Ride to Ski - Bikepacking and Skiing Adventure Through the Dolomites

Ride to Ski - Bikepacking and Skiing Adventure Through the Dolomites

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we just passed the ski slope and before that we did something really rad it's definitely our first cycling up to start touring keep on smiling counting one two I find this fun fun like destroying my body I just find it crazy like I found insane that you can actually climb a mountain with a pair of [Music] skis wow this is beautiful oh oh next mission upcoming [Music] my name is hna and I'm 29 years old and I love being outdoors now the last couple years it's been mainly snowboarding or Backcountry snowboarding surfing and cycling I would say those are my three three favorite things to do it was a 8.5 Kilo bike and I can tell you it's not that anymore how many days have you been skiing this year I am Sami Sai I am I guess an adventurous cyclist uh or athlete I don't know how to call it now have been skiing 2 days this season I think I'll be nervous the the day I have to put skis next to these like two crazy like these two womes are like badass back is able to move like so we need what was the sound it sounds so weird when you say the Swedish name in English I'm malva bman I've been skiing since I was two and I have loved it since then so Mala how many days have you been cying this winter too the plan is to write from inbook to Lake Garda through the dolomit and include as much skiing and snow snowboarding along the way as possible the challenge with the plan is to find the snow to ski and snowboard on uh because this winter has been bad to be honest like basically no [Music] snow the feeling when we started I was a bit stressed nine days in a row of ski touring that's fine if you combine it with biking as well that I'm not that used to yeah I was a bit scared I want to break free here I want to break free from your life I want to break free God knows ah I'm I'm losing it me too who books a place on top of the steepest [Music] hill I think we already can see the tour Can't We I think it's there yeah it's there that one planning for a ski bike trip differs a lot from just planning a bike packing trip when you plan a ski bike trip which obviously happens during the winter months you know that that all the roads won't be clear of snow so that way it's kind of risky to start including a lot of the smaller roads holy moly look at the mountains a this is funny and on ski bike trips the the cycling itself is not the main thing the main thing is to move from one skiing and snowboarding spot to another spot so it's more from planning route from A to B and to make it as easy and enjoyable as possible instead of trying to include all the hardest climbs and gnarliest roads it's definitely our first cycling up to start touring not done it before ooh I see some cars parked that was a climb the stats are 12.4 kilm and 655 M up that's a decent breakfast the first time on the trip I feel like yeah I can I can handle this I can do this girls I freaking love this jacket it's awesome yeah but you know it's warm and windproof and doing the job yeah making me happy yeah but seriously I'm so thankful for being here and things can have been different especially if I think about accident this year I brought my Avalanche backpack for this project cuz earlier this season I was in an avalanche accident my backpack was the reason why I didn't get covered I was so thankful for not being covered um and I could just like I could just feel that I wasn't soared I couldn't feel any pain and I didn't have any broken legs or arms I can just be here walking having fun enjoying life and it's awesome [Music] woo ni woo good job good [Music] job so the second day was bit rougher in the sense that we had the first bike to get to the ski tour do 600 M of climbing then do the ski tour which included 800 M of climbing and then after the ski tour we still had to ride 30 [Music] km today we have a cycling day so we will try to now finally get to dolomites which is the main focus of the trip to ski in dolomites and have time to ski there so today we will do 90 km with bikes and get to alabia or past alaria close to the start of the tour tomorrow so that's the goal only biking [Music] today oh the radio I nearly peeing the radio maybe we can right here it's two but can you see the first my these peeps there's a ski resort there as well ugly in the pretty way maybe yeah like so rough industry area stuff that part but kind of cool that way the [Music] n are you good are you all right tmy a my neck oh girl did one oh yeah I think you hit that on a rock for sure I broke the he oh look what's coming what the hell the the tricky part was interesting first of all we had no idea that there is we thought it's just like the road the whole way but then we just first start by pushing our bikes up on this icy part then the whole Trail is basically covered by Fallen trees like some you can ride under some you had to carry your bike over but in a way it was a nice break from just riding on the road get bit of this more gravel cycling Adventure feeling which I like a lot more than just riding on the road oh the sun is shining we're coming to Italy DOI oh oh next mission upcoming f are you kidding me you he didn't told us that I mean obviously you have a 35 kilo bike so the worst part sometimes is just the uphills and the Steep of it the steepness of the uphills but I don't know you get used to it it's the same as with wind wind can make you stronger heavy bike can make you also stronger oh finally yeah sweet oh I feel like my head and my neck are not together no oh oh yeah they like separated yeah can you put them together we can do like in the I have a strap just push push okay