Ronald, I Love You (Ronald Freeman) Tribal Trails K528

Ronald, I Love You (Ronald Freeman) Tribal Trails K528

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Tribal. Trails. The. Son. Chose. Straw. True. Nineteenth-century. American. Evangelists. DL, Modi once said Satan. Separates, God, unites, love. Binds us together this. Saying reflects, the life journey of the day's guests, hi. Welcome. To tribal trails I'm glad that you joined our visit with Ronald. Freeman from Lynnwood North, Carolina, he. Is one of the singers in the, lumber river quartet, later. We'll, hear him and other guests sing songs. That relate to his life story, without. Further delay let's, listen, to Ron as he talks about his family I, was. Born mattified. This month October 29. 1954. To. A, sharecropper. And when I was about 5 years old you could count the chickens as they ran under the house you. Know whether old house we lived in the, windows were, creaking. Full of air and we, didn't have a whole lot but. My mom and Daddy made, sure that. We had clothes on our back a place. To lay our head to sleep and. Food on our table now my dad was an alcoholic, but. When he got off of work on Fridays. He. Would get his money and, he. Would go home and lay. It all out on the table this is this and this, and. He would take my mom to town and. He'd paid all the bills for one little bit of money made he. Buy grocery to go in the house, and. When he done all that the. Rest of it one says alcohol. And. My. Dad was what we call a man's man my. Dad never told me loved me and, as the kids grew they were eight of us and as the kids grew you know things. Began, to get better and better and. The. Quality. Of life changed. A little bit. I'm. From the tribal of the Lumbee in North, Carolina and basically our religion, is Christianity and, our. Tribe where we're from we. Have a an. Association. Of churches, which, we call the, bear Swamp Association, actually. To this day I think there's like 58 churches. That. The natives, themselves. Operate, we. Have our own schools we, have our own University matter of fact when when we, were established, in 1956. There. Was a small school there that started out and the school just gradually. Progressed. To what they call UNC, at. Pembroke now I always. Been to church all my life I have grown, up in the church all my life but as far as being a Christian accepting, Christ as my personal Savior I never thought about it at. The age of six we, were having a revival. At our church and. I, always sat on the front seat because my mama always told, me to sit on the front you didn't sit anywhere else. So. If you started cutting up it didn't take her long to get to where you read and you were corrected, in church where. We come from you didn't cut up in church if you did you got it right there and then you got it when you got home a. Rod. And a reprimand impart. Wisdom but. A Child Left, undisciplined, disgraces. Its mother. So. I was sitting there that night in the preacher began to preach on, the love of Jesus Christ how. He could take you in there. Making the difference who, you were what, you had done in life how. Old you were or how young. He. Said if you just come to me a lot, of people think well, I gotta, do this I gotta do that no. The. Song says come just, as you are, so. That night when that invitation was given again. I felt. That spirit, when he put his hands on his shoulder there, on my shoulder, and when.

