Research Recovery and Reskill Webinar #2

Research Recovery and Reskill Webinar #2

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When we say charge, on. We commit. To do extraordinary. Things. To put in the work. To be smarter. And. Stronger. To let them. Know. When we say charge, on. We commit. To do extraordinary. Things. To put in the work. To be. Smart. And. Good afternoon, everyone. And welcome to the second, research. Recovery, and rescale, webinar. My name is susan vernon devlin. And i am the manager of communications. And marketing for rosen college of hospitality. Management, at ucf. I will be your moderator, this afternoon. First a little housekeeping, before we get started. Please, note, that we will only be using, the question, and answer, feature. On this webinar. We will not be using the raise the hand, feature. Or the chat feature, so if you have a question. Please type it into the question, and answer feature. And now i would like to introduce, you, to dr yu chang wang. The dean of rosen college of hospitality. Management. To get our webinar, started, dr huang. Thank you very much susan, good afternoon, everybody. Today is may the 29th. 2020. And hope you are having a fabulous, friday afternoon. And are ready for exciting, weekend. Thank you all for joining us today for the second, in a series of webinars. We designed to help ucf, graduates, retool. For the changes, we have uh facing. As the hospital, and tourism industry. Emerges, from the effects of this, carpet 19 virus. Again my name is dr yu chung wong, and i'm dean of the, ucf, rosen college of hospitality, management. Our mission, here at ucf rosen college. Is to develop, the future leaders, of the hospitality, industry. And that of course does not stop after you graduate. As part of ucf, family and leaders. In industry. We are a resource, for each of you, as you develop, in your careers. Especially, now, as our industry, faces. So many challenges. And now i would like to invite my colleagues, dr. Robert tico cross, and dr manuel, rivera. To take to to take over the rosen college. Research, recovery. And rescale, webinar, series. Chico and manuel, please take over. Thank you, one. Welcome, everybody, my name is robert tico cross, i'm the associate, dean for research, and administration. And the director, of the dick paul, senior. Institute, for tourism, studies. At the rosen college. What i would like to share with you in the next 15 minutes. Is, some basics, with regards, to. What. What is the what is leadership. In the sense, of. Rethinking. And also. Focusing. On, the crisis. That, we have at hand. So. Leadership. As. President, john f kennedy. Um. So brilliantly. Um explain. Is, that. In a crisis, we have dangers. But we also. Recognize, opportunities. That is very very important. When i. Joined the rosen college, 18 years ago. One of the things that i remember, in my conversation, with them. With the founder, and dean, dean pizzam. Was the fact. That, we are preparing, our students to become, leaders. And not managers. Which means in our colloquial, terms when we, discuss. The curriculum. And the future, of our students. That we prepare, you for your last job, and not for your first job. So therefore. What is very very important, is, when we look at crisis. Is exactly, that, what are these opportunities. That we have in front of us, in order to, um transform. Things to make things better, to do then things differently. In order for us, to, move forward. And, what we know from. The world today, particularly. Right now during covet. 19. Is the fact. That, we will always be faced with changes. Changes. That. Challenges. Us, as as leaders. Because. We have to balance. Lives. With livelihood. We have to balance, you know what is, right now safe. With, business opportunities. And. Business, progress. So. We are confronted. As we move forward. With a, constant, in changes, which which are basically. Uh we, we are living one right now, which is the covert 19. But very soon, we will be, confronted. Our faith with hurricanes, as the hurricane, season. So we have to be prepared. For, um things that might challenge us again. Not only in terms of our logistics. But also, in, in the way, how we confront. And face, um. Challenges, and problems, ahead. So, what i want to do today, is. When we confront, those. Challenges. We have to rethink the basics. Put those basics, that we have learned. You know on the table. And trying to focus. How we can make sense, of those. Basics, and essentials. In order to come up, with the right, recipe. In terms of, solving. Problems. That's very important. We know that principles. Are the same for example if we think about. The law of gravity. It doesn't matter where we are earth the law of gravity, is the same. It is the same thing in terms of, decisions. When we confront, problems. That some. Decisions, that we come up with, are decisions, that depend on a sequence for example when we build a house, it has a sequential. Order. So, therefore, it is. Important, to look at, whether we are talking about, decision, making, or how we approach problems, in terms of sequencing.

