Rockefeller Center Walking Tour | A Manhattan Treasure (4K City Walk)

Rockefeller Center Walking Tour | A Manhattan Treasure (4K City Walk)

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hey everyone it's catherine with free  tours by foot today we're going to   go on a little walk around rockefeller  center so let's go ahead and get started   so we are starting here we're at 49th street and  6th avenues the car is going by this way that's   sixth avenue um so the first thing i'm going  to show you is actually right across the street   these tall buildings a few of them this maybe is  not what you had in mind when you thought about   rockefeller center these are technically a part  of rock center though these were an extension   of rockefeller center that was built in the  1960s so if you're sitting here thinking that   you know these are a little little boxy a little  boring there would be a lot of people that would   agree with you on that one most people think  rock center and they think like beautiful art   deco buildings probably something a little bit  more like this so the other side of 6th avenue   totally different story um so we started with the  planer looking buildings and we'll we'll get to   the more interesting looking stuff from here so  i'm walking north right now on sixth avenue and   you can see right here a sign for the tonight show  nbc studios you'll be seeing the nbc name a lot   though uh as we walk around we'll talk a little  bit more about it a bit later on so straight ahead   you can start to see radio city music hall so this  was actually the first building of rockefeller   center that was opened up in the 1930s um when  it was opened it was one of the largest venues   of its kind in the world it's actually still i  believe the largest venue in the united states   seats almost 6 000 people so people think of  radio city today and they definitely think   the christmas spectacular and the rockettes  that's definitely true but radio city when it   first opened up showed all kinds of things it  was concerts and so symphonies performed there   they showed movies they showed newsreels um that's  actually kind of how the christmas spectacular got   started um the the radio city rockettes were  an act they would come out and like perform   before the movie started or if they were showing  a double feature they would perform in between the   movies um so they were showing something that  happened to be a christmas story and so they   decided to you know be in theme and do something  festive so they did came out and did their uh   their toy soldier dance that they still do in the  radio city christmas spectacular to this day and   a tradition was born eventually ditched the movies  and made it all about the show people still flock   to see the radio city rockettes every single year  so these days mostly concerts and things like that   but there are some other events that happen  there the tony awards typically happen at radio   city music hall and also the nfl football draft  it's actually a radio city every year as well   so you're going to see me focusing a lot on the  sides of buildings and that is because one of   the fantastic things about rockefeller center  is there's so much artwork um usually just   right on the buildings themselves and so you kind  of have to be paying attention but i'll make sure   i show you as many of them as i can so another  nbc sign here and this one says rainbow room   which is a restaurant uh up towards the top of the  building an observation deck so take a quick look   in here we'll go up and look  in the window up here so   you can see the big red carpet there that's for  top of the rock so that's the observation deck and you can go in right in these doors to go  to top of the rock so oh i want to make sure   i show you in the window here if you can see  that spectacular chandelier that actually goes   all the way down those are swarovski crystals  and um kind of in the shape if you can really   look you can see it's kind of in the shape of 30  rock the building this is inside so make sure you   stop and check that out even if you don't go up to  the observation deck but top of the rock is really   worth checking out um when you're here a lot of  people ask i have a lot of people on tours ask me   empire state building or top of the rock  i guess my answer is if you have time both   it's a different view from both but top of the  rock is definitely worth doing i think you can   get some pretty amazing views and amazing photos  so that beautiful chandelier that we just saw the   swarovski crystal chandelier that was put in place  back when they reopened the observation deck top   of the rock back in 2005. so definitely something  to look for um so we're gonna go over this way   first they have some nice planters here it's  starting to look like spring in rockefeller center so this is a pretty big complex people think  rock center and they they sort of just uh   i think tend to focus on 30 rock itself the  main building but it's a pretty big complex   i'm going to stop here when i get a chance and  give you a quick look around so this is all   rock center it's a pretty massive complex more  rock center more rock center of course 30 rock   so just give me an idea of this scale i do want  to come up here and see if i can get a good view   again more artwork on the buildings um see if i  can get around this restaurant set up even though   it is very cute it's right across the street um  the silver over there uh that's a piece by naguchi   uh it's called news and if you really  look it's actually depicting reporters   um getting their news you can see one on  the phone one writing down on a on a pad   somebody on a typewriter so kind of the the tools  of the trade um so a lot about rockefeller center   i think is very much a product of the times  that it was built in obviously the art deco   the style of the center very very popular in  new york especially in the 1920s and 1930s   and this was built in the 1930s so the way  all of this started was john d rockefeller jr   had actually been approached by the metropolitan  opera company said you know they wanted to partner   they wanted a new opera house they were thinking  about moving uptown further and um they said you   know hey maybe maybe our opera house could  be like the centerpiece of a big project um   and