Scania Touring MOd Review [ Lille to Dijon Via Paris ]

Scania Touring MOd Review [ Lille to Dijon Via Paris ]

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Well. Guys I'm sorry we have it. On. Your tour. Before. We started for our phosphide it. Looked quite, good and Big Ups to looking, at the mode, most. In Tufton, this. Is a very good mode very. Good-looking more than you can even see the passages inside I'm. Relaxed. As usual. Because. Yeah. So. It is it's very well looking I just made quite given, beam but I like white better. With. The doors and everything so. Yeah so, let's give it a start. Oh yeah. There's. The you notice that we. Own the engine they lit the tail, and it is. Co-owner. Because. You, see. That's. So nice so. Let's take it for item let's see the interior how it looks. The. Interior looks quite good. As. You can see it. Also has. The. Front camera over there now I thought. It should be better if it was the back camera but. That's, ok. Let's. Check out the lights from the outside. The. Like signal is like amazing on this puts for student lights and. For light. They. Look amazing, for, me for my opinion and you can even see the sky. Night touring in, cooperation is the Haier logo. That's. So nice in my opinion and. So let's, take it for a spin and see how it goes. Another. Thing with the lights and if you, look, on. The dash on the left you can see that the lights are also, turning, when when I sent them my turn, them on there no positons, as you can see on the screen. So. Yeah so let's start, so. My experience about driving this has been a bit a. Bit. Hard, but. If you got because. Tell, a very tight dining. Angle as I'll. Show you on the next time. You. Know take, a time you must, you. Must take a ton so just. Lean so smoothly because this. Thing is so long and it just takes a just ton. Let's. Try something fun and see if you can take some cargo, with it. Fish. Market and let's see what we can get. Okay. I don't think we can carry, any of this on let's, just give it a try and see, big job on the disco fitted. Afternoon. Let's. See if you can. Sometimes, we. Sometimes. Easily. Glitch and. You. Can't, you. Can. Depend. Pull, apart a, bus but. I doubt if, this ability work here. I. Don't. Think he's gonna walk let's see. Yeah. We. Just, have to do this alone. So. Let's take the highway and separate particles onto, our. Actually. Holiday telling I'm ELISA bite but, this. Is Fulton and, that's. How it comes. I like how the little bit of lipstick. Motion. As. The bucket at least 38 plays easier, diving from the interior and the. CEO does. I'm so far so good I like the GDR like politics yeah. So let's, see how shares. On what type of asset. Is how many key articles. Only. From Mohammed so far is the, turning angle is so tight, so. Far everything. The. Moment I stopped it the minute life, stuff. I. Like. How it picks up speed, so fast that the. First six, years are, basically, just easy. It's. At the six year which you actually start to in yes, year she'll start like to, see the effect of gears and. Refining, angle is so tightly, you see you see our deities, it's. So hard to make a turn. So. One, thing up. Is that. The suspicion, is so. Soft. I always say and show you. Suspicion, see how low budget wobbles. Robles, just with the. Slightest, bit of history and, it's wobbling dancing, or our communities. This latest. This is like this. My, just. Disabilities. The. Slightest, tipped of aesthetic and it's wobbling like crazy let's look. At this you. Think they're for the inside a consequence. So. Awesome, but I can't. Forget about it. So. Let's see let's. See it's max how, how, much, how. Fast. You can drive it. Because, nobody inside is much brighter and let's, see how fast we get television. We, are to one stands winters power and it's. The. Speed the speed after says it's around 155, on our own so, let's start take it off - God speed. Easy, as you go, let's. I'll take it to 125, Oh yogi berra literacy, we take it much faster. Oh. I. Never saw a person. There. We go there we go chaos territory. It's. So hard driving this thing and, what, come on. 3000k. Eyelashes. I love. It, were there because. Of this. The, tight tank also. Here let's. See I hope, I get like some. Some. Strict roads ahead I have no I'm going over anyway it's good I said before I'm. Going to not. Collide. Yes. Yes I see. Okay, so back, to 130, now and. We. Have times again it, is about the split ticket. Or. The, positive actions at least it's okay. You see how much as well it's probably. You. See how much is wobbling it's normal, so much I'm not seeing. The. City government only just. -. You look at the bus. Look. At house surfaces. Question is. It's. Totalling so much. Last. Night lest I take you to full, speed as in how fast it is. Okay. I. Like. On the home of the homies. All. Talking at the booth of some. Analysts. See. How fast you can go again. Disorders. So anything in this Sajit plague, Marisnick. Incinerate, and the bus is wobbling, so, much. Oh. My. God. Okay, the good thing I, said when they guess is that from on like.

