School Ministry Sunday

School Ministry Sunday

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That. Is good all the time. Good. Today. And the school ministry Sunday, we have a lot of special guests with us that we want to about the father families, are here today, from connection. Yes we would just take, this moment and say thank you for being here thank you for bringing your kids today and. We hope that this will be a house that you will find to. Be your own also, this. Today, we have a special panel, panel. That will be sharing and I would like to ask our panelists, to please comport. And take, a seat over here. As. We welcome them with a. Look. At all these gorgeous faces coming, up here we. Have, as. A church, I say. This often st. Andrews is a generous. Church and we, have many ways in which we show the love of Christ to our community, one, of the biggest, areas we have of a ministry in this congregation is, our school ministries, we have about seven different ways in which we partner, with different schools, in the community, to serve our children so. Today I wanted to take this special time for us, to learn a little bit more about, what's in it and it does so, that we may continue as. Chapters 2 2 says that, we may continue to put our faith and action. And may continue to love our neighbor as, ourselves the, first piece. That we would like to speak about is our cross. Over, ministry, and Danny, won't do that. Well. As you know I'm not the appropriate person to be standing up here representing. Cross over we, have three, amazing. Individuals. Who dedicate their time their. Faithfulness, they are such servants, as the Lord for these kids and you'll have to forgive me if I get a little emotional about this because it is absolutely one of the most amazing, pieces. Of, ministry, I have ever seen, outside, of the box thinking to, get to these teens as well as give them a. Really. Safe place to, go with no judgment, no one is telling them they're doing wrong they're, dependable. Adults. Here for these kids and the, three people whether they like it or not are going to get called out now does Kerry Kennedy, Mashiro, the AmeriCorps Paul last, year every. Wednesday morning faithfully. I mean, without, fail and I'm care if their, dog was died and they were gonna be here for these kids and that is something, that. Has. Moved me in, ways, I can't explain but. Every Wednesday morning from 8:15, to 9:15, they would open up Bush Hall and they, would welcome all, of the teenagers, from Madison, middle school that. We have nothing to do be dropped off early maybe. Don't have parents at home whatever. That looked like and they had up to 45 kids every, Wednesday, morning and they would faithfully feed the breakfast, they, would give them a safe place to go they would play games with them and Kari would take a leave and give them a five-minute. Piece of who. Jesus is but. That. Five-minute. Sermon. If you'd like to call it was. Nothing, compared, to how all three of these individuals. Reflected. Who Jesus, really is, and. Praise. God we have something. Like that for kids and that we have people here in this church willing to do that and have, a safe place for these kids because they are places, that they. Don't want to go home to but they don't want to go to the adults, and Jesus, are really not, what. They say they are and they have given them a place to see that Jesus really is who. We say Jesus is I. Hope. Through this next year that we not only have Wednesday morning but at some point we. Can expand that but by any means am I in any hurry because Jesus, does things on his works and his timing.

And There will be people in this church that have the same dedication, and are really ready to not let these children down and we will, expand, that and we, will show the world that Jesus is who he says he is and I look forward to that so thank you Carrie married. And missing I know you're not here but thank you for all that you've done and being faithful to Jesus. With, several. Staff from the middle school and we'll have a chance to hear from the. Principal, but one of the things. That. Was these, kids, need. A place where they feel welcome, and, we're. Doing it here in church one, of the encroachments, that we have is to be, able to stay he said open more days but also we. Need male, presence. And I know that we have a lot of strong men here in this church and it's just one hour a week and, we would really like to encourage that as, you, said there are kids that, not. Because the parents, don't want to be around them some parents have up to three jobs and even, if they wanted to they can't give you the time that they need and, as, a church just opening this space and letting. Them feel loved and welcomed, we, can transform, their life so we, would like to continue with. This ministry, it's called crossover, at the, end of our service we'll have a few information. Tables, in the. Little. Hallway out there they're, going to be spaces, for you to sign up if you find you're interested, in any of these please. Feel welcome to, sign up and also there will be information, pieces. And also, a brochure with everything. We do as a church so, that you can take it home and put it in your fridge and remember, to pray and also, continue, to give to these different. Ministries I would, like to. But, now our, good news except how, many of you have heard over the good news. For. Eight years we. Started in 2010. This. Would be our ninth year to begin this. Was last year's curriculum we, teach the children Sunday. School on, Wednesdays. It's. Under. The umbrella. Of children's, evangelical. Fellowship. We. Gave of our literature from, them we buy our books our church pays for it because we do sponsor, this club it, is an after-school Club at Oak Park and. We've. Reached I, would. Say we have had in, excess of 800, children over, these years 900. Children, out. Of which we've reached a good portion of them that have actually accepted, Jesus Christ as, their Lord and Savior it's. It's. A wonderful, thing it's a first time for so, many of the children that we see and we need, volunteers, it. Takes volunteers, to, keep the club running, we're, not able to begin this, October, due. To a lack of volunteers. We're praying that God will see fit to let us begin in January, on the next school semester. - you volunteering. Means you have to go and apply through, the school board you have, to be fingerprinted, and, you. Have to apply through children's evangelical. There's. Forms to fill out for both, if. You're interested, please, sign. Up let me know I'm. Here every Sunday well I won't be for the next two but I'm here every Sunday in the kitchen and. I'm. Happy, to get, your information and, get you started, thank, you so much. Oh. I'm, so sorry we. Do Wednesdays. After. School and it's. A 10-week course. We.