so he said uh he would develop this whole  compound basically around their opera house   took out a lease on this land all of this was  actually owned by columbia university at the time   took out a lease a 50-year lease i believe  and this was the late 1920s then the great   depression hit and the metropolitan opera company  decided it wasn't really a great time to build   a new opera house they backed out of their  end of the project and rockefeller was left   kind of holding the bag so he went ahead anyway  which was really an enormous show of faith i guess   in in our ability to bounce back  here another great piece over here   really see all of the detail this fantastic  very art deco style artwork and the gilding um   so part of the idea behind this is in order to  make this this place work and in order to help   new york bounce back they were hoping to not just  attract american businesses to rockefeller center   but a lot of international business as well and  so a lot of parts of rockefeller center were built   with that in mind having kind of this  international flair and so this is depicting   um things from all over the world just to try  to stay in keeping with that idea of of this was   going to be a place for international business  not just new york not just the united states so honestly it was a really big deal when  rockefeller decided with the onset of the   great depression that he was going to build  anyway you know during this same time a lot   of other planned building projects in new york  city were being dramatically scaled down or they   were being canceled altogether so the fact that he  went ahead with this this was i think the largest   private building project that had ever been  undertaken in modern times and so the fact that he   went ahead with this anyway was pretty fantastic  and definitely a really big show of faith   in in the fact that things would come back and  importantly also employed thousands of people   during the great depression building something  of this scale took a lot um and not just   people to do the actual construction  clearly a lot of artists as well   as you can see by the amount of artwork um so i'm  on fifth avenue right now so rockefeller center   really stretches all the way from 5th  avenue to 6th avenue so we are here   at the international building this is probably one  of the most famous sculptures here in rockefeller   centers this is done by lee lowery which actually  you can find his work all over rockefeller center   this is definitely the most famous thing though  any any fan of the tv show 30 rock definitely   recognizes this from the opening credits um so  for anybody who's a mythology buff out there   you might recognize this as atlas according to  mythology atlas was punished by the gods and   he was made to carry the weight of the world on  his shoulders forever so that's what's here it is   really amazing an amazing piece though uh you get  this this ancient myth but done in this very very   modern style and it's something that just blends  so perfectly with the art deco buildings um it's   this building over here and actually see it says  the international building uh which of course i   i said they did really want that international  character of rockefeller center but it wasn't   supposed to be um just the international building  was actually supposed to be a lot more specific   than that so the 635th avenue so right along  fifth avenue the plan was they were going to build   four lower rise buildings here on fifth avenue  and um they would actually offer space to foreign   governments so that they could have embassies  here and this one was meant to be the deutsche   house or german building but this was the 1930s  tensions were rising and they decided they did   not want to offer space to the nazi government and  so this became the international building instead   of the german building but actually uh they  were so committed to that plan that actually   a good amount of this building was made with  steel manufactured in germany so 635th ave i   am going to walk us inside just a minute because  there's some beautiful artwork in here as well um the lobbies of some of these buildings are so  spectacular so here's the international building pretty beautiful so actually on both sides here   this is an art installation that was added  in the 1970s it's pretty beautiful though um so that was a little bit later certainly not  a part of the original design of the building   that was though right up the escalator i don't  know if you can see um oh you know what i think   i can go up there can i go up no okay no that's  okay never mind not allowed up today um but   right up there the guy at the top of  the escalator is charles lindbergh so   that's a bust of him right up there sometimes  you're allowed up but not always like today   so charles lindbergh was the first person to fly  solo across the atlantic flew from long island to   paris and on a plane called the spirit of st  louis and so you know when rock center was   built that was pretty shortly after this happened  it was considered such an amazing feat just like   a testament to what humans could do and that  was so in the spirit of rockefeller center   that he he was included there so i  love this view of atlas right here   directly across from the entrance to st patrick's  cathedral the seat of the catholic archdiocese of   new york um there are a lot of people that think  that placement is really not an accident that it   was very purposely placed to have this stark  contrast of this figure from ancient mythology   done in this really modern at the time uh style  just right across the street from the front doors   of the seat of the catholic church in new york and  this very very different style of building here   so we're gonna go back up fifth avenue from  the international building so even though the   german building did not end up working out um it  this idea of having embassies here did work out   in a couple of cases this one right on the corner  once i'm able to cross the street this one is the   british empire building um and this was actually  utilized as the british empire building um   it was also a home of mi5 ian fleming the creator  of james bond actually worked in this building   and there's an early bond story uh where he's uh  stationed here at rockefeller center um