SAVING THE CHEETAHS / Behind the Scenes of Wildlife Conservation

SAVING THE CHEETAHS / Behind the Scenes of Wildlife Conservation

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what is going on everyone welcome to the channel  we are here in ol Pejeta kenya and finally we   are starting the cheetah project i'm so excited  so something special that we're gonna do with   this video is all proceeds that we make off  of this video we're going to be donating to   the organization so that means that you gotta  watch this entire video from beginning to end   watch the ads watch it multiple times watch  it in the background while you're making your   bed doing the dishes walking your dog tell  your dog to watch it tell your mom and dad   your grandpa your friends your father anyone  tell anyone that you know to watch it share   it send it on whatsapp instagram facebook help  us help them and be part of the cheetah project   so you'll see throughout the video all the things  that we have done over the last four days of being   here so come with us as we follow along the  cheetah project team so instead of trying to   explain to you guys basically what we're gonna do  i'm going to let an expert talk to you about it my name is ravi perera and i am from the  us from serendipity wildlife foundation and   we are with the cheetah project and with me is  kendall who's also a team leader our main purpose   right here is to document the cheetahs here have a  census we are actually going to be scouting around   for the next few days and trying to  locate cheetahs we're going to be doing   camera traps we are going to do paw prints we are  ideally trying to locate paw prints and matching   them with a cheetah all at the same time so we  can actually identify which cheetah the pawprint   belongs to this is a huge area 90 000 acre acres  so we're searching in a very very large area   so it is a go for us with the cheetah project it's  starting right now and our first stop is gonna be   uh the camera trap that were actually  installed yesterday so we're just gonna   go do a quick checkup on those two cameras to  make sure that they're still intact and that   the elephant didn't you know take them off  the tree because all elephants are elephants so as we are moving from point  a to point b everyone stays on   the lookout for cheetahs because  after all that's why we're here   so before anyone gets out the driver actually  drives around the entire area just to make sure   that we don't get a bad surprise when we're out  so we are here going to check on one of the two   camera traps that we put out yesterday we put one  of these out at a watering hole which tends to be   one of the more busy places um to find animals now  when you look at a watering hole i'm sure you're   thinking oh there should be a lot of water here  but as you can tell this is more of a mud hole   and that's because elephants actually came by  and tore up some of the pipes that ol pejeta has   to keep this stocked with water one of the most  important reasons that we come and check our   camera tops regularly is to make sure that the  elephants don't come and take down our camera   trap as well as the pipes while we can see that  there has been some elephant activity in the area   luckily our trap camera is still set up now let  me open up a track camera now these are infrared   lights one of the reasons why elephants are also  attracted to them is because they can actually see   the infrared lights so they could potentially come  up here for some water and see this red light and   it could aggravate them and then want to come  and see what's going on with it since elephants   love drinking a lot apart from  what we have seen in the pipes   this is one of the place where elephants  come to drink but now it's dry we're gonna   come through every couple days and pull  out the sd card and put in a new one   and we'll take the old one back and we'll  load it into a computer and that way we'll see   what photos this camera has actually captured  so the first camera's safe go to the other one   security round done we're good to get out so the second camera actually had to be moved to  another tree because it was probably activated by   some of that long grass that was near the camera  so now it's all set and ready to go on the second   tree and we're gonna do another checkup on that  camera to see if it captures any cheetah tomorrow   so on top of being part of the cheetah project  ravi who's actually the guy in charge prepared   a few extra surprises for us but also for you guys  to create awareness around wildlife in general so   we just saw the last two white rhinos in  the world proving how conservancy is so so   important and it's everyone's responsibility to  do little things here and there okay see you guys okay so we just came back to our camp after a an  amazing afternoon like i wasn't ready for that   no i did not expect that at all my mind  is still blown so now we are going to have   a quick supper back at the camp and we're  gonna go to bed because tomorrow is another   another like bright and early morning i haven't  done these early mornings since five six months   ago so tracey is a little tired now i'm exhausted  so quick supper lots of rest and tomorrow morning   6 a.m back out there with the cheetah project  good morning guys so here it is our second day   with the cheetah project i'm sure it's gonna be a  great day right now we're waiting for driver kim   and then we're gonna go to the research center  to pick up kendall and ravi and we're gonna be   on the go you ready i'm ready i actually had an  amazing sleep last night so i feel so much better hopefully you guys had your coffee  i did and that's why i'm happy as we were driving this