I Went down to the altar I accepted, the Lord as my personal Savior I was. 6 years old, at our home church in our Fairmont North Carolina on, a Sunday night and. I'll. Never forget that as long as I live. Just. As, I. Am, with. Was. Oh. Just. As, I. My song. Just. As. Fears. With. God. Well. It's six years old I accept. Across his personal, Savior I've. Been a Christian ever since now have I lived a, Christian. Life the whole time no I wandered, away and I. Was in I think the fifth grade. Fifth. Or sixth grade some went on there and. Everything. Is family-oriented. Mama takes you to church and you grow and grow and you you stay in the church all. The way up through the grade five all the way to 12 and Don. After. I got out high school I still stayed in church but. You begin to experience, things. In. The, world you begin to dabble in things in the world then, all of a sudden you begin to enjoy things. In the world and the, things in the world begin to take your mind of. Christ. Like things the. World seemed to be more appealing you, think well Christianity. Still I don't like hanging. Out at the church anymore I like going to the clubs now I was one of the ones that that, that I got to that point I got. To where I enjoyed, dancing I love. To dance my. Sister, and I will go through the clubs different. Times before she accepted Christ man we danced all night long. Just dance dance and that's. What happened to that point I got, to the point where I started dabbling in the world so much that, I lost, focus. Jesus. Said the, eye is the lamp of the body if. Your eyes are healthy your, whole body will, be full of light but. If your eyes are unhealthy, your, whole body will be full of darkness, if. Then the light within you is darkness how great is, that darkness, no. One can serve two masters either. You will hate the one and love the other or you. Will be devoted to the one and despise the other. And. When, I fell, in over this young lady. I. Thought. It was my whole world, everything. We did we did together and. All. Of a sudden. Something. Happened, and. We, drifted apart. Actually. What had happened her, dad didn't like me for, for. One thing and her dad and I got into a confrontation. I'll, never forget it on, Christmas. When. I left her that night we were both crying and I told I said listen I said. Best thing for me to do is. To walk away. It. Was the hardest decision I, ever made in my life I said because, if. I don't walk away. Somebody's. Going to get hurt so, when I left that night I never, intended. To. See her again and. Dawn. She. Called me about an hour later she said you need to go home and hide she. Said my dad's looking for you, so. I went home that, same, shotgun. I went. Home and loaded it and I. Was looking for him but. The Lord said that was not the answer. So. From. That point on. Till, I was about 19, or 20, everything. Just crashed and I. Got to a point in life where. It. Didn't matter no more I didn't, care I didn't. Care because I'd. Ask people didn't love me and you know you never get a direct answer every. Time I tried to have a relationship, we would always go somber but always go bad. Then. Got to the point when I come home I felt, like my mom didn't even love, my. Dad and I didn't like each other we got in a big confrontation and, I would always stay, out late at night till, I knew he'd went to bed or or I'd get up early in the morning and I would leave before he got up cause I didn't like him it got to the point where we actually almost, hated one another I. Was. On the verge of committing suicide I, got. Home from work one afternoon, at. The age of 19, I went. In my mom's house and. I. Was, in such a depression, it didn't matter what took place and. I walked through mom's house and there was nobody there. And. Down I walked, around and each, room made, sure nobody was there. In. Town I had, them made it up of mine I was done with life I was, through.

So. On I walked into my bedroom and, I, had a 12-gauge, shotgun and. I. Loaded it and I set it on the floor and I put it against my forehead I said. No not, here, and. I laid it down across my bed. The. Prophet Isaiah spoke, about Jesus a bruised. Reed he will not break and, a smoldering wick, he will not stuff, out. Now. Walked out of mom's house and I walked, about a hundred, yards across the field to the edge of the woods, and. I went over in the woods and I was gonna find a nice quiet place you know I was gonna go back and get my gun and I was gonna come back and nobody's, never find me. So. As I came out of the woods I. Stepped. Into the edge of the field and I. Heard. The. Most incredible. Sound that I've ever heard I. Heard. A small. Soft. Voice. Says. You. Know me. Being there in those woods by myself it, like scared me to death you know I've never heard anything like that before. But. It was so soft it's so sweet it was so warm, not. A little bit further in it it got a little Laura said Ronald. I love. You, and. I began to look around like. I've. Really. Lost it now and. I got right back to the edge of, the. Field, before. Stepping, up into my mom's yard. The. Lord said Oh Ronald I, love. You I'll. Never leave you I'm never forsaken. Conrad. I went in my house went in my bedroom, took. My gun off of my bed I unloaded. It put, it in my shelf put, my gun back up you. Know I've, never had that desire, to do, it again because I felt, a love that day. That. I've never felt before. It. Was like Jesus just walked in and he, put his arms around me he pulled me into him, he. Said Ron I love you and. The. Rest is history, everything. Changed, no, more nightclubs, not. Even the suicide, thoughts have, ever bothered me anymore, for. Those of you who who are going through struggles in life, here's. What I try to tell younger folks middle-aged, folks even people. My age if. You've never tried, Christ. As your personal Savior. I asked. You today. To. Try, accept. Him as your personal Savior, depend. On him for everything in your life trust. Him he. Said I'll be your mother your, father your sister and, your, brother I'll, be everything. You. Need if, you put your trust in me, Ron. Is right I encourage. You to listen to him and think, seriously about putting, your faith in Jesus, Christ if. He need help give us a call we're glad to hear from you many. Times in his life King David experienced. Abandonment, when, that happened, he was, reminded, to trust the Lord he said when, my father, and my mother forsake. Me then. The Lord will take care of me. Out of pom Galli. One. Night. Angry. Waves dance and, people. Bright that, samples, on the. Shape that night. They, feed for their. But. The master, on Bouldin he, took, a stain and, we.

