google pretty much  matches content whether it's capitalised or not   really doesn't make much difference at all and  in terms of using quotes around things you know   they kind of and you can even go further and you  can be very geeky and you can start doing what's   called Boolean searches which is ands and ors or  whatever but if you put a quote around a phrase   google is trying to match that exact phrase so if  i just did a google search as a user as a consumer   for holiday in Scotland in theory now wouldn't  do this because Google’s far more smarter but   in theory it could match content for holidays in  Scotland it could also match holiday content for   anything to do with the word holiday it could also  match content for anything simply to do with the   word Scotland whether it's a holiday or not now  it's not going to do that because it looks at the   whole thing but if you want to guarantee a phrase  gets a better match then if you put the actual   phrase in quotes or you put the plus symbol before  some of those words it guarantees that it matches   against those things so yeah good geeky question  there i like that we're getting into the kind of   right technical side of google for the majority  again while some of us might do that again i would   stress and i mean no disrespect to the general  public the majority of the general public just do   basic searches they just stick in the words  that come to mind the phrase that comes to mind   and again depending on where in that customer  journey they are okay i hope i've answered that   well enough for whoever asked a question and we're  going to move on and do a poll actually we're   going to take out get more of you engaging with  us here i've just mentioned we're about to carry   out some keyword research and i'm going to show  you some tools that allow you to do that prove   what words people use we're currently running  a poll i'm asked we're asking you a question   do you currently carry out any keyword research  and if you do I’d like you to say yes and choose   the tool that you are currently using we've got  a few to choose from there google keyword planner   SEMrush ubersuggest and if you don't click no  and if you're using one of the two a tool that   isn't mentioned just say yes i do but i use a tool  not listed okay i'm seeing the results coming in   right now i'll let this one for just another  10 seconds or so on the whole and no surprise   no surprise because well hey you turned up on  today's webinar you know that you're looking to do   better when it comes to seo so most of you seeing  yeah i think if we just display those results now   hopefully you can all see that i'll certainly  tell you what they are most of you saying no 77   of you saying no so keyword research among most of  you not something you do okay for those of you who   are doing it what did we get we got seven percent  saying google keyword planner five percent saying   semrush seven percent saying uber suggests and  twelve percent saying another tool and apologies   we weren't able to list every eventuality there  and the good news is i will introduce keyword   planner and uber suggest to all of you in just  a second but the point is good that most of you   will gain benefit from really better understanding  keyword research and why it's important okay let's   move on let's do some actual keyword research  let me show you some of this this is all about   proving what your customers say if you can prove  the words and phrases which are actually searched   for by your typical customer then you can take  these words and phrases and optimize better for   them we'll get to that part shortly and let's  just spend another 20 or so minutes talking about   keyword research going to start with the simplest  way to do it and it really is painfully simple but   it's a fun one i like to demonstrate i'm going to  bring up a google incognito browser here bear with   me google incognito some of you will be familiar  with that basically kind of logs you out of google   and it doesn't kind of use any of your previous  searches i wouldn't go down the route of why some   people use google incognito that would be highly  inappropriate today but for these purposes it's   really valuable because the problem is when you  are on google knows it's you so the results are   always tailored and tweaked towards you so if you  go incognito it makes it a little bit kind of more   what the general public would see so  the first one i want to talk about   is Google’s auto predict feature when you start  typing something into google you will know   that google starts to predict things so if i  simply go and search for you know what let me just   do covered then look what google is suggesting the  most commonly searched for stuff around covid is   covert vaccine covert symptoms covered vaccine  booking covered cases these are the kind of   this is google hinting to you at what people are  actually searching for so you can simply start   typing something related to your business  and it will auto complete giving you ideas   for this is these are maybe the words and phrases  i should be using not because they're random   because people are currently searching for them  these are live google predictive results based on   actual user behaviour so let me just do what i'll  do i'll do hotel let me just do hotel in Scotland   with okay what comes up what would you pool hot  tub spa balcony let me show you what i call a   a google alphabet search in terms of your keyword  research you just start a phase and then you   finish it with a aspar r open b balcony beer  taps in the room wow clearly people looking for   a good holiday right now c castle interesting  d dog friendly Edinburgh clearly a kind of hot   hot destination right now f for sale random g  golf g h hot tub you know right now if you are   indeed in the accommodation world i i urge you all  to promote your hot tubs if you have them because   believe me hot tub searching is rife right now  why who knows but this is based on actual data i j   jacuzzi l luxury m n or you can start to  do a predictive kind of alphabet search   listen don't just go all right let's get all of  these words onto my website which is what we're   going to come to show this is just influence  this is just ideas