Santo Stefano di Magra, Italy The Long Way Around

Santo Stefano di Magra, Italy The Long Way Around

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I. Like. Walking along here it's good. It's. Good fun. There. You see. It. What, the other building next to you it really gives it the. You. Get a sense for it you know. I was, like I sang. What's. That word. Dude. Doo-doo-doo. Can, we just like walk around the whole thing, nice, book over and over maybe, just, this, sense of the area. Of. That expectation yeah it is leaning oh. This. Part of the grass you can go up on. Maybe. I. Don't. Know. Feel. Like you're not supposed to. One. Of those outfits. You. Yeah, like the right side has these signs that say don't do it. Okay. Internet, please. Please. Internet. That. Works just a little bit squirrely around this area which, I'm not too surprised, about if. I'll. Usually consumer. Network is more like. Download. Loaded, like normal. People are downloading, things more than uploading things but, around here. With. All. These. People, doing. Those things. See. You like a click them all this. Is an area where upload. Will. Be used a. Decent. Amount. All. Those people over there, using. That upload, oh. God. That's supposed to turn around that's just a close-up of my face. Can. We get the dome behind you. What, is the dome. This. Door looks old. Stealing. Your up load yeah no one's allowed to use the upload Network, except for me. Hey. Oh oh. Well. How pretty, the. Sun setting in Pisa. Goodbye. Son. See. The, Sun on the building. Yeah. What, do you want, yeah. Here, absolutely. Perfect. Phew. Those should turn out yes they you too. Nice. Guys. I put effort into that. So. Like in the shows look closer I'm like low effort I'm like no let's let's back up let's get low some, get his whole figure in there try to get the top of mr.. Dome here with, the Sun, there. It's. Very nice very, nice. Probably, really nice view from the top of the tower right now, we're not there though nor. Will we get there in time. Since. It looks so nice mmm, the. Aesthetics, please me. Take. At least one selfie, what, would the tower. Well. I did with the stream didn't I. Like. The dome, guidance. You. Guys have a thing for licking why, are we looking everything. Alright, that's it yeah, this here like you can see the Sun well can you yeah I think can, still. Shining up on that building but. I'm not actually getting any sun, rays. You know. From. That guy's phone well, I should have taken selfies I pretended. Pretended. To take pictures of him what the whole time it's just like pictures of myself. Fisher. Twitter Instagram. They. Picture it with sunset and dome and tower, sunset. And dome and. Dome and tower, that's, so many things, the. Towers way over here I don't. Think I can get over there and. Get all these things in time it's. So many like. You can see that look look, there's the tower there's. The Leaning Tower of Pisa we made, it. You. Look Instagram, thank you. Nice. Oh. Struggling. With the colors. Struggling. What, there no no, yeah. Long. Story short I can't be in the picture. I. Can't. Be in it. Back. To the tower. Before. It gets dark, hey. Duke. YouTube. Underexposed. A little bit be fine I don't get those options stream, labs it does not give a lot of customization. Will. You take a shower date shower, today no I'm probably gonna sleep in a bush, bush. Just don't have showers unless. I roll around in some mud. Maybe. That'll be cleaning. Mud. Dude. Golden. Showers. I know, about that, pigs. Do that don't they yeah. So. I could make like a pig and roll, around in some mud, it. Would be nice. Martin. Go camping I still have my salami from yesterday I think, if we just get some bread, I'm. Tempted to get some wine. Tempted. To get some wine, yes. They. Explained. This. Is all very nice everyone. All. That dogs stoked to be on that grass, this. Famous grass. Got. A pee on it. And, we're back to the tower. No. You know you're not supposed to do that we. Talked about this we. Didn't we just talked about this we, had this conversation. We. Had this conversation. They're. Gonna get, evicted. From, Italy I. Think. She she, she's looking she's looking it, she. She, she's doing it. Yes. See. I'm not the only one. How. Many liquors no, just. Hosers. Holders. You. See that scarcely. My. Aesthetics. Yes. Work. It oh, and. In the way. That. Guy taking a picture of them taking a picture of the. Leaning Tower of Pisa. 360. Please got, you yeah I was gonna do really fast to. Be. Annoying but no I'll do it have a proper one cause it is okay wait hold up yeah we're losing the Sun. The. Proper one. Going. To the Leaning, Tower of, Pisa. And. You're feeling that he has so many different levels to this.

