Resident Evil Village Hardcore Blind 02 - Touring the Village

Resident Evil Village Hardcore Blind 02 - Touring the Village

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[Music] all right uh welcome back ladies and gentlemen it's the hungarian barbarians my name is tom and uh we are doing jesus it's just so bad we are doing resident evil village there it is and also my friend global fat there we go uh whatever um a weird start to the game i gotta say i'm really hoping everything is should be okay all right let's go let's go let's continue i i don't like this like i don't have the option to actually look at things what what is happening what no not this way but i don't it's very dark am i now going back i hope not i can't see anything okay so i don't i don't know yeah now i'm back here jesus okay bridge this is i i i don't know i i guess i probably just had to like go forward but i'm always trying to like look around and there is absolutely no chance to do that here you're just like you're supposed to just go forward no no okay i think now i'm i'm starting to embarrass myself seriously because what the hell what the hell i just want to look around but i cannot okay what is going on okay i see i see i see i suppose i have to pass the house thank god i have a map i'm supposed to pass the house and just go by this side of it i think i'm i'm so sorry seriously i i know this sucks like i i i screwed up but i honestly wanted to look around and you are like look at this there is nothing there's nothing you can do you just have to go this way and that's it seriously can i just go in here what's going on how do i what what what what how do i get involved in this [ __ ] hello uh it has to be after the house somehow but what jesus oh my god i honestly didn't see it like i'm sorry okay i didn't see it okay okay okay yeah i i can't i can't see anything i i heard some movement but hi uh uh uh what am i looking at okay i i don't know what that is can do anything with hmm so um oh okay today search completed jesus christ i seriously can't see anything no that's where the closet thing was okay this way maybe hopefully i don't know it's dark that's for sure but all right hi um oh my god my foot okay sure it's just oh okay i guess we will crawl under it it's just some blood ethan you have a definitely what did all this worse sorry yeah that's a good question what happened here and is it daytime now okay i guess it is daytime that is right more forest let's see what's up oh oh oh oh boy oh hell am i boy okay yeah that that is impressive i like that all right look at this jeez all right okay okay yes yes i can i can uh get on board with that sorry i'm just i keep checking my recording time okay dead horse never a good sign is that garlic what the hell that is maybe maybe they're out maybe they're out ethan are you can i do i remember that yes okay is there anything here i can use at this again we just we just saw this okay all right [ __ ] um yeah things are just flying i'm sorry hope you can still hear me see me let me know jesus whatever um okay i don't i don't know there's nothing in here what am i wait what yeah that was it's gone now okay some something just took the dead horse that's not that's not very good that's like i would say probably five to six hundred kilos something just took it like it's nothing i'm i don't i don't like that why is it red oh because of the lockpick i suppose so okay let's that's really good by the way i love that they took that from resident evil 2 remake just marking the buildings red or blue depending on whether you have taken everything or not that's really good i like that that's a great addition just a little bit of elder flower syrup keep hydrated kids always keep hydrated okay you know what i did not love the night time creeping in the forest bit where it was like super dark and you couldn't see anything but now now where you can actually see things damn but now you can actually see things i find this much creepier that's actually pretty effective i like that that's uh that's pretty good hello what you got [Music] really nothing okay i guess yeah okay okay now now we are setting a tone that's that's better that's better i like that right is that me running jesus that's oh that's pathetic my lord yes sure and this nothing okay how about this way this needs some kind of other item i'm guessing a crank of some sort to be able to move the well i suppose okay that's that's a different house it's red what the hell you can't jump or do anything for that matter so i don't oh what's that okay that looks important but i can't do anything with it right now okay okay all right or okay okay i'm starting to uh starting to get my bearings can't go this way right okay and then this way yes i went in there didn't i is there anything in here no okay that was close right yes it is and then in here there was nothing oh yeah that was okay i thought that was uh a locked drawer but uh no the drawer i thought there was a lot drawer but no that was a different house okay okay okay okay okay now now i'm actually scared now i'm actually scared like this is so much more effective like the the whole dark [ __ ] forest thing in the beginning that was like i don't know i i don't know what that was but this this this i like by the way what the hell am i hearing is there a radio or something okay yeah some gold heads what happened yeah so it's always nice to have some gold heads hello anybody all right yeah i'm sorry i'm just gonna i'm just gonna use the map like a lot it's just how i do things um hi hello excuse me i come in peace and