S2Ep13 Let's Sail Greece - Saronic Gulf

S2Ep13 Let's Sail Greece - Saronic Gulf

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My. Passage, we're heading to Agena. And. To, the 80 nautical miles are. You ready for you overnight you sure. A little bit more now. Am. I ready yeah. Usually. Celebrity. I don't. Know why I was so afraid, selling. That night with currency, and moon over the head is, one of the most beautiful, moments I experience so far. So. Now we are after 14, hours of sailing our. First overnight. It. Was exactly as we had anticipated because, wet. Forecast was, to denature we. Did. Have wind which then died away so, two, hours Mulder saving and the rest. Engine. Thunder I need, sleep six hours I. Snaps. Probably, I'd. Say, any. Tree. Maybe. We. Even come into the harbor oh that was a small marina here because, am. Keep. The butcher down so we anchored off but. Anchoring. Was a bit hit. Miss there's, a lot of weeds. To, find a sandy patch for, the hook to take, root. Yeah through difficult, it about five or six X before the anchor actually changing, places so change it a so we actually, go back to hold. We start our day so late after. We'll have their boat. Yes what time is it now -. Two. O'clock breakfast. Wanna. Come so why not correct for breakfast, thoughts about yes and the families beautiful, you feel here. Century. If you move away all those cars I. Never. Won who are a little bit longer, dressed. You. Would feel like in, 19th, century. And. This wonderful building, to this garden, full of flowers. Bullshitting. Wherever. It is blooming trees, it's. Called, the. Power of Marcello's. You have no part here no. And. We are from Poland go slice it I probably. Know Mike Applebee no you, want V now, we. Have good we know. Early. Connects did. You take this girl me yes. All right yes. It's. Got no green one I live, like. This. Yes lime the green. Cat. Yellow, no thank, you, no. I'm. Charging double, Drive. Very. Yeah. Yanni. Them before you even let me subscribe. Don't. Worry about the lines. Neither. One one, five, minutes previously gone. Kilogram. Is lime to mojito.

Yes. Well. His. Name is Graham. Gonna, know he was for lime. No but, we will have in the moment whatever you want the order he goes to I said. Yes. You. Like nice really, nice oh we, love it you. Very nice beautiful thank. You. You, see the Pope on the bus sorry. Pop in the bar. That's. What I feel feels like storm. Micah this. One line will be 20 euro, because we will pay for these. It's, fast. This. Mine this, mine, well. You're going to pay this person I can be clear so be rich, now. My. Having this penis okay. Okay. How much do I pay now. We're. Coming. We'll. Have a chicken. Chicken. Soup my from, Savannah my house you have a greener energy, you don't, mind yeah rent no my my very busy this. In, a heinous age, to. Play me yeah to house no Mike yeah, one. One, no, this is small. Talk small Luis. Luis, Luis, lamblia. Terrace. All. Right congratu. Okay. This, garlic one Carly yeah, all this. Alga. Strawberries. In this fight. Matt. Mike max, max. Max take, the lime. Hibbett. Work, bag. That's, all right all, right tada. Yeah. The. Best shopping, ever oh. Yeah. Yes. Perfect, Masekela. Thank, you very much thank you, hugs. Max 90. Utah. And. Dr.. Wine. Still. A problem, together, no. Okay. Bye. Do we think the new Versa note. No. No the destroyed is before, so. What else is expensive, that was 60, cents oh, yeah. That's. All right. Crossing the traffic separation scheme, here just outside Piraeus, happens, and. Extremely. Busy, trying. To pick up slash. This. Goes off in Corsa don't know why. Sayonara. I'm going on that boat. My. That's, my. New, York. A couple. Of patterns that suggest what you have to be. Because. You will have to start up in the queue for two hours but have, to. For. My own thing. You. Have to say a couple is really impressive. As. You know Greece is the birthplace of European, culture plus, Athens, is one of the most important, places to see we. Did enjoy this so much but. Athens is a sprawling city, a lot, of traffic tourists. And long queues everywhere, for. Us though it had a different dimension as we had a polish Greek family here and enjoyed a couple, of evenings together. So. We've been in Latin and we, couldn't handle, anymore the motorbikes, and cars and. Their loud music up to 3 o clock the. Roadway is Manuel beside us and with. Lights, and the lights changed started, the night groups and everything. Music. All night. So. We decide, for those few days come. To salomina. And. That's, how close we are to the coast. A. Lot. Of boats in, the small base three five six ten, volt. It's. Nice you can swim. Nice, water. The. Shaky, max was behind. Okay. Skip up. And. We're under. Southeast. Corner of salomina. Well. If she made that. Thirtysomething. It's. A small baby. Small. Day that's protected. By a leaf. Two. Small islets. Yeah. We're just anchored, in there. Other. Local bolts affect our four tips ago so maybe they know something you don't you. Could be a princess tonight let's. See. And. We just explained. Dogs. Yes, he was attacked by a. And. They, seem very. Motivated. Was attack again by, different golden, retriever, so he chose red drama. Because Peter, doesn't. Like yell about yeah a few. Aggression, so, aunty see the yellow dog, yeah. He attacking first now what is not nice. Amina. Like. Natural, swimming, pool the. Crystal clear water we. Spent two days here swimming. So. No shops closed the shop is one mine by. Water, I don't know Jaipur, kilometers, walk. But. To. The time. So. Today what's today's problem. Crota. Copper pipes is the high-pressure lead from our water, maker and, to. The filters, the pre filters and then into the membranes so. Yeah it's just corrosion, corrosion issue, well. And truly a feud. So. We knew this was like this and that's why we had to we knew we had to get to a port, so. Today we decided we were going to go to a game of it, we. Have plans are getting on the harbour wall connections. To electricity water, washing. The boat and lift showers all. These, things, the. Restaurants, behind but of course as we were approaching Aegina we see ten boats the horizon. Formula. One trying to get into the harbour and you know what you just said huh we. Say actually we still go went into the harbour but you just have a look see it. Was packed and there was place following all the ten bow so internetting, to one car on one one hole got a place one. Or two hung around to see was people going to leave we, decided okay it was this much of a spillover. We better get outside because outside is only a small Anchorage as well and. So, we cut outside and yeah. We've got one of the last places because, it's very nice. For Anchorage outside here, there's. A lot of weed and you have to try and find a sandy patch get the anchor down and set the, survey that we going from story to story but. Again. Because we're supposed to be nothing so in, Athens but ya know marinas know more in space yeah, so because, we have still four, days three, now before. My family comes we decide use.

Those Three days for going, from place to place at least moving. So. That's how we come back to Aegina again, after, week, I would say so. Now just stripping out the copper pipe and. Their, knots waged and they just like compression fitting, so it's something I can do myself we don't need to get somebody up with specialist tools so. I get to play those and. A bit, of copper and unsorted, and. So. Yeah it's just, because. We had this engine running driving, the water maker the, heating here must be 50 degrees in here and. Now. I'm in here trying to strip out the water pipe and it's just so hot, and. We're, on a time pressure because. The shops going to close soon. Washing. Is done. Deshea. Today. Nagina, 27, volts on. The mornings and, full harbour. Crazy. More. Than angry. You.

2019-12-15 15:14

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Good job guys

Leon is a celebrity everywhere he goes lol... great video guys!!! definitely reflects some of our experiences in that area.

An absolute rock star at this point :)

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