SANTANDER SPAIN - A Cove of Treasure in the North

SANTANDER SPAIN - A Cove of Treasure in the North

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hola migente adventure elliot here it is july  25th and as you can see i'm still in madrid   but only for a few more minutes because i'm  escaping the oven-like heat of madrid and   heading north back to cantabria and santander i'm  excited i'm going to film a video in santander   and show you guys what i didn't show you in the  last summer's video in santander so stay tuned   i'm catching my blah blah car you guys know i love  blah blah car so uh i'll see you next in santander well you guys i'm back in santander  almost a year later it's a fresh   20 degrees celsius about 68 degrees fahrenheit man  it feels so good to be back fresh ocean atlantic   ocean air we have the guy fishing here and so  i'm gonna go uh check into my hostel but uh   my plan for this video is to show you guys uh  what i did not show you on the video i did in   santander last year i got a lot of heat  in that video for not showing the palacio   de magdalena and playa sarinero are apparently two  of the best and most iconic sites of the city so   this is uh where i started the video last year we  have uh the this is a museum art cultural center   and we have this bay here where fairies and  boats come across there's the village or city   of somo over there and some great beaches and  man it's just great to be back in santander   so my first impressions you guys of  santander is everybody's wearing jackets   long sleeves and here i am with shorts the  ghiri but not everyone's wearing jackets   but it's because it's 20 degrees  it's fresquito as they say in spanish so good morning you guys uh i had a great night  sleep last night at that hostel you just saw   and i'm back in santander like i said earlier  and i'm walking in these neighborhoods here   and i'm on my way to the palacio de magdalena and  after that playa sardinero which is the best beach   in santander and one of the reasons i'm going  there to these two places because the first video   i made in santander everyone left in the comments  saying why didn't you go to those places well at   the time i was totally exhausted from the camino  de santiago and these neighborhoods here are so   cool look at this santander is like on a peninsula  like kind of like a little hilly peninsula   and to get around the city you have to go  up and down a lot of hills and so i was just   totally exhausted from the community santiago  the previous 10 or 12 days i had walked from   san sebastian hasta santander so i was revantaro  but uh nonetheless i'm back in santander to   restart the camino de santiago and as such  i'm gonna go explore this part of santander   and give you a proper video as requested by you  guys so just check this out this neighborhood here   i'm not sure what it's called but santander has  such a nice relaxing feel postville of course you hear the seagulls because you know you're  near the the ocean the atlantic ocean the north   atlantic ocean the cantabrian sea and it has  a nice humid actually a little bit sticky air   but it's not the same as that central uh  peninsula peninsular heat that you feel in   madrid in andalusia and castilla e leon etc  so man there's just a lot to explore here   in this neighborhood and people from  santander in my experience very nice   of course they speak very pure spanish here  castallano pudo they have a very nice accent   i love the accent spoken by the people in this  part of spain so let's keep going along here and   we're gonna get to the palacio and thereafter  the best beach in santander playa sardinia so as i said there's lots of hills here you can  climb so this looks like an interesting place to   go up we have some stairs here so let's  go up these stairs and see what i can find   and so like i mentioned uh i'm  resuming the camino de santiago   my rough plans are to go from here in  santander through the rest of cantabria   and all the little towns along the northern  coast uh that you encounter santiana del mar uh janes etc so i'll be going to asturias as well just  check out this yard here everything's so green   up here you guys it's so beautiful being up  here in the summer is great and getting to   rihon and if i have time i will continue into  galicia well looks like this is a dead end well like i said that was a dead end  so i had to go a different route so now   like i said a hilly city we're going downhill here  and uh if i can get all the way to santiago i will   but if i don't no worries because the way the  community santiago works is you basically do what   you can you know if that's 100 kilometers  that's 200 300 you do what works for you   based on your resources how you feel your time and  so that's what's gonna happen i'm just gonna enjoy   the rest of july and the beginning of august bueno  diaz i'm gonna enjoy the rest of uh my time here   in summer it's very precious the north and summer  i mean just look at it and we'll see what happens   we'll see what happens but i i'm gonna try to  film everything i can just like i did when i   first started my channel and i know people love  the community santiago it's a different vibe it's   not a party mode maybe i'll have some cider along  the way sun sidra as they call in spanish but it's   not a party you know like when i go to uh balaga  that's a party and so this is sort of my escape this is my escape my detox so to speak and you  can see the ocean up there you guys just check   that out that's a bay that crosses into the other  part uh and i came here on a ferry last year that   was like two euros and yeah guys i'm just gonna  enjoy it and bring you guys along the way with   me i don't know if i'll be able to uh publish  videos on the regular but i'll do what i can   and of course in english and spanish so let's  continue along we're getting close to the famous   palace so the