School of Public Health Commencement 2018

School of Public Health Commencement 2018

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Ladies. And gentlemen, please. Rise and, join us in the, singing of the national anthem, and we. Will be led by singer. Kate, Lam. Oh. That's. The. Whose. Broad, stripes. Please. Be seated. Well. You. Made it. Good. Afternoon I'm, John Finnegan I'm Dean of the School of Public Health and it, is my pleasure to welcome you today to, the. Commencement, ceremony. For the one and only class, of, 2018, I. Also. Want, to welcome those, that are joining us via the live webcast. Of today's. Ceremony. Given. The geographic. Diversity, of our student, body I'm sure, that our graduates, have families, and friends. That are watching, literally. From all over the planet and you, can also follow. Us on Twitter. And you. Can post a congratulatory. Message of. Your own by. Using the hashtag. SPH. Grad. SPH. Grad one hashtag, now. I do. Need to tell you this you. Will see some of our faculty up, here on the stage, working. Their cell phones and I. Assure, you that. They're not doing, their email, as far as you know. But. They are joining. Us and you in posting. Online. Congratulations. So, we encourage all of you to spread the news about this year's. Extraordinary. 2018. Graduating. Class from the School of Public Health and yes, you deserve another round of applause. Every. Commencement that, we do and as Dean this. Is my. 13th. Commencement. It's. The really lucky one, every. Commencement, reminds. Us why. We as faculty chose, a career in higher, education you, came, here, for the professional, and scientific education. By which you hope to make the world a better place. Through, public, health, we. Hope to partner with you as your, career, path now, begins, to unfold and, today. Marks a major milestone, toward. The future that, you want for, yourself and everybody. Else on this planet. We. Will award some. 375. Degrees, and certificates. This year to our students, and each. Of your individual, accomplishments. Adds up. With, those of your classmates, to, make a real, impact on, public health around. The world, we. At SPH, are proud to have played a part in shaping the, next generation, of public health leaders, and we. Hope that we, have done our part to, equip you to achieve our, shared vision. Of a, healthier, world, for, everyone. We. Have a very, good ceremony, for you today and before we begin I want to acknowledge. Some. Of our folks up here on stage and. As. I mentioned, their names I am certain, that, they will stand and I. Invite your applause first. Of all representing. The University. Of Minnesota Board of Regents, Regent, Richard Beeson. Representing. The University, of Minnesota office of the executive, vice president and. Provost. Rebecca. Ropers, Hillman, vice provost, for faculty and, academic affairs. From. The School of Public Health, senior. Associate, dean for academic affairs, in, research dr.. Beth Verne egg. And. Associate. Dean for learning systems and student affairs dr.. Kristen Anderson. Our. Commencement. Speaker, dr. Nicole. Lurie whom, i will introduce shortly. The. Commissioner, of the Minnesota Department, of, Health Jan. Malcolm. The. President, of the School of Public Health Alumni, Society board, I me, camber narrow class, of 2009. This. Year's university. Mace bearer John Frobenius, the. MHA, class of, 1969. And Regent. Emeritus of. The University of, Minnesota. And. Madeline. Johnson, the candidate, for an mph, and the program and public health administration and, policy, voted. By the class of, 2018. To, serve as the student speaker, for today's ceremony. This. School, represents. One of the most diverse academic. Environments. In the university. Our, faculty. And our students, come to us from, backgrounds. In more than two dozen, fields. Of study, and so. Let's, recognize, some. Of our outstanding, faculty, and, as. I name you please, stand they. Don't do what a Dean asks anyway but you know just once in a while they will and I'm sure they'll stand for applause here, we go dr.. Diane Newmark Steiner, professor. And head of our division of Epidemiology and, community health who will be announcing, our graduates, names today. Professor. And head of the division of environmental, health dr., Bruce Alexander. Professor. And interim head of the division of biostatistics, dr.. Wei pan. Professor. And head of the division of Health Policy and management dr..

