Saturday in Amsterdam - Canals, Streets, Local Market

Saturday in Amsterdam - Canals, Streets, Local Market

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this is homo monuments this is the  first homo monument elected in the world   here is it's in amsterdam nearby prince  and cracked it's a triangle and it's a   comp compilation of three triangle there's  another one another triangle is over there   on that side and another one is there the people's  thing there is another triangle so when you   look at that from a bird eye  view you will see three triangle   creating another triangle so it was built it was  erected here in 1987 it's the first first monument   for homosexuals and lesbians so lgbtq plus people  in the world victims of nazis so and this is   lester church western kirk and next western church  there is ana frank house that means here in this   little square you can see three important  landmarks western church from 17th century   it was built in 1631 and anna frank house a  jewish child who was executed in auschwitz after captured after she was captured  by nazis and this is homo monument   hello guys my name is murat and i'm doing this  kind of live walking tours four times a week   at least we are going to walk like 30 minutes 40  minutes i will go towards northern kirk northern   church this western church is was built by henry  kaiser the architect is henry kaiser he is also   the architect of northern church and also the  other church southern church it's called zadar   kirk and this one is called westerkirk and the  one we will go towards now is called norder kirk   in front of northern kirk today is saturday  there is a local market it's called nordermarkt   northern market that means so this is  the other triangle of the homo monument   and the beautiful leicester church there  are many notable people who were buried here   inside of western church but the most  important one is rembrandt fundraise rembrandt the world famous touch painter   he was buried here investigate but the  thing is when he was buried here he was a   poor man he was not a rich man any longer so  he was buried with many other people in a bach   cemetery and later his body moved somewhere else  no one knows nowadays who was buried actually and it's a beautiful sunny day it's  crowded it's about 22 celsius at the moment   and how are you doing guys is everything okay  with you have a great weekend this is the line   of anna frank house the entrance for those  who don't know about the story of anna frank   and a friend was a child  jewish family they were hiding in a secret place in the house here and she she wrote a diary while she was hiding but later months later nazis found her and she was  sent to archways first first concentration camp   in the netherlands and then she was sent  to archwith and she was executed there   and her father survived her father years later  many years later uh she he published anna frank's   diaries so now it's a book you can buy it and you  can read it you can visit the house she was hiding and this is the beautiful western  torrent there's a tower and master church from 1631 hello guys again russell bridge bill mcnutt tibor  miriam happy saturday to you too dearly hello   have a nice weekend tauren good afternoon match  linda hello thanks so much for your beautiful   feedback hoping to see my grandchildren and  family in one of your videos because they   live in amsterdam well hopefully hopefully linda  i would like to do that if we have a chance i've   never seen a cemetery violent another interesting  wrestlemania actually there are some cemeteries   maybe in the future we can visit one of them  rodrigo hello anaria marhaba my turkish friend rodrigo is from brazil toilet brush safe  man happy weekend all right let's go we should be fast today until the northern  church because this is the line for   boat crews there's a long point for broadcast  because we have such a beautiful weather today   and the local market i believe it's closed  around five o'clock lately so we should   we should walk a little bit faster than normal   it's about 10 minutes from here  actually but this is prison craft flagship bought cruises i'm on a youtube live stream would you like to  give some information basic on the video if you   wish no no i don't want to be on your video all  right i'll i will not show you no i'm sorry all   right i don't want to go maybe you can do that  would you like to give some little information   my audience are from other countries and maybe  they will visit here and would you like me to   know the prices how long does it take something  yeah sure i'll show you right yeah of course yeah   what's your name first cass nice to meet  you nice to meet you my name is murat   yes so we're a little boat company  we have this beautiful one-hour tours   the name is flagship flagship answer them yes and  we give for 1950 we give tours with a skipper and   a host on the boat and they will give you a tour  of the history of amsterdam and then they have   some lovely drinks in the boat as well and the  nice thing is that you can pay everything with   cards so you don't need cash to get onto the  boat i see also you have geneva over there   the neighborhood is the dutch liquor the famous  that's