Road Trip Across America: Part 1

Road Trip Across America: Part 1

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This past Christmas me and my fiancé decided to go on a road trip. We drove across the country through 16 states and this is our adventure. Coffees first coffee of the road trip and our last coffee of Priscilla's for 2020 unfortunately we'll be gone for three weeks but we'll be back probably January 2nd January 3rd and we'll have more of the of Priscilla's coffee it's best coffee in LA. You heard it here first but that's how you kick off your trip here into Toluca Lake all right well let's get it going I'm kind of sad maybe we should stay no let's get it going come on um but this the huge casinos these were developed actually by Wynn this is when the guy that developed this hotel he actually was one of the basically the the guys that developed a lot of the big casinos back in the 1980s and that's where Vegas changed from the mob ran smaller mom-and-pop basic casinos to large corporate ran casinos that's when the mob couldn't do it they couldn't money launder like they did leaving Vegas going into Nevada now we're going to Utah that's our next state yeah so this is the farthest either of us have ever been past Vegas driving so you could usually get on the 515 you think it's downtown Las Vegas and that's as far as you go now we're back on the 15 and we'll take this all the way into Utah then we're going to cut over on the 70. yeah now we're talking yeah this is massive! you're gonna kill that bag before the day is up.

they're so good! You might not have to do dinner. So where are we right now. Oh Beaver! We're in Beaver, Utah. Um it has dropped uh I don't know how many degrees.

We were I believe 47 right yeah it's 21 now it's 21 now We had to change in the car put our gloves on our scarves I have an extra sweater my big puffy jacket because I get cold and you just have I literally just have my uh my down jacket on and uh a t-shirt underneath this and I feel great It's so interesting though I've never seen one of these before it is kind of crazy He is grabbing the cooler I feel like you're scratching it um it's 22 degrees out Fahrenheit so it's day two um today we're going to Archie's national park just to drive around see it maybe take some pictures then we're going to Grand Junction in Colorado. I'm going to say hi to my friend Christine and after that it's Denver so we have a very packed day today. I'm very excited! Welcome to good old Moab, Utah home of motel 6 but it's really pretty at night though so pretty There's a little coffee shop right there really a local shop damn it yeah it's a coffee shop! Does it look open well it is too late I already got my coffee. I should have looked up local coffee shops you should have but you did not you went to Starbucks that was a mistake! I only did it because it didn't look like there was any coffee shops here. well Moab you were really cute thank you for that one night's stay one night Moab passing by but you know Moab is not a bad place if you know you have nothing to do I was going to say would you live here well if I was escaping the mob you know and like hiding out in some small town and then I was going to meet some local girl and then she was going to turn my life around but then the mob was going to find me here then yeah I move here yeah it's literally a movie um if you were breaking bad and you're Jesse Pinkman I would live here yeah maybe just Jesse Pinkman does live here maybe he lives in that trailer right there yeah it looks very quaint very quiet but they did have a brewery which I like I love breweries and a coffee house so I mean it is I could live here you know this is a place I could live because of the brewery and because of the coffee shop we don't know the coffee shop is good because my dumbass went to Starbucks but I didn't know it was there until after the Starbucks just to make things clear this is the Utah state line we just arrived to Colorado Utah you were super cute yeah Colorado is going to be better yeah we'll definitely go back and spend some more time there but Colorado I'm so excited you can already tell the difference is already there like the red rocks are gone like that deserty red rocks yeah that's gone and then also too you've got more um I don't know these trees it's more plains it feels like you're in the western plains yeah more so than like the desert and then at the distance you got all these massive mountains you know with the snow snows on top so these are 100 years old these are like late 1800s early 1900s wow all these are old homes these are anywhere from like 1890s up to the 1920s I would say the newest ones a lot of these are going to be early 20th century perfect the downtown is where the brewery is this is where I wanted to go see downtown oh you wanted to see a nice downtown you just got one this is like out of a movie well we like old downtowns public restroom excellante oh Christmas tree! Like a Christmas town a breakfast lounge and barbershop so happy to see you Christine! We loved Grand Junction move here it's like LA guys like this brewery was super cute yeah yeah no 75 and palm trees no traffic! But there's mountains, there's hiking and skiing cross country skiing, a forest only four hours away from Denver yeah We loved it I liked it thank you yeah of course anytime it's great seeing you We just left Grand Junction we're on our way to Denver it's three hours away we have two hours and 58 minutes assuming we don't get stuck because it's supposed to be really bad weather lots of ice lots of snow yeah um but it's beautiful it's beautiful only 30 people have died today so far on it so we have a 90 chance of not dying how do you know so if there is bad weather we will show you um we get to see some crazy snow and ice hopefully not hopefully tomorrow we wake up and there's a lot of snow in Denver that's what we're hoping for hopefully I see it snowing you always show up after snow yeah I always see snow on the ground actually but it's really cute I like seeing all these little small towns with the cows and the horses and the little rivers a lot of these towns have been here I mean these towns have been here for you know 150 years and they just you know they're these western towns that have stayed around they're just there it's amazing that they still even exist and then some of these places they've got some newer complexes like yeah we passed up just a few minutes ago but yeah it's a beautiful place I don't know if I would live here I could live in Grand Junction. Grand Junction was fun I could I could I think I could live there I mean it's got a nice vibe about it um yeah and Christine seemed very happy yeah coming from Miami you know that says something from like a city to like a small town so which honestly small towns are a lot better and you're very close like she said you're very close to different hikes, Utah, Denver so it's two it's two degrees okay all right I'm gonna do this work good luck sweetie thank you um put you want to put your your your gloves on yes put your hat on too how did it go did you film me no no I didn't did you see what I did no what did you do I made yellow snow ew yeah it's a bunch of yellow snow it looks like a snow cone in there I just drizzled you made a little hole oh yeah there's a hole where my with my pee went in could I have some hand sanitizer because I got I touched my wiener I kind want to go smoke now have a cigarette oh yeah my hand is freezing babe say hello hello hello hello hello can you hear me can you hear me thank you good morning it is day three we're in Denver um Luke just went to go get us some coffee some tea for me um it's only 28 degrees so a little warmer than yesterday which feels nice um it's really beautiful I love the mountains I love all the snow it's really pretty um probably now we're gonna just drive around get to know the city of Denver a little bit and then we will be on our way to Kansas City so we're leaving Denver what did you think of Denver do you like it I love it I thought it was it was excellent it reminded me of home a little bit but home like LA no home like where I grew up Kentucky oh like it had that that kind of vibe but yet better like it's like the major version of Kentucky Tennessee Ohio or Indiana I really liked it I like that everything was covered in snow I like the houses they were like old-school Victorian era I love the bricks yeah I like their downtown too it feels colder oh it's colder yet it's not it's 23 degrees We're in Colorado last night it was two degrees yet it didn't feel as bad yeah weirdly enough it's all the snow I think too I feel like all the snow just makes it's colder I don't know why we just got to Kansas City it's so dark it is darker than the small towns we went through and these freeways are kind of dangerous because there's no lights and they're very fast like turns yeah the exits come on you like that there's no light and it's not yeah and it's kind of like hilly you know there's like a little small cliffs here and there I don't see anything yeah so we're here this is all supposed to be the city right here so we're going around it we have a neighborhood finally It woke up the people next door yea it woke up the whole floor is Holly in there? Mrs. Gormon?

We need someone to answer us to make sure you're all right to make sure you're not dead

2021-02-23 00:18

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