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good morning everyone so today we are back  with the videos from here in rio and we've   come to the world famous Copacabana probably  the most popular beach in brazil yeah i think   so by far, for us not the most beautiful but it  is the the most famous and it's been a long time   since we've been here when was the last time we  came to this beach do you remember? two years ago   when we were staying in the place i  think it was in the building over there   we rented an apartment yeah beachfront yeah it  was a very nice apartment and yeah we we were   going to the beach almost every day because we  were right here but on this trip it's the first   time that we're going to copacabana beach  yeah we've been here almost two months yeah   yeah it's crazy so it is a weekday if you  come here on a weekend this road is closed   so yeah that's really good it's like a  big walking street but yeah not today so since it is a weekday the beach is pretty empty   for copacabana standard anyway  on weekends this place is just   jam-packed still got the people doing the sports  though so that's very common here the baton ball   ah these guys are doing it with a net like a  tennis yeah sometimes they do it without the net so we found our spot here right at the front  it's a bit misty today isn't it yeah yeah the   forecast showed it's going to be super sunny  i mean it's kind of sunny but yeah just very   misty so here on the beach they have these  places called bahakas which are kind of like   these little stores and then you can rent  these chairs here these little metal chairs   drinks they also have showers as well  i think you can buy snacks as well   but even on the beach there's loads of vendors i  mean these two are vendors here selling clothes   but also people selling drinks and um a bit of  everything right the vendors there's many options   like for everyone yeah every kind of food yeah so  they're just walking by all the time the vendors   yeah the ocean's a bit rough today  you can see nobody is really swimming   check out those waves so here people surf but  it's more towards the the corners down there   and also down there in leme so this isn't really  a beach where i would leave your belongings unattended   but what you can do if you're alone you can leave  it with a family that's what i used to do when i would come here alone just ask them just  say oh can you keep an eye on this keep it with a   family and then you can come in and swim. Me and carol could do that now if we   wanted to we could give our bags to someone that's  close by and then swim together but yeah not today so we decided to get some beach food snacks i  got this uh brazilian thing called coxinha de frango so it has a chicken inside not exactly  sure what the the outside is made out of but yeah   it's really tasty really common here in brazil and  i got the bolinha de queijo which is like a cheese   ball and it's not a little cheeseball it's a big  one yeah it's a big cheese ball the same as mine   right but mine just has chicken inside and yours  has cheese yeah yeah and oh this was 25 Reais we got   four overall carol has another one in there but  there are other cheaper options we saw a hamburger   yeah three for ten three hamburgers for ten reais. yeah i'm not sure if it's a good one but you can   find cheaper options yeah but that seems cheap for  the beach because normally the beach in brazil is   more expensive so we're just going on a little  walk now to a spot to rent a bike we're gonna   head to a place nearby that has a little trail  that i think we did like five years ago yeah   and this is what i would do when i lived here in  rio pretty much every sunday i would come to the   beach and I would have like music on my  headphones and i'd be walking up and down   this beach and ipanema pretty much every weekend  that's what i do but now i have good company so around the city of rio you get these spots here  where you can rent the bike a lot of people use   it so there's never really that many bikes  around but yeah we got our two here so you   just have to sign up to this app here where  it tells you how many bytes are in each one   you can click on it and then it gives you a code  and then you just put the code in there and it   unlocks it so there's a few different plans we  did one for 20 Reais that gives you the bike for   two days for 48 hours because we're probably  gonna use it tomorrow and then you can ride it   for like two hours at a time there is another  one that you pay like three Reais for every 15   minutes if you're gonna be using it less you  can get that one and there's also like monthly   plans that are even cheaper if you're going to be  using it a lot so yeah loads of different options so now we're at lagoa rodrigo de freitas huge  lake here that's right between Copacana   and ipanema and this is also a very popular spot  here in rio so there's this really nice walkway   and cycleway all the way around the lake and  yeah those people come here to walk to exercise yeah if you want you can also rent these  little boats here like pedal boats so it only took about 15 minutes  riding the bike it was super close and we're   right next to the park as well so it's this big  green area here that's what we're gonna enter   i think the viewpoints up there if you look around  look at these huge like mountains everywhere   one over there as well i think you can  walk up that one i think it's called Maroca  okay so check this for a fail it says from  tuesday to sunday it's open from 8am to 5pm   so we're here on the only  day that it's not open monday   so we can't do it there goes our plan yeah  but the