Search engine optimisation (SEO) for tourism businesses | Part 1

Search engine optimisation (SEO) for tourism businesses | Part 1

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Good morning and welcome to this ninth in a  series of webinars delivered by VisitScotland in   conjunction with Business Gateway's DigitalBoost  program and part of a recovery package of webinars   aimed at supporting tourism businesses as  they look to reopen when feasible my name   is Andrew Craig from VisitScotland and this  morning I'm joined by Janine Marriott hello Janine   hi all just a quick reminder before we get  started junior this morning um on search engine   optimisation you're all in microphone slash webcam  off mode and we'll be distributing a link to the   pdf version of Janine’s presentation at the end of  the webinar as well as asking for um your feedback   via a link that will distribute at the end as  well if you have any queries about any aspects   of search engine optimisation then please ask them  via the questions tab in the go to webinar control   panel and we'll spend 10 to 15 minutes at the  end discussing any questions that you might have and just a quick reminder from DigitalBoost  this is a screenshot of the home the program   delivers a lot of free services including up to  21 hours of one-to-one specialist digital support   that's of course subject to your application  being authorised by a BusinessGateway advisor   and you can apply either online or by calling  phone in your local business gateway office   all the contacts are on the website  and the website also offers a lot of   what details and workshops and webinars  which are taking place at the moment   book your place again on these webinars on the  website and then finally there are a lot of online   guides in fact 21 digital topics and there's  video tutorials on a further nine digital topics   that's probably enough for me for now so i'll  now pass things over to Janine Marriott who's   here representing his usual targeting innovation  and is going to lead today's session so   Janine i'll pass things over to you now and i'll  just make sure that we can see your screen so that should be you know i'll  switch my webcam off is that me   yep thanks me i'm down here switch my webcam off  as well there we go so thanks for having me along   today the goal of this webinar is to give you  a few helpful small tips and tricks that you're   going to be able to start working on today that's  going to help get your tourism business in front   of the right people and at the right time now when  you understand how search actually works and the   reason why you're going to be doing it and the  reason also why you see the results that you do   when you put your own search terms in it's  going to make it a lot easier to think about   the type of content you're going to be creating  for your customer so we're going to be looking   at the way your customer has changed the way  they search as a result of the pandemic and   the changes that you need to make now to your  website we'll look at the different ways google   presents information depending on the keywords  that people put in where those results come   from and most importantly what you can do to help  increase the chances of you being shown there too so the agenda today what is actually seo  do you know you know how search works   understanding and researching your keywords  understanding different search results and   how to measure your optimisation and your  traffic efforts at the end we'll have a quick   chat about paid versus organic marketing and also  look at the holiday intentions of the uk consumer   and how it affects the content that you produce  so VisitScotland have got reports on their website   about the new holiday intentions of uk consumer  and we'll go through those a little bit   as we go through so before we actually get started  on the webinar we're going to do a quick poll just   so that VisitScotland can get an understanding  of where you're at and more what more helpful   information we can put forward for you in the  future okay so hand over to Andrew for that   followers do you know what it's meant by search  engine optimisation very simple response yes or no and there we go jenny knows the results of the  poll so 93 say yes they do and seven percent   say no they don't so yep the second poll  this morning is simply do you have a website   yes or no and as you would expect very high  numbers for yes businesses do have a website 91   and 9 don't have a website you mean so okay as  we'd expect yeah i think that that is what i   would expect i think hopefully this webinar be  able to help those that don't have a website   as well the ones that are putting it in the  planning stage they'll be able to take on board   what we see what we talk about so that's great  thank you as we see most of you actually do   know what search engine optimisation is  and for those that don't it's the process   of making your website easier to understand  by search engines and friendlier for users   an organic search is anything that people click on  that you haven't paid for okay it's not an advert   so for lots of people when they think about search  engine optimisation they immediately think of it   as a dark art and it's something that's so  complicated it's something to shy away from   and quite complicated and scary and for other  people i come across sometimes it's just a case   of googling search engine optimisation sticking  a few keywords in and sitting back and waiting   for the results and there's a lot of different  factors hundreds that are involved in making   your website stand out in search results  and search engine optimises like me spend   a lot of time looking at these different  sorts of results and every single day learning   about what's new what's changing what why it's  doing it where this information is coming from   so there's a reason why there's developers there's  a reason why there's designers there's a reason   why they're search engine optimises and you as a  business owner cannot be all of those things too   okay there's a reason why you're brilliant at what  you do and there's a reason why some aspects of it   you need to ask for help but there are things  that you can do that will make a big difference   to your results and when you understand why  you're doing them it makes your life a lot easier   now the reason why you're actually  learning about search engine optimisation   is to increase the quality of  the traffic to your website   it's not just the quantity of it and we'll look  at that a little bit and more along in the webinar so the truth of the matter is that seo is  a huge topic but you can split it down into   subsets which aren't necessarily different  processes but it's a way of breaking down   a complicated process into smaller chunks content  seo which is what we're going to be concentrating   on today is all about the relevancy and the  quality of the content and how to make it better   and ideally you want to be publishing content  that users love visitors love when they get   to your website and that search engines can  actually understand that's the best combination   and it's where you're going to get the quickest  wins okay it's important to understand as you   go through all of this that google actually  ranks pages it doesn't rank websites as a whole   okay which is why it's important when you're  looking at all of this you're taking page by   page and you're optimising each page to the best  of your abilities not just saying right i need   my website to rank it's certain pages it's also  important