You, Can start off from the fish secure and everything's, lit be good no, need to go all the way to first gear because it. Seems like the bass is Mike so. Let's see how it. Is. Let's, go something funny Bella. And. Look, at how much it is wobbling. Go. So, the. Center of gravity seems to be fine look at how. How. Easy it is to just just. Roll this Passover. Those, alive. States. Sighs. Your father's. Pocket. Both departments. Very, clean. Party, in, Paris from, what I saw there. Availability. Sold as you can see. Pyrus, lead and iron, out these the other words obesity. Part and, let's. Go. Okay. So we're going to parse in, 100. Meters and Leland. Is. Cool, yes oven at 120, oh I forgot to go to it, it's also a source of lies. So, let's, see how fast we can go, okay. We're at. 108. 137. It's going. I hope, you don't have when. They wrote at all to anything out front, I. Never. Saw that card all. One party, let's. See how fast we can go this. The. Precise policy, which is nice. Okay. After. Downshift, all the way to the remember, to fourth gear it's. Either start for together with the case and. We go to fifth, so forth again. Not. A fifth sorry, and. Now being into sixth. Russian. Big ol Paris or I've. Been here before I'm just worried. Trying. All of you. Names. The. View from the inside I, would be like invisible, in there. The. Time you. You can see how soft suspension, is. Is going there. I don't. Know why that might see a, neurotoxin. Okay. So the fastest record was. 133. Oh. So. This is so. The turning angles are of the type just. Only 400 it. All these candles. In. The collection. Oh. You. See how hard it is about the screech. That's. All holistically and, I was going as particular, power. Basically, I like it that. Anahatasana. College buys, instant. Like. Especial. And. Go oh oh. Oh. So let us drive around Venice. Paris. On the video and, we under bingo. The, studying is so good it's, a responsive, it is also haptic feedback so. It makes it so fun to fight let, me show you guys. See. How much is what. Whatta. You. Times, if I can close this. Most. Of those with just the Hindus people. What's, wrong Oh is, there butter I. Think. Is a party. You. Know it, was I. Don't. Know why I couldn't go, I couldn't possible. My. Driveway /o. Visible. By yeah thank. God I know, any. What. Oh it's. Getting dark. In. A certain place and leaving The Biggest Loser. This. My setup Oh, Center, judgeth my. Half of the will yeah I have oh god they, have. The. Shifter here I can shift up and down its own situation, and. Understudy. I mean they're down. Below have the shifters. If. You don't belong have the pedals and one. Is gas. And the other one is free yeah. That was my setup. Sound. Let's cut the world map see very quick um. The. Next one is Leone which is a bit far. Up. So, we did make it from Lille to, Paris. In. The in the ending, so let's just. Let's. See if you can go all the way to. To. Dijon. See. If you can call do. I. Need. To find him to find a place to sleep because, my guys I'm so tired. Yep, let's go all the way to eat a secure. And seeing this oh yeah, I'm very sleepy - it's like almost three, hours. I have, some engine damage I'm. Able. To come back out. Or. Tiny, little bags. In satanic receive. The. Next resting station on take attendance pizza. Or some, some, range oh I never. Noticed. The, wipers that's. Nice. All, sobbing I can't see anything. So. Kinda I think I'll sleep here. Station. Oh. This. Is so ok. I know what the fuck's a and. Pocket. I'm. Holding. I. Think, that's it for that for the day guys um, I'll. Just sleep over here and I'll costly, put the bike in the.

System. By. Default and, rest. Thanks. Guys. See. You tomorrow, ok. Then order to walk up that night mix oh. Look, at the wipers the weapons so, I saw was a good I'm. Blaming put it in fast mode. Good. So. I think you guys here's, the bus in the morning, looks. Much better in the morning yeah. So. You know the test at night and let's see how before he goes to, see how leisure. House offices stations are, and. Look at this, let. Me sit down. She. Have soft suspicion, is like. Oh okay, go back. You. See our suspicion. Is but. You, saw how wobbly our wobble it was just. Climbing that this time investor, just I mean they look out how wobbly. How. Are you okay. Let's. Climb there and see what, we get. Look. Look look how ugly it is. Okay. Yep yep yep yep yep yep yep. I'm. Shutting them let me let me go Sutton. Let. Me try this and see how it goes. Yep. Did. You see how soft butter specialist. So, soft that. The. Pastor inside came down field. Hey guys that's. It for subsequently. See. You again today the. Video. This pot here and now justice. Thanks. Guys. Well. Guys I, just. Had. Just got stuck here, am i down the time I can get done simply cut myself off. Oh. Well. Guys so we just want, to see how powerful a powerful. Passes. Yeah. It. Is very powerful. Hello. Guys I'm so here we have the talk. Sorry. Guys, are here on the, bus as you could see it, with. The sky near Carlos. So. It looks so good just look at it I mean especially playing the study and, because you can get like the vibration, and everything and. The. Rear axle ties. Ship, the reaction, kaya tells. Also with the front story was quite nice long. As you can see here. Shifting. Back to the. Interior this is the interior. The. Passengers, of the back he is progressing as you can see it is. The. Controls. Are never seen and, so let's, take this tick-tock. 444. Drive, was. Crazy everything's walking.

2018-08-28 17:13

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That wobbling...thanks for the link

Kaja mafuta wewe


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