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Made. Us that. Evo stock, and. We're here something. Visit. Maggie Vostok, this. Is what we were greeted with. Welcome. To Vladivostok. We. Have made it this is the end of the, trans. Cyprus. The entire country, nine thousand, two hundred eighty eight kilometers, we actually did more than that we, have arrived at our final destination, Vladivostok. The warmest, welcome of the entire trip, spasiba. Thank you so much, incredible. Let's go explore but it was stuck. 25. Days after starting our cross-country adventure in, st. Petersburg, we've officially, arrived, to our final, destination. Vladivostok. The city is sheltered from the Sea of Japan within Golden, Horn Bay and is the largest Russian, port on the Pacific coast while, our busy schedule, doesn't allow us to explore a ton today we do manage to step out to get a little taste of this beautiful, metropolis. Alright, we are changed, showered, cleaned up and back on land and now we are at the, main square here in Vladivostok, it is, surrounded. By architecture, there's a bunch of different sculptures, here in the middle and a. Lot, of Chinese tourists, it's a very popular Chinese tourist spot because it's, only a day trip by bus to get here from China and also, it is the easternmost. Point, for Chinese, to, see Western, architecture, not only that but the city was first settled by the Navy and so, this is a very interesting and historic, city I'm craving, a little bit of snack so we're gonna go on the train station, get a typical, treat from here I'm bloody Vostok's, see. Where the day takes us, let's, go. It, was good it's. Good very. Tasty all right we just made a quick stop we, had to find some shade it's a bright day here in Vladivostok, I'm with our local connect, thing yet and, she told me we have to try something very in particular, here, in the city what is this looks very Asian like. Korean hi I guess that calls piant said before, the city was opened. The gate for the immigrants. From the starters was open for everybody because there. Were not many people here, after. That in like. Four. Days the, city was closed. Yeah. But, the PI state so Korean, people who were living here just gave us a little respect. All, right so this is it and it's called punset. Ben's, say it's originally, Korean, but, the doors were closed and during, the Soviet Union time immigration, was closed off but, the bun has stayed and it is still warm, once. They goodbye this. Oh. Like, a up. On the bow right cabbage, inside, is, that chicken you, open it up here and show you. Supposed. To be beef and this. Warm sticky. Dough here. It's. Good and then. With. The bun you. Have what's called. Milkis. Which, I am. I'm. Very interested, so, bloody.

Bostock Is highly, influenced. By the Asian, countries, that are right around it there's China, Japan, Korea very, close by so, they're influenced, heavily with food and culture as well as you can see the, main square is filled with Chinese stores and the, food as well as Korean, and a lot, of other things alright so you take a take, a bite of this and drink of this yeah okay let's we're, gonna do this together. Muskmelon. Milkis. Okay, it's. Like a I. Was. Like a cream soda. That's. Not bad I tastes like a cream soda, but musk melon flavor there was a grape flavor that we had at the store with, the ponse this. Is a true, bloody. Vostok. Really. Asian korean. Vladivostok. Local, dish you have to try while you're here it's keep moving Vladivostok. And while. I love the Walker on the city all day exploring. The scenes and street art instead. I'll, have to take you a little behind the scenes as we're scheduled, to meet with the regional Tourism, Board for lunch. Lunch. So. Where we are eating for lunch is, all, Far, Eastern, food and this, area that we're in right now is what. We used to be Chinatown, which was a very tough area correct it, was a very high crime very tough area and now it's very swanky, and, we are look at this for example look at this food salad we have coming very swanky, and very cool and there's a big spread all of the food that is in front of us was, from locally, sourced, ingredients. This. Is. A very, cloud the. Secret, is on the inside she said you have to taste very deeply, Oh. Ma'am. That. Is like a raspberry sorbet. That, is so refreshing and I'm the lightest, whipped cream I've, ever tasted and this, really, rich raspberry, sorbet on the bottom from lunch we make our way back across, town for something pretty unique for, all of us a Russian. Press conference, where, we talk about our trans-siberian. Experience, with, a few local media outlets we. Experience, so much during this trip and then it's time, for another snack. Because. We. Are back in the grocery store this afternoon we had a little bit of a press conference had, a big lunch and now we're going for a traditional Russian. Suite, and that is ice cream but, it's not like fresh ice cream everyone. Says we gotta try ice cream, but. It's just these ice creams in. Here. Looking. For plum, and beer ice creams true, Russian ice cream whoa. In. The paper but, that one is in plastic but and. This is the plum beer one so. Not not vanilla, plum. Beer you don't like vanilla. This. Is just like a cherry on top on for. The same people all, right so here we are. We. Have a traditional, Russian sundae, this is plum. Beer, ice. Cream chocolate, shavings, Vladivostok, chocolate, with, seaweed. Even and some. Strawberry, jam on top this happens in everybody's, Russian family throughout, time. It. Tastes exactly like vanilla ice cream to me so I'm gonna do the ice cream by itself. It's. Literally vanilla. This. Is really different view than regular vanilla. What's different not as sweet maybe. A little I. Don't. Know I don't taste any plum I don't taste any beer, it just tastes like a delicious ice. Cream sundae. This. Is and this is an expert. Yeah. He said good, vanilla ice cream to. Give in all ice cream sorry. This is real anti-climatic, I was hoping for some wild flavors. This. Man right here still, has some tricks up his sleeve, Joe what what's next, one. More adventure one, more adventure I hear, we're going close to North Korea that true. One. More adventure yaro says one, last surprise excursion. With two of euros local, friends, outside the city to again experience, a lesser-known, side, of this incredible.

