Rome | Park of the Acqueducts, Italy【Biking Tour】With Captions - 4K

Rome | Park of the Acqueducts, Italy【Biking Tour】With Captions - 4K

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[Brief intro] [Biking tour begins] 1/2 *Casale Vecchia Roma* It derives its name from the ruins of the nearby Villa dei Setti Bassi and other Roman monuments found in the area, located between the 4th and 5th miles of the ancient Via Latina. Originally it was a tower-house with the function of defense and control of the Claudio and Marcio aqueducts. 2/2 The central building dates back to around the 13th century and is built in blocks of peperino, flakes of basaltic lava and re-used marble fragments, incorporating the remains of buildings from the Roman era. Later it was transformed into an agricultural farmhouse, at the end of the 18th century, property of the Torlonia family. 1/5 ***

2021-04-15 10:24

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