to recognise that it doesn't matter   what page somebody comes into on your website  okay a lot of people get hung up on why is   this page not ranking for this search term but  all my traffic's coming through from this page   all the traffic is coming through  to your to your website that's great   doesn't matter what page as long as when  someone lands on it it's really easy for them   to go and find the information that they're  looking for and for them to take an action that   you want them to take and that might be to phone  you to complete the booking to fill out a form   whatever action you want them to take as  long as it's easy to find it then you're fine another question we get asked is why do you  even need a website these days and obviously the   massive proportion of everybody on this  webinar has a website which is great   a lot of people argue that all of their activity  although their contents done on social media   but your website is your home of your content okay  the first thing somebody's going to do when they   hear about you is google you so your website  is your digital shop front so where you take   pride in people visiting your actual premises  it's the same for your website you can share   the content on your website wherever you like but  it's the home you've got control of it and you   can show how that information is presented to the  world on your website nobody can promise you page   one number one result for a particular search term  in a particular and set of time okay search engine   optimisation does take time and even when you've  implemented the changes you need to do you're not   going to get hundreds of people suddenly landing  on your website okay they'll come in time but we   need to give time for the search engines to  actually find your content and read it so as   well as optimising your website you need to also  go and hang out where your customers are online   okay for example Scotland holidays staycations  group and Facebook in just an example go and   speak go and listen to what people are saying  go and speak to them there start encouraging   people to visit your website as well okay there  is no point sending anybody to your website   unless there's something for them to do there so  bear that in mind that we'll talk about later on before you do anything and we're going  to be looking at keywords in a minute   it's really important to take the time to figure  out who your customer actually is now writing   content can be the most frustrating thing at  the best of times okay and I know that I find it   frustrating as well but it's a lot easier when  you know who you're talking to and when you're   writing your content after you've worked out who  your customer is if you imagine them standing in   front of you and you're saying oh we've just  bought these new fluffy pillows for our home   your customers saying standing in front of you  going so what does that mean for me then you're   thinking well what that means is that when you  come in from your walk blah blah you're going to   get a better night's sleep so you have to know who  you're talking to if you've been on any webinars   hosted by BusinessGateway they'll VisitScotland  you will hear the presenters talking about avatars   and customer personas all the time and the reason  for that is because it's crucial okay the way   your customers search has changed now since covid  things are different things are important to them   and although you already have probably have great  content on your website i'm not saying that you   don't it's now time to readdress it to make sure  that it's still relevant every piece of content   you create you need to know the reason why you're  doing it and what you want someone to do as a   result of reading it okay there's no point talking  about the fantastic new booking feature that   you've got on your website if there's no booking  button for someone to click and i know um graham   care did a webinar i think last week the week  before on um making your website work so i would   definitely encourage everybody to go back and  have a look at that in combination with this one as well as working out what  your customer needs and wants   what are you doing it for okay now the reason  that you're doing search engine optimisation   is to increase the quality of traffic  and hopefully improve the positions in   search results that you're getting for various  different terms but from a business perspective   are you doing it to build brand awareness is that  a new business that people don't know about yet   are you looking to generate more bookings or are  you simply wanting to more simply but wanting to   send a lot more traffic to your website so you  can then remarket to the customers via an advert   okay really think about what's your purpose  for doing this because when you can work   that out you know what you're measuring  and what you measure you can fix change it this is part of a report that VisitScotland  has now on their website and it's looking at the   holiday intentions of the uk consumer you probably  would have heard this time and time again as well   but you are not your customer okay now you  probably will fit into one of these segments   and whether people's views on covid whether  they're likely to take uk domestic breaks   for either reasons that they have themselves or  we're not being we're told you're not allowed   to travel they're too frightened to travel they  can't afford to travel or they can and they can't   wait to travel okay you will fit into one of those  and the natural um natural way that you will write   will probably be from your own perspective  because that's what you know the best   okay but when you're doing that you're potentially  missing out on another five segments okay you're   not writing for you what you think does  matter in normal life of course it does   but when you have to take yourself out of your  head and put it into your customer's head and   you will write in an entirely different way and  you'll be writing for these other segments as well   they don't know that you exist yet okay they  don't care that you've got this new gadget that   guarantees them a certain i don't know smell  when they reach the room or whatever it is   they're looking for a solution to a  problem they're not looking for your brand   necessarily unless it's a repeat customer but  to encourage new people coming through to you   they don't know you they know  that they're looking for a problem   for a solution sorry to their problem and that  problem might be you know i i'm i want to take   my young children with my elderly mother to a  hotel for example and so they need something that   something for their kids to do something that  they're guaranteed hygienic and healthy to try   and protect their elderly parent they don't know  that you've got this thing that's going to do that   i'm not saying don't talk about it on your website  because that might be the difference between um   they're making the decision to come to you or not  but just keep in mind it's the solution they're   looking for okay now whether your customers know  it or not they're going on a journey when they're   starting to plan their trip now as well as you  know who you're talking to you know what they're   there the way that they're thinking now and  what they're looking for and now it's time to   make sure that your content is going to reach  them at every different stage of their journey   okay now at different stages of their journey  they're going to be using different keywords   and they're going to be having different ways of  searching