stuff what is that um and what is this locked locked due to missing home owner okay me all right so i suppose this is not chickens hi okay what the hell i'm so sorry it's it's it's really late it's really late sorry about the yawning i know i know it sucks but it just happens man what is going on here hello anybody around some force could break it okay i would really like to [ __ ] oh i can't get back out [ __ ] okay that sucks okay i really need a weapon at this point like seriously give me something because he even this like we need to break it open somehow oh yep here we go okay that seems sturdy enough first statement okay inventor what the hell um i really need to stop sticking my face into the camera i'm so sorry but this game is just it it keeps surprising me what is this inventory it's freaking huge bro what the hell so i have a well used knife with a large blade and also a first aid med fully heals all wounds okay so much room crafting right urban camp fluid for the first aid mat and gunpowder twice and rusted scrapped twice for handgun ammo key items i have family photo picture of mia and rose okay treasure okay slash block block block this this is going to be super important blocking that's what we need to remember that's the number one thing to remember bro hi okay did they just run out of the house uh yeah that that seems kind of fresh ish more garlic garlic what are we like are we like keeping away vampires what is going on oh i do not like this excuse me no no friendly friendly who are you who sent you nobody there was an accident down on the road and what's going on oh no they're coming who is what the hell was that do you have a gun dude please tell me you have a gun no why would i no ethan what do you mean why would you have a gun like take it take it yeah just take it hey are you listening what there's more oh my god okay what the hell a lemmy lemme a small easy to use semi-automatic pistol with average firing power power rate of fire reload speed ammo capacity everything on level one can i upgrade my guns that sounds like fun i i would like to do that okay by the way ethan is i i don't i don't understand like who the hell wrote ethan who was like oh yeah this is the dialogue we should give him that sounds like a human being it's i'm sorry it's stupid it's stupid okay hi excuse me that person jesus christ yeah this is not good what the hell is wrong with this place what's that no not my hands again hey yo those are my fingers i was using those [ __ ] i i was using those what are we doing here no what is this i'm sorry what is this [ __ ] werewolf oh he's fast [Applause] oh he's not going well this is not going well i forgot yes this is not good there it is die already okay i think i might be done yep yep that that oh my god okay okay okay okay let's uh you know what as much as i was talking about oh my god okay jesus i i didn't expect that i thought maybe it would drop me back like for the whole thing [Music] it's weird it feels really weird yeah okay um where's my here it is no what the hell equip the knife please yes what the hell oh it just died randomly jesus christ i'm sorry okay that that happened it sucked it's jesus christ what was i doing what was i doing i i don't know what was what i was doing yeah that that was just yeah that that happened hi mr whatever you are i'm guessing a werewolf well that that that me up like a lot and i go back no i think that's where i came from i'm not sure though i don't have any bullets left so now i'm like confused and just walking around and trying to see what the high hello is that wait this is where the guy was isn't it am i um okay yes that will be very useful indeed but what's what's next though good this is blue we're done um all righty uh jesus i need to very much pick up the pace here because and by the way he's gone interesting uh i need to pick up the base here because oh my god i did horrible there that was that was ridiculous although i gotta say if you're playing a resident evil game for the first time blind on the highest difficulty setting and you're not dying to the first enemy then well honestly you're probably a better gamer than i am whatever yes yeah yeah but but seriously though like it it should be it should be challenging it should be challenging but this this was weird i gotta say like it was it was pretty weird okay okay um all right that that happened what am i hearing that is locked nothing in there maybe maybe some ammo used to pray so i'm thinking you can lean but you can't can i take this okay there is absolutely nothing jesus there is absolutely nothing i can do here well in that case ladies and gentlemen this is going to be the end of episode 2 of resident evil village and what is going on here these are arrows yeah what the hell okay so so far so far i really liked the beginning of the game the the story bits were really interesting and then just the freaking stumbling around in the dark forest that was just like whatever i i didn't i didn't love that but now then i'm actually in the village i i like that and by the way uh a good portion of my left hand is gone that's that ain't good i i don't i don't love that i'm i'm i'm a lefty i i like my left hand don't don't take that please but it's ethan winters his hand is gonna get halfed up whatever he does so yeah anyways ladies and gentlemen i will be back super soon up until then please subscribe to the channel like the video comment on whatever you want to comment like seriously just write anything i love you bye-bye

2022-09-07 17:25

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