School of Hospitality and Tourism

School of Hospitality and Tourism

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good afternoon class of 2021 i am julie your dean and i'm thrilled to join you live to celebrate this milestone with you you have worked diligently persevered and our entire algonquin college community feels proud to have been a part of your academic journey i'm very excited to be able to join you live to celebrate online together today's convocation celebration will take place in two segments including all of the traditional elements of convocation along with customized online elements just for our grads i'll be here to virtually walk us through together first we will watch our school's official convocation ceremony second i will invite you to watch your customized graduate slide that can be found on our school's convocation page and then join you for a post ceremony reception where you can reconnect with faculty and peers so let's get started while you watch our school's convocation ceremony i encourage you to reflect on your accomplishments that brought you to this day this ceremony was curated with each of you in life the speeches reflect your drive and perseverance through all the obstacles you faced a fable gather with friends and family whether it be in person or online and take it all in you've graduated this is for you class of 2021 after the ceremony is over i'll walk you through to the next step welcome everyone to the algonquin college convocation ceremonies my english name is ron mcclester and i am the vice president truth reconciliation and indigenization here at the college i am also turtle clan of the oneida nation as a guest algonquin college is proud to acknowledge that today's convocation ceremony is taking place on the unseated and traditional territory of the algonquin anishinaabe people in recognition of this we will begin today's ceremony with bear nation as they use traditional languages of the anishinaabe people and their song will offer encouragement and of course the powerful beat of the drum which always represents the heartbeat of our mother earth please also visit the main convocation site to hear from our friend and our elder barbara dumont hill yeah won't go yo yan lady good work [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] hey hello everyone before we begin i just want to say thank you to the bear nation for their performance in celebration of our students it was a very meaningful and fitting way to begin our ceremony my name is chris jansen and i am the senior vice president academic at algonquin college today it is my distinct honor to serve as master of ceremony for algonquin college's 2021 spring convocation first and foremost i want to welcome our graduates to these important festivities this is your well-deserved moment we are gathered remotely to celebrate your tenacity commitment and innovation your many sacrifices your collective achievements and success stories today we also welcome all your friends and family members who may be watching this online we are so thrilled you are able to join us today for this wonderful celebration this year marks the second time our convocation ceremony is being held remotely due to the provincial shutdown and public health advice regarding the coronavirus large gatherings and events are currently not permitted as a result the college is hosting all algonquin college convocation ceremonies online again this year this graduating class has already proven how adaptable it is embracing new approaches to learning collaborating and socializing celebrating throughout the pandemic while we cannot all celebrate in the same physical space we can all celebrate in the same spirit across ottawa pembroke and perth this province this country and even abroad we come together and connect today on this momentous occasion this online ceremony has been created with you the graduate in mind combining all the traditional aspects that you would have experienced in person and also an opportunity connect with your faculty and peers in your program specific reception following this ceremony now let's get started today you are realizing your dreams and coming to the end of your current academic roads you are now ready to take new paths and meet the challenges that lay ahead but if i can offer one piece of advice it is that lifelong learning remains fundamental to your journeys ahead as leonardo da vinci said learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts never fears and never regrets i know you leave algonquin college with many skills and tools you can employ as you continue to learn and grow and make your marks in your chosen fields at this point i ask all who are able to please stand and join with our vocalist aria ratanavang in the singing of our national anthem aria is a graduate of the algonquin college performing arts program maria thank you oh canada our home and native land true patriot love in all of us command with glowing hearts we see the rise the true north strong and free from far and wide o canada we stand on guard for thee god keep our land glorious and free oh canada we stand on guard for thee oh canada we stand on guard for thee [Music] thank you aria i now call upon claude brule president and ceo of algonquin college to give the president's address president burleigh thank you chris greetings graduates of 2021 bonjour as your president i am both humbled and honored to be with you on this happy occasion to celebrate not only your accomplishments but also your resilience and your determination at this unique time in the history of the college our country and indeed the world graduates this is your celebration congratulations to each and every one of you on behalf of the algonquin college board of governors i want to welcome you our graduates your family friends and guests as well as our faculty and staff to our virtual convocation ceremony while we cannot come