Okay. Now we're getting too close. Like. The stone. The. Sky. It. Does well. They do have armored, like. Armed. Dudes. In. An armored vehicle. Protecting. The lien. Maybe. They'd. Give me a ride I'd. Be an interesting vehicle the hitch in. Do. You think, it's. Got a snorkel and everything I could. Drive through a puddle. Yeah. It's good, at the base. Take. It to enter in tours, probably. How late really run why not that late that big. Group of people, run. The gauntlet, all. Right we survived. Really. Still T I know. It's. Definitely got a lean to it. Tyra, Street and everything else asleep. Maybe. Can. We not take photos from this side. You. Like this side leans to. It. Does. It. Totally does. Does. This not sigh is, this not side does, this side not have the single better I. Want. To look at it. Cost. Me 18 years to climate last month was it worth 18 years. Do, you like you can see the lien good from this side too but it's, not many people taking the picture. And. You can get the sunset in there. On. A. Signal. So you guys down tripod, down here small. Shrine line you guys up straight, with, the. Building. To. The right there, as. Much as we can. That's. Straight. You. Know I can't. This. Is a zoomed-out as I can be. Just. Milena bitna. I'm sitting on the floor right now. What. Are those orange suit people well those are so bright. Which. Way is it he, like if, anything's tilted, with. The tower. It's. Hard, my brain is broken. Puffins. Are nice behind, it. Selling. Selfie sticks a little. Does you know I am the king of selfie sticks I. Was. Born. With a selfie stick in my hand. Well. Actually. Put you on here thanks maybe, out here maybe, not on here maybe. Not on this post maybe on this post yes, on this post. Yeah. It's. A little shaky. It's. Been there since 1372. It's. Pretty old. Scripted. Sunset. Is. It, though. It's. Just so, scripted I. See. People so another person had like the, tower in in their, little. Shopping bag all this is aesthetic, oh my. Aesthetics, are just. Yes. Okay. But but, the problem. Problem. Is I can't fit it all on my frame into frame those, clouds though. It's. Just, it's. Just so nice, Oh. Your. Hair like it goes clouts. Had. It for a second did I. Base. That's. Sick and, I get the top then I don't get the bottom get. The bottom I don't get the top. I'm. Using museum you can go out, maybe. Color. Bar. Yeah I know this bar over there is close though, okay I can't be in this otherwise, I ruined. The, exposure. Getting. Involved. One. Guys. We're gonna walk under the leaning part my.