everybody searches in a different way   okay some people speak into their  phone some people use a desktop   and they in different places so different places  different gadgets different words that they use   and with search engine optimisation is it's the  task is to try and get in front of those people   at every stage of their journey okay when  they're searching in different ways they're   also going to be shown different sorts of results  because google works on relevancy and it wants to   show that customer your potential customer the  type of information that is so relevant to them   that they don't need to go anywhere else so your  customer doesn't know they're necessarily going on   a journey you do okay and we need to look at the  different sorts of um content that they're shown so for each segment that we saw in the  previous slide if you worked through   each one and have a look and say this is  my customer at this stage of the journey   how will they be thinking you  know what's important to them   what are their needs and what do you want them to  do when they come to your site you've got two jobs   to do your search engine optimization okay one  is to get them on your website in the first place   and the second one is once they're on your website  for them to look at your content to either you   know watch a video see an image read your words i  think that is exactly the business that i want to   either visit or stay at or take my kids to etc  okay now in the next week part two of this webinar   series we're looking at more you know how where  that your keywords go and what point is important   to try and get them to click onto your website and  today we're just looking at the types of content   google is all about the intent and the relevancy  of the search goal search term the main goal is   to give your potential customers as i said one  piece of information that is so relevant to them   that they don't really need to think about  looking elsewhere and the biggest clue that   you are going to get as a business about the type  of information google likes and thinks is relevant   for a certain search query is the information  that is going to give you back so if you were   to do a search for a keyword and put a keyword  in that you think at the moment that somebody is   likely to search for when they're looking for  your business ideally an incognito search or   one of your friends or relatives to do it for  you so you google isn't looking at your history   and you are shown a load of images for example  then google thinks the information that you've   just put in the type of search you've put in  what you want to see what's relevant to you   are a load of images okay you don't have images  on your website that's straight away you're going   to be thinking i'm going to get some images if  you were doing a different sort of search and it   gave you a directory listing or a catalogue type  page and that's not what you have on your website   then that's another idea for you to say right  google thinks this is relevant google thinks   it's relevant to show this page of catalogue  results to me when i put in the search query   and i don't have one so it's just looking for  ideas as well google is going to give you a lot   a lot of hints if you know where to look  for it about what the best thing is to do   so google's rank brain is a machine  learning search engine algorithm and it is   all based on intent of the keyword okay so it  might be you might be shown a map an image a video   a normal link but do some research  and have a look at what you see so before you even begin your search google's  organised information about the web pages in their   search index so you may have heard this many times  it's like a library but obviously it's massive   okay now google's going to follow three steps  in order to generate result results back from   these web pages the first thing it's got to be  able to do is see what pages exist on the web   okay so google is needs to crawl your page  now a lot of times when new websites are built   you can basically click simply put click a button  in the back of the website that says google do not   come anywhere near this website until i finished  it because it doesn't want to start reading it   now sometimes that button is left ticked it's  not unticked which means google won't find your   website okay so there's different tools that you  can use we'll talk about them in a second to make   sure that google can crawl your website so the  spice will come in read your words yes i can   find your website once it's found your page  it needs to be under able to understand the   content that's on it and the beta that google  can understand the content that's on your page   the better it can then match it to and people  who are looking for your content in the future   and that's the bit that's called indexing there's  different ways for to make sure that google can   understand the information that's on your page and  again we look more at that next week next Monday   so when a user types in a query google tries  to find the most relevant answer from its index   based on lots of different factors okay it's  trying to look it's looking at the language   it's looking at the intent it's looking at the  device you're using and also the history of your   searches and then it's going to give you what  it believes is the best suited for that keyword   so to increase your chances of your site being  crawled there's three four things that you can   do so i said just now first of all you want to  make sure that google can actually reach the   pages on your site and they look correct there's  different tools that you can use for this and   when you get a copy of the slides there'll be  um a url you can go to that simply you put your   domain name in press the search and it will  come back and simply put it will say yes we   can read your pages or no we can't okay you need  to make sure that your website is mobile friendly   and again in the slides there will be a link to  the mobile friendly test but remember on here   that google ranks pages it doesn't rank websites  as a whole so if you've got your important pages   on your mobile and obviously one of the most  important ones is going to be the checkout   page or the booking page etc you need to  check that that's mobile friendly as well   now google has got a new set of algorithms search  signals out that you might have heard of called   core web vitals but again simply put we need  to make sure that your web your mobile site is   fast as we always have been that it's got a good  user experience on it and that it doesn't wobble   when you use it if you go into some  mobile sites you don't see that they   shift they wobble a little bit you  want to make sure that yours doesn't   you can get really caught up in the different  tools that you can use for checking your website   one of the best things i recommend that  you do is get people to use your mobile   site but get people to use your mobile site  all the way through to the booking process   okay because quite often it's when you get to  the last stage that's where mobile versions   of websites let you down you want to make  sure it's really easy to use and fast to   load for the person that's using it and using  it on different sorts of mobile phones as well okay you first create a website you should submit  what we call a site map which is a gentle way of   saying to google here's my website please can you  read it okay google will find pages through links   they might have visited certain pages before and  it might be referred by