Usually Do 10 weeks from October, Tamar to December. And then, 10 weeks from January, to March, that's. The entire time and we're done for the year, so. Thank you so much, and. I went up to that if I, know she mentioned, the fingerprinting. And going, and being screened we, have a donation, for. People. That are interested, that would like to go, through the process of being fingerprinted, and, screened. What they call screening to be able to teach. That. The Good News Club and, also someone that volunteer. To, take a group of people over to me era so if you're really really interested, in maybe those are two things that are stopping you from doing it we have or telling you this morning that shouldn't be an excuse we have both. A donation to help you okay, and also a, person, that volunteer, to take a group of people over, to Vera's so to be fingerprinted, and to complete the process and even if, you need help to fill in the paperwork or, willing to do it what we just need is people that would love children that would be willing to spend, nine weeks every. Wednesday afternoon and, share the gospel of Jesus Christ as. A hand. So. We don't share housing. Centers. It's generous, we, have shared about the cross over about, the good news and now we. Want to share a little bit about our, mentoring. Program and, mr., Trey will, be here and share a little bit about what, mentoring, is and then we'll have a little video. Thank. You mister my. Name is Trey I run. An organization Passover for North Brevard do. We do use services, counseling, and Community Development some. Of you work in our cold night shelter, so. I appreciate that as a partner, what, I'm talking to you today about is champion torrent champions, community, helps achieve maximum. Potential. And. So that's you I've. Been in youth ministry, for. 23. Years as, a youth pastor and now I run this nonprofit, I've. Created tv2, counseling, centers to youth centers but I can tell you as a new, the most powerful thing I could, see us invest, our time in, is, one-on-one, ministry. To students, and that's been touring. Every. One of these students need to know three things that. They're loved they're valuable and they're not alone, and. That's, something you can't get in a big group this. Is something, they need to be able to hear and see, an experience face to face mentoring. Is 30 minutes a week it's typically during lunchtime I can, connect you to any school in this county and so if you want to do it close to your work you want to do it across the street which is a great ministry, astronaut. High school I'm surprised, to be honest with you how many high school students are begging to have an adult they have no contact, to they don't know you at all but. They're dying to just have somebody one. Of my students, said you know it's, just nice to have somebody asked me if I even went to school. My. Wife's a social worker at astronaut she, was there to 2:00 in the morning last night working. On trying to place these students, and I can tell you, we. Need more mentors. We. Our kids are struggling I could say from the faith side and work with a lot of schools I counsel in the schools. Our, schools are so busy and overwhelmed, they don't have time to come here and beg for you and so. I'm begging on their behalf to, say these. Students, as. Married, one of her you know she said I'm the only woman in this kid's life she, doesn't get her some half a month, so.

He Doesn't know how to treat women he, doesn't know how to speak to them he doesn't know how they operate she. Is standing in the gap for these kids, and when I'm asking is I don't care what age you are what. Ethnic group I can pair, you with any kid, I need a Spanish, speaker right now I'm looking for one. To. Avoid. Please. See me I'll be in the hall afterwards, we'd love to have you come I'm just holiday you've been from the mentors side. I'll. Just be real audible with you I've, buried my sturdy seven year old sister two weeks ago and. When you when you go through something like that you begin to question why, am I here. And. I just want you to know that when you invest through. The life into someone else there's, nothing like that you will. Benefit, from that and I, can tell you as a working. With these kids, they, would benefit, with your presence, you, don't have to be a youth pastor if you don't have to have a counseling, degree you, just need to be present. There's. Nothing more powerful. We, have a small video for one of the, men the, mentees he has been entered, by Miss Mary Coe for, since he was in fifth grade so, both share a little testimony, at this moment through this video. Okay. While I prepare the video that's my name is Ronnie Brutus and me it was a poem at about four years ago when, I was in fifth grade for the second time with. Her help and support I was able to go from a student who got referrals, every, day all the time to. His new resident, referral, in over four. Years actually. With. The exception of one but that was very very, steep on. That one. But. I thank, her very much for what she's done for me and I recommend to anybody who, wants to do it to do it, she never home with anything academics, so you don't have to worry about that she just came to me every Wednesday and, we talked we. Talked about my day my how, I was doing what, I was doing when I was in -. And. I.