Or. Whether we approach, problems, based on certain. Basic, principles, that remain, the same, all the time, no matter, the context. And i want to discuss today. Four, hospitality. Essentials, with us with with you, very very quickly. The first is hospitality's. Mobility. The second hospitality, is time bound. The third, hospitality. Is willingness. Ability, and fairness. And finally. Hospitality. Is in the, interdependence. Let's look at the first one, hospitality. Is mobility. When, what happens when you hold mobility. Well we all, have seen what happens, in the past, three months, basically, tourism and hospitality. Came to a. Complete stand still because. People cannot move, if there is no movement of people, of course, we will not have, the core of our business which is tourism, which is very very important. So. Therefore. Whatever, we think, through the first thing that we have to think about is how can we make people move. In order to enjoy vacation. Their leisure time, and so on. We have seen that the consequences. Of. Non-mobility. Are, dire. And they are uneven, we have seen for example. Through, the research. That has been done so far. Is that. For example. The cruise. Sector, will be one of the most, jeopardized. Um in the near future. We have seen people. That are afraid, to fly again, we have seen that people are afraid. To even take vacation. So. That is something, that we need to take into account. When we look at the problem of mobility. So it is uneven, in terms of its um, consequences, not only the sub-sectors. But we have seen in terms of the entire economy. That hospitality. The hospitality. Industry. Has, been, the one that has been, the most affected. In terms of non-mobility. Of the people i think it's about. 52, or 53, percent. Um, um, of, the job losses, in the country. Uh, are concentrated. In the. Hospitality. Industry. So that is important to take into account. Mobility. Which is the first principle. The second principle, which is very very important, is that hospitality. Is time bound. We know. That. If people do not move. That particular. Service, that we provide. Or that particular, good in hospitality. Is lost forever. So if, if one person. Doesn't stay in your hotel, room that hotel room is lost forever, the same thing with a, airplane, with the same thing with um. With theme parks, with with restaurants. And so on, because our product, is perishable. What it means, is. That we have to continuously. Focus. On demand. What, kind of demand. How is demand. Changing. How are people think what is. What are motivating. The people, in order to travel what are, these drivers. So demand, is very very important because our, product. Is perishable. And because it's perishable, that is the first thing that we have to look at. The third principle, which is very very important, is. That usually. When we think about demand. We think in terms of price, is the price. You know. Value, is it, the correct price value, is it that, people are willing to pay for that.

Once We know a little bit about, how much people are willing to to pay for that, then we look at whether people are able, to engage, in that particular, activity, so, whether they have the time, availability. For them, so it is not only a question of price. You know the price sensitivity. Of the product and service that we offer, but also it has to to do with. What is the time that they have. In order to enjoy. Our service, in our. Product. So. We need to look at time as well. But in the time of crisis. What becomes, even more important. Than willingness, and ability. Is the question. Of emotions. It is a question. Of, fairness. And and that is something, very very important, we know that um. From, from our, own um experience, for example price gouging, there is, some some, regulations. Against them. But if. The market, if the customers. Don't perceive. That you are treating them, fair, in a fair way in an equitable, way. You may lose them lose them in the future and lose them forever. So having that kind of empathy, with them, showing those emotions. That really. Bound. By the two of you, together. Is very very crucial. Particularly. In, in the time of, crisis. So fairness is important and there are, in in the literature, we can um. Notice, or we can um. Consider. Different strategic. Games. In order to, determine. How do you define, fairness, how do you measure. A fairness, and and and empathy. So that's, that's another. Important. Um. Essential. When we deal, in a time of crisis. And the final essential that i want to um. Emphasize. Is the fact, that all our, actions. Are interlocked. We are interdependent. What does it mean is, that a customer. Does not. Just patronize. A hotel, or a restaurant. When a, customer. Visit a destination. It is the whole destination. So all our actions, if you want, to move forward, and to make progress, and to come out. Of the um, the crisis. In in, in um. Recovering. Terms and rescale, in terms of our businesses. It is very important. That our actions, are look from a holistic, perspective. So we have to look at all the stakeholders. Involved. And be involved. Because, our actions, have consequences. For example we can see it at the covet, where public health has become, so important, because. Each action. That we undertake. May have a positive, or a negative, effect, on an other person. Willing, or unwillingly. So that is very important, when we also. Consider. Everything. That we want to do, in terms of helping us to overcome, this crisis. That it has to be interrupt. With other actions. So therefore. Whatever we do we have to think in terms of a destination. More so than just our, own business. So that's very important so these are the four essentials. That i wanted to. Share with you, when we confront. Some new realities. So what are these realities. The deck pope, as a dickbot, we have conducted, some research, which are very important, and which i want to just. Share a few of these um. Actually to give you a scoop actually, because these are, these findings, are. Very new we just finished, the um the survey. Last week, and i'm sharing, four points with you the intention, is to have. A. Very specific, webinar. Where you will discuss, these findings. The first thing is about, um desire, to travel. Only one we have approached, more than 1800. Responders, across the country. And only one-third. Of those about 36, percent. Said, they have this. Motivation, to travel, as soon as the restrictions. Are um. Released. So, um. So that is very very important, we have this. Sample we have this population, of one third of the people who wants to travel, and we need to know remember as i mentioned one of the essentials, is demand, we need to know. Where these people are, who they are, why they want to travel, and what is it that they want to consume. When they are on travel. The other important, thing is that. Florida. Among, all the destinations. In the country.