certain other sites but   you can also you can request that google re-reads  your site if you've made changes to your page   buy a free tool from google called search console  and we'll look at that more in um next week   so these links to these pages will be in these to  these sites sorry will be in the slides as i say   you want to have a good navigation  system with an internal linking structure   and what i mean by that is when  somebody comes onto your website   can they find what they want to do okay get people  to test it come in and say to them can you go   have a look at this book this event do you know  book a room or whatever and see how easy it is for   them to do it to find your content again if you go  back and have a look at and graham's website you   get more information on doing that the reason why  that's important for search engine optimisation   is because when we're talking about google  wanting to give people the most relevant results   it also wants to give people useful results okay  if you have got people coming in on your page   and finding it useful they're going to spend  time there they're going to spend time having   a look around completing and watching videos doing  whatever it is they want to do and that is going   to send a signal to google to say this page is  important people are finding it useful okay people   are finding it useful let's show it to more people  right so the whole user experience and navigation   system as well as making your website work that's  how it comes into search engine optimisation this has gone into in more detail next week and  but just to give you a summary of it to increase   your chances of your site being indexed google  needs to know and understand the information   that's on your website if you have got a lot  of content on your website it's all jumbled up   it doesn't read properly for normal people let  alone search engines it's not structured in a   certain way and the content on it really is quite  spammy you maybe think that the words that you've   written were useful for search engines and but  it's sending the opposite signal google is not   going to necessarily index that okay because it  won't find it useful make it as easy as possible   for google to understand short titles structured  content headings paragraph and useful information and then having a look at increasing the chances  of the site being served and ranked in the in   the first place again it's like a combination  of these two things that we've just looked at   nobody is going to wait for a slow site  you know that yourself there's too much   competition if something's taking it's time  to load straight off onto the next one okay   you're not gonna bother  trying to navigate yourself um   around a mobile site that's not friendly  either you're not going to want to blow   up the text to have a look at it again too  much competition okay so the user experience   useful content and a fast page is going to help  you a lot with your search engine optimisation so we talked a lot about keywords um and the  relevance of that so we're just going to quickly   go over then what they are and how you find them  when to use them so keywords are words that you   put in or your potential customer is going to  put in when they're looking for a search query   and they're also words that you're going to  use on your website to encourage people a to   find you in the first place and b to take an  action in the second place once they're there   okay all the words on this slide are keywords  so any combination of words that you put in is   a keyword but they're different types of  keywords and different types of keywords   will show you different sorts of results okay so when we're looking at a keyword that  has between one and two words in it we   call that a short tail keyword okay these  are automatically not obviously can't speak   for everybody but people want to want to rank  for these short tail keywords it's a natural   you know a natural tendency to want to do  and i understand that but the fact of the   matter is when you can go back and realise that  google is going to show results on intent okay   there is not much intent behind this keyword  Scottish tour it's too short it's too generic   it's massively competitive and if you get  traffic to your website for Scottish tour   the likelihood of it converting is really low  okay because the person that's put in that doesn't   hasn't really nailed down what it is that they  want yet and the results that you see will you   know reiterate that okay so here you're having  Scottish tours official tours of Scotland since   1907 really generic it's not it's not anything  special you've got um obviously VisitScotland   there that's got a variety of Scottish  tours on its wall to try and get somebody   um interested and give them ideas of types of  tools that they want and really that's what this   keyword is they're looking for ideas they've  not necessarily made up their mind yet okay   when you get a longer search term like you're  starting to narrow down and it's becoming   less competitive and there's a lot more intent  behind this this person that's putting in tour of   Scottish gin stories knows what sort of tool that  they want to go on and again the types of results   that you see in um their search results are going  to be more tailored to this sort of query okay the   competition for this is less and the intent  to buy is a lot higher so the more detailed   a description that somebody's putting in in terms  of a long tail keyword the more they're the higher   their intent to buy and the higher the chances  of them converting if they land on your website   okay so you would use these for targeted  pages and specifically product type pages or   really detailed um talking about your  brand your product that you're selling   the short term keywords i'm not saying don't  use them you absolutely should use them but more   kind of a sprinkle throughout your content okay  in the days gone by we were ranking a website   you would and i you know we went to the bank  for Scottish tours okay well let's put Scottish   tourist Scottish tours Scottish just a few times  at the top sprinkle it loads of times in the   in the paragraphs and the content let's make sure  there's some at the bottom and that years gone by   google obviously is a lot more intelligent now   um and the it's almost working on a human  based type of understanding it can ha it can   understand what people are looking for okay  so it's not as simple as how it used to be so a graphical representation of long tail  compared to short tail keywords so the ultimate   short tail keyword one word tours is really  high competition and saying on this charts   where we're looking at high cost search engine  optimisation isn't free a lot of people think   it is free it takes time your time isn't  free if you're paying another company to   do it can be incredibly expensive depending  on the again the type of keywords that you   might be adamant that you want to rank for it's  going to take a long time it might never happen   for you to rank for a search term such as tours  but when you say you decide and understand why you   it's more important for you to rank for tour of  Scottish gender distilleries obviously if you're   in the gin industry but relative to whatever  industry that you're in it's a lot quicker it's   a high poverty higher probability of conversion  and it's going to be a lower cost to you okay you have evergreen keywords and these keywords  are its content made of these types of keywords   that is going to be around for a very long  