Tim BB. And. We. Have faculty representing. Each of these divisions on stage, today, these. Are the best faculty a Dean could ask for faculty. Of the school please, stand and be recognized. These. Faculty are, absolutely. Passionate about, equipping, our students, to respond. To the most pressing, public, health, concerns, of the future, things. Like changing. Climate. Newly. Emerging, and re-emerging infectious. Diseases. A, rapidly. Aging, population. Issues. Of health equity the. Changing, economics. Of health, care and the, deluge of, digital, data that surrounds. Us and that, we must be able to interpret, to make effective, decisions that. Will improve public health, for all our. Faculty, and our students, are doing the research and the practice, necessary. To have an immediate and a long-lasting impact, in our communities, our Master. Of Public Health grads, will go on to shape public policy. Develop. Evidence-based, programs. And outreach to. Work in public health agencies. NGOs. Health, care and a, myriad, of settings, that want, and need, our, public. Health expertise. Your. Public, health expertise, the class of 2018. Our. Master of Science graduates. Have honed their skills and. Big data access, management. And analytics, and, they. Will bring their skills as clinical. Researchers, to, the world of Public Health graduates. Of our, masters, of Health Administration, program. Will, serve in the changing, landscape of, health care and managed care as we, move from fee-for-service, to. Value-based, and, performance, based care, systems, our. PhD, grads will become the next generation of public. Health scientists. In public. And in, private sectors. About. Half of you are going to succeed us. In, the, academic missions, of public health the, training, you've received, from our faculty leaders, makes, you well-positioned, to, shape, a healthier, future no. Matter what, degree you receive today you. Will confront, a world over, the next decade, that is more populous, more, diverse older. More. Urban. And, with. A deeply, changing, climate, it, will be a world with. Astonishing. Advances, in technology. And with, the paradox, of declining, extreme. Poverty, yet. Rising, inequity, you'll. Face the challenge, of sustaining. Thriving. Life in. A warmer climate, are. They worse challenges. Than. Other generations. Have been have handled. Let's. Say they're. Different challenges. What. We hope for is that you will do astonishing. Things to, improve public, health, we, are enormous, ly proud to have played a role as, your teachers, your mentors, your, advisors, that, have helped you develop, the, tools that you will need to, make a difference, remember. This. Public. Health relies. On effective. Partnerships. And we. Encourage, you to stay connected to, the school to, its faculty, and to, each other as. Your careers, in public, health develop. Enough. Of me. Now. We turn, to, our. Speaker, for. The day, dr.. Nikki Lurie it is, truly my, honor. To. Introduce, her. To you, if you don't know her already. Dr.. Nicole Lurie is currently. Strategic. Advisor to the CEO, of the Coalition, for epidemic. Preparedness. Initiatives, as well, as an advisor to the World Bank and the World, Health Organization. She's a research, faculty. Member at Massachusetts, General, Hospital and, an, honorary, fellow at the Leonard Davis Institute for, health economics. At the University, of Pennsylvania, and, she. Practices, clinical, medicine, in a community, clinic in Washington, DC. Dr.. Lurie recently, completed an eight-year term as assistant. Secretary for preparedness, and response at. The US Department, of Health and Human Services, and in, that role she, led the HHS, response, to numerous public, health emergencies. Ranging. From infectious. Disease, to natural, and man-made disasters and. She, has been responsible for many innovations in, emergency, preparedness, and response. Nicole. Lurie is, one of our own one, of Minnesota's own, she's, a former professor of medicine and public health at the University, and was. Also medical, adviser to the Commissioner, of the Minnesota Department, of, Health her. Impressive, accomplishments. Are chronicled, in your, program. Today and you. Will see they. Are long. Extensive. And amazing, ladies. And gentlemen we could not be more pleased to have dr. Nicole, Lurie join us as commencement speaker, today please. Give her the warmest, Minnesota, welcome. That you can dr., Nicole Lurie. Thank. You so much Dean Finnegan and first let me offer my congratulations, to. All of you as new graduates and. Congratulations. And a thank you to, all of you who've been there to support them in this journey, I've. Been looking forward to giving this address and in some sense coming, home for a while now I continue. To have just wonderful, feelings about Minnesota, it's. Where I raised a family where, my first real job was, and where, I learn in the truest sense to be a doctor, in, other words where.

I First learned to practice public, health I, thought. I would just share a few experiences and personal lessons learned from this practice in the hope that they might resonate with you new, graduates, poised on the cusp of what I hope is something really, exciting as you. Move now from getting a degree to, actually using it. When. I first came to the Twin Cities I split, my time as John was alluding to between clinical, medicine at Hennepin County Medical Center and the, 15th floor of Phillips Wang and Steen and Health Services Research I do, clinic in the morning I'd ride the 16a bus across the river and be. At health services research in the afternoon, I was, pretty content and, then. One day maybe five, or six years, into this in, a, busy clinic which wasn't different. Than any other day a lady. Walked in having, missed, her last three, or four appointments, she. Had her. Six-year-old. And/or, a six-year-old, in tow and her, blood pressure was dangerously, high I first. Thought was oh my gosh she showed up and I need to get out of here and, I took a deep breath and I, went in and I said so what's up and she said well. My daughter is incarcerated in Chicago, for cocaine and I. Have my six-year-old grandson with me and he's, been having asthma attacks every night so I'm spending every night in the, Children's. Hospital. Emergency room and I ran out of Medicine they haven't been able to get it filled and I haven't been able to make. Any of my appointments, and sorry but I finally made it hope you don't mind if I brought him with me I took. A deep breath, technically. It was easy to know what to do to. Bring her blood pressure down to write her a prescription to. Take the kid down to the Pediatrics, clinic, sign him up from Minnesota care and get, his asthma treated and I went to write my note and I. Was totally paralyzed, I don't, know what it was about this patient but. I was totally paralyzed, and I sat there and said I can't, do this anymore, my, patients, can't get better until my community, gets better and I. Need to understand, what it means to be a doctor for my community. Fortunately. Not long after that I met Commissioner Malcolm and we've been good friends since. Then but she had a profound influence on, my, life and my thinking I changed. About everything. I did in terms, of my research my collaborations. My partnerships, and I, learned so, much along. The way, finally. As you heard from Dean Finnegan I had the opportunity to serve as a doctor for my country but truthfully, what. I learned here was foundational, to my success on a national level, public. Health isn't just about the discipline, of your degree at B biostats. MCH occupational. Health health services it's. About all of it and it's about how you leverage what, you've learned along the way into. A way of thinking a way of learning a way, of doing that solves problems for your community, your, state your, nation and in some cases for the planet in public. Health like in medicine we, understand, a lot about what makes our patients sick and about, that factors that create health it's. What you've all been learning I hope although, probably. It's harder, to help a population. Change its behavior than. It is an individual, patient so. What can I share with you about practicing, public health I'll try to boil it down to a couple of things number, one. It's. Okay to have strong beliefs but. Be open to the fact you might be wrong, it's. A lesson that might be particularly important, to learn and digest in our polarized environment, today, both. Here and elsewhere I've worked in public health I've worked with some people that have pretty strong beliefs in fact I've been known to have a few myself in. My. Research life I even went into some studies with pretty strong beliefs and pretty strong priors when. I first came I had the opportunity to work with John Christensen. And Aaron moscovites, on a study about Medicaid, managed care for. Chronically. Mentally ill, and aging, populations, I was, pretty, this was a terrible, idea, that Medicaid, managed care was bad for you and you know what I proved. Myself wrong, and I had to change my priors same. Thing happened in some work I did, with Dean Finnegan I had.