Don't Believe I would be the same person if it wasn't for her so, I thank you for everything she's done for me and I would recommend anyone, to go into the mentoring program, just, from this year jointly, so. I hope I get to see you all some time but, for now. So. Many ways as a church that we serve community, and we are celebrating each page each way we do this we. Have a very special guest everybody. But. Mister, our principal, from our middle school is here and, mr.. Flora would like to share, that a bit of what, we do with the middle school and I would like. And. I'm. So, happy. I. Can. Truly, say that I'm going to take a lot from Pastor, Pea where st.. Andrews is generous. And I'm. Here in. My ninth. Month of being the principal, at Madison just. In awe, of. How. Much you give, to our kids and give. To the community. Since. I've arrived I've gotten. To know very Coco. Very well, she has been an amazing resource, for us at the school she sound, interview. Committees, with me for, her staff. She. Has been part of the mentoring program, and I am going to you know highlight, what tre has said not the presence, of being in that mentoring. Program, it's. Really enough, our kids they come to us from different backgrounds. And sometimes. They just want somebody there. Who listens, who, cares. About them you know we do that with our staff as much as possible that, they work very hard but to be able to bring in a few extra hands, from the community, to let these kids know that they are not alone that they're valued, appreciated. Means, the world to me as, a principal, but I know means the world to them as well. St.. Andrews in, the last couple of months has, gone ahead and generously. Donated, school supplies, for us. Meals. For our children. They, have last, year we did an event called no-one eats alone and we, had members from this church sitting, down with our children, in our cafeteria. Striking. Up conversations with. Them getting to know them in a in a very informal setting. And that. One were huge with our kids they, wanted you guys to come back every. Week. So. Just. Those subtle, subtle, things mean a lot to me you know a lot to our kids and I, know mean a lot to our community, so. If you're, willing to be a mentor, or wanting, to come in and volunteer we, welcome, that and, just. From the bottom of my heart I thank you for all that you do that, cross over ministry. Last last. Year that we saw. Two or three of them and got to see some great, things just our kids involving in some fellowship with each other, with, you all and. Just. Great work I appreciate, that immensely, so, thank you again for the work that you do and we're looking forward to continuing their, strong partnership, between modest, and same interests. When. We had, a number, twice. And. She, was sharing. A little bit about how some students. Miss. Instructional. Time, or. Misses school because, they don't have the appropriate clothing. Or, because they don't have clean clothes or, just, because they're embarrassed to repeat the same clothes they've been wearing for a long time and it's just playing dirty. And other. Kids because they don't make. Me the dress code so miss Mercer asked, if, it was possible for, us to do a dress code challenge, and. This. Is what we're going to do once a church. I. Want. Us. To do a dress code challenge, at. The end of this month it will be our youth Sunday, when we're going to be having a nice, celebration with our youth what I would like us to do is this at the, end of the service in, the hallway, there is a board, that has some, cutouts of, t-shirts, and gym.