Most Dangerous thing I'll do in my life here. I'm. In danger, it. Was pretty lean II it. Is pretty lean II. It's. In the felt vertical I don't. Know about that. Did. You guys like that. It follows after 800 years well I'm standing right here. Yeah. I graduated. From the Prometheus, school of running away from things so I'd probably run straight, that way. See. It but from this angle it doesn't even look like it's that Leaney you know, looks. Pretty straight you, know, it. Could be called the straight tower, of pizza you know. You. Know what I'm saying. All, the restaurants are maybe getting ready now I presume. They open earlier like everyone, finished just taking their pictures Oh does it delight it up at night do they do that. See. That's a premium spot in this cafe that table. Right there JustGive look out like a bat that's nice I. Just. Want to. Put. You on somewhere, that has a decent view it I'm gonna think about where I want to go now oh. This. Is risky maneuver is this guy's standing on this pillar I don't. Trust his balance. Hold. Up. Excuse. Me. Says. Don't walk this sure he was at a sitting or running, and jumping. I'm. Instead over among these benches actually so, we can watch everyone take their pictures, and I can think about my life it'll be great you'll love it. Get. From a slap just. Yeah hole slapper I. Keep. Fighting the tower oh. Maybe. The tower insulted, this family or something, ah. There. You go tower, he's. A it, clean. Is. It. Stone our marvel our. Does a stone right. It's. Nice. So, if I go straight. West. It really looks like there's some good woods out here. He. Really does. Deep. Throat it like you want me to like go up and over. This. Is this. Go. Inside of it I I'm, not sure if they did like nighttime tours. The. Sun just set, SFP. Cal with the two hundred bits thank you. Okay. I can't go there it's, closed. Where. Can I go. This. Looks good. Come. Tomorrow, potentially. We, could do that. We. Found a pube Isis a day we know when the tuna. Sometimes. I got ya don't, walk on gas but, I'm not walking if, I just throw my tent out on the grass and dive. Inside. Get, something to eat cafe latte wine. And pizza. Yes, I didn't wanna get something to eat most places don't open in Italy until 7:00 although this is the touristic area so I'm guessing there are places to eat around. This time. I'm. Guessing they gonna turn the lights on pretty soon because we're losing the light pretty quickly. I don't, know. Right. Behind you on the right is where famous. To. Try. To overcharge. Behind. Me to the right there's, lots of restaurants over there yeah. Didn't. Notice the donor yeah. I don't play audible. Notifications. Because I find it obnoxious. In public oh my, god tip of a sky pulling. It up now 200,000. Donut oh my lord I can. Retire. We. Got surf, and donut with the $20. Tip. Hold. Up with my thumb. Thank. You. Thank. You for the $20, donation. There's surf and donut. Appreciate. It. Thank. You. It's. Open till 7:00 if you want to mount it like the, mounts the Leaning, Tower of Pisa. Fake. Photoshop. Like. So. What you, got a problem with me photoshopping. My thumb. On. The. Leaning Tower of Pisa. Someone. Dropped their phone that sounded like a phone. Google. Hasn't driven out here before I can't street view. It's. Not fair, how far is it. Okay. It's a good walk. Can. I walk down their room. Yeah. There's a sidewalk okay I sign.

Okay, So. I guess we look for something to eat for now and then I probably go out there and camp. I'm. Guessing you, should be fine. Should. Be nice. Picture. Of you holding the entire, licking. It and. Pushing. It with my finger yes. How. Many phones me three. Where's. The lights I'm just curious what the lights look like. Snap. A picture for the gram do. It for the gram. This. Is give it to bright turn. The brightness down. Maybe. The. Phone that we're straining from would be a better picture taking, film that this one I'm sure would be like just a fine job. But. Okay you guys you guys are gonna cut. How do I set this up okay. You guys. Are. Supposed. To, smile. Can. You all smile. That's. Great. That's. Real nice. Took. A video as well. Look. At that focus though. You. Will be back to Japan. One. Day, yes. I want. To go back. Okay. So. For. Now. Let's. Go to one of those shopping streets and uh well. Trying. To place the e that's open. You. Go over to South America I'd like to yes. Okay let's. Just walk down the street see if we find a nice place to eat. Like. I'm. Hungry, but I'm not like crazy hungry. We'll. Find something good though, let's try figure what I'm doing here because, they. Renew to the stream pretty. Much every day I have no idea where I'm going or what I'm gonna do when I get there, for. Pisa I've, heard of this thing this. Thing I've heard of. Heard. Of it once or twice. You. Don't know anything else, about this place. So. Yeah. I. Should. Plug you guys in actually. Why. Isn't Eric cookin. Why'd. You make a crooked. Solid. Sounds why do you do that I'd. Take a tower you push, it crooked. That's rude. At. The main tourist sites, in Pisa look that I believe, you because this is the only tourist, site I've heard it before I came here. We. Can't think that's the plan, that's, the plan. Hitchmate. In crooked no no no no we're. Blaming solid. Sounds. Planetary. On the inside churches and early tend, to be very beautiful. It. Would be cool I'm, not sure if I'm allowed in. Many of the churches, with my camera, stuff a. Lot. Of them don't let yeah some. Of them do but, yeah. This. You. Could probably consider this like a bit, of a strange travel stream because. I'd, say most places we don't we go we don't go to all the places that you're supposed to go to today. We did we, went to one of them we, did this one we, can we can hold it up with my hands, we, can lick. It, we. Can like try to like. Feed. It there's. So many things you can do here but. You. Try don't really go to all the tourist destinations, I just hitchhike. And see what happens, we've, got storm chaser rlb, 11-month Risa, thank you very much, for the 11 months hope you're doing well at hitch I'm doing excellently. Got. New trousers yet you, don't like my trousers. It's. Getting chillier. Once. I walk I'll warm up I. Just want to see the lights turn. Turn. On lights now I can go find food and then walk into the woods she'd.

