we're going to the supermarket right now what an interesting [Music] Paul what's a movie with no or a [Music] horse it's so good oh my [Music] God we're going to go up there where's my finger there where are you from Korea are you from South yes South pick up and let me give you no thank you I'm okay I'm okay nothing I'm trying to scare me my gosh it was really nice though [Music] without oh my gosh you can't even see how doesn't do it justice what is good for burns or alive [Music] without nothing there nothing there nothing is there [Music] nothing nothing no nothing there nothing [Music] I think I'm going to find a cafe to go to because I'm drenched and I have to dry myself off my shoes are wet my pants are wet my hood is wet it's the snow is really pretty though like this is like not obnoxious snow but like really fluffy snow and it's not that cold I'm not sure if it's because I'm layered up but I'm really not that cold I thought I would be freezing but the weather's not bad I like it not CH windmills [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] going to eat dinner now going to eat steak and fries be out a be yeah [Music] hey I left in the I didn't know that they would wash away so fast and that [Music] no the food was mid but the price was okay I should have tried the es cargo but uh I wasn't that hungry so I didn't want to overdo it but I should have still tried it because it was 8 for six as caros and then it was like1 14 for the steak and fries oh my gosh there's there's a little puppy what I wanted to go there but I guess it's [Music] closed although it says it closes at like 11: I'm just going to go to the Loof because it's like a 6 minute walk from here this is so embarrassing there's a woman anyways yeah it's a 6 minute walk so I'm just going to go there and it's getting late oh my gosh I did not know see the I towel from [Music] here it's so pretty oh my gosh oh my gosh that Ferris wheel I I I didn't see the ferris wheel when I was here 3 years ago I I'm not sure I don't remember seeing that oh my gosh you can literally see everything from [Music] here oh my gosh I love fais this is so pretty I can't oh my gosh oh my gosh what what let me get out the good camera because this is not doing can Justice [Music] oh get in love from you it shouldn't be that hard but baby when I close my eyes everything's I right you love me too the way I Lov you it was all in my head and I wish that were true it's been 10 days that was a highlight of my night everything's so much more pretty at night than during the day so pretty I have become a pro at asking random people to take pictures of me with no shame as I should [Music] period close my eyes everything's all right you love me too you love me too the way I led you it was all in my [Music] [Music] the vendors keep trying to get my attention keep saying me how to me I don't think they read it in a malicious way but I thought it was kind of funny two of them like in the in the span of like 2 minutes anyways the I tried some figs cuz they let me sample it and I think I'm going to get some figs and the guy said the mangoes were two for €2 if I didn't misunderstand him uh so I'm going to change my money into change my cash and then I'm going to go back to the market it's right here next to me but yeah these vendors are kind of crazy one of them was like where are you from like my name is this I forget his name he was like I'm single and I love [Music] you okay that was kind of cute not going to lie that was kind of cute and then I bought from another vendor he was like a sweet old man and he was like okay thank you I love you is this like a normal thing here that they just say I love you to their customers I'm confused but it's cute so I'm not mad I'm going to go get some mangoes they're really cheap I saw three for €150 not sure but Hannah Hannah yeah has hash has Instagram has Instagram Instagram yeah you can right now okay okay I'm back Inn I got three of these for A50 it doesn't even make any sense anyways I got those and then I got my big you can not get any good figs in Korea I got all this for the other one is rotten but I guess that's fine throw this out going to open one look how pretty it is it's so good [Music] all [Music] when the wild winds blow through the empty Pathways of my mind they were so nice in there uh before I went in he offered me a coffee and at the bakery I was going to get a coffee but I was like now I'll just get one later and literally 5 minutes later I got a free coffee I got one pan of chocolot and one croissant and I just looked in the back I just had M croissant and then I opened the bag that has the pound of chocolot there's two in there they gave me an extra one oh my gosh French people are so nice that is so cute thank you gosh people are so nice here [Music] I wanted to sit apart but all the benches are wet from the snow from yesterday so I'm just passing through it Sun's super pretty though just realized the Shakespeare and Company Tafe is here [Music] there's always a lie I think it's worth standing in if it's your first time not sure if I'll go any my gosh I went in and I tried looking for the cat that I saw a few years ago it was like this orange Garfield looking cat and they told me that she passed away 2 years [Music] ago he's really cute cat really friendly super sweet but yeah I went in so pretty in there but you can't film in there you can't take any pictures or they make you delete it um which is a shame because it's really pretty day when we get to the top see the sky never stop till the best [Music] one take off Adventures to sh in your home there's a world you can find you think you're alone when you're lost in your mind now I'm at the Luxembourg Garden because it's literally the church and the garden right next to each other so now in his bedroom bedroom alone little musicing about things far away about people and places let him Escape B little music boy need bedroom alone [Music] [Music] what they just so what they do is they'll take pictures of you and you just donate how much you want to donate like there's not a certain price to it and they were so nice and cool and they gave me three prints oh my gosh that was so cool I think I saw it on uh Instagram one time and I think it was them I'm not sure but that was really really [Music] [Music] cool even I tell [Music] the you been away from too [Music] long all to long theing on CL you just don't see care this world isig to keep me away from [Music] you all from you you been away from land to Long [Music] [Music] this is the picture that the girls with the camera took for me that you just pay whatever you want I think it's so cool and they gave me three there're they're all different pictures but they like printed out like this I have my scarf on but I think it's really cool it's like a old newspaper type of thing anyways I'm going to take a shower take this makeup off goodbye I don't know what they put in this but this is the black sesame rouet I think it is so good oh my God this is like amazing but now I'm walking to my gosh this is so embarrassing this is so embarrassing I'm so um a cafe anyways this is embarrassing bye [Music] [Music] can I do the long black uh iced please or here [Music] [Music] [Music] wantable and there's the bakery right there and outside there's a market going on [Music] in [Music] this place is oh there's the Eiffel Tower I did not know that was [Music] there maybe be a month away from now I'll find my way somehow back to myself again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] than you [Music] [Music] [Music] I am so tired and [Music] hungry so I'm just sitting at this balcony area of the museum cuz it has a really nice VI I I'm going to leave soon CU I'm just not feeling it it's really pretty but not really feeling the musum [Music] that restaurant is if over stimulation was a restaurant the food was actually decent I just wanted to leave cuz it was like so many people people so hot so loud but other than that it was a good experience I'm going back up to the saur because it's right next to the restaurant and I want to see the city at night cuz it's a lot more prettier than dur to day oh my gosh these steps these steps so many steps there's also a tram but those are for fatties so we walk up here for [Music]
2024-12-21 01:00