ROAM The Wild Coast, Water Crossings, Ocean Views & Offroad Fun In The Hilux!

ROAM The Wild Coast, Water Crossings, Ocean Views & Offroad Fun In The Hilux!

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hey guys welcome to another episode of ROAM overlanding and this one is going to be sponsored   and this episode is going to be sponsored by Surfshark but i'll tell you a little bit more about   them later can we just take a moment to appreciate  how insanely beautiful this campsite is my name   is Adrian Abrahams and this week we're going  to explore the beautiful and rainy wild coast   with plenty of water crossings and spectacular  views all around this is sure to be an adventure okay so we are in the proper mist a little bit of  rain if this is anything to kind of predict the   future of what the next couple days of travel is  going to be like i think it's going to be pretty   wet and pretty wild especially considering  the wild coast is an incredibly muddy place   but that's what it's all about we are staying  at a really beautiful campsite it's called the   white clay resort it is right on the beach so  even if it's going to be rainy it's going to   be damn beautiful it's going to be my first time  ever going to the wild coast so i'm keen to see   what it's all about i don't know if we're going  to be able to kind of enjoy it in all of its glory   because we're not really going to be able to see  much with all the rain but let's see how it goes i   think this is going to be an authentic wild coast  experience okay so we've had a bit of a rough   time once we arrived at white clay the rain the  wind the everything was just kind of compounding   on us the stressful drive here we set up we had  a beautiful dinner we had some lamb chops we made   some veggies some potatoes and you know what  feeling pretty good and pretty happy that we   decided to stick it through and keep going with  everything this awning saved our lives today   it just it helped you know what  besides keep us out of the rain   it helped get our spirits back you know from the  cold and the wind and the rain and everything   so we are we're feeling all right we're not  going to stay here as long as we had planned to   the view and the scenery and everything  is beautiful but in this weather to go on   unnecessarily for too many days we'd rather move  down the coast and maybe find some new places   to go and stay so we may not linger  around as much but we're still going   to do a lot of exploring and the plans  change that's how it works i'm looking   forward to waking up tomorrow and heading  off on our adventure through the wild coast it's been raining pretty much  non-stop the whole time since   actually since we were in the  eastern cape highlands yesterday but it's just one of those things that  just kind of soaks you out a little bit man   so we're gonna see it seems like it's the same  weather all the way down the coast um but it's   it's not heavy rain it's just a constant light  drizzle the wind is not too bad considering   what we've already been through let's see how  today goes let's we're gonna make a breakfast   and kind of pack up our camp and everything  and see where the road takes us we've got   no dead set plans it's all quite  open-ended and yeah let's see how it goes we're heading to a very special little  spot called hole in the wall never been   there before i'm excited to see what it's what  it's like for myself i've seen the beautiful   photos i'm not sure how it's going to look in  this weather but you know we'll find out for ourselves so we actually ended up having a super short  drive um we went to go visit the mini hole   in the wall and then as we were driving  through we saw the hole in the wall itself and we thought we'd go into there's like a  little resort here and it turns out they've   got like a little backpackers and it would  have cost us the same amount as camping   except we can get out of the rain a little bit  we don't have to set up or break down our camp   we've got cooking facilities here and  we're running a little bit low on gas   so it actually worked out pretty nicely  i've got to get to work on some for editing   some video stuff more because it's got  some work to do we've got signal here   so we're actually going to take a little  bit of a break here a bit of a one day pause   and just catch up on all the stuff we need  to actually get done for our jobs and um   what we'll do is tomorrow we'll get back on the  road and keep traveling from then we're gonna head   down to uh morgan's bay this campsite out there  called double mouth i think we'll be recharged   we'll be dried up and we'll be ready to go for  the last few days of our wild coast camping trip   then we can make our way through to cape  town and a whole new adventure awaits there marcus what's that um some sandwiches like mince cheese butter and  goodness i wanted to just take a moment to   introduce today's sponsor Surfshark now i  don't take these type of things lightly so   i made sure to test out their offering quite  a bit over the past two months and i'm really   happy to have partnered with surfshark on this  video essentially surfshark is a vpn service   not only does that offer the ability to mimic  being in another country from wherever you   are online so you can access things like netflix  and you know things like that from other countries   get access to streaming different types of  content it cuts down on the amount of ads   you see in