Florida, Is in the top three together, with california. And alabama. So that's also an important thing for us which is very positive. For um. For the state of florida. So what can we do as, for example central florida, in order to make sure. That we enjoy. The opportunity. That this new demand. Um. Offer us, during, this. Covet, period that we're moving towards. Hopefully, a very soon to oppose, a, period of, of the pandemic. And then the final, two. Other uh, important, thing is, that, health. Has become, a very, important, consideration. My colleague dr rivera will talk about health and, and risk, which is very important. And, in, in the surveys, and the respondents, are very very clear. They want to travel. But four out of ten of those who want to travel. Are very much focused, on health. So you have to provide, them with the right type of information. In order to. Accommodate. Their, their their level, of, certainty. Or uncertainty. In order for them, to really, um have the opportunity. To patronize. Your, um. Your product. And finally, as as i mentioned. There should be a very very sharp focus on marketing, because there's only, one third, of the total population. Who wants to travel in the next 12 months. So therefore, it is not the total population, that we are accustomed to travel, but we only have, one third available. Of this one third, four out of ten, are. Focusing. On this particular. Problem that have to do or challenge. Which is, uh um health, so how are we going to do it how are we going to. Give a message, communicate, to them in terms of, not only this risk. Their risk perception. And the level. Of of of certainty, that they should have, but also what is very important, is, to show, in and and, and. And. Convey, empathy. And this emotional. Message and connect with them, in terms, of. Bringing them. To um consume, your product. And, we know as well that these people. They prefer. To do road trips instead of traveling, plane, so those closer to home, are your best bet, in terms of that 36. Percent. So, what is important, i want to finish, here before, um and, along later for any questions that they have. Is. In every crisis, there is opportunity. And it is very important. When we look at this opportunity. That we keep in mind. These essentials, these basics. Because these basics. Will determine. How successful, we're going to be, in whatever, new things, that may come up, when we, look of how to recover, and how to move forward. And i always like to use what winston churchill, said, you should never waste a good crisis. And this is an opportunity. To come up with new things. And um, creative, ways, and to have fun, with these new ways, um, as we move forward, thank you very much and um. Defer, to my colleague, dr, rivera. Good afternoon, everybody, good afternoon, uh fellow knights, uh. I'm, glad that you joined us today, i hope you're keeping well and staying safe so, we're cognizant, that we're going through difficult, times, in our industry and i'm glad you joined. Our webinar. Today. What you see in the screen you have three words. Uh, two, live, and eat. But uh the orders, of the words, are are different and uh there are different perceptions. Uh attached, to it, you know those who who live to eat view food that's something more in life. Than just fuel. You can, comfort. Family, friends happening, lifestyle, stress relief. And those who live to eat is, more just than food, it's about what they mean today. So nowadays. As uh. Dr robert eco cross expressed, there has been a dramatic. Change. In our industry. And the restaurant, have industry have been affected. Very very much, uh. When when we look at the dna, of our industry we're a, high contact, high experience.

