Riding China's FASTEST Bullet Train from Shanghai to Beijing

Riding China's FASTEST Bullet Train from Shanghai to Beijing

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today we will be taking the world's fastest bullet  train on a Cross Country trip through China we   might as well be on a plane that can travel up  to 350 km per hour China's Railway system is so   extensive it can wrap around the world three times  but we've probably made the biggest mistake ever   and we will be trying out the best and fastest  trains to ever exist this is a little bit   overwhelming even though we have taken trains all  over the world like in Thailand Japan South Korea   Taiwan Malaysia Vietnam and India they're very  thorough with their security checks we are so   excited to take you with us on the best this is  very this is China's high-speed train journey   from Shanghai to Beijing previously we arrived  in Shanghai China for the very first time having   the warmest welcome from locals give me five  give me five being blown away by the sights   and devouring all the delicious street food  wonderful before heading to China's Capital City Beijing by the size of this train station there's  a lot of people traveling around the country okay   there's so many people here this is a little bit  overwhelming and it seems like everyone's in a   rush but luckily we still have about just  over an hour until our train leaves so I   hope that's enough time but this is probably  the most amount of people I've seen in one place I keep on thinking I'm in an airport like  yeah no this honestly resembles an airport I   feel like I'm taking a flight today but I'm  just taking a train that's crazy we've taken   some high-speed trains before so this morning  I woke up thinking I knew what I was going to   but I had no idea I'm learning more and more when  you're in China just don't have any expectations so this says 11 1 a or 1 B oh it's gone and it's  gone now so I think that said to Beijing I'm not   sure did you I couldn't see that it wasn't in  English so there is one there's only one train   at 11 so it must be us and there are 29 gates  to check in you can see here this is gate 29   we need to go to Gate 1 A or B I suppose we've  Managed it by deduction because there's only   one train at 11 so we assume that that is our  train because we've got no ticket we booked   our tickets online which we'll tell you about a  little bit later but everything is assigned to   your passport so we're trying to get to gate one  which is probably another 200m down this giant building 11 1 a1b so I see over here there's a  sign of it says 1 a down there that's where we   got to check in also now that we've made our  way all the way to the end of this waiting   area we can't even see the beginning of it  probably about 500m all the way down just   with Gates of people checking in the sheer  scale of everything we've seen here in China   has blown our mind and besides all the check-in  Gates there are lots of really high-end Brands   here in the train station as well I mean  there's even a Dior in the train station this will give you an idea of how the train  station works so this is the waiting area in the   centre and then these are all the different Gates  where you enter and you can see they go completely   underground so all the trains and platforms are  beneath the station so this waiting area alone is   11,000 s m and at any time of day there are about  10,000 people in this waiting area getting ready   for their train so right now there are 10,000  people waiting in this Hall alone absolutely   Madness and here you can see that all the trains  go underground here's some stairs and escalators   that go three or four levels underground and  what's amazing for me is just how organized it   is obviously there's a lot of people but there's  no chaos we are super excited to finally take a   highspeed rail in China because China has the  fastest bullet train in the entire world and we   get to reach our destination which is the capital  Beijing in about 4 hours I'm so curious to see how   fast this train can go we are getting our fix  Burger King was the only place that was doing a   latte every other place was just selling straight  black coffee and I think I'm not ready to switch   to just straight black coffee I I have to have  my little latte you'll be going at high speed   if you have black coffee I will be going at 400  km an hour if I have black coffee he's alive oh   I'm alive I'm ready I'm at high speed you're King  coffee how did they know? but while we're sitting   here enjoying our coffee waiting for our gate  to open we just read that if you had to connect   all of China's railway lines together it would  wrap around the world three times that's Madness   just think about that that's how extensive the  lines really are here in China and apparently   they build 3,500 km worth of Railway every single  year in our country we don't have one high speed   Railway Network and most countries maybe have  one or two but here you can take the High-Speed   Rail pretty much everywhere and obviously all the  major cities like Shanghai Guangzhou you can go   to Wuhan you can go to Beijing like we're going  today whether we're taking a train working at a   coffee shop or staying at a hotel there's nothing  worse when your charges aren't compatible with the   plugs in a new country