right morning everyone never gets old out here I love Washington Outdoors you can somehow find your way past all the politics that are ruining this state it's enjoyable it is hope you guys are doing well Eric here from nomatic fanatic I will be uploading this video with some connected internet check out the video description below for unlimited high-speed internet today we're going to be leaving the liar River in the truck and we're going to go explore more outskirts of Washington state our time is running out here though come on with me [Applause] [Music] guys just so you know kittens are doing so much better we have finally come to the point where we can say they are fully potty trained no more accidents but I'll tell you something the carpet in the Bigfoot is all going to get pulled out real soon I'm telling you I'm over it guys they've never once hit the lenum parts the bathroom area the kitchen area it's always carpet but we now have three litter boxes in my 29 F ft Bigfoot three litter boxes and that's a to to manage we're getting through it though things are finally starting to go better at night the kitties are not being crazy all night so that's good and uh getting I'm getting better sleep but I still feel like we got a a newborn infant changing our lifestyle in the RV it's worth it man never thought I'd have five cats five cats I love it it's awesome but we'll get back to the RV here lock everything up I'm going to go have a good day oh yeah well we decided to come out and grab a bite to eat I've been here before Diana's not been to the Blackberry Cafe behind me you'll see that it is home of the sasquatch burger the Bigfoot Burger it is the 20 oz sasquatch burger I have tried it once before on this channel it's monstrous and ridiculous and stupid and I barely ate a quarter of it probably won't get that today but they do have good burgers so we're going to take a little break and go get some grub here at the Blackberry Cafe yeah might be a little too chilly to eat outside so we're going to dine indoors today at the at the Blackberry Cafe I got the Smoky Blackberry barbecue bacon burger so it's a special barbecue SAU that has Blackberry in it and Diana got the same one but with some extra veggies attached and fries and I got the uh tater tots here it looks like it's going to be messy I like messy Burgers wow good all right that is really good barbecue sauce I want to like buy some of that in a bottle my goodness yeah yeah that burger was fantastic fabulous they um Special Sauce there that Blackberry barbecue sauce we got some take home this thing is full of blackberry barbecue sauce they use it on our chicken uh drumsticks on the grill uh WI Wings CH the chicken wings on the grill so we will we will probably use that in a few days that'll be easy so plan is I mean even though we love our campsite and everything it's so nice today I'm going to take Diana up to uh Kate flattery I've been there many many times up at Nia Bay here it's a it's a gorgeous sunny day and I think it'll be a good hike for us good idea we'll go ahead to the Northwest most tip of the Continental USA all right we're here at the Cape Flattery Trail in Nia Bay and little update here in 2024 they are now charging and enforcing uh going to this Trail so they even have the road blocked off down there but I got the information ahead of time we stopped at the MAA Museum Center maau tribe Museum Center and that little orange yellow tag right there 20 bucks 20 bucks uh it's good for the calendar year you got to have one to get here they got the road blocked off down there they won't even let you through unless you got that pass so we're going to go see it's a nice blue sunny skies here and go see if it's uh clear at the Northwest most point of the continental US okay really let's hike wow all right the trails are good today it's very green very holy cow there is a ginormous banana slug on the ground right there that's a banana slug that is the second largest slug species in the world second largest this huge antennas yeah going for a little Trail walk all right Bud yeah you got to suck it in a little oh that's impressive I don't think I would fit in that tree looking good all right we're done with the muddy Trail now we have a muddy wooden plank to walk for a little bit kind of nice I guess they have been getting a lot of rain here in the northwest tip compared to where we're camping at the liyar river cuz it's very muddy up through here and back to the mud here just got to take it real slow and easy CU pretty muddy through here well we've been going downhill for about 20 minutes now we got to be getting close but knowing it's uphill the whole way on the way up that's something to plan ahead for there sure are some neat interesting trees up in here and the fork in the road I believe that goes down this might be a little Viewpoint area before we get to the very tip let's go see what's over here oh yeah it's ridiculous it's absolutely stupid gosh wow just incredible it's almost a little cave off to the left there where the waves are hitting huh all right let's keep walking almost there just got to get up to the top over here there's another Lookout right here kind of like the bow of a ship right here oh my gosh look at the color of the water there what a nice day to be out here and that's seems like an area where you would see some sea lions I don't hear any today oh man well we do have the sun like right at us but let's look down here over the edge take a step no don't do it Eric viewers hate it when I do that look at all the rocks and everything man wow yeah so over here on this side the water definitely looks to be a totally different color that blue turquoise look you know because the sun's on it you know wow woo lot of waves down there lot of splashing going on Wow awfully pretty here it's the Key West of the northwest I wonder where that cave leads to in there two caves all right here we are at