Industry. And being shut down has really created, a. Challenge for us so. Through depress, the presentation. I'm going to address. Some of these issues on how to move forward, and i'm going to focus on the. On the research and the recovery, and the risk skills as, it applied mostly to. To the restaurant, industry. When. When we look, at. The trends, in, what we eat. Uh let's look at before the crisis. During the crisis and what could happen, after. When we look at. Pre-coveted. Shutdown. We see, that. There was a big trend, in, in food away from home, these are establishments. That uh. Include restaurants, schools vending machines, mobile vendors. Uh, versus. Uh food at home. That's people who then consume, in grocery stores. Warehouse, clubs. Mailing, orders, and home delivery. And and we have a 50 50 split, according to the. Us department of agriculture. And within, that, in the food away from home, the qsr. And, full service restaurant. Have have shown, almost a 7-fold. Increase. In the past 10 years, and we see that there's been a. Desire. For. Money versus convenience, ratio that has been changing. What happened, is that there were good things happening, for for those in the in the restaurant, industry that there was a more consumption, however. Once the the covet. Pandemic. Created the shutdown. Many of these from away from home establishments. Suffered. And the consumption. Habits, of our. Customers. Was forcibly, changed. You know we've seen that uh, the. Research, is showing that around 30. Of uh, people have gotten food from restaurants, uh, 27. Fought about it but, 43, percent didn't even think about it. Uh and more specifically, 60. Think about doing it but only half of them. Actually, went and uh and do so. So. Obviously, you can see that the consumers. Have had there has been a contraction, in terms of the consumers. Consumption. In restaurants, and a new behavior. Uh has been adopted, they've been forced to stay at home. Uh, they're they're practicing, social distance, and as we get ready to. To reopen. Uh, which is the post recovery, post covered area we have to start thinking about all the things they want. Uh they want uh many many safety features, they want more social distance in future. Uh they want to maintain. And see the hand sanitizer. They want to be informed. So these are all things that will transform. The way we operate, but. Above all they are going to change. Uh. The way, we actually, eat. So, i want to bring to you. A perspective, that i want you to consider. Because the competitive, landscape, have changed. Uh, we see that those who were who provided, services, in the food at home. Uh the retailers. They they experienced. A spiking, demand. And, mainly, this happened because, the consumer, behavior, was, forced to change by a forced majority, there was no choice you have to stay at home. So our lives and routine, has changed drastically. And, and there's a factor to it and and. Traditionally. You know we we always play, with price, and understanding, the consumer's, income because we know that things. Will drive demand for our operations, however. Uh, price is not keen anymore. Okay. We must ask, risk. To the equation, and you can see in the chart in the screen. As soon as we reduce, the risk, there's an opportunity, to increase. The demand, however this is not going to be easy. Because the consumers. Are going to be very aware. Of. Many things that they were not, before. So no longer. Monetary, by itself, will be a factor, we have to add, the risk perception. And all of these things will have. A secondary. Effects and unintended, consequences. So, when when we're operating, our, restaurants, we might decrease the prices but that doesn't necessarily. Mean that the, the demand. Will be there. So the question that remains. And is on the table right now that we have to think about is. How can we reduce, risk. And. You know, how can we help. Reduce that consumer. Perceived, risk but this is a challenge that you have to be aware. Because, right now, like any other. Event, that has happened. There are intrinsic. Factors, related to the perception, of risk that are individual. To, each and one of us. Which is our personal, health. And in addition, to that there will be, other extrinsic, factors, that are related to the service provider which is mean you all of you who. Are operating, in the industry, so it's not only how i feel about things will affect me, but also how i see you deal.

