RV Life Adventures: How We Discover Secret Gems in Tourist Hotspots!

RV Life Adventures: How We Discover Secret Gems in Tourist Hotspots!

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[Music] eat it I'm nervous eat it  yeah it's cold eat it let   me try there's one more thing we have  to do before we [Music] leave what do   you think was that rough [Laughter]  very wait a minute did you say bacon [Music]   what do we have going on today there we are  heading to Tennessee we're in Tennessee we're   going to Gatlinburg today Gatlinburg so and  Pigeon Forge excuse my hair that's the plan   we'll see how far we get because we're getting a  late start but that's kind of actually one of the   things about just really like this time I feel  like we're a little bit more in vacation mode   um which means that the schedule's very fluid  but here's the deal is that Gatlinburg Pigeon   Forge this whole area right is very very touristy  but there are some things that I would call must   do must sees right must eats that aren't like  the tourist right it's not the hidden Gems or   kind of offbeat Attraction it's not like Ripley's  Museum or like things that are really like tourist   trappy yeah so that's what we're going to show  you guys today yep and then make sure that you   are subscribed because we've got a whole series  coming up of more things in this whole area that   we know you're going to want to just put on your  list even if it's not on your list this year or   next you're going to want to put it on your travel  list yes so all right you ready yes is ready [Music]   want we keep it cheap or expensive cuz  I can do two things cheap or expensive   cheap cheap okay expensive  we're going oh man [Music]   doing is having a little bit of a freak out moment  I'm scared of freaking ice but do you see that   bridge up there that's where we're way up there  way up there so it'll be a nice leisurely ride on   the ski lift and then to my nightmares across the  suspension bridge be fun it'll be fun no it's not   dude I'm like big scared of heights like I can't  even look without like what give me your man card [Music] pull the bar down nice and easy all right  we're doing this man I hate this I hate I   hate this already this is going to be  so much fun dude I hate this oh you're   fine I mean what's the Worst That  Could Happen Us Falling well I hate this look at how far down that is you're  not scared of heights are you well it's bouncing you all right buddy you okay it's not funny you okay man you doing  all right we're almost there almost to the   top okay okay see we we're on ground he  raise up yellow yeah all right good job   he did it thank you what you think of that  Dakota was that scary for you no that was   so much fun that was fun yeah it was fun  wow look at those look at that [Music] there was somebody on the chairlift that was  like forget they said oh we're FaceTiming so   and so just want to yell hi so and so hi so  and so up here they're like Sharon Sharon I   just want to be like Shar Shar I just want  to be like that obnoxious person in public   on the way back we can do it on the way  back I'm sitting with you okay [Music]   to the sky Bridge we're going oh I think we  taking picture go ahead what are we doing [Music] walking Florida here see it it's not it is  no it's not yes it is hold it out there you   go Florida there we go Florida it's  a long ways down long ways down there [Music] okay glass this definitely is uh anything  but stable that's yeah lots of movement I'm going to run are you going to run across the  bridge dude dang why am I turning into the sherpa go I'm going to blame it on the  fact that we've been in Florida   for the last four years and altitude yeah right so we made it to the end the sky Bridge you  see it where straight across oh yeah that'   be fun to live up there yeah I would want to  live on like the peak is Misty I mean not that much let's go [Music] down cell phone out of your  back pocket please sir all [Music] right there's one more thing we have to do before  we leave we have to get them Dragon Balls Dragon   Balls what are they that they're basically cheese  balls when you bite on them bun of liquid nitrogen   explodes in them and it's it's so cool I'll just  show you come on all right let's [Music] see   eat them quick right eat them quick okay  and never drink the liquid at the bottom okay W let me try let me try  good here let me let me grab one hang on ready guys free that of your nose eat it I'm  nervous eat it it's cold eat it [Laughter]   you're supposed to put it in the side of your mouth it doesn't really taste like  it it's just the cold feeling it's   so weird so this is one of the places  I researched that looked like it was   amazing and it's called waffle deliss  it looks deliss deliss what kind are   they what do they have let's go over and  look like oh cookie butter it's more like bananas oh this has strawberries  that has [Music] [Applause] strawberries swing me I got all  I got all the swing me dance with [Music] here you go oh my goodness gracious  thank you so much look at this look   at that and it's warm oh my goodness  oh my goodness amazing this is like oh m one of the things we love about RV life is  finding some of those hidden gems and Scenic   spots to camp in our RV and that is why I love  the RV destinations magazine because it provides   some great inspiration and ideas of where to  travel with an RV each issue has some great   places featured across Ross the US and Canada  so whether your travel plans are East Coast West   Coast or the Midwest you'll find a spot you want  to add to your travel plans in each edition of RV   destinations it covers not only well-known stops  but also some great hidden gems and places you've   probably not yet heard of in fact in this month's  Edition I learned about a harvest host location   that's an air museum I mean how cool is that  from national parks to overnight stops private   campgrounds and more I love the inspiration we're  finding for our travels RV destinations magazine   offers some great Campground reviews q&as helpful  tips in knowing where to find those mustsee places   and restaurants and the best part is you can enjoy  RV destinations magazine in both digital and print   format you see I'm kind of like old school and  like to actually have print copies of books or   magazines especially if I'm like hanging by the  pool or the beach why Ben likes using his iPad or   e-reader for books and magazines so we can each  read RV destinations in the format that we like   and since RV destinations is written by rvers for  rvers there's just something about that that helps   provide the best tips and recommendations and  insights for those of us actually