this is just a nice starting   point using google also autofill auto predict and  playing with what are the top searches could you   then start using some of that as content on your  website because this is google telling you this is   what people search for now let's move on to the  second research tool that first one just a nice   beginner tool to play with dead easy be influenced  yourself every time you use google about what it's   suggesting to you let me show you keyword planner  now i'm already logged into this let me just very   quickly bring this over onto the main screen be it  with doing all these live demos always seems like   a good idea right so this is what google keeper  planner looks like now i will warn you it is   part of google AdWords so google AdWords being the  paid side of running google adverts to use google   keyword planner you will need a google ads account  unfortunately that does mean logging a credit card   against it and setting the thing up you don't  actually need to go ahead and run any ads   but you will need to kind of almost have done that  get you know setting things up so that you can   actually use the free once you're there keyword  planning tool and as pair of the pole many of you   already use this for some of you know exactly what  this does let me just show you can again there's   the slides that we have available for you later  on give you detailed instructions about doing   all of this I’d rather just show you as a live  demo we can click into discover new keywords   and there's two ways to do it you can either start  with some initial keywords so you might go right   I am a b & b holiday rental cottage company up  and alt b i'm going to test the phrase holiday   cottages okay holiday called it because that's  what i think people are looking for right there's   my assumption and once i hit go and tell it to go  and get results it goes and says right okay let   me just move this one bigger onto my screen let me  just zoom in on this just a little bit so you can   see a wee bit easier holiday cottages the good  news is absolutely people do search for that up   to a million searches every month in the uk I've  got my details set to the uk here but a bit of a   problem with it i say that i'll mention this i'll  explain it in a wee bit of detail kai competition   so i'm i i'm maybe now at the moment my website  mentions hey are you looking to bigger holiday   cottage or cottages blah blah blah but maybe  there are alternative or better or different   keywords i should also be using or should be using  in place of holiday cottages and keyboard planners   suggest lots of other things to me so what about  there we go straight away in with the hot tubs   hot tubs right now i do not know why but they are  they are searched for they are massively in demand   lodges with hot tubs maybe i'm not a lodge so  i couldn't quite use it but look further down   cottages with hot tubs is also being searched for  not quite in the same volume but clearly anything   with a hot tub is of interest right now so i maybe  i maybe think about well there's up to a hundred   thousand searches for the free holiday lettings  do i do i do that could i could i call myself   that should i be changing the words and language  i use up to a hundred thousand searches for people   searching for dog friendly cottages that kind of  number i guarantee you has gone up over the last   year why customer behaviour way more people  purchase dogs during the last year of covert   etc therefore now need more need for dog friendly  cottages hotels places to stay etc so the point is   you've started with a gut feeling it's confirming  the kind of volume of searches that happen giving   you a wee hint at how competitive it's going to be  to rank for some of these things in an ideal world   what we are looking for is keyword suggestions  which have high search volume and lower medium   competition now the reality is without kind of  giving the game away here now more than ever years   ago much easier now more than ever most things  are in high or medium competition very relatable   you see a low and usually it's for a term which  is rarely searched for that's just the volume of   people now on google more than ever before so you  start with a keyboard it gives you loads of other   things to consider again i am not telling you just  to go and grab every word on the screen and stick   it on your website okay this is about you making  conscious strategic decisions could you use some   of these things should you try and introduce some  of these words and phrases to your website because   you are indeed about that topic that word that  location that thing you do indeed have hot tubs   and you've not actually thought about mentioning  them you're prominently on your home page or on   the details or whatever so keyword planner  is just a lovely way of doing exactly that   what you can also do with keyword planner and  i'll just kind of show you this i mentioned this   i won't i won't spend the time showing you can  also discover new keywords by starting with an   existing website so if i wanted to go and if i was  a brand new paddle boarding company and i wanted   to go and see what the other paddle boarding  companies were better optimised for than neo   you can just stick in a whole website in there and  it will go and analyse their content show you what   roughly what volume of searches for some of those  words and phrases on that website are actually   potentially getting as well as take that content  as the starting point for here's a whole load of   other stuff you might want to consider relevant  related topics products locations etc so google   keyword planner is pretty much considered a bit of  an industry tool you know the kind of standard for   keyword research it's from google themselves from  Google’s mouth here are words volume etc another   tool which you might want to look at again  i'm just going to keep this nice and brief   i'll bring it up i won't actually show you it in  any great detail it is a tool called uber suggest   now what uber suggests looks like if i just show  you this live is this notice you do need to have   an account with it so i'll just quickly click on  sign in and i'll sign in with my google account   bear with me should