ROCKY TRAILS and MYSTERIOUS CAVES ! A Unique Subaru Overland Adventure

ROCKY TRAILS and MYSTERIOUS CAVES ! A Unique Subaru Overland Adventure

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Hi guys this is jordan here from arizona. And welcome, to my channel. So. Today, right now we are in, auburn. In france. And that's gonna be pretty interesting, for two main reasons. First one this is the first time for me, in this area so it's gonna be a lot of, of new things new discoveries. And. Secondly. I have some special, company, today. Because. My brother. Tommy, here. He's here, for uh. I think the first time, maybe the second time. With me, um, in in the falls with the rooftop, tent, so that's gonna be pretty, awesome, today we're gonna visit some caves some old buildings. And we're gonna also do some an overland, tour, to explore the area. So, stay tuned. Okay so this is our first, camp spot here. And as you can see the weather, is not really with us, it's um. Yeah it's a bit rainy. But we had a great night in the rooftop, tent it's really quiet, around here. And right now we're gonna pack up the rooftop, tent. Leave the camp spot, and go for um. The. Exploration. We started the day by visiting, some caves. I love caves, and this one, were particularly. Interesting. The caves were dug in the granites, of mount, cornadore. By the hand of man. This are ancient, roman natural, bath, dating, from the first, century. They are supplied, with water, by two, hot springs. A source of ferrous, water, and a source, of salt water. The first room, is the warm room, called, the tapidarium. It was used as an underground, hospital. And was ventilated. Through cleaver. Ducts. The second, hot room, called, cauldron. Was made of a self-cleaning. Bath. We can still see two perfectly. Preserved. There used to be a third, large cold water room which unfortunately. Gradually. Collapsed. The water from the cave, is also used for, petrification. Crafts. By depositing. Calcium. Bicarbonates. After the caves, we visited, the village. And luckily. We were here on time for the lastest, markets, of the season. And obviously. We had to try some local, food. The, trifad. Which is basically. Potatoes. With cheese. Or maybe cheese, with. Potatoes. And with our stomach, full we started, our overland. Tour. So. So that's the kind of situation. You're really happy to be, to. During the trip. And actually. Where, we visited. The caves this morning, of. Some fun, in the village. It was. Nectar. Which is named. From the the local, cheese. Which is also very good. And now we are off, for um, an overland, trip, a bit of off-road, trip around. This village. Sa nectar. And. The mural. Castle, you can see. Behind, me and that's going to be a nice tour it's. Almost, 30 kilometers. I think that's gonna be enough, for uh this afternoon. And then we're gonna find another, nice, camp spot. The weather, seems pretty good it's not raining. So. That's gonna be. Good.

Okay, So the area, and the trails, are pretty rocky, with pretty sharp rocks actually so, you know the drill, just gonna deflate the tires. For a smoother, ride and. Better grip, and. When you know it's gonna be. Better. So. So. Immediately. Guys. We had to. Stop. It was so good. Good. Very good. It's so. Tasty. Hello. Okay. And the exploration. Kept going, the landscapes, here, are unique. It's a mix of forests. Hills. And. Meadows. Okay, so the trials, were pretty, pretty nice. It's a beautiful, area. And we're almost, at the end of the track, and, normally. There will be a. Pretty, tricky, and challenging, hill climb. Hill climb. And so we'll see we are. Driving, right, through it it's. In the forest. So, let's see how it is and, hopefully. We can make it. Through. On our way to the supposedly. Gnawing, hill climb. We came across this waterfall. Which is, surprisingly. In the middle of a small village. And, it seems like we weren't the only one interested. That's one reckless. Gap. Oh. Okay, so, we, stepped out of the car to. Do a bit of recon, on the tracks. As you saw it's, really narrow. And. It's supposed to be a very, tricky, and challenging. Hill climb. Or he'll climb i don't know how to pronounce, that. And um. So we're just looking. At the trails. Because there's not a lot of, area to turn around. If it's too. Tricky. And. So far it's. Doable. I guess. What do you think, yes it. Is. So we're gonna. Keep the recon mission. And see. How it is. Okay so we walk actually, the entire, trial. And it's a beautiful, one a bit with some. Rocky, and a bit technical. Section, but it's totally, doable. The only problem is the exits. Of the track. And, there is a massive, rock step here. That's obviously going to be a problem. It's actually. In the turn, in the corner. So, it's going to be even more, technical, and. You know massive rocks here. It might be doable. But. It's not the point of today's adventure. So. Sadly. We're gonna. Uh. We're gonna reverse, and uh, get back to the. Car. And that's a shame because we had a. A nice. Tricky. Uh bridge to cross, here. It will have been awesome but the exit is just right here. And it's too sketchy. For, for me all along here. And we also have tomorrow, to explore so if i break something, here. It's done. Okay so we found, tonight's game spot. And right now we bought some local stuff. Beer, cheese, and. Sausage, come on. You know local, saucy song. So we're gonna. Hit everything. Like for um. So so before the lunch. That's gonna be cool. It is here. Which is the. Sun nectar, just like the, village, we wear. We got some. Wild, pig. Sausages. On. Some bread. Too. It was a fun and relaxing, moment spent, with my brother, the kind of moments, you don't forget. About. We both, worked on setting up the camp, and we even took a moment, to try to spot some wildlife. But. Something, piqued our interest. So we took our shower. Before the sun set, because it was, it's always better. And now we are, looking at this. Big boulder, here. It's just. Actually, just. Near our camp spots because we, are parked. Here. And i think it should be a. Natural. Formation. Okay from this side i don't think it's, natural, anymore. Because it's. Completely, like curved, by. Humans. In the. Rocks. And i think it's like. Paved, here. So yeah it's probably not. Natural. That's. Rolling. Okay tommy so what time is it. It's time. To eat. It's burrito, time. So we're gonna set up the kitchen. And uh. And make the. Burritos. Okay. Kidney beans. Chicken. Cheddar. Some pepper. Um, corn. The. Wraps. Uh. This is a weird scenery. But it's pretty. Beautiful. That's a. Big. Let's roll this bad boy. If we can. Oh no. It's gonna be a. Disaster. You have to close it at one hand. It's impossible. You're a real, you're a. Gringo's. Take a bite. It's your time to roll the burrito. It's gonna be fine. I'm used to it. Oh no. There's a massive. There's a massive hole in the tortilla. Oh that's gonna be sketchy.

It's Pretty good but. It's, a disaster. Look at. This. I'm pretty glad we have some, water left, because we're gonna have to. Wash our. Heads. All right guys so it's getting, real dark. And actually it's also starting to rain. So we're gonna climb in the roof top tent. And. I don't know, watch some movies, and. Have some good sleep, see you tomorrow, guys. All right guys so this is already the end of this video. But. I will see you in the part, two, and this one is gonna be in mongolia. So stay tuned. And if you like this video you can subscribe, to the channel, and also check my instagram, accounts, and my brand new, website. I also wanted to thanks all my patreon, for their support, because it's thanks to them that i'm able to go on adventure, like that so thank you guys for watching. See you next week in the part. Two.

2020-09-24 17:03

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