Sadie in Paris - Part 1

Sadie in Paris - Part 1

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three years ago me my brother billy and his  fiancee gwendolyn took on the mammoth task of   restoring this stunning front chateau  at first it was just the three of us   but since then the whole family has moved in to  help bring this place back to its former glory   hello everybody my name is sadie i live here  at chateau de la Basmaignee with all my family   and i'm going to be showing you my life here in  france and what we all get up to i hope you enjoy   the videos so here is the chateau but i actually  don't live in there at the moment i'll show you   so i actually live in this building here which is  the old stables and it's an apartment that billy   and Gwendolyn actually use as a kite but it's  empty at the moment so i'm in there bloody dogs but it's not all about the chateau let's  go to paris i'm going to show you guys   some of the most amazingest places if you  haven't been make sure you stay tuned or   if you have been still stay tuned because  you know it's fabulous so yeah let's go   so we have mo today he's our chauffeur in paris  yeah because i don't know my way around paris and   the traffic is a bit crazy but  mo lives here so he's used to it   yes i will take you everywhere where you want   so this is the arc de triomphe  and now we are just about to drive   down the champs elysee which is a famous  street in paris you have all the big shops here and what's this building here this big one this it's a i think it's a hotel ah it's  a hotel hotel there what does it say   what i tell the kosa kosla the koslan it's a big  hotel and you have the elysee you know the elysee   just behind where macron lives the french  president he lives just behind that hotel   and this is the champs  elysee from the the nice view   yeah we're gonna go back towards the arch de  triumph from the other direction because you   get a better view and just here you can see the  eiffel tower behind the trees there a little bit paris fashion week they have  it here in this building are you enjoying paris olivia the views   yeah you just saw what building  did you just see and what monument the champs elysee that's the street isn't  it and the monument is at the arch triomphe the eiffel tower everybody it doesn't look so big on the phone but it  is huge so here we are at the trocadero which   is the best view of the eiffel tower and i'm  gonna come back here later tonight and show you   it's better at night time  because you'll see all the lights so this nice gentleman just gave me this one a  souvenir thank you very much you give it to your   man and then you say that's my pleasure thank you  and just behind us is the Trocadero where we were   just a bit earlier um which you get the best  view of the eiffel tower but here is very bottom so we're on the roof of gallery lafayette  and up here you have the best view of paris   as you can see here you've got opera in the distance you can see the eiffel tower what is this building mo it's a military  museum military museum Musee de l'armee we're just going to get a drink and   olivia wants a lollipop so we're going  to get one here while we watch the lights where are we going now mo we go to to  see the eiffel tower from uh trocadero   and then maybe we go to sacre-coeur it's a basilica so obviously this is the eiffel tower  and we were here earlier and this is   called the trocadero it's the best  view of the eiffel tower in paris and what are these buildings mo beside us  so these are the Trocadero yeah all this   and what are they used for and this  is it's called musee de l'homme it's   the two buildings it's a museum it's like  man museum in english yeah so it has a big downstairs here basement basement in the  basement it has got a big space and a   big restaurant yeah because over here   sometimes you can see people having dinner  there's like a terrace from the restaurant thank you so much for watching my first  video i really hope that you enjoyed it   and please like and subscribe so that you can keep  up with my future videos have a lovely day bye

2021-01-02 04:20

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