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Good morning guys welcome back to my channel, we are all loaded up in the car because, we are headed out on a little staycation, this weekend. We're heading, to galveston. To meet erin and her family and we're gonna stay at a hotel over there, and have a little family vacation. So we're really excited, i've never been to galveston, before but i heard it's really nice so, we're gonna have a fun weekend, but, we can't skip out on isr, it's friday. And. Shay, and grayson, are both gonna do isr, this morning. Grayson's, is our appointment, is at like 10, 50 i think, so they're gonna squeeze shea in because shae's isn't until later this afternoon but we're gonna be on the road then so they squeezed her in right after grayson. And the instructor, said that she's not worried at all about bailey, because she's doing so well so, she's going to miss out this friday but we're going to be back at it next time. Are you ready. Were you watching me. Okay open the door and get in, we're waiting for. You. Bailey do you want your bun bun. Okay yours is in the back i'll get yours okay. Oh. There you go. Yeah, it's a capture. Wiggly worm, wiggly, little, squirmy. Monkey. Hi hey spooky your sister. Take this. No. Take that hold my hand. Okay. Love you. Bye-bye. Okay shay and grayson, are done with swim. And, we, are gonna stop at chick-fil-a, to get some lunch because it's. 11. 30.. Yeah they do catering. Yeah we're starving it's 11 30 and we have barely eaten today. Are you sure you don't want to get whataburger. I would have filmed, their isr, lessons, this morning for you guys so you could have seen. But you have to have her approve. The content, because. They don't want like. Videos, out there of them like struggling, even though our kids are not. Usually, they want. You to film on fridays, because fridays, is. When they've made the most improvement. But i just didn't want to go through the hassle of like, explaining, to her that i was going to post it in a vlog, and all of that but, grayson, is doing really well so. Next time i go, and. I'm able to, post. His session. You guys are gonna be amazed, because. He, can literally float, all on his own now. She has to like, somewhat. Like what's this called. Flutter the water. Um. Here and there but for the most part he's able to float on his own and like flip over. So like if he were to fall into a body of water he could, flip over all on his own and float there for, a while which is, just mind-blowing. So he's doing really well. I told you bailey, is doing. Like. Unreal, you guys i posted, a video, on my stories, the other day of her. And, she can fully like swim, without a floatie. At all now shea is doing really well too she's just so, stubborn, and just wants to swim, like a little mermaid, and doesn't want to flip over to find her breath. And like take a break before she goes back to swimming again, she just wants to swim. So. She is a little behind bailey but not by much. And, we're just really proud of all of them i'm so. Glad that i put them in isr, and i highly, highly recommend. It. Okay we just got to galveston. And, it's pretty cute it kind of reminds, me of, san clemente. But we're like five minutes away from our hotel we're staying at the san luis hotel. Never been here, but, aaron booked this so. I'm hoping that. It's a fun hotel for the kids but, it's supposed to storm tomorrow, so we're hoping, we can, get some cool time in today. Erin, is like three hours out behind, us so. She's not gonna be here for a while, like later, this evening. So. We're probably just gonna hang out at the pool and wait for her to get here. And then tomorrow i'm not sure what we're going to do because it's supposed to storm. But sunday is supposed to be really nice so hopefully sunday we'll be able to head down to the beach, adam goes, knowing aaron williams, this is probably our. Looks hotel the mgm, grand, looks like the right one. I think it is because look at the map. Let me turn left right here. Not very good at that but i try. Taking it all in oh there's the. Look at the. Water. We can drive. Take, me, there. We. Go. Listen, to the midnight. Radios. All the way up at the top oh yeah we've got the ocean, front view out. No on the way on the top, oh. Yeah. That's not the ocean. It's really high up though. Wow. All the way to our town. This is really pretty. That is so high. Unlock, it. We gotta be very very careful out here. Okay. Look at his ocean, view. You can see the pool. You can see the ocean. We decided, to eat at the bistro. For dinner, we're still waiting on erin.

