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Catch. Me. Do. This. Come. At me come at, me you fuckers. We. Waiting for huh, I'm. Here, take. Me. Spook. Me, make. Me your bitch I dare you. Turn. Oh. Fuck. My life. Tourism. Here. Anymore. Really. I tell. You the novelties, really, wearing off. So. Cute I. Loving. This. Hey. You. Guys. Yeah. Good one real. Scary. Stupid. Motherfuckers. What. Are you trying, out for the football team. I'll. Take it. Very. How's. Life. Fortune. Shit. Fuck. Oh. Boy. I want, to do this one says. I. Try. Oh. Hell. No not. This shit again see. We have to have a conversation right, now no fuck. You and, the Knights of buddy you. You and your freak show back there can suck my ass you're. Not me you're, just a doppelganger. I don't die, what. Take. Out the fucking die and roll it explore. You, go you're, gonna roll the 72. Wow. That's, the present do. You do children's birthday parties. If. You don't sit down and speak. To me oh and. You're gonna be stuck here forever, so put that camera down, let's, talk I have. A choice. Oh, what. Are you gonna be sitting beside myself well. There's a joking I'm a walking punch line. I'm, even gonna thank you. Such. An ass. Just. Through. Help. Yeah. Ben. They're still. There really. Are. We of. Room what. Does it look like. Sorry. Excuse me. It's small recess that I've, been given do you have this very conversation with, camera. No. We do it's. Just that it ain't the last time you come you, see. After, we get in Sebastian's, journal and we get it on our terms. They, get royally, pissed and, we. Get plunged into this. Sea. Of Perpetual, darkness the. Dark, times to, hope for. The future are you. Not, as far as the first. I've. Been here for, about, a month. Just. In case you haven't been keeping track you've, been here for about a week now. Noah. He's. Been here. Yeah. I'm. Not really sure we've met a few times it. Wasn't, pleasant. Pleasant. In here. What. Is this place. This. This. Is where the monsters, live, you, see if, the conditions apart just working the, creature that's, tormenting us, can, access, these tiny, dimensional. Pockets, within ripples. Or space-time. The. Boardwalk and our home are to. The myriad of places, with. Special levels of energy and. Which, they can take advantage of. In. It this way a. Three-dimensional. Object casts. A two-dimensional, shadow right. This. Dominion, is the. Three-dimensional shadow cast. By our, four dimensional, state, essentially. It's, a mirror of our reality, that they Travis in time. Not even exactly sure if, we were ever supposed to sell this place in the first place but. We're here so. There. We go fire. Grain works. In this serious way. Missed. Him if. He. Comes after, that. Know what then. We ask you something what. Do you think's been teleported. You around this whole time every instance since it's all started, observer. No. His. Powers are limited, don't. Do. He. Wants to eat you. It's. Your, brand yeah. He's. The one who's been doing this it's always been him from day one he's. Keeping us safe every chance, he can because, he's the only one who knows how, to save us more, like keeping us alive so we turn into him. You, got more denier by both sides, our. Side wants, to strengthen you the, other side wants to break you down even further making it to a more form-fitted. Pop be. Fairly certain that Barbarin brought you here in the first place to prepare you for these inevitable dark lines. More. Like three sides to me it. Sounds like firing but we both thought about what happened, was we. End up returning to whatever the hell he is. Until, we preserve it yourself I don't. Want to become that he, ain't us he's spoken to me directly, by. Following his instructions. We. Had an opportunity to. Fix, everything, when. The time comes we. Will actually have a chance o real, chance. To. Stop the creature to. End this hell once, and for all. Okay. So. There's. No. Chance that I. The. Real. Or. A semi God but it's essential. Part for this work it's, key to maintaining but. We really, pop so that's, that's, only off. If. You ever like. Considered, that ring this loop is his, way of tricking, us into giving. In on Joey's collective huh, how. About fuck, destiny. What, if mate. I don't want to be you what if I don't want to turn with it Charles, Manson, maybe I don't want to be gipsy my god huh how, about that would, you rather be a mindless puppet. Would, you rather let, them win this all be for nothing, you. Don't quite understand. Right, now there's, a lot of fucking effort to get here and if, changing, form is what, it takes to beat those Cosme fuckers see, countless lives in their curse then I'm all-in you. Don't sound like, you. Sound like one of those cult fuckers. You. Just is so far gone you got sucked into believing someone else's bullshit. You. Know why, did. You are the puppet. You're. The public -.