have done this in advance  my apologies and once you're there you can start   tracking your own website for particular keywords  etc for free you can also use the keyword analyser   which is very similar to what i just showed you  on on google keyword planner now the challenge   with google keyword planner as i mentioned you  need the credit cards use an account with them   you don't actually need to run any adverts  but it can be a wee bit clunky to get set up   ubersuggest does very similar things you start  off with a keyword suggestion you type it in   it gives you the volume the alternatives the how  competitive the phrases again it's just you trying   out certain words and seeing what else it suggests  very similar to keyword planner but completely   free now i say that it's one of these freemium  tools they'll give you a good few searches for   free if you want to use it extensively today  and i'm always a little bit wary about using   it during a live demo because i've probably  used it already that day it wouldn't usually   flag up Gary you've used your free searches your  cheapskate pay for an account which i never do i   just keep waiting for it to time out and give  me additional free searches so uber suggests   definitely one worth trying google search console  i'm not going to talk about in too much detail   i know having seen the presentation i know that  Brian Tate in previous session around analytics   has talked about search console search console is  very much about google telling you proving to you   which keywords are already being used to find  you so it's not actually researching what you   could be using it's about confirming what keywords  are currently driving traffic to you that's really   good to know hopefully it's the right keywords if  it's the wrong keywords at least you're aware you   can tweak you can change you can make it better  you can be surprised by some of the things driving   your traffic if you didn't know about them that's  what search console will give you i because that   was certainly mentioned and demonstrated in a  previous webinar i won't waste your time with   that again today go and look at some of these  earlier webinars one on analytics in particular   one i wanted to show you and again i know that you  have already been introduced to it but i love it   one of my favourite keyword research tools is the  tool called google trends it is so simple it's so   simple that what i'm actually going to do is type  it into the chat box for you and if you want while   i'm talking to you right now you can play with it  yourself google trends first thing you could do   is just scroll down google trends and start to see  some of the currently trending topics on social on   google sorry anyone said on social media there but  of course it's not as google it's what and weirdly   and i don't know why these are trending right now  Craig David and Susannah Reid and Paris Hilton   and Flora Duffy i think Flora Duffy was one of the  Olympic stars so it will show you kind of current   kind of trending big topics and some things  are some interesting things in there just   to give you an overview what is the world  talking about what is the world searching for   but how i like to use it is i call it my keyword  thesaurus okay so i use it to work out how to say   something if i'm going to say something on my  website and there could be an optional different   way of saying i want to use the way of saying it  which gives me the best possible return i.e the   most people searching for it so let me quickly  give you a demo on this and it's nothing silly   if i'm currently you know a travel agency it's  tough and silly but play along i realise very few   of you will be if i'm searching for my help if i  spell it right foreign holiday is md right now in   the uk looking for foreign holidays the reality  is they are so here's the last 12 months can   search volume of foreign holidays listen let me go  back to the last five years because again one of   the beauty of google trends is the historical and  changing nature you can find out in real time you   can find out what used to happen so if i'm trying  to optimise my website to sell my foreign holidays   then good news is that there is certainly some  interest but if i may be searching for i wonder   if more people right now are searching for holiday  at home well of course they are aren't they due to   this covert thing look at this almost let's just  say double the volume of searches on google for   holiday at home compared to foreign holiday so  if i've got an option for which one i should be   talking about more right now if i can tweak  and change my website to contain the right   words based on current user behaviour then maybe i  should certainly be mentioning my opportunities to   holiday at home more and actually once i've  realized that then you can start to go well   actually what's the right word to use for holiday  home and here's the here's my maya if you are not   there we go look at the growth of that hopefully  you can see that over the last five years   if i did if i narrow this down to just the last  12 months just to show you this even there we   go staycation if you are indeed a business which  you know will be attracting people who are looking   for staycations holidaying at home activities to  do near them because there is no foreign travel   right now okay it's opening back up thankfully but  if you know that well okay previously i mentioned   this but now i need now i need to mention  staycation now i need to mention holiday at home   you need to adapt your website your website is  something which isn't done and dusted and then   finished it should always be up to date it should  always be changing it should always be relevant to   what customers are looking for so there we go that  i again let me just i'm guessing that you know the   word staycation outperforms the phrase holiday at  home by you know let's just say 10 times as much   something similar to that ratio so if  you are indeed providing staycations   but weirdly not saying the word staycation you're  missing an easy trick it's such an easy win   again without being too critical to them if  you're providing paddle boarding activities   and you call it sup and not paddle boarding the  