S2Ep14 Let's Sail Greece - Saronic Islands (01-14.07.2019)

S2Ep14 Let's Sail Greece - Saronic Islands (01-14.07.2019)

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My. Parents coming yeah, we, had no time to do shopping so we got delivery. Hi. Captain, I managed take him you. Do a camera in the last five, days first time oh, sorry. Arriving, at the poorest autre something to video we've. Got an anchor in a small little bay around the corner I was just idyllic, to, stay there tonight's, I still. We didn't want to leave but we need to I need to get some man supplies, tank the water when. Disorder water maker few, little jobs to do but maybe, even ancient service. Would. You like to say something. Hut. Ah. We. Are lucky is a Friday, what. Time is it not. 11. In. The last two hours all, both laugh were. Living Poros, about 50, volts for us so we, presume, in the next two hours the old boats water left Aegina will come here so. We choose this window to get into the port and we hope. There. Is a space as it looks empty. Poreless, really green compared to other islands. That's. What you can read in the books in a way that. The poorest. Pine. Trees. We. Are in poorest poorest. Harbor. Lovely. Buildings. Buzz. As. I seen on the Google that at. Her little Museum, of the photos I think we. Think there is a local. Shop so it's perfect location. Quite. Empty now because all charter boats went. To the sea so we've been lucky the. Woman. From the harbor told us they, had really busy two weeks no spaces, oh my. God that's. A newspaper. This. Is electric, scooter. Yeah. My husband. That's. A girl. Has. To melt old stuff what you did yes yes. This. Is my welder. Sculptor. Not well Dave. I. Was in my store I give everything I know. We. Don't go tomorrow if you want to take this and come back please, I have an idea, do you need all these flicks flexi. Would be better, I have. One and a half meter. Or. Maybe two. All. Of it flex and you need just let. Me. Here we're gonna fix it I'm gonna come back yes yes, but this flexing, is for really high pressure. In. Seven Bosque and seven, bucks, deflection. Box. For. Making ones and 50 I like to make sure that every detainee just. A, TPS, idea, yes one one and a half bucks yes look seven yes, what, the precise yeah, sure. Can. You wait me just a reporter, here. Yes, yeah. Turn. This place to be now Oh. For, us. Not, porous, this site of course. Well Lauren porous were on the. East. The, Issei it aside, for us. Between. Two bars and. Once. You have a competition with the other, now. Once one loses constant, head another is absolute. Nonsense which. It. Okay. Cheers. I think he's between three, bars because. One in the middle is closing, oh yeah. Oh. My god the, middle one is open then we know, the tragic Oudin is. A rock it's. A robbery. It. Means rock music, between all those two it would be crazy. Can't. Be more crazy there is but, so, we were so happy we found the place on the pontoon but now we know, on. The, positives. And negatives in polos it's a very busy very touristy, it's. Not ugly, it's an, today. Wasn't that busy Mike there's, not a lot of people put them in it's a big area for boats, it's. A channel between the islands, and the mainland, it's very, Venetia never. To remind you of an, approach to Venice. Because. A lot of boats here there's a few guys that have a bit of savvy about yachts so we've got our engine fixed. Yes. So engine fix we think we can do tomorrow when we run it. We've. Got a water maker sorted, again, guy, came along very savvy what, are you doing with all this pipe work here. Have a 3 min or flexi and let's I. Wouldn't, go into too much details because I don't I'm not sure we, hear those leaders you can say. Details. This. Good. Boy that tomorrow on the air works.

That's. What we like the most coming. To a little Bay just, pay back and, be Noah you know children, are not happy until. The. Pre poll came in almost. Crashed into the side of us PT, nobody not, to let, them raft onto us because they were across our anchor on the front and, for some reason they wanted to tie up to the same. Where. We are there's a small reef and then there's a channel and the, boats, are going up and down this channel 10. To 15 knots some of it some of their fairies yeah they send in a wash. And. Then I started smashing against, us it's like. We. Have known offenders. Time to stop being nice it was there guys gotta go away. Ya. Understand outside that's right don't don't be worried don't worry we'll push you and then just go away, and they, went, over that how much space they have and they just decided to be on our. That. Was excited. We. Are in Milwaukee. This. Is the next Bay from. Hydra. Because there is difficulties, to anchor, in the Hydra, port. Next. Base and. Rocky it's absolutely. Gorgeous place, look, at those at L keratosis. Orthodox. Church look at this four treatises, and this, villa I make, a photo of the number, because, if I would have to come for week, holidays, that would be one of those places what I will like become. And. That's. The, way will take you 20 minutes up to, Hydra. Town and. We. Just anchor over there. And. Then. You have a big gates what will take you up to, hunt the Enders. And. We have to say, to children be careful because the car can come but on, the Hydra Island. They. Are only donkeys, Michael, okay guys why you naked you're both naked. Smelly. Eucalyptus. Engines. They don't have a car only no. It's making water. Taxi. From here and be there in five minutes or you can walk this way what we are working on it 20 minutes and on, the heels are like holidays, haciendas. And they're. Beautiful, they're really nice made beautiful. Again I keep saying beautiful but they are beautiful, there. Are a lot of rocks and very. Steep slopes because the little steps yes this. Is proof that is donkeys donkeys. Goats. And. When. You look at those steps. Around. The house just to the beach it's, like from Mamma. Mia movies. So. Pretty all those, houses literature. Access to the beach or to the street down but, you. Have to walk on. Thank. You or, the beautiful but I could say go just above that anchor chair I'm and rocky. Place. Lovely place so on that's going down now it's. For. Half eight. Absolutely. Gorgeous here. But. Here's a water taxi gone back these guys come and pick you up from, your boat, I'm. Not sure we're speculating on, fifty books oh we're. Gonna check it, but. You know what I want to give the wall I want to do the walk. Anyway. We. Are just on the walking. We. Are just walking from, and, rocky, to hydra. Hydra. Hydra. Vedra. Whatever, it's. Really, picturesque, place. It's. A walking path. Over. The bay and you passing, all those halcyon, dozen, houses on the creeps. As. Beautiful we could do pictures, all the time but, it is bloody. Hard that's. A little bit of our mistake. Because. Any other people went last night to town what's obvious when chance goes down you go to town but. What we did, we were cooking bin and toilet. And. Because you want to leave today we, have to see the town so we're going right now it's at 10 o clock it's, about 40, degrees Sun. Straight on our hat we're just walking down to, the town. Um. Just. 100, meters over this track. Look. At the turquoise, water. Super. Color. But. You can see how fast is going so deep. It's. Getting so deep so fast. Any. Comment. It's. Beautiful, again. And, this world minded, distract even here it was clean and like, outside. Was really dirty about the truck and the bushes and that lights and little benches, to sit down, was, really nice. But. Here's the problem we're friend, yes. No, yes. The harbor is so small did you drop your chain down. Anchor. People, on either side of crossing anchors. So. When one person does everybody has to leave. All. The plied the books say don't, go into the harbor. And just, go few. Meters 200 meters away from the port and, you have this beautiful strong. Small streets, with all the rest around I don't know why everyone trying to stay in the port when you have those small that the street to this lovely restaurants.

And Coffee. Shops the, beer is nicer here, for sure. They took out their last asleep. At. This moment i fantastic. The, purpose. And, the water like. Because absolutely. Everything on the bottom. Small. Ones are priceless. You. You.

2019-12-27 23:11

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