that's why we want to thank  Tessan our favourite Universal travel adapter for   sponsoring this video Tessan is an all-in-one  travel adapter with different plugs built in   making it compatible in over 200 countries and  it's a 65 W fast charger meaning you can charge   up to 65% in just 30 minutes plus it has two USB-A  and two USB-C ports turning it into a centralized   charging station where you can charge up to six  devices at once since a home office is so common   these days having multiple ports come in handy  Minus tripping over cords all over the house and   the best part for us it's small and lightweight  and can even fit in your pocket it's perfect for   business trips holiday days or even if you're  a frequent traveler like us when you're ready   to try out Tessan Universal travel adapter just  click the link in our description below we've   also seen this stand here at the station which  makes sea cucumber treats this is a replica of   a sea cucumber and then these are different  snacks and treats here has all the little Sea   cucumbers you don't see that at every railway  station in the world so I thought i' pointed out throughout station the signs are always  easily visible and easy to understand in both   Mandarin and English and being in China there's  of course so many vending machines they're always   electronic and we've got some Oreos at the top  we got some juice water Pepsi Cola everything's   always about convenience so now we got to  go through our boarding gate and get on   our train not plane train check gate check  in Gate boarding gate dear passengers train   1 3 4 7 is going to depart shortly  in the short time please get aboard immediately oh okay just like that scanned  our passport like a ticket and we're in do you have any other spray no you can't  carry oh okay okay no um liquids over 150 g   I think just shaving cream so yeah you can  take it you can keep ticket and passport   ticket and passport okay passport Ah that's  okay spray is okay shaving cream is not okay no shaving cream to Beijing they picked  up that we had three spray bottles in our big   luggage which was two like spray deodorants  and a shaving cream and they were like can I   take the shaving cream it's over 150 so they're  very thorough with their security checks holy   moly Okay so we've got 15 minutes 15 minutes  to catch a train wow that was quite a thorough   little security check I was a little bit nervous  even to take a train it can get a little bit nerve-wracking so we've noticed that every time  you take the metro or any train plane you have to   go through a lot of Security checks here in China  which I completely understand because they've   being very thorough and I think that's just for  the safety if every person has been checked that   actually makes me feel better getting on the train  and what happened to us is we put our bags through   the machine and it picked up that they were three  spray bottles two deodorants and one shaving cream   the shaving cream was not allowed because it is  over 150ml but if that's the rule that's okay so   we are carriage 4 seat 8b and 8c so we're sitting  next to each other which is great and let me show   you here it is here it is so it goes all the way  from that side through all the way over there   cannot even see the start and end where do we go  carriage 4 where's carriage 4 what does that say   carriage 9 I think I'm not sure okay so we got to  go all the way down here what's the time we've got   10 minutes so we should make it we should be fine  and we should be see we're sitting together look   here's what it says this train is huge I actually  can't believe it you cannot see the start or end   of the train that's how long it is everyone's  already in their seats it's a little bit like   fast pace you got to just go go go we need to be  a little bit quick because this train is really   long you think oh I'm already at the train it's  taken us 3 minutes just to get to the end of the   train where our carriage is I think this is our  carriage carriage four this is us my girl welcome aboard there's a water station wow so water  station as you walk in oh has a toilet   this is nice very I think this is us this is us  you can't leave your bag there my   girl oh yeah I got to go to the front  think we got a bit of a giant suitcase issue bags are on we're on let's go find our seat This Is Us 8b and C we are in you grab your  one thanks for that there we go I feel like   I'm on a plane as well there's like a flight  attendant train attendant so the train is going   to take about 4 and 1/2 hours to get over  1,200 km we're going to give you a little   seat tour we've got three seats on the side no  one sitting here right now but they might in a   stop or two and then we've got not a lot of  of space actually not too bad hey it's warm   in here so I guess we're going to have to let  go of these you got your tray table that comes   out oh wow we might as well be on a plane  yeah and I think this can recline but I'm   not going to do that cause there's someone behind  me that's much better so let's go to Beijing okay   so it's 10:59 and the train supposedly  leaves at 11 so we're going to see in   1 minute if it does and I'm pretty sure it  will I actually heard the train starting up   did I feel some movement oh oh my literally  hit 11 like on the second okay four hours to go here we're