Shoes And I, would like us to each pick, one and. During. The do service. Bring, a t-shirt, okay. They, have been, on the bottom of each cut out there's a size and, there. Is a it. Says please, bring something, that can be used by, unisex. By either either one playing, t-shirt, and colored, t-shirt, and. Let, me tell you this is simple, because I went into Walmart, it's. Not a paid promotion, but I went into mom and. I, checked the prices. Like. $3, $5, I know, that we already gave school supplies and that's what I'm not asking, people, to bring 10 20 I'm asking people to just pick, one, cut out just one, and take. It with you and bring it back during our youth, suddenly, if we, all wake one I think we're gonna be we, can fill their, closet, with t-shirts, and gym, shorts in such, a way that no kids miss, class because. Of the way they do because of their clothing all, right so, this is our car our challenge, and that's all pick one either, a gym, shortcut. Or a t-shirt, under mohassess, eyes pray. About it take one you can take more amen, but I'm just asking to take one with you, pray about it bring it back for you something and that that Sun they've also be a reminder so that we can remember to bring our t-shirts, it will be a t-shirt, Sunday okay so, that, is our challenge how many of you will accept their challenge and hope that God touches, your heart as you go outside to speak a shirt and say, and pray for the kid that will receive that okay, so, pick up a cutout of a shirt over short and bring it on the 30th that it will be on you Sunday. All, right so, last. But not least we have our, connection. Kids director. Bashar. Is with us it if, you can write your parent, from connection kids can you raise your hand really quick. Thank. You for being. It, is an honor for us to host, you every, every single day when I come to church and I see during, office hours and I see the kids running around I had, an opportunity to do Chapel. For them on Wednesday. Wonderful. Wonderful kids, and we are so thankful for, you to be with us and we pray that as, we continue to walk together then you will find this place, also, to be your home so sherry. No. Pressure. Good. Morning everybody. Thank. You I wanna thank you for having me here today and I, want, to say how blessed, I am to, personally. Work with all. The wonderful children, here in our community, I recently. Became, the owner mrs.. Don Cummings, was the owner she established. Connection, kids back in 2010. And recently. Retired, and I. Will, repeat if the pastor said god is great and just. Worked. A lot of things out and I was able to become the new owner, of connection, kids as well effective. And March and, with. That we were also able to we, had two centers actually went over the Pentecostal, church that. Had. Through two-year-olds. So. With, the work. With state injuries, and helping. Us we were able to also bring the one and two year-olds over here so, connection, kids now has, ages. 1 through, 13. And. We. I, can't. Tell you enough how how, wonderful. It is to be, here and house, and injuries allows us to lease space. Here, and I. Would also like to point out some of the staff is here this morning, did. You please stand. We. Were able to employ 15. Staff. Members, here which is another great thing to do and. Just. A little bit about myself. I many. Many years ago back, in the, 80s. I did, my cave time as a lot of us have done and then, God blessed me with my first son who, will be 28, years old and, I. Just completely, did. A 360 and. Dope. Right into early childhood never.

Thinking, Ever ever thinking, that I would work with preschoolers. Well. I worked over at an IRC Methodist. Church no way 50 and the. Director, at the time she said Cherie, you're. Gonna be in charge of this program one day I went no, way, well, God had another plan for me and I. Am just very grateful for that so all these only years later I, am now owning connection, kids and my, heart is with children. And to. Minister to them and hopefully. Share the love of Jesus with all of them we, have children here that are foster children and. Grandparents. Raising their. Grandchildren. We. Have children here that have lost their parents or, they might be incarcerated and, my. Heart is to help, each and every one of them again. I want to thank you if, you please if you ever ever have any questions about connection, kids I have an open-door policy, if you don't have my cell number I'm sure someone, and, give it to you, if. I have information outside, as well I want to thank Alan, who. You, know I know I call him and God. Bless them you. Know and of. Course Rick you, know Bob I spend you. Know all the people here and that our pastor, I just want to thank you all very much, and if there's anything I can do, please. Let me know thank, you. Before. We leave I want to remind us that outside, we have tables with the information. Table. That includes our, t-shirt, challenge, and a table for sign up so, if any of these ministries, touched, your heart today and like. Mr.. Flores. Said does not matter actually. Mr., penis and does not matter your age there. Are many ways that we can help our children and, help our present, and help, of the future of this world I would, like us to also, be, reminded, that all. This information, is online and, on Facebook, please, feel free to go online go, to our Facebook, page go to our web page and for. This information, to others share this information with others I believe, that, xn Andrews vena is, a generous. Church as it continues, to grow we will continue, to reach out to new families. And children and. Also reach out to our community through our children, what I would like us to do before, we leave is to please stand and, I would like our. Panelists, to please stand. Here. And. If anyone, from crossovers. Earpiece, come. Over here also we would like to plan for all, these ministries, if you at the stand your hands up this way they, have they. Have a big challenge, right they, have to daily work, for these children, and as, a church we want to pray for them pray over them so, that God might continue to guide them and give them wisdom so. Help. Me pray at, this moment let's pray, father. We we, thank you for, the. Way is that, you, bless our our lives for, the ways that you allow us to give, to others as today. Are challenges, to put our faith in action and one of the ways we can do that is through children, we come before you, today and we present these, men and women that daily. Daily, they, minister. Into the lives of children, and youth I pray. God that you would. See. Their hearts, and bless their lives so, that they may continue to, offer love, and hope to these children I pray that you give them wisdom and, endurance, God, as they, feel at times they might want, to give up I pray God that you give them strength because. Their job is essential. Further, for the world what, they are doing that is transforming. Life so I pray, father that you would strengthen them that, they may continue to do their job boldly, with. The love or joy and with a lot of passion, for these children in Christ's. Name we pray, amen. Church. We, are a, generous. Church and we, pray that God will continue to, help us ministry. To children, and youth, we will end this service, with this song I have, to join join how many of your joyful this morning, thank. You. We're. Going to end.

2018-09-12 21:47

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