so right   above the door more fabulous artwork everything's  so shiny at rockefeller center so these are   supposed to depict some different industries  um and uh different industries important to the   british empire and the sun over the door uh was  also meant to symbolize the idea that in the days   of the british empire which spread spread  all over the world that the sun never set   on the british empire that's why there is a sun  and then there's a coat of arms above the door so the other uh building that  worked out in that way oh here's the   here's the sign for the british empire  building here and then directly across   the way is the maison frances which  was also used by the french government   um and so this idea this original idea for these  buildings did did work out in some cases just not   in the case of the german building though  it did become the international building   so you can see the maison frances here and go  check out the artwork over the door you're walking   around rockefeller center definitely always check  the entryways because that's where you tend to   find a lot of these fantastic pieces oh that's  so shiny um so right above here lots of gold   and you can see all the way up  there liberty legality fraternity   uh the woman with the torch um if you look in  the gold those two women at the top of this   holding hands that's meant to be um paris and new  york holding hands across the atlantic um that   kind of sweeping thing in the middle is meant to  be the atlantic uh you can actually see notre dame   there on paris's lap and that's new york over  there you can see a little bit of the skyline so right in between these two buildings we have   this little stretch here just some a garden  um some some water some fountains some pretty   flowers very nice flowers got some tulips and some  daffodils and what you see into the fountain there depending on the time of year when you  come here and walk around for yourself   this may look a little different depending on on  time of year and holidays sometimes they take some   of this out put some installations in but this is  called the channel gardens the reason it's called   the channel gardens is because we are between  british empire building and the french building   and in between those two countries in real life  we have the english channel so channel gardens um so you also see some of the the shops  here a lot of this is office buildings but   the ground floors there's quite a bit of  retail there's a tiffany and company here chocolate shop some clothing shops  oh we got the tulips out it's spring   i always tell when it's spring in  new york there's tulips everywhere so very beautiful seeing it this time  of year and we're coming up to one of   the other really famous sites of rockefeller  center and that's prometheus across the way and then also here you have this plaque um  i'm not gonna read all of it because it's   it's quite long but um this is something from john  d rockefeller actually so just kind of outlining   some of his beliefs some of the things that led to  him building something like this says i believe in   the supreme worth of the individual and his rights  to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness   um and then some other very nice sentiments there  and so right across the way straight across is   prometheus i'm going to go around  so i can get a better view maybe so we'll we'll walk around so what's going on  right here is a changeover uh it's just the time   of year um we're in a short little window where  this is a little bit torn up so what's happening   is typically down there is the um ice skating  rink so starting in the late fall and then going   all the way through the end of march that's  an ice skating rink um but then they take   it out and there's a changeover that happens  and that will be an outdoor cafe pretty soon   so that's what's happening there we'll go get a  better look at prometheus from a different angle   i might have to go around to the other side but for now we'll take a quick look over here  at some more of rockefeller center over here   is the today show so you can see nbc news  written up there nbc obviously has a really big   presence here in rockefeller center the today  show is a really popular thing for visitors   coming to new york city though so they film  i'll walk over and show you now i can go okay   um they can go they film here and um because  of all the windows it's almost like a fishbowl   so you can see in and so you have people that  gather out here um in the morning and they watch   filming inside and then this open space here  if you've ever watched the today show and   seen an outdoor concert or some kind  of gathering outside where the actual   hosts of the show are outdoors as well  that's where they are is over there so we're gonna walk around so we can get a better  better look at prometheus unfortunately because   they do have everything changing over right now  it's just a little harder to get some views um   but we will come back so we can finish up at   30 rock right here uh we'll come back and we'll  definitely go inside as well but 30 rock has to be   the grand finale that's definitely the  most recognizable of the buildings here so one of the other things you  may notice when you come here   and is definitely a little different right now  is all of the flags so um these are definitely   different right now and this is a special  installation this is a flag project 2021   83 artist so it says spring 2020 we invited  photographers of all abilities to participate in   the flag project and share images inspired by city  spaces objects textures so that's actually what   all of this is right now is all of  these different photographers work   printed on flags so something a little  different right now so what this normally is   kind of as a nod to the international character  of rockefeller center is typically all of these   flagpoles are filled with flags that are all the  flags of the member nations of the united nations   on u.s holidays sometimes it will  either be all u.s flags or it will be   all 50 state flags of the united states obviously  we have way more flagpoles than we do states   so they just repeat all of the state flags  over and over again until until they fill up   okay so now i think this is the best we are going  to get of