With Those issues, in the past, of course there's always a risk in the mind of the consumer, but who's never related. To a. A. Health situation, like we're experiencing. Right now. So the key right now, is that we need to start, thinking. How to build trust. How we can ensure. To our employees, and our consumers, that safety. Is there. And the level of pros is very very important. Because this is what is going to be expected. Of us without at the same time, without taking advantage. Of. The consumer. So with that said. Let's take a look at some things to to help help, help you. Get uh. Uh. Ready for, and, consider, the reopening, so if we look at kind of a playbook for reopening, i'm going to talk about two things things that you have to do from the supply, side. This is more related to your operation. But food safety, is the first, uh. That's going to be a priority, and that's something that we practice every day but now more than ever. Employee, training is going to be something that you really have to focus right now, sanitation. Practices. Dealing with the consumer. All these new things to understand. What the consumer, wants and how they want it is going to change. And as we can see there are many many regulations, coming into place to allow us to open. Similarly. You might have some challenges, in terms of uh labor shortages and turnover. So you might have to consider. All these things as well. And how am i going to maintain. My employees, health and hygiene. Given, all the situations, that are happening. At the same time we we are forced to consider. Social distances. Uh, regulations. And in the rest of our industry we operate the more people we get in the better, so we're restricted, right now about 50, capacity. In most cases though that's a challenge, alone. On top of that we've seen that there's also a challenge in terms of the procurement, there might be challenges in the supply chain that you have to consider. The channels that you use, to get your client, you need to start thinking more strategically. About. Partnership, with the, delivery, and online ordering. Nonetheless, you also have to start thinking about capacity, management. How i'm going to rearrange, my area my restaurant. To to get people. I'm going to maintain.

A Cost structure that is favorable, given all the restrictions, that i have, now that we're open any rent concession, that people might have, with their landlords might be, disappearing. We need to start thinking about technology. How to have more services that are contactless. And also we have to show many interventions, that provides, value. And you know, the magic ball you know do some forecasting. And this is a thing that we have to do before we open. Also if we look at these things also from the demand, side. The forecast. Is a little bit known right now so it is very important, for. For you to start, uh, tracking, traffic. And and tracking, all the additional, incremental. Costs that are related, to, to operation, either this be related to sanitation. To food packaging. Is it just additional, labor, cost. At the same time you need to start managing. Your operations, so. Understanding. Table mix and meal duration, will will become, crucial. Understanding, your menu mix, is also. Very important, make sure that you have items that not only the consumer, want but provide. High margins, for you. Consideration. Should be given to consider a reservation, system to keep track of times, and allow people. To ensure, that trust hey you reserved, your spot is going to be there. Continue, to promote the delivery, and take out. Technology, adoption, is also going to be there. Something that we have to file. And more importantly. It comes to finances. You know, you have to understand, those break-even, points so you know your targets, of what to get to at least. Make the, avoid and prevent, losses, and the way to do this is you have to kind of become. Innovative, in process, and take advantage, of something common to your restaurant. And maximum, how much you can get from them and offering, value to them, you know now it's a summer time people are going to have kids at home. You have to consider. Uh, how to offer services, that provide some mean catering opportunities. Also. For people to consume, so it's not only for those who want to come in it's also now you putting yourself in going to the consumer. Right rather, only consider, and then coming to you. So you're going to have to be doing some reskilling, in the in. In real time, you know, right now the priority. Is safety. You have to be more thorough in terms of the way you analyze, data. You have to maintain, better relationships. With your. With your employees. But very importantly. Your communication, skills are going to be put to the test. Because you're going to have to communicate, with every involved every, all the stakeholders, in the restaurant for your consumer, for the purveyors, for your employees. And you have to find new ways to get your word out and make contact, either that be through digital marketing. Social media. And and, if you follow the process of gathering information, data driven decisions, might actually help. Help your business, while help you also. Contain, and, maintain, controls, that becomes. Popular.

