S2Ep6 Let's Sail Turkey - Oludeniz to Kas (26-30.04.2019)

S2Ep6 Let's Sail Turkey - Oludeniz to Kas (26-30.04.2019)

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If. You watch the last episode you will know that we spent a wonderful day in KK Bay. We. Visited, Coldwater, Bay client. To Khoikhoi then. We have trouble to enter in own attorneys. So. We landed in an unplanned, place, watch. Now to see what happened after. Would. You like to say about this well. Then this beautiful. Place. Beautiful. Water, today. It's so hot. Found, it difficult to find a spot to anchor last. Night we came last night you came here and we had about five or six sets just couldn't do it that I started to fade so, we just ran back to somewhere where we knew was safe picked up a morning stayed overnight and. Came back again this morning and again this morning I think was something into third sets that we finally got to hold. I, don't. Know this is like a rocks on the bottle very very deep until, a mouse. And then abruptly. In some places there are some big rocks. When. You're coming back. But. About the chain that you need to have out for, the depth, before. Attentions, are already back on the rocks. Here. We. On this other side of lagoon just in the bathroom. Are, we going to collect our family, from the beach now. Yes. So they somewhere there or maybe, they over there. 19, at the entrance, to direct. It's just so long. To. Change his position you, know. Come feeding GG wants a flat. Oh, it's. So. Hard. To get Oh. So, redirect, to, bamboo groans oh we, are in Albany, on the, beachside. Nice. Piece big beach but. Still not Sunday is, little stones. Get, the done. Right. But everybody, would be one of those places where you cannot go from the land sighs you have to go by, boat, of. Course some. People. Who can. Crime. They. Can use the lines further on the. Walls. And they can come down but it's very. Difficult, and dangerous and, of kippie style play. Then serious, no. There is no electricity, there, is electricity but. Just. Limited. So. After talk loud you have candles. You have to mind this place. Beautiful, you. Have to see the death, the. Mountains are actually become so. Monumental. Four. Miles from olu deniz older than mrs. just behind us. Capito. Oh yeah, carita. Look, at this place a perfect, chill-out. Spot to have a glass of wine and, watch the Sun go down we. Were lucky we could do just that. You. Valley. No. Butterflies but. They're surveilling it's a valley for sure actually. It's called spectacular. The. Shape of the thefts. This. Down this, is a camping. Very. Hippie camping. Beautiful. Place there is a bar, beach. Tent. And. It. Can't. See no but there is. Waterfall. And. The, water comes, just. Here. Just. Here. In the beach and which is so probably, 25, meters. After. A day on a hot beach a cold shower is called for let's. Go to the waterfall. Well. Well. Little one that's. What Bobby. What's, nobody bleep you'll be playing some join it, yeah. Very busy with nature boats the. Boats gold sort of a point for now in the garment and then you have the place to yourself. But. Yeah, two nights as an offering. The party music that goes up to midnight, it's. A matter we'd watch it down for that there, was no smell of, weed before, smoking breathe in there trust me I know. I think, this music and the guy with dreads make, you smell the way I do, it I could. Smell the her okay. We. Left there as a group of seven gone by eight or. Having. To cash need. Four hours yeah. Three, hours into a seven-hour, journey. No. Winter told. And sort of mirror sees kind, of pretty kind of fog but does that definitely, act as a haze there so visibility, is of brilliant, but probably. Better. It's. Why you send me and Anya on the phone so you're at you've been sent the photos look else but if you take a town while you're there. Okay. And the children, sitting inside, I don't know why when. They should be outside, Derek. Is working, so he's excuse. Michael. Is working so. He's. Excused, dog. Is trying to be out of the way so she's excuse, but, children they should be outside okay. I. Come back from my station, okay. Yeah well. Yeah they look out for me. So. This, is how busy we are with, my sister. Yes. She. Is watching. Shake, steady. Okay, yeah we're just driving that cows. Hoping. That we get in here because I believe it fills up with bullets, for tourists, and in the season but, hey as we can see lots of targets here so all we're looking for is just a little better space. That's. To. Leave some paint on the boat oh yeah. That's all we did. But. Insist on the confidence, guards the territory, because that's their business people. Walk around the beers they're, not there to counsel. Maryna. Just over there, here's.

Cash, Marina boatyard, and we. Are anchoring. You cannot see yes. Here. In. The bottom just on. The left side from this boat. Walking. Distance to town maybe. 15. Minutes. Nice. On the path safe. And. I, even think it's a boost service over here we just. You just don't usable, service, because, we don't need to 15. Minute walk. It's. Very pleasant. Couldn't. Get. My. Chocolate ice cream and, but, yeah now it's full of Sherpa boats. Pity. We couldn't get in. The. Atmosphere, is also. Built. Around harbor yeah we, just, walk. 15. Maybe max. That's. Pulling me it's 10. Main. Plug here, main. Square, and, on. The sides are little, small streets, beautiful. Streets. With shoulder. We're. Walking this lovely, Street. With shops. For. Tourists, to, spend the money leave. The money in cash. Koren to speak. Those, carpets. This, beautiful, the district's, so colorful. What, you wanted to show me. Here. We are talking about toys well. For us we are looking to buy a drone and our, chatty uses for opinion to help us no choice. Look, at the colors here it's just. I have. To say that Turkey. At, least. Those, few places were ribbon, reminds. Me Netherlands because, they're using every single, piece. Of what, we could in Poland probably think it's rubbish, as. A decoration. With. No wastage you can make, an art of everything, what you find. Don't. Waste anything. Look, at this restaurant oh. Yes. But. There is no point. Every, single the, restaurant, is skilled and. Bars. And, restaurants. And. It. Picturesque. Quaint. With. The small streets the colors. I suppose, you kinda tipped off that it was nice but, it's. More. Than what I expected. Hewwo. Copies in the morning. We. Didn't need the clock. We. Had a Cuccurullo I think. He's. A suspect. Below, come on. You think here last night. Really. Nice people. Friendly. Helpful we, could get in with dog. Next. Day in cash Direction, ancient, theatre. That's. The theater in cash. Alyssa. That's, Ian. Would. They say from first century, before Christ, yes. Well, technically. 1921, Dido but after the earthquake. So. Nice view on the bay. Good. Like an olive grove I don't know what else we say I feel like in Greece here. No. It's why we're standing here in, the shadow we should go just about, whatever. For, me the experience climbing. Definitely. Does the new. Stones. And. That's, the old. Coming. You. Know how many people could sit in here. Now. I think 4000. And. They. Watch the spectacle over, there. Of. Course, dip you can see which tones were bold because they know the placement of the house, if what they wouldn't. Do that probably, wouldn't see the shape properly, so and. The. Same the floor is, changed. States. We. Love cash and highly recommend, the business I'm from. Here we moved on to Kurkova and searched at the sunken city so, don't forget to subscribe and, get notified, with the new episode in teh. You.

2019-05-30 02:25

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