yeah it was fun but like at 3:00 I went down my body started to hurt and like my upper part of the back my ass they are sword and it feels really good to be here now at the camping we will get the Hut and the bike will rest for 2 days now I will go ski touring and yeah rest the [Music] but we're going to laella Hut a little mountain hut where we hope to be some snow and ski around there for two days it might require bit of hiking I think it's boot packing time with hiking I mean hiking with shoes okay I'll put my skis off here uh well I mean after I did a tumble yesterday you know muscles are not really happy about having a heavy backpack my neck is I can't turn more than this so compared to cycling it's uh heavier hold on oh now I found you Mark I had never been the dolam mines before planning the tours and the route just based on fat map and Google was quite hard I must admit when you then got to a place and then you saw what's up there was completely different what you expected Hanah yeah look up there there be not skiing down there that will be Adventure skiing for sure May a bit too Rocky for my taste yeah you thought something is rable but then you see that okay this year it's not while we were planning this tour we knew that we will have a lot of clouds and fog so we created a a route in the sunto app and downloaded it to the watch and we're just following that track now cuz yeah soon we will have no visibility and at that point it's really nice to have a route to follow now it's flat oh my [Laughter] [Music] God kink be pretty if there was a lot of SN there yeah like if the whole valley would be white that's how it was in the pictures that's that's the Instagram I mean look at [Music] me [Music] W Lael mon [Music] 2050 I'm definitely not a skier and I think I am a cyclist I grow up with skiing more than with cycling but over the years I think skiing had got for me out of out of range just because it was very expensive to get a weekend up in the mountain the lifts the renting Etc I guess I went back to skiing because the feeling of skiing is also like adrenaline you also discover in a crazy way like like I just find it crazy like I found insane that you can actually climb a mountain with a pair of skis every time I put them on I'm like I'm like really going into this steepness with like a pair of skis and some random skins in the back like it just blows blows my mind so we have found a very interesting col and we're looking at if it's safe enough to go it looks steep really steep I would say that I have been thinking about Mountain safety and Avalanche risk a lot the last years you have to keep the safety on your mind just chilling willing sunny day in the dite looking at the PE up there yeah it's coming okay so here is a crack during the Avalanche accident I was in earlier that was a weak layer I triggered so it's like I can't stop thinking of covered weak layers in the snow pack yeah okay so here is the one more crack yeah then comes the crust layer yeah a I'm thinking of my accident earlier this year yeah the snow that went off it wasn't big but I traveled so long with the Avalanche and I mean this is the same it's not a lot of it's not a lot of snow but we end up in a hole Yeah Yeah the consequences of continuing to the top of the KOLO would only be nice skiing but not safe at all yeah henna and me we took the decision to not continue turning around in a situation like this when you have a really nice face you would like to ski but you can't cuz it's dangerous is always hard to take but making a decision like this I would say is never a failure a failure would be if we took the decision to continue turning around with nothing happening is never a failure that's success for sure nice it was fun fun stuff good to be skiing or snowboarding [Music] riding [Music] [Music] yeah it was super fun lighting looks like a seal life over snow water [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I got good news uh the spot is for free tonight and we can both have the regular menu and PE [Music] Pizza this way perf well we're looking at the day that it's going to be up down up literally big hill up now starting straight away that's good we warm up then a long downhill beautiful though I've done it last summer and then a long pretty steepish uphill at the end just to finish the day pasaa it's a it's a very known Passover going to love the light way bike good job girl I'm not even tired have you ever been about 201100 with your bike I have not so we're above the highest point of Sweden right now and I have biked here that's crazy I think I feel so proud actually and now it's downhill and I just enjoy the views [Music] wow it can be slippery brain Breeze for me actually the downhills I wasn't that scared but it was harder for the body to to stay in shape it's hard to just break for a whole [Music] day [Music] no but seriously the last part to the HUD is a lake and as I said last time I checked legs are flat until then what do we have th000 vertical and 14 kilm one of the goals for the trip despite being hard that it's still enjoyable and we don't need to do crazy long days and pushing crazy much I had too much lunch I'm feeling sick he's so crazy he still do it I find this fun fun like destroying my body 160 vertical until candy break the tricky thing is when you ride your bike in the doit or in the mountains in general there's always some climbing that needs to be done with the bike and it's impossible to avoid it when we moved from lavarella to uh marmala it required climbing and the climb was pretty steep one it's done as part of a secondy race in that's held in Italy and we did it with 40 Kil bikes It's So Random the people are skiing next to where you're cycling like what the hell 3.5 kilm an