together under one roof we can come together as one college community to recognize the incredible achievements of so many at this special time we also want to take the time to recognize and thank the people who supported our graduates along their academic journey to all the parents grandparents friends mentors who lent a hand or sometimes a shoulder to lean on dispense sage advice or perhaps assisted financially thank you for your support of our graduates and i know that our graduates feel the same way too navigating the past year has been difficult and the stories that have emerged are complex but through the many challenges we've always been able to rely on our collective strength sense of optimism and comfort in the knowledge that we're making progress together while our journey through this pandemic is not over we're seeing glimpse of hope on the horizon millions of people in different parts of the world and across canada are being vaccinated increasing the prospects of hugging our loved ones once again and returning to some degree of normalcy within our communities graduates that same sense of hope surrounds us as we celebrate today with your loved ones classmates and mentors the optimisms we are feeling today can also serve as a powerful motivator in the years ahead as we begin the enormous task of building a stronger and more equitably distributed economy a more inclusive and reconciled society a more sustainable environment the global recovery that is about to commence will provide you with opportunity not seen in generations you are the leaders we will take the lessons we've all learned this past year and forge a new path forward this pandemic has shown a light on the most vulnerable places and people in our society we know that it has disproportionately affected women indigenous communities people of color the elderly and impoverished and we've also been confronted this past year with harsh truth and realities of racism and injustice's past and present that many of us have not yet fully appreciated or understood let alone take concrete steps to address either in our own individual ways or collectively the opportunity to address these shortcomings and build a society based on respect and caring lies before all of us and now includes you you are equipped to do this important work thanks in part to the sacrifices that you've made over the last year and the education and training you have received you are now prepared to seize these new opportunities because you have learned to work effectively in volatile uncertain complex and ambiguous time as you prepare to unleash your potential during these great times of uncertainties you can take comfort in knowing that you are not alone not only do you have family and friends from which you can draw great strength but there you are now part of an extended family over 200 000 algonquin college alumni i encourage you to explore the many opportunities our alumni and friends network now offer you to stay connected the college community has so many reasons to be inspired and proud with your indulgence i will highlight two inspiring stories of graduates who are lending their skills to make a difference on the front line and help with the recovery take luciana vieira a graduate of algonquin's 1999 practical nursing program who is now general manager at a retirement home in north york she left her young daughter in the care of her grandmother and moved into the retirement home full-time because the need to support the residents and her team was so critical and ali visser a recent graduate of the personal support worker program she had just finished her training at algonquin college when she was immediately hired at the osgood care center where she joined her mom jackie a veteran personal support worker to provide care to residents during the most dire days of the pandemic ali and luciana both exemplified the willingness to put good of the community ahead of self-interest these values will continue to form the cornerstone of our recovery from this pandemic and today you are ready to step forth and play your part in this incredible story and speaking of stories it's no secret that i'm a big fan of the author neil gaiman and i'd like to borrow what i think are appropriate quotes for today's celebration if you dare nothing then when the day is over nothing is all that you will have gained and that which is dreamt can never be lost can never be undreamt now more than ever graduates the world needs you to be bold dare yourself to dream big dreams i encourage you to take those dreams and be fearless in making them come true let the abundance of opportunity that surrounds you and your desire to succeed be what defines you take pride in the strength and resolve that have helped carry you to this day and let it light your path as you set forward on this coming journey congratulations graduates and best wishes on your continued success nige thank you merci thank you president brulee for your thoughtful remarks and words of wisdom to the graduates we will now proceed with the conferral of an honorary degree the college awards honorary degrees on occasion to acknowledge exemplary achievement in education industry community service or other areas of leadership in our society this honor is bestowed upon individuals who have made a difference in the lives of our students our college and our country individuals who share the college's values of caring learning integrity and respect and who serve as shining examples of what is possible when one is committed to the betterment of our community and our world president brulee members of the board of governors graduates families and friends i am honored to present an individual who represents the passion heart and determination of algonquin college joe thontengle joe thontengle is the owner and founder of ottawa restaurants coconut lagoon and tally he has been at the forefront of the ottawa