Profitable. For your operation. So when you focus on the. Sharpening, of your skills. As. I want you to consider, the following. You need to. Ensure, trust, at every contact, point, and that's going to start, during the pre-consumption. When they start thinking about coming to you, if they happen to come, you also have to ensure truth there but also cost consumption. Uh, after they leave, you know all the great things that you're doing, it will help. A, better trust relationship. With the consumers, that hopefully, will drive. Uh demand. So you know, it's going to be an interesting, time, uh to see how we adopt in the first couple of weeks. And, all these safety features, to to ensure. Uh. That we control. Uh the infection, especially. In the restaurant and protect the customers. But when we move forward. If we follow this uh. These examples. By building, trust, you will be able to definitely make a difference. So, in order to leave you with something, that, when we look at the ability. To establish. Grow. Extend, and restore, trust then, this is the key. For professional. Personal competency, of our time so these are things that you have to consider. And as you can see this is very a little bit different more pragmatic, than what. Dr cross mentioned from the destination, perspective, because now you're going to be dealing with a demand. That is a little bit of, uncertain. But, will be very important, to the sustainability. And financial, performance, of your, of your operation. I want to thank you uh all for for the opportunity. To, that you give us to talk to you today, and and we will look forward, to to answering, questions, and and, and continue, the discussion, so thank you. Everybody. Thank you dr rivera, thank you dr crow. Okay we are now ready to take your questions. And answer them, so please do type them into the q a section, of the webinar, site, so that we can see your questions, and pose them to, our two presenters. We first, up have a question, from, brian. Um how should the industry, interlock, itself. In the interest, of creating, an environment, where safe enjoyable. And consistent, experiences. Is had across, the industry. Um, if if i may. The industry, should, communicate. I mean as i mentioned before. It is. First to be, mindful, of the fact that you have. To balance. Life and livelihood, that's very very important. What does it mean it means lies as. It is about. Safety, it's about help, it's about empathy. It's about. Showing, you know not only empathy towards the customer, but also to, your employees so, for example, occupational, health becomes very very important. You don't want to be involved like for example the meatpackers. Right now, where they have a lot of negative. Discussion. About their brands and about how they treat, their employees. And so on, where they're basically. It is a choice between. You know working. Or, you know having, um. Having. The the chance to to, to be um. Infected, by by the. By the virus. So that is one aspect, the second aspect, is as dr rivera mentioned is to communicate. At the destination. Level. How prepared. Are you. With regard, to, um. If something happened, in terms of the safety in terms of the health, so, um, how many people, what is the infrastructure. That you have. Um, what. What people can do, insurance. About insurance. That is available. And so on, that is very very important. And, then, emphasizing. Those things that you that needs to be done, need to be done in order to people for people to um, to stay safe like, washing your hands. Uh uh. Social distancing, wearing a mask. So that is part of the communication. But it has to be with some emotions, it has to be, showing with some empathy, that is, uh, what people are asking, for right now during the crisis, and remember. The pool of demand, is small, it's only one third. Of the demand that you have, that you have to work with so that's very important, to do, and finally. What we know from research, that we have done, is that people. Wants to travel closer to home at the beginning. Because, they want to feel, comfortable. So. So your focus should be on those closer. To home than further away. At the beginning, in order and for you is also very important because, it is a way, of, observing. Of, piloting. How you are reopening. Um, your business. Yeah uh, in in in addition, to that uh.