morning we noticed  some potential cheetah paw prints on the   side of the road so we immediately pulled  over as you can see here we have found   some of the most identifiable paw prints we have  put out a metric ruler so that we can upload them   into a computer system using artificial  intelligence this artificial intelligence   will analyze the paw print and attempt to  tell us whether this is a male or female   whether it is young old and try to identify  precise age from there as well as what species   of animal we're looking at we're hoping this is a  cheetah paw print we've collected the best image   we could uploaded it to the cloud and since we're  all about sharing information across organizations   this is actually being sent to a partner  organization for them to take a look at on our   behalf this is actually the first time a cheetah  study is being conducted here at ol pejeta   so this is very important to putting together a  robust finding for our report get a gps reading   of this because we need that for the information  of the exact spot that we are taking the paw print after trying to track cheetahs all  morning it's time for a little break   for breakfast it looks pretty good i'm  hungry as usual it is so interesting   to be with those guys and look at what  they're doing they're literally using   investigation and crime scene techniques to  basically identify different types of wildlife   so interesting back in the truck time to go again  so we just stopped to do a scan around because   we noticed some impala is looking in a certain  direction so let's see so no predator this time so when searching for a specific animal in  the wild in our case cheetah sadly we can't   guarantee that we're gonna find them but there's  other things that we are doing today like finding   paw prints that we are actually documenting and  sending to other scientists and they will be used   from all around the world we're also making  sure that our camera are still up and running   changing batteries just like they're doing right  now and after that we're gonna go back on the road   and hopefully at some point find some cheetah  the day is still young we still have tomorrow so   high hopes so kendall just had a quick  look at the camera that was installed   by them and so far only zebras photos but their  their cameras are actually going to stay there   for another few days and hopefully they're going  to be able to capture a few cheetah pictures   so we were going to check out  the second camera but there   was a huge rhino in front of it so  just had to wait it out a little bit so this camera actually took 348 pictures  overnight uh from what we saw mainly wart hogs   and giraffes but those pictures are going to be  sent away and somebody's going to go through all   of them and hopefully maybe there's going to be a  cheetah or two now that our bellies are full of good   food it's time to go back out there and just wish  us luck guys we need to find some cheetah yeah i   know we came here for the cheetah project but you  cannot guarantee cheetahs no you can't guarantee   and you know what the day before we arrived they  had a fantastic day with cheetahs so they actually   saw cheetah uh make a kill which is extremely  rare so they were very lucky sadly we missed   that but i have high hopes me too that we're  gonna get at least one we got it let's go team so if off-road at enough road this would  be it so we are going to certain places   in old pejeta that nobody is really going  and that's exactly why we have this sign   in the front and in the back of the truck   so ol pejeta is actually extremely dry almost  all year long so because of that they actually   installed ponds like this that are actually  artificial sources of water for different animals   so while driving we discovered this one that  is actually full and there is the perfect tree   right beside it about maybe 50 meters  from it where we're gonna install   another camera trap and hoping to get  some animals and hopefully the cheetahs okay bye so guys we just came back to our camp  which by the way is the sweet water by serena   i'm gonna link this video down below if you're  looking for an affordable safari option that could   be the place for you but even though we didn't see  cheetahs today sadly maybe tomorrow it was still a   successful day we were able to find some possible  cheetah print that were actually documented and   will be sent to a database that scientists from  all around the world will have access to so that's   pretty good we also uh change some batteries and  install some extra camera traps which hopefully   will also get information about cheetahs over  400 photos were actually taken by those cameras   overnight and will be sent to other volunteers  that will analyze every single photo so hopefully   there's going to be some good information on  that but for tonight that's pretty much it   um it's gonna be supper then probably another  early sleepy sleepy time it's sprinkler   alert so yeah uh supper back to bed pretty early  because tomorrow another early morning because   researchers never sleep and people that  follow those researchers never sleep either so 6am we are ready to go back out there  for another day with the cheetah project   it's a little chilly this morning prepared  yesterday but we're gonna make it because today is   gonna be a good day because our driver guaranteed  us cheetah today that's what he said yesterday   we'll see he's smiling now i think he's  stressed kim do you still uh stand by that   yes i stand by my words okay perfect although this  is nature but then we are trying our level best   okay it's gonna be a good day yeah while we were  looking for cheetahs we managed to find some lions so we