Did, He, raise, his head. Telling. Me. Gon be. Not my children. You live. When. Birds often. Get. You, down, you're, never. Just, look for the huge which, come in your strength. When. Paul, and, Silas, were. Thrown in jail. They, knew, the God that they, serve, but not fail they. Sang, a parade, on T the. Holy, Ghost. Came. Then. The, walls of that chill they began, to, shake, chains. And the feathers, they are may away. Holy God that they serve sin an angel. Down to deliver. When. Bird salt. And, get you, down you're, never alone. Just, look for to, you which. Come in your strength. On, the late-night wrong, in, your everyday, life. Oh. Look, toward the hue which, come in your strength. No, siree. After. The experience I had with suicide, I told. The Lord I said Lord I said. I'm tired of being myself I says. I'm lonely I need. Somebody to spend my life, with the rest of my life, I'll. Never forget it. Easter. Sunday morning. 1977. We were having a worse, worship, service at our church and. We both went to the same church I'd, never met her and, I. Knew her mother but I didn't know her, so. We were standing in in the worship. Service that morning everybody was praising, the Lord and worshiping, and it's almost like the Lord said, hey. Look. Across the church and. I turned my head and he. Said there's. Your wife I said, huh she said there, she is it. Took me three years to run her down together but. We've. Been together since. Our, October. The 18th 1980. My. Wife's name is Laurie lor. And, we've. Been together for, 38. Years. He. Who finds a wife finds, what is good and receives. Favor from the Lord. Children. Are a heritage from, the Lord, offspring. A reward from him. My. Only daughter her, name is Josiah. Lenora she, Zachary now she murder a guy that she went to church with. She'll. Be 36. Her, birthday, or, 35, my. Daughter works for a a banking. Organization, called BB&T. She's. One of the financial. Assistance and. My. Son's name is Jeremy, Lindale he'll. Be 33. He always picks me he said daddy you're only 30 years older than I am I said, okay so I'll be 63, he'll be 33, and my, son and I worked, together in sheet metal for about 12 years and then, he wanted to do something else well, he's what in the States we call a laser technician, he, runs the Machine by about the size of this room here that, cuts the sheet metal up what you do you program and it cuts the sheet made a lot of different designs different shapes whatever. You wanted in he's, working in a company down, the road from where I work at now he's. Back as the laser tag he's been working there now. Probably. About six months but. Everybody. Lives within, visiting. Distance, I called. My wife day before yesterday and he answered the phone I said what are you doing in my house I said. I thought you'd moved out, he's. He, comes, by quite often days but. No now. Two beautiful grandchildren I have a granddaughter, who's 11, her. Mother and her share the same birthday they were born December the 7th, and, I should be 12 a birthday and I have a grandson, who just turned 4 on, June the 8th and, we. All live within 15. Minutes of each other so we get, to see each other quite a bit when, I'm home. You've. Heard earlier Ron, shared that he and his father hated, each other, but, Ron's born again experienced, changed that it. Echoes what the Bible says in Colossians, chapter. 3. Therefore. As the elect. Of, God holy and. Beloved, put. On tender mercies, kindness, humility. Meekness. Long-suffering. Bearing. With one another, and forgiving, one another if. Anyone. Has a complaint against. Another even. As Christ forgave, you, so you. Also. Must do but. Above all these things put, on, love which, is, the bond, of perfection. My. Dad had a stroke and they paralyzed him all the way down his his, left side. Paralyzes. Vocal cords they had him on a feeding tube and he couldn't talk. The. Last night I talked to my dad I said on his bedside and we laughed, and I picked that him and I told him I said daddy I gotta go I, said. But you know one thing I said. Daddy I love you I caught, a rat I reached down and I picked him up and he couldn't move too much and I pulled him up a lady's.