: Rock the woods from there is, it just - hey. Didn't. Name change this Nathan oh it didn't even sv, you live yeah, alright. To. The west yeah. Give. Or take well more give than take a. Few. Kilometers yet it's not it's surprisingly, not that far for some from some real woods which, is nice, which. Is nice. Climate. I think, I, think. People said you could it's open till 7:00 to climb but. You, might have to like book it or something. Meet. Some locals that's what happens when I hitchhike. Some. Other cool things about hitchhiking. Local. People pick you up like the ladies that drove me here they're from this area. They. Were going to Ikea. Didn't. Agree not that cold weather whoo, so so it's. Windy, I'm. Not shooting tell but it is windy, and. When you're sitting stationary, and it's windy and, there's no radiant, heat from any Sun or like that it. Does get. Lights. Up once a year. People. Said it gets lit up well here who. Lied to me. Then. Take me to Ikea although they could have. Figured. Out your tent yet so this to difficult use last, night I thought I did a good job of setting it up I was pretty happy with with the pitch that, night. Some. Italian meatballs. Getting. Dust blown into my eyes. When. You started raining this trip, started in lisbon portugal and, we. So far we've been to Portugal, Spain and Dora France, Monaco, France, against Italy. I said. Siddalee but italy i. Wind. Yes. That's the network come on and it is windy. Won't. Light it up but all those flores, pillars. Floors. Pillars. Like. The, ones that, people have been standing on over here. It's. The famous leaning tower building it is wow, isn't. It exciting, this. Okay I'm just gonna google it because, sleeping. Outside tonight that's the plan yes I mean does, the Leaning Tower of Pisa light up in that there, we go we're gonna good what is, it. I can't. Trust you guys does. Okay. So slow it taping the. Leaning. Tower. Oh. He's. A. Light. Okay. I. Don't. Let up right now, not. Really this one spotlight, shining. On it here I was thinking like the. Thing light up you know. Daytime. Leave their crops. No. No, this. Is an advertisement, TripAdvisor. Please oh you're, the worst TripAdvisor, I hate you. Soon. We making this video next yars now I'm trying to leave I someone. Said it lit up and I was curious what looks like lit up it's. Not very lit up. It's, just once a year according it's multiple sites yeah saying sum of a bunch of candles and stuff you bet. Yes. Yeah, let's go. Sitting. Here cool. Getting, cold for nothing, never. Gonna go I'm gonna go find some food and then we're gonna walk into some woods and sleep in some woods. You. Guys excited. Get. Some hype going for some good some, good bush camping, I know. How much you guys like the bush I think. I've converted some people all. People were like kind of like I don't know if I like the bush but, now after watching this stream I think, people are very Pro. Bush. Very. Pro Bush you guys. Love. The bush thank you thank. You. But. Look. At this cardboard collection, we're accumulating that's. Getting pretty thick okay yeah. That lights in the way but. I. Was. Thinking about squatting. On the bench and. Then it would be like the towers. Poking my butt but. I. Feel, like that might be insulting, I. Don't. Want to insult Italy, that much. Silex. Big in the pictures, yeah. Probably. We. Had a rig rundown the top below where. You list all the gear you yes. Well, we have a gear list it just. Isn't. Complete I. Need. To be updated as things get updated and then. Not everything like, it's Amazon Gillis not everything is sold on the Amazon in the first place. I, redid the mouth sandwich don't think she'd go any further, oh. With. Insult but that was French, that was well. Okay well. Likes. Baguette and French, cheese and. I. Guess it was Italian, sausage. Got. The heating lamps. Oh, almost. A view of the tank not quite. It's time for dinner, yes, I'm, not that hungry but I could eat you know I could. Eat. Okay. That's. Not how long you people. Usually microwave, their feets in Italy what's, the proper way to reheat pizza was. It like something like put. It in the oven you put like something like a little bowl, dish, of water next to it or something like that. So. It's like, heats. It up it's early but. Get out, it. Also doesn't get soggy like a microwave would do. I don't. Know if I like, the text here like, it's called like a Grand Hotel but, the, the.