hour oh jokes I've been thinking the last Hill of 400 vertical met that if I can do this everyone can do this because I could never imagine I would do this like in my whole [Music] life cheers I mean look at this girls Shak [Music] [Music] bra it's I don't know which day of the tour and we are basically in a lift up to marmolada it's crowded it's very crowded to be in the Liv like we have been quite isolated from people the last few days and now it's like stuck in here but thinking of what we can get up there okay watching social media seeing that we have a lot of fresh P up north doesn't bother me that much okay Hanah dropping in 3 2 1 go in one of the things I've been thinking of lately is when you get obsessed with the thing that you must have fresh snow to ski nice what at the snow is quite heavy and sticky at the top it surprised me a bit and there were some sharks on the part where I went down droping you can't affect the weather and you can't take control of that the thing you can control is what you do with the opportunities that mother nature give you to create a life filled with emotions that is more positive than negative that's up to you that was a hard one first I have to say that it's not that steep as it looks like from above take your time and the snow is variated haa and and malva have been dropping this kind of stuff for probably their life and I've not and I thought I was like Fearless maybe my head was like oh I don't want to get hurt I don't want to get hurt and you just go down with fear which is probably the worst thing he can do oh she's walking down that's good take your time at the top part because the top part is the trickiest and then you will be more than fine after that so just play it safe on the top I'm going I I like it like it's a very good feeling it's just like when you're in a mountain bike and you're just going to throw yourself into like a crazy bike park if you have a mistake uh you're down and if you don't you're you have a really good run no no no no yes had a couple turns and that was it um if I would have lost my ski maybe I would have continued yeah I'm okay I just think I lost the ski good job girl you got to work out there an extra one okay so I think I'm going to get the P for this [Music] one the winter definitely wasn't as I expected is this winter I have also had a different mindset despite the bad snow you can always find fun writing and you can uh work on things that develop you as a rider once once there good snow you can then enjoy that good snow even more so despite the winter being bad I would say it's been a good winter good job good job that was fun that was a fun run run that's s was [Music] we are on top of marmolada right now which is the highest point of dolomites I think maybe uhuh one more round to go try to find some good stuff try to survive and then two days of [Music] biking [Music] [Music] d [Applause] [Music] the route planning act didn't show that there is a n ski track in the winter but it wasn't too bad when you just kept going straight breaking he bik to school all year around so like even it was icy slushy snowy like whatever we just back to school so in that sense it's not as strange or scary think poor Scandinavian kids just like it's minus 20 and mom is like okay Chop Chop I have had a idea of how Road biking would be in in Italy that you just like have a vine yard on your right side you you have this small little village on your left side with a church and it's an old man walking and it was exactly like I imagine I got this mam Mia feeling in my stomach it was so cozy look at this place yeah it's beautiful I feel a bit more fancy than what I [Laughter] [Music] look is that enough I don't know how to get the wine to Sweden now but I just have to figure something out especially and then you open it and then it's again yeah the amount of people and the amount of cyclist we didn't see basically any on the previous days and then on the last day all of a sudden there was basically only cyclist everywhere like coming either towards us or like we passed them or they passed us you could really see that cycling is a thing in Italy I'm born in close to Stockholm but I live in k um up nearly 40 because we have SK like snowboard boots yeah and bindings and the snowboard and all the ski [Music] [Music] [Music] gear [Music] [Applause] [Music] s night good job girls we need it actually I was thinking the last downhill I'm like we made it yeah I with no problems either no everything went super smooth it wasn't as hard as I thought like what it would be like mix of a cycling and skiing when you split it into different days it worked super nicely I think I think I need a proper rest week after this last three intense weeks in my [Music] life what we were looking for on the trip was to test if cycling and skiing and snowboarding can really be combined in a nice way that is on not only a pure sufferfest and I would say we found it 100% you can enjoy the mountain with less snow more biking and good company Third change for H I definitely think it's a way to to see everything different to people who like does cycling and skiing as their maybe winter and summer Sports you can just combine [Music] it [Music] woo

2023-12-19 20:35

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