chances are you're missing an easy trick it's   about the right words to attract the right people  okay what did the people search for those are the   words and phrases you start to need to use again  i hope this all makes sense let me very quickly   because it makes me laugh and let me quickly  show you not exactly relevant to the world   of tourism or travel or whatever but I’d like to  show this demo if i was a hair care business and   prior over the last few years we are maybe very  much focusing on our hair straighteners because   they are the product that give us the biggest  return on investment and the other products we   make the most profit from and over the last five  years well loads of four are indeed searching   for hair straighteners look at the spike every  year that's the Christmas by the way that's the   that's the gift market again understanding user  behaviour maybe what i should have done at the   kind of middle to end of march 2020 is actually  starting mentioning here clippers because again   the data doesn't lie at the start of the pandemic  everyone started looking for hair clippers as they   realised what do you mean no trips to the  hairdressers what am i going to do and here   clippers became like gold dust anyway just a fun  silly example use google trends play with it get   the right words you know base your sum of some of  your words and keywords and the way you describe   things on based on the actual keywords people are  using it's not rocket science it's not difficult   it's just clever use of these free tools which  are there for you there's other tools like keyword   density tools whereby actually counts the words on  your page remember earlier on when i just did ctrl   f and i started searching in individual words  to see how many times they were mentioned if you   want to do that quicker simple easier use what's  called a density tool a density tool is simply   analysing all of the content on any page it could  be yours it could be your competitors that's often   how i'll advocate you use them go look at your  competitors what words do they talk about the most   and that can give your ideas you might realise  wow they mentioned Scotland eight times on their   home page i only mention it once that in theory  means that they will probably be a little bit more   keyword authoritative for that word than me now  it's not about just stuffing in the words it's   not about them saying multiple times when i use  phrases like keyword density i don't just mean   keep saying it i mean say the important words a  little bit more don't stuff them in don't try and   get them crammed in density tools allow you to do  a little bit of that and the last two which again   i think you may have had introduced to you i think  it was maybe Rainey introduced this one to you   when he was talking about conte ideas for content  for your social media and this one's called answer   the public and again it's a fun tool you should  definitely have a play with it you basically stick   in a word or a phrase and it gives you the actual  questions people are asking about that thing   so you know how i would use it regularly i know  my business specialise in digital and social   media training so i want to know what people are  actually asking about social media so a quick   search and answer the public and you get all of  these wonderful questions you know things like   will social media go away is social media bad  can social media cause anxiety why is social   media abandoned china etc and all of this is  ideas for content for me you know maybe things   like blog posts we'll come back to that right at  the end today maybe this is ideas for social media   and maybe this is just that you know if these are  important if i am actually about some of these   things again it gives me just a steer on the words  the phrases the what is the customer's behaviour   right now what do they want to find out what  answers do they need and these are simple free   research tools that will allow you to do all of  that and more so again as i said to you that was   just a quick demo of them all there are slides in  these in this presentation i won't spend time on   them just now which basically walks you through  how to use all of these tools how to kind of   you know what to expect from them how to go and  kind of consider using them better the point is   go and do some keyword research 77 if you said  no we don't do keyword research you absolutely   need to increase business on your website so  i'll just come in there with a quick question   on the stuff you've been discussing somebody's  asked a question that relates to what you've just   been discussing around plugins and they've said  does Gary recommend or would you recommend plugins   like yoast seo for WordPress would that would  they offer a sensible advice something like that   absolutely okay so question easy answer to this  one especially because the person has asked   specifically about yoast for WordPress  is a content management system it's the   system i use for my own website it's a very  good content management system what you can   do is make it even better with plugins etc and  yoast is indeed the seo plugin that i use myself   now there are many seo plugins there are  many kind of additional things you could do   and choose for me yoast is kind of almost the  industry standard it allows me great control over   as we will come to right now it's almost like this  question was perfectly timed because i'm about   to go into this you know how to make tweaks and  changes to certain parts of my website yoast will   give you some of that capability as well as try  and evaluate it and score it and kind of give you   almost like a red amber green are you doing this  well is it okay or is this a warning so yoast as   a plugin for WordPress is great so again hopefully  that's that specifically answers that one listen   let me move on and take that whole question a  little bit further because the point is up until   now it's all about be working out where those what  sorry what those words and phrases were and once   we worked it out through our keyword research and  we suddenly realised dude i don't mention Scotland   enough i don

2021-08-08 13:36

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