good thing is that rio has so many   things to do so we can just do something else  that's gonna be awesome either way yeah oh well what was that yes i'll give you a better view of the lake  here that little oh yeah what is that ? it was like a duck not not a duck not a  duck some weird brazilian tropical bird   squeaking so i said lake but i think it's  more of a lagoon but yeah you can see it's   super huge so i think people do water sports in  here like canoeing sometimes they also have the   that thing over there yeah i talked about that  the paddle swan thing yeah but the water is not   it's not proper for swimming so yeah you can't  you can't swim in here so i didn't mention but   the park that we tried going to is called parque da  catacumba so yeah if you come to do the trail   just don't come on a monday and then you'll be  able to do it it's only like 15 minutes i remember   you don't go too high but you still get some  pretty nice views the best views in rio though are   from these ones over there i think the first one  closest to us is dois irmaos and then in the   background it's in the clouds right now but that's  pedra da gavea that's the tallest one on this coast i think   and the trail to get there is a bit hard to to do  is like more than two hours i think but we want to   do it i've never done it before so we want to do  it and we also want to go to the dois irmaos   yes i think one of the next videos is going to be  a trail to one of those guys the view is supposed   to be spectacular so we ended up getting  back on the bikes because this lagoon's huge   if i remember correctly i think it takes like  45 minutes to an hour to bike around it so to   walk around it would take way too long so yeah  i think we're gonna bike all the way around we decided to make a quick stop on the lagoon  for a fresh coconut i think our first coconut   on this trip really nice and sweet and really  cold as well and that was six reais only   i thought it'd be more here  in the like tourist zone but   yeah really good price got a  pretty good view here as well look just a bit noisy with all the cars behind us so we're now in ipanema i think  this part might actually be   a neighborhood called leblon but it's joint  to ipanema. just like Copacabana it has the   portuguese style patterns on the ground i  think it's a different kind of design though and the bike right here was really easy  because everything's flat here so it's not hard so here it is the famous ipanema beach  or as foreigners call it ipanema beach   i think i prefer this more than a cabana yeah  me too i think because of the view i don't know   the two brothers dois irmaos that view  is way better than copacabana yeah i love it way   bigger yeah and i think usually this is a bit  maybe more relaxed yeah it's still crazy yeah   on the weekends this is like jam-packed and  i don't like to come on the weekends but   now it's fine yeah now on  the weekday it's pretty empty all right let's go down here the sandbags steps  yeah so some of you asked why i moved to brazil   and this is pretty much kind of why i was born  and raised in manchester in england and we   don't really have any beaches or nature like  this so i originally came here on a holiday i   wasn't supposed to stay here but then i  kind of like fell in love with the place and   then i ended up just moving here and my mother's  brazilian so i've always had a brazilian passport   so i could stay here with no problem and then  yeah i got a job here i think while i lived there   even though i was working i always kind of felt  like i was on vacation because i was used to my   english background right so even after  work in about 15 to 20 minutes i could be   on these beaches here so yeah it just  kind of always felt like a vacation so carol got herself her second beach snack  my favorite one your favorite one yeah   which is green corn yeah green corn yeah  it's not sweet oh oh yeah the corn here   isn't sweet corn yeah so they put a butter  and also a bit of salt and it's very tasty   how much was that eight reais is that  expensive like yeah so here right here is just   normal for the beach for  brazil it's expensive okay so we both just got some of our favorite the acai   and mine was 500 milliliters so that was a 15  reais and carols was 300 milliliters 300 and it was   nine reais and now we're going to probably  watch the most famous sunset spot in rio   which is that big rock over there at the end  of the beach of ipanema sunset will be soon oh yeah so i've missed this spot seen many  sunsets here before right here let's see behind us   loads of people here loads of surfers here as  well really good waves today so further up at the top of the rock there's this  big viewpoint here nobody here for some reason   sun's pretty much gone down now it's gonna get  dark soon and it's kind of weird that there's a   cactus all over this place yeah it's natural from  here yeah the whole thing like all this is cactus   i don't think i've seen cactus anywhere else in  the city of rio the city only in the areas of buzios that region has it but not in rio but this  rock it's just full of it everywhere so i   think we're going to head out now before  it gets dark probably get a uber back to   carol's house and we're not quite sure what we're  going to do in the next video we might go to the   city center there's quite a lot of historic  stuff to see there so yeah possibly that'll   be the next video if you like this one just  drop a like to support us subscribe like see   more videos like this follow us on instagram for  more recent updates and we'll see in the next one

2021-10-18 16:38

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