out there living   this lifestyle for a limited time you can save  20% off your subscription at grateful gamer.com   slrv destinations will have that link below then  just use the code grateful 20 and a huge thanks   to RV destinations for sponsoring this video and  their support of our channel on the list today   Pigeon Forge Tennessee now there's Pigeon Forge  no we're going to Dollywood today Dollywood's   in Pigeon Forge y'all girl St playing these games  somebody is still trying to wake up so here's the   deal Dollywood may not be everybody's cup of tea  but we've never been and we've heard they've got   kind of something for everybody of all ages and  right now if you happen to see this before July   the 8th they actually have a special going where  an adult ticket is the same price as the child   ticket so we got a bargain there I've bought  everything online ahead of time so we're going   to keep you posted because I have a feeling it's  probably cheaper that way we'll know more once we   get up there plus there is something at Dollywood  that we have heard is like world famous must try   spoiler alert oh my bad we'll let you know how it [Music] is a family favorite is pizza from  Casey's General Store this is a gas   station that is only located in certain States so   when we find one we definitely want  to stop for a slice of pizza [Music]   General parking's $25 and since I did it online  it's like 22 something online mhm so I did save   a couple bucks by buying it online so this is  interesting it thiss too if you have an RV RV   parking is $30 just Hi how are you awesome  how are you I'm awesome too look at that and   it worked and it works even today yes all right  straight ahead to those guys in the orange all   right thank you movie star party on down street  with Mary Jane good cocaine pling down you can   double down throw some D you can take off now  don't think he don't you want to play [Music] so I got the map but there's an app  and complimentary Wi-Fi so I'm just   going to a map in there's a app map and  don't know it a map app so I'm just going   to download that cuz I feel like that's  easiest now here's one thing that I will   say about just like amusement parks  and when you use these types of apps   I personally have found that they do tend to like  really suck your body they really do tend to suck   your battery down I start to try to say words Al  together anyway um because of that I have this   that I carry now what's unique about that so this  has all the things so like Dakota's phone that has   a different adapter and Ben's phone anyway this  has all the thing so this will work for everybody   so I'm going to install how long does it last  like two full charges three three three full   charges so yes so that will get everybody by okay  downloading the app he's backing up over there   and then we want to hit lightning rod that's our  first is that like the craziest ride that's like   the top top top okay so we want to hit that  so we're going to do the top first and then   everything and everything else will just be icing  on the cake I can already smoke cinnamon good doesn't so like you can see like there's a  lot of coasters over in here last summer we   visited Cedar Point in this summer Dollywood  as our kids are now teens it's important for   us to involve them in choosing our  destinations so they can continue   to stay excited about RV travel and roller  coasters well they're pretty darn exciting RV life has its seasons and now that we're  in our seventh year of RV life things look   different than they did in those early  years and that's part of life in general   things change and you adjust to what's  needed for each season of life [Music] how is it good it looks really good will our RV Journey come to a  close maybe someday but for now we're   still making travel plans and including  destinations that our kids choose to keep   these final years that we have with  them full of excitement and adventure [Music] sure okay go ahead and push yeah this is fun I see you a few tips for visiting  Dollywood so one definitely get your stuff online   it is cheaper number two they actually do  have dog kennels so if you want to go put your   dog in the kennel cuz you're concerned about  being gone for the day uh that is an option the   other thing is is you can bring in a bottle  of unopened water and then just refill that   throughout the day at the park you can also  get some free water cups and fill those at   several water stations as well now there is no  outside food or beverage allowed into the park   uh the food that we've had been pretty decent  especially you know the cinnamon bread you have   to get that while you're here so you can kind  of decide what you want to do as far as meals   concerned but you definitely don't have to  eat here in the park the other thing is is   so like we here in July it is hot it is humid  so you definitely want to dress appropriately   um light clothing things of that nature um the  bathrooms are all air conditioned though so you   know do yourself a favor and just take your time  when you need to use the mro all right let's go [Music] here's her pre though [Music] oh there [Music] TV a pinkan  counter pink Coran counter [Music]   get ready area oh yeah and then like wardrobe cool okay this is her bed there nice  little area there oh little makeup [Music]   we are heading out it's about what 8 right8 I am  very tired so here's one thing that we learned   is that we got here here around like 10:30 11:00  and it was pretty busy for probably the least the   first 4 hours that we were here and it really  did start to clear out like 4:00ish it really   started to clear out and the park is actually  open until 10: p.m. so if we had to do this   again especially being in the summertime I think  what we would do is we would come like a little   bit later right we'd sleep in take our time and  get in here get here maybe around like noon 1:00   because we would have probably waited in like  shorter lines to get on some of the rides had   we done that just because the park did tend  to clear out now here's the other thing is   that if you're just if you're a Dolly Parton  fan you need to come here but if you're just   a country music fan there's so much stuff  here there's country music going on pretty   much throughout the park at all times so if  you just are enjoying live music then it's   another place that you should definitely  check out and if amusement parks are your   thing maybe you're traveling with teens  grandkids you definitely need to check out   this video right up here about another one  of our favorite Parks will travel [Music] a

2024-07-31 17:13

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