restaurant industry since 2004. in 2008 he was named otto chef of the year by the canadian culinary foundation joe has competed and won top prizes at the canadian culinary championships winning the highest award the gold medal in 2016. he has also earned the prestigious certified chef to cuisine ccc designation this past year joe and his fellow chefs in ottawa created food for thought an organization that provides hot meals to those in need in ottawa food for thought was originally run out of his downtown restaurant tally but has since relocated the organization provides food for recent immigrants refugees people on social assistance those fleeing from domestic violence those affected by the pandemic and seniors approximately one thousand meals a day are provided by local chefs and volunteers joe is a local businessman who when operating at full capacity employs 30 employees in october of 2020 he published a cookbook comprised of recipes from his restaurant that won a gold medal from the taste canada awards the recipes were a nod to his home province of kerala and the coconut-based lighter indian cuisine that his restaurants are known for last fall joe was named a recipient of the order of ottawa by mayor jim watson and also in 2020 the united way named him outstanding individual philanthropist as a community builder he is a member of the knights of columbus and sits on the board of the great india festival where he serves as vice chair he is also a member of the tukla culinary federation joe serves as a guest lecturer speaking to students from algonquin college's school of hospitality and tourism mr president members of the board of governors graduates and guests i am pleased to present the 2021 honorary degree recipient joe fontengal by the authority of the board of governors and on behalf of president brulee algonquin college is pleased to confer upon you one of its highest honors that of honorary degree in recognition of joe thottongold's career in making ottawa a better place we take pleasure in investing him with an honorary degree mr thangle i invite you now to give your address thank you chris i stand here with profuse joy and pleasure of this special occasion that has imbued me with an attitude of gratitude first and foremost let me take this moment to thank the almighty god for tremendously filling me with the grace and the blessings and above all his own presence with me during every walk of my life gratitude is the most magnificent form of courtesy i am deeply moved by the great compliment accorded to me today i thank all of you for recognizing me for this compliment and i express my gratitude to algonquin college for recognizing me for this honorary degree being a guest lecturer of international cuisine i always acknowledge the college instant and continuous guidance and support in each and every gesture of my life this degree means a lot to me now my heart is bursting with pride for this wonderful achievement i am totally indebted to you for your efforts you have taken for considering me for this degree and i am totally thrilled to get this there is nothing permanent except the change change is happening in every day of our lives and this time i recall and see myself as a student of hotel school which i completed from india in the year of 1994. there have been lot of changes happening since then it provided me the strength and the knowledge to be a good professional in the hospitality industry there have been a lot of ups and downs but accepting the difference led me to be stronger and stronger because it is the principle of my life and it is that which made me what i am today nowadays i see and hear from many telling me you are a successful chef i acknowledge here that my family plays a vital role my allowing wife summa for her support marianne matthew and michael for their inspirations it is their continuous support and their encouraging words which made me to never lose hope the family of coconut lagoon and thali restaurants they are predominant cause of all my success and it is they who painted me with fine colors of success i know for sure that success is not the end but rather it is a wake-up call to become more successful in life i pray to god for the strength to march towards more and more success and blessing once again a big thanks to all and have a nice day happy cooking thank you it is now my great pleasure to introduce laura stambra vice president student services will introduce today's valedictorian laura thank you chris it's my great pleasure today to introduce what is the highlight of every convocation ceremony the time-honored valedictorians address inspiring funny hopeful and emotional these farewell addresses from a classmate to their peers are particularly poignant during these challenging times while today's address cannot be delivered in person this year it has been crafted specifically for you with the same care and attention as always a personal message exploring the connections between our graduates means so much more in this unprecedented year a year where we were all challenged to connect in new ways with everyone graduates you've endured so much together and made so many unique sacrifices i want to take this opportunity to thank each of you for embracing our switch to virtual student services from counseling to tutoring and beyond our professional team have worked hard to continue to meet your personal and academic needs online and your adaptability has been deeply appreciated there's a large student services village that proudly serves as champions of our learners success on behalf of them all i want to say congratulations and now on to words of wisdom for one of your own i'm pleased to call upon valedictorian fiona mccarthy kennedy graduate of the bachelor hospitality and tourism management degree fiona thank you good afternoon i am honored to represent the class of 2021. thank you for joining us on this auspicious occasion you