liquor we're gonna explain it all on the   tour so i won't spoil everything right now yeah  sure and uh they can pay with credit card insider because in amsterdam most of the places do not  accept a credit card yeah but we accept everything   from american express to everything it's one hour  or one and a half hour one hour two yeah one hour   you come back to this spot and then you're  enjoying the lovely tournament and how much   the price is 19.50 nine through one hour  all right that's great thanks enjoy bye-bye yes we got a little information about both cruises so you know now you know  if you visit amsterdam if you wanna join   to a boat cruise uh instead of the boat cruises  in the centrum area because they are too touristic   you can come here just 10 minutes from the center  from dam square it's only 10 minutes by walking   you can find western church in front  of western church there are different   companies this is one of them and you can  just wait in the line like 10 15 minutes and   open open air you can see everywhere  you know it's not a cabrio   so you can enjoy one hour kind of kind of cruise  and they accept credit cards this is a big   difference actually because most of the companies  even the supermarkets they don't accept credit   cards they accept only cash or debit cards so but  this one is accepting credit card this is not an   advertisement i just saw the company and i just  wanted to talk them but i don't promote anyone margaret yes that was a great  t-shirt palmer's good afternoon by the way probably in the evening  we will have another live stream with   sonar if he can make it i don't know  for that but if we can make it we   will do do it together otherwise i will do it  at home in the evening this is one of the most   beautiful spots of amsterdam that you can see  next to the western church look at the wheel   and then wherever you look at around this  area is breathable look at this canal wheel and look at the sitting spot awesome next  is the kind of beautiful weather sunny   shadow and also here there are some places  some places and this this side goes to the   central station and the 9th streets you'll be  thanks so much let's go we have a way to go   until what is that happy birthday happy  birthday to who i don't know what all right oh happy birthday to you says danny fairdex  something mariette what a nice idea   to put the birthday card on the street like this just another western church vm for you wow look at that alin hello coscar hello please thumbs up on this  video guys i need your support   i'm trying to do these live streams every  day so please thumbs up on the video   and also leave your comments not only on  the live chat also after the live stream   leave your comments ask your questions to  me there are many boats in amsterdam today   it's it's normal in such good waters it's a bit  windy but still it's nice outbound the news to   ask peggy yes it's true well actually he already  got got his permission this time but he's a bit   slippery so we don't know what's gonna happen  let's see but let's walk through prison craft it's crowded street streets are crowded  today i start to do a live stream   a bit earlier because i don't want  to miss the local market today i'm trying to arrange my live streams  according to your time i mean north america   and south america because most  of my white ships from there   but it's a bit tricky in the netherlands  the the crowded life is ending around   five o'clock echelanteers crack this  one this canal echelanteers canal it's also available thank you russell that that park cafe has a nice terrace also  over there so this area is you're done your   dun was built around 17th century  it was a working-class neighborhood   it's this is how it's written they are done this is probably the most beautiful area  that you can see in amsterdam with all the   historical houses and with some secret gardens  and nearby prison craft the most beautiful canal   the fourth canal of amsterdam can albert   the last one is part of yes prince  canada is part of amsterdam canal belt tomorrow we try to know what's  what's happening in the tray   fast charger tomorrow we are in amsterdam again maybe miriam in the future but usually  i skip albert kartmart is too touristic   and too many video makers in albert cup it's  too touristic and to be honest i don't like   too touristic places yes amsterdam centrum is  also futuristic but albert carp is i don't know   yeah it was some time to time but yeah we  can do it like two months later probably let me show you some kind of houses wheel actually the left side this side is your down right side is not look at this cafe beautiful it's  cafe bar or restaurant i think this one is beautiful umbrellas it's a lgbtq plus one there's  a graph here on this building oh there's an ukraine renovation flag  construction workers also support ukraine   new dutch hello thiago welcome yeah it's true fast charger  but tomorrow we have a plan   we will be in a latin boat party after four  o'clock otherwise i will go to italy maybe but it's true in good weather in my opinion which   canal canals looks better  better than amsterdam canals because it's more compact all right i can already  see the northern market over there in the corner they