prometheus here um but i wanted to make   sure you got to see it because it is one of  the most recognizable statues in new york   definitely in rockefeller center and it has kind  of the place of honor there in front of 30 rock   so prometheus was said to be a  favorite myth of john d rockefeller jr   the man who was building rockefeller center  um so prometheus according to mythology was   a titan he was a titan and he stole fire  from the gods at mount mount olympus so   he could give it to man so that mankind could  progress as a society and he was banished um   so what the statue is depicting there is  prometheus with the fire in his hand leaving   the heavens if you look really closely sorry i  can't get any closer there's actually astrological   signs around him on that ring and that's  supposed to be him descending from the heavens   it's kind of an interesting depiction  it's not the reason for the sculpture   behind him but the sculpture behind him over the  front door of 30 rock is actually zeus so from   this angle it kind of looks like zeus is banishing  him from mount olympus um for stealing fire so   we will start making our way over towards 30  rock i'm going to stop on the stairs up here   so i think i can give you a really  good look up and down at 30 rock i really like these flags definitely  different than what's normally   there but i think it's a very cool  project all right very sunny today there is a look at 30 rock so uh you know  originally the idea was you know this whole thing   was going to give me centered on the opera house  but then the metropolitan opera backed out and   instead for a performance venue we got radio city  music hall which you can see straight ahead and   rockefeller center became a big hub for for radio  and later television um so this building here   was originally built as the rca building the  radio corporation of america so that's where   the nickname radio city comes from as there is  major broadcasting for the radio happening here   at 30 rock um 30 rock is not nearly as tall as  it looks i always have people on tours ask me   when they see it um is this one of the  tallest buildings in new york uh no   not by a long shot actually it's just  taller than everything else around it   so it kind of tricks your eye a little  bit and it also has this tiered shape   this idea of of setbacks this tiered shape  of the building i think it also makes it look   taller um but 30 rock today is the home of nbc  studios so if you are a fan of you know snl or   late night any of that this is where that happens  so you can see the gold lettering outside here   um it says comcast building now that's the  current owner of the building but it was   originally the rca building so i want  to give you a better look at zeus here   there he is um this is called wisdom and it says  wisdom and knowledge still be the stability of   thy times um so the idea behind this work  here is um and this is a a big idea that   john d rockefeller i think wanted to convey was  that radio and television could actually be used   to spread knowledge to spread wisdom i know  that's not not always what we think of when   we think about tv today but but that was you  know that was the thought behind it was this   can actually be used as a force for good all  right let's go in i'll give you a look around   hopefully i won't get kicked out um see some  big murals here right there across the way it's   american progress um and so what you have in  this mural is you actually see abraham lincoln   gandhi's in there it's showing basically  some of the great figures of the past   and then us moving forward through  industry and progress then you have   this up on the ceiling no surface uncovered  here it's crazy if you're actually standing   under this you may not be able to see it from  here but it actually sometimes looks like it's   moving up on the ceiling strange little trick  of the eye um so this may seem like kind of bold   visions or designs for the 1930s and they are  uh the artist spanish artist jose maria start   and it was but uh not as not as bold as what was  going to be there um they had actually originally   hired diego rivera a very famous artist uh to  do the murals inside and he did um but if you   know anything about diego rivera he had some  pretty outspoken political opinions and it was   definitely found their way into his mural there  at rockefeller center it had some pretty strong   anti-capitalist themes going on and the  rockefeller foundation was willing to   keep it there they just asked him like would he  paint over some of the more controversial parts   and he said absolutely not he said he would  rather it be destroyed than alter his ideas and uh   that is what happened so instead  we have american progress there especially right here on the ground floor  uh fao schwartz and fao schwartz used to   be a little further up town it's kind  of right by the southeast corner of   central park and then it closed um but they  fortunately reopened here because fao schwartz was   a really well-loved tradition in new york  city so it's nice nice that it's still here um   and so this is the other side now of 30 rock  we'll come up here to to finish up but right   across the street opposite this side of 30 rock  this is christie's uh the famous auction house so   if you're here in new york city um and you're an  art lover definitely worth a stop um just a quick   little jump across the street and you could head  over and check out what's going on at christie's and straight up here got the sign for the  rainbow room and the observation deck again   it's a giant teddy bear at fao schwartz  um so there's a look at christie's there okay hope you enjoyed our little  walk around rockefeller center   um definitely if you have not already subscribe  to our channel and ring that bell so you get   notifications every time we release new content  we'll have more walks coming out there are lots of   places we can see together and you can do it right  from wherever you happen to be sitting right now   and it's not just new york we have these  walks going on in cities all over the   world we have them in new orleans we have  them in london so check out what we have   going on in some of these other places  as well and we'll see you again soon bye

2021-05-13 14:14

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