When When, when we're talking about communicating. With the with your consumers. Uh we have to take advantage, of every opportunity. Social media, is crucial. You need to engage in consumers, you need to show them the precautions, that you're taking, that will help, build trust they know your food. They can see that but as i said earlier you want to minimize, the risks and, increase that trust, so show. Show them through social media. Show them through emails. Uh. Let them. Speak. And post their experiences. Because that will allow for others, to start building momentum. About, the specific, trust people have placed in you especially when they visit you so in this right. These times right now, every person that comes through your door. Has to become an advocate. So, so, you have to take advantage, of that hopefully. To create, and, catapult, a demand, for for your operation, understanding, that you have, the limitation, of capacity, but perhaps. That the mind can channel through, through other venues like delivery, and takeout. Thank you dr rivera. We have a question, from, maria. Maria wants to know how do you suggest. We communicate. Cleaning procedures, for short-term, rentals. Should we use pictures, should we use techs what can we use to keep, our consumers, for feeling. Safe. Um. Before i go into that question it is important because dr rivera myself we did a research. Together with the team of of of the, dick pope and rosen college. About the vacation, homes, in florida. And we completed, that research. In january. Just a couple a few weeks prior to the covet. And for example we found that the gains in terms of vacation, home, is important to the economy. The multiplier, was about, 1 um. 50 something. But. When we did the same research, during the covert we just finished it under, dr rivera's leadership. What we found is that the loss. Was much higher than the gains, the the multiplier, was 1.8. Something. So if i remember, correctly. So what it doesn't tell us, that whenever, there is a crisis, losses, are. Harder, and more profound, than gains that's a very important, principle, to, to, to, think about, when you consider. You know your strategic. Um. Orientation. With regard, to. The recovery. So how do you communicate, that. What is important is if you have a data bank again it's just sending these emails that dr river is talking about. Showing, what you have, what are you doing, showing, empathy showing understanding, about the situation. That you understand, that, their fear and that you understand. That they want to know exactly what you're doing in a very, professional, way. Very simple, short notices. And, be consistent. In terms of your frequency, so. Don't send just one. Message, and then forget about your customers. These are con, continuously. Updating, your customers, about what you're doing. And what the destination. Is doing because again what. What um we want to emphasize, at the beginning. During a crisis, it's even so more important. That customers, are focusing, on the destination. As a whole, and not on particular. Set, sectors, of the destination. So it is important. That you make sure that you're not only. Communicating. As, a, vocational, owner, or. Manager. But also that your destination, is also communicating. With the with the customers. Thank you dr crows. Um, we have a question from sarah. She says that they own a bakery, and supplies, like gloves, are very limited. How would you suggest. To make customers, feel safe. You know that's a that's a great question sir, uh, you know again. And these first things that, will not affect your, your operation. Uh. You will need to get the gloves, you need to have uh, all the ppe's, that are necessary. For you to operate. Under the regulations, of the state, that's first and foremost. You have to establish a relationship, with your purveyors, to make sure you you secure. Those items for for operations. You know in. Re regardless. Is if it's a bakery, or, or not, your consumers. Usually, see part of the production, process. Are you sure that the consumer. Sees, specifically. That you're taking care of your business so if you have any any hesitation. I would, urge you to, reach out to, potential, partners. In your region. And and try to secure. Uh, these pps, as well as many others because. Just, jumping, ahead and starting to to opening a business. Not be fully prepared. Can actually cast more. Cause more damage to your business. Than actually help you. Thank you dr rivera. Okay, um, we have a question from blake. Uh. This is about, drive-through. Eating, establishments. Kind of like sonic. Dr rivera do you see their presence, increasing, post-pandemic. And since their drive drive-through. Model is well suited for the current crisis.

Do You think there will be an uptick in this kind of business. Well the the first thing is like well they they have an advantage, in terms that, they might not be restricted, to to indoor. Sitting capacity, because you're hitting your car. However, you know we also have to be mindful that, we all have our taste of references. So. Our consumers. Uh are. That come to your restaurant they obviously have something. They see something that they like and will follow. So. Yes those those businesses, will perhaps get some uh. Additional. Incremental, uh demand. But people are gonna go and look for what is familiar, to them and, that's that's the challenge we. We have right now, you need to find ways. That you. Absorb, that familiarity. Aspect and and and nurture, it, uh with with the, the reduction, of series, and, and again building the trust not to be repetitive. Because, people are people is in our nation we want to go out uh we want to socialize, you know with it with your loved ones, go out for an experience. And and food is part of our lives, the, the. The products that you sell will, will connect. With our customers. They have memorable, experiences. Through it so they might have yeah an incremental, increase but, uh i i don't think it will eat up uh much of the consumption, as they are also, restricted, by capacity, in terms of the number of people they can serve. Thank you dr rivera. We have a question from justin. Um he would like to know how does hospitality. Pave the way for tourist, travel. Dr crows perhaps. If i understand the, the question correctly. Um. Hospitality. Is, is the business, side of us, of um, tourism. So, um but tourism, um. More than just hospitality. Consists of the parks, nature, beaches. It it consists, of. Government. For example. It consists, of. People on the street. So. It is the whole destination, all the interaction, of the. Of the people. Who live all the residents, who live in a particular, space. So tourism, is space. It is time. And, um. It is, mobility. So those are the three elements that consist. Um, um, makes tourism. And hospitality. Is, one part of it, so, um.