the furthest most Northwest tip out here at Cape Flattery very sunny today very sunny I think that might be right there might be my favorite spot right there the prettiest yeah yeah that's my favorite spot for sure wow all right goodbye cap flattery and Nia Bay my only complaint is that there's nowhere to get a magnet and we even asked the visitor center when we came in where can you buy a magnet that says Kate flatter your KN a bay or anything like nothing there's nowhere here that's why I don't have one and all the times I've been here I'm glad Diana got to see it and experience it cuz it's it's a really pretty spot now we got to go hit the Northeast most point of the US soon forgot about how it's all uphill on the way back W it's worth it though right oh yes very worth it very worth it we got to have the right shoes yeah tennis shoes on a muddy Trail not such a great idea I feel like I need a slice of pizza and a raineer beer I was thinking ice cream ice cream ice cream too pizza's fine we do got to get back and check in on the kittens so we see anything cool along the way we'll stop otherwise we are an hour and a half away from our liar River Campground so we'll start uh heading that way all right we're going to do some grilling this afternoon on this beautiful day at Camp last night Diana marinated up some chicken breast with seasoning barbecue sauce and uh a few other of her special sauces so we're going to slap those on the grill and uh put some seasoning on them here and uh have good lunch yeah all right Diana's finishing up the rice and the chicken is just about done on here we like them a little more well done smells amazing heck yeah chicken and rice smells awesome have you tasted your chicken I haven't tried it yet you're going to be the first one here I'm going to try it first I'm going to try it with you yeah M oh wow yeah that seasoning is good put a little more barbecue sauce on it yeah I agree more barbecue sauce then after this I think we're going to let the kittens out to explore outside off leash get them used to us see if they'll come back when we call them well we have left liar River obviously um in order to get over to Seattle the other side of Puget Sound we got we had some options we could have gone all the way down underneath Puget Sound to Olympia and back up to Tacoma an i5 or you can get on a ferry and unfortunately we decided to go the ferry route went up to Port Townsen today and they are completely booked they have a reservation system at the Port Townsen Ferry and they are booked until 6:00 p.m. tonight and we have an appointment on the other side of Puget Sound for the kitties so we came over here to the Kingston Ferry Terminal here they got a bunch of cars lined up over there the RV was I think $60 something doll and the pickup truck was 22 and you hear that that's our fery over there um I think Seattle this is Kingston that's part of Seattle anyway I better get back in the RV and uh get ready we're going to go take all five kitties to the vet I mean to mouseland we're going to take them to Mouse land yeah it seems like a pretty big Ferry like this is a huge ferry system all all of them are like this in Washington state but um I don't know if we get to get out of our vehicles or if it's just a short trip so Diana's back there using the potty and she's got to get back in the truck and then we'll get on the ferry guys here we go so once he pulls in obviously he's still got to get all of those Vehicles off the ferry which is going to take some time we're not supposed to leave for 20 more minutes so this process is going to take a little bit but is going to save us so much time getting to Seattle also it's it was very difficult when we got the two new kittens to find a place here anywhere in this state who would let us come in as what they call new clients well obviously if you have a new pets and you're traveling your pets are new and you're going to be a new client as well but many of these places are booked out four to six months on regular customers clients and pets that have been there before and they just tell you when you call we are not accepting new patients new new pets at this time and again when you're traveling everywhere you go is going to be new to every place so we found one and we had to book this two weeks ago in order for the timing to work to know that we were going to be here but now we're pushing it because the fairy the first fery didn't work and uh we're bringing all five cats in at the same time the kittens I've already given them their first shot from Tractor Supply and purchased the second booster shot I have to wait three more weeks before I can do that there's no sense doing that at the vet because that's going to create it's going to make us have to go back to another vet two more times on the road in other states so I'm doing the kitten vaccines doing the shots myself and they're they're good kittens but we got to do Wellness checks and we got to get Teran OPI in there for their checks we we're doing blood work to try to see if there's any diseases that are going to pop up ahead of time it's just something I'm doing now yes it cost extra to do blood panels for your pets but you can catch stuff earlier and that's what I'm trying to do to keep them safe and then also Diana's cat Yang needs her annual vaccines and rabies as well so we will cross the water here and then go get the kitties to mous land are you excited Opie to go to mouseland Opie man I I remember mouseland it wasn't fun last year well it'll be different this time you'll love it and maybe you'll get a cookie maybe you'll get some chicken and some cookies okay buddy all right we were the first ones here but we are going to be the last ones to board and also the last ones to get off unless they saved us another spot um up front what do you think Opie this is your second fairy trip okay okay all right it's finally our turn Opie how exciting is