To Change my mind what. Distinguishes, you as a public health practitioner I, hope is not, that you have strong beliefs but, that you use the best available evidence to, do your work and that, you change your mind if the data prove you wrong, so. Number one be open to the fact that you could be wrong. One. Of the wonderful opportunities, I had here was to work on data collection and analysis. Went into creating Minnesota, care those. Of you who are here way back when we'll remember that we crafted, a bill it passed, both houses of the legislature, but, there was an election and a newly elected Republican, governor vetoed the bill in, public. Health you don't give up very easily and so, we got to work we, did some more analysis, advocates. Got to work putting a face on the problem I also. Did, some analysis, and not wanting to take anybody by surprise I went. To work and share that information with the newly appointed Republican. Health commissioner Mary Jo O'Brien. We. Started talking about possible, solutions, and. Before. We knew it we. Were having, a pretty big, exchange, of ideas and when. We got mad we would start to say oh that's a really Republican, idea that's a really democratic idea, and. We stopped that pretty quick when we started calling ideas, blue and green once, we called ideas blue and green we. Got along just fine it's, usually not about good or bad or about, right or wrong it's. Really important, to work across the spectrum of ideas and it, certainly is essential, to, working across the aisle to treating people with respect and. Auditioning. Issues of concern for them and finding. Common ground it's. Doable, and it's. Something that I hope that you all all learn to do. When. I set out to learn to be a doctor for my community I needed. To get pretty far outside the university, listen. To community, groups and community, leaders about what was making our community sick and together, we developed a wonderful collaboration, between the health plans and the school system around the health it's not. Time to go into that here but. I learned was the third bit of advice I have to share with you to listen to your community, they, will help you understand, what the issues are on how to solve the problems and to practice. Public health as you, heard from Dean Finnegan you need to be able to build those partnerships and to bring, those very, diverse, stakeholders. Together to do it all. Of these lessons served, me really well when, I left to work in federal government and being, a doctor for my country was one of the greatest honors that I could have had people. Ask me whether you can actually get stuff done. In government and my, answer is always a resounding, yes I joke. That. Is important, to have the skills in government, to know when someone is telling you something unlikely, to be true that was even, before the, era of fake news but. You did have to have really good reflexes, to know garbage when you saw it and you, also need good reflexes because you know what that policy window, opens all the time it's, usually open for about ten minutes and you've either got the reflexes, to jump through it or you don't and you, need to be grounded in something real that, grounding, how, to think about evidence something that I learned here from my faculty colleagues across.

This Terrific school and on. The street in communities, around. The Twin Cities what. I hope that you've gotten here, in your education, in the School of Public, Health is the, beginning of that the. Beginning of that education, and also to know that you're not done with that there's. Still more to learn. Number. Four in managing. Disasters, I came to appreciate in a pretty profound, way the, importance, of social capital and social networks I know you've learned all about that it wasn't. Because I finally learned how to use social media, you. See. According to the scholar of Daniel Aldridge social, networks and social capital turned, out to be the biggest determinants, for how a community fares, after, a disaster, and. Social. Networks and social capital Trump, the, size and scale of the disaster the, underlying. Socio economic, status of, the population how. Much money gets spent on it how, quickly people respond, it Trump's all of that stuff, and he, distinguishes, between two times of social capital he, talks about bond, social, capital the, social capital that Coke, makes a group cohesive, you, and your friends you and your colleagues, you and your fellow students, you. And your social network and then bridging social capital the. Kind of social capital that gets you. Out of that network and connected. In disaster, space to, some kind, of effective. Institution. Some. Why am I telling you about this now, because. You've now been come part of an incredible social network U, of M alums public health graduates, and you've, learned both bonding. And bridging capital, and doing it so, take advantage of it and contribute. To it whether, in your friendships, in finding, a job in giving, someone a helping hand and, remember. To, help your communities, build it as you practice public health. At. The same time I want to tell you that staying in your network not. Hearing, from others about what they're doing and how they think is anathema. To the practice of Public Health you've, got to get out there meet, with talk with work with people who are different from you which, brings me to my last kind of lesson, learned for the day when. People ask me what the biggest challenge, was that I ever had managing, disasters, and, the answer for me is really simple and it's, sometimes surprising, it's not about any given disaster, but, it was fighting, against, groupthink. Especially. When people get stressed or uncertain, it seems.