time okay it's always relevant it's historical   it's educational it's informative and it's  perfect type of keywords for you to write   in blogs posts um and to also if you have  a page and you're just thinking i need to   write more content for this page using evergreen  keywords is going to send traffic to your site   it's not only going to send traffic to your site  but it's inadvertently you're going to be creating   content that people like to link to okay we'll  talk a bit more about linking and further on but   the more edu educational informative   interesting content that you have people like  to link to that to share that sort of content   and it just makes for nice pieces of content on  your website okay and again if you have if you   are creating content based on evergreen keywords  and people come to your blog great as long as   when they're reading it i think that's really  interesting i actually be interested in finding   out more about this business and going on one of  their trips or excursions or whatever how do they   do that make sure there is something on that blog  post to say book now or contact us or whatever   don't lose them when you've worked so hard to  get them on your website in the first place now this slide is showing you the results that  google thinks is relevant for when somebody puts   in a product type keyword okay now the images  at the top are adverts and again bear in mind   you are not your customer just because you're  sitting there thinking well i never click on ads   it doesn't mean your customers don't okay but  the point i'm trying to make here for search   engine optimisation is google thinks images are  relevant adverts obviously but images are relevant   for product keywords and if you are selling  memorabilia or you're selling gifts on your   website whatever it's unlikely somebody's about  going to buy a gift without seeing an image of it   they want to visualise how what that's going to  look when somebody opens it if you see what i mean   so again you're looking at what's relevant  and making sure you've got that content on   your website the organic results that you see  underneath um the ads again are very specific   we're looking at how is this worded gifts virgin  lovers gifts virgin lovers there's two different   sites but still talking about and gin lover  gift sets so i'd be thinking about in my content   do i talk about gifs for gym lovers you  know what does google what words does google   think is relevant for what you're ranking for  geographical keywords local seo is next week but   just to explain what you see here you've got um  at the top of the maps usually directory listings   or review sites and you've got visitScotland  there too to the right and there's adverts again   and because they're selling these gen tours  as products with people looking for them near   the near me types of searches it's low search  volume and it's highly high intent again if   somebody is looking for something near them  the intent to buy right now or order or book   whatever it is a lot higher you're also going  to see what we call the map pack okay this   which is a group of listings underneath a map now  these information is coming from your google my   business pages and underneath that i know i've  got it on the right hand side but there will be   more um organic results okay nine times out of  ten now you're going to see this people also ask   section and i'll show you how to use that um  to its full extent in a couple of slides time so we've looked at and hopefully makes sense the  different sorts of keywords that you have and the   way in which different keywords present different  sorts of results okay now the keyword research   then is figuring out which terms  is it that you're actually going   to concentrate on which terms is it that  your tourists are using to find you online   and it's one of the most important elements  of search engine optimization if you don't do   it you're just kind of fumbling around in the  dark it is worth taking time to do this right   so google's algorithm has evolved now to what we  call entity based search so in the past as i said   it was very much matching those keywords exactly  to the what the person what you wanted to rank for   but now you need to match the intent behind the  search and what i mean by entity based search   is that search engines have started understanding  content like humans do okay so everybody searches   in different ways from different devices and  people's results are different based upon their   history of their search based on their location  and based upon the device that they're using   and you once you're aware of that it's going to  make it a lot less stressful to be honest because   people get hung up and why does that look  like that there and not like that there   because it is different it's different for people  and it's going to make it easier to understand   what the right thing is to do okay now when you're looking at this slide if you   come out of your tourist tourism head tourism  business head and just go back into you as an as a   sat at home on a Sunday afternoon head probably  still thinking about your business to be fair but   more as a hobby if you can look at this slide in  a way that you would search for say a new camera   then you can apply it to the way that your  customers search okay so you're sitting at   home thinking you need a new camera that's all  you that's it was your first search gonna be maybe   best camera best cameras to buy in 2021 that  is a short tail keyword you know that is   there's no intent behind that then you're  looking for a good camera there's thousands   of cameras out there if you know what i mean but  that's where you start your search you've got no   desire at this time to buy a specific one so  you enter that search into the query it's like   to careerbox it's likely that you're going to then  see um paid and organic searches you're going to   browse through the ones that you think are going  to give you a good match click on something that's   appealing to you probably read more about it well  i don't know i could get a camera that does that   come off your next search is going  to be new digital camera that um   can capture wings flying at whatever speed  i don't know so your intent to look for a   specific camera is a lot higher okay go on to  the website you follow the same process again   until you find that make of camera that you  want okay and it's that product you're putting   in because you've got had all these ideas you've  looked now specific your intent to buy is a lot   higher but the process that you've gone through  hasn't been just one set one click one search one   decision okay you're having a look around which is  why you want to rank for specific search queries   okay so where are you going to actually find these  keywords ideas the natural place for me to tell   you to start with will be google keyword tool so  it's a free tool from google mostly used for um   google ads and people looking for words to  advertise on how much it's going to cost them   what's the search traffic but there's a  really basic how-to guide to use adwords for   just the keyword tool at the end of the session  for you so you can start with a generic keyword   and it's going to give you an idea of types  of words that you can use off that so what   i would take from this although i'm only  showing you a slide with five keywords in it   depending on the industry depending on the  keyword you put in you're going to see a lot more   but i'm taking from this i put in gin tour i say  all right okay there's