Country We. Finished the trans-siberian, railroad, this morning, and buddy boss Doggett now we're on a four-hour drive, through. Some dirt roads next, to a country that I'm not necessarily allowed. Into the. Trust that I have in this guy yarrow is, second, to none I hope I didn't speak too soon we're. Now, at. The end of a dirt road with lots of mud puddles, and they're getting deeper and deeper we're. Calling friends that are at the campsite trying, to figure out which way to go home. Their. Beach. And. Here as. I can't fire. Mayda. Four. Hours of driving we made it, this. There. Is. Tents. We will be at right there is roofing, the dark. Boring. That's, where we slept last night. There's. The beach. They're. Cut, to 24, hours after the trance I challenge, and we're already on to a new adventure this. Time we're camping, right. Along, the trifecta. Of China, North Korea and Russia this, will be for a couple of days hanging, out. Decompressing. After that long train trip and then back to Vladivostok. For some more activities, and this is, our set up for the next few days. All. Right I wasn't, planning on filming anything today we just are on a little bit of a hike from our camping spot in, the beach and, I have to show you something along. This incredible. Landscape of lush, green got. Mountains and sea on either side there's, North Korea in front of us about 20 kilometers China, behind us we're in Russia. Directly. In front of me is something very very interesting and, that is an old. Soviet. Military. Base, that is now abandoned, and it looks absolutely. Absurd. Let's, see if I can get this thing in focus okay. We're. Thinking, there's nobody there we got the green light to go ahead it. Was just gonna be a passive day and turn it into a venture day and that's what happens we need three guys waiting from these parts coming, in the air and trying to get a little spice in their life go. Ahead let's go inside come on. Here. We go through. The mud through. The thick grass we. Are on our way to the army base we. Have some antihistamine. Because. I guess apparently our, local connect alexia tells us that, is snake, season and, there are some common, Vipers here Mike's got that with him but.

It. Is a battle getting through here this trail probably hasn't been used since the 90s, and. Soviet, Union fell and this. Trail. Isn't getting any better this. Is well flooded, Creek problem, Mike. Just lost our antihistamine. That. For, any snakebite that might occur, he's. Gotta go back and look for it. This. Is uh pretty. What we. Have made it past the first building that we didn't stop back so it was a deep hole that Mike felt like you but. It looks like you. Have a decent, trail in front of us and we are wet, to, our, chins. And. We're gonna keep going. We've. Made it inside it. Is just. The. Framework, of what once was. Soviet. Building. There's. A little bit of hand carving on the wall it's. Like cement. Bricks, behind, the cement. Truthfully. We still don't know a whole lot about this base there, isn't much information online nor, do many people in this area talk, about it it's just here, a forgotten. Piece of history in a remote part of the world. And. That is a wrap, mission accomplished. Well I guess we're halfway accomplished, we still have to get back but we made it to the old Soviet, army. Barracks. Or. Stand. We, don't know really what it is an, army, base I guess way, out here in between Russia North, Korea and China Soviet. Base now, we have to get back, as. The. Sun setting and hopefully Alexei and yarrow have caught us some crustaceans, for dinner we're going to go back to the camp right now you. Just got to make it there through this, swamp. Becca, camp our friend Alexei dives for our dinner he's been coming here with his family since he was a boy knows, these waters very well. Alright. We got a little bit of miss happening, right now but, dinner is being prepared we have mussels going on, inside. The tent there we, got the boys over here I'm sea, urchins. Raw. Sea urchin. Still. Wanna press. Do you want to try it. I. Actually. Don't usually like sea urchin and that is incredibly, sweet and, very delicious, now. I'm on fire duty trying, to cut up some of this wet. Wood just. Start a fire so we can get it going. He. Prepares fresh mussels with, lemon, garlic and Tabasco sauce and we, help by drinking, some good Russian, wine. For, dinner either fire is fresh. Seafood. Pasta oh, yeah. On the beach. There. You are. There's. A full-on typhoon, going on outside but we're not animals so. We're gonna sit in here we're. Gonna have some breakfast, bring. Some tea and have some coffee. You. Got some oatmeal some, cheese some coffee, typhoon. Outside, we're. In stay here we're gonna enjoy our breakfast, and then we'll leave. All. Right on our way back to Vladivostok. Right in front of me there's this incredible. Old it. Looks like a fortress. Of some sort a huge, cannon, on the top of this mountain way out on this peninsula and we're about to go down and get an exclusive tour of underneath. This fortress it was built in the 1930s, talking. Loud because it's windy and there's a generator going to provide some light for us to go down four floors under, the theory. This. Is just one of many military, sites protecting, the Russian, Pacific coast in this area as Vladivostok. Is also, home base for the Russian, Pacific naval. Fleet. This. Is actually, the southern, most, military, base in all of the Soviet Union at the time it was originally built in the 1930s to, protect Russia against attacks from Japan, and we're, going down this is four floors deep is. Creepy. As it is cool. Where. Does all just been this and. That, triggers, vast, and, tireless, what pivots, the entire gun. We. Can go. This. Is the gun one. Of two guns it's, just massive, you. Climb up here we're on a rotation. But plate, a rotation, plate if you will this, thing spins, around it's, actually the ceilings are pretty high and, there's a gun writing the other side so just imagine, back in the day we spin, around and. There's measurements, down below the guys down and calculate where it's gonna go oh.