that let's see if we can get the name of this fairy I think he wants me over here let me go like this it's called the pup we're going to go all the way over to the edge here I believe what a good good boy Opie what a good good boy my mirror is really close to the edge so we'll see how close I can get here let me turn this off all right they're putting uh Diana and Skeletor on that wall there's another rental RV right here and uh just to show you I mean he's that's we are close to the wall and you are not entering the side of the RV right now that's crazy but they also have an upper deck so they're parking cars two lanes here and then parking cars up there too crazy okay so this is apparently a pretty quick fairy terminal we don't even get out of our vehicles we're just going straight to Seattle and we're all going to stay in our vehicles which is a good thing because I can't open the side door anyway they're going to pack us in like sardines and uh then we'll start heading to foggy Seattle what a good boy Opie you're such a good boy Opie he loves all the sounds he's such a curious boy okay we're moving but you can barely tell if you look in my side mirror you can see us pulling away from the dock behind us the ferry is not full the the one earlier this morning was full this one is not full as you can see all the lanes behind me but we are leaving there's another fery behind us I think that's a pedestrian Ferry actually yeah I can't see much cuz it's foggy in front of us so trying to think if we have enough cat carriers for all five cats I think Opie and Tera are going to be a little squished Yang needs her own spot and the kittens need their own spot by the way um I don't trust the kittens yet so I am creating them as we travel until they get used to life on the road they're in this carrier right behind me right here and they actually do really good they don't even cry like Gizmo used to cry and now they both just cuddle and and watch and they know that they're just going to be in there until we're parked for the day and then they get to play later they're really really good in getting used to create create training I guess you call it yeah crate training I would like to have crate all right safety announcements are done are you doing okay you don't know about the moving I'm the one that usually doesn't good do good on ships this one's not bothering me at all though uh but yeah what I was going to say is like ideally it would be great to have a separate kennel area for all five cats while traveling in the RV you know something that locks and keeps them secure and safe you know I give Opie and Tera free range um and even Yang is in a carrier in the truck with Diana when they're traveling um so Opie and T kind of spoiled but I would like to change that at some point and I will probably change that at some point get you a cookie the whole family yeah I know all right we're all checked in Opie didn't fit in the carriers we didn't bring all of our carriers so op Opie's out right now we got terara over there we got the babies in there and we got yangs in here and uh we talked to the veterinary assistant got them caught up with Jack and tera's Records so they know exactly what they need and I did say Jack I mean Opie and Tera and then the babies are going to get started although like I said uh we already did their first boosters ourselves so we're going to keep up with that they'll need another shot of these in about four weeks so but we're going to make sure Gizmo's eyes is okay we're going to get them dewormed everybody's getting dewormed just for fun and wellness checks so bam getting all five done today and then we're good for a year okay I know I believe you now SL sucks yeah I did I over glorified mous land didn't I I know buddy all right everybody's healthy kittens are healthy they even checked out Gizmo's eye really carefully and uh actually Diana will you hold Gizmo for a minute I want to show the eyeliner thing so now that his eye is cleared up the reason why this eye looks smaller it's really an optical illusion because he has what looks like eyeliner around this one and this one has no definition so so it's like trickiness but the perfectly healthy the eye responds just like it's supposed to to the light and everything so there's no damage or anything um both kitties are going to get revolution flea treatment for kittens and dewormer and dewormer and uh we're going to stay up to date with everybody else's vaccines all the other cats are already up to date now and good to go so this was good to get it all done in once I know I know yeah all right all in all I think the kittens did really really well yesterday we've been watching all five cats closely here in the RV overnight and uh Tara is actually doing the best she usually like takes a whole day off doesn't eat anything and just kind of sleeps the whole time but she's active she's eating she's pooping and everybody is uh doing really well so we got all our records up to date in case we go camp somewhere that requires them or we go visit somewhere that requires those records we're good to go in the meantime this morning I have already put together the Honda Elite motorcycle carrier on the back hitch so that we can clear up parts the bed of the truck and that is right here on the back hitch already with an anti- wobbler stabilizer so it doesn't move at all um I just don't have room to test it right here at this particular campsite so when we leave here tomorrow I'll I'll get that all situated in the meantime again I've got some other things brewing in the background which I'll get you guys updated uh next month next month in the meantime we're kind of wrapping up we are not going to go any farther north in this point we are going to start our descent on this channel down south so thanks for sticking around guys we will see you in a few days bye-bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
2024-10-12 02:18