center of santander is that  way a couple kilometers and you can see that   in the first video i'll link it above and in  the description but we're going a different way   and we look across the bay there that is  the town of somo somo and you just see the   cantabrian mountains in the background and  if you come here on the community santiago   uh if you can't if you came from the east that  is you're gonna cross these mountains and it's   one of the most gorgeous days of the whole hike i  also have a video showing that and i titled that   the road to santander i'll link that and man like  you walk along these cliffs and you look down and   you see the ocean and there's just mist rising  from the waves it's very green and it is just   out of this world unlike anything i've ever  experienced and look at a lot of these people   in northern spain they have their own gardens  like everywhere everyone has gardens i'm just   absolutely enamored with this part of spain so  much i mean i know i say that wherever i go but   the the the la varieta espana the variation  of spain and the geography is just phenomenal   and what makes it unique is that yes it's a  rather large country for european standards   but you can get to all parts of spain on bus  and train and plane in a short amount of time   in a place like the united states that  obviously has unique geography itself   um you can't get to the west coast from  the east coast in a matter of hours   you know so you have to take a plane  and it's costly or you gotta drive   the infrastructure is just not on par with  europe no offense but just look at that   in the background you guys that is that's this  is why i come to northern spain this is why   thousands of others come up here on  vacation and it's less traveled to as well   look at these houses you know you're thinking  of real estate in southern spain costa del sol   why not think of some of these places  up here in the north look at this   they got a great view and it doesn't  get too cold here in the winter   has that maritime climate i mean you see the  palm trees it doesn't get below freezing seldom   and it doesn't get above uh 30 degrees  celsius so what can't really go wrong all right so we're approaching the palace it's  getting closer and closer you can just tell   leading up to it this isn't the palace but  you're going to want to watch until the end   of this video to see the palace and just check out  these views it's clearing up here wow you guys as   they say in spain spanish wow yes this is what i'm  talking about right here palacio de la magdalena so i think that uh it's actually closed during  the week or at least to get a tour you have to   pay i think five euros but as you  see people are still going down here   so i think we are going to be able to get   at least a view of what it looks like from the  outside and if we can we will explore a little bit   so we have uh resinto so this this is like a  little mini peninsula on the bigger peninsula here   and down this way is the palacio but it looks like  they've turned this area into a place for concerts   for events etc etc etc so we're here as i said  and this is what it looks like now and this is   the palace and i'm gonna do a walk around and then  go to the beach nearby but yeah you see there's a   sports zone here and it's a little peninsula  within a peninsula so the tourists are out today   including myself to come see the  famous palacio de la magdalena so let's continue along here in this park and i believe  the palace is up this way canary island palm tree wow okay this has given me similar vibes  to the castle that i explored in   san sebastian last year i have a video on that too madrid see wow just check out the palace here so let me uh give you some short history  here about the palace construction started in   1909 so beginning of the 20th century there and  it finished in 1911 what a quick construction   for that time and king alfonso the 13th and his  family the royal family would spend time here   and then they would continually  spend time here as a summer escape   until 1931 when the second republic took power  and what happened is they stopped coming here and   this kind of became a different place and then  later on in the 20th century they restored it   to what it looks like now quite impressive  architecture here and i can only imagine the   views from up there are so great uh and now uh at  the end of the 20th century and 21st century now   it's obviously a tourist site you can go  and take tours inside but nonetheless very   beautiful and uh impressive here's what  the views look like obviously not as good   as if you were up there in the tower but man  this gopro really captures the palace's wide view and so like i said when i first filmed the  video here in santander i didn't come here   i was too exhausted to keep walking to  the end of the peninsula and i of course   missed this but i'm here and i'm glad i came  back and i'm glad that you guys can see this   so just soaking up the views and of course  these ladies gotta come here for the instagram and enjoy the palace now like i said i don't think  it's open during the weeks to go do tours on the   inside but if you're photogenic definitely  come to this place and get some pictures   for the instagram i mean that's what it's  all about here in 2021 furthermore if you're   coming to get some great views in santander  maybe not of the city but of the landscape   here is uh the best place i think to uh  capture those views just look at that   so on the road to santander the video i made i was  walking along those cliffs there in the distance   to somo over there where i took a ferry across  the bay here and i remember seeing this palace   in the ferry but i didn't know how to get  there and like i said i was too tired but   we're back we're back guess who's back back  again adventure elliott tell your friends   now with santander