a the word experience i   hadn't used experience in my content i'm going  to use experience you might call it a tour   other people don't what you think is important  in your business and you have pet names but words   that you call what it is that you do i don't call  them that i'm not looking for that when i search   nor to other people there might be five or  six different types of words that people   use for the same thing and google is intelligent  enough to bring in that context and recognise that   what i would suggest that you  do i recommend that you do   is use these words when you're  creating content to bring them in you can also put in a website so if you see a  website that's always ranking higher than you and   search to in um the results and it's frustrating  there will be lots of different things that go   into why they are above you and they might not be  above you for the person next door for example but   they're going to be high up there anyway put  their website in look at only their page and   get examples from that as well okay so here not  only not only am i going to be targeting gin tour   it's going to make me start thinking about  gin tasting do i talk about that in my in my   concept i know i do it but have i included  that in my content use that as an idea too another tool you can use for free tool is google  trends which is going to tell you which people are   searching for and i know a lot of presenters  will go into google trends in more detail   what i'm wanting you to take from this slide  today is the related queries part of it   okay just because you are wanting to promote  your hotel or your business around you okay   people are also looking for things around you  they want things to do near you they want to   stay at your hotel and go for a walk or go  and visit local shops so you talk about the   things that are around you not just what you  have obviously you are your most important   priority of course you are but team up  with people near you and think about   you know can i talk about that walk so people are  coming for a you know playing on my trampolines   can i is there a maybe something they can combine  with that is there a local cafe put the whole   package together for them because it could  be the turning point whether they book or not using google trends during the summer obviously  people were searching for things to do near them   and with the rise in the number of people  either having to stay close to home   or so the services you offer that used to  be targeted maybe for people travelling in   there's a higher need for things to do near you  this is where local search is going to kick in   and that's on Monday we look more at that google  is your friend google is going to give you a lot   of information if you know where to look for it  okay so these are three things i use regularly   the alphabetical searches in google suggest  too put in your main keyword and literally   keyword a keyword b keyword c go through when  you find a keyword that you have that resonates   with you um or you know that that's what you  do put that in and you start the whole process   again and what you're doing is creating a whole  series of long tail keywords that have higher   intent that are more likely to convert and  that is brilliant content for your website people also ask section you'll see this time and  time again these are questions people are asking   if you can answer these questions within the  content on your website you're inadvertently   optimising your website for voice search too okay  there's more that goes into it but this is a big   part every time you click on one of these arrows  more information another question will appear   don't copy the answers you know your business  better than anybody else you've got your own   brand voice that's what resonates with your  customers and your future customers and your   repeat customers don't be anybody else be you  but what i'm saying is take these titles of   the questions and answer them because people are  asking them and they're not just one person that's   asking them okay bring that into your content if  you've got a website where you're talking about   specific services and products rather than having  one big long page of frequently asked questions   what i would recommend that you do is you map  them out you plan them so if you're talking about   if you've got a I don't know a trampoline and  a bouncy castle and you're encouraging people   to visit them your trampoline questions are on  your trampoline page your bouncy castle questions   on your bouncy castle page it's not just one  long page of frequently asked questions okay   coming to the bottom of the search results you're  gonna have searches related to that query as well   now when you're doing your keyword research  it's not just about optimizing your website   or the words and the content that you  know about use it as well for ideas for   um adapting your business so everybody's had to  adapt their business in some way and you know   desperately racking your brains of what can i  do differently what are we going to do now so   what i would be looking at these results for and  saying right gin tasting at home and virtual gym   tasting these are things that words you can  incorporate into your site if you do them   and if you don't do them then it's maybe ideas  of things and obviously relative to industries   totally get them using gin as an example  that's all relative to different industries   and these things aren't going to change because if  you go back to your customer segments the person   that used to be really you know wanting to go out  and do gin tasting and now maybe shy maybe they've   changed and even when they're allowed to go out  they still would prefer for whatever reason to   do at home okay or maybe they want to combine what  it is that you can do and offer them at home now another example using hotels obviously going  through same process every time but you know   thinking a little bit differently in hotels with  good yeah and then you can have hotels without   you know might be without children  without pets without whatever it is   you can use this for as long and as much   in-depth research as you want to and it's well  worth spending the time doing it and it's free answer the public is another free tool you  might have seen on other webinars you can   use a couple of times a day for free and basically  everything that i've just told you to do manually   you can it's collated and answered the public but  it's not as much detail okay when you are doing   your own keyword research you're getting ideas all  the time and one thing leads to another leads to   another and it's um exciting when you get into  the into the gist of it um but if that's not for   you and you want some ideas quickly then i would  suggest you use answer the public you put in a   keyword and it generates all the questions not all  of them a lot of questions off the back of that looking for synonyms for content on your website  again just really reiterating what i've said there   we don't want to repeat the same keyword over  and over and over again people are looking for   holiday they're looking for escape they're  looking for vacation they're looking for a   you know experience all of these different  words you can incorporate into your content   i totally understand it the thought of writing  content for a lot of people is you sit there be   head in your hands think that i can't do this it's  just it's frustrating it doesn't come easy but   everybody knows you know your business better than  anybody else knows