But. The food looks really good shae got a hot dog. Barely got pizza. I got the chicken tacos. These look so good. You dropped it oh no. We had to make a pit stop, for, ice cream. Do you get sprinkles, on yours. What'd you get shae. Um, chocolate. Chocolate with what. Um. Good morning you guys it is the next morning, and, we're about to go meet erin and her family for, breakfast they got in really late last night. It's like super. Super foggy. It's really humid, so, my camera lens gets. Fogged up really quickly but look at our view. It's so pretty. We're probably gonna head down to the pool later today, or the beach. We haven't really decided, the weather forecast that it was supposed to rain, all afternoon, today and stop around two so our plan was to go to the beach around that time. But since, it's cleared up i think we might go a little bit earlier but we're gonna go meet them, for breakfast we're just waiting for them to finish up getting ready and then after breakfast i think we're gonna head up to erin's hotel room she decorated, really cute we both had really big ranks in young living. This past, week so we're here celebrating. So after, we celebrate a little bit, we're going to, head down to either the pool or the beach with the kiddos, you get into my lip. Gloss. You look beautiful, let me see your dress, can you do a spin. So, cute. Bailey's, in the same dress. That's from old. Navy. You're gonna use it all. Right. Let's go see what bailey and grayson, are doing. Okay. Come. On. You ready to go. Are you ready to go. I know grayson's kind of grumpy, he's tired. I know, i know, we're gonna go get some breakfast, okay. Now. She got you to hold her nick. She got you to hold, her. Nick got stuck with all the. Give me your girls. Who wants to get in the. Cage. Say. Hello. Birthday. No delay. Gotta, let's. Go. Listen, to the midnight. Radio. Listen, to the midnight. Radio. We drive. Through the, night, sing along, to the midnight. Radio. Oh. Okay we just finished up at the pool it ended up being a really nice day the girls had a blast, we literally played in the water, all day long. Um. We are walking out of the hotel right now we're gonna go walk along the beach. And then we're gonna go to the rainforest, cafe for. Dinner. Wow, there's lots of seashells. Let's find. More. Two. Um. I know it's kind of different than california, sand huh. Yeah it's like flat. This is crazy, the sand is so much different here. It's kind of nice it's like flat. No it is because you can like walk. Yeah. And we're gonna go touch the. It's like water. Hey. Everything's. Gone. Everything. That we, could have. Been. Oh. What a hopeless. Case, we could be. It's the next morning. Grayson's, checking out our view. We're. Packing, up, but we're gonna head down to the beach today. So. We're getting everything. All packed up, our room is a disaster. This was our. Crib hack for grayson, we just opened these closet doors. And then put a, sheet, over it. That way he couldn't see us because if he sees us he thinks it's play time so this worked out really well and then we had our white noise machine. Right next to the crib. You walk in grayson's been walking a ton too this morning. Come here. You stand up. Let's go walking. Come. On. You got to stand farther back jay so you can walk. Come here stand up. Stand back, here. Did you make a reservation, for breakfast. Is it like right by the beach though we can just like walk around yeah crazy. You tired honey. We got a lot of sun. Yesterday. Okay we just packed everything, up and, we are in the car heading to, brunch, we're going to miller, c.