That They want to coalesce around a, simple single, idea, or solution. I expect. That the subconscious, behavior, at play is a little bit like the kinds of heuristics, that lead to stereotyping. And unconscious, bias but. They get these biases, around the perceived right answer and it's, very very difficult to get numerous points of view or solutions. To the problem at hand for, me as a leader I needed. To be sure that all points of view were heard even, the unpopular, or the wacky ones and that, I was fully cognizant, of all the possible course of actions and ways, to solve a problem you can't, do that if you just hang in a network of like-minded people and, I. Couldn't solve problems for my country or my community. Just. By listening to people who think like me. Obviously. You're graduating, at a challenging, time our. Country is sick and. Even though I'm no longer in government, I find, I can't abandon my patient, my country not. Now, the. Nature of the work and public health demands, that you practice, your profession with. A kind of civility, and respect, that almost seems quaint right now and that. You learn as I did to, work across a spectrum, of ideas on both, sides of the aisle that you, meet with work. With interact. With and come, to understand, people, whose ideas are different than yours and like. I might try to convince my patients, to give us smoking or my, community, to raise tobacco taxes, I might, try in a similar way to help these people evolve, in their thinking. When. I was thinking about what to say to you Dean, Finnegan reminded. Me that I'd be speaking to a group of graduates we'll be practicing public health well. Into the middle of this century. That's. Kind of awesome to grasp I think, how much has changed about, my own career especially. About what we know the, science of public health the science of medicine and how, we communicate, and relay it to one another and. I think about what hasn't changed and is unlikely to change and, that's, the human condition. Syria. And Alexa notwithstanding, people. Are likely to stay people, at least for a while longer which. Means that understanding. And working with human behavior is essential, the. Things that make people sick the, things that make communities, sick will, continue to do so and working, to promote the conditions, that help people be healthy wherever. And however you do it and with. The best available evidence, that. You can generate, or muster will continue, to be the practice, of our profession, so. Congratulations. To the class of 2018 I wish, you all well. Nikki. Thank you so much for. Sharing. Those thoughts, that advice. And. I think one of the best things about being dean of this school is that you get a chance to interact with. Some. Of our extraordinary. Students. We, have a lot of them so I don't get to interact with all of you personally but, a lot of you and. One. Of the things is is that I've always learned as a Dean is that. You give me inspiration. As. Much as I hope we give you inspiration. It. Gives us all great hope for the future and. So. It is my pleasure to. Introduce, today's. Student. Speaker, madeline, johnson, addressing. The class of 2018. Maddie. Has served as the class representative. For the public health administration and, policy cohort. And she's, been a leader in the classroom as a teaching. Assistant, she. Is a 2018. Inductee. Into the Delta Omega, Honor Society in, public, health maddie. Hopes to use her public health skills to advocate, for marginalized. Populations. To, create more equitable, policies. That, will result, in healthier. Communities. Please. Join me in welcoming the. School of public health student, commencement speaker 2018. Maddie, Johnson. Thank. You Dean Finnegan. Angela. Davis a political, activist, and author once, stated. I'm. No longer accepting. The things I cannot, change, I'm. Changing. The things I cannot. Accept. When. I think of my peers, at the, University. Of Minnesota, School, of Public Health I think. Of individuals, who. Not only strive, for change but. Also strive for change in a, world that, perceives change, as unlikely. I. Began. My graduate, career, because. I could not accept, that our society. Neglects. Some, of its most marginalized. Members. Throughout. My studies I have, learned how, I can be a change, agent both. In my neighborhood, and the, world. The. Best teachers, have, been my peers, because. Each of them lives out their values, in their everyday life.

A. Public. Health graduate, student is a. Typical. Public. Health is not, a day job, public. Health is a, way of life. Public. Health is personal, and each. Of us has, a reason, for being here. We. Are here to change the things we. Cannot accept. Welcome. Friends, family. Administration. And, professors. Thank. You for joining us today I. Hope. That each of you enjoys, the celebrations. And excitement, of graduation. I'd. Like to take a moment to. Ask my peers to consider, a few, questions. Why. Did you come here. What. Have. You learned and. Where. Are you. Going. Now. To my first question. Why. Did you come here. Public. Health and health care are personal. We. All have a story, one. Where we saw a system, that is broken. We. Want to fix this, broken system. Prior. To attending graduate, school I lived. In New Haven Connecticut and, worked. As a case manager at Columbus House a homeless. Shelter in the hill which, is the poorest neighborhood, in the city. Each. Day I walk tour bus to work starting. Near the stores where students could purchase dress, shirts for $300. And moving. Towards abandoned, buildings, trash. Ridden streets and broken. Sidewalks, I, followed. The path down. Davenport. Avenue and, ended. My journey at Le, Tigre, saw Boulevard. Where Columbus House stood. My. Team served the most marginalized. Individuals, who were experiencing. Homelessness. Twice. A week we. Would spend our mornings out in the community, visiting. Soup kitchen kitchens, and homeless. Encampments. Found, under bridges and in, the woods. Our. Goal. Was, to build trust with, these individuals. Many. Of whom did, not trust. Institutions. One. Of my primary tasks, of the case manager, was, to assist, individuals with. Housing, applications. However. The. Rules to qualify, for public housing became. More and more strict. Barring. My most vulnerable clients. From assistance. Through. My experience, in direct service work I realized. That there is a disconnect. Between, policymakers. And. Individuals. Who, are impacted by policy. Many. Of my clients were not provided. With the resource, is necessary, to live and now. They were being barred from public, housing, further. Entrenching. Them in poverty. This. Was something I could not accept, so. I decided, to make a change and pursue, my graduate studies, in public, health.