day-to-day use on the internet and it  also gives you encrypted secure connections when   you're needing to do banking in bnbs or hotels  around the world it's just offering you that   little bit of protection and just a little bit  of peace of mind it is something that i think   whether you are somebody who is very digitally  based or you really just want to stream some   interesting netflix shows it really just opens  up a couple doors for you now it's not an   expensive product by any means and as part of this  partnership surf shock are actually giving us an   incredible promo so it is going to be 84 percent  off and four months free using the checkout code   rome and that is just going to be in the link down  below or i'll put it down on the screen over here   and yeah i would appreciate it if you guys would  head out and go and check what Surf Shark about i think it's a great product and i'm loving  using it myself and i think you might find some   value there anyways i just want to say thanks to  surf shark for you know reaching out and wanting   to support the show and i really appreciate  it anyways guys let's get back to the show nice little morning here at hole in the wall going  for a walk it was great having a break yesterday   out of the rain and it seems like the weather's  cleared up a little bit for us we're gonna go do   this little bit of touristy stuff and then we're  gonna make our way to morgan's bay the hole in the   wall is arguably one of the most popular sights  in the wild coast and has been on my radar for   quite some time now the weather played a role in  making it all feel moody and quite spectacular   it just feels wild and raw and it's  great to see that the local people use   this naturally peculiar formation to catch  a bounty of creatures to eat and to sell i'm not one for following the same path twice   so we had noticed another way around and it  looked just as spectacular as the hole in the wall   it also just took me back to feeling like i  was at the old man of store in scotland again   on the wall it's cool but i kind of like this this  is the underrated one um we had a little guide   don't fall for the human guides take a take a k9  guide a lot better you just give them head rubs absolutely epic location with our spirit guide  as glad to have had a walk as we were especially   after being in a vehicle for six days it was an  awesome change of pace and actually a perfect pit   stop here the weather was looking up and we were  pumped to get going and continue our adventure   well that was a huge amount of fun exploring  the hole in the wall i didn't expect it to be   so overgrown and so wild actually i thought it  would be a little bit more touristy than that   but it was actually incredible now it's time to  refuel get on the road and make our way through   to morgan's bay the downpour over the past two  days has been it's been building up to making   this a very interesting drive today we've got a  good um 270k drive to get to our next campsite out   in morgan's bay and we are splashing through some  puddles we're crossing some streams that's it's a   hell of a lot of fun and you know what the scenery  ain't too bad it's quite a well populated area so   you know don't expect to be all out here on  your own but it's still beautiful nonetheless oh dude look it's a giant rock navigate me around the rock so we don't  move it and just keep it like that so that's that there's no road there   we thought we were cool navigating  past that little section but uh even if there was a road we'd  have to cross this bloody river   that's probably why you said keep left so probably  left there's a gap yeah you think so and then you   can cross on that side let's go and have a look  let's have a walk let's see otherwise turn back so the problem with language barriers is that  when people are waving vigorously at you you   don't know if they are actually waving at you  or if they're trying to tell you something then   when you find somebody you can't really  communicate with them properly you know   they can't tell you exactly what's going  on so we got to the end of this road   it's completely washed away the only  advice we got from one of the guys is keep   right and we've turned around and we're going to  see if maybe there's another way across the river   i hope so otherwise we're turning back are  you going to go for a walk down the river   onto the rocks there and across yeah  okay but then we have to walk it yeah are you capturing me putting on your flip-flops  yeah i am dude i'm never gonna hear the end of   this embracing my true german heritage when you  don't cut your feet open you'll be thankful dude 100. so outside line yeah i think that's best that side okay so we're going to tackle this um we've walked  in thai route we've consulted with some of the   locals and stuff as well just to get a better  understanding of the right path to take i don't   recommend doing this kind of stuff we're going  to take it we're going to do it nice and slow   and controlled and we're going to try and push  through this it's going to be very interesting   it's a lot of fun but this is quite dangerous and  there's been a lot of rain in the area lately and   the water is quite deep but i've watched marcus  as he's kind of walked through the whole stream   and i'm happy with the heights where  the water is sitting so let's do it now this moment was quite surreal for me but it  also really reinforced something important to me   