will visit the local market oh look at that it's already  written here the pride   pride is coming in august they already  put the signs about pride amsterdam so from three of august to seven of august  this area will be too busy for pride parades actually the amsterdam touristic  city center is too crowded today   but i have chosen to walk this area i wanted to show you the canal views and  the local market with this nice weather hello adrian good to see you  again city is alive today yes   still whenever sun is up the  city is coming back to the life oh there's a bride and groom here special picture with ice creams this is how an artist works i'm sorry   so here we are at northern church this is northern  church from the same architecture hendrick   hendrick kaiser the architect of western  church and the other church but this has   a different architecture design different  than western church and the other church let's see another beautiful wheel some  boat houses houseboats are here   bon appetit this is your houseboat enjoy   so they are sitting in front of their  houseboats with this awesome weather here we are at the local market organic markets of northern church area one interesting thing is this  area this is cemetery actually   underground underground of this area it's a  cemetery people were buried here in the past let's try to see some products let's jump   humble jam a can of gems the big one  is five euros the small one is 250. honey i'm honey and puss balls and this box is to you fresh herbs wow it smells so good lombok so this is this is an organic  local mac this part of the local market is   organic parts only biological things all right butcher and fruits organic fruits no hello spiritual music bowl okay can i get  one brownie i'll get one brownie and the name of the place  placement what is your brand and you are lgbtq plus frankly of course good   would you like anything  else ah thank you that's all thank you would you mind grabbing two euros thank you winkle 43 is around on the corner i will show you  a little bit later we'll turn around in the market this is the closing part of the  market let's taste the brownie first there's an organic ingredients brownie 25 cents if you buy six pieces 35 euro i drink now i like this because there's not much sugar in it and it's still tasty oops it's from dado dado in english or dutch  i can't remember it but it's a middle east   product that you can use it for sugar instead of  sugar you use it it's called dado and dutch idea it's also a kind of flea market i think dates yes thank you this extra shop they have discounts now i have more energy with this beautiful  brownie oh in the middle of the market they have a   playground for the children that's  nice and it's northern church let's take a look to the other side old old vietnam oh it's frida she's free though hello nice colors paris saint-germain there are more fritos over there all right let's go faster 114 people on the  live chat thanks so much please thumbs up another bakery is here cheese stall 500 gram of this cheese eight euro and 65 cents stop those mushrooms you cannot find   anywhere else other than these local markets  you cannot find them on the super markets and some others also this is vince 43 this market organic market  was started because of them they opened the   first store in front of the shop and slowly the  market got bigger like this current situation   there's always a queue the they say the best  apple tart of the netherlands it's sold here   to be honest i never tried but there's always  crude and many people sat before it's the best one   i like apple tarts when i come here  without a camera one day i will try it i think this organic market is open only saturday   but other days there are some other markets  like wednesday and other market i think   am not one other person sure it's a nice  corner bar it's entrance of the nordic church because there is a clue because there is a special  exhibition here vincent funko meets rembrandt the   two famous dutch painter untold story  there is a special exhibition inside okay let's leave the northern market area   and take a look to linden's craft  if it's open today i'm not sure bangkok is waiting for me all right maybe in  september i have a holiday time in september okay   if i go to thailand i will make  live streams from there also look at that there's a beautiful antique shop here records records magnificent classical there is my videos those are new newspapers it's a vinyl place hello paul arnold good afternoon  scott thanks so much coming maybe i choose to play with me hopefully if  you see me on the street definitely say hello okay this part of the local market  is also open let's take a look   linden's craft the design is a bit different  now now you have you you can walk through between between the stalls i see  an ix flag over there kayak stove amsterdam football team and garbage stove this this part of market is called  lindens local market i think let's quickly take a look to the other  side of the local market 79 euro the shoes those are nice home decoration things i think kitchen accessories now we are exactly in the  middle of jordan neighborhoods this was the canal water currently we  are walking on the land but like 200   