Specifically. Focusing. On health, policy I. Know. Many of my peers have. Similar stories and reasons, for being here today. Now. For a question that, reflects on our time here at the University, of Minnesota School of Public Health. What. Have. You learned last. Fall, my experience, with the complexities. Of the health care system, paralleled. With my coursework as my family lost three of our beloved family. Members. My. Grandfather. My. Grandmother and, my. Uncle I. Remember. The moment my mother called me and informed. Me that my grandfather, was sitting in a downtown, emergency. Room because. There was a shortage of geriatric. Psychiatric. Beds. My. Grandfather, had suffered for years from dementia. And after. My grandmother, his, primary, caretaker, had a stroke he had, to move into a memory, care union. When. This unit could no longer support, him, staff. Transferred. Him to the ER and ultimately. A psychiatric. Unit about. An hour from home making. It difficult for, family, to visit him. Throughout. My studies I have, learned the lesson, that. Health. Care is, personal. And. Public. Health is personal. This. Is what motivates, us to fight for change. During. These last two years not. Only have I learned from my peers but. I have leaned on my classmates, during times of turmoil, I, have. Found a community, of individuals. Who fight to change the, aspects. Of society, that. Are unacceptable. Each. Of us has a reason, for being here and we, have spent time developing. Skills, to. Change this world into the, world that we envision, in. This. World the, health of an individual, is not, based on the zip code, but. Will be rooted, in the, understanding, that, everyone. Deserves. To be healthy. Now. For. A final question. Where. Are you, going. Public. Health work is driven, by. Individual. Stories. To. Successfully. Work in the field of Public Health one. Has to think systemically. While. While, also maintaining, compassion. For, the individual. When. I look to my peers I see. Individuals. Who want, to make systemic. Change, in our healthcare system, I, also. See individuals, who are moving into direct service work with, a public, health perspective. We. Need advocates, in direct. Service, research. And, policy. One. Field cannot, function without, the others. Public. Health merges, direct, experience, with a desire, for change and does. Not ask the individual, why. Did why, did this happen but. More specifically. Inquires. How. Did you get here and, where. Do you need to go. In. A. Month I will, be moving to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. To. Start a fellowship, where I will be working with the city health department. This. City has, some similar, characteristics, to, New Haven, residents. Face, extreme. Health disparities. But. I am prepared, to work with, community, members to. Create change, at a. Systemic, level. I will be stepping out of my comfort zone I. Challenge. Each of you to do the same. Step. Out of your comfort zone. The. Only way we can bring about change is if, we take a chance by, walking, into the. Unknown. Think. Of what motivates, you and how. You can incorporate, these. Passions. Into. Your career and. Lifestyle. Dr.. Martin Luther King jr. once stated. Our. Lives, begin. To end the, day, we, become silent, about, the, things that matter, I. Ask. You once again to. Consider. Why. Did. You come here. What. Have. You learned and. Where. Are, you, going. These. Questions will help shape your future. Today. You. Are a graduate, of the. University. Of Minnesota School of, Public Health. Now. Is the time to, speak up about the things that, matter. By. Reflecting, on your personal, experience. You. Can use your story to. Bring about change. I'm. No longer, accepting. The things I cannot, change. I'm. Changing, the things I cannot, accept. Thank. You. Well. Congratulations. 2018. Class, School, of Public Health you picked the right student, speaker, wouldn't you agree. All. Right, the time has now come. Today. Is a significant. Milestone in the lives of our graduates and their families and. Graduates. Keep in mind that, this. Doesn't mark, an ending, point, the, word is commencement. After, all and, from. A passage, standpoint, that means the beginning of. The next stage of your life so. It's a time when you take all that you've learned in the classroom in the field what you've learned, from us and from one another and, you transform, that into public, health practice, and, science.

And As. Public. Health professionals, so, I'm going to invite, professor. Diane, Newmark Steiner to, the, podium to, present this, year's candidates, for. Degrees, from, the School of Public Health and. Eventually. We will ask Regent. Beeson to accept. That but for now we're going to ask Regent, Beeson and I'm ECAM Bernero to, join me over here to my left to, shake our graduates, hands so, professor. Newmark, Steiner the, show. Is yours. Thank. You Dean Finnegan and. Congratulations. To everyone it. Is now my pleasure my. Absolute, pleasure to introduce, the. School of Public Health class, of. 2018. The. First graduates. Are recipients. Of the master, of Healthcare Administration. Chase. Adams. Sam. Barney. Landon. Bait. Kelsey. Brewer. Eric. Eibar, speaker. Jacqueline. Abner. Jennifer. Elledge. Gale. Fernandez. Sam. Fox. Rebecca. Gottfredson. Emily. Herman. Philip. Johnson. Catherine. Cling go. Bridge. At night. Nathan. Koons. Andrew. Lamp wrecked. Kelly. Lit. Simoneaux. Grant. Longley. Joseph. Low thei. Bhupinder. Man honey. Alexander. McKee. Brenham. Mills. Mina. Montgomery. Scott. Inga. Egg. Tani tani. Bryan. Peterson. Matthew. Pullman. Emily. Pile. Eric. Roth II. I'm. Sorry, Erin Rosie. Nikita. Sharma. Kendall. Sorum. Julia. Tang. Margaret. Templeton. Janis. Trained. Yes. You're Odin. Trisha. Bella's avec. Casey. Banton. Melissa. Band. Alif. Gingy. Christina. Gindin. Joy. Harkin. Eric. Mauer. Joseph. Small. Catherine's. Temper. Chelsea. Trikha. Catherine. Priddle, Vogel. And. Now. We are going to move to our community. Health promotion. Students. Caitlin. And her home. Cassandra. Are Velo. Caitlin. Bagley. Madison. Cutler. Elizabeth. Dorsey. Bobby. Gasps. Raven. Gibbs. Mike. How hanga. Tara. Helm. Solveig. Whole, verse ten Melhem. Krysta, mass tell. Devon. McFadden. Hey. Lee Miller. Alisa. Muller. Jamie. Murphy. Anastacio. Ray. Sabrina. Ruhollah. Michelle. Sam Cartier. Andrew. Stone. Biba. Tata. Christie. Wang. Jessica.

