S2Ep15 Let's Sail Greece Corinth Canal (12-22.07.2019)

S2Ep15 Let's Sail Greece Corinth Canal (12-22.07.2019)

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Can. You look crazy. Dog crazy dog. Okay. He's going through water. Are. We going five minutes in the. Third. Or a dead animal, what. A turd. What. Is the. Beautiful. Small island just, few, minutes. From. Aten. There. Is a great father. This. Is Ola. Small. Island I don't, remember the name I will write in the moment I, will. Just walk here with dog. Looks. Like somebody trying to orange this island. And make a, beach. In the relaxing, other and some reason didn't work so what's. Left is the path with stones. But. A woodshed. We're. Supposed to be you, know. Writers. Or bars or something. And. Obviously. Makara. Just. Came to see the sunset. Very. Nice place. So. Well. Is busy hunting the rabbit with, the rabbit ah. We. Are on the way to come come out and we. How. All right I mean this will be alright I hope, it. Will pass so I don't, know that. There is no rain maybe little bit of, wind. What. Are you doing Michael. Preparing. For the deluge. So. Who is driving about. And. We're approaching the, entrance to the Corinth canal from, the east. Side. Supposed. To be beautiful. Supposed. To be, really, scenic, we. Have picked the most overcast. Cloudiest. Today there's, thunderstorms, in the region so I don't. Think we're going to see a whole lot of it. And the plan was to arrive here in the evening so we could maybe possibly transit. And pass the sunset it's, supposed to be lovely because. The Sun sets on the western end and you see. Sudden, go down it's, just chocolate decides to canal but. You, see nothing with such low that we don't even have a sky at the moment the sky is so low. Can, I can I stop you for mommy I'm sorry but, just the people who see their minds fighting on the back so just how. Would you gonna well, Knights protects, us from evil spirits and wars of all the dangerous and is there. Please. Lessened, would, Michael say no. I'm. The good spirit, I protect you when the evil one good alright but that is sparking. So. So we're here it's, a bottleneck basically. Greece mainland, needs Peloponnese. Just. A narrow channel in, between so. We're gonna have a little look. So. Yes we're arriving on a Tuesday Tuesday is a closing day for the canal they repair the canal from 7:00 a.m. for. 1800. Dredging. And preparing, the limestone sides, because, the rocks falling, in. Hopefully. I don't know we're gonna go up here maybe get a pasta too tonight that's possible, we're hoping for I don't think. But. When we have nowhere there we heard the nice option is go at night when everything is just right yeah, so. Yeah we're not gonna get sunset we're not gonna get nice pretty ass sunshine, going through so, we're just gonna go for a night light and. Hopefully we have some video and. We're pretty tight in bezel, so we have to stop on the other side anyway I we, hope will not stop in the canal. This. Left. On there quarter of attack nice. Who. Are thinking about going to court Connery unique, place probably first and the last time in our life probably our children, will do this again but we will not, annual. Thinking do descend at night or, in. The sunshine, or maybe. We're, waiting only five minutes for permission to get in and. We know our friends, span past three hours like so. That's the close unfortunately. It's not this country for. That matter and, you, have to pay about 250. Euro. That's. A Greece Greek. Server crave, it's. One more day and after that all has a lovely word how. Close we are to edges. Another. The stressful captain is now. We have an absolutely, beautiful view, and. We should enjoy. The. One engine. The. Lower bridge over there. Gonna. Open the lower bridge was. When you do. Stop, the cars. To. Open the lower bridge to let us go out and I, told you going to be faster, but, unfortunately, we have 1580, now going up to 20 a. Little. Bit. Both. Sides I'm sorry guys. No. No. We. Are in currents, in a storm. And. It is very interesting passage to plant canal, we. Had only arrived at Anton's case. With our engines being dirty diesel, and. I. Have. Run them a bit low doing. So my bad. One. Picked up the little mr. Gerst that's that I don't know how to explore that but that's what I think, so, we were going through on one engine and I was praying as.

Taking. For. The boys to go through the canal. Didn't. See anything they kept radio me hurry up hurry up because, the wind is funneling, in and we've got 15 knots of breeze. It's. Like a river against, us the only cheese falling out not so but. Then watching us mr. must be a night forever, so. When we actually got out the mouth of the canal here, and both, watch, was here and, we. Had 20 knots then we. Just came out in 2000, restored, so. We came down into Corinth with wind was so high we nearly wouldn't get into the small harbour. So, our into bigger commercial, harbour, just. For the way I do coming here Cosmo, came after the small harbour for, there now stop. Right in the middle of the world so. Took. Well. Reduced our options, for getting out of the world with one pass with one engine and we, missed our chance parasail, second, of those going. Off their lines. Man. Yeah so we just dropped the hook through. Those, 50. Metres from their breakwater. Hi. Chris hold it we 40 metres to chain Elgin and l5 meter so we're not going anywhere you know it's we're solid the. Thunderstorm, and rain song still raging about us I only. Know the plan well we have a plan that's the crucial thing we have a plan, one, of the splashes, their papers they don't for the cops to her credit. So yeah what we're going to do is the winners gonna change. It. Should blow us back towards the dock. I'm. Gonna hop in a biggie and just, wanna put the lines and I'm gonna pull ourselves into, the dark man and feed em some chain and bit by bit we'll handle that we're gonna be Stern to to the God but, in. The moment we started to make this from the crowd, board oh yeah I got a cloudburst on we have to put it on hold. Worst. Of all is a dog has had a ways and send it up this morning and we sit there with legs crossed and I feel so sorry for I, don't. Know can we actually hear what you're saying because so, much rain so much noise yeah. Okay okay I'm. Just. My, own. Private. Cove engine and fighting Corinne.