being along the coast here  of coastal city in the northern part of spain   it's only fitting that we have some replicas of  some smaller ships here interesting look at this and these ones quite fascinating these uh   these boats here i wonder from what  time in history were these boats i have no idea but not anything modern of course  so playa sardinero is right up here you guys let's   go check it out interestingly enough there's some  uh seals down here some focus and look at they   come up to greet you pretty friendly guys look  at them they have their little natural pool here   and just another little attraction  in this park here uh in santander   parque hey bucks wacky books  mekipo campiones campiones here we go behind us we have playa sardinero and look at it what's nice about these beaches  here in northern spain is they're so wide   the tide goes so low and it comes so high  during high and low tide and the sand is so   fine so soft and white and you know when you're  in the mediterranean in the coastal del sol a lot   of times the beaches are narrow and rocky um so  maybe we should go do a walk down on the beach and   sort of maybe end the video there on this uh  second video from santander from the better half   and yeah just like i said that nice fine  white sand it feels so good on the feet   nice little massage so let's take a  little walk along the famous playa sardine   wow you can see the tide and the day comes all  the way up here and it goes down where those   you know where the people are bathing in the  low tide so quite quite a difference with the   atlantic ocean or i guess the cantabrian  sea here in terms of the high and low tide   now if you remember in cadiz i was out in that  castle there and i jumped off the bridge during   high tide but during low tide it was totally  exposed so you could definitely not jump off   the bridge there so tides are interesting  thing from a geographic standpoint   so in santander instead of going to the gym for  exercise you come to the beach for a morning   walk i mean just absolutely full of uh walkers  here getting their daily walk-in nice exercise   and up here we have it looks like a surf school  the waves aren't you know quite big enough to uh   surf here but the kids can get their bearings  and if you want some real surfing you just go   to the other side across the bay to somo  it's called and the waves are absolutely   massive there and other places along this northern  coast have great surfing along with portugal   i think some of the best surfing in  all of europe in the continental europe   is here in northern spain and in portugal in  fact some places in portugal the waves are   are too big for any amateur and even too big  for some professionals quite dangerous but   i can't remember the name but  man if you're a surfing fan   come up here to northern spain and if you just  want to enjoy the the coastline as well like this   like you see hundreds of other people doing  right now come up here for a nice morning walk well you guys i thought i was gonna end the video  back at that beach but it's a very nice sunny day   here in santander and i'm grabbing some delicious  tacos here it's been a while since i had tacos   and so i think it would be a good idea to  continue the video and uh walk to some of   the overlooks of the city and give you a view  of the city that last year when i came here it   was cloudy we couldn't see the same stuff so  let's go ahead there after i eat these tacos   so let's continue along a little uh urban tour  now of santander you guys this city has so many   cool little spots to explore and as i said i'm  gonna go up to that mirador which is an outlook   where i can get a better view of the city  and then end the video there but wow i love   this city of santander the city's got a lot  to offer and quite interesting architecture   certainly different than the center  part the southern part of spain   and as you saw that palacio earlier that  was not spanish architecture there and   any of you architecture people can  you guys tell me what influenced this   uh here and uh these buildings here  because i'm pretty fascinated by this stuff hmm so there's these escalators right here  in the middle of the city that help you   uh of course go up and go down and  there's what's called the furnicular just like a little cable car and i think that's  where these people are going so i'll join them wendy yeah well i finally made it to the place that i wanted  to show you to end the video and do the city views   justice here in santander cantabria northern spain  just check out these views here of the city in   the ocean in the distance this is where all the  ships come through and there's a port over there   and the city of santander and if you look way  into the distance that's the cantabrian coastline   and eventually you would get to pais vasco  or basque country and then from there   you would get to the pyrenees mountains and the  border of france and so if you're thinking of   coming to spain you know you're putting on your  checklist toledo sevilla cordoba the costa del   sol well do yourself a favor and at least look  into northern part of spain it's sort of off the   beaten path to some degree when you compare it to  the other parts of spain and totally worth it and   so uh i'm gonna head back down to the hostel and  edit this video for you guys but my next steps   are the camino de santiago i'm gonna go  westward through the rest of cantabria asturias   and eventually galicia and so i hope you guys  like this video join me on the community santiago   you're going to see a lot of these little villages  into the countryside and mountainsides and you're   going to see a lot of interesting coastal  cities and lots of beaches so stay tuned   adventure elliot piecing out i'll see  you guys in the next video hasta luego

2021-08-02 01:34

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