How Hospitality. Can help tourism. The only way to help tourism, is to make sure there is mobility. If there is no mobility. Everything, stops. So that's the most important that's the crucial thing right now. And, in order to ensure, that mobility, as as we mentioned. During this time. Up until we have a vaccine. We know, that only one third of the people at this moment, would like to travel. Would like to engage in tourism. So we are talking about. 64. Who is still afraid, or uncomfortable. About the situation. That they don't want to engage in traveling, they don't want to engage in mobility. So therefore. Our demand hash, has shrunk, and we need to know, how to make. Um use of of take um seize this opportunity. In order to be very efficient, and effective. In bringing that demand. To where our business is and that is what we're trying. To say we can use the basics the essentials. That we're talking about because those essentials, won't go away. And there are other things practical, things about skills. That dr rivera has mentioned for example, specifically. In the restaurant, business, that can be helpful at this moment. I would like to real quick to, build on that, i think that the hospitality. Industry. As a whole. Has the potential, to make a great contribution. All of you from the operational. Side. To, if we collectively. Uh, help reduce, those risks and build that trust. The tourists will come again, right now you don't you know. As dr cross mentioned there's a little bit hesitation, on the tours they might come but, that demand. Is a little bit uh, might be a little bit delayed, however. That doesn't, stop us from taking advantage, of the. The vicinities, and the communities, that we serve to drive, uh consumption, and if we show the ability. To reduce risk and manage, trust. All of us will benefit, from it because then more people will see. Those things happening and will be more comfortable, to come, so i see a hospitality. Here has a crucial and critical, role. In, ensuring. That that trust, exists, in our in our ecosystem. Of products and services, that are consumed. So yes i i see that we definitely, have to work harder at the operations, level, to make sure that everybody does feel comfortable, and safe, uh coming to our to orlando. And as a final word. Just. Those people who wants to travel that one-third. Has spent of demand, so that's very important so they have the money they want to spend it, so it is a question, how can you. Make. Make that bridge towards them with that particular, message with empathy. And, and and really showing. That you are prepared. To lower the risk level for them so they can enjoy, that vacation, for their well-being. That is the purpose. Of the communication. That you have to send to. This one-third. Okay. We have time for just about one more question now before we wrap up, um, so i will. Choose. One on supply chain procurement. This is from hannah. Workman, dr manuel spoke on supply, chain procurement. Do you believe that hospitality. Organizations, will have to switch to local vendors. Instead of relying, on, more cost efficient, outsourced. Alternatives. You know the the. First of all you have to find, products that are suitable, to, to. To your restaurant. But the opportunity. Of uh, finding, uh supply, local, local producer. Is something that you must explore. As you can see. Larger. Manufacturing. Plants have been affected, by the vega virus, smaller, units might have, more flexibility. In built on this. Uh. Quality assurance. For your consumers, it will also help you perhaps, build rapport. Uh and find strategic, partners, locally. And and. We we are, we're all in this together. And, you know, the, the local purveyors. That slow food movement, uh, it has never gone away so perhaps. Now is more important than ever because you can actually inspect, the product and have access. Uh to it so from a quality perspective, i see a lot of opportunities. There. And also from, communicating, to the local communities, as we said earlier, you know if you're serving something that is local. That's a way to promote. The product and if you know it's safe and you can observe, that and you can take advantage, of that, the opportunity, is there so, all these issues, uh that will present to you are definitely to be considered, and of course. If you make it to be financially, rewarding, as well then it's a win-win situation, for. You. Okay thank you dr rivera. Well, that is all the time we have for questions, today. So thank you so much for joining, us. Um. Dr crows would you like to tell us all about the next series, of webinars, that are coming up.

Yes We we have. One, um. For. The the third webinar. Is uh the topic is building resilience, during challenging, times, um. The presenter, will be dr fabzi optimus, it's friday. 12, at 11. A.m, eastern time. So that's the next webinar, that we're organizing. Well thank you all for joining us today we really appreciate, you, coming, and listening to our webinar we hope that we were able to impart, some good information, to you. Just so that you all know if you were not able to catch all of the webinar, if you'd like to share with, your friends. Uh the webinars. Are, posted, on ucf's. Rose and channels. Youtube, channel, afterwards. Um, and then you can look back at them and see what we have spoken about today, and. Use, the data to help you with your business. We thank you all and if you go to the youtube channel you will also see, the previous, webinar. For research, recovery and rescale, and also, industry webinars, that we've presented. Through the dick pope, thank you all again, and have a great weekend. Thank you. Thank. You.

2020-06-08 18:57

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