Red Centre 2021

Red Centre 2021

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b hello i thought i'd do a quick intro because it's um it's choppy footage we got in the outback just bits and bobs but we've thrown it all together and i think i probably put some still photos in there as well um for you to see so it starts off taking off from brisbane which was rainy at the time pouring with rain which was quite a contrast so that was the first thing that happens when we got to alice springs the first thing we did was go to the desert park which is an attraction there because i've covered there's hardly anybody there we got there at 9 15 in the morning i think and while we were just sort of getting ready to go in somebody walked past with a world cubing association t-shirt on cubing as in rubik's cube and it's an incredible coincidence but um right there at the desert park at 9 30 bearing in mind we arrived at 9 15 there was a world cubing association competition so because i always carry my cube so i when we were talking to this guy i brought my cube out with a flourish so well i've got my cube and long story short evan was able to enter at the last minute into the competition even though he hasn't practiced for about a year and um he had a go so he's he's now officially a speed cuber and he came forth in the competition which is really good uh what else we picked up the the campervan and there's a little bit of us driving along that that drive from alice springs to uluru it looks this much on the map it's five hours drive and and there's no obviously there's nothing on the road no traffic and it's 130 kilometers speed limit so that's that's a decent five hours drive so there's a bit of that um it was very very hot where we were all the time mid-thirties so everything tended to happen in the morning you're trying to finish up by lunchtime if you could and then just kind of hunker down somewhere in the afternoon against the heat unfortunately for us our camper was air conditioned so we just hid in there usually until the sun went down um the other thing is flies lots and lots of flies like you can't believe so you probably see that on some of the videos and whenever you see people walking along whatever they're sort of doing this you just get into this outback wave thing where you're just doing this the trick is don't do this you do it slowly because then the fly takes off and by the time you come back you you're ready for the next bit there's a technique slowly so you learn a lot about flies in the outback so anyway there it is i hope i thought of everything hope it makes sense i'll put some subtitles on as well and i hope you enjoy it so oh like um oh me what right hello here we are springs desert park and we really love this because of the red and the blue the light is fantastic over here because there's no moisture in here so you get this really clear sky so when you look up at those ranges there it looks like you can reach out and touch them but this color of the sand is fantastic really red the diamond shape um where they get their name from and uh and yeah the talons obviously the talon on the back toe is the longest sharpest it's this killing machine so as an adult male you can make a fist and squeeze as tight as you possibly can you can probably reach about 40 pounds of pressure per square inch some of the largest eagles in the world can have up to 600 pounds of pressure in the foot so most people look at the beak and yes the beak is very powerful but it's really those feet you've got to watch out for [Music] the gate should be closed but not locked so just pop it open go ahead pop the clothes behind if you don't mind all right yeah ashley almost got lifted today i was like oh no so okay here's a quick quick look around of our camper van in case you're interested so this is the cab yeah driver's seat and um passenger seat and then we go back up to the armrest down go up into here where we can see evan sitting at the table so this is a kind of dining table here as you see for four it's a bit difficult it sounds a bit bright but you can see it's um these have got these seats have got seat belts as well so you're allowed to travel in these four seats here these two and these two in addition to the cab and then um we've got the ladder out here so that's evan's comfy bed up here which is you know over the cab it's actually double a double size we've got windows and everything let's see the campground out there got lights what's it like even comfy oh so comfy huh really really cozy get a good night's sleep out there definitely yeah it's a comfortable mattress all the way around you've got these um cupboards which are really you know you put anything you like in there and they once they're closed you lock them so that they don't rattle about when you're driving along over here we've got the oh well there's the other the door the door to the living quarters and then all these you know the food the kitchen stuff here um under here is the sink full of rubbish well stuff so it doesn't rattle when you drive you have to put things away so that when you're driving things don't don't rattle and uh sun cream sun cream and hats 33 today so um we need those food and then you've got this really cool cooker it's got uh dual fuel so it's got gas burners but it's also got electricity depending on where you are it's got this color gas bottles outside and the oven and grill so you can do you know anything you like on here um extractor fan ah microwave up here nice microwave tv which we don't actually use but there's a tv there and um oh yeah above what we've mostly got on today is air conditioning evan's got the control there it's really hot today we've turned the aircon off so that there's no noise so we're going to gradually melt while we make this video now in here is bathroom which we don't actually use because we're in campsites the whole time but it's got a full bathroom and a nice shower in here which were you currently storing suitcases in so it's well equipped towels there and what else we got oh fridge here pretty much full size fridge and a freezer at the top full of all our cold drinks and whatnot and uh kind of like um yeah for hanging clothes in and this is kind of a command center where you put all your when you when you camp you plug into the mains electricity so we've got mains electricity so you've got the water heater water pump fridge etc all in there different things that you can check from when it's sitting at this end this is our bed at this end with windows all around but normally it's um it's sofas all the way around isn't it with a table in the middle so we can sit six people around the so on the sofas but we decided to leave it as a bed and a day bed during the day and a beautiful view to wake up to in the mornings you can see how he's pretty good we're at um we're at the campground next to uluru which is called the alara you can see the fantastic red dirt out there so we've got cupboards all above us all the way around plus there's um lights underneath as well that turn like all the way around and curtains keep the keep the heat out as well yeah so it's pretty comfy very comfortable events and skylights vents in the roof to let the let the hot hot air out and now i'll just jump outside to show you the outside as well while we're at it so we've got this door with a step and uh and then you can obviously sit and we've got this um shade that you can wind out and wind back there which gives tons of um tons of shade see it's a built on a mercedes base uh mercedes base mercedes truck and then they sort of build these on i suppose and you can see the plug-ins for the we've just got the electricity in today but you can have waste water and fresh water it's got fresh water tanks as well so it's all self-contained color gases in there yeah so it's home from home oh here we are lots of flies in here how many flies are there oh way way too many man way too many there's always lots of flies and heat the places that were coming are really much quieter than they would normally be because of covert this is where we are today well it's normally red desert is a little bit greener because they had rain about two weeks ago well the flies are quite visible on the uh video that's good it this is the big attraction here the mighty uluru so we've been over and we've done some walks it's very very hot today 36 degrees today further over here behind uluru in the distance where we'll go tomorrow is um you can see it there cata judah used to be known as the olga's there's good walks there as well but this is the big one this is why everybody's here and it is fantastic it's just one sort of side gorge here it's nicely shaded and this black mark is where the water comes over when it's when it rains you get water falls over there those bits it's hard to um capture the scale from here hello where are we bombing we're in catatutor in the valley of the winds walking towards the karin ghana lookout how's it going it's fantastic too many flights a little bit but good view though it's warming up it's about 30 now there we go then [Applause] [Applause] rock and it would just look like this part of everything but because we've uh fortunately and coincidentally timed our visit uh post extreme rain downfall we see it in a lush green state that is very very rare for the area in fact i think um it's been i think it's been decades or many many years since there's been this much rain so very fortunate quick stop for lunch you can do this when you've got a camper you can grill cheese on toast grilled cheese cup of tea cups of tea and um quite remote spot yeah and we've changed the bed back into the back of the thing where the double bed was before is a little lounge and it's a great place to sit this is the todd river alice springs a couple of weeks ago it had water in it for the first time in five years and now it's dry again you

2021-04-22 05:00

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