Don't. Do, that fuel, filter so, I've. Swapped up the filter, I'm bleeding the engine. You. Did attempt to start so we're on the right track. Took. Us a while to find the entrance to destroy gone and. Only. Four meters wide. And. All. Around. That. Is here baby. Fifty. Meters deep so we couldn't anchor and. I try the channel. It's all edible strength about. It. All. Right we have to find the ruins now so somewhere here we have to find the ruins now look. This. Is a head I am and the, same problem, we cannot anchor, here because he said 20, what 25. 160. Meters. Okay. We don't have enough, chain, on anchor, 160. Meters super I think if we come closer we'll be 22. Yeah. But we still with them anchor over there. So. This. Is the place where was her, last temple, and now it's a beach we see there are high Rockies and the people jumping from the rocks, and. I. Think if we go on otherside and we really want to see this place we, could probably walk, over, the mountain. I don't, know do two kilometres once. If, you wish to, and. It's not that impressive we did see more impressive, temperature. Now. We on the way to the white beach. We, left this, for. Brewing. Behind, us and, with the light now. Follow. This. Coast. And. On the back of it should be. Anchorage. About. 6 meters deep bait. There are hidden. Beach. Inside. The rock formations, so that's what we try inside the cake so that we'll be trying to reach after. The white Beach, but. What amazed me is, after. Cicadas. And even, after a surrounding. Island this is, so green, really. Really great. Think. Of like before we, have other window, of, Korengal. So. Does the letter R. And inside, this accident, which and the, cave that you can get into the cave and inside, the cave is a widget but. Here, we have a 70, meters. Adana. We'll be able to. Probably. No I think. All this attractions, are just for small. Dinky. And, motor oil but we, can thank our way too close to. You. Are coming up to the car, incentive, or heading, to collect. Seed. Yeah. So we have a swim today. Way. To get out some of the fights. Hippie, beach inside, this archway off. The bat, cave looks. Lovely. One. Area won't get punished it. Dropped. Out here. Knowles. And then it's been that girl just, not yet just took the beach. It. But those nice, places. Which we do taxes. Weren't. I said not, accessible, we. Decided okay let's take a good jump move on. No. That. Just uses Patras. It's. Not like. We. Already after, sunset this, is this. Recipe. Destinations. In the distance, wind. Is dropping so. There. There. Were the little. Islands, on a reef over there so would you like to say something more. Okay, how about you know sorry. What about that you love me look I. Already. Back. Come, with me. Prettiest. Game. Place me. Right. I'm about to see. Nation. What. We can be. With no distractions. This is what we. Well. We know. Okay. I remember. A. Corncob. Just. Before a stage yeah. Exiting. The. Gulf. Of Corinth and then we went to go focus under, this bridge. Seven. Amuri bank we heard there. Because. The. Moment we arrived in and took, us there for sets the anchors we never heard about this place this is why we don't remember the name you study them to see the by the way you see them on the way we just call me so that's what you don't remember, the. Names and, it's pretty tall very, pretty. It's like another castle yeah. Actually driving into the harbor is is their entrance like coming to a fort and. The, gates, of the port is actually the wall to the castle that's really really good really nice. I. Don't. Know tonight. I would try some as well.

It's, Cooler place now. We. On traffic rien traffic sailing, vessels are effects are bent over. Does. Not make designs. Good morning we are heading to set intel's approaching, the bridge from the eastern side heading west our sailing vessel, 14. Metres long, aircraft. 18, meters. Sailing. Vessel is Zara, Zara. She. Left one rice we, will call you as we approach honey, boy in, 44. Exhale wife is before the breach for us back thank you thank. You senpai. About. To leave. Already. Come, with me. Previous, game. Place we. About. To see. In action. No, distractions. Take. My hand we'll, make, it somehow. We. Can't, man. With, the lights out, double. Down. Baby. With. Me. Not. Looking. Eyes, on the beat way money. A classic. Cliché. Take my. We can't, miss. I'm. Leaving. Live with, the lights on, top, with, Mount out. Baby.

2020-01-17 12:20

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