S2Ep1 Gocek Exclusive ( 2019.04.10)

S2Ep1 Gocek Exclusive ( 2019.04.10)

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We'd, only left I'm reading for five minutes, IMAX was already in it his imaginary world dunno, where he was traveling to he, was having fun man. Monica, started. To dismantle airboat oops. Guys. Don't tell me you're feeling all the third chick and seasick already. Rocking. Motion, your. Poor your boy. Your. Little boy. What. You think max good to be moving. Good. News our. Dog is happy to see dinky. That's. An improvement before. Used to be petrified. Smiling. Castel is moving, are you going for walk rauch, are. You going for okay. Yes. I, gonna kiss moving here so happy. And. So. Happy, to see dinky because he's, going. All. The way. Yeah. He's very very nervous. Yeah. Dad. Right, yeah. Moaning in boy. I. Think. It. Go. Up here. Okay you can go check heading, down to and to obey so, it's a nice. Big. Nose for lungs. Yes, not a great day, it's bit overcast. Nice. Way for sanding, except for something love you know always. I. Know, we should change. We. Don't have any options there Oh Sam's. Gonna have to go check. Yes. In. Tune. Bay or just to the right of 2 in Bay and. Not a little unless, tied. Back here. Understand. Or about, two. And a half meters. And. How. Quickly drops down on, the front here 6. Meters deep and. We. Dropped the anchor house maybe four. Maybe. Five, Oh Glenn says. Yeah. You've a lot of chain else so. He goes 60. Meters of chain out. Puck. So. Poised here. Nobody. Edges or speeds but, water is is beautiful, and clear so. Tomorrow will be dive. DuBose a, scrub. Underneath. Nicely. Today try. And get that done in the morning. See. What way the wind is blowing what. Is going to change Saturday. Sunday. Monday, three. Days of rain forecast, strong. Sort of Lee's so you have to took in somewhere and. I. Do. To the wind. We're. Gonna do a terrain. You'll. Have tap and fever after three days of rain. You. Can go in no no I, need. Lead. Matt. Stop it because. Liam. Believes only, when. We creep down. The. Surprise, of the noises. Getting. There. So. Yes. Just a, little bay at the side of tomb Bay. Beautiful. What. Are you doing over there. Alright. Go. For work, bye. After. Walk it's, time for coffee and, think, about the next task time. To dive and clean the bottom of the boat. How is. Thunder. Propellers. New. Pink of all the world face. Pretty. Scenic to start hood. So. We're checking foot now so that's where we see that our is. Just down there. On. It. But. You know what. There. Is no internet we want star extra. Switch. Off from your crazy, virtual. World. The. Quarry bigger now, yeah, but a true and you would surround those it was you know sit in the virtual world I. To. Leave all day but. If you want to see more photos from this lovely area go, to our website and see what Wilkinson. Today. We are going to copy. Creek. It's. Two, bays. Just. Water two Bay's on the way we're gonna have a little. But. Every one of these like a little horseshoe Taipei's they're all half an hour the points, to tie it back onto and. You can't you, can't anchor I. Just be sweeping you hope to die back but. Some of the base is so small and I can imagine that'd be just spin, over. Over all bankers in the middle because, there's still quite deep in the middle of it even. Even they have where we were in one Bay last night. It. Was 20. Meters deep on. To so. If you want to have you know three two one fight to one scope we're, gonna have a lot of chain air which one of the Bucky and fairly close. Yeah. Everybody's. Taking the same spot the top riders. Like. I said you like free-for-all in the summer. Interesting. I'm sure here sure, it's great pastime, just assist I'm, at the dock i watch people and. Hopefully, I don't want some crackers, snake. There. Has no problem huge savings, and more especially when the water is so calm. Sign. There welcome. To salty sailors oh, that's. Not for me. Here. Is a happy, round. Good. Boy good. Boy, don't touch the people yeah what the boy. He's. Waiting for his phone. Of. Course everything here across the chips the chips are lovely black sheep aren't asleep.