may be asking yourself why is she valedictorian this is a very valid question i think people have preconceived notions about the valedictorian like they must be a genius and they must devote all their time to studying so honestly i don't have an answer for you and while i will admit i have worked very hard i want to share a personal story in elementary school i was tested for a learning disability because i had a difficult time processing information it impacted my ability to speak my grades and my social skills fast forward after high school i studied at george brown college but i didn't graduate on time because i failed two classes succeeding in my education didn't come easy for me it still doesn't when i decided to study at algonquin i had fears being an older student starting an undergraduate degree what some may consider late i felt an unspoken sense of pressure to succeed i spent the last few years worried i would deviate from the career plan it set out for myself failure was not an option this time around despite my good grades i worried that i would graduate at 27 with no career prospects so you can imagine my panic when i lost my internship and job in the same week in march of last year at the time adhering to a career plan seemed like a reasonable thing to do but i didn't anticipate it all falling apart it was in that moment i realized that life is on a linear path and we can't control every aspect of it even though i desperately want to this school year alone has tested us and has forced us to confront new challenges the pandemic brought unprecedented change to our lives many of us lost our jobs our internships we had to adapt to a new way of learning and for some we even experienced loss despite the late nights the tears the stress using cell phone data to ensure we were able to make it to class when our internet was out we made it to the end this year has taught us that if the path we are on has no obstacles it probably leads to nowhere don't be afraid to do things in the wrong order or deviate from your plan this year has proved that we are more than well equipped with the knowledge skills and abilities to succeed in every aspect of our lives and our careers if we made it through this imagine what else we can do i wish you all the most success wherever life leads you and congratulations thank you we now move to the part of the ceremony where we recognize our graduates i would like to call upon the dean to come to the podium and introduce the graduates being beauchamp you chris good afternoon everyone i am dean julie beauchamp and i'm pleased to be here on behalf of the school of hospitality and tourism we are very proud of our graduates and feel privileged to have been part of their successful learning journeys at this time on behalf of algonquin college i would like to acknowledge the commitment and successes of the school of hospitality and tourism mr president each of these graduates has dedicated themselves to successfully completing the requirements of their program these individuals are ready to make their mark in their chosen career it is with great pleasure and honor that i recommend them for graduation thank you it is my great pleasure now to welcome you our graduates as the newest members of the algonquin college alumni and friends network we have now come to the end of our ceremony and it has been a pleasure to celebrate with you today i will now turn it back over to your dean to continue the celebration congratulations [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] congratulations class of 2021 it has been a pleasure celebrating with you today it is my great honor to welcome you our graduates as our newest members of the algonquin college alumni and friends network we are so proud of you now before i go over next steps please watch this video on how you can stay connected with algonquin college as alumni algonquin college graduates are members of a connected community of over 200 000 alumni they are leaders in their industries and champions for our learners the alumni and friends network is to me very important because it's an opportunity to connect and stay connected to something that i loved as chair of the program advisory committee for the social service worker program i still have an opportunity to align with fellow colleagues and alumni who also give back on a regular basis and it feels good to give back algonquin is like a family a part of you always stays here so stay connected embrace these connections all these support and resources we invite you to join our network of fellow grads by staying connected you will learn about the exciting improvements happening on our campuses you will gain access to career and professional development opportunities and enjoy savings offered to you as proud alumni so we invite you to stay connected at

alumni graduates i would now encourage you to find and click on your customized graduate slide on the convocation website home page this is your moment to take a virtual walk across our stage and even though the experience is different being at home what hasn't changed is the hard work and dedication you have shown to reach this point you should be very proud of yourselves and i hope each of you will use this slide as a keepsake to remind yourself of your incredible accomplishment share your slide on social media email it to your family and friends be proud this is your moment to share with your community after you have viewed your slide we invite you to connect with your professors and classmates through our school's reception you've received your zoom link via email as your dean i want to thank you for joining us today and invite you to join me for some fun at our reception if you cannot find your link go to the help desk on the convocation main page and they will be able to help you congratulations again class of 2021

2021-06-28 03:05

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