Head Along with shortening lady's hair down on my shoulder and, I said daddy I love you and I gotta go and. My dad died in 93 and don't. The. Last four words I heard, my daddy speak to me he. Whispered in my ear he said Ronald I. Love. You. Same. Thing Jesus told me that. Didn't that feel my. Dad passed away that morning one o'clock. This. Is how God showed his love among us he. Sent his one and only Son, into the world that we might live through him, this. Is love not that we loved God but, that he loved us and sent his, son as an. Atoning sacrifice, for. Our sins, dear. Friends, since God so loved us we also. Ought to love one another. My. Mom passed away in. 2000. My. Mom died with cirrhosis of the liver, but. She'd never drank it down and. I'll I've never had alcohol alcohol. Never crossed my mom's lips I, couldn't. Understand, my. Mom suffered, four years with this disease called. Cirrhosis, I see. My mom said and she. Will cry and she'd hold her head by you she'd sing this song. And. She just cried crying, and, I knew my mom was hurting on the inside. And. I never could understand, I walked. Up to her bedside that afternoon in, April the, 23rd and 2000, she. Was laying there and she was looking straight up and David her. Eyes was, wide open you could see whether tears had. Run down her face. You. Know I could think about was this song says. Farther, alone, will. Understand. It the. Second verse of this song was. My mom's testimony. The. Second verse of this song she, would always say and when, we see Jesus. Coming. In glory. Will. Understand, why, you. Know that. She suffered, and, I, feel like that day that that, when he came in got her the. Reason she was smiling, she. Saw, when. The heavens opened up she. Saw what she'd been looking for for a long time. And. That, song further alone means more to me today, than. Any song that we sing. Because. When. We get to heaven it, won't matter then. But. It helps me to understand, now they're farther along, when. We see Jesus everything. That we suffered, everything, that we've been through all. The troubles, all the trials, the heartaches, the. Loss. Jesus. Just to see his face. What. Take care of all that. Amen. In the, book of Revelation, the Apostle. John described, his vision, of a new heaven and a, new earth and, I. Heard a loud voice from heaven. Saying, behold, the, tabernacle of. God is with men, and he will, dwell, with, them and they, shall be his people God. Himself, will. Be with them and be their, God and, God. Will wipe away every tear, from their eyes there. Shall. Be no more death. Nor. Sorrow nor crying. There. Shall be no, more pain for, the former things, have passed away. Then. He, who sat on the throne said, behold, I, make all things new. Wow. God. And his, timing will change everything, for. The better Jesus. Died on the cross for, our sin and rose, from the dead, this. Is the hope we have do. You want that too if. You do pray. With me this prayer. Lord. I thank you for dying on a cross and, sending. Your sent for me so. That I may be forgiven. Lord. I ask you Lord to forgive me of my sin, and I, invite you to come into my heart and to malla, to. Be my, Savior in Jesus. Name I pray. Mmm. The. Angels, in heaven rejoice, over, one sinner who turns, to Christ so. Contact. Us because. We. Want to support you and help you to grow in your faith that's. Our program for today see. You next. Oh. Then. We. Love. Oh. Like. I said we couldn't understand. What. This second burst meant until my mama, passed away, and I won't up to her bedside and this, was her favorite verse, out of the whole song and she would sing it something like this. Now. When, we. See. Jesus. Many, worry. When. He comes. In the, sky, then. We. Shall. See. You in. That. Rad. Man. Oh. Em. Well. Oh. Then. We. Launders. We. Oh. You.

2018-10-28 15:55

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