going past all the different railway  lines you can see there's all of the high speed   trains insane this network is madness oh there  was the train while you're on the train it's   already so smooth and steady but you actually  realize how fast it is when you see another   one going by it goes by like the speed of light  because now it feels like we're cruising we're   going steady but when you see one flash by you're  like okay this is a fast train a mega fast train we've already left Shanghai but we've  only been on the train for 7 minutes   so that means you can exit the city  in 7 minutes that's how quick the   Train's going we' not seeing any  high-rise buildings anymore just greenery so today we're going to be reaching  speeds of 350 km an hour and China is the only   country that has high speed Railways that reach  that speed so besides being the biggest and most   extensive network it's also the fastest when  you're looking out it takes your brain a few   seconds to realize how much ground you are  covering so quickly I'm going to have to say   that everything so far has run smoothly but  we've probably made the biggest mistake ever were those? did she just say bingchiling I  think she also had fruit and snacks she said   bingchiling that's ice cream I was just about  to say that everything's gone Mega smooth but   we' probably made the biggest mistake ever we  didn't buy any snacks ooh she just brought some   readymade Meals by so we won't starve we'll  be okay I'm still upset about the snacks   so good I know so anyway you can go to the train  station and book your ticket the day of but we   wanted to book it in advance just in case there  weren't any seats left so if you go on to the   app Alipay you can do anything on this app you can  book hotels you can book trains buses you can pay   for stuff you can scan codes you can use it as a  translate app you can use Trip Advisor so when you   book your train ticket it actually goes through  trip.com and it costs about $92 for the 4-Hour   ride it's actually not so bad if you're thinking  about traveling 1,000 km and paying $92 it's going   almost as quick as an airplane so we're going  to just sit back and relax and enjoy the train ride talk about clean as you go   so they do have bag racks for all of your  big luggage but then on top there's a rack   for your smaller Handbags and backpacks and  then we have three seats on one side and   then two seats on the other so that's  kind of the layout and I don't even   know how many people are on this train  but it must be at least a few thousand we are about an hour into our journey and so  far it's just been incredible we're kind of   walking through the different carts and the  cabins now but we saw in the center armrest   there is a QR code and if you scan that with  the Alipay app you then get a full breakdown   of train that you're on your seat number which  cart you're in and you can live track exactly   where you are on the map plus there is a catering  service on the app you can order drinks snacks   fruit Starbucks Starbucks you can order some  xiao long bao or some noodles and you can   get it delivered straight to your seat they  don't even have that on an airplane let me   show you an example so here is an advert  of he Shan Yuan so it's like a dumpling   place you just scan the QR code you can  order it and it will come right to your seat so as far as we know there are about  18 carts on this train it is so long that   it would actually take us a while to get all  the way from one side to the other can I just   add that we are going 350 km it's not bumpy  it's not noisy it is absolutely stable we're   going at 350 km right now we're in now making  our way through the carts because we've seen   on the sign there is a dining cart so hopefully  we can get something to drink and eat obviously   you can order but we want to see what it looks  like here some snacks we got some nuts and then   there's some drinks Waters look at the fruit  there's packs of all fruits Starbucks kitchen   350km an hour unbelievable insane absolutely  unbelievable so all the train attendants are   just bringing out food tray after tray after  tray I could honestly just sit here and watch   this go by the entire day it is so tranquil but  it would be better with the little Starbucks we   got our little Starbucks coffee on the train  we had to we could not we could not get one   we got a little Starbucks that's crazy 50  RMB each for a little tall one so I think   that's a little bit pricey one I don't know for a  little tall one for a little tall one a small big one thank you so we actually just met our  lovely friend Daisy on the train and she's   actually traveling to Beijing to meet her  boyfriend and you were very kind to share   her snacks with us because the train ride  is over 4 hours long so she gave us these   really delicious prune snacks it's a little  chicken leg oh it's like a chicken leg like   a drumstick I think yeah very cool and you  what did you call this one we say we call it   shim oh shim oh okay so it's like a little  prune inside thank you so much for sharing okay so if you've been here for a while you  know that I have to give you a bathroom tour   on a high-speed train so I guess let's get  started you've got a little tiny sink here   don't drink this water I wouldn't recommend it and  then you've got some tissues over here