it okay and if anybody asks you   about your business i'm pretty certain that you  can talk about it but then when you sit down and   start trying to write about it and think i need  to bring these keywords in and it's too much   okay so what i would recommend that you do and i  do it myself now use um an app there's a lot of   voice recognition apps i use one called otter and  just o double t e r so i speak i answer questions   as if i'm speaking to somebody um and i just talk  and talk and talk and this app which transcribes   it then i can send it to my email i can send  it to word google wherever print it out and   then i've done my keyword research so i know  you know what words i really want to be using   i don't know exactly when i'm set in front of  the computer where they're going to go but when   i've got my transcript and then you go through and  you rewrite it and you edit it and you read it out   loud again so you're putting your brand voice  across in your content which is so important   you're resonating with your customers  because that's the way you naturally speak   and then you've gone back and then you've  optimised your content with your keywords   okay don't try and just sit in front of a  computer and do it because it's so destroying   to be honest can we this graph and another free  tool from google it's not a google tool so it's   another free tool again just looking at different  types of synonyms and semantic keywords that you   can use to sprinkle through your content if  you if you had to choose one way of doing   it i would personally use google to do it okay  and go through the alphabet and the questions   people ask in related searches if the idea of  all these tools is um doesn't appeal to you a good keyword research tool is ubersuggest so  the seven day free trial i think before you get   the paid version and a link to that will be in  the slides at the end as well basically you can   put in a keyword a short tail keyword and it  will generate long tail keyword ideas and it   will give you what this is going to give you above  using google is an estimated seo difficulty score   so it estimates how much competition there  is for organic search but when you take   into consideration the fact that everybody's  searching in different ways etc it's a very um   it's a generic number okay you want to be writing  good content long tail keywords rather than   focusing on just one short tail one as i keep  saying but this is a good tool for more ideas this tool is one that i use on a daily basis  and the reason that i like this one is because   it will let you see the keywords that your  competitors are ranking for and the ones   that you're not okay so you can put in your domain  name and then put in two of your competitors name   and it will give you a spreadsheet  where it will give you all the keywords   everybody's ranking for this webs this website's  ranking for three this one's ranking for two and   you're missing out on these ones so it is there  is a paid version of the two but you do get a   30-day free trial so if you're clever um not  clever if you can set yourself a couple of days   aside to do your keyword research and go through  they have fantastic training on this tool   you can really do a lot of keywords  research within your 30-day trial okay now seeing where measuring your organic traffic  um and the keywords that you're already ranking   for because there will be keywords that you are  already ranking for your site and you might be   on page eight or you might be on page one but  there will be keywords that are generating your   website to show okay now a lot of people will have  heard of google analytics and this is the obvious   place to go for information on how people are  behaving on your website how where they're coming   from what they're doing what actions they're  taking and you can measure the increase of your   organic traffic your direct traffic referrals etc  and again i would encourage you to go back to um   the analytics webinar a couple of weeks ago last  week i think um on google analytics and how to   best use it you know analytics is a program again  in its own right and it's easy to get a little   feel a little bit overwhelmed when you first  go into it you don't have to use every single   part of it to get the information that that we  want for this purpose okay when you click on   organic traffic in analytics any blue link that  you click on in analytics can take you further   and further into the platform but i want to see  what keywords we're ranking for now when you   click on organic traffic organic search you  will get a list of keywords that might have   shown up twice or three times but you will get an  overwhelming amount of this it's like not provided   which is not that helpful to be honest but  what you can do is get this information from   a tool called search console now in  search console again it said it is   a free tool from google okay so analytics and  search console working together is fantastic   if you want to just look purely at keywords then  just concentrate on search console for now okay   this is an example of the slide is showing that  these search terms have shown up this many times   these impressions and search results you can  also go deeper and you can look at the pages   that are showing up for these search terms and  the number of times people are clicking on them   so search console again next week go into more  detail on this but it lets you see quick wins   so you can get ideas again for types of  keywords that you might not have thought about   and you can see in it there's a certain page  on your website that might be at the bottom of   page one maybe and there'll be some tweaks that  you can make with your content and your keywords   and the structure of your site that can  bring it up a few places and the difference   between the bottom of page one and the top of  page one the amount of clicks you get is massive   bear in mind though because of the way you know  yourself when you go into search and you might   you see ads and then you see maps and then you see  videos and images and the standard organic results   are going less further and further down okay so  it's harder to say right i'm on page one number   one it's difficult but it's possible okay so you  can use search console for all of that information now i don't think there's any point in me sitting  here telling you about different search engines   and how many people use them and you know  that mobile usability is up whatever we know   lots of people using mobile and will continue to  do so and google is the biggest search engine okay   now i speak to a lot of people all the time  and you know we talk about thing and different   search engines and i am not by any stretch of the  imagination saying that they're not important i'm   not saying to ignore them but what i am saying is  that google is the red line at the top of that um   chart and there's a reason why we're concentrating  on google today because that's where the majority   of the traffic is coming from now you have also  got Facebook and TripAdvisor on Instagram and   YouTube and everything else that you feel that you  need to be keeping on top of okay what you learn   when you're doing your search engine optimisation  you can apply to other places that you are um   optimising for on the search engines okay  Facebook is a search engine in its own right   and all of these different platforms have their  own sets of algorithms that change regularly okay   it's really difficult to try and keep on top of  them all near impossible but the one