years ago it was water this area the  whole area was a canal then it was filled   to create more area for the vehicles i think  for the traffic so they filled the canal they   created the streets to create more space for  residential area and also for for the vehicles bloomberg markets this is my party dance party hello billboard yes mr harding hello there was a turkish food stall  at this part of the market   i'm trying to see them if i see them i  will buy from them also something from them but not sure if they're open today hello another little flower market is perips mr brussa okay this is the end of the market so  what we're gonna do is i'll go back to the   beginning of the market i will  show you some canal views and some some other stores and then we're gonna  finish this one and we will see each other   again in the evening late late evening i'll  have another livestream from amsterdam again about time times opening times of this market  i'm not sure but probably they are opening   they they open at eight o'clock in the morning and  it's open until four four thirty five something so the whole street is full with market stores on saturdays  and also on wednesday as i know yesterday as you see in every street every place  there are bicycle parking areas like this   free because everyone use bicycles in their  daily transportation in amsterdam especially the church tower we see in distance  it's in harlemer strat that church see you another time william thank you oh please check the video description i have  social media accounts tik tok instagram   and we have discord server   even i'm not on a live video you can chat with  the members subscribers and you can share your   pictures photos or you can ask your questions  about your visit to amsterdam netherlands   even if i'm busy if i am not if i cannot reply to  your questions there are some other members that   may help you so join our discord server  currently we have 109 person there   so we are chatting with each other every  day almost it's more active than the before i accidentally broken with him in paris oh my all god yeah from here you can  go into the local market again   those are different stores i  think then we didn't see before is this video will end with a happy ending to you   i'm gonna show you the most beautiful view of  amsterdam most probably i mean in my opinion is chicken lumpia the big one 2 euro and 50 cents  to small 150 cents but they closed already   i hear dry oil music from  distance let's check it out the market is almost closed so  i'll just walk towards to the end   and i will show you that  happy ending reel at the end it's already 14 minutes wow that's good  this english bakery i think oh indonesian   hi this is cheese pie curry pie   let's check out the dry oracle traditional   dutch music track and i will support them with  some coins i have a video to europe for them i'll support the local business thank you this is it plays at that song now it plays the best song other side is more interesting but  i cannot show you the other side   there are some garbage on the other side   anyway let's let's run away  from the music copyright things oh maybe i can show you from distance yeah  here it is the other part of the dryer   it's like this so there is  a little mechanism automated   and this is one of two beautiful your down streets the market is located in the  lindenhracht linden canal look at the wheel they have they are  sitting in the best place probably   cafe papen island is next to me on the right  side i'm gonna show you that so there are many beautiful views  at this corner this is one of them it's also written here the prize amsterdam from  3 of august to 7 of august this area will be   close to some some vehicles probably  this is papan island very historic   old and popular amsterdam bar cafe maybe that's  one i don't know so this is happy ending rio nice day liverpool max and robbie hello mateo helen thanks so  much hello jakarta indonesia happy day in amsterdam and even it will be happy  also today in the evening after 8 00 p.m probably  

central european time i will have another live  stream walking through in the touristic centrum   i don't know rembrandt likes a plane or  damrak area but we will be together with sonar   probably if not i will be alone but in any  case i will do another live stream today   thanks so much for watching please  thumbs up if you haven't done already and   click the join button if you can make it become a  member or on the description you can find patreon   link that you can support with some small amounts  those videos also if you haven't noticed on the   bottom of the videos there is a merchandise option  with follow my travels t-shirts and some other options you can buy it it will be delivered in  14 days i'm just taking commissions from them   is a worldwide company that delivered to  you the quality is good i will say that   just for your information i think they  are going down from the canal right yo welcome hi windows paul by  john deadly martin thank you   adrian and everyone thanks so much okay oops i was almost stopping  the video but i saw deadly   deadly thanks for the super chat  a special time i will do that no

2022-07-21 22:38

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