Wow. I can't, believe this shit hey bullshit. I have, proof of us that are famous been sealed since the, 40s, because. Of this. There. Was something contained this, journal, it's, so powerful, that it, allows firebrand, like insists on his own separate. From the collective I can't. Tell you what it is there's my future self didn't tell me either it's against my rules, to. Break that world would be a hole to your future around my events, and we. Don't want that ask. You something. Crazy. But, if you want me to be on for, a sign if, you want me to truly trust you why are you, firebrand. All. These damn future, versions, of me so. Damn cryptic, well. Why does communication, have to be so, fucking difficult all the time why don't you just be straight with me tell anything straight out don't, you think we you tried that. You. Know it's. All making sense. Now, that I'm finally the one explaining, out this. Right here, it's, a tutoring, so, I'm. Hoping you learn to pass the final exam I just. If I just tell you the lesson you're not gonna learn it you. Need to experience it for yourself little. Sticks. Hands. On shit. We. Need to wake up and realize that you've been playing to my mom this whole time. And the monsters, get stop this. Plague is been going on for, a long time before we were born we. Need to finish it we. Need to win. It's. Your move now. They. Love, this, game damn. Good at we're, teaching you not, only how to play this game but. How to bring it in your favor. So. In order to stay one step ahead of them we. Communicate, in puzzles. Fibrin. Isn't hard to you, he's. Being cryptic, to. Immolates. Information, to us already that's, beyond their visual field, he's. Fucking with the timeline so goddamn, much. That. They people had we see a hitter. He. Is, compromising. Their omnipotence. He's. Changing, our fate to complete, the loop and that's, why they all must play out as I remember it or else you'll end up doing something different, the drone pilot. And if that don't stop us to do what we're trying to do on it. It might get away too much they'll take advantage of my knowledge in the mob and who, knows what'll happen that so no, I can't. Tell you what makes this general powerful. But. I did show. Yeah. I felt that, that's. Right. That's, the reason why they've been after our family since the 40s. That's. What Carl's been saved for years.

They. Want, this they want this, bad I. Can't. Tell you how it got because. If they knew how it, would be disastrous, for, us I can't. Tell you that the protective powers he was generally based on on our show, it. Can only be transferred, willingly he, belongs to me now so. I'm safe. They. Can't just come. Take, it away from me. The. Only way that you possess it early is for, it to mom willingly gift it to them by the current owner. So. You're. Saying I need, to go to Carl and get him. See. This, is the problem with you none of, us, we. Are so desperate, for answers after all this that we we, just jump to conclusions, into situations without thinking, and we do dumb shit and don't you happens to us let's. Be real, we're fucking, bad at this, we're, stupid shit, let's. Stop that okay. Burning, a bit more cerebral. Then. Keep your money sharp here also take from you, so. We. Can help them, boy, we. Have to roll a five or an eight. I'll. Tell you, only. Promise. You'll. Be a tenth, don't. Just listen to this shit but, think critically. And. Critically about clients. We. Only get this talk loss all. Right. This. Does is. A bruise in fact. Actually, hold a five-word name you, would have been taking deeper into, things what so. Yeah we take the lead in actually Botox. To. Rule it because, I knew remember, if you were going to fall it's. The same one that I wrote back then and I. Am you that. Proves we're the same person. I watched. This video that you're feeling right now enough times to know exactly, how this entire conversation goes. I even. Already know what you're gonna title, it okay. Even why. The fuck did Byron, leave this evil, dice for me you. Think that was him who left it. Vibrating. The only monster in him man, you're, deep in enemy territory anything. Obvious is a trap, this. Place, of network of American, pathways, have changed constantly it's, MC actor's worst nightmare, you've, got to find your way out of here on your own just, like Mike. It, makes it impossible but. There, is structure, to the chaos it's. Very possible to, find your way back I did it once you're. Going to do it. But. How you, study area on boardwalk for years we. Know that plays very well don't, we huh but. The. Z described. Yeah. Pattern. Things, are off. The. Path repeats, the, path repeats. All. The paths of the but. Taking over the changes, I. Have. Something different. Direction. It's. Like one of us find different, scales, however. Finding, its leading confusing. Or negative, portions. You've. Never seen a real fortune, cookie just. Ignored lead to you want because, they've anticipated your, movements, after everything we've done and those. Fortunes, of the place they're intentionally. To. Manipulate, you into going in. The wrong direction. Keep, doing that and, eventually. Hope you'll find the end of the boardwalk. So. At the pier you're, going to find that, intersecting, ice, now. What. Are you going to do with that sand will not find it. You're. Going to destroy it for the, function of severing, a connection, that, thing can be used in any ways like, a lot remove.

The Lock on doorway opens that's. Your lesson, Mitchell. Listen to anything that fucking demon, told you New Jersey I. Understand. Good. Now. You're going to need to think real, hard and, remember this part because it's fucking crucial. After. The symbol is destroyed, you're, gonna have a window I'll just it up of a minute to get from. The pier to. The entrance. Before. They can reseal it. No. Matter what you hear, what. You see what you think, may. Not turn around look, behind you want to get that fucking parking light you understand, any. Hesitation. Back. In your. Is there how I if you give it to it we die here but. I sold. It for me to I saw. You playing brain yet he's. A monster, late would. We do it under this. But. Don't. Know how prepared I do I just, told you take. Some deep breaths. Thank, you. How. Can you assure you don't feel pain this you're. Talking to my heart I. The. Reason I can't just tell you the way out as I remember it is because they. Aren't listening to, us right now firebrand. Their, future their job to a point where not even they know where you'll be headed they're, watching this video right now, every. Time let me to give it away so. You're, gonna have to find the, way out of yourself you're gonna have to solve this maze on your own. Here's. A battery supplies. You're. Gonna need them it's not going to be easy, be. Short but, can, be done remember. What I said to do after. We enter the labyrinth, if, the patterns, all, then intuitively. You. Can get out. I know, for a fact that you've been doing us because lord. Thank. You, thank. You for coming there. Thank, yourself you. Gonna get some. You're. Welcome but, this is the part where I need. So. You're. Going to eat this. How. Do you muchacho. Hold. Up hold up hold up so since, you exist that. Means I do get out of you for sure right. Pull. The strings. Who. Knows maybe your Fox. Wait. Wait, hold on I have more questions. Hey.

2018-06-17 05:40

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