That's. The second gun there. Is always. A lookout this. Is crazy. My. Next location, like, this these. Beautiful, beads are. In our wild trip our wild exploration, back to Vladivostok, from camping has taken another stop and that is that gamma off light. House one of the most famous iconic spots here in the, region the background, is absolutely. Stunning, and we're gonna walk up to this lighthouse now take. A look. Right. Inside one room here at the lighthouse. Have some sort of a makeshift, Soviet. Museum, all these different relics, and keepsakes, from, the Soviet, time, yes. Very. Interesting. Very. Interesting. After. A long journey over, rough dirt roads we reached the Gama lighthouse, which stands at the end of Cape Gama this is the southernmost, lighthouse, in all of Russia and provides, up to 22, miles of guidance for passing ships in a Russian Registry, of lighthouses it's listed, as number one and we're, lucky enough to have the lighthouse keeper, give us a tour. And. Just, like that after a few unforgettable. Days exploring, the southernmost, province of, Russia's Far East it's, back to the city for our farewell, dinner, oh maybe. There's. Dinner, Alaska. Grill and bar. All. Of Russia for the time being and we are out with a great group of people hey, all the great group of people, we're, just celebrating this final night here we got a incredible. Spread, here, at the Alaska Bar and Grill people, are in chatting, it up and, great is, a perfect way to end the trip. We. Eat and drink with a great group of supporters, sharing, our stories, of the trip and learning, more about Vladivostok. From their perspective. Finally. One, last memory. After dinner a local DJ comes to our table and invites, us to a party, he's hosting, down by the water and, of course we, accept, we. Are at the after, party and, it looks like it's this Pier promenade. Walkway, area we're going to try to find a nightclub. Or some, kind of a DJ set we're right here on the beach. In. A beach with. A crew. Looking. For our spa there's. A pier, this, is the spot would, be EJ. Excited. And energized by all the unbelievable. Hospitality. Wild, adventures, and eye-opening, encounters. Here in Russia I capture. A few final, clips and then put my camera away to. Share these last moments of the trip with our crew new, friends, lots, of dancing, and one. Too many well-deserved. Drinks. Frances. Raw honey. Trans-siberian. Challenge, that is a wrap from here let's go stock. Listen. Horse again. Dramatic. Pause this is a massive drag across. Russia. As, the dramatic pause is over love, Russia amazing. Trip unbelievable. That's a wrap Vladivostok. Camping. All the other things what are else is in this video I have no idea at this point hope. You guys enjoyed it thumbs up subscribe. Go, follow Ruben go follow Mike take a spoil throughout Bois thank you very much for all of your hard work and. Everything. That you're done based. Off love you guys, Brotherhood. For life and we'll see you guys later, travel. Deeper. I was, asleep, 15. Minutes ago and now I'm dancing drinking vodka not even stop, ladies. And gentlemen boys and girls today was gonna be an off day I was gonna put the camera down I was gonna just sit down and relax and, hang out, son. Of bitch Mike sees, this old abandoned, building off in the distance this. Mofo. Rubin says hey I'd like to go take a look at that thing we said to ourselves well. Sheshe we. Gotta go look now rue what the hell you think about this I'm, very relaxed, because I'm affected by Garfield. No. Worries. Danny most awesome, battling, cojones. We. All have some serious, balls well. That's just taking one more second, the fact fellas, we just traveled across the, entire country. No of Russia thanks, to this guy.

2020-02-09 22:01

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