The The. Type. Like the the, style of writing just. Does not make me think grant. It's. Closer. To Comic Sans than grand. Fine. That's the word geez you. Know I see, I feel. Like this might help you guys actually understand. Like. My. Difficulty, with other languages, you see how much I struggle with this. One. Language I have I can't. Even speak that language properly. True. Definitely. Want like a place if I'm on this street like or, I can sit outside cuz, I would be nice. It's. Japanese food. Japanese, food they don't list the prices that's the danger zone. Hitch. A ride to. The. Date, just so. Yeah. You work here. I'm, gonna think about it yes my bees ready. It's, actually not expensive $6. To $10, for pizza here, just. I don't I don't trust places, where they. Stand. Outside see, he was wearing a red jacket and I thought he was one of the emergency, people from before and, I was gonna strike up a casual conversation about, the emergency, people because. I didn't know who they were. Very. Reasonable for the area yeah that's a I could. Actually go back there they had a nice outdoor patio, I. Feel. Like shouldn't. Go too much further down this way. Need. Back out a greasy spoon, sometimes. Just aimlessly wandering into, a back alley. Can. Get. Testy. At. All. Oh. Matt. Please. What. Are you gonna do me like that I, think. I'm gonna go to one of these places they're just in this areas with outdoor seating. Don't. Ask, them they don't guess it's no big thing well. A lot of people a lot of places do get without asking they just have their storefront and you. Know people. Learned it's good and then they go there. But. Yes it's a it, can be delicious food and still they can advertise the customers on the street. Winter. Prices it's right. To your season, this. Is true. Is. This place, this, is the Japanese place I might. That. Place. Supposed. To be here. Some. Restaurants around I know so it's like which one do you pick I just, want to see. If. It's good ish. There's. Nothing be amazing. Man. Just go to Rome like, in, Italy like just go to Rome don't. Don't even bother going anywhere else that. Sounds. Reasonable. You. Go to Venice you will have 5k people watch the same I don't think so, like.

I Truly don't I. Don't. Think when this says that much of a drop people like Venice. Apparently. Till they go there than they like it less. Good. At door spot, all. The other spots here. Right. Is is. It just this site yes. The. Other side it's the same oh it's the same over there. I'm. Gonna pick a military, mistake. Can. I sit over in the corner yeah, thank you. We. Got the corner, and. A green light because we're fancy. Because. We're. Fancy. Like. Yourself in ah that's. True I won't, find any out here though. You're. Too close you need to go on the seat. From. The people I've met that went to Venice. As. Part of an elite rip a lot of them did not have Venice, as their number one spot. Although. Maybe it's in the summer when it's super busy it might be nice to in the winter. Because. It's not as crazy. It's. Like we're on a date we are on a date it's very intimate look into my eyes, look. Into, them. Into. Them but. Closer. Now that we've got that out of the way Oh. They've. Got pictures this is wonderful. Chicken. Salad. Starters, get. Some bruschetta, I love or shut up okay. I'm not that hungry. Pass. Is. Is. There anything famous, to this area. Hey. Hazel eyes in lower, light I think it looks hazel and in brighter light I think it looks green. The. Day's sweaty hitchhiker I'm not sweaty right now okay. Main. Courses, okay. Like. It's really not that much. Fish. Courses. Wow. Carbon, era. Meat. Maybe, and. Then we got the pizzas. Margarita. For six heroes. What's. The more expensive pizzas, yeah, go up to about ten this place is cheaper than many. Other places I've been it's right next to the Leaning Tower of Pisa, that's. Pretty good six. To ten years. Do. You think they cut the prices in the summer. Have. Loose Gemelli. Which. Is which concept thank you very much welcome to the protectors. You. Find typical. Meat fish fish based. Tuscan. Cuisine should. Try their characteristic, chickpea, soup together with so called its show. Unsalted, bread and famous loaf of olive oil how, many pasta is another most. But, I have had a lot of pizza so we could probably branch out something to. Add. The Roos kem, le. Space. Camel, and. Space. Camel, that's quite. The. Mu it's better place to stay camping, or. Accommodation. I think, it's a good camping night and I think I can to. Me it looks fairly, simple.

2020-04-14 06:21

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