War Fuel. And. Now. We move to our students. Who are getting their mph, in environmental. Health and, we'll. Begin with Corey, Anderson. Jacob. Anderson. Jillian. Bagley. Layabout. Erin. Betcha, betcha kovitch. Jennifer. Blum. Sarah. Bonus key. Carrie. Carlson. Sarah. Ackerman. Kelly. Harstad. Connor. Hoff. Brent. Jamison. Kirtan. Achieva. Shan. Akina. Daniel. Our the, third. Jaime. Margita. Anna. McAlister. Jia. Michaels. Elizabeth. Neater, lucky. Emmanuel. Nam. Miriam. Sorry. Robin. Tobias. Kelly. Valina. Catherine. Wand. John. Shonda. And. Now. We present the, Masters, of Public Health, in epidemiology, and. We. Will begin with, olefin. Malaya, Roebuck. Oona. Elizabeth. Binoy. Peter. Bosma. Anya. Bork. Christopher. Is cornea. Shelby. Crespi. Married. A lock wheel. Nikolas. Drysdale. Benjamin. ID. Emma. Fields. Abigail. GAD, boy. Jennifer. Garris. Kaitlyn. Ayer era. May say. Right. Joshua. I cook, I kya Morni son. Akhil. Mores. Angela. Lakhs. Michael. ESCO. Amanda. Luth. Luke. Magnussen. Alexia. Malaga. Parker. Marton, with. Chaka. Chaka. Bhavani. Jessica. Moore. Angelica. Nia Barry. Heather. Louis. Hibari. Oh me Oh nunca. Most. Soon, oye, nunca. Katherine. Peterson. Creeper. POW Dale. Rama. Rama. Subramanian. Jordan. Roberts. Elena. Sigmund. Loris. Tov. Showing. Tan. Reginald. Ward okuu. Brooke. Wittenmyer. And. Now. We'll move to our masters, of Public Health in maternal, and child, in. Maternal, and child health and, we'll. Begin with, Stephanie, Boylan. Juliana. Carlson. Miranda. Collard. Claire. Cunningham. Lauren. Dowson. Emily. Tonight. Kyla. Flattened. Asha. Hasan. Katara. Hussein. Etre. Hussein. Emily. Laurent. Megan. Matt. Georgiana. Win. Tal. Epic, or den helder boon may. Totally. Pay or they moon may write. Such. Beautiful, names I, want to make sure I get them right. Elise. Parks. Elizabeth. Steiner. Rebecca. Strauss. Guy. In Bangalore. Kristin. Wanta. April. Wilhelm. And. Now. We'll move to our mph, in public, health administration, and policy and, we'll. Begin with Alison. Oxy. Christopher. Hodge Allah. Samantha. Ouch. Miriam. Rose a malanga. Lila. Baker. Palek. Batra. Benjamin. Butler.

Octavia. Cheatham. Yogi. Fan. Miko. Gum bun. Nantan. E Ganesh. Elizabeth. Grizz mala. Son. De la Hache, hwanhee. Madeleine. Janssen, beautiful. Speak. Rochelle. Joseph. Just. Wait here for a second. Aditya. Kapoor. Whitney. Custer. Alice. Cries, ax. Cyril. Are. Sarah. Letterman. Tina. Lincoln. Sophie. Along. Quinn. Mallory. Annelise. Minute. Sarah. Muna. Capita. Parker. Megan. Sanders. Carlin. Schultz. Justin. Smith. Katelyn. Smith. Anna. Westervelt. Maria. Eunice. And. Now. We, will go to our mph. Public. Public. Health administration, and policy executive. Program, and we will begin with Brett Baker. Holly. Bowie. Kelsey. Fink. Rachel. Gliss Minh. Angel. Kerr enta. Abigail. Law, no. Matt. Palm. Sean. Severson. Angela. Wilson. And. Now, we'll move to our mph, in public health informatics. Beginning. With Christine, fong, fong ha. Patrick. Malone. Raul. Noriega. Amira. Rivera. Mark. Trail. Jen. Chow John. And. Now. We'll move to our masters. Of Public Health in public, health nutrition, beginning. With Nicole cheemba today. Megan. Deering. Cecilia. DiCaprio. Amber. Ferguson. Angela. Gunther. Heidi. Johnson. Ciara. Kirby. Julia. Lange. Danielle. Lundstrom. Regina. Moreno. Megan. Rata maker. Chelsea. Todd. Mark. We. Rachel. Wirthlin. Sonia. Knee. And. Now, removed, her mph, in public health practice, beginning. With Nancy, Brewster. Patrick. Day. Abdi. Fatah haji. Carol. Nelson. Recurse. Join enan. Williams. Swanstrom. And now we'll move to our masters, of science in, biostatistics and. We'll, begin with meghana, Bhima. Rao. See. You Chen. Wen. Hua ping, Guo. Zu. G. Un. U ng. Nikolas. Marca. Michael. Petaled. Luo. Shisha. Mangly. Shower. And. Now, we'll move to our ms degrees, in clinical, research and, we'll, begin with, Viktor we cut yield. And. I. Guess we'll end with him do. So. Now we'll move to our masters, of science and environmental. Health beginning, with jessica, leigh, Helmer. Hannah. Culp. Mitchell. Cruz. Am. Ruta. Marwa. Mason. Murdock. And. Now we'll move to our MS and health services, research, policy, and, administration. Morgan. School, Road. John. Jost. I need, my notes now. So. I think we should give her a big round of applause for all of our master students. So. Now I have the honor of. Welcoming. Our PhD. Students, this is really, this, represents, a huge huge, amount of work and we're, going to have each one hooded, by, their PhD. Advisor or advisors and we're, going to begin with. Jarran, our bet who, is going to be hooded by associate, professor. Xiao, Li Basu. Oh. Wait. It takes. Brandon. Coke will be hooded by assistant. Professors, David. Vac and Julian, Wilson. Tn. Malou will. Be hooded by associate, professor, Zhang hua. Luo. Michael. O'Connell. Who. Will be hooded by assistant, professor, Eric, Locke. Janssen, CUSO Janssen. Coucil, who, will be hooded by assistant. Professor, David, vac. Qiong, Wu, who. Will be hooded by way. Pan professor, way pan and associate, professor way. Wagwan. Sariah. Appling, who, will be hooded by Professor. Craig Hedberg, and patron le. Rony. Arouse, will. Be hooded by associate, professor, Jeffrey, Mandel. Navneet. Cour bid, van who, will be hooded by Professor.