just arrived to a top secret location   where they prepared another surprise for  us and i think this one is gonna be super cool so we just finished the dog tracking  now we're gonna just have a quick   look at the museum that's here at the ol pejeta this is the first cheetah  project done at old pejeta   we are trying to find cheetahs here in  the area to determine how many they are   we are taking photos of them we're trying to  photograph every side and we're also trying   to find paw prints so that we can potentially  identify which paw prints belong to which cheetahs there's a lot of cool things and fun facts within  that museum if you're here i would definitely   check it out yeah very educational so now after  this mind-blowing surprise with the dogs and   a short visit at the museum we are back in the  truck on the hunt for cheetahs yeah this time   we're gonna find them guys well maybe tonight  but we'll see it's awesome so we were supposed   to be with the cheetah project for three days or  two nights but we didn't see cheetahs yet and our   mission is to create amazing content so we just  booked an extra night and hopefully that's gonna   give us two extra game drives we need to see some  cheetahs yeah and at first i was getting so tired   of getting up in the morning but now i'm like  re-energized yeah like we're in the routine we're   having fun yeah it's a good time you still promise  me cheetahs yes i do okay i do okay i believe you so we just entered a different area of the   park and it is beautiful here  oh well there's giraffe there sorry so thanks to instagram we might have  something yesterday somebody at the safari   cottages here in old pejeta actually posted a  video of a mother and a cub so two cheetahs so   we are here at the safari cottages asking some  for some more information i just talked to andy   with the safari cottages and he confirmed that  there have been a few cheetah sightings recently   we're gonna go back up to the  big plane that we were at earlier   he says he's seen some cheetahs hunting there  relaxing there so we're gonna go check it out guys it's not over until it's over we got  one more drive high hopes staying positive   kim's convinced he's like well we haven't  seen one in two days so we're gonna see one   tomorrow yeah have to yeah fingers crossed  let's go to bed and try again tomorrow okay guys last morning with the cheetah  project wish us luck good morning everybody   good morning welcome on board we always  say every day is a new day and every time   is a new time and today is the first day of  the rest of our life we need to make use of it   let's see what's there for us okay let's  go so that's something i've never seen before yeah those two giraffes were  definitely mad at each other so guys even though we did not see cheetahs  within the last few days it was very interesting   to work with the people from the cheetah project  i feel like we had the unique opportunity to learn   more about the unique work that they're doing and  important work as well yeah and it was fun to get   to know each other too like i had a blast yeah  it was it was a good time dave and tracey it was   absolutely amazing to have you guys with us  you are so enjoyable so friendly and such nice   people thank you thank you for inviting  us you know kendall and i on behalf of   serendipity wildlife foundation would like to  say a very very big thank you for coming here   and we hope to see you in july and august  you guys are perfect it was our pleasure   we had a lot of fun tracey and i so and yes  i'm sure we we're going to be back and uh   and should i say when you come back the next time  join us right from the start because you will see   cheetahs yeah and not just cheetahs the cheetahs  the the the tracking the chase the kill and the eating   missed like the biggest event ever but we'll show  you guys some good footage that they took from it   thank you again very much it was our pleasure  see you guys today so we've been here in ol   pejeta with the cheetah project for four days now  instead of three one extra days because you know   but sadly now it's time for us to go yeah and we  didn't see any cheetahs while we were here but   it's not just seeing the cheetah set as part of  this project like yes they're going to identify   and they're going to keep tracking but we track  some paw prints that are going to be sent off   we installed cameras and we checked those cameras  pretty much every day yeah and all that that data   is sent to other volunteers who are actually going  to go through it and analyze it and share it with   other organizations as well and this project is  not over this is not a week-long project like   this is he was talking today could go into like  the end of this year even beginning of next year   because there's going to be more people come in a  couple months as well to continue what we're doing   but even though right now we think the the last  estimate was at about a 30 cheetah we really think   that there is less than that within the last four  days there was only one sighting by the team and   don't forget that those people were actually in  communication with other tourist vehicles with   the rangers and really like not much within the  last few days making us think that the population   is probably lower anyway so for now i really  encourage you to check out their website that   i'm going to link down below if you want to do a  donation become a volunteer or just to get more   information about what they're doing check it out  it's worth it it's very interesting and otherwise   well don't forget to like this video subscribe to  the channel and see you guys in the next one

2021-02-23 01:36

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