life happens when you do stuff and the adventure  begins when things don't go according to plan   i'd always dreamed of taking my over landing rig  across a river while children hung off the rock   sliders and there i was doing just that and i  couldn't have planned for anything like this to   have happened yet here we are and this to me was  what i always imagined exploring the wild coast   to be like and this really is a story that  i'll hold close to my heart for years to come so that i mean epic epic epic epic we found a  way through the river interacted with some of   the locals that helped us guide us through  there very very awesome and now the journey continues okay so we've come along another water crossing  uh marcus is gonna walk it see what it's like   uh first and then if it's shallow enough  we go through but i really hope we can go   through because it's quite a long way back  by now if you get stuck i can winch you out keep going it keeps going  deeper dude no just keep going that's what i want to see i want to see that   so there's no point in hiding where that  is because we need to know where that is oh don't we have some beautiful weather now   uh we are almost at morgan's bay we're going  to the double mouth campsite we've got a little   dirt road drive through alongside kai  mouth and to morgan's bay stoked let's get there i had no idea what to expect heading to  morgan bay and i randomly stumbled upon   the double mouth campsite during my research  of the area and i'd seen a couple pictures but   nothing could really prepare me for what we  were about to experience and quite honestly   this campsite had surprised me more than any other  on this trip and would far exceed my expectations the drive-in was absolutely magical the golden  sunlight and the crisp blue ocean in the distance   even the whales greeting us as we stop arrived that spot that was supposed  to be mine you just pop straight on it   but i told you to stop but it's a perfect spot yeah there's your spot right there dude  oh in the mud yeah i'll suggest parallel   like this and then the car will be uh nicely  parked tenth bright area and a covered guard if i need to raise the back i  can can we just take a moment   to appreciate how insanely beautiful this  campsite is just look over there marcus i am super happy that we actually ended up  making it through to the double mouth campsite   out in morgan's bay it is stunning really is  the weather's cleared up beautifully for us   um i think we did the absolute perfect  thing by just taking it easy yesterday   booking it in the backpackers  and just waiting out the storm   catching up on some admin and things like that  and recharging ourselves because this is perfect this is a such a beautiful spot there's actually  this nice little walk down from the campsite and   it looks like you can walk all the way around to  another beach all the way over there this is epic   it's time to crack a few beers sit  at the campfire and chill out for the evening we've actually been traveling quite a lot we've  done a we've done a lot it's difficult to kind of   comprehend all of it in one go but i mean from  being on the top of the mountain in the wind   which was like 100 k's an hour or something  stupid like that to being in the rain for two days and now that we've been blessed  with this beautiful weather it's amazing it's   really really amazing the wild coast the eastern  cape in general has just been beautiful and its   variety of everything around here the most epic  mountain scenery the most epic coastal scenery   it's been fantastic to explore and i know we've  only seen a little bit of it but what we have seen   has been mightily impressive and i  can't wait to come back here one day but i hope you guys enjoyed this little travel  series because next up we're going to be heading   through to the western cape i'm going to be  spending some time in and around cape town   with some of my other overlanding buddies  and hopefully making some content with them   and then after that it's the long way home so   this is all assuming everything goes well with  the covet 19 news and all that in South Africa   and that our president doesn't lock us down again  but you know what if all go goes according to plan   i think it's going to be a beautiful trip and i  can't wait to get some solo traveling it's been   really nice traveling with Marcus and i  think it's a good way to kick off the trip   but i think now that i'm learning more about my  vehicle setup and all of that it'll be really nice   to do some beautiful solo stuff in the western  cape and the northern cape but anyways guys thank   you so much for tuning in to the travel series  and uh yeah i'll see you again next week cheers thank you for tuning in i just wanted to give a  massive shout out to my incredible patrons for   supporting me over these really difficult times  without their support these shows would not be   possible on the next episode of Roam Overlanding i  meet up with a bunch of overlanders in the western   cape and we head out for an adventurous  weekend and put the hilux to the test   out in the dunes my vehicle setup is a  collaboration between all of my product partners   to find out more about the equipment in this  video head to the links in the description below hey Marcus yeah what are you doing i don't  actually mind turning around no means no Marcus no   what are you doing

2020-12-19 15:47

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