Susan, Gerber, ik. Steve. Bennett will, be hooded by Professor. Craig Hedberg, and associate. Professor Katie. Pelican. Deirdre. Green will. Be hooded by professor, susan, gerbic. Cajun. Huang, will, be hooded by associate. Professor, George, Maldonado. Janell, Lamont will be hooded by Professor, Pat McGovern. Yang. Liu, will. Be presented, will be hooded by assistant, professor, Matteo, convert, Eno. Adam. Schwartz, will, be hooded by Professor Susan Gerber ik. You. Enshou, will. Be hooded by Professor guru Mukhi Ramachandran. And professor. Bruce Alexander. Evans. Thorley, who, will be hooded by professors. Bruce Alexander, and, Jeff bender. Maria. San. Durham who, will be presented. Who will be hooded by regent, professor, michael osterholm, an assistant, professor, Nicole basta. Now. We move to our PhD. Students, in epidemiology. Beginning. With Melvin Donaldson. Who will be hooded by associate. Professor, Aaron. Krebbs. Cara. Gavin, who will be hooded by associate, professor, Jennifer Lindy. No. El Grande Rose who. Will be hooded by professor. Pamela. Shriner. Patrick. Hammett, who, will be hooded by Professor, Harry Landau. You, got to enjoy the moment who worked hard for it so yes. Nicholas. Rhett Kerr who will be who, will be hooded by associate, professor, Richard, Mack Lajos. Tt. LA baya de, Neely de. De. Who. Will be hooded by professor, John diamond. Coleman. Drake will, be hooded by professor, gene Abraham, and professor, emeritus Roger, Feldman. Lucas. Higuera, who. Will be hooded by professor, Jean Abraham, and professor, emeritus Roger. Feldman. Jennifer. Joseph, who, will be hooded by professor, Beth Verne egg and assistant, professor Nathan. Shippi. Nataly. Schware who, will be hooded by professor. Karen Koontz and assistant, professor Mary. Butler. Joo. Young Tong who, will be hooded by associate, professor, Sara Gollust. Congratulations. To the entire class, of 2018. I, now. Have the privilege of, introducing, beth, vern egg professor.

And Senior associate, dean for. Academic affairs. And research to, introduce, the public health professionals. Pledge. One. Of our most treasured commencement. Traditions, is a recitation, of the public health professionals. Pledge the. Statement, affirms our shared goal in promoting the health of populations and. It, unites us as a profession. The. Pledge is printed on page 28, the final page of your program as, part. Of the tradition, the incoming, School of Public Health Student, Senate President is, invited. To lead the graduates, in the pledge I invite. Jada Palmer, a Master, of Public Health student, in epidemiology, to, join us on stage. Graduates. Of the class of 2018. It's. An honor to lead you in the pledge please. Stand, and repeat after me. As. A. Public, health professional. Dedicated. To enhancing the, health status. And. Well-being. Of individuals. And communities, I. Pledge. To hold the public interest and. Health. Of populations. As. My. High professional. Goals. Graduates. Please be seated. Next. I have the pleasure of introducing Jan, Malcolm, Commissioner, of the Minnesota Department of Health to welcome you to the public to, the public health professional, and scientific, community, please, welcome Commissioner. Malcolm. Good. Evening Thank, You Dean Finnegan for, the honor of joining you today and it's a special privilege for me to be here with dr. Nikki, Lurie one, of our nation's great public, health leaders my longtime colleague and my friend, congratulations. Graduates. And welcome to the remarkable, field of public health you. Are joining a special, profession, at a critical time the. Contributions. Of this field have been Legion if, not always recognized. For many generations I know, that tradition, will continue but. Your generation, has an opportunity to dramatically, accelerate, the impact, of Public Health on some, of society's greatest. Challenges, we. Need you to embrace that opportunity the. Health of our local communities, our state's our nation, indeed the world need. What public health has, to offer and what you have to offer the. Challenges, as you've heard this evening are many from. New and reemerging. As well as old infectious. Diseases and environmental hazards, to. Intractable, chronic illnesses, rooted not only, in personal, behaviors, but in deeply, embedded community. Structures. The. Values, that I see so clearly in the people, of public health are compelling, a, reliance. On evidence, an embrace. Of interdependence. A respect. For, the wisdom and the rights to self-determination of. Communities. A, commitment. To social justice and, an, appreciation for the value of genuine, collaboration. Combine. Those with the science, and the knowledge base of Public Health how. To understand, patterns and, causes, of health and, illness how. To build and evaluate, interventions and, how to shape policies, that set and that. Can change the, conditions, in communities, and organizations. Public. Health sees the big picture more than any other field I can think of and, understands.

