Rural China's vast Sugarcane Farms I S2, EP63

Rural China's vast Sugarcane Farms I S2, EP63

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To where are you transporting the canes? Over there. There? yes No, just to my village Thanks! Hold tight! Thanks! No thanks I am just in my sugarcane field Sugarcane from the friendly guangxi people Good morning everyone Welcome back to the channel Now I am sitting in front of my computer And planning the coming trips So today I will leave waterfall And my plan for the next 3 or 4 days Is like thisi I am right now here And I plan to drive slowly toward Chongzuo And then perhaps through longzhou county then to Pingxiang at Vietnamese border Maybe I will do a day trip Maybe not, I am not so sure yet And after that I will travel slowly to Qinzhou And in Qinzhou, I will drop my bike To save some time And I will take a bus to dongxing Again at the vietnamese border I applied for a Vietnamese e-visa So hopefully by then I will get my visa granted And then I can have a day trip in Vietnam I just to see the culture difference So I am really look forward to this one day trip That's the plan for the coming 3 or 4 days But for today I really don't have a lot of expectations Because the weather isn't so optimistic It's again quite cloudy and quite rainy But let's see Maybe there are some nice surprises on the way brother, so you're picking bananas It's not ripe yet. I see this is it, It's not ready yet Are those your banana trees This place can be compared to yangshuo And I found it's even more beautiful Than yangshuo There are very few tourists It's very quiet So I have been riding on this road for a while And in my opinion It's one most scenic road ever That' I've ridden through In china Unfortunately, the weather today isn't so good But it's just so pictureques With those karst mountains On my both sides It's just endless sugarcane And banana trees Dotted with some small beautiful villages I really hope the weather could be better But I highly recommend That you come here in summer And drive through the counties of Jingxi, longzhou, and chongzuo It's just so beautiful And I really feel that This is more beautiful than yangshuo What a nice surprise In the afternoon, the weather got better And the sun is coming out It's much easier to ride now I have never seen so much sugarcane I've just checked some information Guangxi produces the most sugar In china And Chongzuo produces The most sugar in Guangxi So in that sense It's probably the sweet city in Guangxi Those sugarcanes are maybe 3 meters Now it's the sugarcane season Nihao! So sugarcane and sugar industry Is the pillar industry in Chongzuo There are about 2.5 million people And among that 1.5 million people live on sugarcane farming

To where are you transporting the canes? Over there. There? yes They don't use machine To harvest the sugarcane They cut it by themselves Do you want to eat sugarcane? Yes! This one is... (I didn't understand) ... is more tasty Thanks! (Quite hard to peel it with teeth) Brother How much sugarcane can you harvest per day? Per day, until sunset We two can harvest 2 to 3 tons 3 trucks? 3 tons! That is to say, You'll harvest everyday in this season There is no stop But if the sun is too big in a few days We'll work less Otherwise, after some work We'll find a place to rest Because of headache Now the sun is ok I see, it's easier to work without sunshine Otherwise it's too scorching After the spring festival After the 1st lunar month The sun is terrifying What are you here for? I am traveling in Guangxi traveling in Guangxi Oh, you are a tourist Where is your hometown It's in Anhui Anhui. yes That's very far Yes, It's very far Are there sugarcane there? Yes, but not as much Our sugarcane is for food Just like fruits Don't you hat, the sun is strong I don't have a hat. I didn't expect the sun to come out It's sunny Today is 25 celsius But the weather forecast says The temperature will drop next week Yes, you're right Sister, how much is the sugarcane The sugarcane now We sell it for 550 yuan 550 per ton Yes, 550 per ton So how many tons can you harvest per year I don't have much land Others can harvest 40 tons I don't have much land I also work outside So you work outside and come back during harvest time when it's done, you go to work again 550 per ton take it back home I can't take it I am riding motorbike Take it with you Break it into piece I'll help,come here (She insisted that I bring some sugarcane) The sun is too strong Go back, the sun is strong Yes, it's hot Yes, too hot (She even peel one for me) Do you have to drive to the sugar factory No, just to my village Thanks! Hold tight! Thanks! No thanks I am just in my sugarcane field Sugarcane from the friendly guangxi people In return I left 2 mangoes on their tractor I hope they'll enjoy it It's a lot work, right So now when you eat sweet food You can think of guangxi What a fun ride So that's a big sugar factory Changling Sugar Ltd.

Wow, it's quite spectacular So I've seen quite a few sugar factories On my way Almost in every county There is a big factory And when I drove pass by it I can smell a sweetness in the air But also a little alcholic Like fermented sugar Now I think I am driving into a A very bad traffic jam I have no idea how long the queue is There are so many cars and trucks But you know what The good thing with a motorbike is You can sneak your way through Finally I am getting out I guess I am near Longzhou county I am pretty hungry So it's time to get some food This is the market I can get some food hopefully Fruit in Guangxi is so affordable For mangoes it's less than 1 dollar per kilo And watermelon, 15 for 2 That's 1 dollar per piece Can I eat it directly? You'll have to dip it with spiced salt Shall I take ripe one? The ripe ones can be eat directly If you want the green ones dip with salt and pepper I'll take a small one I prefer the mature one, it's very sweet 6 yuan. ok It's so funny, for the green mangoes They eat it with salt and pepper Mandarin 10 yuan for 3 kilo Do you want some? Manager, what's the price 10 half kilo. Take as much as you want I see What is this? papaya This is raw papaya mango plum Guava fruit Do you want coriander do according to your tradition I'll give you some radish Do you want coriander soup? Coriander? No coriander, thanks. A-mei Vienamese egg Which means it's a vietnamese delicacy Manager, is this really vietnamese Where in Vietnam? it's near Aidian (Chi Ma border gate) it's duck egg it had been hatched for 13 days I see, 13 days. Yes He told me this is from vietnam. So if there is a Vietnamese viewer Please tell me if this is authentic I know this is going to be scary for many But I still would like to try So this is an egg that is half hatched So you can see the white and egg yolk It's kind of hairy This part is pretty hard It tastes like soft bones The yellow part tastes like egg yolk The way how it is spiced is also interesting There is ginger papaya So it's salty and sour I have to say this is not my favorite food But interesting I don't think I really like this egg dish But I think I am going to enjoy my pickled fruits Guava, my favorite fruit it's spiced up, so it's sweet, sour, spicy Very good combination Wow, it's pretty sour green mango brother Why is the mandarin so white That is clay spray clay spray? It's to prevent frosting and sunburn I see This is Honey tangerine, but not mature Not sweet enough It's still sour It will be ready by tomb-sweeping day I see, Qing-ming It's still long It's a late maturing variety where are you from? Anhui Anhui It's still sour, not sweet. thanks

Wow, it's easy to peel The skin is thin And smells goood It will be ready after the spring festival After Qingming, it will be long The skin is thin I have never seen this kind The skin cracks easily The skin is too thin Why will it crack because the skin is too thin But it sells well By then, not many fruits are on the market Wow, it's so tasty Very tasty! really It's sour-sweet And not only purely sweet And it's not too sour This is the best orange I had this year This is slightly sour and sweet It tastes so much like fruit Unlike some mandarin or orange That you had Which is just sweet This is, how can I describe it It's one of the best Brother, thanks How much is the price? About 3 yuan. I see. 3-7yuan (half kilo) That's not expensive Thanks, I'll be leaving Bye Guangxi is a real fruity region it produces the most fruit in china and makes fruits affordable for the whole nation as I drove further I saw a lot of dragon fruit trees it’s not the season yet Otherwise I’d probable receive another fruit from a generous farmer

2024-02-09 03:35

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