trash can   you've got the loo the trusty loo there's a seat  cover if you need and then the flush of course   and there are loads of these no littering signs  everywhere so you've got to keep your space clean   I mean it looks relatively clean doesn't smell so  bad compared to other trains that we've been on we're in Beijing we made it we made it we here nice to meet you Daisy  nice to meet you now we got to go check in   our hotel that was incredibly smooth  and easy and perfectly on time let's   find our bags and let's get off the  straight bye see you nice to see you bye okay let's go oh it's cold  ooh freezing sorry oh it's cold it is absolutely freezing here and after  you've been on a warm heated train you forget how   cold it is outside and here in front of me you  can see just how many people have got off this   train it shows how big it is but we want to go and  see the front of it so we're going to walk all the   way down to the end let's see what this high-speed  train looks like so this is Beijing South Railway   Station you can see how many lanes there are  of all of these trains and look how impressive   this is this is unreal honestly every time I see  one of these it just looks like a spaceship but   it it just blows my mind every single time that  we have been cruising at around 350 km an hour   absolutely Bonkers you can see that this thing  is a machine I'm sorry if this footage is shaky   because it's freezing I'm shivering but look how  impressive this is obviously you got the conal   like nose shape And then you got all the lights  and this was the back of the train for us but   now when it heads all the way back to Shanghai  it'll be the front really really impressive wow it is icey cold here I'm frozen instantly Frozen here is the exit gate to get out of the  train station and again you just use your passport   and then you're out gosh that's impressive I'm  not sure if you can hear me because the speaker   is so loud but we are here in Beijing and this  train station is just as massive as the one in   Shanghai we're going to be in Beijing for just  under a week so we got a few videos that we're   going to do here please make sure you subscribe so  you can check out those videos and we'll see you   in the next one okay so this is not how we wanted  to actually end this video but we've just checked   into our hotel and we've practically been shooed  away because apparently the accommodation that we   booked and already paid for doesn't accommodate  foreign guests and I have no idea what that means   and I've never ever heard of that before so if  you've heard of that if you know that this is   a common occurrence in China please let me know  this is the first time we've ever ever been shooed   away from a hotel based on being a foreigner so  yeah it was a bit of a stressful moment we're   currently stranded we don't have a place to stay  tonight so we're walking around and looking for a   hotel so Crossing thumbs that we do actually find  one it's a bit of a problem because we don't know   which accommodation do allow foreigners and which  accommodations don't this is quite a stressful   part of travel and we don't often show this which  you know we're very lucky that most of the time   things go to plan what would I do without him  he carries the bags and he's trying to find us a   place to stay tonight don't worry girl we got you  he's surprisingly upbeat about it seeing as though   we'd already paid for our accommodation sometimes  you learn when you're traveling there's nothing   you can do didn't smile and walk down the street  in the freezing cold and hopefully find a hotel   apparently there's an orange Hotel I don't know  if that's the name or the colour of the building   but we're going down here we don't know what it  looks like we don't know if it accommodates for   is we don't know what the price is the problem  here is a lot of the apps that we book with don't   work here in China or they blocked so we can't  just go online and book anything we're still   amazing we're still happy to be here he's trying  trying to be positive nothing will get us down   and he's carrying our bags what a guy what did I  do to deserve this after 30 minutes of back and   forth Google translate we have a room but it's way  better than what I anticipated we'd be sleeping in   tonight and of course there is a huge price tag  that comes along with it let me show you what   is going on and when the staff brought in our bag  that little machine started speaking to them they   spoke obviously in Mandarin all the lights turned  on the heater turned on the TV turned on and this   machine I don't even know what this is replied  to them and then they spoke it replied back so   this is a completely voice automated room and we  can't speak any Mandarin so we're not going to   be able to chat back to it so I don't know how  to turn the lights on I don't know how to turn   the TV off when we go to sleep and this was the  only room available it's freezing cold outside we   couldn't keep looking for a budget hotel it's not  like there's millions of hotels just outside so I   guess we're staying in an overpriced but very very  nice hotel I am not complaining but the wallet   hurts slightly so I guess we're just going to  have to figure out the rest tomorrow see you then

2024-06-30 12:06

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