Wall Grill i think that's what it's called. We're following erin they're in front of us we're gonna get breakfast, and then we're gonna spend, the entire day at the beach the kids are so excited, it looks like such a pretty day today. Perfect beach day, i am so hungry though it's, 9 45, we woke up at like 7 30.. I had to go down to the gift shop to get a bar, because. I'm starting to get that feeling when you're. When you're pregnant. That you have to eat like right when you wake up or else you start feeling nauseous, so, i, got a bar to hold me over and i feel, a little better now i chug some water but the pregnancy, nausea, is, definitely. Creeping up what were you saying. Um. Um. A spiderweb. I poked it with. This. A spider, web in the bounce house. Okay the place we were supposed to go to had a two hour wait so. We picked a new place, with no weight can you help me get this stroller, out babe. Really good at this. One. I've never seen this before that's so cool. He's like i love doing this. Oh they smoke, it. That's so cool. Like applewood. Aaron you took a big bite of the. Cheese. Okay this looks incredible. Uh, ketchup anyone. Okay you guys have salsa too. The girls are doing so good with their breakfast. Shae i've never seen you eat this much, i'm so proud of you. Well i got, i got this. Omelette. Can we. Only. There is, a. Smile. Yeah baby. Brother. Gravy, you want a baby brother. No. She doesn't want one. Breakfast ended up being, really good everyone's meal was amazing. And, the kids ate, everything, so that's how you know it's really good, we're back in the car right now we're going to pleasure, pier first. We're going to spend, like the first half of the day there. And hopefully, the rides are open we drove past it earlier it didn't look like it was, yay. But we're gonna. Go hang out there for the first half of the day and then. Go down to the beach, look how cute it is down here. Is this downtown, galveston. Probably. There's so many cute shops, and places, to, eat. Kittens. Is there a ferris wheel did you see one. Okay we made. It. Excited. You ready to go. Really excited. Say hi. Mom. Shea and i just got off the water right so we're soaking. Wet look at. Jake. Are you excited, yeah, we just got on the ferris wheel. With your team plus, more people aren't right, your cheeks feel. Better. She got sunscreen, in her eyes. We're gonna go so high. We're gonna be able to see the ocean. Here we. Go. Oh my goodness. You guys look at this view. Because it makes it darker. Coral, no, no, no, it's the, the, the current. The current turns the water forward. Oh yeah. Oh my gosh you guys look at that right i wouldn't shay wants to go on that and i was like, they won't even literally, nice. Why, it's just scary, i'm so scared. Okay, i'm a pro, yeah look at grayson, bro it's something. I have no idea. I should not even grayson doesn't even know what we're doing he has no idea what's going on. We are really high though you can see like all the way to california, look at it, right there. See all the way over there on the, tip. I was just kidding, okay well obviously, we are, back home, now after pleasure, pier we were all starving. And we were trying to find somewhere to eat. So we were walking, along the beach it was like, probably over 100 degrees we were all super hot. Trying to find somewhere to get in that would take a party our size. And everywhere, was like an hour plus wait so.

We Ended up getting back in the car we had a really good parking spot for the beach too but we were obviously, super hungry and had to eat before we headed down to the beach so. We got back in our car and went through wendy's, because i was like one of the only, places, that was, a drive-through, in that area. And so, we, loaded everyone up in the car. Bailey or not bailey was shea that passed out like right away. And so. The drive-through, for wendy's, was taking forever like we were sitting in that drive-through, for like 30 minutes. And then adam and i just looked at each other and we were like, you know what it's already almost four o'clock. We're just gonna head home after this because it was a five hour drive, from, galveston. To, our house okay my camera battery, died. I'd go get a new battery, but um. Yeah it was a long drive home and it was getting pretty late so. We texted aaron they were right behind us in. Wendy's drive-thru, and we just told her we were just gonna head home and skip out on the beach. So they ended up going and she said the kids had a blast. Um, her drive is like three hours. From galveston, to austin, so. Not as long as a truck, as it was for us. But we ended up having such a great time the weather. Was, totally, fine it only rained. For like a couple hours while we were there and we were, i think eating breakfast during that time that one day on saturday, so. The weather was fine it was so beautiful, on sunday we had such a great day that day and then. All day saturday, at the pool the kids had a blast, so we ended up having a really nice staycation. With them but. That is gonna be it for today's video i hope you guys enjoyed it thank you so much for watching, be sure to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed, it, subscribe, if you haven't already and i will see you guys, in my next one. Wear me, out. Even, after. All.

2020-08-15 07:40

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