thing that   they have got in common is they all want to  give the person looking through them the most   relevant results and the relevant results comes  by the way that somebody searches and the way   someone searches is coming from the words they  use so take the keywords that you're going to be   figuring out after this webinar and go back and  have a look at your Facebook about section and   you know how do you describe yourself  on TripAdvisor or whatever and make sure   that those keywords are resonating with  the person that you're talking to okay now we have spoken a lot about the different sorts  of results that you see and the different keywords   that you use and it would be wrong for me not  to bring in a little bit about um the growth   of voice search voice search is a webinar in  its own right it's a topic in its own right   but when we spoke before about you answering  questions that you see in google search results   and you're inadvertently answering questions and  optimising your um your site for voice search   google brings these answers in from different  places and all the search devices have to get   their information from somewhere and then you  think where is that information coming from   okay so this further slide here is a brief  overview of where the content is being pulled from   what to take away from this is that you can see  google not surprisingly brings its information   in from google my business Monday and google  itself okay Alexa we're talking about search   engine optimisation is pulling information from  other directories namely yelp and next okay   and you can see also on their apple maps connect  and thing so when you are looking at where your   business is online and you're optimising your  website take away from this as well if you wanted   to start optimising for voice search make sure  your business is listed in yelp and next and Bing   okay and the keywords that you've learned and  the type of content that you will be writing   in on your website don't just keep it to  your website you're putting a lot of time   and a lot of effort into actually writing this  content and thinking who your customers are   when they google you make sure every place that  you can be seen is given the same impression   okay those customers might find you on yelp  they might find you on yeah they might find you   on google my business but they need to know it's  the same business you don't just keep it for your   for your website okay you've put in too much  work to do that paid versus organic traffic   really here is just to reiterate the point that  search engine optimisation is not a quick fix   okay it's absolutely 100 worth putting in the time  and the effort to get the content right and to   optimise your website definitely need to do that  but you need to be realistic with yourself and   these things take time and there's a reason why  some websites seem to rank really quickly and some   websites are going to take a bit longer to do  that okay it might even be you've got a brand   new website it's not going to end up on page  one number one next week okay unless you are   you know a really random keyword that nobody  ever searches for yes and that's possible you   can do that but realistically it's not it's not  gonna happen it takes time it builds up but it's   really well worth doing okay if you want really  quick hits to your website the only way of doing   that is really through paid search okay and that  again obviously is another webinar another topic   and that's something else to do but it's just  to make sure that you set your expectations   go back and let people know that your website is  there as i say right in your social media channels   talk about your website listen to what people are  asking in these forums and in these groups because   going back to answering um what content are you  going to put on your website content that people   want to know about okay com people are looking  for recommendations for blah blah blah if you've   got that talk about it on your website get ideas  from where your customers actually are online okay and then just to recap before we summarise and go  to questions if you have to take one thing away   from today it's just one thing let it be that you  get out of your head and into your customers head   okay they don't know you exist they're  looking for a solution to their problem   and when you're writing your content or talking  your content into your app or whatever it is that   you do imagine them then saying what so what does  that mean because you will then go on and answer   those questions in a lot better way okay remember  that long tail keywords are going to bring in more   traffic that is more relevant higher quality and  more likely to convert do not don't get hung up   on the fact that you your website doesn't rank for  the search term that you think is important it's   not necessarily what your customers are looking  for okay until you've done that keyword research   and got into the head of your customer you  you're not going to be able to figure that out so go through this here  getting to know your customer   i know i keep going on about that give them a name  give them a face give them um children or not give   them pets or not give them an income let them  really know how they think and what they feel   remember everybody is searching in different ways  on different devices next week we're looking at   local search more okay and local whether it's near  me or whether it's a hotel in Dundee i'm looking   for those types of searches are different to  generic and my website is ranking for these types   of searches okay we'll look at them as i said next  week again long tail keywords have higher intent   let your know let your customers know your  website is there okay don't just wait for the   search engines to read it send start sending  traffic but make sure when they get there   there's something for them to do don't do not take  so much effort into what you're doing and so much   care and effort to lose them either on the  checkout page because it doesn't work on mobile   or because there's no call to action or there's  no downloader video inquire now phone us okay and   remember it doesn't matter what page your customer  comes in on as long as it's really easy as i said   for them to take action as a result of finding  you so hopefully that all makes sense and helps   a wee bit and i will sign over back to Andrew  now to take over thanks for listening to me Janine thank you so much that was not  just informative but highly practical   and i completely agree with you on the customer  persona um customer profiling emphasis that you've   just put across for so many businesses they don't  think of it from the perspective of a customer but   getting that mindset of what does a customer want  from me what does a customer want from my website   what should as you rightly point out help us all  in terms of the how we set our website but also   the content that we put on our website at  all as well that's that question that he said   so what question around and what customers  will we'll be seeing it's so relevant so thank   you very much for that and there's  some things that i'd like to share   with you at the moment before we  just move on to some questions   just a few um bits and pieces of information i'd  like to share and i'll just um bring my screen up and firstly um Janine’s been talking about  websites and some of you have asked this   morning about or some of you in the process  of setting up website

2021-04-02 10:44

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