The Way complex, systems, relate to our local and our global challenges, and that. Is. Key to improving health come health, outcomes for all people everywhere I wish. You much success in this work whether, it is in science, education, programs. Service, delivery, administration. Or public policy and in. Whichever sector, you practice, business, nonprofit. Health care or government, we. Need your, leadership I wish. You much joy, in the richness and the importance, of this work and in, the opportunities. That you will have to be our leaders of the future. Congratulations. On your tremendous accomplishments. I wish you all the best, welcome. Got. To keep my thumb in the script here. So. Graduates. You. Are soon to be official, alumni, of the school of the public health and, I. Don't know if you know this but our alumni family. Includes, over. 12,000. Living alums and it stretches around the globe SPH. Alums, have become national health, ministers, hospital, CEOs, state. Epidemiologists. And leaders within the World Health. Organization. And much much more, you, joined a distinguished. Group of people who share the commitment to make the world a healthier place, and I have no doubt that all of you will, make your mark as well, here. To deliver a message of welcome is I. Me Cambron aro president. Of the school of public health Alumni, Society she. Received, her Master of Public Health degree, in maternal, and child health in. 2009. Her. Work is about, implementing, and evaluating, public, health and international. Development programs. And providing. Thought leadership, in the, design and management, this, has taken both, place. Both domestically. As well as internationally and. Today. She, is director, of impact. Analysis. Evaluation and, learning, at the Minneapolis, foundation, please. Welcome, Amy, kam Bernero. Thank. You Dean Finnegan and hello, and congratulations, class of 2018. I'm, honored, and privileged, to be welcoming you to, the School of Public Health Alumni, Society, our. School produced the first class of graduates in. 1944. So, if you do the math that, you are now the 74th. Class and as, Dean Finnegan. Mentioned. There, are, a lot of alumni over. 12,000. SPH, grads, these. Individuals, span the state country. In the globe and we, are a strong network of leaders committed. To public health and to improving the health and well-being of, people around the world as a. Graduate of the school each, of you are now a member of the SPH, Alumni Society now. Don't worry there's no need to, fill out a form or sign up you're, automatically, enrolled in one of us. You'll. Soon receive, an email welcoming, you to the nice Society, and inviting, you to get connected and I, strongly suggest. That you connect with this amazing, network, as, dr., Lurie mentioned, the bonding, and bridging capitals, take advantage of that our alumni. Societies. Both a place where you can give and get back you. Can become a mentor join, our alumni board contribute. To the academic, experience for, practical, learning of students. Who will be following, in your footsteps. You, can attend events, make, donations, to, support the school fundraising campaign, or become a preceptor, the, opportunities. To give back abound, and, here's. What we promise you the, more you put into the Alumni Society the. More you'll get it from it just, like your student experience the more engaged, you are the. More you invest best, in those building, those relationships, the. More you can benefit, from our strong and engaged alumni network, the. Alumni Society offers you opportunities, to stays. Connected as a lifelong, learner it provides. A network of professional, colleagues, and mentors as you navigate your career, and as you grow we. Give you the opportunities, for leadership and development through, our volunteer. And, boards as and, as well as to explore public health around the world through our travel, program, perhaps. Most. Importantly. We. Help you stay connected to this day, these. People and, the. Passion, for Public Health that, may help, you make it through graduate, school.

So. One more time let. Me say congratulations and. Welcome, I am proud, to call you a colleague, up here and in, just a few more minutes, a fellow. Alumna, of the School, of Public Health. Now. We. Need to make this official and I. Want to introduce the. University, Board, of Regents, member Richard Beeson who will confirm. Your. Degrees confer, your degrees, Regent. Beeson is executive. Vice president for corporate development, and government relations at, sunrise banks. And following. Twenty years as president, and chief executive, officer of the sunrise own park Midway, Bank in st. Paul he. Received, a Bachelor, of Arts in political science, from the University, of Minnesota, and an, MBA from the University of, st. Thomas and he currently serves, on the board, of the fr Bigelow, Foundation, an affiliate. Of Minnesota. Philanthropy partners, and, he. Has previously served, a two-year term. As chair. Of the Board of Regents. Regent. Beeson as Dean of the School of Public Health it is, my pleasure to present to, you the, 2018. Graduates. Of the School of Public Health, graduates. Please, rise and welcome Regent. Beeson. Well. Thank you Dean Finnegan it's, inspiring. To be here today and on behalf of President Eric Kaler and the university, Minnesota. Board of Regents, I extend my heartfelt congratulations, to. The class of 2018, and excited. To see the impact you'll have of the future of health in this, country and around the world Thank. You Dean Finnegan for inviting me to be here today for this momentous occasion, for the School of Public Health and grants. Graduates, today so. Upon. The recommendation, of the faculty, and by virtue of the authority vested, in the board reaches the University, of Minnesota I now confer upon you the, degree for which who qualified. Congratulations. Graduates. College, of. This. Is my second commencement, today, public. Health 2018. Graduations. That's. About as official, as it gets right now. Before we do. The Minnesota rouser and March on out, you. Graduates. Have, a. Debt. That you owe your. Applause and. Your gratitude, to all, of those other people in the audience for. All of the emotional, support the. Financial, support sometimes and, all. Of the time and the energy and support that you receive from them to accomplish, the goal that you have achieved tonight. Please. Give, them the, loudest, round of applause you can muster. And. With. That I think we, should do the Minnesota, rouser and let's go band.

2018-05-23 06:20

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