And, It's all Roopa deserts and frozen chips. Gorgeous. And. I go to one everywhere. Well. This one is a bit suspect. There. And we have crying. Dog. Just. Got the breath I wanted. To buy the bread but they, took from the oven hot, one put. Into the paper, toilet. Paper. I wanted. To play and did you say no that's for free so we got the fresh bread for free. No. No that's, all. See. A Beretta. Open. And. Ask, me how much is. Our. First sale at the new season after leaving copy, Creek and we're heading to, tear. Sandy Creek and. The. Few sort of islands around here to the win is little the flu key well, champ it's a little bit four knots in nine knots of breeze and. That's a breeze do. Trim in our heads hair now. Pleasant. Ancient, off quiet. It's. Free. What. Do you think. Sit. On the low season me to go ask the trim that Hansel. Okay. You don't want to come to us to this big tough. Huge. Dog like a tango, I. Don't. Always see kanga but I think he's the size of Congo so conga. Would be the size of a loan and. This, is. Okay. Creeks. On. You creep. This. One kept maybe laps ready for the season yet there's, a big dog. Yeah. Let's. Get out of there on. Our way up to. Go. Check we, said ok that's been into. Buku. Buku. How about that look in here it's a nice bite as well child, oh that's, beautiful. Watch. Out that Bay best aunt on the top so. Most boats are. Staring. To onto. A. T-shape. Of fear they can see. What. Restaurant is at the head of the bay oh yeah. There, is a catamaran, what is older than our one. That's. Impossible, they can't be a cash bond older than ours. And. It's floating I think. I'll start swinging around now. We've, brought back a go check and does have a bit of wind tonight we're. At anchor and I. Suppose were a little bit nervous cause it took us three sets to get that anchor to hold. So. We had to strange noise I was bugging me because, we're going to do anchor watch I thought I can't go to sleep hearing, this okay. Like. A metal pipe moving. And I thought okay is, it the spinnaker pole moving around know, what else I check that now is, it, the. Anchor moving. Because we're on a snubber so we have a rope going holding. Onto the chain and it's a bit of slack chain between, the, snow burr under boat I thought that's rattling, around I, went. To their house lying on the deck with my ear on the deck and it anybody looked at me to come Gaga. You know where's, this noise can't, hear that side can't, hear it anywhere. Turned. Around is the concert beer rolling around the floor under, the bilges not, there then, walk on the front.

There Monica finally bingo. Opens. The drink cabinet, so. We opened a bar. Here, yeah. That's. Our novel. That's. A stainless. Stainless steel, wine. Cooler. So. Now. Now. Has, to go. And. As I'm your assistant, yes. I'm assistant, I'm test subject, one. And. We're putting this back to. Be sure will be no more noises and. Goodnight, babe. I'm. Watching concur, with till midnight and then. It's. Not always nice and sunny off now. Some, are sailing in the Med. But. Even Claudia is getting hammered in semi you know aliens Orion. Maybe. There would be no more summer in demand. Bread. Bread, bread bread, bread, bread, bread, bread bread, bread bread, bread I, love bread, eleven, o'clock ten. Past eleven I am in the bed. It's. Not just I'm lazy, seasick. We. Have the constant, rain since, yesterday. And you. Have a stone after stone in, the rain and, the water and, the cold and, the wind. Anyways. And. We just bouncing. Bouncing. And it's no big points it's just this really bounce, bounce, bounce was, the last, 24. Hours turning, the go check we. Anchor. Just in the bay I was, supposed to go today to memories. Because. Of white eye with the same thing and. Tomorrow. It's gonna be nicer weather, so, I think. We'll go tomorrow and, today this. Reporter. And then, worried, that. He call me when we're going. By. The way and. You. Guys can wait until I grab, a picture what I wanted to show you guys. Wait. And I'll be back, in a second. Sam. Buck. Here's. My picture. I'm. Still, doing, all day yeah, yesterday, morning. What. Yeah. I. Really. Should know. Oh. Boy. This. Videos about more than we did on mom you. Nearly. Nine and, after three days. Terrain. Here is ferocious yesterday. I did. Four trips and in those four trips I took 100, litres of rainwater I was a dinky we, showed you the volume Irenaeus immediately 2.6, meters so. In that area. Yeah, head from Armas. And hopefully some, sunshine. It's. A beautiful morning to date. That's. Why. Wasn't, that pretty yesterday, and, was raining, beautiful. More. Beautiful. Are. You. Ready for your trip. Yes. We go to memories. You. You.

2019-04-17 12:58

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